presents: Wrestlemania 30 for 30 – Wrestlemania 23

30for30Courtesy of presents: Wrestlemania 30 for 30 – Wrestlemania 23!

On the latest episode of Wrestlemania 30 for 30, we revisit a show which, by the numbers, is the biggest Wrestlemania of all time – 2007?s Wrestlemania 23! We’ll go over all the matches in detail and the build up to the biggest buyrate in company history including the BATTLE OF THE BILLIONAIRES between Vince McMahon and Donald Trump, PLUS we talk about the unbelievably polarizing year that is 2007, where things went from the very highest of high, to the very very lowest of low. I don’t think we need to tell you what we’re alluding to. It WILL be talked about. Download the show and enjoy yourself!

Listen to the podcast here!