Sunset Flip Radio Show Preview (1/17)

Sunset Flip Wrestling Show Preview (1-17-10)

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This week’s show features the debut of ABC’s TV Show Lost’s “Smoke Monster” and tons of wrestling news talk.


Wrestling Handyman’s Weekly Review: The Wrestling Handyman returns with his DVD review of TNA Genesis 2005.


Plus all the regular weekly wrestling topics, including:


The Impact Zone needs to hire a cleaning crew

PLEASE release Jack Swagger, if only for his own good

Frosty the Snowman and Santa Clause deserve the WWE tag team titles

One of the most obvious turns in Raw history

ROH announces predictable main event for return to NYC

Why Austin guest hosting sucks-and it’s not because of Austin

Scott Hall continues to successfully show up to events, can the streak last?

Cheering for Ezekiel Jackson


And much more.



The Sunset Flip Wrestling Show is a weekly pro wrestling radio show hosted by Jim Boy Star that is downloadable, CD burnable, and can take on the road.


For over 100 episodes, we have a provided a unique radio program that ranges from controversial comments, comedic skits, and various pro wrestling songs. We thank everyone that takes the time to listen to the show.


To find more information visit our social networks that features exclusive content not heard anywhere else.


Hope to see you as one of our friends really soon.


Jim Boy Star

Sunset Flip Wrestling Show
Sunday 6pm EST
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