WWE Smackdown Results
May 14, 2019
London, England
Commentary: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton and Corey Graves
Results by: Roy Nemer of Wrestleview.com
WWE Smackdown Live kicks off with Roman Reigns coming down to the ring. Roman gets in the ring and says he has some unfinished business from last night’s Raw and he wants to solve the issues right now. Reigns says Elias is a huge problem and he will solve that. And he will introduce one of the solutions as he welcomes The Miz to Smackdown.
Out comes The Miz to the ring. He thanks Roman for the invite and says it’s good to be back in London. Miz sings his version of Wonderwall by Oasis and he says
today could be the day that you and I beat Elias through and through”. He says he’s not a good singer like Elias. But five days until Money in the Bank, until Shane can’t run or hide. At Wrestlemania, he beat him all over the stadium but that wasn’t enough. Miz says last night Shane dodged him but on Sunday, SHane will be locked inside a steel cage and out comes Shane McMahon.
Elias comes out with Shane and Shane says that just because the big dog invited him, it doesn’t make Miz the wild card. Shane says The Miz disgusts him and he will invoke his privilege and ban him from the ring and building tonight. Elias tells Roman to stay there because he has something to say. He called him a wedding singer but underestimating Elias will be the biggest mistake of his career. Because at Money in the Bank, he will prove why Vince McMahon chose him as the biggest acquisition in Smackdown history and he will find out that WWE stands for Walk With Elias.
Shane says if they won’t leave the ring, they need to make them. Shane and Elias walk closer to the ring but Shane says there are a few other people for Miz who hate his guts. Out come Daniel Bryan and Rowan.
Daniel Bryan, Rowan, Shane McMahon and Elias walk to the ring and surround it with Miz and Roman inside. All four men get in the ring and attack Roman and Miz. The fight spills to the outside of the ring but out come The Usos to the rescue. The Usos with a double suicide dive onto the outside of the ring. But Rowan with a double clothesline takes The Usos out. The fight goes back inside the ring as Roman, The Miz and The Usos throw them to the outside.
-Commercial Break-
Backstage we have Bryan, Rowan, Shane and Elias. Shane says it will be all four of them against Roman Reigns and The Usos. And if The Miz goes anywhere near the match, his match against The Miz at Money in the Bank will be cancelled.
Randy Orton is in the ring with a ladder. He says on Sunday, he will climb the ladder, grab the briefcase and become Mr. Money in the Bank for a second time. And then the three most dangerous letters for the WWE champion will be RKO.
Out comes Andrade with Zelina Vega. She says that everyone is so sensitive when it comes to spoilers. It could be Game of Thrones, Avengers End Game but they don’t care about spoilers. Andrade wants everyone to know his end game. In fact, they will ruin Money in the Bank right now. Andrade tells Orton: “Amigo, en cinco dias, I will climb the ladder, take the contract and become Mr. Money in the Bank”.
-Commercial Break-
Fatal Four Way Match: Randy Orton vs. Andrade vs. Finn Balor vs. Ali
Back from commercial and the match is already under way. Orton and Ali in the ring as Ali goes for a roll up but Orton kicks out. A chop to the chest by Ali but a powerslam by Orton. He sends Ali to the ropes but a drop kick by Ali. He jumps off the second rope and catches Orton with a DDT. He goes for the cover but Andrade makes the save.
Andrade with a clothesline takes Ali out. In comes Balor but a boot to the stomach onto Balor by Andrade. Ali is thrown to the outside and a double kick by Balor onto Andrade. Balor cleans house as he knocks Orton out. Balor gets on the ring apron and kicks Andrade in the face. Balor climbs the top rope but Andrade trips up Balor. Andrade with the double knees onto Balor. He goes for the cover but Balor kicks out.
Zelina Vega tells Andrade to get to the outside. Andrade goes out of the ring and brings out two ladders. He gets one ladder in the ring and hits Balor with it and hits Orton with it. Ali with a super kick onto Andrade knocks him out of the ring. Ali jumps over the top rope and onto Andrade but Andrade was holding a ladder as both men fall to the ground.
-Commercial Break-
Andrade sends Balor into a ladder in the corner. Andrade runs to the ropes but the sling blade by Balor. Ali with the face buster takes Balor out. Ali climbs the top rope and goes for the 450 splash, Balor moves, Ali lands on his feet and the RKO by Orton. Andrade with a top rope drop kick takes Orton out. A spinning elbow onto Balor. Andrade goes for the hammer lock DDT but Balor reverses it into a over but Andrade kicks out. A clothesline takes Andrade to the outsoide. Balor runs over the top rope and a jump to the outside onto Orton and Ali. Andrade throws Balor into the ring steps. He throws Balor into the ring and hits him with the Hammerlock DDT. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.
Winner: Andrade
After the ring, Andrade climbs the ladder but Ricochet’s music hits and he runs down to the ring. He jumps off the top rope and onto the ladder. He and Andrade fight on the ladder as Ricochet pushes Andrade off and snatches the briefcase. Ricochet leaves the ring and celebrates.
Carmella is backstage and says she has an advantage at Money in the Bank having already won the match twice and she will win it again.
Backstage we see Kofi Kingston with his WWE championship. Woods tells him he will be with him tonight but Kofi tells him he still isn’t 100% and asks him to stay back and Kofi can handle his business tonight on the KO Show.
-Commercial Break-
Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair Rivalry
Charlotte Flair comes out to the ring. She says on Sunday at Money in the Bank, her storied rivalry with Becky Lynch will come to an end with her becoming champion. We see a video package of Charlotte’s rivalry with Becky Lynch from NXT to WWE.
Lacey Evans is backstage and asks if anyone is there. She says people are too busy watching re-runs of the Becky, Charlotte Show. But Becky has a title match against her, the title match she will lose. And Becky will have a new nick name, Becky Black Eye. Lacey Evans will have a new nick name, it will be Lacey Evans, Raw Women’s champion.
-Commercial Break-
Aleister Black is sitting in a dark room cutting a promo. For the opponents who try to get in his head, he guarantees that they will not like the place they try to venture into.
Shane McMahon, Elias, Daniel Bryan and Rowan vs. Roman Reigns and The Usos
The bell rings and we are under way. Jimmy Uso is in the ring with Daniel Bryan. A number of reversals from both men. Shoulder block by Bryan takes Jimmy Uso down. A chop to the chest by Uso followed by a spear into the corner as Jey is tagged in. A big splash by Jey followed by a snap mare. He goes for the cover but Daniel kicks out. Daniel grabs Jey by the leg and tags Elias in. Elias with a chop to the chest. Jey onto the ring apron and a big kick takes Elias out. Jey climbs the top rope, goes for the splash but lands on his feet and a big clothesline by Elias. Shane McMahon is tagged into the match. Shane goes after Jey’s left leg which he hurt when he landed off the top rope.
Shane tags Elias back into the match. Elias goes after Jey’s left leg. Elias taunts Roman Reigns. He throws Jey into the corner and Daniel Bryan is tagged in. Bryan ties Jey’s left leg into the second rope and a drop kick onto the left leg. Bryan lifts Jey onto the top rope. Jey hits Bryan with an elbow and Bryan falls to the mat. Jey is distracted by Elias as Bryan pushes Jey Uso onto the outside as he lands on the barricade.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial and Rowan is in the ring with Jey. A big splash by Rowan. He goes for the cover but Jey kicks out. He tags elias into the ring. Elias with a knee to the face. Elias with a body slam followed by a big knee to the face. He goes for the cover but Jey kicks out. Elias throws Jey into the corner and Shane is tagged back in. A right hand by Shane knocks Jey out. Jey gets back up and a big spinning kick takes Shane down. Jey tags Roman Reigns in as Bryan is tagged. Roman with a clothesline takes Bryan out. A right hand takes Rowan and Shane out. Roman with a big boot to the face.
Roman Reigns with a right hand takes Elias out. He goes for the Superman punch but Bryan with a kick to the stomach. Rowan is tagged in but Elias tags himself in. Elias with a right hand and a flying knee to the face. He goes for the cover but Roman kicks out. Rowan is tagged in and a right hand by Rowan who lifts Roman up and a body slam. He goes for the cover but Roman Reigns kicks out. Roman back to his feet but a spinning elbow.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial. Elias is in the ring with Roman Reigns. A right hand by Elias but Roman with a right hand of his own. Roman lifts Elias up and a Samoan drop. Roman tags Jimmy into the match and Bryan is in. Jimmy goes for the super kick but Bryan gets out of the ring. Jey is tagged in as the Usos super kick all four members. Jey goes for the cover on Bryan but Shane breaks it up. Jey throws Shane to the outside. Elias with the Driftaway on Jey but Jimmy with a super kick followed by Daniel Bryan with the double knees. He goes for the cover but Roman breaks it up. In comes Rowan who clotheslines Roman to the outside. Rowan goes to the outside but Roman with a superman punch. Elias throws Romans into the steps.
Back in the ring, Shane goes coast to coast on Jey. He had tagged himself in. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.
Winners: Shane McMahon, Elias, Daniel Bryan and Rowan
The Miz comes after the match and hits Elias with a chair. Shane runs out of the ring as The Miz along with Roman Reigns and The Usos clear the ring.
Firefly Fun House
Bray Wyatt is standing by Mercy the Buzzard and Abby the Witch. Wyatt says he has a secret. Wyatt says it’s almost time to show the world what he’s really been working on. Wyatt can’t do it alone and needs the help of all his fireflies. There’s a lot of darkness in his head, but he learned how to harness and control it. Do you want to see his secret? The screen starts to flash and Wyatt is dressed completely different with a fright mask on. Wyatt says, “Yowie Wowie.”
-Commercial Break-
Paige is in the ring with Asuka and Kairi Sane as The WWE Women’s tag team champions the IIconics are on commentary. Paige says it’s good to be home in England. She introduces the newest and fiercest edition to the women’s tag team division, Asuka and Kairi Sane as the Kabuki Warriors. Paige says they are the next WWE women’s tag team champions and the future of the entire division.
Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville come out. Rose says to take it down a notch, it’s not like she named the Royal baby. Sonya jokes about the Royal child’s name. Mandy says names matter like Miss Money in the Bank which is what she will be called when she wins the ladder match. Rose says after that, her and Sonya will go after the women’s tag team championships. And the future is not IIconic, it’s the team that nothing and no one can break. It’s fire and desire.
Asuka and Kairi Sane with Paige vs. Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville
The bell rings and Sonya is in the ring with Asuka. The two exchange reversals. Asuka tags Sane in the ring. The two double team Sonya as Sonya rolls to the outside of the ring. Sane jumps off the ring apron and strikes Mandy Rose. Sane throws Sonya onto the ring apron and Asuka runs towards Sonya and bumps her off the ring apron.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, Sane is in the ring with Mandy Rose. Chops to the chest by Sane. and a cross body by Sane. She goes for the cover but Mandy kicks out. Sane runs towards Rose but Sonya move Rose out of the way. Rose hits Sane with the Crystal Rose. She goes for the cover but Sane kicks out. Sonya is tagged in as the two stomp on Sane. A snap mare by Sonya followed by a knee to the face. She goes for the cover but again Sane kicks out.
Sonya Deville with a right hand and Mandy Rose is tagged in. Rose stomps on Sane in the corner. Rose with a back breaker. Sane tries to tag Asuka in but Rose throws her into the corner and Sane hits Sonya out. She kicks Mandy away and Asuka is tagegd in. A drop kick by Asuka followed by a kick to the face. A German suplex by Asuka. She hits Mandy in the face with a kick and the Asuka lock but Sonya breaks it up. Sonya hits Sane off the rin apron. Sonya is tagged into the ring.
A kick to the face by Sonya onto Asuka but Asuka catches her kick. Asuka with kicks of her own but Sonya catches her kicks and a punch to the face by Sonya. A spinebuster by Sonya. Mandy is tagged in. She goes for the cover but Asuka reverses it into a cover of her own and gets the pin as Sonya looks in disbelief.
Winners: The Kabuki Warriors
We see a video hyping up Lars Sullian. Backstage, Sullivan is with Kayla Braxton who says “Excuse me Mr. Lars Sullivan, I was wondering if you could please comment on the destruction, please comment on the destruction of… Thank you” and she walks away.
Kevin Owens is backstage and says we are minutes away from a special edition of the Kevin Owens show. Owens says he isn’t facing The New Day at Money in the Bank, Kofi is the WWE champion. And it’s time to answer a question he’s had on his mind and that is can Kofi Kingston stand on his own. He knows the answer and on Sunday the entire WWE universe will know the answer too. As Owens is talking, The New Day’s music hits and out comes Kofi Kingston.
Kevin Owens Show with WWE champion Kofi Kingston
Kofi says he has received an invitation to the Kevin Owens show and here he is. he says that Kevin wanted him, wanted the WWE championship. Sunday at Money in the Bank he will get his chance but what about tonight, Kevin? Kofi says he is here on the Kevin Owens show as a guest and it would only be fitting for him to be out here and be the host. Kofi introduces Kevin Owens as the host. Kingston says they could rename it to the Kofi show but Owens was talking trash. He’s out here giving him a chance but as he’s talking, Kevin Owens appears on the big screen.
Kevin Owens says Kofi is out on his own, it’s lonely at the top. For the first time in 11 years, he finds himself on his own and it’s at the worst time possible. No one can deny what he did at Wrestlemania was a dream come true and he got to share that with the New Day and his family. But did he ever wonder what happens when that dream ends? The reality begins and the reality is that he’s only WWE champion because of the New Day. And it ends on Sunday because he is facing the most dangerous man in WWE. And here is proof. We see a video hyping up Kevin Owens.
Kofi says that didn’t prove anything and he’s getting tired of hearing him talk. Kofi throws the chairs which were in the ring to the outside. Kevin’s music hits and he comes down to the ring but stops before getting there. He walks to the back but stops and walks to the ring and stops again. Kofi goes to the outside of the ring and the two begin to fight but in comes Sami Zayn who attacks Kofi Kingston from behind.
Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens beat up on Kofi Kingston. Out comes Xavier Woods who attacks both Owens and Zayn. Owens throws Xavier into the ring post as he and Zayn go after Kofi again. A loud “Kofi” chant from the crowd. Kofi is thrown into the ring steps.Kevin Owens sends Kofi Kingston into the ring as the fans chant “New Day Rocks”. Kevin goes for the cannon ball but Kofi moves out of the way. Zayn attacks Kofi but Kofi hits him the Trouble in Paradise. Kofi Kingston stands in the ring talking trash to Kevin Owens as Smackdown Live goes off the air.