Rob Conway & Spike Dudley interview recaps

Rob Conway Interview recap
By: Bob Colling of for old school wrestling recaps w/videos of matches.In Your Head Online Radio’s interview with Rob Conway. Hosted by Jack, Barbie Richards and Oneinchbiceps ! To hear the full interview head on over to

Rob Conway joins IYH live from the OVW 500th anniversary show. Conway puts over a few guys on the show which include Cabana, Eugene, and Al Snow.
Conway mentions that all the matches on the OVW show are taking place in a 20ft high steel cage.
Jack mentions that Conway and Danny Davis will be helping wrestlers by telling them what they need to improve on after they watch their wrestling video.
You can send the wrestling videos to and either Conway or Danny Davis will personally give you feedback.
Conway says the guys on television have a lack of time to tell a story. Conway believes it will be harder to get noticed being a manager.
Conway says it was a great experience. “I never in a million years thought we would face The Rockers.”
A caller asks Conway how has OVW changed since Jim Cornette left. Conway says that Cornette didn’t need any input from the boys because he knew so much. Once the left, the boys had to think of their own material.
Conway believes that at some point you have to be selfish in the wrestling business to pay your bills.
Conway heads off to compete in a match on the OVW 500th Anniversary show.

Remember to hear the full uncut interview head on over to and don’t forget to tune in every week 8PM Eastern, This week‘s guest is Justin Credible, other guests who are scheduled to appear in the coming weeks include Mr Hughes, Joy Giovanni, Amy Weber and Dory Funk, Jr. so be sure to check out for all of your In Your Head Wrestling Radio needs. Don’t forget to also check In Your Head’s 4 Year Archive which includes interviews from Bill Goldberg, Bill, Watts, Paul Bearer, Terry Funk, Bruno Sammartino, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, Samoa Joe, Colt Cabana, Awesome Kong and many more that’s

Spike Dudley Interview recap
By: Bob Colling of for old school wrestling recaps w/videos of matches.

In Your Head Online Radio’s interview with Spike Dudley. Hosted by Jack E. Jones, Barbie Richards and Oneinchbiceps ! To hear the full interview head on over to
Spike Dudley joins the show. Dudley will be competing for New World Wrestling in Sandwich, MA.

Spike loves competing on the independent shows. “Kind of reminds you how you got into the business.”

He would like to compete more with the big guys compared to fighting someone his own weight.

His match with Mike Awesome at Guilty As Charges 2000 was the event was when he blew his knee out and cost him six months. Spike doesn’t believe it was that good of a match, but it had several table spots. He blew his knee out when he slammed his knee against the guard railing. Spike didn’t realize it was hurt severely and competed for two months afterwards.
Jack brings up Bam-Bam Bigelow throwing Spike into the audience. Spike brings up that it was his first pay per match. Spike does bring up when they did the spot, and people “parted like the red sea” so Spike hit nothing but concrete. Spike says that he owes a lot to Bam-Bam for his career.

Spike puts over New Jack as a great guy. He always got along with New Jack. He doesn’t think the stories he has are appropriate to be said over the air. Spike didn’t know that he was going to be doing the stage dive with New Jack.

“Great, brilliant booker.” When asked about Paul Heyman.

He didn’t have a gimmick before Spike Dudley, he was just Matt Hyson.

When he went to WWE he was told to tone it done with the whole LSD part of the Spike Dudley gimmick. Spike really enjoyed the Spike/Molly Holly angle. Spike was upset when WWE pulled the plug on the angle.

Spike didn’t believe being put in the Cruiserweight division was any issue. He was glad to get the chance to work with several guys like Rey and Noble.
He doesn’t know where the whole boss angle was heading. He was frustrated with the angle being pulled, just like his angle with Molly.

He doesn’t know whether the ECW guys got a fair chance. He does think that RVD didn’t get a fair chance to carry the ball for the company.

His most painful bump was when he teamed with Balls to face the Dudley Boys on a PPV and he thought he shattered his heel and was unable to walk for three weeks. The spot when La Resistance missed the table looked bad but wasn’t as bad. Though, he still has lasting effect from the spot and has nerve damage.

Spike says the whole spot where Undertaker choke slammed him over to the floor was his idea and needed to convince Taker to do the spot. He puts Taker over as a very respectable person.

Spike has never came across a guy who doesn’t take care of someone in the ring. Well, actually he changes that stance and brings up a story from his ECW days which is very interesting and has to be heard!

To continue the interesting portion of the show, someone calls in and Spike believes he is cutting a promo on him! It turns out to be a wrestler from New World Wrestling.

Spike shares his thoughts on the Brother Runt gimmick in TNA. He has mixed thoughts to say the least.

Find out if Spike would go back to TNA given the chance.

Spike’s training school is brought up and he believes he would be a good trainer because he has had success in the business and will run shows in front of a live audience.

A caller asks if Spike has ever gone through anxiety attacks before his matches. Spike has never been so nervous to not go out to the ring.

Spike doesn’t have really anything to say to his fans other than to support the independents.

Remember to hear the full uncut interview head on over to and don’t forget to tune in every week 8PM Eastern, This week‘s guest is Justin Credible, other guests who are scheduled to appear in the coming weeks include Mr Hughes, Joy Giovanni, Amy Weber and Dory Funk, Jr. so be sure to check out for all of your In Your Head Wrestling Radio needs. Don’t forget to also check In Your Head’s 4 Year Archive which includes interviews from Bill Goldberg, Bill, Watts, Paul Bearer, Terry Funk, Bruno Sammartino, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, Samoa Joe, Colt Cabana, Awesome Kong and many more that’s