Location: Orlando, FL
Date: June 22, 2016
Tye Dillinger vs. Oney Lorcan
Lorcan forces Dillinger into the corner. The referee forces the break. Dillinger grabs a side headlock, but Lorcan whips him into the rope, but Dillinger bounces off the rope and floors Lorcan with a shoulder block. Lorcan responds with a shoulder block of his own. Lorcan mocks Dillinger’s perfect 10 taunt. After a roll up attempt Lorcan destroys Dillinger with a roaring European uppercut. Dillinger trips Lorcan into the corner. Dillinger stomps Lorcan in the corner. Dillinger hits multiple short arm clotheslines. On the last attempt, Lorcan manages to hit a clothesline on Dillinger. Lorcan lands multiple elbows in the corner. Lorcan goes to the well one time too many, which allows Dillinger to hit a superkick for a two count. Dillinger gets pushed off the top rope during a ten punch spot. Lorcan explodes out of the corner with a flipping neck breaker for the win!
Winner: Oney Lorcan
Backstage, Austin Aries says that losing to Shinsuke Nakamura will not keep him from his goal of winning the NXT title. No Way Jose interrupts and tells Aries that when life tells you no, tell life no way!
No Way Jose vs. Josh Woods
Jose takes Woods over with a huge hip toss. Woods slams Jose down by his hair, mounts him, and lands a few stiff elbows to the face. Woods locks in a rear chin lock, but Jose fights out of it. Jose hits a few lefts and rights. Jose slams Woods with his cobra clutch driver for the pinfall.
Winner: No Way Jose
After the match, Austin Aries walks out and tells Jose that you are not defined by your wins you are defined by your losses. Aries says he when Jose said that he might be able to learn something from him he didn’t know what he could possibly learn from No Way Jose. That said, watching Jose out her this week, he realizes that being here in NXT should be about having fun. Aries says thank you and tries to leave. Jose stops Aries and makes him dance in the ring with him. Aries and Jose dance all over the ring. As they are walking to up the ramp, Aries tells Jose they should go dance on the announce table. As they are dancing on the table, Aries decks Jose. Aries beats Jose back down the ramp and locks in the last chancery.
Earlier today, William Regal is sitting with Shinsuke Nakamura. Regal tells Nakamura that he will get his match with Finn Bálor. Buddy Murphy burst in the room and says he should be sitting at this table and not Nakamura. Nakamura says he will face the King of Strong Style tonight if he wants a challenge.
Bayley vs. Deonna Purrazzo
Purrazzo and Bayley both go for multiple arm drags, but they keep blocking each other’s attempt. Bayley rolls Purrazzo up for a one count. Bayley bodyslams Purrazzo, then whips her into the corner. Bayley lands her corner elbow. Bayley attempts another, but Purrazzo catches her with a clothesline on the way in. Purrazzo follows that with a knee lift for a near fall. Purrazzo basement boots Bayley in the face for another two count. Purrazzo slams Bayley’s head into the turnbuckle, but Bayley fires up and hits a middle rope back elbow. Bayley picks up Purrazzo for the Bayley to belly for the victory.
Winner: Bayley
Nia Jax vs. Liv Morgan
Jax tries to attack before Morgan could take her jacket off. Morgan ducked and slapped on an armbar. Jax picked her up and slam her down to the mat. Jax locks in a cobra clutch but Morgan fights out of it. Morgan manages to take Jax over with a head scissors. Morgan runs to the ropes, but Jax is right behind her. Jax flattens her. Jax grabs Morgan and obliterates her with a powerbomb. It’s over. Morgan isn’t moving.
Winner: Nia Jax
Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Buddy Murphy
Murphy tries a low kick on Nakamura, but Nakamura checks it and responds with a kick of his own. Murphy manages to latch on an arm bar, which Nakamura flips out of and reverses into a rear chin lock. Murphy fights out of it, but ends up eating a high knee, followed by a jumping knee. Nakamura goes for good vibrations twice. On the third attempt Murphy trips him into the corner. Murphy lands a few punches. Murphy attempts vertical suplex, but Nakamura knees Murphy in the head before he can take him over. Nakamura lays Murphy on the top turnbuckle for his roaring corner knee strike. Nakamura takes Murphy over with a reverse exploder suplex. Nakamura calls for and hits the Kinshasa for the win.
Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura
Source: http://www.wrestlezone.com