TNA IMPACT 11 22 2012

Impact Wrestling
Date: November 22nd 2012 (Taped)
Location: Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay & Taz & Todd Kennelly

The video recap opened the show, followed by the pyro, and Todd Kennelly, Mike Tenay, and Tazz opened the show. In the ring, Jeremy Borash presented Wes Brisco as the Gut Check challenger. Garett Bischoff was introduced as his opponent. Tough challenge…

Wes Brisco vs. Garett Bischoff in a Gut Check match. Both men went back and forth with reversals to show their equality. Kurt Angle made his way to the ring to watch the match. Garett took control and hit a one man flapjack and setup for something, but Wes hooked a weird roll-up for the win.

Wes Brisco won a Gut Check challenge at 4:16.

Post-match, Angle jumped in the ring and hugged Brisco. He also congratulated Garett and everyone left together…Backstage, Al Snow spoke to the four prior Gut Check signees and said they could call out anyone they wanted. He wished them luck and said “no guts, no glory”…[C]

Backstage, Angle continued to celebrate with Wes and Garett. Wes was over the top with his excitement and gratitude…Joey Ryan made his ring entrance. Ryan cut a promo and said he didn’t need Gut Check to be a star, he was born a star. He said Hulk Hogan wanted to control he and Matt Morgan by dividing them, but you can’t divide the Tag Team Champions, and that is what he and Morgan were going to become. He called out Chavo Guerrero…

Joey Ryan vs. Chavo Guerrero. Ryan attacked as soon as Chavo slid in the ring. Ryan worked his offense, but Chavo came right back with a flying head scissor. Chavo went to the top for the frog splash, but Matt Morgan ran in and chokeslammed Chavo to cause the DQ. Hernandez ran out, but Morgan and Ryan split…

Chavo Guerrero defeated Joey Ryan by disqualification at 3:46.

Backstage, Austin Aries said he knew who he was going to call out for Open Fight Night, and just like Thanksgiving, it would be a family affair…[C]

Sam Shaw made his way to the ring and said since it was Gut Check night, he wanted to call out the first winner, Alex Silva. Um…OK…

Sam Shaw vs. Alex Silva. Silva attacked the second he hit the ring and slammed Shaw around while playing heel to the crowd. Silva tried to flip Shaw over, but Shaw landed on his feet and hit a spear to start his offensive run.

Shaw hit a combo backbreaker and neckbreaker, followed by a top rope leg drop for the win…

Sam Shaw defeated Alex Silva at 4:00.

Backstage, Eric Young and ODB went into Hogan’s office and checked to make sure it was OK to do the Turkey Suit challenge. Hogan gave his blessing…[C]

Backstage, the Robbies confronted EY about the Turkey suit, and Robbie E said he wanted EY to challenge him so he could get revenge for Robbie T. Tara and Jesse walked past and got involved too. EY said he was calling them both out for the largest turkey bowl extravaganza…

A video recapped some of the Aces and Eights chaos. The gang was shown in the clubhouse with a turkey and Devon said there were strippers for desert. He congratulated DOC on earning his full membership. The VP threw the dart and they all laughed and Devon said it would be a good Thanksgiving…

[C] The Christian York hype video aired. York made his ring entrance and cut a promo on calling out a person he respected, Jeff Hardy…

Christian York vs. Jeff Hardy. Both guys hit kicks on each other, but York hit a big drop kick that Hardy sold as impressed…[C] Back from commercial, Jeff missed the Whisper in the Wind to give York a near fall. Hardy hit a mule kick to drop York in the corner. He went for the low dropkick, but again York moved. York hit a cannonball in the corner and locked on a submission hold with his legs around Hardy’s arms.

Hardy made the rope and had another hope spot where he went for the Twist of Fate, but York escaped and hit a Twist of Fate of his own for a near fall that should have popped the live crowd but didn’t.

Hardy reversed a swinging neckbreaker and went to the top. York caught him there, but Hardy hit a sunset flip into a powerbomb. Hardy hit a Twist of Fate and followed with the swanton for the win…

Jeff Hardy defeated Christian York at 10:55.

Post-match, Hardy and York hugged. Hardy celebrated on the turnbuckle. Bobby Roode ran out and hit a spinebuster on York. He waited for Hardy to climb down and hit a spear on him. Roode took the title belt and posed over Hardy…

A Taeler Hendrix video aired, followed by Brooke Hogan wishing Hendrix luck backstage…[C]

Hendrix made her ring entrance and said she wanted to see how she measured up to the gold standard. She called out Tara…

Taeler Hendrix vs. Tara (w/Jesse). Hendrix wanted to shake hands, but Tara slapped it away. Tara worked her normal, “power move followed by smooch with Jesse” gimmick a few times, but Hendrix finally recovered early and hit a drop kick that drove Tara into her boo.

Jesse complained on the apron and distracted Hendrix. Tara charged, but Hendrix moved and hit a roundhouse for two. Tara came right back with a haymaker punch and followed with the Widows Peak for the win…

Tara defeated Taeler Hendrix at 4:18.

EY was shown heading to the stage with the turkey suit…[C]

Ring introductions occurred for the turkey suit triple threat. I hate myself for having to type that…

Eric Young (w/ODB) vs. Jesse (w/Tara) vs. Robbie E (w/Robbie T). Robbie and Jesse formed an alliance early, but Jesse broke up a cover and they started fighting. ODB and Tara ended up in the ring and fighting. They rolled over the ref and he went to the floor to admonish them. Robbie T grabbed EY so Robbie E could hit him. EY moved and toss E hit T with a spear. EY tossed E from the ring and reversed Jesse’s attempt at his finisher to roll him up for the win…

Eric Young won the Turkey Suit match when he pinned Jesse at 3:31.

Post-match, Jesse put on the turkey suit and sold being pissed off. He and Tara left. Aces and Eights ran in and attacked EY. They dragged ODB from the ring and handcuffed her to the turnbuckle. They took EY’s show off and hit his foot with the hammer twice. The agents finally ran out to help EY…[C]

Kazarian and Christopher Daniels made their entrance. Kaz called out AJ Styles for a match…

Kazarian (w/Christopher Daniels ) vs. AJ Styles. Styles started fast with a flying head scissor and drop kick, but Kazarian came right back with a front suplex on the rope and a kick to the floor. Styles nailed Kaz getting back in the ring and tried for a Superman punch, but Kaz pulled Hebner in the way.

Hebner and Kaz argued. Kaz went for a clothesline, but Styles ducked and hit the Pele kick for the win.

AJ Styles defeated Kazarian at 5:19..

Austin Aries was shown backstage and promised to open Pandora’s box next…[C]

Austin Aries made his ring entrance in street clothes and said he has been saying for months that he isn’t getting a fair shake. He said the playing field has not been level, and the deck was stacked against him. I wonder how many clichés he can come up with. He said there was one name that was the root of his problems and holding him down. He said that name was “Hogan.” He said since it was Open Fight Night, he wanted Hogan to get his fake tan, blonde hair, ugly ass out there. He said he should be more specific, he wanted to call out Brooke Hogan.

Brroke came out and Aries said he wasn’t trying to fight her because she was a woman, but she was a Hogan and daddy’s little girl. He said he was tired of the name “Hogan.” He said everywhere he has looked for 25 years, every TV he has ever turned on, everywhere he went and heard fans chant, it was always Hogan. He said he bet Brooke was tired of being a Hogan too. He said when Brooke was little, he bet she couldn’t wait to get married and give the Hogan name away. He said she might have thought she might be Brooke Trump or Brooke McMahon. He said he bet she never thought she would be Mrs. Bully Ray.

Brooke looked confused and Aries had them play a clip from two weeks ago when he was shown walking past Brooke and Bully Ray arguing, and then from last week when Tara and Jesse walked in on Ray and Brooke. Aries said Brooke didn’t have to settle for the turkey, he would have given her all the stuffing she needed. Hogan’s music hit and he walked out. Bully Ray ran out and Aries left the ring apologizing. Hogan said Aries was dead and then looked at Brooke while Bully apologized to her. It looked like Brooke said, “It’s not what you think” to her dad before running to the back. Hogan stared at Ray to end the show…

Source: Ring Side News