“The Sheik” film to premier at the 2014 Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival

Sheik movie“The Sheik” film to premier at the 2014 Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival

Check out the movie’s official website: http://sheikmovie.com/Home.html

Toronto, March 4, 2014 – Hot Docs is pleased to announce 14 documentary features that will be a part of this year’s Special Presentations program, a high-profile collection of world and international premieres, award-winners from the recent international festival circuit, and works by master filmmakers or featuring some star subjects. These films will screen as part of the 2014 Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival, running April 24 to May 4.

The complete Special Presentations program and the full selection of films to screen at Hot Docs 2014 will be announced on March 18, including the 2014 opening night film. Ticket packages and passes are now on sale online. Single tickets and package redemption will be available beginning Tuesday, March 18, 2014.

“We are thrilled to be announcing some of this year’s Special Presentation films,” says Hot Docs director of programming Charlotte Cook. “We are especially proud to be announcing four fantastic world premieres: A DANGEROUS GAME is Anthony Baxter’s follow up to the acclaimed YOU’VE BEEN TRUMPED, which sees him again as one man against the might of the Trump empire; CHILDREN 404 is an incredibly intimate and insightful look into what it means to be an LGBT youth in Russia; I AM BIG BIRD: THE CAROLL SPINNEY STORY is a beautiful portrait of the man who has given life to Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch since their beginnings; and THE SHEIK shows what it’s like to be an Olympic wrestler and pop culture icon.”

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