Cauliflower Alley Club reunion 2013 – a visitor’s account

CACCourtesy on Ben Thomas from

Well, another Cauliflower Alley Club reunion is in the books, and as usual it was a wonderful weekend of spending time with friends both old and new who share a love for this crazy, unpredictable business we call professional wrestling. For those who are unaware of what CAC is and what it does, head on over to and check out the charity. I’ll wait.

Are you up to speed now? Hope so, because it will save time if I don’t have to explain it all. Upon arriving at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino on Sunday, the day before the reunion was set to begin, I ran into a few wrestlers already arriving and enjoying the slots. Sebastian Ice was the first guy I saw, having a talk with security. You can draw your own conclusions, but things couldn’t have gone too badly, as I saw him many more times throughout the next three days. After I checked in and brought my things up to my room, I headed out to get my car from the valet, and ran into EWF Commissioner Frank Mott and his lovely wife Marilyn in the lobby. As Commissioner, he had arrived first to make sure everything went well with the EWF table we were sponsoring in the Nostalgia Room this year, and to make sure we had everything we needed for the table to be a success. After getting a quick rundown on what Frank needed from me for this week, I headed out into Sin City to enjoy my Sunday night.

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