Shannon: ECW (10/21) Extreme Examination!

The Extreme Examination for 10/21/2008

HeadLocker — Jay Shannon

ECW (10/21) Extreme Examination!

Our resident philosopher, Jay Shannon, looks at all the action and adventure for this week’s Tuesday Night Delight, ECW.

Cyber Sunday is this Sunday. ECW focused on two of the main battles that fans will vote on. The three contenders for the ECW title battled against each other in a Triple Threat Match. Also, Miz and Shad pushed the Tag Team battle that fans get to choose. Let’s look at all the fun.

The fireworks exploded to welcome the home crowd to the show. ECW champ, Matt Hardy, was introduced to the Laredo, Texas crowd. Matt reminded the fans that they could choose Matt’s opponent for Cyber Sunday. Matt threw respect to Finlay and Evan Bourne. Matt then turned to the subject of Mark Henry. Matt wanted revenge on Mark for his deeds from two weeks ago. Matt said that he text voted for Mark Henry because that’s who he wants to face.

The Irish music brought Hornswoggle and Finlay to the ring. Finlay said that if he was voted in for the match on Sunday, the belt would change to his possession. Evan’s theme music brought the second possible contender to the match. Evan said that he wouldn’t be over-looked. Finlay made fun of Evan’s height and weight. He actually called him Bourneswoggle. Their verbal sparring was side-tracked by the arrival of Mark Henry. Mark said that he would continue to issue pain to all others. Mark mentioned that he would battle Evan and Finlay in a Triple Threat Match in the main event. The crowd got started in a monster “What?” chant that irritated Mark. Matt came back on the mic and said that he would retain his title after Cyber Sunday.

Segment Grade: C

Jay’s Thoughts: This extended run of promos was actually quite boring. Matt is weak on the mic. Mark is hard to understand. Evan was lost in his words and Finlay seemed bored with the whole thing. Tommy Dreamer’s about the only person in ECW, right now, that can cut a decent promo.

After a promo for Wrestlemania 25, Jack Swagger strolled to the ring. His opponent was Brett Badery (the announcer actually pronounced it Baderly).

Jack Swagger d Brett Badery

Jack opened up with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip on his opponent. Jack moved Badery (Grisham called him Badly — that was simply his wrestling style) into the corner. Badery shoved Swagger, who lifted Badery up and rushed him into the corner. Swagger lifted up Badery and rushed him into the opposite corner. swagger hit a Sky-High Biel. Badery got a kick to Swagger’s head. Swagger hit the Mr. Wrestling II Kneelift and the Gut Wrench Powerbomb to take the win.

Grade: C+
Jay’s Thoughts: Swagger is an ok grappler. He is another seriously weak mic man. the upcoming feud with Tommy Dreamer will either make or break the character of Jack Swagger. Tommy is a master at making people look good in the ring. The only person who does it as well, or better, is The Undertaker. Swagger should really listen to Dreamer and learn all he can. I really hope Swagger comes out of that feud looking stronger. Otherwise, he can join Braden Walker/Chris Harris in ECW/WWE oblivion.

After the match, Todd Grisham asked Jack about his thoughts on Tommy Dreamer and their upcoming battles. Jack simply said “Tommy Who?”

Miz and Morrison were interviewed by Lena, in the back. Miz wanted to know if Lena had a cell phone. She said yes, and Miz told her to text vote for them. Miz said that John McCain should have picked him for his running mate. Miz would face Shad in the next match.

Cryme Tyme strolled out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Shad Gaspard, now just known as Shad, was set to battle The Miz. Shad had JTG in his corner for the battle. The Miz was joined by John Morrison in the walk to the ring.

Shad (Gaspard) d The Miz (by DQ)

The match really showcased both men, well. They each had their time in control of the match. The match came about as Shad hit a pair of Decapitation Clotheslines and then whipped Miz to the ropes. Shad hit a Running Back Elbow, a Hot Shot, and a Flying Elbow Smash. Morrison distracted Shad. JTG tripped Miz and he stumbled into a Power Chokeslam. Shad only got a two count. Miz reversed an Irish Whip. Shad got the boot up and stunned Miz. Morrison jumped onto the apron and hit the Enziguri to the back of Shad’s head. He got caught by the ref, who called for the bell.

Grade: B
Jay’s Thoughts: The ending of the match was a major disappointment. Having Shad win due to Morrison getting caught was just dumb booking. I anticipate a breakdown between Miz and Morrison in the next few months. They really should feud against each other to help the show. The feud between Miz/Morrison and Cryme Tyme is about as exciting as watching The Bushwackers battle Power and Glory.

After the match, JTG rushed in and Dropkicked Miz out of the ring. Miz and Morrison wanted back in the ring but the ref held them back.

Todd Grisham and Matt Striker rolled the latest John Cena video package, where Hollywood celebs talked about John.

Grisham and Striker talked about various bouts for Cyber Sunday. They then sent it to the back where Tiffany talked with Ricky Ortiz. She was dressed as a go-go dancer. Finlay and Hornswoggle strolled up and the diminutive descendant wanted to Trick or Treat. Tiffany knocked on Teddy Long’s office and he came out…dressed as Shaft. He’s one bad mother…shut yer mouth. Teddy gave candy to Hornswoggle. Ortiz, Tiffany and Long laughed as Hornswoggle and Finlay left. The main event was up next.

Finlay and Hornswoggle entered the arena, again. This time it was for the Triple Threat Match. Evan Bourne then entered to a huge pop. Mark Henry attacked both Evan and Finlay, last week. Mark Henry and Tony Atlas stomped down the ramp. The Texan look ready to hurt someone.

Evan Bourne d Finlay & Mark Henry
Triple Threat Match
This battle was to showcase all the main contenders to the ECW title. Finlay seemed to injure his pectoral muscle during the match. He clutched it for a large portion of the bout. The end of the match had several good swerves in it. Mark Power Whipped Finlay into the corner. Hornswoggle tried to distract Mark Henry, but Tony Atlas grabbed the Micro-mauler and rolled him into the ring. Mark wanted a World’s Strongest Slam on Hornswoggle, but Finlay clipped the knee. Finlay then kicked Tony Atlas in the face, through the ropes. Finlay grabbed his trusty Shillelagh and cracked Mark in the skull with it. Finlay turned around and was planted with the Evan Sent. Bourne went to the ropes and hit Air Bourne, the Shooting Star Press to take the win.

Grade: A
Jay’s Thoughts: This was a great Main Event. ECW woke up and actually gave the match plenty of time to highlight all he participants. I hate to see the injury to Finlay. The Irishman really deserves the push and to possibly have it short-circuited by an injury is sad. I’d like to see Evan get the chance to battle Matt Hardy, but I’m betting that Mark Henry gets the nod. I just don’t trust the fact that the WWE are going to really let the fans vote in the matches.

Final Grade: B-
Final Thoughts: Yet another week of no new talent and Ricky Ortiz doing comedy. Ortiz’s push has evaporated faster than raindrops on a Las Vegas street in August. The main event was excellent, but the other matches were seriously weak. Boogeyman was also nowhere to be seen. The show just seemed to be missing something. I’ll be back with you all in a couple of days with my predictions for Cyber Sunday.

–Jay Shannon