WWE NXT on the Sy-Fy Network
Announcers: Josh Mathews & Michael Cole & Matt Striker
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | Date: March 30, 2010
Matt Striker + NXT Rookies (Heath Slater & Daniel Bryan & David Otunga & Skip Sheffield & Wade Barrett & Justin Gabriel & Michael Tarver & Darren Young): Matt said it was the most important night in the history of NXT. Matt said the NXT rookies have done anything to impress their WWE pros. Matt said tonight they would reveal their pro poll. Matt announced the NXT rookies to the ring. Matt told them they were all judged on 4 criteria; win/loss record, quality of opponents, heart/dedication, and IT factor. Darren Young was #8, Michael Tarver was #7, Skip Sheffield was #6, David Otunga was #5, Heath Slater was #4, Justin Gabriel was #3, Wade Barrett was #2, and Daniel Bryan scored #1! Matt asked Darren how he felt. Darren said he had a bad situation with Punk. Darren said he needs to step it up so the universe can see what he’s about. Matt asked Daniel how he felt. Daniel said his win/loss record wasn’t the best, and Michael Cole thinks he doesn’t have the IT factor, but there’s a lot of guys here who look like superstars married to famous people, but the truth is they can’t wrestle! David said he has the least experience, but he has something nobody else has, the IT factor. David said he has more charisma than anyone here, but talking to Daniel is like eating mashed potatoes… Daniel asked if anyone even knew what that meant. Daniel made fun of the way David dressed, his belt doesn’t even fit! Matt said there would be plenty of time to prove themselves, in 6 weeks time the pros will vote again, but this time whoever is ranked last will be eliminated. Matt said after that someone will be eliminated each week until there is 1 person left. Matt said that 1 person will receive a title match of their choosing at a PPV! Matt said all 8 of those rookies would be in the main event tonight in a battle royal. Matt said whoever wins the battle royal will have the opportunity next week on RAW to host! Matt told them to go get ready, and that the 8 WWE pros would be involved in a tag team match next!
Team SmackDown! (Wade Barrett -w/Chris Jericho- & C.M. Punk -w/Luke Gallows & Serena- & Matt Hardy & R-Truth) defeated Team RAW (Mike “The Miz” Mizanin & Christian & Carlito Colon & William Regal): Chris Jericho sat in commentary instead of wrestling, Wade took his place. Carlito and Truth started off. Truth knocked the apple right out of Carlito’s mouth and locked in an arm bar. Truth tagged in Punk, who didn’t seem to want any part of the match. Carlito tagged in Regal. Regal got on his knees and began praying, Punk laughed at him and tagged in Wade. Christian tagged in and got kicked in the midsection by Wade. Christian tried a springboard sunset flip pin but only got 2. Wade tagged in Hardy right after. Christian tagged in Miz. Hardy used his legs to propel Miz out of the ring so all the wrestlers stared each other down on the floor. Back from commercial Carlito was in control of Hardy. Carlito tagged in Miz. Miz took care of Truth but Punk broke the pin up. Regal tagged in and began punching Truth in the corner. The action didn’t really pick up or change for several minutes. Regal hit a flurry of knees and the butterfly suplex on Truth for 2. The RAW team began working on Truth. Finally Truth hit a drop kick and go the hot tag to Punk. Punk tried for the G2S but Christian tried to reverse it into the killswitch, finally Christian hit the missile drop kick for 2. Barrett broke up the pin and was thrown out of the ring, causing all the wrestlers to charge the ring and attack each other. Barrett tagged himself in and Jericho grabbed Christians leg giving Barrett the chance to hit the forward attitude adjustment for the 3!
David Otunga eliminated Justin Gabriel & Daniel Bryan & Heath Slater & Skip Sheffield & Wade Barrett & Darren Young & Michael Tarver: I think it’s hilarious when Michael Cole refers to someone else as a “dweeb”. Everyone attacked Wade Barrett and threw him out moments into the match. Darren Young and Skip Sheffield were eliminated during the break. Daniel Bryan eliminated Michael Tarver and Heath Slater threw himself and Daniel over, leaving it to Otunga and Justin. Justin missed a roundhouse kick but immediately followed up with a kick to the back of Otunga’s head, followed by a 450 splash. Justin had a hard time picking up Otunga and dragging him to the top rope. Otunga woke up and raked Justin’s eyes, and then threw him out of the ring to win! David Otunga will host RAW on Monday. After the match Striker and Truth came out to congratulate Otuna. Otunga said he told us so! Otunga said he is Mr. NXT, aka the guest host of Monday night RAW! Striker asked Otunga what to expect this Monday. Otunga said everything would be top notch, and he wants 427 green M&M’s.