WWE Smackdown
Location: Bridgeport, CT
Date: December 14, 2012
Commentators: Josh Matthews & John Bradshaw Layfield
Tonight WWE will tape next week’s episode of WWE SmackDown. Here are the full results.
Dark Match
* Zack Ryder defeated a local wrestler.
WWE SmackDown (Airing Friday)
* Sheamus and Antonio Cesaro come out for commentary.
* Big Show beat R-Truth with the knockout punch. After the match, Show and Sheamus had a staredown but didn’t get physical. Cesaro attacked Sheamus from behind and ran away.
* Sheamus is backstage saying that Big Show violated the no-contact rule earlier. Booker T brushed it off.
* Damien Sandow comes out and introduces Cody Rhodes. Rhodes and Sandow defeated The Usos.
* Backstage segment with Big Show and David Otunga talking.
* Otunga and Show come to the ring. Sheamus ends up interrupting as does Booker T. Sheamus teases hitting Show with the chair but doesn’t. Sheamus hit a Brogue Kick on Otunga to end it.
* The Shield is backstage and they beat down Randy Orton. They put him through a table.
* Kaitlyn beat Aksana.
* Matt Striker reveals that Randy Orton suffered a separated shoulder and concussion.
* The Miz hosts MizTV with Kane and Daniel Bryan. Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns come through the crowd but Ryback comes out and they go back up the stairs in the crowd.
* Hornswoggle, The Great Khali, Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel beat Primo, Epico, Darren Young and Titus O’Neil.
* Kofi Kingston beat Alberto Del Rio. Wade Barrett ran down after the match but Kofi hit him with Trouble in Paradise.
* Antonio Cesaro beat Sheamus by count out in the main event. Big Show came out with William Regal all beat up. Sheamus ran after Show but Show decked Regal with a chair and started laughing at Sheamus.
We go to credits.
Source: www.ringsidenews.com