Southern All Star Wrestling Episode 29

Southern All Star Wrestling Episode 29
Airdate January 26, 2008 on Comcast 74 in Nashville
Taped on January 4, 2008 at the SAW Arena in Millersville, TN

Southern All Star Wrestling is now available for internet viewing at [url=]The Superstation TV[/url].

Jack Johnson and the returning Michael St. John opened this week’s edition of Southern Allstar Wrestling, the only weekly hour of wrestling television in the state of Tennessee (that isn’t in reruns). St. John said he had been in the press box doing a little football, but now he was back to his first love. St. John said “WWE Eugene” would be on the show along with the “Oriental Tatsu.” Johnson updated St. John on the craziness involving “Boogie Woogie Boy” Gary Valiant and Hammerjack and how Homicidal Tendencies had been running wild…and SAW starts NOW!

Cut to Valiant and Miss Boogie making the rounds through a packed house at the SAW Arena to the sounds of the Tractor’s “Boogie Woogie Choo Choo Train.” This was interspersed with video clips for the Valiant video shown a few weeks back.

(1) Gary Valiant beat Chris Cane in 3:53. St. John said Gary had Jimmy down pat and allowed that they could be related (Gary was referred to his son when Jimmy came into give him the rub a couple of months back). Valiant got on his knees to do the test of strength with Cane, who suffers from a severe vertical challenge. Johnson brought up the kneeling lariat Cane took from Mason Raige. Cane got his fingers stomped by Boogie AND referee Ricky Bell. They leapfrogged each other with drop downs until Cane dropped out of the ring. And so on with more hokey stuff. Valiant pinned Cane with the Boogie Blaster, which is a running stunner.

Postmatch, Hammerjack attacked Valiant in attempt to destroy his knee. Rick Santel finally pulled Valiant to safety. “Super Ugene” came to rescue and cleaned house on Hammerjack.

SAW celebrates their one year anniversary in Millersville on Friday, February 1 with a television taping featuring Tennessee wrestling legend “Wildfire” Tommy Rich and “Dangerous” Doug Gilbert. All seats $8.

(2) Arrick Andrews pinned Sharped Dressed Man at 6:19. Johnson said whoever named SDM picked up their fashion sense at Walmart or the Nashville Fairgrounds. Lots of Andrews love from the females. Johnson and St. John were wowed by the decibel level from the capacity crowd. Just like last week, Andrews got jumped while his back was turned to start the match. Andrews fired back but SDM cut him off with the dreaded eye poke and ripped at his face. That was the pattern of the match: filthy, ugly offense from SDM – comeback by Andrews -cut off by SDM. St. John said anytime he saw a wrestler in a shirt and tie it reminded him of the Four Horseman bodyguard but he couldn’t remember the guy’s name (?).
Johnson and St. John made fun of SDM’s tie. Looooong chinlock sleeper to set up THE BIG COMEBACK. Abysmal spinaround bulldog by Andrews and both men down. Johnson said Andrews might be worn down from all the tough competition lately. Andrews went to the top. SDM met him with stinging chops. SDM was looking for a superplex. Andrews countered with gutshots and shoved SDM to the canvas. Frogsplash by Andrews, who sold the impact before making the cover. St. John said SDM got his knee up. He was seeing things. 1-2-3.

Valiant limped out to ringside accompanied by Miss Boogie to talk with Johnson. Boogie Woogie Boy said he and Hammerjack beat each other from pillar to post on Christmas but it wasn’t over. Valiant challenged Hammerjack to a Last Man Standing Match in Columbia on February 2.

“The Last Stop” in Columbia on February 2 at Freddie Morton’s Auction Building: Valiant vs. Hammerjack in Last Man Standing Match and Andrews vs. Santel (with Adams).
A T. J. Harley video aired to announce his return to SAW on February 1.

“The Graduate” Jason James insulted the wonderful, if not too bright people of Columbia and said he was going to inject them with a dose of genius on February 2. “Like momma always said, you don’t have to be the roughest, the toughest, the meanest or the leanest. You just gotta be the smartest. And that’s me.”

(3) Hammerjack beat Tatsu in 3:47. Chain wrestling to start. Hammerjack gave Tatsu a hiptoss and played to the camera. The mysterious Oriental nipped up and surprised Hammerjack with a pair of armdrags. Hammerjack used a karate thrust to the throat to take over. Side slam for a near fall. Johnson talked about Hammerjack’s vendetta against Valiant. Meanwhile, Hammerjack was giving the skinny masked guy a beating. St. John said Hammerjack was deranged. Johnson said he busted Hot Rod Biggs open like he was a human blood puppet. Cut to Valiant attempting to make his way to ringside and being restrained by Santel and Reno Riggins. Hammerjack pinned Tatsu with an elbow drop out of a reverse DDT position.

Riggins and Santel ushered Valiant to the back. Hammerjack stopped at the desk to say that he wasn’t afraid of Valiant, who was going to get what was coming to him in the Last Man Standing Match.

(4) “Ugene” Nick Dinsmore beat Big Rig Brown in 10:45. St. John ripped on Brown’s ring attire. Johnson told him it was an improvement. Ugene came out in Superman gear for the developmentally disabled with a backwards E on the jersey. Brown told Ugene to kiss his ass and did the Fargo Strut. Ugene faked a strut and wiggled his ass at Big Rig. Ugene took over with straight wrestling. The commentary put Ugene over as a wrestling history lesson. St. John said Ugene’s wide variety of moves reminded him of Johnny Walker/Mr. Wrestling II. They did more comedy spots where the supposed dumb guy embarrassed Brown. Ugene threatened a Von Erich claw. Brown belted Ugene in the mouth with an uppercut forearm to take over. Ugene went through the legs and took a chunk out of Brown’s ass. Then he a took a bite of Bell’s ass. Johnson said it was an acquired taste, like deer meat. Bully went on offense. He hit a classic DDT, and Ugene grabbed the ropes to avoid the three count. Brown hit a beauty of a leg lariat and made a ridiculously pompous cover. Ugene rolled as shoulder at one. Brown got serious and Ugene kicked out at two. St. John said Brown could go places with a manager like Paul Adams. The crowd got behind Ugene, as Brown locked in a lengthy rear chinlock and use the ropes to cheat. Ugene hulked up. Brown’s eyes got big and he bumped off a stinging chop. Ugene did the big boot and the Hogan legdrop. St. John rang the bell, but it wasn’t finish. Bell signaled it was a two count. Ugene hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Brown positioned Ugene for a powerbomb and said the bell would be ringing soon. Ugene reversed into a Stone Cold Stunner for pin.

Closing Thoughts: If you like you wrestling comedy cute and silly, this show is right up your alley. One thing this episode has going for it was the packed house. Plenty loud and it looked good on camera. The stuff with Cane OK, but it wasn’t going to top the match with Raige, and I didn’t like the idea of the guy in the serious angle doing silly comedy. I’m not much for comedy main events either. They put Ugene’s stuff over strong and commentary, and it was over with the live crowd to a degree. They picked the right opponent in Brown. He’s hilarious and he’s got it athletically. From USWA to Music City Wrestling to Wrestle Birmingham, I’ve never been keen on Michael St. John as a wrestling announcer and probably never will be, but an admittedly rusty St. John was truly horrible here. Whatever shortcoming Hot Rod Biggs may have as an announcer he never annoyed me the way St. John does, and Johnson was more at home playing off of Biggs. Once again, Andrews looked stupid with his back turned to start the match. He needs to come up with some other option for getting sympathy. Seems to me fans like their babyfaces to be smarter than the heels. I liked Krull’s retro style video for Harley. He did a nice job of editing on the action clips. The matches involving Valiant and Hammerjack were window dressing to build up the Last Man Standing deal. Valiant sold the knee like was he was crippled. Not a bad start for building up Columbia, and they’ve got another shot at it next week, but it can’t touch the job they did for the Christmas show, especially the promos. The commercial plug for Columbia also mentioned Santel being managed by Adams, which was a dead giveaway of Santel’s coming heel turn.