Slyck Wagner Brown looks back on his experience in ROH


Slyck Wagner Brown recently took part in an exclusive interview with Brown began his career as a wrestler training with his mentor and legendary WWE Hall of Famer Killer Kowalski. Among his career highlights, he’s defeated Christopher Daniels for the 3PW Championship. He has competed for several Northeastern independent promotions, including Ring of Honor, Squared Circle Wrestling, and Big Time Wrestling. Brown would also have a longtime association with former nWo Girls April Hunter, who would manage and tag with him for several years even holding tag team titles together in several promotions. SWB also has experience wrestling in Japan, England, Ireland, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

Here are some highlights from the interview:

Being trained by WWE Hall of Famer Killer Kowalski:

It was an honor to learn my craft from the man known to wrestling fans globally as Killer Kowalski; however to me he was simply Walt and was nothing like his evil character on TV. He loved to laugh and tell jokes as well as inspire and help people grow; moreover, he would always say things like shoot for the moon and if you miss you’ll hit a star. In other words he would encourage us to set our goals high that way you can  never lose. Also, he would often say make the people notice you; for instance, leave such an impression on them that they walk away saying I saw seven matches tonight but only the one with sWb was real.

Thoughts on indy wrestling today:

I love independent wrestling man because every time an independent talent steps through the curtain they have something to prove and 9/10 times it shows; moreover, they’re getting paid peanuts and that doesn’t deter them from putting their bodies on the line in front of small crowds. However, I believe when it comes to collaboration between companies and stronger advertising methods the independent scene could improve in both areas.Additionally, with more exposure it could become the alternative wrestling fans of today and yesterday need right now because there’s so much talent currently on this level it’s unbelievable.

Thoughts on WWE and TNA:

WWE is the major league in our business every wrestler wants to go there and if not it’s because they have already been there. TNA has an opportunity to provide the alternative on a national level by offering something national wrestling fans are not currently getting enough of and that’s: tag team, X division and knockout wrestling. Absolutely, it’s currently the only two ways for a pro wrestler to mobilize by getting more TV exposure, experience, and financial security.

His experience in Ring of Honor:

Good, I got so much opportunity from just being a ROH guy it was insane. However, I waited for those same opportunities from ROH and they never came so I decided to walk. I didn’t see myself as a bench guy because in my heart I knew that I had so much more to offer and badly  wanted to contribute. Therefore, I would love to return to the company today to work with guys like AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, Kevin Steen, Adam Cole and Michael Elgin.

Brown also reveals who he thinks is the best and most underrated stars in the business today, talks about the best and worse things about the wrestling business, his future and more. You can read the interview in its entirety at this link.