ROH’s Cary Silken on The Mayhem


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Ring Of Honor owner, Cary Silkin, was a special guest on the “2008: The Year In Review” edition (12/29/08) of Monday Night Mayhem, hosted by The Big Mosh & Blade. “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” is officially presented by the latest & hottest innovation from the coverage of professional wrestling online, and features exclusive video found nowhere else from your favorite superstars of the squared circle (featuring an amazing set of three new videos: “The Animal” Batista & Kelly Kelly checking out a Broadway show together in New York City, as well as the NEW WWE Champion, Jeff Hardy & the current ECW Champion, Matt Hardy, exclusively interviewed mere hours Jeff’s Armageddon title victory!) & Custom Muscle: the official nutritional & supplement company of “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” (purchase over $50.00, as part of the new 2009 “New Year, New You” MNM/Custom Muscle campaign, type in the word “GRAND,” & get 10% off your purchase…thanks to the proud owners, Charlie/Jackie Haas & Umaga), and is also sponsored by: Old Time Wrestling, The History Of, & In addition, The Mayhem strongly encourages all of its fans around the globe to check out the brand-new & official WWE Universe Fan Nation blogs of Charlie Haas ( & D-Lo Brown (

You can feel The Mayhem live & in streaming audio every Monday night (at 8PM ET/7PM CT), exclusively on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network (,, &

Cary’s return MNM appearance is now available for free in Windows Streaming Media, or via the official Monday Night Mayhem podcast on ITunes:

Monday Night Mayhem’s “2008: Year In Review” Streaming Audio:

Monday Night Mayhem’s “2008: Year In Review Podcast On ITunes:

Here are some highlights of Cary’s interview on the show, provided by The Mayhem’s show correspondent: Dan Kriegbaum:


The Mayhem Crew welcomed Cary to the show to run down the year that was 2008 in Ring Of Honor from the mother of all holiday vacation destinations: Puerto Rico. With the previous weekend’s All-Star Extravaganza IV & Final Battle 2008 shows rounding out ROH in 2008, The Big Mosh asked Cary what his thoughts were on how good of a job those two shows did to close out the year. Cary said that he loved “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs Jerry Lynn from the “solid” Philly IV show, with a great card at The New Alhambra Arena. As far as “Final Battle ’08,” Cary said not only was it one of the best shows in Ring Of Honor history, and the first weekend with their new production setup & camera crew, but it also had the largest crowd in ROH history. He added that his favorites from that show were Nigel McGuinness vs Naomichi Marufuji (for the Ring Of Honor World Heavyweight Championship), as well as Danielson vs Takeshi Morishima (Fight Without Honor).

The expansion of ROH into new states & countries was then talked about, with Ring Of Honor debuting in markets such as Toronto, Ontario, Montreal, Quebec, & Orlando, FL. Cary said that the Toronto shows, as well as the recent Montreal show were all great, with a lot of awesome fans in attendance, which is why they will be returning in April. He said the Orlando shows the weekend of WrestleMania XXIV with guys from Dragon’s Gate & the rest of the ROH crew were very successful, and they will be returning to Florida in February. Cary then mentioned that while nothing has been announced officially yet for this upcoming year’s WrestleMania XXV weekend shows, he expects some legends & foreign talent to be there along with the rest of the Ring Of Honor roster. Cary also added that ROH will not be running head to head against the WWE Hall Of Fame this year with a 3PM start time on Saturday, because he “wants to go to the Hall Of Fame too.”

Mosh shifted gears, mentioning Gabe Sapolsky’s recent departure from the company, to which Cary touched on briefly. Cary said that Gabe could have a record for how long he was a booker (with over six & a half years in Ring Of Honor alone). “He did a great job, but business is business, and there were some changes that had to be made, but it was a rough year for all business in general due to the economy.” Mosh also asked what, if anything, they would’ve done differently looking back, but Cary said that everybody in general is struggling, and it is just going with the times, but they are “very happy where we’re at now…We’re moving on. He wishes Gabe the best of luck in his next projects. Blade then mentioned how people used to go to ROH shows just to enjoy them, without knowing all of the “in’s & out’s,” but now everyone seems to want to know who is writing what. Cary went on to say that after last weekend’s shows & the past couple of months, the stories are becoming “compelling,” while the action is “off the charts,” — saying guys like Kenny Omega, Erick Stevens, Tyler Black, among others are “climbing the ladder quick.”

More is contained this 30+ minute “Ring Of Honor: Year In Review,” with Silkin’s thoughts on the worldwide release of the critically-acclaimed Darren Aronofsky/Mickey Rourke movie, “The Wrestler,” future on Ring Of Honor’s television future (and the rumors of HDNet), the likelihood of Paul London returning to ROH in 2009, in addition to a present from Cary to The Mayhem: special live MNM appearances from “Bushwhacker” Luke Williams & Sweet ‘N’ Sour Inc’s Larry Sweeney.

Check out for the latest Video Wire, plus all of the details on the upcoming ROH events this month in Manassas, VA, Edison, NJ, Detroit, MI, & the next Pay-Per-View taping in Chicago, IL.

*As part of Monday Night Mayhem’s special “2008: Year In Review,” The Big Mosh & Blade also looked back on the year that was in World Wrestling Entertainment & TNA Wrestling:

The retirement of “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair (@ WrestleMania XXIV), The Hardy Boyz achieving their life-long dreams of being atop the wrestling world (Jeff Hardy capturing the WWE Championship @ WWE Armageddon & Matt Hardy capturing the ECW Championship @ Unforgiven), the return of John Cena at The Royal Rumble (@ Madison Square Garden), CM Punk cashing in “Money In The Bank” to win the World Heavyweight Championship, the epic battles between “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels & Chris Jericho, RAW Is Adamle…briefly, “Glamarella” (Beth Phoenix/Santino Marella) becoming a force to be reckoned with, the ECW Superstar Initiative, the return of the Slammy Awards, the feud between the WWE & Celebrity Championship Wrestling, and “McMahon’s Million Dollar Giveaway” — these were just some of the stories that made “The Year In The WWE” in 2008. Scott Hudson, Jim Molineaux, & The History Of’s Graham Cawthon stepped back into the MNM squared circle to break down World Wrestling Entertainment’s 2k8 campaign.
Mick Foley “jumping ship,” the creation of The Main Event Mafia & their ongoing battle with The Frontline, Jeff Jarrett’s triumphant in-ring return, Sting’s long-term TNA future, “The Samoan Submission Machine” capturing the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, Awesome Kong’s dominance of the Knockouts division, Taylor Wilde “shocking the world,” The LAX & Beer Money carrying the torch for tag team wrestling, the release of TNA iMPACT: the video Game, and “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage & Gail Kim leaving for greener pastures in Stamford…we saw firsthand a banner year for Total Nonstop Action Wrestling.’s editor-in-chief & “Wild” Bill Brown joined The Mayhem to look back on “The Year In TNA” in ’08.

And before The Mayhem Crew ushered in 2009, we took final look at the year on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network, including our exclusive interviews with “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan, “The Glamazon” Beth Phoenix, Dennis Rodman, Brooke Hogan, & Jason Hervey, in addition to our MNM Road Trips to “The Garden State” of New Jersey, & the WWE Unforgiven PPV/Greg Fitzsimmons stand-up performance (@ The Gund Arena/Hilarities Comedy Club in Cleveland, OH), plus the most-special moments/memories we will never forget: our Gary Hart Tribute Special, our live-remote @ Ilio DiPaolo’s Restaurant (w/NFL Hall Of Fame QB, Jim Kelly), & so much more!

Be sure to check out our special “Best Of 2008” MNM Montage, which is available at the end of this week’s show, or you can listen separately by clicking here.

For those that missed out on the “Merry Mayhem holiday “prize patrol,” you are in luck! This weekend, The Big Mosh & Blade will be proudly giving away some special prizes/presents to four lucky MNM listeners, including: an official Custom Muscle prize pack (featuring a personally-autographed 8X10 picture of former WWE Diva, Jackie Haas & a Custom Muscle T-Shirt), copies of the all-new Edge “Decade Of Decadence,” an official Monday Night Mayhem T-Shirt, & a personally-autographed Big Mosh “Write Stuff”/TNA “Cross The Line” trading card! How can you win these cool gifts? Simple…by listening to the entire night’s festivities — which is open to the entire Mayhem Nation in North America. Be sure to e-mail/MySpace the program @ &, as you will have the opportunity to win the final MNM giveaways of 2008!

*As we celebrate the kickoff of the all-new ’09 MNM season, Monday Night Mayhem is gearing up for the upcoming 2009 Wrestling Radio Awards, found exclusively at As many long-time listeners of the program know, “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” has been privileged to win several previous awards, including: the 2008 WRA “Media Interview Of The Year” w/WWE Hall Of Famer & the voice of MyNetworkTV’s “SmackDown,” Jim Ross, the 2007 WRA “Media Interview Of The Year” w/Eric Bischoff (co-hosted by The Mayhem’s National Correspondent, Scott Hudson), & the 2006 WRA “Female Interview Of The Year” w/Jackie Gayda.

Remember fans, Monday Night Mayhem has brought to you fans the most diverse booking of guests anywhere in 2008, and now is the time to make your vote count! Vote now for The Mayhem in the following categories: “Male Interview Of The Year” (“The Immortal” Hulk Hogan/Jesse “The Body” Ventura), “Female Interview Of The Year” (Brooke Hogan/Velvet Sky/Erin Murphy), “Media Interview Of The Year” (Eric Bischoff/Jason Hervey/Dennis Rodman), in addition to Host Of The Year (Mosh/Blade), Show Of The Year, & “People’s Choice.” The nomination period ends Friday night, January 23rd — now less than three weeks away! Vote early, vote often, vote for “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio,” Monday Night Mayhem, at

*All new & old Mayhem listeners can still check out the archived programs/shows of “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” from seven years of audio excellence. You can re-live The Mayhem’s live on-location remotes from the world-famous Ilio DiPaolo’s Restaurant (featuring NFL Hall Of Fame QB, Jim Kelly), The Mayhem’s WrestleMania 23 Countdown Special from Detroit’s Hilton Garden Inn, & The Mayhem’s Dream Reunion II Special from Kokomo, IN…featuring: former WWE Diva search contestant Jessica Hatch, Al Snow, Marty Jannetty, Chavo “Classic” Guerrero Sr., “Nasty Boy” Brian Knobbs, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, Rosey, The Midnight Express (“Loverboy” Dennis Condrey & “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton), “The Genius” Lanny Poffo, & The Orient Express’ Pat Tanaka.

In addition, you can hear some of your favorite WWE superstars (Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Christian, Charlie Haas, D-Lo Brown, WWE Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix, & Candice Michelle), WWE Hall Of Famers (Jesse “The Body” Ventura, Jim Ross, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, “Superstar” Billy Graham, “The Mouth Of The South” Jimmy Hart, The Iron Sheik, Tito Santana, “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff, Harley Race, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, & Don Muraco), the finest from Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA President Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarrett, Terry Taylor, Jim Cornette, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, “The War Machine” Rhino, Team 3-D, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, The Motor City Machine Guns’ Chris Sabin/Alex Shelley, Eric Young, “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal, The LAX’s Homicide, Beer Money’s “Tennessee Cowboy” James Storm/Robert Roode, Matt Morgan, Sheik-Abdul Bashir, Cute Kip, “The Guru” Sonjay Dutt, BG James, Kaz, & Lance “Rock” Hoyt — along with TNA Knockouts Traci Brooks, The Beautiful People’s Angelina Love/Velvet Sky, Christy Hemme, ODB, So-Cal Val, & Taylor Wilde), Ring Of Honor’s warriors (ROH Champion Nigel McGuinness, “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, Austin Aries, Claudio Castagnoli, & Kenny King), ECW originals (ECW’s founder Tod Gordon, “The Franchise” Shane Douglas, Raven, The Sandman, Rob Van Dam, Francine, 2 Cold Scorpio, New Jack, Axl Rotten, Lance Storm, Mike “Nova” Bucci, “The Pitbull” Gary Wolfe, & Danny Doring), some of the greatest managers in the history of our business (Percy Pringle III/Paul Bearer, “The Doctor Of Style” Slick, JJ Dillon, & the late Gary Hart), the voices that have called the sport/sports-entertainment for years (World Class’ Bill Mercer, the Mid-Atlantic/NWA’s Bob Caudle, & WCW/AWA’s Lee Marshall), the beautiful managers/valets that have graced the squared circle (Missy Hyatt, Terri Runnels, Lisa “Ivory” Moretti, Dawn Marie, Nora “Molly Holly” Greenwald, Jackie Haas), wrestling legends/personalities from over the years, past & present (Bruno Sammartino, Jerry Jarrett, Terry Funk, Dory Funk, Jr., Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, “The Taskmaster” Kevin Sullivan, “The Living Legend” Larry Zbyszko, Sid, Tully Blanchard, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, “Dr. Death” Steve Williams, “Bushwacker” Luke Williams, The Honky Tonk Man, Barry “Smash” Darsow, Virgil, Diamond Dallas Page, Vader, “Nasty Boy” Brian Knobbs, Konnan, Bruno “Harvey Whippleman” Lauer, “The Wildman” Marc Mero, Scotty 2 Hotty, David “Gangrel” Heath, Chris Kanyon, Nick “U-Gene” Dinsmore, Chris Nowinski, Low-Ki, Tomko, & The Highlanders), & some of the most well-known athletes & entertainers from pro-sports, the MMA, stage, & screen, including: Dennis Rodman, Jim Kelly (NFL Hall Of Famer), Frank Trigg, Dave Coulier (“Full House”),” Dustin “Screech” Diamond (“Saved By The Bell”), Tiffany, “The Red Hot Redneck” Trishelle Cannatella, “The Mistress Of Mayhem” Erin Murphy, Frank Stallone, “Candy Girl” Nikki Ziering, Aries Spears (“MAD TV”), Gary The Retard (“The Howard Stern Show”), Greg Fitzsimmons (stand-up comedian/VH-1’s “Best Week Ever”), Jason Peter (former NFL Defensive Tackle, former Nebraska All-American, & author of “Hero Of The Underground), Erin “Steel” Toughill (“American Gladiators”), & Dan “Nitro” Clark (“American Gladiators”). All this & so much more…now available World Wide & 365 at

You can feel The Mayhem live & in streaming audio every Monday night (at 8PM ET/7PM CT), exclusively on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network (,, & Monday Night Mayhem — World Wide 365…