TNA iMPACT 06 27 2024

Thursday’s TNA IMPACT results are courtesy of

We kick things off in the iMPACT Zone with Gia Miller. She introduces Jordynne Grace to the ring. Jordynne addresses Ash By Elegance, stating that she’s giving Ash a Knockouts World Title shot TONIGHT!

She’s interrupted by The Personal Concierge, who announces Ash will not be competing tonight but will face Jordynne at Slammiversary instead. Ash will be on vacation in the Bahamas until then. Security is sent after Jordynne, but she destroys all of the guards until Santino comes out to calm her down.

Masha Slamovich vs. Xia Brookside

Xia Brookside started the match with momentum until Alisha Edwards caused a distraction, allowing Masha to turn things around. Xia fought back, using the energy of the iMPACT Zone to hit Broken Wings and a Neckbreaker, but Masha ultimately won the match with a devastating Snow Plow.

Masha Slamovich def. Xia Brookside

Backstage, AJ Francis, DJ Whoo Kid, and Rich Swann talk trash about PCO wanting the “International Heavyweight Wrestling Championship.” AJ Francis declares himself the International Wrestling Champion. DJ Whoo Kid pulls out Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg’s “Gin and Juice” to celebrate as they walk out of the frame.

Lars Frederiksen and Spitfire meet backstage, discussing their final test: Jody Threat and Dani Luna facing each other!

Campaign Singh is in the ring and announces Mustafa Ali for his State of The Union address.

Ali claims the video played at Against All Odds, where he bashed Chicago, was AI-generated fake news.

He targets some fans in the front row for chanting for Mike Bailey and tells security to escort them out. A fan throws a drink at Ali, prompting him to attack the fan!

Mike Bailey comes to the fan’s aid, leading to a brawl between Bailey and Ali. Ali snaps on the mic and tells Bailey that he ruined Ali’s homecoming to Chicago, so he’s going to ruin Bailey’s homecoming at Slammiversary when they battle for the X Division Championship!

Backstage, Mike Bailey tells Ali that his campaign is falling apart and the biggest mistake was challenging him for the X Division Championship at Slammiversary in his hometown!

ABC vs. Jake Something & Cody Deaner vs. The Rascalz

Cody Deaner addresses the people of Chicago, saying that if they win tonight, they will be back in line for a shot at the TNA World Tag Team Championships. The Rascalz interrupt, insulting Chicago and suggesting they forfeit. Chris Bey tells them to shut up, and Ace Austin chooses to start the match. Bey dives over Ace, flattening the Rascalz.

Deaner starts the match by punching both Rascalz before tagging in Jake Something. The Rascalz take control when Trey pretends to hurt his ankle, followed by a tag team maneuver. Deaner fights back but gets hit by another tag team combo. Deaner tags in Ace, who comes in on fire, taking down both Rascalz and landing Click Click Boom. The Rascalz evade ABC and hit them with more teamwork.

They aim to take out Jake Something, but Trey gets chopped by the big man. Jake catches Trey in a powerbomb and launches him at Wentz, then throws Ace at the grounded Rascalz.

ABC comes out on top when they hit the Art of Finesse followed by The Fold, securing the 1, 2, Sweet!

ABC def. Jake Something & Cody Deaner & The Rascalz

The System says no matter who is put in front of them, The System will always prevail!

A video package introduces the Slammiversary qualifier match between Steve Maclin and Sami Callihan.

Steve Maclin vs. Sami Callihan

Maclin wastes no time, taking Sami out with a huge running knee as soon as the bell rings.

He tries to follow up with another knee, but Sami grabs him and lands a Cactus Driver 97 right off the hop! Maclin tries to dive on Sami, but Sami sidesteps, sending Maclin crashing into the ramp. The intensity stays high throughout the match. Sami eats a KIA while caught in the ropes, securing Maclin’s victory and his spot at Slammiversary!

Steve Maclin def. Sami Callihan

Alan Angels vs. KUSHIDA

Angels tries to rush Kushida but gets sent to the floor. Angels turns things around when Kushida gets hot-shotted on the top rope and lands a dropkick to Kushida’s chest. Angels maintains momentum until Kushida fires back, catching Angels’ arm and locking in the Hoverboard Lock. After some back and forth, Kushida locks in the Hoverboard Lock again, winning the match.

KUSHIDA def. Alan Angels

Jonathan Gresham blindsides Kushida and tries to spit ink into Kushida’s mouth, but security stops him.

A video package plays of Matt and Jeff Hardy with Reby Hardy addressing The System.

Rich Swann w/AJ Francis and DJ Whoo Kid vs. Nic Nemeth

Nemeth starts strong, outwrestling Swann. Swann turns things around with a dropkick and taunts Nemeth. Nemeth hits a dropkick of his own as “AJ Sucks” chants ring out.

DJ Whoo Kid distracts the referee, allowing AJ Francis to smash a can of Gin and Juice into Nemeth’s face.

The referee ejects AJ Francis from the iMPACT Zone! Swann continues the beatdown on Nemeth, but Nemeth finds an opening.

Swann rips at Nemeth’s eyes and hits a kick combo. Nemeth evades and hits Swann with a flurry of clotheslines and elbow drops. Nemeth goes for Danger Zone, but Swann counters with a huge kick to the head and a Handspring Cutter.

After exchanging blows, Nemeth lands a HUGE DDT and a Danger Zone, securing his spot in the TNA World title match at Slammiversary!

TNA iMPACT goes off the air.