WWE NXT UK 07 31 2019

General Manager Johnny Saint and his assistant Sid Scala are in the ring to address the WWE Universe. Scala says that in a few weeks NXT UK will be traveling to Cardiff for Takeover, where they will show the world why they are the greatest brand in professional wrestling. Saint takes the microphone and receives a nice ovation.

Imperium makes their way out. Marcel Barthel speaks: “You are not in charge anymore. Since Imperium arrived…you are no longer needed.” They surround Saint and Scala and ask them to leave the ring. “Leave that sacred mat…or we will make you.” The NXT UK champion WALTERspeaks next. He says that they’ve already proven that they are the number one force in NXT UK. He really wants to know who is left to challenge him at Cardiff.

Tyler Bate’s music hits! Barthel and Aichner block the entrance path. Bate comes out from the crowd and attacks WALTER in the ring! He knocks Wolfe out of the ring. They brawl…referees and security come out to separate them. Bate is fired up. Scala regains control. “You wanted a challenger…you’ve got one! At Takeover Cardiff you’ll defend the United Kingdom championship against Tyler Bate!” Crowd is going wild! Imperium leaves with Bate standing tall in the ring. He looks to be in fantastic shape.

Commercial for Takeover Cardiff.

Back to the arena…Gallus makes their way to the ring for our opening contest. Mark Coffey and Wolfgang will be competing, with Joe Coffey accompanying them for their entrance. He later leaves. They’ll be facing…Pretty Deadly, Sam Stoker and Lewis Howley.

Gallus versus Pretty Deadly

Wolfgang comes out hot smashing Howley with a splash. Howley right back to his feet…Wofgang slows him down with a kitchen sink knee and a hip-toss. Stoker tagged in. He rocks Wolfgang with a lariat but it has little effect. Wolfgang with a pop-up body drop. Coffey comes in…Russian leg-sweep…he maintains wrist-control and drives his knee into Stoker’s back. Modified cobra-clutch applied. Stoker tries to break free…Coffey whips him hard into the corner. Double monkey-flip from Gallus. They utilize quick tags to wear Stoker down. McGuinness compares Stoker to a character from Pirate of the Caribbean. Howley comes in…Gallus catch him with an enziguri/powerslam combo for a dominant victory.

Gallus wins by pinfall

Post match, Coffey gets on the mic and calls NXT UK Gallus’ kingdom. They call out the Grizzled Young Veterans and say that they are marked. “The NXT UK tag team titles are soon to be Gallus,” screams Coffey.

Backstage Jordan Devlin runs into Sid Scala and questions why Tyler Bate received a title shot after he’s proven himself time and time again. Scala tells Devlin that he’ll be in tonight’s main event, but not against WALTER, against Imperium’s Alexander Wolfe.

Preview for the WWE Network.

A Dave Mastiff interview from earlier in the day is played. He says that Joe Coffey has a big mouth, and that next week they’ll be facing each other in singles-action. “He’s going to get battered.”

Dani Luna is out next for women’s division action. Her opponent…Rhea Ripley, who receives a nice pop.

Dani Luna versus Rhea Ripley

Ripley nails Luna with a big boot to start. She lays into the smaller woman with clubbing blows and shoulder thrusts in the corner. Ripley charges…Luna evades…jumping knee to Ripley’s face. She unloads a series of strikes but Ripley shakes it off and overpowers Luna, kicking her in the head. Big dropkick from Ripley. Ripley taunts Luna…Luna slaps her in the face…Ripley comes right back with the Riptide. It’s over.

Rhea Ripley wins by pinfall

A video highlighting the relationship between NXT UK women’s champion Toni Storm and Kay Lee Ray is played. Storm and Ray traveled the world together, with Storm even calling Ray a big sister influence. Ray says that once she joined the brand things changed. Both competitors talk about how much the other has changed for the worse. Ray ends by promising to take the title from Storm at Takeover Cardiff.

Advertisement or SummerSlam.

Eddie Dennis talks about tearing his pectoral muscle, with footage of his visit to the doctors are shown. Surgery was required. Dennis takes a shot at professional wrestling fans who talk trash at pro-wrestlers when they have no idea what it takes, or what they put their bodies through. “It’s the fans fault,” growls Dennis from a hospital bed.

Announced for next week…Piper Niven and Xia Brookside team up to face Jazzy Gabert and Jinny in a tag team matchup. Dave Mastiff also battles Joe Coffey.

Main event time. Jordan Devlin makes his way out first. Alexander Wolfe is second. No other members of Imperium accompany him to the ring. Here we go.

Jordan Devlin versus Alexander Wolfe

Tie-up. Neither man can get an advantage as they travel to the ropes…referee breaks the hold. Second tie-up…Wolfe takes Devlin down and rips at the wrist. Devlin gets to his feet with some nice athleticism and slaps Wolfe across the face. Wolfe angrily charges him but Devlin runs to the outside with a smile on his face. Eventually..he returns to the ring. Wolfe traps him in the corner and lands a knee to the gut, followed by a vicious forearm. Elbow to Devlin’s head from Wolfe. Powerslam attempt…Devlin falls behind him and connects with a twisting elbow…running double-stomp by Devlin for a nearfall. Uppercut. He goes for a uranagai but Wolfe is too strong. He picks Devlin up…gutbuster. Wolfe targets the gut with stomps and knee strikes.

Abdominal stretch applied by Wolfe. He shoves his knuckles into Devlin’s ribs and twists for added pressure. Devlin hip-tosses Wolfe out. Devlin to the apron…he goes for a cutter…Wolfe blocks it…he picks Devlin up in a suplex, then drops him sternum first over the top rope. Devlin fires back with a few strikes to Wolfe’s gut. He charges Devlin in the corner…Devlin rolls him up…he gets to his feet…standing double-stomp! Uranagi and standing moonsault in succession from Devlin. Back to the apron…this time the cutter lands. Cover…only two. Both men are down.

Back and forth slapping exchange…Wolfe with a boot…Devlin answers with an uppercut. Nice sequence of counters…Devlin drops Wolfe with a stiff headbutt. He has the wrist and goes for the Saito suplex but he can’t get Wolfe up because of the damage to his ribs. Devlin instead stomps Wolfe non-stop in the head. He goes for it again…forearm by Wolfe…Devlin responds with a Spanish-fly with pin…only two! Another striking exhange…Wolfe surprises him with a German suplex. Devlin escapes the pin attempt. Crowd with loud NXT chants. Wolfe goes for a powerbomb…Devlin turns it into a pin…Wolfe breaks free. Head kick…Devlin climbs…moonsault misses…Wolfe nails Devlin with a pump kick. Sit-out powerbomb from Wolfe…Devlin can’t kick out this time

Alexander Wolfe wins by pinfall

Following his victory. Alexander Wolfe stands in the center of the ring with the Imperium pose.

Backstage Tyler Bate is interviewed. “WALTER you thought you could take liberties with me? You thought you could embarrass me and put me on the shelf? You’ve got another thing coming.” Bate ends by saying he’s going to take WALTER’s title at Takeover Cardiff, and make him look like a fool in the process.

That’s the show friends.