WWE Hell in a Cell PPV
Location: Miami, FL
Date: October 27, 2013
Commentators: Michael Cole, JBL, and Jerry Lawler
The 2013 WWE Hell in a Cell Kickoff pre-show starts with a shot of the Cell hanging high above the ring as fans file into the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida. Josh Mathews welcomes us. He’s joined on the panel by Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth and Kaitlyn. They talk about tonight’s show.
– We go backstage to Renee Young in the social media lounge. The hashtag for tonight is #WWEHellInACell. There’s a Mr. Hell in a Cell poll on Facebook tonight and options are Undertaker, Triple H, Mick Foley, Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels.
– Vickie Guerrero is backstage when The Miz walks up. He wants a match against Bray Wyatt tonight. She says Miz isn’t medically cleared so she can’t sanction him in a match. Miz says there will be a fight then and he walks of.
– Big E Langston is at the panel now. He talks about CM Punk’s Hell in a Cell match tonight with the panelists.
– More hype for tonight’s matches. Mathews talks to The Shield, who are somewhere backstage. They feel it’s an injustice they have to get their title shot in a three-way tonight. Big E and Dean Ambrose end up having words. Big E challenges him to a title match tonight. Ambrose downplays Big E like he’s just some NXT rookie. Ambrose says Big E doesn’t deserve a title shot. Big E tells him to back it up and put the title on the line. Ambrose says he will teach a lesson to Big E later tonight.
– More hype for Cena’s return.
Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston
We go to the ring and out comes Damien Sandow. He cuts a promo and mentions John Cena’s return. Kofi Kingston is out next. They go at it to start the match and we cut to more promos.
Back from the break and Sandow is in control. He nails the Elbow of Disdain for a close 2 count. Sandow keeps Kofi grounded and slams him into the mat. Sandow with an abdominal stretch now. Sandow goes to the top but Kofi cuts him off and sends him to the mat. Kofi makes a comeback with chops and a dropkick. Kofi with the big right hand and a Boom Drop. Sandow ducks Trouble in Paradise. Kofi blocks a back drop and kicks Sandow in the head. Kofi springboards in with a crossbody and covers for 2. We see Rey Mysterio on the Spanish commentary team tonight. Kofi with another springboard in for a 2 count. Sandow ends up getting the win with the full nelson slam.
Winner: Damien Sandow
– We go backstage to Renee Young, who is reading some Hell in a Cell tweets. The fans voted on Facebook and Mr. Hell in a Cell is The Undertaker with 81% of the vote.
– We get more hype for tonight’s matches.
– The 2013 WWE Hell in a Cell pay-per-view kicks off with hype for tonight’s matches. Michael Cole, JBL and Jerry Lawler are our announcers.
WWE triple threat tag team title match: The Usos vs. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns vs. WWE tag team champions Cody Rhodes and Goldust
We go to the ring and out first comes WWE Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Goldust. The Usos are out next. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns come through the crowd without Dean Ambrose. A brawl starts to kick this one off.
Lots of back and forth and tags. Rollins works over Goldust now. Rollins comes back in from beating up Goldust and covers for a 2 count. Goldust fights out of a headlock but Rollins knocks Cody off the apron. Reigns tags in and they keep Goldust in their corner. 2 count by Reigns. Goldust fights out of a hold and backslides Reigns for 2. Reigns comes right back with a big elbow to the face for another pin attempt.
Fans chant for Goldust as he makes a comeback but Reigns shuts him back down. Goldust drops Reigns with a DDT. Rollins tags in and dropkicks Cody off the apron. Goldust back drops Rollins and tries to tag but Cody is down on the floor. Reigns tags back in. Goldust sends him to the floor by pulling the top rope down. Reigns pulls one of the Usos off the apron as Goldust went to make a tag. Reigns goes back to work on Goldust and slams him for a 2 count as Cody breaks the pin. Cody unloads on Reigns as there’s no disqualification in this one with Triple Threat rules. Cody is backed out of the ring by the referee. Reigns grabs Goldust and whips him hard into the corner. Reigns taunts Cody and runs his mouth to Goldust. Reigns throws Goldust into the corner and continues taunting him.
Reigns calls Goldust an old man and tells him to get up. Goldust catches Reigns in a big powerslam. Goldust finally tags Cody in. He takes Rollins out with a dropkick and takes Reigns off the apron. Cody with more offense and a 2 count. Lots more back and forth with everyone out on the floor at two different times. The end comes when Goldust assists and Cody nails Cross Rhodes on Rollins for the win.
Winners: Goldust and Cody Rhodes
– We see Shawn Michaels and Triple H backstage talking.
– They air a promo for John Cena’s Fast Lane app.
– We go to the ring and out comes The Miz.
Miz says Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family have stalked him for weeks, talking about what they did to him on SmackDown. Miz says he’s not cleared to wrestle tonight but that doesn’t mean he can’t fight. Miz tells Bray to get off his Cracker Barrel rocking chair and come fight. He says to leave Erick Rowan and Luke Harper, just come fight. The Wyatt Family entrance starts up. We see Bray sitting in a rocking chair singing something to himself. Wyatt says it pains him to see Miz like this – broken and disheveled like a man who has nothing to lose. Wyatt says Miz’s words mean less than salt to him. If Miz could only see the monster behind Bray’s eyes. Bray laughs and the lights go back out. They come on and Miz is fighting off Rowan and Harper. He fights them off at first but gets beat down and double teamed. Pyro goes off and out comes Kane.
Kane decks Rowan on the floor and goes to the ring for Harper. They go at it and Kane sends Harper out to the floor. Rowan and Harper back up the ramp as Kane looks on from the ring. Kane grabs Miz and lays him out with a chokeslam. Kane makes the ring explode and his music hits again.
Summer Rae and Fandango vs. Natalya and The Great Khali
We go to the ring and out comes Fandango with Summer Rae. Fandango takes the mic and hushes the crowd. He says Miami known nothing about salsa dancing. There is only one true master of salsa – Fandango, he says. Fandango and Summer do a little salsa dancing. Their opponents The Great Khali and Natalya are out next with Hornswoggle.
Fandango and Khali go at it to start the match. Khali takes control and sends Fandango across the ring. Khali follows for a big chop in the corner. Summer comes in and argues with Khali, which brings Natalya in. Summer charges, they lock up and go at it. They run the ropes and Summer hip tosses Natalya. Summer with a takedown and jackknife cover for a 2 count. Natalya with a 2 count now. Summer nails a dropkick and dances to show off. Natalya trips Summer while she dances and she falls on her face. Natalya with a takedown. Summer counters with a head scissors. They go to their feet and trade holds again. Natalya with a drop toe hold and big slap. Fandango tags in and dances to Natalya. She grabs him for a Sharpshooter but he retreats to the floor. Hornswoggle mocks Fandango. Fandango grabs him but Khali makes the save. Khali brings Fandango in the ring over the top rope. Fandango dropkicks Khali’s leg and starts working it over.
Fandango taunts Natalya and dodges a slap from her. He turns around to a big shot from Khali. Fandango runs into a big boot and goes back down. Fandango slides out of a big slam and tags in Summer. She dances and tries to distract Khali. Natalya comes in and slaps her to the mat. Natalya with a suplex and a sitdown slam. More back and forth. Natalya with a kick and an Anvil clothesline. Natalya goes for a Sharpshooter but Summer blocks it and rolls her up for the win.
Winners: Fandango and Summer Rae
– We go back to Kaitlyn, R-Truth, Dolph Ziggler and Josh Mathews on the panel to talk about what’s happened so far on the pay-per-view.
WWE United States title match: Big E Langston vs. WWE United States champion Dean Ambrose
We go to the ring and out first comes WWE United States Champion Dean Ambrose through the crowd. Big E Langston is out next to a decent reaction.
Ambrose taunts Big E after the bell rings. They come face to face and Dean slaps him. Big E shoves him to the mat and covers for a 2 count. More offense and a pin attempt from Big E. Langston takes Ambrose to the corner and works him over. Big shoulder thrust from Big E. Ambrose ducks a clothesline but leaps into Big E’s arms. E drops him with a backbreaker. Ambrose turns it around in the corner with chops. Ambrose hits him but Big E powers back and stares at him. Big E turns it around easily. Big E with high knees now. He scoops Ambrose up over his shoulder and drops him on the mat. E with another pin attempt and a bear hug.
Ambrose pulls Langston into the ring while they’re on the floor. Big E comes back in at the 5 count and Ambrose stomps away. Ambrose tries to suplex Big E back in but it’s blocked. Ambrose instead runs Big E into the ring post and he falls out to the floor. Langston comes back in but Ambrose stomps away. Ambrose keeps control and works Big E over in the corner some more. Ambrose leans Big E into the ropes and hits a dropkick to the chest. Ambrose covers for a 2 count. Ambrose with a clutch but Big E powers to his feet with Ambrose on his back. Ambrose tries for a sleeper and gets it locked in. Langston rams him back into the corner and nails a pair of clotheslines. Big E with a backdrop and a big splash for 2.
More back and forth. Big E with a belly to belly suplex for a 2 count. Langston with a headbutt and another splash for a 2 count. Ambrose starts walking away from the ring but Big E brings him back. Ambrose takes control as Big E re-enters the ring. Ambrose drops Big E on his face for another 2 count. Ambrose runs into the ring post. Big E runs the ropes and spears Ambrose from the apron but they both hit hard on the floor. The referee starts his count. Ambrose stumbles to his feet but doesn’t make it back in the ring.
Winner by Count Out: Big E Langston
– After the match, Ambrose grabs his title and goes to leave the ringside area. Big E runs back to him, brings him in the ring and nails a Big Ending. Langston stands over Ambrose and holds up the United States Title.
– The Cell begins to lower around the ring as we get a promo video for the next match.
Handicap Hell In a Cell match: CM Punk vs. Ryback and Paul Heyman
Out first comes CM Punk to a big pop from the crowd. This is the 27th Hell In a Cell match in history. Punk sizes up the Cell before entering. Out next comes Ryback for the second Cell match of his career. Ryback heads towards the Cell with no Paul Heyman yet. Finally, we see a scissors lift start to move near the stage. Paul Heyman is riding on it with a WWE crew member in control. Heyman rides to the Cell on top of the scissor lift. It appears they’re having some trouble getting the lift to steer correctly. The lift is pulled right up to the Cell door, pretty much blocking it. Heyman takes the mic and introduces himself. Heyman says he is the best in hell. The lift starts to lift Heyman up to the top of the Cell. Heyman says he’s Satan himself in WWE and Punk sold himself to the devil a long time ago. Ryback is the man who’s going to collect Punk’s soul for all the dirty deeds Heyman did on Punk’s behalf. Heyman walks out on top of the Cell now. He’s risen from hell and now is on top of the world, he says. Heyman says he owns Punk and that’s it. The bell rings with Heyman still on top of the Cell. Ryback and Punk go at it.
Goldberg chants start as they go at it. Punk takes control and keeps looking up at Heyman. Punk kicks Ryback out of the ring. Punk goes for a suicide dive and they go into the Cell wall. Punk pulls out a kendo stick from under the ring. He swings but Ryback misses. Ryback lifts Punk and rams him hard into the steel. Ryback sends Punk back and forth into the steel. Ryback beats Punk with the kendo stick now and talks some trash. Ryback brings the fight into the ring and keeps using the kendo stick. Heyman cheers Ryback on from the roof of the Cell. Ryback drops Punk with a high elbow. Ryback keeps control and steps on Punk’s head. Ryback with a 2 count. Punk sends Ryback to the floor and goes under the ring for another weapon but Ryback sends him into the steps. Ryback with a boot to the face while Punk is down. Ryback suplexes Punk into the side of the Cell three times and then pushes him to the floor, almost hitting the camera man.
Ryback brings it back in the ring and slams Punk for another 2 count. Ryback with more offense and another 2 count. Punk finally drops Ryback with a high knee to the jaw. Punk springboards in but Ryback catches him in mid-air with a powerslam for a 2 count. Ryback says it’s time to finish it. He goes for Shell Shocked but Punk slides out and ducks a clothesline, sending Ryback into the turnbuckles face first. Punk grabs the kendo stick and nails Ryback with it a few times. We see Heyman looking down from the roof of the Cell. Punk with another kendo stick shot on Ryback. Punk goes to the top rope and nails the big elbow drop for a 2 count. Punk with more kendo stick shots. Punk goes under the ring and brings a table back in. Ryback attacks and sets the table up on its side. Ryback goes for a powerbomb into the table’s edges but Punk slides out. Ryback counters Punk and crotches him over the edges of the table. Heyman laughs from the top of the Cell.
Ryback with another 2 count on Punk. Ryback sets the table up and Heyman tells him to finish Punk. Punk nails Ryback with a low blow. Ryback falls on top of the table. Punk goes to the top and nails the big elbow drop through the table. Heyman looks shocked as fans chant for Punk. They both get up but Punk nails Ryback with the kendo stick. Punk nails GTS and slowly covers for the win.
Winner: CM Punk
– After the bell, Heyman shakes his head from the top of the Cell. Punk grabs another kendo stick from under the ring and puts it in his tights so he can crawl up with it. Punk climbs up the Cell to make his way to Heyman. Heyman pleads with Punk as he approaches. Punk pokes Heyman with the kendo stick. Punk grabs Heyman by the collar and beats him with the kendo stick on top of the Cell. Punk wails away with the kendo stick as fans cheer him on. Punk calls for a GTS and lays Heyman out with it. Punk poses on top of the Cell before his music starts up again.
– Renee Young is backstage with Daniel Bryan to talk about tonight’s main event. Bryan says he finally has a chance to where it’s just he and Randy Orton. And Shawn Michaels of course. Bryan says he hopes Michaels will be a fair referee and do what’s best for business. Bryan says it was Miami where the “yes!” phenomenon started. Bryan says he will reward everyone here and everyone who’s fought from the bottom by winning the WWE Title. Bryan gets a big “yes!” chant going in the arena.
– The Cell is still around the ring because they are helping Paul Heyman down. The announcers talk about tonight’s main event.
Los Matadores vs. Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro
We go to the ring and out comes Fernando and Diego, Los Matadores, with their bull El Torito. Zeb Colter is out next with Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro. Zeb cuts a promo and says Los Matadores belong in a jail cell because they’re illegals. Zeb says the same thing could be said about 80% of the fans in attendance tonight. Zeb runs down Torito. Torito tries to charge him but Matadores hold him back. Zeb calls them border hopping banditos.
Cesaro starts things off with Diego and they go at it. Cesaro goes down after a hurricanrana. More offense from Diego. Cesaro blocks a head scissors takedown and sends Diego to the floor. Swagger tags in and takes out Diego’s knee on the floor. Swagger brings him back in the ring and nails a Swagger Bomb. Cesaro tags in for some double teaming and a 2 count. Real Americans keep control with moves in the corner and more tags. Swagger with big knees to the gut on Diego. Swagger drops him with a clothesline and tags back in Cesaro. Cesaro keeps Diego from making a tag.
Swagger gets dumped to the floor but Cesaro stops Diego from tagging. Cesaro knocks Fernando off the apron with a big boot. Diego rolls Cesaro up for 2. Cesaro hits a very long Cesaro Swing on Diego, probably the longest yet. Cesaro stumbles around but covers Diego for a 2 count as Fernando makes the save. Diego nails a kick. Swagger and Fernando tag in at the same time. Fernando takes control and leaps off the top with a forearm on Swagger. Fernando counters and hits a big DDT for 2 as Cesaro breaks the pin. Diego sends Cesaro to the floor and follows. Cesaro rams him into the barrier. Diego comes off the top on Swagger but Swagger knocks him out of mid-air. Swagger with the ankle lock on Diego. Cesaro pulls the rope back so he can’t reach it. Cesaro gets knocked to the floor. Matadores tag in and hit a double team move on Swagger for the win.
Winners: Los Matadores
– After the match, El Torito comes in the ring to celebrate with Los Matadores. Zeb crawls in the ring and he looks very upset. Matadores surround Zeb. Torito charges but ends up taking out Cesaro, who was trying to save Zeb. Torito sends Zeb to the floor and then leaps from the top out to the floor and takes out Swagger. Matadores and Torito celebrate in the ring as The Real Americans head up the ramp.
– We get a promo video for tonight’s World Heavyweight Title match.
Hell in a Cell match for the WWE world heavyweight title: John Cena vs. WWE world heavyweight champion Alberto Del Rio
We go to the ring and out first comes World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio waving a Mexican flag. Out next comes a returning John Cena to a big mixed reaction.
We get official ring introductions from Lilian Garcia. She introduces Del Rio in Spanish. They lock up and go at it, trading holds. Cena rolls to the floor to take a breather and adjusts the protective sleeve on his arm. Cena comes back in and Del Rio takes control. They break again and Del Rio unloads on Cena with kicks and punches. Cena fights back and backs Del Rio into the corner. Cena nails a bulldog for a 2 count. Del Rio kicks Cena in the face and dropkicks him. Del Rio kicks Cena in the arm, sending him out to the floor. Del Rio goes to the floor and slams Cena’s arm into the steel steps.
Del Rio brings it back in the ring and keeps control of Cena. Cena goes for Del Rio’s leg but Del Rio kicks him off. Cena runs right back but Del Rio catches him with a German suplex for a 2 count. Del Rio goes back to work on Cena’s injured arm. Cena fights to his feet and out of the hold. Cena nails a dropkick on Del Rio. Cena runs into a shoulder and goes back down. Del Rio stomps on the arm. Del Rio goes to the top and comes crashing down on Cena for another 2 count. Del Rio works on the arm once again. We see Damien Sandow watching backstage with his briefcase. Del Rio keeps control of Cena and uses the ropes. Del Rio charges but misses and lands out on the floor.
Del Rio drops Cena as he makes his way back into the ring. Del Rio goes to the top and waits for Cena to get up. Cena dropkicks Del Rio out of mid-air. Cena runs the ropes and hits the usual set of moves for his comeback. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle to a mixed reaction. Cena goes for the AA but Del Rio slides out and nails a Backstabber for a 2 count. Cena blocks the cross armbreaker but runs into the turnbuckles. Del Rio misses an enziguri. Cena nails a tornado DDT for a close 2 count. Cena goes to the top but Del Rio runs up and nails the enziguri for a close 2 count. We see Sandow getting ready backstage. Cena ducks another enziguri but misses the STF. Cena can’t hit the AA either. Del Rio nails a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a 2 count.
Del Rio turns Cena upside down in the corner and charges. Cena pulls himself up and Del Rio runs into the ring post. Cena climbs up and hits a big crossbody for a 2 count. Del Rio drops Cena with an armbar on his bar arm. Del Rio hits the cross armbreaker but Cena rolls through and applies the STF. Del Rio crawls for the ropes and breaks the hold. Del Rio with the super kick to the gut. Del Rio nails a roundhouse to the head and covers for another 2 count. Del Rio applies the cross armbreaker on Cena’s bad arm. Del Rio rolls down the protective sleeve. Cena powers up with the hold still applied and powerbombs Del Rio to break it. Cena goes for the AA but it’s blocked. Cena blocks Del Rio and nails the AA for the win.
Winner and new world heavyweight champion: John Cena
– After the match, Cena celebrates and heads to the back with his title. No cash-in attempt by Damien Sandow.
– We go back to the panel to talk about tonight’s show.
WWE Divas title match: Brie Bella vs. WWE Divas champion AJ Lee
WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee is out first with Tamina Snuka. Brie Bella is out next with her sister Nikki. Some taunting and lots of back and forth to start the match. AJ sends Brie to the floor and Tamina approaches. AJ follows and brings Brie back in for a 2 count.
AJ keeps control and chokes Brie with the ropes. AJ with a neckbreaker. AJ skips around and laughs as fans cheer. Brie cuts her off with a knee to the gut. AJ blocks a neck breaker but gets caught in a bear hug. AJ backs Brie into the corner and breaks the hold. Brie nails a missile dropkick. More back and forth. Brie counters the Black Widow and rolls AJ up with a half crab. Tamina gets on the apron but Nikki pulls her down and they go at it. AJ makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold. Brie accidentally knocks Nikki off the apron when AJ moves out of the way. AJ applies the Black Widow for the win.
Winner: AJ Lee
– There’s a backstage segment with Bob Backlund, Darren Young and Titus O’Neil to promote the WWE 2K14 video game.
– We see Shawn Michaels and Triple H backstage talking again and this time it looks like there’s tension. HBK walks off in his referee gear.
– We get a promo video for tonight’s main event.
Hell In a Cell match for the vacant WWE title: Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton
We go to the ring and out first comes special referee Shawn Michaels. Randy Orton is out next as the Cell hangs high above the ring. Daniel Bryan is out next to a big “yes!” chant. Bryan looks up at the Cell before heading to the ring. Triple H’s music hits next and out he comes with the WWE Title belt in hand. Triple H shows the belt to both Bryan and Orton. Bryan refuses to shake his hand. HBK holds the title up high and the Cell begins to lower around the ring.
The bell rings and the chants starts up. They start trading punches. Orton tosses Bryan out of the ring and follows. Bryan kicks Orton into the steel but he comes back in. Orton rushes in the ring and powerslams Bryan. Bryan drops Orton over the top rope and nails a missile dropkick from the top. Bryan with kicks in the corner now. Bryan dodges Orton and runs the ropes but Orton nails a dropkick. Orton with a pin attempt.
Orton suplexes Bryan and drops Orton over the top rope. Orton takes control and starts stomping on Bryan. Orton drops Bryan’s ribs over the top rope again. Orton sends Bryan flying out of the ring and into the Cell wall. Orton sends Bryan into the steel steps. Orton grabs half of the steps and runs them into Bryan’s shoulder. Orton grabs the other half of the steps and stands it up in front of the Cell wall. Orton shoves Bryan’s face into the chains. Bryan counters and sends Orton flying into the steps and the side of the Cell. Bryan rams Orton’s face into the steel and kicks him. Bryan brings it back in the ring and covers for a 2 count. Bryan with more kicks now.
Bryan turns Orton upside down in the corner and kicks him as the fans chant. Bryan nails the low dropkick as HBK checks on him. Bryan with uppercuts now. Bryan misses a roundhouse kick but dropkicks Orton out of the ring and into the steel. Bryan hits a suicide dive and sends Orton into the steel. Bryan with another dive. Bryan goes to a third dive and Orton side steps, sending Bryan face first into the steel. Orton crotches Bryan against the ring post. Orton with a backbreaker on the floor. Orton brings Bryan back in the ring for a 2 count. Orton takes his time before taking Bryan back to the top. Orton with right hands and headbutts. He climbs up for a superplex but Bryan knocks him back to the mat with a powerbomb.
They trade uppercuts in the middle of the ring. Bryan takes control and unloads on Orton. Bryan takes Orton to the top and nails a hurricanrana. Bryan climbs back up and nail the big headbutt for a 2 count. More back and forth. Bryan applies the Yes Lock. Bryan takes Orton to the floor and runs him into the steel several times. Bryan brings a steel chair from under the ring and hits Orton in the gut with it. Bryan with chair shots to the back now. Bryan brings out several more chairs and starts tossing them into the ring.
Fans chant ECW as Bryan fills the ring with chairs. HBK tries to talk him out of it, it appears. Bryan tells him to get out of his way it sounds like. Bryan with another chair shot to Orton’s back. They come back in the ring. Orton blocks a chair shot and unloads on Bryan with a chair. Orton covers for a 2 count. Orton with a big chair shot to the back and another 2 count. Orton with another chair shot and pin attempt as HBK tries to calm him it looks like. Orton puts all the chairs into one pile in the middle of the ring. Orton takes Bryan to the top for a superplex as the fans cheer. Bryan tries to fight him off. Bryan knocks Orton to his feet. Orton crotches Bryan on the top turnbuckle. Orton climbs back up and superplexes Bryan onto the pile of chairs. Bryan’s legs hit but his back really didn’t hit the center of the pile.
Bryan kicks out at 2. Triple H comes down and is met with an “asshole” chant from the fans. Triple H argues with HBK from outside of the Cell. Orton has control of Bryan and tosses him with a suplex. Orton covers but HBK isn’t there because he’s arguing with Triple H. This leads to more arguing. Orton joins in on the argument. They go back in the ring and Bryan goes for the Yes Lock. Orton fights him off and nails the second rope draping DDT. Triple H is trying to get HBK’s attention by climbing the Cell. Bryan blocks a RKO and inadvertently shoves Orton into Michaels. HBK is down. Triple H and a trainer enter the Cell to check on HBK. Fans boo.
Bryan lays Orton out with the knee and pins him for longer than 3 but there is no referee. Bryan tries to wake HBK up but Triple H shoves Bryan to the mat. Bryan charges and takes out Triple H. HBK stumbles to his feet and nails Sweet Chin Music on Bryan. Orton takes advantage and covers Bryan for the win.
Winner and new WWE champion: Randy Orton
– After the bell, HBK immediately heads to the back. Orton celebrates with his WWE Title as Triple H begins to get up and look around. Hell In a Cell goes off the air.
Source: www.lordsofpain.net