WWE NXT 03 06 2013

Location: Winter Park, FL
Date: March 6, 2013
Commentators: William Regal and Josh Matthews

The March 6, 2013 edition of NXT is a professional wrestling television show of the WWE, which took place at the Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida.

Adrian Neville defeated Judas Devlin and Scott Dawson in a “2-on-1” handicap match (3:21).

Leo Kruger defeated Yoshi Tatsu (3:01).

Cameron, Naomi, and Sasha Banks defeated Aksana, Alicia Fox, and Audrey Marie (4:24).

Conor O’Brian defeated Bo Dallas and Corey Gravesin a WWE NXT title #1 contenders triple threat match (16:07).

Source:  http://prowrestling.wikia.com