World Xtreme Wrestling


WXW moved to Florida and was run by Wild Samoan Afa.
WXW C-4 – Pennsylvania was run by Headshrinker Samu.

  • May 17, 2002 – WXW Wrestling in Shamokin, PA before 300 fans: Tommy Suede b Lee Great, Shane Black b Big Poppa Pete, Big Dawg Mollson and Skinhead Ivan b New Jersey Devil and Nuisance, L.A. Smooth and Tonga Kid and Samu b Hit Squad and Gene Sniski (where did he ever get that name), Andy Onnly and Bronx Bomber b Neil and bob, Billy Dream and Jessica Daly b Molokai and Valentina, Kamala b Meal Maniac, Wenzel b Lee Great, Sugaa b Sandman in a WXW title match.
  • July 14, 2002 – WXW at Cedar Beach in Allentown: Supreme Lee Great won three-way over Skinhead Ivan and Homicide, Tonga Kid (original) b Cory K, Island Boyz (WWE) b Lucifer Grimm and Sinn, Kamala b Metal Maniac, Zero Gravity b Tommy Suede, Shane Black b Havoc, Big Poppa Pete and Molsonn b Hit Squad, Hollywood Studds b Tommy Johnson and Don Crisis, Jersey Devil b Nuisance, Sugaa b Malachi, Bautista (WWE) b L.A. Smooth, Afa Jr. b Crowbar (Devon Storm), Rikishi b Gangrel.
  • May 17, 2003 – WXW in Mr. Carmel, PA before 150 fans: Jake Bishop won three-way over Bernie Blanco and Tommy Johnson, Solution b All Money is Legal, Tommy Suede b J-Busta, Los Lunatics b Anthony Michaels and Mark Gore, Crazy Ivan b Hurricane Havoc, Slyk Wagner Brown b Malachi, April Hunter won three-way over Bella Donna and Cindy Reiser, Billy Dream b Moondog Mollson, J-Sinn b Homicide, Don Criss d Bugaloo, Mana b Gene Sniski-DQ, Nick and Tom the Greek Isle Boys b Supreme Lee Great and Weave.
  • October 18, 2003 – Afa’s WXW Show drew 200 fans in Mt. Carmel, PA for a TV taping: Joey Knight and Robin Nightwing (Toronto) b Team Target, M-Tizzle b A-Dude, Crazy Ivan b Vordell Walker, Mana b Bison and Weave, Gene Sniski b Tommy Suede, J-Busta b Anthony Michaels, Supreme Lee Great b Nick Destiny, Cindy Rogers and Phoenix b Pyscho and Frankie V, Rapid Fire Maldonado b Mark Gore, Cliff Compton DDQ Joey Bishop, Los Lunatics and Boogalou b All Money is Legal and Dizzy, Nuisance and L.A. Smooth and Samoan and Jamal (Ekmo) b Monsta Mack and Rick Chamberland and Papadon and C.J. Moore, Billy Dream b Sniski.
  • November 21, 2003 – WXW (Afa’s group) Women’s Super 8 in Scotia, PA: Sara Stock won Battle Royal, Phoenix b Psycho, Angel Williams b Allison Danger, April Hunter b Ariel, Phoenix b Angel Williams, April Hunter b Sara Stock, Gene Sinisky won three-way over Slyk Wagner Brown and Sinn, April Hunter b Phoenix to win tournament.
  • May 30, 2004 – WXW in Bushkill, PA at the Fernwood Resort before 500 fans: Prodigy b SLG, Untouchables b Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Talia b April Hunter, SUGGA b Cabbie, Slyk Wagner Brown b Perfect Creation, Mana b Gene Snisky, Rikishi and Brian Christopher and L.A. Smooth and Reno the Black Pearl b DRS and Havoc and Rapid Fire Maldonado.
  • July 9, 2004 – Afa’s wXw Show in Allentown, PA: Jeff Coleman b Mike Tobin, L.A. Smooth and Reno b Supreme Lee Great and Sugga, Talia won three way over April Hunter and Psycho, The Untouchables b Dirty Rotten Scoundrelz, John Rambo b Shorty Smalls, Eddie Guapo and Boogalou b Havok, Joe Muraco (managed by Don Muraco) b Tonic, Molson b Johnny Bravado, Tonga Kid b Greg Valentine, Afa Jr. and Samu and Rosey b Outkast Killerz and Perfect Creation,Homicide b Slyk Wagner Brown, Mana b Rapid Fire Maldonado to win WXW title. Batista did a run-in to clean house at the end of the show as a babyface.
  • July 10, 2004 – Afa’s wXw Show in Scotia, PA before 150 fans: Pinky Sanchez b C.J. O’Doyle, Cindy Rogers b Lily, Supreme Lee Great b Drew Blood, Dirty Rotten Scoundrelz b Outkast Killaz, Tonic b Keenan Quinn, Jake Bishop b Johnny Bravado, Toa Maivia b Arab Aziz, Boogalou won elimination over Cabbie, Kevin Matthews and Guapo for the vacant TV title, Low Ryda b Dynamic Sensation, Untouchables b Jerk Jackson and Scott Cardinal, Mana b Sinister X-DQ. Don Muraco did a run-in save in the main event and the crowd went nuts for him.
  • August 7, 2004 – WXW Wrestling in Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania before 100 fans: Nick Berk b J-Busta, Queenan Quinn b Frankie V, Sugga b C.J. O’Doyle, Sinister X b Thorn, Little Feather won three-way over Luscious Lilly and Cindy Rogers, True Blood and Tonic b Dynamic Sensation and Lee Great, Mana b Cabbie.
  • September 4, 2004 – Afa’s WXW in Bushkill, PA before 125 fans: Boogalou b J-Busta, Krissy Vaine b Amber O’Neal, Joe Muraco and Tonic b TDSLG, Talia b Little Feather, E.C. Negro won Battle royal, Untouchables b Outkast Killaz, Sinister X and Jeff Coleman b Samu and Mana, Steve Blackman b Sugaa.
  • March 26, 2005 – WXW TV Taping in Mt. Carmel, PA before 100 fans: Mollson won Battle Royal, Joe Muraco (Don’s legit son) b Antony ?, Shorty Smalls b Jason Static, Great Samu b C.J. O’Doyle, Dynamic Sensation b Zak Connor, Eddie Guapo b Tonic, Bison Bravado b Mollson.
  • January 28, 2006 – World Xtreme Wrestling in Allentown, PA: Greg Matthews vs Phil Brown ended in a No Contest, Ricky Reyes b J-Busta, Malik b Keenan Quinn, Sabian and Joker b Devon Moore in handicap match, Mercedes Martinez b Alere Littlefeather, Samu and Afa Jr. b Balls Mahoney and D.J. Hyde, Dynamic Sensation and Supreme Lee Great b Marc Gore and Anthony Michaels-DQ, Toa Maivia b C.J. O’Doyle, Tommy Suede (headed to WWE developmental) b Sugaa by DQ.
  • August 5, 2006 – World Xtreme Wrestling in Allentown, PA at WXW Arena for Rage TV: CJ O’Doyle b Magnum XL, Joker b Supreme Lee Great, Platinum Icons (Dirty Money and Phil Brown) b Primetime Players (Teddy Fine and Mike Brown w/Billy Dream by DQ), Mercedes Martinez b Kris Krude in a Hair-vs-Hair match, Night Train and Acid Zero and Toa Miavia w/Purifier beat down Mongoose w/Joy until saved by Doc Spider, Notorious, Inc. (Devon Moore and Drew Blood) b Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (EC Negro and KC Blade), Joker b The Dynamic Sensation to win the Television Title, Sugga b Teddy Fine, Sugaa and Nuisance and Mercedes Martinez w/Doc Daniels vs Billy Dream and The Prime Time Players ended in a No Contest, Afa Jr. b Havoc w/Rob Dimension.
  • November 10, 2007 – World Extreme Wrestling – 6th Anuual Elite 8 Women’s Tournament in Coplay, Pennsylvania: Monique b Jana (1st Round), Annie Social b Dischord (1st Round), Hailey Hatred b Alexa Thatcher (1st Round), Cindy Rogers vs. Becky Bayless ended in a double pin (1st Round), Annie Social b Monique by referee stoppage due to a knee injury (2nd Round), Cindy Rogers b Becky Bayless and Hailey Hatred in a 3-WAY (2nd Round), Kacee Karlisle b Missy Sampson by Submission to retain the WXW Women’s title, Cindy Rogers b Annie Social in the Finals to win the WXW Elite 8 Tournament!
  • May 3, 2008 – World Xtreme Wrestling C-4 in Coplay, Pennsylvania: WXW TV Champion Billy Dream and Heavyweight Champion Sugaa co-won a battle royal to be entered in a match to determine the new WXW C-4 Ultimate Heavyweight Championship. Sabian pinned Eddie Guapo. WXW Tag Team Champion Havoc and Bane beat Z-Barr and AJ Sabotage. The Dynamic Sensation vs. Azrael ended in a time limit draw. TBA beat Lone Stars (formerly Lone Rangers). DJ Hyde pinned Eric Cobian after attempts at using a chain backfired. Dizzie pinned WXW Tag Team Champion Tommy Suede after Sugaa assisted. Drew Blood pinned Supreme Lee Great. AMIL beat Island Kings. Billy Dream pinned Sugaa, but the match was restarted after it was discovered powder was thrown.. Sugaa subsequently pinned Billy Dream after an accidental chairshot from Tommy Suede. As a result, Sugaa became the new WXW Ultimate Heavyweight Champion (while maintaining the WXW Heavyweight Title, which would be phased out of C-4 and only defended in WXW in Florida).
  • May 16, 2008 – World Xtreme Wrestling C-4 in Coplay, Pennsylvania: Ivan Radski pinned Acid Zero. Samoan Dragon pinned Drew Blood ((but was no longer defending the WXW Cruiserweight Title, with the lineage of that belt being continued in Florida)). Supreme Lee Great pinned AJ Sabotage. Bane beat Rick Jimbo Radical and Mon guay in a 3-way match. DJ Hyde pinned Havoc. AMIL beat TBA. Z-Barr vs. Cobian ended in a double DQ. Sabian and The Dynamic Sensation beat Devon Moore and Mickie Knuckles. Tommy Suede pinned Sugaa for Ultimate Heavyweight Title.
  • June 6, 2008 – World Xtreme Wrestling C-4 in Coplay, Pennsylvania (incomplete results): Javi Air pinned Aramis to qualify for a match for the new Ultimate Hybrid Title. DJ Hyde pinned William Farnsworth. Z-Barr pinned AJ Sabotage. AMIL (K. Pusha and Dizzie) and Super Star Tiger (widely believed to be a masked Samu, who had been suspended) beat Bane, Cobian and Havoc. Azreal pinned Sabian in an Ultimate Hybrid Title qualifying match. TDS pinned Devon Moore in an Ultimate Hybrid Championship qualifying match. ((I’m missing a match result here, possibly because I may have been backstage doing photos, or taking care of other technical issues, or something.)) Sugaa pinned Tommy Suede for Ultimate Heavyweight Title.
  • June 7, 2008 – World Xtreme Wrestling C-4 in Allentown, Pennsylvania (incomplete results): Cobian pinned Wigeezy. Island Kings and Super Star Tiger beat Havoc, Bane and The Pharaoh. The Dynamic Sensation beat Javi Air and Azrael in a 3-way for inaugural Ultimate Hybrid Title. Tommy Suede vs. Billy Dream were both counted out in a number one contender’s match. ((I’m missing two match results for the same reasons as the last show, whatever they were.)) Ultimate Heavyweight Champion Sugaa pinned DJ Hyde, who was then lashed with straps by the Daniels Dynasty, with Nuisance joining in.
  • June 21, 2008 – World Xtreme Wrestling C-4 (student show) in Coplay, Pennsylvania: Mr. Harrison vs. John The Man ended in a time limit draw. Island Kings beat Chris Dickinson and Adam Cole. Discord pinned Chrissy Johnson. Disco Libre pinned Wigeezy. Havoc, Bane and Cobian beat Ajax, K. Pusha and The Super Star Tiger. AC Sledge beat Exodus by submission. Acid Zero and Chris Crossfire beat GNC (Alex Colon and Joe Gacy), who were then beaten with straps by the Daniels Dynasty to send a message to their trainer DJ Hyde. Ultimate Heavyweight Champion Sugaa and Nuisance beat AJ Sabotage and Ultimate Hybrid Champion The Dynamic Sensation.
  • July 24, 2008 – World Xtreme Wrestling C-4 in at Sportsfest in Allentown, Pennsylvania: Adam Cole pinned Wigeezy. Discord pinned Rebecca Payne. Bandido Jr pinned Nick Sabre. Z-Barr pinned Mo Sexton. Mr. Harrison and John The Man beat Anthony Cruz and AC Sledge. Havoc and Bane beat Mike Radke and AJ Sabotage. GNC vs. Island Kings ended in a no contest after an attack by the Daniels Dynasty. AMIL (K. Pusha and Dizzie) beat Javi Air and Azrael, who attacked his partner afterwards. Ahmed Akbar beat Ajax by submission, but the decision was reversed when Akbar wouldn’t break the hold. Ultimate Hybrid Champion The Dynamic Sensation pinned Sabian. DJ Hyde pinned Eric Cobian in a lumberjacks with straps match. Nuisance vs. The Super Star Tiger ended in a no contest, with Nuisance allying himself with SST against the Daniels=2 0Dynasty. Billy Dream beat Tommy Suede and Ultimate Heavyweight Champion Sugaa in a 3-way for the Title. The end of the match came after Doc Daniels chaired Sugaa, then Suede replaced Sugaa in the Daniels Dynasty. Dream scored the pin on Suede to win. After the match, it was announced that Doc Daniels had added a stipulation where Sugaa must retire if (and now, since) he lost the match.
  • August 9, 2008 – World Xtreme Wrestling C-4 in Allentown, Pennsylvania: John The Man and Mr. Harrison beat Wigeezy and Chris Crossfire. Bandido Jr. pinned Joe Hardway. AJ Sabotage pinned Chris Ansert. Chrono Chris pinned BMT. Ariel vs. Jana ended in a double countout as they brawled in the grass. Javi Air pinned Azrael. Samoan Dragon pinned Aramis. Z-Barr pinned Danny Demanto, who by stipulation must now become his tag team partner. Ultimate Hybrid Champion The Dynamic Sensation pinned Ajax. AC Sledge pinned Donny Johnson. K. Pusha pinned Danny Inferno. Nuisance, Ultimate Heavyweight Champion Billy Dre am and Super Star Tiger beat Daniels Dynasty (John Bane, Havoc and Tommy Suede), ending Samu’s suspension by stipulation, meaning we saw the last of the Super Star Tiger.
  • September 27, 2008 – World Xtreme Wrestling C-4 in Allentown, Pennsylvania: AC Sledge beat John The Man and Mr. Harrison in a 3-way to earn a spot on the permanent roster ((although the other two would be signed shortly afterwards for their efforts)). The Dark Patriot (not the original) pinned Russian #1. Gentleman Dave Rose beat Adam Cole. DJ Hyde beat Bane. Untouchables beat Adam Cole and Joe Gacy. RJR (Rick Jimbo Radical) beat TDS for Ultimate Hybrid Title. Big Joe Gomez beat AC Sledge. Samu and Devon Moore beat Tommy Suede and Eric Cobian. Ultimate Hybrid Champion RJR beat Wigeezy. Big Joe Gomez beat Thomas William Farnsworth. The Flyin Hawaiian pinned Chrono Chris. Samoan Dragon pinned Dave Rose. Havoc pinned Nuisance.
  • November 15, 2008 – World Xtreme Wrestling C-4 in Allentown, Pennsylvania: Gentleman Dave Rose pinned Hollywood Joe Hardway. TDS pinned Joe Gacy. Samoan Dragon won a 4-way over Adam Cole, Rob Vegas and Ultimate Hybrid Champion RJR for the Title. Havoc pinned Ivan Radski. Big Joe Gomez pinned AJ Sabotage. Polynesian Sensation Sulu Afi (son of Siva Afi) pinned “Smooth Savage” Johnny Monguay. AMIL (K.Pusha and Devious) won a 4-way elimination match over Mr. Harrison and John The Man, The Hot Shots (Teddy Stigma and Ryan McBride) and Wigeezy and William Farnsworth for inaugural WXW C-4 Tag Team Titles ((with the WXW Tag Team Titles having been shelved until Afa’s WXW reinstates them in Florida)). Ultimate Heavyweight Champion Billy Dream pinned Eric Cobian after Havoc’s interference backfired, with the Daniels Dynasty getting increasingly upset at Havoc’s performances of late. Bane beat AC Sledge (with Mr. Saturday Night). DJ Hyde pinned Tommy Suede.
  • November 15, 2008 – World Xtreme Wrestling – 7th Annual Elite 8 Women’s Tournament in Leesburg, Florida at the Armory: Rain b Becky Bayless in a 1st Round Match, Lexie Fyfe b Amber O’Neal in a 1st Round Match, Leva b Betsy Ruth in a 1st Round Match, Mercedes Martinez b Ferrari in a 1st Round Match, Mercedes Martinez b Rain in a 2nd Round Match, Lexie Fyfe b Leva in a 2nd Round Match, Mercedes Martinez b Lexie Fyfe in the Finals to win the 2006 Elite 8 Tournament (Making it the second time she has won the Tournament).
  • December 19, 2008 – World Xtreme Wrestling in Leesburg, Florida at the at National Guard Armory: Mike Cruz b Gus Money, Sabian b Jerrelle Clark, Sgt. Hardcore b Brian Maddox, Mercedes Martinez b Betsy Ruth, Lou Cypher b Joe Woods, David Mercury b AFRO BOY, Perfect Creation Richard J Criado b CJ O’Doyle after interference from DJ Hyde and Puerto Rican Hound Dog which led directly into. Sons of Tonga b DJ Hyde and Puerto Rican Hound Dogg.
  • December 20, 2008 – World Xtreme Wrestling in Minneola, Florida at the at Minneola Recreation Center: C.J. O’Doyle and MINNEOLA MAYOR David Yeager and HAKU b Richard J. Criado and Puerto Rican Hound Dogg and Sgt. Hardcore, Mercedes Martinez b Betsy Ruth to win the WXW Women’s Title, The Sons of Tonga b Mr. Irresistible and Michael Patrick, Lou Cypher b Acid, Sabian b Gus Money, Jerrelle Clarke b Mike Cruz.
  • January 3, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling C-4 in Allentown, Pennsylvania: The Reason pinned Nick Sabre. Joe Gacy beat VSK and EJ Risk in a 3-way match. AC Sledge pinned JT Masters. Brooke Carter pinned Jana. Danny Demanto pinned Jason The Suicide King (former WXW Hardcore Champion Jason returning after a lengthy absence). Rick Jimbo Radical vs. Monguay ended in a no contest. Tag Team Champions AMIL beat Mr. Harrison and John The Man. Big Joe Gomez beat King Bash Mantis for Campeonato Internacional. Mike Donovan and Azreael beat Joe Hardway and Rob Vegas, but Azrael turned against Donovan afterwards. TDS, Sulu Afi, The Flyin Hawaiian and Will Wyatt beat TBA and The Panama City Playboys. DJ Hyde pinned Eric Cobian in a lumberjacks with weapons match. Chrono Chris pinned Samoan Dragon for Ultimate Hybrid Title. Sabian pinned Devon Moore to become #1 contender to Ultimate Hybrid Title. Ultimate Heavyweight Champion Billy Dream beat Tommy Suede in a match where Doc Daniels was handcuffed to Samu. After Samu was handcuffed to the ropes by the Daniels Dynasty, Dylan Dean made a return after a lengthy absence to save Samu. A reinstated Sugaa (with Dylan Dean) pinned Havoc.
  • January 17, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling – New Year’s Crush in Leesburg, Florida at the at National Guard Armory: “The Prodigy” Mike Cruz b Kermon the German, “Premier” Michael Pattrick b Maddox, Lou Cypher b Mad Man Mandrake w/Ferreri, “The Irish Lionheart” C.J. O’Doyle b “Not Cocky” Chasyn Rance (Kory Chavis was sitting ringside and got into a fight with CJ O’Doyle after the match. Chavis was kicked out of the building), “Samoan Dragon” Sean Maluta b Gu$ Money, “Mr. 630” Jerrelle Clark b Henry Saxton JR., AFRO BOY b Mr. Irresistible, Sons of Tonga b “The Perfect Creation” Richard J Criado and The Purto Rican Hound Dogg (WXW Heavyweight Champion Sugga, who was last seen laid out by Criado, returned to assist the Sons of Tonga in victory!) – Notes: Afa The Wild Samoan, Haku, Ricky Santana, and Scott Hall were in attendance.
  • February 7, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling in Minneola, Florida at the at Minneola Recreation Center: Sgt. Hardcore b Essex, Jerrelle Clark b Gu$ Money and Mike Cruz and Sean Maluta and Ben Dejo and Taino in a Scramble to win the WXW Cruiserweight title, Dylan Knight b Maddox, DJ Hyde b CJ O’Doyle by DQ, Sons of Tonga (Afro Boy and Pate) b The East Street Elite, Lou Cypher b Aaron Epic, Mercedes Martinez b MsChif to retain the WXW Women’s title, Mean Gene Snisky and WXW champion Sugga b Rich Criado and Puerto Rican Hound Dog.
  • February 21, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling C-4 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: Dave Rose pinned Sulu Afi. Rex Taylor and AC Sledge beat John The Man and Mr. Harrison. Havoc pinned Bane. Ultimate Hybrid Champion Chrono Chris pinned Ivan Radski. Campeon Internacional Joe Gomez pinned K. Pusha. The Dynamic Sensation vs. Sean Maluta (Samoan Dragon) ended in a double DQ in the third fall of a 2/3 fall match when both shoved the ref. Maverick (from Long Island, not the Philly based wrestler) pinned Alex Reynolds. Jersey Devil pinned AJ Sabotage. Havoc and Ultimate Hybrid Champion Billy Dream beat Tommy Suede and Gene Snisky.
  • March 6, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling in Minneola, Florida at the at Minneola Recreation Center: Sgt. Hardcore (w/Rico Moon) b Aaron Epic. The Hatchet City All-Stars b David Mercury and Dylan Knight (w/Candi) to advance to the finals of the tag team turmoil. “7 foot Giant” Lou Cypher (w/Rico Moon) b Death Row. Afro Boy and “Son of Tonga” Kava b C.J. O’Doyle and Mike Cruz to advance to the finals of the tag team turmoil. Jerrelle Clarke b Taino. Betsy Ruth b Valentina. Afro Boy and Kava b the Hatchet City All-Stars by DQ in the tag team turmois finals when Sgt. Hardcore and Rico Moon tried attack Kava, the nephew of Haku who Hardcore challenged earlier. Haku accepted the challenge. Sugga b Puerto Rican Hound Dogg by DQ to retain the WXW title after “Perfect Creation” Richard J. Criado interfered.
  • March 7, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling C-4 in Allentown, Pennsylvania: Dave Rose used the ropes and pinned AJ Sabotage. AMIL beat AC Sledge and Rex Taylor to qualify for the upcoming Go For the Gold match. Ultimate Hybrid Champion Chrono Chri s beat TDS by DQ when Sean Maluta interfered. John Bane and Tommy Suede beat John The Man and Mr. Harrison to qualify for Go For the Gold, then John The Man turned against Mr. Harrison. Ultimate Heavyweight Champion Billy Dream pinned VSK. Bruno Marciano, Tuck Hanson, Wigeezy and Maverick (from Long Island) beat Blake Morris, Alex Reynolds, Tyler Veritas and Adam Cole. Campeon Internacional pinned Papa Don. Cobian vs. Havoc ended in a double countout, but Commissioner Maven Bentley ruled that both could qualify for Go For the Gold. New Jersey Devil vs. Sean Maluta ended in a no contest when TDS interfered. Afa Jr, recently released from WWE, pinned Kevin Matthews.
  • April 18, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling in Minneola, Florida at the Minneola Recreation Center: Nick Nero b Wolf, Puerto Rican Hound Dogg b Taino, Dylan Knight b Bret Thunder, C.J. O’Doyle b David Mercury, Mike Cruz b Gus Money and Ben Dejo and Jerrelle Clark in a 4-WAY, Da Biff vs. Lou Cypher ended in a Double Countout, Maddox and Essex b Afro Boy and Sulu Afi, King Haku (original) b Sgt. Hardcore to win the Hardcore title, Sugaa b Richard Criado.
  • April 18, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling C-4 – Fool Me Once in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: at the New Casablanca: Bruno Marciano and Stockade beat AC Sledge and Rex Taylor, who turned against his partner afterwards. “Yours Truly” Alex Reynolds pinned Little John. Maverick won a 3-way match over Tuck Hanson and Blake Morris. Sons of Samoa (Samu and Afa Jr, w/Rob Dimension) beat All Money Is Legal (K. Pusha and K.=2 0Murda). “The Gift” John Bane (w/Doc Daniels) beat Tommy Suede (w/Doc Daniels), Mr. Harrison and John the Man in a 4-way to qualify for the upcoming “Go For The Gold” match, after stealing the pin from Suede. Harrison and John then brawled, with John paying off Rex Taylor to work over Harrison until AC Sledge made the save. Eddie Guapo pinned Chrono Chris for Ultimate Hybrid Title. Campeon Internacional Big Joe Gomez and “Puerto Rican Terror” Havoc beat Ultimate Heavyweight Champion X-Treme Billy Dream and “Hollywood Bad Boy” Eric Cobian (with Doc Daniels).
  • May 2, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling C-4 in Allentown, Pennsylvania at Mountainville Hall: “Rotten” Tommy Suede won a battle royal. AC Sledge and Mr. Harrison defeated John The Man and Rex Taylor. Flash pinned NTC. Tuck Hanson pinned EJ Risk. Havoc pinned “Hollywood Bad Boy” Eric Cobian (with Doc Daniels) in a street fight. Sabian=2 0defeated VSK. “The Gift” John Bane (with Doc Daniels and Tommy Suede) pinned Wigeezy. “Rotten” Tommy Suede (with Doc Daniels) pinned AJ Sabotage. Afa Jr pinned EJ Risk. Devon Moore pinned Kekoa The Flyin Hawaiian. Ultimate Heavyweight Champion X-Treme Billy Dream pinned Campeon Internacional Big Joe Gomez in a title vs title match.
  • June 6, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling C-4 in Allentown, Pennsylvania: AC Sledge (w/Empire stablemates Rex Taylor and John The Man) pinned Tuck Hanson. Wigeezy pinned Kevuta. John The Man (w/Empire) pinned EJ Risk after interference from Sledge. Rex Taylor (w/Empire) pinned Bruno Marciano. In the Go For the Gold match where WXW C-4’s titles were hanging in bags from the ringposts and above the center of the ring: Samu was pinned by a massive pileup. Afa Jr pinned K. Murda of All Money Is Legal. “The Gift” John Bane (w/Doc Daniels) grabbed a bag containing ½ of the Tag Team Titles (which were previously vacant). Guapo pinned Maverick. Sean Maluta and VSK both grabbed a bag containing the Ultimate Hybrid Title (previously held by Guapo) and refused to let go, so a singles match was signed for later to determine the titleholder. Havoc pinned K. Pusha (of All Money Is Legal). Guapo grabbed the bag containing the Campeonato Internacional (previously held by X-Treme Billy Dream). “The Star” Eric Cobian (w/Daniels) pinned Havoc. X-Treme Billy Dream grabbed the bag containing the other Tag Team Title. Cobian grabbed the bag containing the Ultimate Heavyweight Title (also previously held by Billy Dream), leaving Afa Jr remaining without a title belt. Untouchables (Anthony Michaels and Mark Gore) beat Scotty Gash and Ryan Mitchell to become #1 contenders for Tag Titles, then were belted by Bane. AJ Sabotage pinned Brim (formerly longtime WXW worker Brimstone, not to be confused with the other Brymmstone working on the indy circuit). Bane and Billy Dream (w/Daniels) beat All Money Is Legal by DQ when Untouchables stormed the ring. Flash (Wheeler) beat “Yours Truly” Alex Reynolds after butler Maxwell Belvidere’s interference backfired. Guapo pinned Maverick. Sledge pinned Mr. Harrison. VSK vs. Sean Maluta ended with a split decision after a second ref counted VSK’s pin while the original ref called for Maluta to win by DQ when he got knocked down. A new Champion will be determined in 2/3 falls on July 19th.
  • June 20, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling in Minneola, Florida at the Minneola Recreation Center: Frankie Capone w/Rico Casanova b Tookie Trucker, Gus Money b Brett Thunder to earn a Cruiserweight title shot, WOLF and Deathrow b Nick Nero and Afro Boy, C.J O’Doyle b Da Biff to earn a television title shot, Jerrelle Clarke b Mike Cruz in a Last Man Standing match to win the WXW Cruiserweight title, Sulu Afi and Chrono Chris b WXW Tag Team champions The Hatchet City All Stars in a Non-title match, Dylan Knight w/Candi b King Haku to win the WXW Hardcore title, KAVA b Richard J. Criado to win the WXW Television title, C.J. O’Doyle (cashing in his title shot) b KAVA to win the WXW Television title, WXW Heavyweight champion Sugga b Shawn Spears by DQ.
  • June 27, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling in Leesburg, Florida at the Leesburg Armory: DA BIFF won a 10-man Battle Royal, Joe Gomez and Cezar b Sabian and DJ Hyde, WXW C4 (WXW in PA) champion Eric Kobian b Ki-Vuda, Dylan Knight w/Candi b King Haku to retain the WXW Hardcore title, Jerrelle Clarke b Adam Cole to retain the WXW Cruiserweight title, WXW Tag Team champions The Hatchet City All Stars b Sulu Afi and Chrono Chris, The Perfect Creation b KAVA and C.J. O’Doyle in a 3-WAY to win the WXW Television Title for the 2nd time, WXW Heavyweight champion Sugga b Shawn Spears when Spears’ cheating attempt backfired!
  • July 19, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling C4 – Sportfest in Allentown, Pennsylvania at Cedar Beach: Mercedes Martinez won a Battle Royal, AC Sledge and John The Man and Rex Taylor b Chrono Chris and Mr. Harrison and Wigeezy.20, “Panama City Playboy” Adam Cole b Bobby Ocean, “Puerto Rican Terror” Havoc and Nyia b Danny DeManto and Brooke Carter in a mixed tag team match, Sabian b The Dynamic Sensation (TDS) to become #1 contender to Ultimate Hybrid Title, Maverick b Bruno Marciano, VSK b Sean Maluta in 2 straight falls in a Go For the Gold match to win the Ultimate Hybrid Title, DJ Hyde b Ki-Vuta, Big Joe Gomez b Brimstone, All Money Is Legal (K. Murda and K. Pusha) vs. Extreme Horsemen (Papa Don and Anthony) ended in a Double Countout, Campeon Internacional Eddie Guapo b AJ Sabotage, Supreme Lee Great b “Rotten” Tommy Suede, “Samoan Storm” Afa Jr. b Flash Wheeler (Afa Jr. was attacked by Slyck Wagner Brown after the match), Elite Tag Team champions X-Treme Billy Dream and John Bane w/Doc Daniels b The Untouchables (Anthony Michaels and Mark Gore), Devon Moore b Damien Dragon, Steve Corino w/Rob Dimension b Ultimate Champion “Hollywood Bad Boy” Eric Cobian by DQ.
  • August 8, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling C4 – Homecoming 2009 in Drums, Pennsylvania at the Valley Regional Fire and Rescue: AC Anderson (w/Rob Dimension) pinned “Yours Truly” Alex Reynolds. Jana pinned Brooke Carter. Havoc and K. Pusha were co-winners of a 6-WAY with Stigma and Tuck Hanson and Sean Maluta and AJ Sabotage due to a double-pin. Samu pinned an unidentified wrestler (George?), Samu then pinned Mr. Saturday Night. Campeon Internacional Eddie Guapo pinned [INSERT]. “Rotten” Tommy Suede (w/Doc Daniels and the Daniels Dynasty) pinned TJ Masters. Supreme Lee Great pinned The Dynamic Sensation in a career vs career match, but the decision was overturned when the ref discovered a foreign object (that TDS planted on SLG). Extreme Horsemen (Alex Anthony and Papa Don) beat John Bane (w/Doc Daniels) and Tony Burma (substituting for an absent X-Treme Billy Dream, and thereby making it a non-title match). Ultimate Hybrid champion VSK pinned Chrono Chris. Ultimate Heavyweight champion Eric Cobian (w/Daniels Dynasty) pinned Danny DeManto after a caneshot from Doc Daniels. Afa Jr. beat Slyck Wagner Brown in a no DQ match.
  • September 5, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling C4 – Unfinished Business in Allentown, Pennsylvania at the Mountainville Memorial Hall: “Panama City Playboy” Adam Cole pinned Damien Dragon after a low kick. Chrono Chris pinned JP Hustler. Flash pinned Kekoa the Flyin Hawaiian. “Yours Truly” Alex Reynolds (with butler Maxwell Belvidere) pinned Tuck Hanson (with Mikey Whipwreck temporarily neutralizing Belvidere’s interference). Mercedes Martinez beat Nikki Roxx and Jana in a 3-WAY Elimination match to become the first WXW C4 Women’s champion. DJ Hyde pinned “The Premiere Athlete” Tony Ace (formerly the New York-based Maverick, not to be confused with the Philadelphia based Maverick). The Sons of Samoa (Samu and Afa Jr.) beat The Celtic Saints (Kieran and Michael Mansfield). VSK beat Devon Moore and Sabian and Dynamic Sensation and Sean Maluta and Azrael in a 6-WAY to retain the Ultimate Hybrid title. Adam Cole laid out VSK afterwards and declared himself #1 contender. “Puerto Rican Terror” Havoc and “Big” Joe Gomez (in his last match before reporting to WWE’s developmental territory) beat “Big Time” Tony Burma and AJ Sabotage. Untouchables (Mark Gore and Anthony Michael Givens) beat Steak and Shake (Greg Excellent and Joe Gacy). Campeon Internacional Eddie Guapo pinned Joey Braggioli. The Extreme Horsemen (Steve Corino and Papa Don and Alex Anthony and AC Anderson w/Rob Dimension) b The Daniels Dynasty (Tommy Suede and Eric Cobian and John Bane and Billy Dream, who isn’t part of the Dynasty but is forced to team with them due to co-holding the titles) in an 8-Man Elimination match with Steve Corino finishing as the SOLE SURVIVOR – – Notes: Afterwards, Daniels and Cobian used a barbed wire baseball bat on AC, leading to Commissioner Maven Bentley signing Cobian vs. Anderson in a barbed wire match for next month.
  • October 3, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling C4 – Halloween Mayhem: Barbed Wire Brutality in Allentown, Pennsylvania at the East Side Youth Center: “Panama City Playboy” Adam Cole won a Battle Royal, Dasher Hatfield (debut) b Blake Haze, “The Puerto Rican Terror” Havoc and EJ Risk b “Chainsaw” Joe Gacy and Ryan Slater, Alex Anthony b “The Gift” John Bane, Niya (female) b Chrono Chris and Rex Taylor and J-Weezy and Johnny Ego in a 5-WAY Elimination match, Adam Cole b Steve Corino thanks to help from The Daniels Dynasty (After the match Cole rejected an offer to join the Dynasty), Sean Maluta b “TDS” The Dynamic Sensation (Maluta also rejected an offer to join the Daniels Dynasty only to be attacked from behind from the newest Dynasty member, TDS), Eric Cobian b “The Extreme Enforcer” A.C. Anderson to retain the Ultimate World title after Doc Daniels threw a fireball in Anderson’s face.
  • October 10, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling C4 – Halloween Mayhem: Stretchered Out in Drums, Pennsylvania at the Regional Fire and Rescue Hall: Sean Maluta pinned “Yours Truly” Alex Reynolds (with butler Maxwell Belvidere). Celtic Saints beat Rex Taylor and JP Hustler and AJ Sabotage and Wigeezy in a 3-WAY Tag Team match. TJ Masters and Hardcore Cappy defeated “Rotten” Tommy Suede and George Costanza. Nyia pinned Johnny Ego in an intergender match. Tuck Hanson pinned Chrono Chris. Ultimate Hybrid Champion VSK pinned Havoc. Ult imate Heavyweight Champion Eric Cobian pinned Joey Braggiol. Referee Rob Lick relayed a message from Commissioner Maven Bentley that the Elite Tag Team Titles are now held up, since X-Treme Billy Dream has failed to appear for several shows and defend them with partner John Bane. Extreme Horsemen (Alex Anthony and AC Anderson w/Rob Dimension) beat Daniels Dynasty (John Bane and The Dynamic Sensation) in a stretcher match.
  • November 7, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling C4 – BLAST TV Taping in Allentown, Pennsylvania at the Mountainville Memorial Hall: “Chainsaw” Joe Gacy b Rich Swann and Tyler Veritas (pinned) in a 3-WAY. Tuck Hanson b King Bash Mantis and Ryan Slater and AJ Sabotage and EJ Risk and J-Weezy in a 6-WAY Elimination match. Johnny Ego beat Niya. DJ Hyde pinned Izzy Kensington. Adam Cole pinned VSK for Ultimate Hybrid Title. “Second to None” Alex Anthony (w/Rob Dimension) beat The Dynamic Sensation (w/Doc Daniels) by DQ when Daniels Dynasty members “The Gift” John Bane and Cobian attacked (AC Anderson cleared the ring with a chair). Campeon Internacional Guapo beat Havoc by DQ in a “Montreal rules” match when he went over the top rope and the ref thought Havoc dumped him out for the DQ. Damien Dragon and Chrono Chris beat Wes Dravin and Javi Air. AC Anderson (w/Rob Dimension) beat Cobian (w/Doc Daniels) in a Strap match for Ultimate World Heavyweight Title.
  • December 5, 2009 – World Xtreme Wrestling C4 – BLAST TV Taping in Allentown, Pennsylvania at the Mountainville Memorial Hall: Havoc pinned Johnny Ego. Mercedes Martinez pinned Brittney Savage in an Empress of the Ring Tournament match. Niya pinned Jana in an Empress of the Ring Tournament match. Pryme Tyme Amy Lee pinned Alicia in an Empress of the Ring Tournament match. Annie Social defeated Roxie Cotton by submission in an Empress of the Ring Tournament match. Unified Heavyweight Champion AC Anderson pinned Danny Demanto. Mercedes Martinez vs. Niya ended in a time limit draw in an Empress of the Ring Semi-final match (Commissioner Maven Bentley allowed both to advance to the finals). Amy Lee pinned Annie Social in an Empress of the Ring Semi-final match. Sons of Samoa (Samu and Afa Jr) and Alicia defeated “The Gift” John Bane and The Dynamic Sensation and Doc Daniels. Prymetyme Amy Lee beat Mercedes Martinez and Niya in a 3-WAY Elimination Final to win the Empress of the Ring Tournament.
  • May 7, 2010 – WXW C4 – Blast TV Tapings in Allentown, Pennsylvania at the New Mountainville Memorial Hall: Johnny Ego w/ JD Lash b Rick Swann, J-Weezy b Sgt. RJR, Alex Anthony b Lucaprario, “The Great” Samu b Campeon Internacional Guapo in a Non-Title Contest, Mikey Valentino and Niya b Havoc and Jamilia Craft, Rob Fury and All-Star Lou vs. Joe Hardway and Adam Cole ended in a No Contest, Doc Daniels explained that he was in a car accident and accuses Lance Anoa’i of causing the “life threatening” wreck, Afa Jr. b Eric Cobian, Steve Corino b Sabian and Devon Moore and K-Pusha and The Jamacan Hit Squad, Lance Anoa’i b TDS (afterwards the WXW C4 fans rioted!), David Rose b DJ Hyde to retain the Hybrid Championship, AC Anderson b Tommy Suade by DQ after interference by Eric Cobian to retain the World title (Cobian attacked Anderson with a Steel Chair and handed the “Smoking Gun” to Suade).

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