by David Buckler | Sep 20, 2014 | Videos
EVOLVE 35 cemented what Chapter 2 is all about with definitive professional wrestling action. Please enjoy this EVOLVE 35 recap highlighting an unparalleled Open The Freedom Gate Championship match, the clash of EVOLVE Champion Drew Galloway and The Staple of the...
by OWW Contributor | Aug 24, 2014 | Indies
The first ever ratings are in from the EVOLVE tripleshot two weeks ago. Normally, we’ll get these out faster, but we hit you with so many email blasts during the week of the shows that we wanted to give you a breather. Here we go: Open The Freedom Gate Champion...
by OWW Contributor | Jul 18, 2014 | Indies
The EVOLVE reboot is in full effect as we have the complete lineup for the next show in this WWNLive Alerts. Check it out plus one of our own featured in an exclusive Paul Heyman DVD trailer and a can’t miss iPPV sale. Let’s get to it…. We have a...
by OWW Contributor | Apr 12, 2014 | Indies
WWNLive Alerts – April 12, 2014 edition We want to start out with a big THANK YOU to everyone who attended live or watched the WWNLive Experience events on iPPV. You made the WWNLive Experience a huge success. We can’t wait until next year! Now, we turn...
by OWW Contributor | Apr 1, 2014 | Indies
WWNLive Alerts – April 1, 2014 edition Let’s get to it…. It is with deep regret that DGUSA must inform our audience of the unfortunate fact Dragon Gate (Japanese) talent will not be able to perform on WrestleMania weekend shows. We have a prepared a...