TNA iMPACT 09 12 2024

TNA IMPACT Results for Thursday are courtesy of

Steve Maclin vs. Hammerstone

The night kicks off with a heated matchup between Steve Maclin and Hammerstone. The two powerhouses lock up, with Maclin lighting Hammerstone up with hard chops. However, Hammerstone’s power is too much to contain as he delivers a massive spinebuster, swinging the momentum in his favor. He follows up with multiple slams before attempting a Torture Rack, but Maclin reverses it into a backbreaker on his knee. With Hammerstone down, Maclin sets him up for “Into the Crosshairs,” but Hammerstone kicks out.

The match takes another turn when Hammerstone counters Maclin’s KIA attempt with a powerslam. The action spills to the outside, and both men battle their way to the top rope. Hammerstone manages to hit a belly-to-belly suplex from the top.

Maclin slips out of a Nightmare Pendulum attempt and rolls up Hammerstone for the win.

Steve Maclin def. Hammerstone 

After the match, Hammerstone attacks Maclin, only for Eric Young to make the save. As Hammerstone retreats to the ramp, Jake Something appears by his side. The four men stare each other down, setting the stage Victory Road!

In a backstage segment, Alisha Edwards, Eddie Edwards, Moose, and JDC discuss The System’s upcoming clash with The Hardys, Moose’s match against Nic Nemeth at Victory Road, and more.

A furious Steve Maclin addresses Eric Young backstage, telling him that he respects him. Maclin and Young then issue a challenge to Jake Something and Hammerstone for a tag team match at Victory Road.

Heather Reckless vs Gisele Shaw 

Gisele Shaw starts the match with a headlock on Heather Reckless, but Heather counters with multiple pin attempts and a headscissors takedown. Gisele uses her strength to take control, press-slamming Reckless to the mat and delivering a series of chops in the corner.

Reckless finds her opening after hitting a Satellite DDT, but Gisele kicks out just in time.

The Personal Concierge, Ash By Elegance, makes their way to ringside, distracting the referee. Ash slaps Gisele while she’s on the top rope, allowing Reckless to capitalize with her finisher, “Recked,” securing her first victory as a Knockout.

Heather Reckless def. Gisele Shaw

A cryptic “COMING SOON” video airs, teasing the arrival of a new Knockout to TNA.

Matt Cardona and SDL make their way to the ring, with Cardona grabbing the mic and complaining that Santino Marella has it out for him. He announces that his first match back will be a tag team bout at Victory Road against Rhino and PCO, revealing that his partner will be SDL.

Cardona continues berating SDL until PCO storms the ring, and they team up to lay him out with a low blow from SDL, followed by a chokeslam to Cardona from PCO.

Gia Miller and Spitfire discuss their upcoming “Do or Die” match at Victory Road. Jody emphasizes that if they fail to win the Knockouts World Tag Team Championships, they’ll break up as a team.

First Class vs. ABC – Tornado Match

ABC wastes no time, with Chris Bey and Ace Austin taking control and diving onto First Class members Aj Francis and KC Navarro outside the ring.

Aj Francis turns the tide with a brutal forearm and slams both Bey and Austin into the side of the ring. KC Navarro hits a double stomp on Bey on the floor, and First Class delivers a double-team move on Austin, who barely kicks out.

ABC regains momentum, hitting a suplex on the 300-pound Aj Francis. Bey goes for the “Art of Finesse,” but Francis catches him, only to eat a cutter. Ace follows up with “The Fold,” and ABC picks up the win.

ABC def. First Class 

A vignette plays, detailing Jonathan Gresham’s internal struggles and his storied history in TNA.

In an exclusive social media clip, First Class officially challenged The Hardys to a showdown at Victory Road!

Joe Hendry enters the ring and calls out his Victory Road opponent, Josh Alexander, who appears in the stands. Hendry shares a humorous “Josh Alexander Story,” mocking him with a song that refers to him as “Kurt Angle from Wish.”

A furious Josh Alexander threatens to end Hendry at Victory Road, but Hendry fires back with confidence, getting the crowd to chant “Walking Wiener” at Alexander.

Backstage, Jordynne Grace confronts Arianna Grace, telling her that she’s welcome in TNA, as are many others from NXT—but Wendy Choo is not. Arianna tries to pinky promise that nothing will go off the rails at Victory Road.

Mike Santana declares that he’s coming for the TNA World Championship. He acknowledges Nic Nemeth but expresses his desire to make Moose suffer if Moose wins at Victory Road, questioning if Moose is truly ready for him.

Ash By Elegance vs. Xia Brookside

Ash By Elegance and Xia Brookside battle back and forth until Ash tries to counter a sunset flip, landing flat on her backside in pain. The Personal Concierge assists Ash by grabbing Xia’s leg, allowing Ash to regain momentum and beat down Xia.

Xia catches Ash in an octopus submission hold but is distracted by The Personal Concierge. Out of nowhere, Heather Reckless runs out and pulls Xia into the ring post, giving Ash the opening to steal the victory.

Ash By Elegance def. Xia Brookside

Nic Nemeth addresses Moose and The System ahead of their match at Victory Road, reminding Moose that he’s defeated Moose’s heroes and only has one thing left to prove—beating Moose and retaining the TNA World Championship.

Ash By Elegance is seen anxiously checking her makeup in the mirror when Heather Reckless appears in the reflection. The Personal Concierge offers to give Heather a makeover if she’s interested.

The System vs. The Hardys

Matt and Jeff Hardy start strong, working together with quick tags to dominate Brian Myers.

The momentum shifts when Eddie Edwards tags in and begins to wear down Matt Hardy. The assault continues as Myers re-enters the match, targeting Jeff Hardy. However, Jeff manages to avoid a splash, and the Hardys hit Poetry in Motion, sending The System to the floor.

As Jeff tries to follow up, Eddie grabs his leg, allowing Myers to take him out. Jeff eventually tags in Matt, who comes in on fire, taking out Myers and landing a second-rope leg drop. The System regains control, giving Matt a beatdown while taunting Jeff from the apron. Matt escapes their grasp, tagging Jeff back in, but Myers and Edwards manage to shut him down with a big shot from Edwards and a spear from Myers.

Just when it seems The System has control, Matt lands a Twist of Fate on Myers, followed by Jeff hitting a Swanton Bomb, securing the victory.

The Hardys def. The System  

TNA iMPACT goes off the air.