WWE Friday Night SmackDown 08 16 2024

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results
August 16, 2024
KIA Center in Orlando, Florida.
Commentary: Corey Graves and Wade Barrett
Results by: Roy Nemer of Wrestleview.com

WWE SmackDown kicks off with highlights of Roman Reigns returning at SummerSlam and him attacking The Bloodline last week.

Nia Jax Championship Celebration

Tiffany Stratton and Pretty Deadly are in the ring. There are pink and white balloons in the ring. She introduces the new WWE Women’s Champion Nia Jax.

Nia’s music hits and she is sitting on a throne which is on a table and is being pushed down to the ring. Jax gets in the ring and Pretty Deadly bow down to her with Stratton placing the Women’s Championship onto Nia’s shoulders.

Nia tells Tiffany that she shouldn’t have done all of this. Tiffany says it’s Nia’s big moment and after everything Nia did for her, she wanted to give back. Nia tells her it’s an awful lot of pink and Tiffany asks her if she likes it. Nia tells her she appreciates her but it’s not her style. Her style is more destruction and she proved that at SummerSlam when she destroyed Bayley. And she proved that she is a women of her word when she said she would take the title from Bayley and she did. And not only is she the Queen of the ring, she is the new WWE Women’s Champion.

The fans boo and Pretty Deadly bow down to her again. Nia says everyone in the locker room better bow down to her. Nia says and what better way to start than with Tiffany to bow down. Tiffany asks her if she wants her to bow down right now and she is glad they are on the same page. That is why she brought Pretty Deadly because they will sing her a song and after that they will bow down to her.

Pretty Deadly says this is a preview of Pretty Deadly the musical.

Pretty Deadly sing her a song about how great she is and they begin to dance. Mi Chin comes in from behind with a kendo stick and she hits them all with the kendo stick. Tiffany and Nia leave the ring and Michin begins hitting Pretty Deadly with across the back.

We cut to backstage and we see Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill and Naomi watching. They talk about how they are going to win back the Women’s Tag Team Championship. Carmelo Hayes walks in and he interrupts them. He asks them if they are showing up to his after party after he beats Andrade. Jade tells him that Andrade has two wins against him and walk away.

-Commercial Break-

Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes

The bell rings and we are under way. Hayes rolls out of the ring, Andrade chases him and Hayes gets back into the ring. Andrade on the ring apron, Hayes goes for a kick but Andrade with a kick. Andrade climbs the top rope but Hayes trips him up. He lands a springboard clothesline. Hayes goes for the cover but Andrade kicks out. Hayes runs to the ropes but Andrade with a drop kick and Hayes to the outside of the ring. Andrade climbs the top rope and he lands a moon sault. He throws Hayes back into the ring and Hayes rolls back to the outside. Andrade grabs Hayes but Hayes hangs him up on the top rope. Hayes climbs the second rope but Andrade trips him up. Andrade climbs the top rope and Hayes pushes him and Andrade falls to the outside.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Andrade with a Spanish fly off the top rope. He goes for the cover but Hayes kicks out. Andrade runs to the ropes but Hayes with a super kick. He grabs Andrade but Andrade with a snap suplex and a second suplex. He goes for a third but Hayes reverses it and he slams Andrade with a cutter. He goes for the cover but Andrade kicks out. Hayes to the ropes and he hits Andrade with a knee to the head. Hayes to the ropes but Andrade with a spinning back elbow. He goes for the cover but Hayes kicks out. The fans chanting “This is awesome”. Andrade climbs the top rope, he goes for a moon sault, Hayes moves, Andrade lands on his feet. He grabs and goes for a sunset flip but Hayes grabs Andrade’s legs and gets the pin.

Winner: Carmelo Hayes

Hayes gloats in Andrade’s face. Andrade is about to leave the ring but Hayes grabs him. Andrade with a right hand and both men begin punching each other. Out run WWE officials to break it up but both men keep fighting.

We cut to the back and Solo is with Tama Tonga in his locker room. Tama Tonga tells him when Roman gets in the ring, he will rip him limb from limb. Solo tells him he appreciates that but he is the Tribal Chief and if Roman takes the Ula Fala from him, Roman becomes the Tribal Chief. And Tama will acknowledge him. And he will acknowledge Roman too. That is if Roman can take it back from him.

-Commercial Break-

A video hyping up Giovanni Vinci airs.

Naomi vs. Blair Davenport

NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez is in attendance.

The bell rings and we are under way. Both women with right hands, Blair throws Naomi to the ropes and Naomi hits her with the Rear View. Blair falls to the outside of the ring. Naomi on the ring apron and she lands the splits onto Blair on the outside.

Naomi throws Blair back in the ring. Naomi climbs the top rope and she lands a cross body. She goes for the cover but Blair kicks out.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Naomi with a back elbow. A split splash by Naomi. She goes for the cover but Blair kicks out. Blair down in the corner and Naomi with a drop kick. Naomi climbs the top rope but Blair gets her in a tree of woe and she jumps onto Naomi down onto the mat. She grabs Naomi and hits her with a knee to the face. Blair goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Blair Davenport

We cut backstage and Grayson Waller is warming up for his match with Austin Theory. Waller asks him why he threw him under the bus. Theory tells him he will be there with him. They talk about how Kevin Owens has been losing to The Bloodline for four years and that is why Cody Rhodes has given him a Championship match. Kevin Owens walks up from behind Waller and Owens tells him he is right. Owens told Cody and Nick Aldis last week that he is a loser, he probably even lost to Waller. Owens tells Waller it will be an easy win for Waller and he is an idiot for turning down a potential title match. Owens tells Waller and Theory he will see them in the ring.

A graphic and a video tribute in memory of Afa Anoa’i is shown.

-Commercial Break-

Kevin Owens vs. Grayson Waller with Austin Theory

NXT Champion Ethan Page is in attendance.

The bell rings and we are under way. Owens with a drop kick and he stomps on Waller in the corner. Owens throws Waller to the ropes and he lands a back elbow followed by a senton. Waller rolls to the outside and Owens hits him with a clothesline on the outside of the ring. Owens throws Waller into the barricade and he slams him face first into the announce table. Owens with a chop to the chest and he throws him back into the ring. Owens and Theory are face to face on the outside and Waller back to the outside and he hits Owens with a clothesline. Waller grabs a chair and has a seat, gloating. Owens stands behind Waller and throws him onto the floor. Owens throws Austin Theory over the barricade. Waller throws Owens into the ring post and he lands a DDT. He throws Owens into the ring and goes for the cover but Owens kicks out. Waller climbs the second rope and walks it, landing an elbow. He goes for the cover but Owens kicks out. He places Owens on the top rope and he goes for a superplex but Owens with a right hand and a headbutt. Waller falls onto the mat and Owens with a swanton. He goes for the cover but Waller kicks out. Owens goes for the Stunner, Waller rolls him up but Owens kicks out. Waller on the ring apron and he hangs Owens up. Waller to the outside, he runs and jumps in between the ropes but Owens hits him with a Stunner. Owens throws Waller to the ropes and he lands a pop up powerbomb. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Kevin Owens

Owens throws Waller to the outside of the ring and into the Prime hydration station. Owens goes for a powerbomb up Theory grabs Waller and Waller pushes Owens into the ring post. He throws Owens back into the ring and Theory grabs two steel chairs. Cody’s music hits and out he runs to the ring. Cody hits Waller with a steel chair across the back and Owens hits Theory with a steel chair across the back. Waller and Theory to the outside of the ring.

Cody and Owens are in the ring and Owens grabs Cody’s Championship belt that was on the mat. He looks at it and gives it to Cody and leaves the ring. We cut backstage and we see Tama Tonga and Solo. Tama tells Solo that he acknowledges him. Solo tells him he knows and that he loves him but tonight, Roman needs to acknowledge him.

We cut backstage and we see Tama Tonga and Solo. Tama tells Solo that he acknowledges him. Solo tells him he knows and that he loves him but tonight, Roman needs to acknowledge him.

-Commercial Break-

Titus O’Neil is in attendance.

We cut to Legado Del Fantasma having dinner. Santos Escobar tells them they have been ignored and undermined week after week. And not to allow them to forget who they are. He says they will not have their legacy diminished. And next week he will take the United States Championship from LA Knight. With everybody saying Es-Co-Bar.

Out comes LA Knight onto the ramp. The fans chant “LA Knight” and he tells them “Let me talk to you”. He says that looked like a fun dinner to be at. He says Santos Escobar is trying to be like him but next week Santos will forget where he is when he catches him with a BFT. As for himself, he won’t forget where they will be, the nation’s capital meeting the nation’s champ. He doesn’t have time to be worried about Santos Escobar. He tells Escobar to call him what he want but any week he wants, he will put him on his ass and still United States Champion with everybody saying “LA Knight, yeah”.

We cut backstage and see Michin leaving the office of Nick Aldis. Chelsea Green and Piper Niven stop Michin and Chelsea thanks her for ruining Nia and Tiffany’s ceremony. Chelsea tells her that she was going to help Michin out there earlier but it was a lot of fun watching her attack Nia. Michin tells Chelsea that she just spoke to Nick Aldis and she has a WWE Women’s Championship match. Chelsea and Piper are angry and storm into Nick’s office. Nia Jax comes from behind and pushes Michin into the door. Out comes Nick Aldis who breaks it up.

-Commercial Break-

Number one contenders to the Tag Team Championships Match: DIY vs. The Street Profits

Trick Williams is in attendance.

The bell rings and we are under way. Ford and Gargano start the match. Ford and Gargano with acrobatic reversals and Ciampa is tagged in and as is Dawkins. Ciampa to the ropes and Dawkins with a shoulder tackle. A spinning back elbow by Dawkins and Ford is tagged in and they double team Ciampa. Gargano gets in the ring and they hit him with a double flap jack. Gargano and Ciampa to the outside. Dawkins with a running shoulder tackle onto Ciampa.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, The Street Profits double team Ciampa. Dawkins goes for the cover but Ciampa kicks out. Dawkins climbs the top rope and he goes for a swanton but Ciampa moves out of the way. Ciampa with a knee to the face. He goes for the cover but Dawkins kicks out. Gargano is tagged in and they double team Dawkins. Gargano goes for a DDT but Dawkins catches him and slams Gargano onto the mat. Ford is tagged in, Gargano and Ford with a double clotheslines.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Ford with a zig zag onto Ciampa. Ford climbs the top rope and hits the 450 splash but Ciampa gets the knees up. Ciampa tags Gargano and they hit The Shatter Machine. He goes for the cover but Dawkins kicks out. Ciampa is tagged in. Dawkins is thrown to the outside and Ford with a jumping knee onto Ciampa. Dawkins is tagged in. The Street Profits with a reverse 3D onto Ciampa. Dawkins goes for the cover but Gargano breaks it up. Gargano is tagged in and they double team Dawkins. Ford runs into the ring but Gargano throws him to the outside. They hit The Fairy Tale Ending onto Dawkins. Gargano goes for the cover but Dawkins kicks out. Ford attacks Ciampa on the outside. Gargano with a suicide dive onto Ford. He gets in the ring and Dawkins hits him with a swinging neck breaker. Ford is tagged in and they land a super block buster. Ford goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winners: The Street Profits

-Commercial Break-

Roman Reigns and The Bloodline

Solo Sikoa and Tama Tonga are in the ring. Solo says to acknowledge him and the fans chant “OTC”. Solo says they don’t want to acknowledge him, he knows one man who needs to acknowledge him. Solo tells Roman that Roman calls himself OTC, if he wants the ula fala back, for him to come out and take it from him.

Roman’s music hits and out comes Roman Reigns.

Both men are face to face and Solo takes the ula fala off. He gives it to Tama Tonga and Solo tells him to stand in the corner. Both men with right hands and Solo falls to the outside. Tama hits Roman from behind. He grabs Roman but Roman slams him onto the mat. Roman throws Tama Tonga to the outside of the ring and Roman clears the announce table. Solo hits Roman from behind and he throws him back into the ring. Solo goes for the Samoan Spike but Roman ducks and hits him with a Superman punch. Roman with a spear onto Solo and he sees the ula fala in the corner. The fans chant “OTC”.

Roman grabs the ula fala and places it around his neck. Roman’s music hits but Jacob Fatu gets in the ring and he hits Roman with a super kick. Jacob throws Roman into the ring post and to the outside of the ring. Jacob and Tama lift Roman up onto Solo’s shoulders and Solo powerbombs him through the announce table. Fatu throws Roman back into the ring. Solo stands over Roman and Solo wears the ula fala. Solo, Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga raise their fingers in the air and SmackDown goes off the air.