WWE Money in the Bank 2016

WWE Money in the Bank
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Date: June 19, 2016

The 2016 WWE Money In the Bank Kickoff pre-show opens up from Las Vegas as fans file into the new T Mobile Arena. Renee Young is joined by Corey Graves, Booker T and Lita. They hype the show before going back to Tom Phillips in the Social Media Lounge. We go back to a video on John Cena vs. AJ Styles. We go back to the panel and Graves goes with Cena while the other 2 go with AJ. Renee and Graves hypes tonight’s pre-show matches.

Goldust and R-Truth vs. R-Truth vs. Tyler Breeze and Fandango

We go to the ring after more hype for tonight’s matches. Golden Truth make their way out first. Breezango are out next and they’re just about purple the tans are so bad. They sell it too. Truth and Fandango start off but Fandango is in pain from the sunburn. Truth takes advantage. Goldust and Truth come in to double team Breeze. Goldust and Breeze go at it now.

Truth comes back in and mounts Fandango in the corner with right hands. Fandango turns it around with a distraction from Breeze. Truth gets double teamed in the opposite corner now. Truth catches Fandango with a big kick and both go down but fans rally. Goldust unloads on Breeze. Goldust nails Breeze and ducks a double clothesline. Breeze is pulled out by Truth while Goldust hits is finisher on Fandango for the win.

Winners: Golden Truth

– Still to come The Dudleyz vs. Lucha Dragons and a MITB preview.

– Sami Zayn walks up on Stardust backstage and wants to talk. Cesaro isn’t in the mood to talk and tells Sami to do it his way, Cesaro will do it his. Cesaro walks off. Renee leads us to a video package for MITB.

– We go back to the panel for hype on tonight’s Ladder Match. We take a break and see footage from earlier of Roman Reigns arriving. Tom Phillips is backstage with Natalya and Dana Brooke for fan Twitter questions. Becky talks about Bret Hart and Mick Foley being inspirations growing up. Natalya names Bret, Shawn Michaels and Randy Savage.

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Lucha Dragons

We go back to Mauro Ranallo and Byron Saxton at ringside. Sin Cara and Kalisto are out first. Bubba Ray Dudley starts off talking trash and shoving Kalisto. D-Von Dudley ends up tagging and taking Kalisto to the corner. Bubba misses a cheap shot.

The Lucha Dragons end up clearing and the ring and nailing dives. They do the “lucha!” chant and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Bubba is in control of Sin Cara as fans chant for tables. More back and forth. Bubba with a suplex for a 2 count. Bubba talks trash about taking the mask off. He mocks Sin Cara and gets dropkicked. D-Von and Kalisto tag in. Kalisto unloads and takes out Bubba. He hits a springboard corkscrew on D-Von, and then takes his knee out. Kalisto slams D-Von with his legs and springboards in with a senton for 2. The Dudleyz hit a Doomsday Device but Cara breaks the pin. The Dudleyz collide on accident and get rolled up for 2. D-Von gets sent to the floor. Kalisto hits Salida del Sol. Cara tags in with a Dragon Bomb for the win.

Winners: The Lucha Dragons

– We go back to the panel for discussion on tonight’s main event.

– We go back to the panel for discussion on tonight’s main event. They also show a video package for tonight’s main event to wrap the pre-show.

– The 2016 WWE Money In the Bank pay-per-view opens with a Las Vegas theme video.

– We’re live from Las Vegas as the pyro goes off and we see ladders everywhere. Michael Cole welcomes us and he’s joined by JBL and Byron Saxton.

Fatal 4 Way for the WWE Tag Team Titles: Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Vaudevillains vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. The New Day

We go right to the ring and out come Enzo Amore and Big Cass to a big pop. Out next come The Vaudevillains as we see the international announce teams in the arena. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are out next. WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day are out next to a pop.

Big E, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods mock their opponents as they head to the ring. A big “New Day rocks” chant starts as they get ready to start. Kofi starts off with Anderson. Anderson drops him with a shoulder. Kofi runs the ropes and hits a dropkick for a 2 count. Gallows tags in and unloads on Kofi in the corner. Another tag to Anderson for more double teaming. Enzo and Kofi clear the ring but Kofi rolls Enzo up from behind for 2. Enzo is surprised. Kofi and Enzo go at it trading holds now.

Big E tags and stares down Cass. Aiden English quickly tags himself in but Big E suplexes him. Big E ends up splashing Aiden on the apron for a 2 count. All four teams face off and start brawling. It comes down to Enzo, Cass, Kofi and Big E. The Vaudevillains double team Kofi in the corner again. Simon Gotch with a 2 count. More back and forth. English with a 2 count on Kofi. More back and forth. Kofi and Anderson both go down in the middle of the ring. Enzo and English come in and go at it. Gallows sends Enzo flying to the floor. Gallows goes on and floors Enzo with a boot for a 2 count. Enzo counters Gallows for a close 2 count. Cass comes back in and cleans house of just about everyone. Cass launches Enzo out to everyone else. They hit the Launcher but Gallows stops the pin. Cass nails Gallows. Someone takes Cass out on the floor. It’s Enzo and Gotch going at it now. They hit the Whirling Dervish on Kofi but Gallows breaks it at 2. Big E spears Gotch to the floor. Kofi takes out Aiden in the ring. More back and forth. The end comes when Anderson and Gallows take out the champs, then hit Magic Killer on English but Big E stops the pin. Cass boots Gallows to the floor. Big and Kofi with the double team on Anderson for the win.

Winners: The New Day

– After the match, the champions celebrate.

– Kevin Owens is backstage with Tom Phillips when Chris Jericho interrupts, then Alberto Del Rio. They all have words for tonight’s big match.

Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler

Baron Corbin makes his way out first followed by Dolph Ziggler as we see more international announcers in the arena. Ziggler tries to go for the leg early on.

Corbin misses a dropkick but comes right back in. Ziggler goes for a bunch offense but gets nailed by a big right hand. Corbin unloads now. Fans try to chant for Ziggler but Corbin brushes them off and keeps Ziggler down. Ziggler fights back and slides Corbin to the floor. He runs right back in with a huge clothesline for a 2 count.

Corbin keeps grounded now. Ziggler fights up and out but gets dropped into the rope. Corbin with more lefts, rights and boots on Ziggler. Corbin talks some trash now. Fans chant “boring” at him. Corbin drops Ziggler with a right hand. Corbin poses to boos. Corbin talks trash again. Ziggler fights back with strikes and headbutts. Ziggler unloads, hits the splash in the corner and a neckbreaker. Corbin ends up blocking the Fame-asser and blocking the superkick, then nailing a close 2 count.

Corbin catches another Fame-asser and sends him into the turnbuckles. Ziggler nails the Fame-asser this time but only for 2. Ziggler goes on and readies for Sweet Chin Music but Corbin ducks and rolls to the floor. Ziggler runs around, slips on the steel steps and Corbin drops him on the floor with Deep Six. Ziggler barely makes it back in the ring before the 10 count. Both are down in the ring now. Corbin gets up and works Ziggler over. Corbin stands tall and gets some boos. End of Days and the Fame-asser are blocked but Ziggler nails a superkick for a 2 cont. Ziggler goes on and ends up on the top rope. Corbin crotches him. Corbin with elbows. Ziggler fights off a superplex and sends Corbin down. Corbin sends Ziggler to the mat and nails a big End of Days for the win.

Winner: Baron Corbin

– After the match, Corbin stands tall as we go to replays. We come back to Corbin standing tall before leaving while Ziggler is still down.

Charlotte and Dana Brooke vs. Becky Lynch and Natalya

We go to the ring and out first comes Dana Brooke with WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte. Becky Lynch is out first for her team. Natalya is out next to a pop.

Dana and Natalya start things off going at it. Charlotte ends up in and Natalya tags Becky for a Hart Attack. Dana comes in but eats a double hip toss. Natalya and Becky stand tall in the ring as their opponents regroup on the floor. Becky brings Charlotte back in for a 1 count. Natalya tags and gets a roll up of her own. Natalya fights them both off but gets a big boot from Charlotte as Dana was holding her foot. More of Charlotte and Dana in control. They double team and pose over Natalya. Dana with a 1 count and more kicks. Charlotte comes in and keeps Natalya grounded now.

Becky finally gets a hot tag and unloads on both. She hits the exploder for a 2 count as Dana breaks the pin. Dana checks on Charlotte but Becky comes in with a double missile for a 2 count on Charlotte. Natalya comes back in with offense. She drops Charlotte but gets thrown into the turnbuckles for a close 2 count. Natalya applies the Sharpshooter but it’s broken. Natalya and Becky end up running into each other, allowing Charlotte to hit Natural Selection on Natalya for the win.

Winners: Charlotte and Dana Brooke

– After the replays, Natalya and Becky look on while Dana and Charlotte taunt them from the stage area. Natalya attacks Becky out of nowhere and beats her up. Fans boo. Natalya walks to the back on her own. We see Becky recovering in the ring and fans cheer for her. Back to commercial.

– Backstage interview with Tom Phillips and Dean Ambrose talking about he will win the briefcase and be the king of the jungle. Regarding the main event, he believes Roman will have fun beating up Rollins.

Sheamus vs. Apollo Crews

We go to the ring and out comes Sheamus. We see his recent attack backstage at RAW. Apollo Crews is out next to a pop.

Sheamus unloads on Crew before the bell even rings. It rings and Sheamus takes Crews down and keeps him grounded. Crews ends up sending Sheamus over the top rope but Sheamus hits an Irish Curse backbreaker on the floor. The referee counts now. Sheamus with a kick to the bat. They come back in and Sheamus hits a massive clothesline. Sheamus with more big offense as fans boo him. Crews keeps trying to fight back but Sheamus takes him to the mat.

Sheamus with a bunch of forearms but Crews eventually gets up. More back and forth. Sheamus with another 2 count after a big forearm. Sheamus keeps Crews grounded once again. Crews rolls Sheamus up out of nowhere for a 2 count. They run the ropes and Crews hits clotheslines, then a splash in the corner. Crews goes on and drops Sheamus with an enziguri for a 2 count.

Crews sends Sheamus over to the rope and follows up with a big moonsault to the floor. Crews with a close 2 count. More back and forth between both me now. Crews goes to the top but Sheamus crotches him. Sheamus nails a super White Noise for a 2 count. Crews takes advantage of an upset Sheamus arguing with the referee and rolls him up for 2.

Winner: Apollo Crews

– After the match, Sheamus is furious as we go to replays. We come back to Crews making his exit and celebrating while Sheamus argues with the official.

– We get a video package for the next match.

AJ Styles vs. John Cena

We go to the ring and out first comes AJ Styles to a pop. John Cena is out next to a very mixed reaction.

The crowd is going wild as they wait to lock up. Fans chant for AJ before the two even lock up. Cena looks on and they both smirk. The bell rings and here we go. More dueling chants and a stalemate. They go to lock up and Cena takes AJ down by a headlock. AJ with one of his own. AJ drops Cena and gets a little excited. Fans chant for AJ. Cena ends up countering moves and launching AJ across the ring with a monkey flip. Cena goes for an Attitude Adjustment but it’s blocked. Cena mocks AJ and gets leveled. More back and forth, dueling chants. They trade strikes again. Cena with a belly to belly and a 2 count. They fight on the floor now. AJ avoids a shot into the steps and runs back in the ring, challenges Cena to come in. Cena does and AJ drops him. AJ goes on and drops a big knee for a close 2 count.

Styles with a suplex and some trash talking. Cena fights up but goes down after crashing in the corner. AJ with a nasty kick. Cena counters with a huge back body drop. Cena hits the flying shoulder tackle but AJ blocks the next and they both go down. AJ keeps Cena grounded with a chinlock now.

Cena fights out of the headlock and hits shoulder tackles. AJ blocks it all. More back and forth. Cena drops AJ and fans start booting. He goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but AJ counters and sends Cena out. AJ launches himself out of the ring and goes back in to stand tall for a mixed reaction. AJ runs the ropes again and dives out but Cena moves and AJ crashes hard. Cena brings it back in the ring and goes for an AA but AJ blocks it and unloads. AJ keeps control but Cena ends up putting him in the STF as the crowd goes wild. AJ makes it to the bottom rope and breaks the hold.

Cena takes them to the top but AJ avoids and brings them both to the mat. Cena goes to dump AJ to the apron it looks like but AJ gets twisted up in the ropes, hits hard. They go on and Cena goes for a super Attitude Adjustment but it’s blocked. AJ springboards in for a Phenomenal Forearm but Cena catches him in position for an AA. AJ turns that into a Calf Crusher as the crowd goes wild. Cena finally makes it to the bottom rope and the hold had to be broken. More back and forth. Cena with a big clothesline of out nowhere. Cena taunts AJ. He goes for the AA but it’s blocked. Cena nails an AA but Styles kicks out right before 3.

Cena goes to the top and nails the leg drop as Styles gets up but Styles barely turns it into a powerbomb. They both go down. Styles falls on Cena for a close 2 count. Styles lifts Cena and rocks him as we get dueling chants. Cena fights back. AJ ducks a shot and nails a Pelé kick. AJ goes for the Styles Clash and nails it but Cena kicks out at 2. Fans chant “this is awesome” as Styles springboards in with a SSP but Cena gets his knees up. They both trade multiple finishers. Cena ducks a Pelé and AJ blocks a STF. Cena catches AJ for an AA and the referee gets kicked. He goes down. Cena has AJ pinned for the win but there’s no referee. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson run down to hit Magic Killer. They place AJ on top of Cena and the referee wakes up to count the pin.

Winner: AJ Styles

– After the match, AJ celebrates and we go to replays as it appears he doesn’t realize how he won. AJ makes his exit alone as Cena tries to recover in the ring. AJ stops at the entrance and raises his arms.

– We get a video package for tonight’s MITB match.

Money In the Bank Ladder Match: Chris Jericho vs. Cesaro vs. Sami Zayn vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Kevin Owens vs. Dean Ambrose

We go to the ring and out first comes Chris Jericho. Cesaro is out next as we see the Cesaro Section. Sami Zayn is out next to a pop. Alberto Del Rio follows and he’s the only one in this match to win in the past. Kevin Owens is out next to a pop. Dean Ambrose is out last and he gets the best reactions. The bell rings and they all start brawling. Everyone goes to the floor but Jericho and Owens. The “ole!” chants start up. Ambrose dives out and nails Owens. Jericho brings a ladder in but Cesaro uppercuts him. Del Rio goes to work on Cesaro. They trade tilt-a-whirl backbreakers. Cesaro with uppercuts. Cesaro gets sent to the apron but he kicks Del Rio and sends a ladder into Jericho. More back and forth, Sami runs the ropes and dives out onto everyone else. Sami and Owens go at it now. Owens with a big kick to the face.

Jericho and Cesaro go at it in the ring now. Jericho keeps control using the ladder. He wastes time and plays to the crowd. Ambrose comes in and unloads on Jericho. Jericho snap suplexes Ambrose on the ladder with a counter. Jericho beats on Ambrose over and over with a ladder leg. Del Rio takes Jericho down. Cesaro with uppercuts for Ambrose, Jericho and Del Rio. A superkick from Owens stops the Uppercut Train. Cesaro goes face first into a ladder propped up in the corner. Owens with corner cannonballs on Ambrose and Del Rio. Sami blocks the next with an exploder. Sami has control now. He brings a ladder in while everyone else is down. He climbs but Del Rio stops him. Del Rio turns Sami upside down in a corner. He goes outside and nails Ambrose with a ladder. Alberto comes back in and bridges a ladder over the upside down Sami. Owens takes an enziguri from Del Rio. Sami escapes but Del Rio slams Sami on the corner ladder bridge. Del Rio takes Ambrose out in the corner and climbs. Jericho meets him on the ladder. Jericho goes down on his knee. Del Rio grabs the briefcase but Cesaro meets him on the other side.

More chaos at the end with counters. Jericho climbs up but Ambrose pulls him down and climbs up. Jericho climbs back up but here comes Sami. Owens pushes them both over on the ladder. Del Rio nails a Backstabber on Owens from the ladder. More back and forth. Cesaro with a Cesaro Swing on Del Rio. Jericho also catches a Swing but into a ladder. Ambrose ends up hitting a big elbow on Cesaro from up high. Fans chant “this is awesome” now. Owens launches a ladder into Ambrose’s back. Owens goes to the top and hits a frogsplash on Ambrose while he’s on a ladder. Sami and Owens brawl in the ring now. Sami nails a nasty Michinoku Driver right on top of the edge of a ladder and a “holy shit” chant breaks out.

Fans chant “ole!” as Sami climbs for the briefcase. Del Rio stops him and beats him repeatedly with another ladder. Del Rio with a big DDT to the mat. Del Rio makes a bridge from the turnbuckle to the ladder. Sami fights with Del Rio. Jericho comes up the other side of the ladder. Here comes Cesaro as well. Cesaro also has a bridge built on the other side. Everyone fights it out up on the ladder structure now. It’s down to Ambrose, Sami, Jericho and Ambrose on there now. They all fight for the case. Cesaro and Del Rio get back into the mix as all 6 grab foe the case. Del Rio and Cesaro tumble to the ropes. Jericho and Ambrose fall to the mat. Sami goes up for the case but Jericho runs the ladder bridge and stops him. Jericho goes for it but Ambrose stops him. Ambrose with Dirty Deeds from the bridge. Sami climbs up again but Owens pulls him down. Owens with a pop-up powerbomb on a ladder bridge. Owens climbs up and fights Ambrose at the top. Owens gets knocked off to the bridge. Ambrose grabs the briefcase for the win.

Winner: Dean Ambrose

– After the match, Ambrose stand at the top of the ladder with the case as fans pop. We go to replays and come back to Ambrose raising the case on top of the ladder.

– We go to the panel for some discussion about tonight.

WWE United States Title Match: Titus O’Neil vs. Rusev

We go to the ring and Lana makes the introduction for WWE United States Champion Rusev. Titus O’Neil is out next and he greets his sons at ringside. Rusev comes out and they both collide on the floor. The referee ends up counting but Titus destroys Rusev on the floor. Rusev sends Titus to the steps and comes back in while the referee counts. Titus makes it back in before the 8 count and Rusev unloads.

Rusev keeps control and hits a spin kick for a close 2 count. Rusev wastes time and yells but stands tall over Titus. More of Rusev in control. He keeps Titus grounded and taunts him in front of his kids. Titus finally fights back and they get physical. Rusev misses on the corner and Titus nails a big slam for a 2 count.

Titus with the big kick to the face and a slam for a close 2 count. Rusev ends up going for The Accolade but it’s fought off. More back and forth, on the floor and back in. The end comes with The Accolade.

Winner: Rusev

– After the match, Rusev goes to ringside and mocks Titus’ sons, wishing everyone a Happy Father’s Day, calling him a loser.

– We get a video for tonight’s main event.

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns

Out first comes Seth Rollins to a pop. Boos start up before WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns even makes his way out. We get formal ring introductions from Lilian and Reigns gets mostly boos.

Slow to start with some stalling. They trade shoulders and hit a big dropkick. Rollins sends Reigns out and nails a dive through the ropes. Rollins brings it back in and hits a pair of running forearms in the corner. Reigns with a Samoan Drop. More back and forth. Reigns with another close 2 count. Reigns comes off the ropes and drops Rollins. Reigns talks trash and beats Rollins around in the corner.

More back and forth as Reigns gets upset. They end up on the floor and Rollins goes over the announce table. Reigns goes back and takes apart the table but Rollins rolls back in. Reigns continues controlling Rollins and slams him into the apron. Rollins sends Reigns into the steel steps. They come back in and Reigns hits a big Razor’s Edge into a powerbomb for a 2 count. Rollins blocks a Superman punch and sends him into the turnbuckle. Rollins ends up dropkicking Reigns to the floor. Rollins runs and dives to the floor, sending Reigns to the barrier. Rollins goes for another crazy dive and hits it. Rollins brings it back in and hits Slingblade for a 2 count. Rollins springboards in but Reigns ducks. Rollins blocks Superman punch. Reigns blocks Pedigree. Reigns hits another Superman but Rollins kicks out at 2. Rollins blocks a spear with a knee. Rollins with a kick from the apron. Rollins springboards in with a knee to the head. Rollins goes to the top and hits a frogsplash for a close 2 count. Rollins goes up and Reigns rocks him. They trade holds and reversals in the corner. Rollins with a corner powerbomb and a big kick to the face but Reigns still kicks out at 2. Rollins with several charging forearms in the corner. Rollins goes up but Reigns pushes him to the mat. Rollins climbs back up but Reigns sends him back down. Rollins runs back up for a superplex. He holds it for the Falcon’s Arrow for a 2 count. Reigns fights off a Pedigree. Reigns with a huge right hand. Reigns ducks a kick and rolls him up. Reigns with a powerbomb for 2. They finally get up trading shots. Reigns drops Rollins. More brawling. Reigns comes out of a corner powerbomb with a big Superman punch for a 2 count.

Reigns goes for a spear on the floor but Rollins moves and Reigns crashes into the barrier. Officials and a trainer come out to check on Reigns as he stumbles to his feet. Rollins runs over and brings him in the ring anyway. Rollins goes for a Pedigree but Reigns rams him into the referee. Reigns nails a spear and covers for the win but the referee is slow to get up and Rollins kicks out at 2. Reigns goes for another spear but Rollins catches him in a Pedigree for a close 2 count. Rollins ends up getting the win and the title.

Winner and New WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Seth Rollins

– After the match, Rollins celebrates until Dean Ambrose’s music hits.

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins

Ambrose comes from behind and nails Dirty Deeds for the title.

Winner and New WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Dean Ambrose

– After the bell, Ambrose grabs his title and celebrates with fans. MITB goes off the air with the new champion.

Courtesy of www.lordsofpain.net