Review of the November 14, 2013 edition of TNA IMPACT!

tna_impactOpening Segment: Bull Ray and the other two members of aces and eights come to the ring. Ray hugs and screams at Mike Tenay that he fell for it. Ray starts out with asking us do you know who I am. He calls himself a puppet master and he played all of us. He said the group isn’t about quantity its about quality. He says he doesn’t need to be world champion to be the guy everyone is talking about. He says no one tries to dive a wedge between the aces and eights. He says he will pile-drive him through the stage. MR. Anderson comes out and says he is extremely sick and tired of aces and eights. Anderson says he will not only beat Ray next week but aces and eights are done as well because he will put a match together for him. Anderson’s career vs. aces and eights being a group. Ray says Anderson is crazy to make a stipulation like that, Anderson says he is crazy then all hell breaks loose. He attacks ray then they start brawling with Anderson getting the advantage.

He calls out one of the members and it’s Knux in a match now.

AR’s Truth: a good opening segment that made Anderson look good and the stipulation is an interesting yet predictable. Most likely Anderson wins the match and that’s the way they end the group. 

MR. Anderson Def. Knux
AR’s Truth: An okay match with Knux getting the entire offense until Anderson hits his finisher out of nowhere. A very slow pace of a match. Anderson needed the win and is building momentum once again. Okay 2-5* Match

Daniels Def. Joseph Park 
AR’s truth: a decent match that went back and forth. Daniels with the cheap finish makes me believe this feud with continue on. I could take or leave this feud but its just a matter of time before Abyss makes his full time return.

Submission Match in the World Title Tournament: Kurt Angle Def. Austin Aries
AR’s Truth: A really good back and forth action match that saw the right guy go over. Right now I don’t see Aries “being the guy” as champion but yet I don’t see Angle winning either. He will beat Roode and go on to lose to someone. Whoever faces AJ Styles will lose to him but should be a built up star which I think it will be Jeff Hardy. 

Overall: This show did everything you needed TNA to be with them building up the main event all night to make it feel like a big show and it delivered. Solid story telling edition makes me believe that TNA is going in the right direction and finally there is not a dark cloud over the company. 

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— Andy

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