DarkFox’s NXT review – February 5, 2014

WWE NXT LogoEditor’s note: OWW is pleased to welcome DarkFox to its editorial staff!  DarkFox is one of the radio hosts of Mark Out Radio.  Listen to it here: www.morelikeradio.com/live.

Our announce team this week, which seems to have stopped playing musical chairs for now, is Byron Saxton (heel), Tom Phillips (straight) and Tensai (face). While I love William Regal in the announce position, he has trouble maintaining his gimmick. Saxton and Phillips do well staying on point and dragging Tensai back into line when necessary. I would prefer to hear Alex Riley do face commentating, but NXT will likely shuffle talent around Tom Phillips who has come a long way in less than a year calling the matches straight.

In an effort to make NXT ready for a switch to a live show, it’s being filmed closer to air date as we quickly approach the launch of the WWE Network. Some matches have been re-performed while others scrapped and replaced with something new.

This is both a good thing and a bad.

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