ROH’s Bobby Cruise Interview Recap

Bobby Cruise recap 
Courtesy of
By: Bob Colling from
(Featuring ROH reviews!)

ROH ring announcer Bobby Cruise joins Jack, OIB and Barbie. Cruise reminds fans that ROH does not have house shows as they record everything for DVD release which can be purchased at

Jack talks about the ROH show in Plymouth, MA taking place on September 10th. Jack is really looking forward to his first ROH show. Cruise talks about the main event to take on the show where ROH World Champion Tyler Black will compete against Christopher Daniels in a non-title match. Austin Aries, Kings of Wrestling, Steve Corino, Colt Cabana and many top ROH wrestlers will be appearing on the show.

Cruise talks about the Tyler Black situation where Black has signed with WWE. Cruise wouldn’t want to put money on who will win the Black vs. Daniels match. Cruise mentions that he almost went to WWE four years ago. He hasn’t heard anyone complain about someone else going to WWE. Cruise believes their has been around a dozen guys who have left ROH for TNA/WWE during his run with ROH so far.

Barbie asks about the tie collection of Bobby Cruise. Cruise says that he hasn’t been on a few live events and talks about checking the message boards to see the results and noticing that the fans guess what color tie he would be wearing for the show. Cruise has never been given a tie from anyone. Cruise laughs after mentioning Bryan Danielson getting ties thrown at him instead of streamers.

Jack plugs the Glory By Honor IX show that takes place on September 11th and can be viewed on; . Cruise thinks it is a great way to present their product instead of going the pay per view route.

Jack mentions Kevin Kelly and Cruise says that he doesn’t have much good things to say about Kevin Kelly but thought he did a fine job with his show. Cruise was not happy about Kevin Kelly taking his spot booking the dark matches for shows and Kelly walked around like he was the king of the ROH.

Terry Funk will be appearing at the Glory By Honor IX show and Cruise thinks it will be a great thrill for the fans to meet the Funkster.

Cruise hasn’t heard anyone bash the product. Cruise credits Ricky Steamboat and Mick Foley as guys who really helped the locker room.

Taso asks about the resigning of the Briscoe Brothers. Cruise thinks it was huge for the Briscoe’s to be resigned and thinks it is a big deal.

OIB asks if anyone ever complained about how Cruise announced them. Cruise doesn’t recall anyone hating his announcing but does note that Bryan Danielson would cut him to tell some achievements of Danielson. Cruise tells a story about George the Animal Steele flipping out on Cruise backstage during a show and didn’t understand what Steele was talking about. Steele simply told Cruise that he was just ribbing Cruise!

Cruise did commentary with John Cena Sr. for a Chaotic Wrestling show. Cruise puts Cena Sr. over as a nice guy.

Cruise’s two favorite moments in ROH history were when Austin Aries defeated Samoa Joe for the ROH World Heavyweight Championship at Final Battle 2004. Also, the Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuiness title unification match in Liverpool, England.

Cruise doesn’t watch much wrestling and he doesn’t really want to watch it. Cruise does mention the ROH on HDNET show on Monday’s at 8pm ET.

Vann asks what is Cruise’s favorite entrances in ROH. Right now, Cruise likes the Briscoe Brothers entrances. In the past, he really liked Homicide’s entrances.

Jack asks if Homicide will return to ROH. “Never say never, right?”.

Cruise is very happy that Mike Bennett has been signed by ROH. Cruise notes that Gabe was a fan of Mike’s in the past but didn’t have anything for him. Cruise says their current booker is also big on Bennett.

Cruise was surprised that Adam Pearce was let go by ROH. He says he is only a ring announcer so he isn’t involved with much business talk. Cruise thought that Gabe was a genius for ROH throughout his time booking for ROH. Cruise does hope that Pearce would be able to perform in the ring now that he isn’t booking for the company.

OIB asks about the WWE run that almost happened four years ago. Cruise tells the story where he was told they wanted him to come out to Oklahoma City and announced a dark match and the Sunday Night Heat matches. Cruise got a call from them and they said he did good work. He announced Chicago and St. Louis shows for WWE. When WWE stopped doing ECW house shows they didn’t need a new ring announcer.

Cruise says that the Fink is easily the greatest ring announcer in pro wrestling history. Cruise says that WWE doesn’t want old looking guys to do ring announcing. He believes they want attractive women to do the job. Cruise tells a story of being told to shave his beard because their was a few grey hairs showing!

Jack and Cruise go over a few matches on the Glory By Honor IX show which include the following;
– Kevin Steen/Steve Corino vs. Colt Cabana/El Generico in a chain match
– Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas make their ROH debut as they go for the ROH World Tag Team Champions taking on the Kings of Wrestling!
– ROH World Champion Tyler Black defends against Roderick Strong in a no disqualification match.

Cruise believes that the Kings of Wrestling have the ability to work for WWE but hopes for ROH sake they do not go.

Cruise praises the addition of Jim Cornette to ROH as Cornette has 30 years of experience.

Cruise talks about Delirious being the new booker and how Delirious has always been a respected man in the locker room. Delirious has never been the loudest guy in the back, so that may need to change.

Cruise tells a story of Necro Butcher punching Cruise instead of kicking him in the midsection. Cruise rolled to the floor and describes it being “smoked” by Butcher! Butcher apologized for hitting Cruise and kicking him.

Jack asks about any ribs on him but Cruise doesn’t recall any on him. Cruise does talk about Bryan Danielson jumping on his back and Cruise could never get Danielson off his back! Cruise is hoping that Danielson makes it big so he can slap a lawsuit on him for his back issues!

Cruise mentions that he only has four dates left on his ROH contract and says that has a lot to do with Kevin Kelly. Jack will be ring announcing a match for ROH on the September 10th show in Plymouth, MA.

Cruise talks about the “Win a date with Todd St.Claire” and says that Todd St. Claire needs to find someone. Cruise puts Todd. St. Claire over as the best referee in wrestling.

For full audio please visit

Be sure to watch ROH Glory by Honor IX tomorrow night, September 11th. To watch the show on the internet go to

For more information on ROH and live events taking place including tonight’s debut show at The Plymouth Memorial Hall in Plymouth, Ma. go to