Rob Schamberger’s latest WWE YouTube ‘Canvas 2 Canvas’ video, “WrestleMania VI” has been posted. The painting recalls the epic showdown between The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania VI.
The WrestleMania Series will see artist Rob Schamberger paint separate pieces for each WrestleMania event. Schamberger intends to have all thirty paintings done in time for the 31st WrestleMania. “After painting live at WrestleMania 30 Axxess in New Orleans, I first-hand saw how important this event is to people from around the world, inspiring me to create this body of work,” said Schamberger. Each Monday in the weeks leading into WrestleMania 31, Rob’s Canvas 2 Canvas YouTube videos for WWE will show the process for making some of the paintings the celebrate the pinnacle of sports entertainment.
To see more or Rob’s work, please visit: