TNA iMPACT 06 20 2024

TNA IMPACT Results are courtesy of

Alisha grabs the mic first to a chorus of boos. She tells the crowd they should appreciate The System. Eddie takes the mic next, stating that what Alisha is trying to say is that the iMPACT Zone is witnessing history with The System. Myers then takes over, verbally attacking the crowd further and proclaiming The System as the greatest faction in wrestling history. He reintroduces Johnny “Dango” Curtis to the iMPACT faithful. Dango insults the crowd, affirming his belief in himself as one of the best professional wrestlers in the world. He acknowledges his initial doubts but asserts his return to The System, his true friends. Looking at Moose, he expresses his belief in The System. Moose takes the mic, acknowledging Dango’s contributions but asserts that he is not yet part of The System.

He declares The System and himself are unbeatable, challenging anyone in the locker room to prove otherwise.

Just then, DOA Santino’s music hits, and he enters the iMPACT Zone. He announces the “Road To Slammiversary,” where the winner will face Moose in a 6-way elimination match at TNA Slammiversary. He also announces Dango’s match against Ryan Nemeth later that night. Additionally, he sets the stage for the kickoff of the “Road To Slammiversary” with Josh Alexander vs. Eric Young in the main event on TNA iMPACT!

Ace Austin and Chris Bey discuss their big win against Eric Young and Josh Alexander at Against All Odds and express their desire to regain the TNA Tag Team Championships, requesting another big match next week on TNA iMPACT!

An exclusive video is shown on TNA’s social media of Frankie Kazarian addressing Joe Hendry after they participated in the NXT Championship #1 Contenders Battle Royal on NXT.


Jody Threat and Jody Threat lock up, with Jody getting pushed to the corner but responding with a shoulder tackle. She unleashes on Marti and hits her with an exploder suplex. Marti tags in Allysin Kay, who gets taken down by Jody with a kick. Jody tags Dani Luna, and they lay Kay out with a combination of moves, dropping her with a double suplex.

Marti distracts the ref, allowing Kay to hit a cheap shot and switch the momentum. The HEX hits a tag team combo of their own on Jody, with Marti continuing the assault. The HEX executes another tag team combo, ending in a huge senton from Kay. Marti runs in and cheap shots Luna on the apron, locking in a headlock on Jody. The crowd gets behind Jody, giving her temporary energy, but Kay yanks Luna off the apron before she can tag. Jody evades and makes the tag to Luna, who comes in hot, taking out The HEX with a dive to the floor. Luna gets back in the ring, but the numbers game is too much, and Belle and Kay lay her out. Kay tries to set up for Hex Marks The Spot, but Luna escapes and makes the tag. Jody climbs to the top and front flips onto both members of The HEX, hitting a devastating tag combo and securing the win for SPITFIRE!


A recap is shown of the ending of Against All Odds when Moose speared Reby Hardy through a table after pulling her in front of Matt Hardy. An exclusive video posted earlier on TNA’s social media shows The Hardys and Reby addressing The System, vowing to take TNA “OVAHH!”

KUSHIDA join Alan Angels on Sound Check, They recap KUSHIDA’s ordeal at the hands of Jonathan Gresham at Under Siege and his return at Against All Odds, where he stole a sample of Gresham’s ink. Angels asks KUSHIDA what he plans to do next, to which KUSHIDA responds that he is determined to find a cure for Gresham’s sickness. Angels calls him greedy, and KUSHIDA storms off after challenging Angels to a fight next week!

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt discuss the 5 “Road To Slammiversary” Qualifier matches, with the first one starting tonight in the main event between Josh Alexander and Eric Young. Next week features Steve Maclin vs. Sami Callihan and Nic Nemeth vs. Rich Swann, followed by Kazarian vs. Santana and Jake Something vs. Joe Hendry in two weeks.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Ace Steel – Chicago Street Fight

Ace immediately throws a trash can at Kazarian and takes the fight to him

Kazarian turns it around with a kick to the spine. He grabs more weapons from outside the ring, and Ace retaliates by throwing the trash can at Kazarian’s head. Ace gives Kazarian a suplex onto the trash can.

Kazarian reverses an Irish whip, sending Ace to the floor, and follows up by throwing the trash can at him. Kazarian starts putting a beatdown on Steel, body-slamming him on the floor and choking him with a cord. Ace fights back with forearms, but Kaz hits him with a steel chair and powerbombs him onto it. Kaz tries to hit Ace in the head, but Ace moves, and the chair bounces off the top rope, hitting Kazarian. Ace starts firing back with the chair and a kendo stick. Kaz hits a DDT and picks up the kendo stick, locking in the chicken wing with it. Ace low blows Kaz, He puts Ace away with a Fade to Black on chairs.

Frankie Kazarian def. Ace Steel

After the match, Kazarian locks in the chicken wing on Ace. Joe Hendry’s music hits, and he hits the ring, making the save for Ace Steel.

Mustafa Ali talks to Campaign Singh about the leaked video with distorted audio that aired at Against All Odds, exposing Ali talking trash about Chicago. Singh has an idea to fix things and tells Ali to put together a team of the best of the best. Ali announces that next week on iMPACT, he will address the people in a “State of the Union.”

PCO and Steph De Lander’s Date

PCO and Steph De Lander’s date begins with eerie music as PCO lights candles. Steph asks PCO about his interests, and they banter, with Steph jokingly saying PCO loves “The Notebook” too.

PCO pulls out a bottle of black liquid and drinks it, to Steph’s dismay. She tries it but spits it out, asking for wine. They unveil a tray of food, and Steph teaches PCO how to use a fork.

AJ Francis and Rich Swann interrupt, toasting the couple but then attacking them. Francis throws wine in PCO’s face, and Swann hits him with a superkick. Francis chokeslams De Lander through a table while PCO watches.

Ash By Elegance vs. Heather Reckless

The bell rings as Ash By Elegance and Heather Reckless face off. Ash gains the upper hand with a kick to the spine and a punch in the mouth. Reckless fights back, evading Ash in the corner and hitting an uppercut and a palm strike. Ash hits a rarefied air and gets the win.

Ash By Elegance def. Heather Reckless

After the match, Ash attacks Reckless, with the personal concierge calling her the “juggernaut” while Ash sets up for the Juggernaut driver. Jordynne Grace enters, and Ash attacks her, laying her out with the TNA Knockouts Championship.

A furious Jordynne Grace vows to Santino to finish her problems with Ash By Elegance once and for all.

Johnny Dango Curtis vs. Ryan Nemeth

The match starts with Ryan Nemeth hitting a big dropkick and continuing to put the heat on Dango. Dango turns the tide with a backbreaker, hitting chops and locking in a submission. Nemeth fights back, hitting a running European uppercut and a jumping DDT. Dango retreats to the floor but returns to hit a kick and and a top rope leg drop for the win.

The System enters the ring to congratulate “JDC.” They beat down Ryan until Nic Nemeth saves his brother, and they stand tall together in the ring, ready to take on The System!

Johnny Dango Curtis def. Ryan Nemeth

Matthew Rehwoldt and Tom Hannifan run down all upcoming events. The Road To Slammiversary continues, with Eric Young and Josh Alexander speaking ahead of their main event match.

Eric Young vs. Josh Alexander

Josh and EY start with a back-and-forth exchange, with Young gaining the advantage with a back elbow. He gets Josh in the corner and delivers a solid shot, but Josh fights back with a punch of his own. Young quickly regains control, catching Josh with a back suplex and locking in a Sharpshooter. Josh pulls himself to the ropes, but EY pulls him back to the center and locks in a sharpshooter of his own. Josh gets to the ropes, and the two separate. Josh hits a back body drop and a running forearm in the corner, followed by a knee to the back of Young’s head. Josh continues the assault, hitting multiple German suplexes. EY grabs the ropes and dumps Josh with a DVD. EY goes to the top rope, but Josh meets him with a forearm and a crossbody to the back. Josh goes for a Moonsault, but EY moves and climbs the rope again. EY hits a huge elbow drop, but Josh kicks out. Josh locks in an ankle lock, but Young rolls out and hits a Young Blood Neckbreaker and a huge piledriver. He goes for the pin, but Alexander gets his foot on the bottom rope.

EY tries to piledrive Josh from the second rope, but Josh reverses. EY rolls Josh up, but he kicks out. EY hits a discus clothesline, but Josh catches it and gives Young another huge suplex, hitting the C4 Spike and securing his spot at Slammiversary!

The two hug in a sign of respect as TNA iMPACT goes off the air.