ECWA November 2 results and news on the Toys for Tots show featuring WWE Hall of Famer JJ Dillon on December 2

DillonECWA presented ‘4 Ever II’ on Saturday November 2, 2013. There was exciting brawls, new champions being crowned, a legendary figure looming, and women cat fighting all over the ring!

Here are the results from ECWA ‘4 Ever II’ 11-2-13:

Kid USA defeats The Big Gus Man(Gus Grand) via a Rock Bottom– It’s become a trademark of Gus Grand to come dressed as legendary figures from pro wrestling’s history. This month he came as legend The Big Boss Man. He came out ready to fight doing Boss Man’s trademark jabs in the corner and numerous hard Irish whips. but all Kid USA had to do was weather the storm as the hapless Big Gus Man fell victim to Kid USA and a rock bottom.

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