WWE Monday Night RAW 06 17 2013

WWE Monday Night RAW
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Date: June 17, 2013
Commentators: Michael Cole, JBL, and Jerry Lawler

Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a video package looking at the Payback pay-per-view from last night.

– We go to the ring and Justin Roberts introduces Ricardo Rodriguez to some boos from the crowd. Ricardo introduces the new World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio and out he comes to a mixed reaction.

Del Rio asks everyone how their weekend was. Del Rio says everyone is talking about a man of steel but he’s the real Superman. Ricardo does another introduction for Del Rio. Del Rio says some people are saying the way he won at Payback was controversial. Del Rio says the night after WrestleMania when Dolph Ziggler cashed in was controversial. Del Rio says the fans cheered for Ziggler after he attacked an injured man. A “we want Ziggler” chant breaks out. Del Rio says he gives the fans everything but they don’t show him the respect he deserves. Del Rio brings up Jack Swagger next and calls him an ignorant pig. Del Rio causes the fans to chant “USA.” He’s upset that fans chant for a pig and a coward but won’t chant for him. Del Rio rips the fans. He says he fought for the fans for 5 months and he didn’t get anything. Last night, he fought for himself and got the World Heavyweight Title. Del Rio says he’s going to show us why he’s the best. He’s going to give everyone a second chance to show him the respect he deserves. The fans boo. CM Punk’s music hits and out he comes with Paul Heyman to a big pop from the crowd.

Fans get hype and chant for Punk as he takes the mic. Punk brings up defeating Del Rio for the WWE Title and going on to hold it for 434 days. Punk says he’s out here because he heard Del Rio claim to be the best. The fans chant for Punk. Punk says there’s only one best in the world and Del Rio is looking right at him. Punk says he’s here to challenge Del Rio. Heyman interrupts and says his client doesn’t fight for free. Punk tries hushing him up but Heyman goes on. Punk cuts him off and asks Heyman what he’s doing. Heyman says he’s banged up from last night and they didn’t talk about this match. Heyman says the title won’t even be on the line. Punk says Ziggler deserves a re-match. Punk says while Ziggler was stealing the show with Del Rio, he was stealing it with Chris Jericho. Punk says he proved he’s the best and wants to do it again tonight. Del Rio says Punk doesn’t want this. Punk says he does – he wants a match with Del Rio tonight. Fans start a “si” chant. Del Rio says he’s the World Champion and Punk doesn’t want him. Punk asks Ricardo if he wants to fight. Vickie Guerrero and Brad Maddox come out to boos from the crowd. Vickie says Del Rio doesn’t get to make that decision, she does. Vickie wants to continue the momentum from Payback and announces Punk vs. Del Rio for tonight’s main event.

Still to come, Vickie Guerrero will have a big surprise for Stephanie McMahon, Vince McMahon and Triple H. Also, Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton in singles action.

– We see Wade Barrett walking backstage. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Heyman is asking Punk if he knows how much he cares about him. Punk apologizes for jumping the gun in the ring but its how he feels about Punk. Punk says Heyman got involved at Payback and almost cost him the match. Punk says he’s not Curtis Axel and not Brock Lesnar. He no longer wants Heyman at ringside with him. Punk says he will always, always be a Paul Heyman guy. Punk walks off and Heyman looks sad.

Wade Barrett vs. Christian

We get a look at Payback where Curtis Axel won the Intercontinental Title. Wade Barrett waits in the ring for his rematch but out comes Vickie and Maddox again. Vickie says the rematch is going to have to wait because right now her big surprise is coming out. Here comes Christian to a big pop.

Christian gets the win after a good back and forth match. He hits Killswitch to pin Barrett.

Winner: Christian

– Fans can vote on the WWE App the stipulations for Orton vs. Bryan – No DQ, No Count Out or 2 of 3 Falls. We go to commercial after another promo for The Wyatt Family.

Handicap Match:  Sheamus vs. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

Back from the break and out comes Sheamus as Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes wait in the ring for a handicap match. They start by double teaming Sheamus but he fights them off. Cody nails a Disaster Kick and Sandow mounts Sheamus with right hands. Cody stomps away now.

More double teaming. Cody with a kick to the face. Sandow hits Elbow of Disdain for a 2 count. Sandow holds Sheamus while Cody slaps him and taunts him. Sheamus gets pissed and backdrops Cody to the floor. He fights Sheamus out and starts a comeback. Sheamus with a high knee and the rolling senton. He catches Cody on the apron and hits the forearms to the chest. Powerslam for Sandow. Cody comes off the second rope but Sheamus catches him and hits White Noise. Sheamus readies for a Brogue Kick on Cody but Sandow slides in and rolls Sheamus up for the win.

Winners: Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

– After the match, Sandow hurries up the ramp. Sheamus lays out Cody with a Brogue Kick.

– Still to come – will Mark Henry announce his retirement? We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and Vickie and Maddox are backstage bragging to Triple H about what’s happened tonight. Triple H asks what their main event was going to be if CM Punk didn’t challenge Del Rio. No answer. She brags on bringing back Christian. Triple H says that was good but he’s been cleared for about a month and a half, why are they just now bringing him back? Triple H brings up Rob Van Dam. They both take credit for bringing him back. Triple H says it was him who made the deal with RVD over the phone. Triple H brings up The Shield and says Vickie needs to take control of them. If they get involved tonight, he wants Vickie to make an example of them. Triple H jokes that putting 3MB on the show tonight was a stroke of genius and walks off.

– Kane and Daniel Bryan are backstage. Kane wants to talk but Bryan says he’s busy. Bryan says Kane is glad Bryan and Orton lost last night. Kane says he’s not; Bryan isn’t the only one who lost last night. Kane says maybe Team Hell No should give it another shot. Bryan says he’s never going to be anything if he’s involved in a team. He’s all about Team Daniel Bryan now. Bryan says he needs to win the WWE Title. Kane says he also wants to win the WWE Title. Kane asks if they’re done, if this is it. Bryan says he doesn’t know and Kane agrees. Kane wishes him good luck.

– Fans can vote now on the WWE App for the Orton vs. Bryan stipulation. Back to commercial.

No DQ Match: Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan

We go to the ring and out first comes Randy Orton. Out next comes Daniel Bryan. WWE App users voted for the stipulation on this match. Jerry Lawler is in the ring to reveal the stipulation and it will be a No Disqualification match.

Orton goes to work on his arm. They trade holds and Bryan stomps on the back of Orton’s knees. Bryan goes to work on the knees with kicks now. Bryan with kicks in the corner now. Orton turns it around and stomps away on Bryan. Orton drops Bryan and pulls him up by his hair. Bryan ducks a clothesline but Orton hits a Thesz Press. Bryan turns it into a half crab submission. Bryan with more kicks in the corner now. The crowd chants “yes” but Orton cuts him off with a rake to the eyes. Bryan goes out to the floor and Orton clotheslines him. Some fans chant for Orton as he rolls Bryan in for a 2 count.

More back and forth. Orton mounts Bryan with right hands in the corner. Bryan ducks another clothesline and dropkicks Orton. Bryan with the running dropkick in the corner. Bryan with another running dropkick for a 2 count. Orton with a kick to the face. Bryan dumps Orton out to the floor and runs the ropes for a suicide dive. Orton catches him and side steps, sending Bryan into the barrier. Orton grabs a kendo stick from under the ring and hits Bryan with it. Another kendo shot. Orton digs it into his gut and rolls him back in the ring. Orton comes in for a 2 count. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Orton is going up to the top for a superplex. Bryan fights him off and Orton falls to the mat. Bryan nails a missile dropkick. Orton gets to his knees and Bryan unloads with kicks and knees. Orton catches him with a huge overhead throw. Bryan blocks the draping DDT. Orton fights off the No Lock and catapults Bryan out of the ring. Bryan hangs on to the ropes and pulls himself up but Orton kicks him to the floor with a low blow. A trainer comes over to check on Bryan. Bryan rushes back in the ring and brawls with Orton. It appeared that the doctor didn’t want Bryan to continue. Orton brings Bryan back outside of the ring and backdrops him over the top of the barrier. The doctor checks on Bryan again and tells the referee to call the match.

Winner: Randy Orton

– Orton hugs Bryan at ringside. A trainer escorts Bryan to the back and Orton follows. The announcers talk about why doctors are at ringside – to protect the WWE Superstars.

– Still to come, Punk vs. Del Rio in the main event. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see what happened with Punk and Del Rio earlier tonight.

– We go to the ring and out comes new WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee. We see some footage of Kaitlyn crying at Payback. AJ says this is what it feels like to have it all. She says unfortunately Dolph Ziggler can’t be here tonight, but soon enough he will be back to share the spotlight with the greatest Divas Champion of all time. AJ says she’s an example for all women. She issues a challenge and says if there’s a woman who thinks she’s a fraction of what she is in the back, come out now. Stephanie McMahon’s music hits and out she comes.

AJ says hi to the boss and asks if she’s here to congratulate her. Stephanie says there’s a line of Divas waiting to come out but she wanted to come speak first. Stephanie gives AJ props and congratulates her. Stephanie asks AJ why she keeps this stereotype going about how women are. Stephanie says what AJ did to Kaitlyn was degrading to women everywhere. Stephanie says it’s time AJ started acting like a champion. AJ apologizes and says she should be thinking and acting more like Stephanie. AJ says maybe she should marry a Superstar instead of dating one. AJ mentions Stephanie’s daddy issues. Stephanie expected something more original. AJ says what she did to Kaitlyn was original, it was her masterpiece. Stephanie says she’s a McMahon, nobody does crazy better than them. Stephanie says if AJ wants to be Divas Champion, she needs to start acting like one. AJ says she is Stephanie, only younger. Stephanie says she can take everything away from AJ, including her job. Kaitlyn’s music hits and out she comes with Cameron, Naomi, Layla, Alicia Fox and Natalya. Kaitlyn congratulates AJ. Stephanie walks up the ramp, grabs the mic and tells Kaitlyn to never interrupt her again, and that goes for all the Divas. Stephanie walks off. Kaitlyn goes back to talking to AJ. The fans chant “you tapped out” as Kaitlyn walks towards the ring. She says AJ manipulated her and broke her. Now it’s her turn. Kaitlyn hits the ring and attacks AJ. We see Big E Langston at ringside now. Big E pulls AJ out of the ring. She tries to get back in but Big E stops her and carries her away. Kaitlyn’s music hits as she looks on from the ring.

– Still to come, Kane vs. Dean Ambrose. Back to commercial.

WWE United States Title Match: Kane vs. Dean Ambrose

Back from the break and out comes The Shield through the crowd. WWE United States Champion Dean Ambrose heads to the ring. Out next comes Kane for another title shot.

Kane goes to work on Ambrose in the corner to start the match. Cole reports Daniel Bryan may have nerve damage. Ambrose tries to come back but Kane drops him with a big boot. Kane keeps control and hits a sidewalk slam for a 2 count. Kane goes to the top and comes crashing down with a big right hand. Roman Reigns hits the ring but Kane decks him. Seth Rollins comes in but Kane fights him off.

Winner by DQ: Kane

– After the bell, Reigns takes Kane out with a spear. The Shield takes control and hit the triple powerbomb.

– We see Mark Henry backstage hugging Tamina Snuka, Titus O’Neil and Darren Young. Darren is crying. We go to commercial.

– The Shield are backstage when Vickie Guerrero approaches them pissed off. They taunt her and asks if she’s going to spank them or something. Ambrose says Vickie should think about what she’s doing before she does it. Maddox says nothing. Vince McMahon walks up. He says The Shield remind him of himself, ruthless. He tells them they’re doing a good job, keep it up and have a good night. They walk off. Vince tells Vickie he likes The Shield and come to think of it, he never liked Kane anyhow.

– Still to come, Punk vs. Del Rio. We get another vignette for Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family.

– Back from the break and out comes Zeb Colter. He says America is under siege. He talks about the government spying on us and foreigners sneaking across our borders. Colter says we are at war and war calls for unusual alliances. Colter says he and Swagger, to prove they’re not prejudice, have chosen to work alongside a man who has honor, integrity and respect. Out comes Antonio Cesaro. He says “we the people” and heads to the ring.

Antonio Cesaro vs. William Regal

Cesaro heads to the ring where William Regal waits. They lock up and go at it.

Cesaro turns it around and unloads in the corner. Cesaro with a big slam and a 2 count. Cesaro with a stomp to the back and a big forearm shot. Regal fights back and hits uppercuts. Regal knocks Cesaro down. He goes for a double underhook but Cesaro counters and slams Regal on his back after holding him in the air on his back. Cesaro with a sleeper hold. He swings Regal around by his neck and keeps the hold locked on the mat. Cesaro hits the Neutralizer for the win.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro

– After the match, Colter gets in the ring and hands Colter the “Don’t Tread On Me” flag. Cesaro drapes it over Regal and poses with Colter.

– John Cena is walking backstage as we go to commercial.

– Back from the break and out comes WWE Champion John Cena.

Cena comes out and talks about the usual – some fans booing him and others knowing he goes to war for them every time he comes out. Cena says he had a horrible 2012. Cena goes on and says he will take any challenge in front of him. He brings up Money in the Bank. Cena says the champ is here and his music hits. Mark Henry interrupts the music and makes his way out to the ring.

Cena goes to leave the ring but Henry has something to say to Cena and the people in the back, and the fans. Henry says he loves everyone in the business and the fans. A “thank you” chant breaks out from the crowd. They chant “Sexual Chocolate” next. Henry gets emotional. Henry says Cena will be the greatest WWE Champion of all-time at the rate he’s going. Henry says he’s been World Champion and ECW Champion; he’s had a lot of success. Henry says he’s here to formally retire from the active roster. The fans chant for one more match. Cena hands Henry the WWE Title and he raises it up. Cena and the fans applaud Henry. Henry gives Cena the title back because he says it’s something you have to earn. Henry goes on and talks about his family getting to see more of him. Henry thanks the fans again and they cheer for him. Cena raises Henry’s hand. They hug and Henry lays Cena out with a World’s Strongest Slam. Henry says he still has a lot left in the tank. Henry throws the title at Cena before leaving the ring. Henry stops at the ramp, looks back and yells, “that’s what I do!” We go to replays.

– Still to come, Punk vs. Del Rio. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Henry is backstage walking. Renee Young approaches him for comment. Henry says he had everyone fooled and calls them puppets. Henry challenges Cena for the WWE Title.

Heath Slater vs. Chris Jericho

We go to the ring and 3MB is waiting. Out next comes Chris Jericho.

They go at it and Jericho strikes first. Jericho with chops. Slater turns it around drops him for a 2 count. Slater runs into a big boot. Jericho comes back with shoulders. Jericho comes off the second rope and then hits a bulldog. Drew McIntyre gets a cheap shot in on Jericho for another 2 count. Slater slams Jericho and misses a knee drop from the ropes. Jericho with a bulldog and a moonsault. Jericho hits a Codebreaker for the win.

Winner: Chris Jericho

– After the match, Drew tries to attack but Jericho ducks it and hits a Codebreaker. Jericho clears the ring and his music hits.

– Heyman is backstage talking with Curtis Axel. Matt Striker approaches for comment. Heyman says he’s the best friend of the best in the world. He says friends need space and wants Striker to talk about Curtis Axel.

Sin Cara vs. Curtis Axel

Back from the break and The Miz is out for commentary. Sin Cara comes out first followed by new WWE Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel with Paul Heyman.

Curtis attacks and goes for an early pin attempt. Cara gets in some offense and dropkicks Axel out of the ring. Axel comes back in and knocks Cara out of mid-air. Axel with kicks and a back suplex for a 2 count. Cara counters with an inverted DDT and covers for 2. They trade shots but Axel drops him with a knee to the gut. Axel runs into boots and then a kick from the corner. Cara comes off the top rope but Axel counters and moves. Axel nails his DDT finisher for the win.

Winner: Curtis Axel

– After the match, Axel talks trash to The Miz and they stare each other down.

– Still to come, Punk vs. Del Rio in the main event.

– Back from the break and they say Daniel Bryan is being evaluated for nerve damage but will face Dean Ambrose on SmackDown.

– Vince McMahon is backstage with Brad Maddox and Vickie Guerrero. He asks what they’re going to do about Mark Henry. Henry vs. Cena is announced for Money in the Bank. Triple H and Stephanie come in and argue about how out of control everything is. Vince tells Vickie to listen to him. Triple H says listen to him and they walk off. Stephanie tells Vickie she knows who to really listen to.

– CM Punk is backstage when Paul Heyman walks up to wish him luck and hug him before the match. Heyman praises Punk as he walks off.

CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio

Ricardo Rodriguez and World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio make their way out for tonight’s non-title main event before we go to commercial.

Back from the commercial and out comes CM Punk without Paul Heyman. The bell rings and they go at it. Punk unloads and sends Del Rio to the floor for a breather already. Del Rio comes back in but Punk unloads with kicks and he goes back to the floor to regroup. The crowd boos Del Rio. Punk catches him on the floor and beats him into the barrier. Punk with a big chop before bringing it back in. Del Rio meets Punk with kicks and stomps away. Del Rio with a kick to the head for a 1 count. Del Rio keeps control until Punk comes back and goes for a GTS. Del Rio slides out and retreats to the floor again. Punk runs the ropes and dives out onto Del Rio. Fans chant for Punk as he goes to work on Del Rio’s arm. Punk rolls Del Rio back in. Ricardo distracts him, allowing Del Rio to take control. Del Rio goes to work on Punk’s arm and kicks him to the floor as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Punk starts to fight back. Punk with more kicks. Punk with a heel kick as he clutches his arm. Punk with knees. Del Rio ducks a kick and drops Punk on his arm. Del Rio with more offense and another pin attempt. Del Rio goes for the armbreaker but Punk blocks it and hits the high knee in the corner. Punk barely hits GTS and Del Rio rolls out of the ring. Del Rio leaves up the ramp with Ricardo as Punk looks on. As Del Rio heads up the ramp, he’s attacked from behind by Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler unloads on Del Rio as officials try to pull them apart. Ziggler chases Del Rio to the back and Punk is announced the winner.

Winner by count-out: CM Punk

– After the match, Brock Lesnar’s music hits and out he comes.

Lesnar stares Punk down from the stage before making his way to the ring. Lesnar takes the mic and comes face to face with Punk in the middle of the ring. Lesnar goes to speak but drops the mic and lays Punk out with a F5. We go to replays. Punk is shown lying face down as Lesnar smiles from the ramp. RAW goes off the air.

Source:  www.lordsofpain.net