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Marshall Ward of recently spoke with WWE Hall of Famer “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase. Here are some highlights from part 1of the interview:
The legacy of Mid-South Wrestling:
“It was one of the best. I mean, even today when you talk to wrestling fans, it’s like Mid-South has its own following in a similar way to ECW in the ’90s. Bill Watts, who has mellowed out somewhat over the years, he was kind of like a Vince Lombardi in that you learned from him through fear and intimidation. But he was very good. I mean, he came out of the Eddie Graham school of wrestling, so to speak. And Eddie is considered one of the greatest psychologists of our business in terms of what makes it work and angles and all that stuff.”
His bloody feud with Hacksaw Jim Duggan:
“Jim and I could go in a match and be wrestling each other, the people would be screaming for him, booing me, and when we’re up there of course it’s business. We worked really well together, and when things click between two wrestlers, you can be in the midst of business but at the same time we’d be telling jokes.