Greetings from England! This is James Dixon, the newest resident of OWW and I am delighted to be here. A quick introduction, then we will never talk about me again:
I have been watching wrestling for over 20 years. Inspired by the likes of Davey Boy Smith, Bret Hart and The Undertaker, I was drawn to the business like any other fan, for reasons that are difficult to explain. A hobby quickly became an obsession, and I was determined to get involved in wrestling by utilising the one thing I could do: write about it. To date I have co-authored four books about pro-wrestling (check them out on Amazon). I am actually a former British professional wrestler and wrestled on some pretty major shows opposite some pretty major names, but I have adopted this pseudonym to retain relative anonymity and to distance myself from my past career in the industry. A quick google search will probably reveal all, if you are really THAT interested. That past experience does give me a unique and more inside perspective on things than others might have, though I am still a “mark” at heart. I have limited patience for anything in wrestling post-2002, and much prefer 80s and 90s grappling. Curious really, because as you will see, I spend a lot of time complaining about it.