Location: Orlando, Florida (Universal Studios)
Date: May26th, 2010 (Taped: 17th May)
Commentators: Mike Tenay & Taz
MONTAGE: In memory of “Macho Man” Randy Savage 1952-2011
VIDEO PACKAGE: Sting’s promises as champion and the sneak attack by old school Sting ( Mr. Anderson) on Sting laying him out.
Fortune ( A.J. Styles & Christopher Daniels defeated Immortal ( Bully-Ray & Tommy Dreamer: Typical street fight going through the crowd and using various weapons. A.J. was in a neckbrace and hit a super piledriver with the help of Daniels on Dreamer for the win.
Hulk Hogan arrived at the Impact Wrestling Zone
Old School Sting (Mr. Anderson) + Disco Inferno + Sting: Mr. Anderson dressed as fake Sting came out and said as he is in the prime time of career, he said as he cant wrestle he will bring out Disco Inferno. Mr. Anderson said Disco was there with the liberachi and clown face paint, Disco said you are really a asshole. Disco tried to talk but Mr. Anderson kept on interfering then Disco gave him a ultimatum to listen to what he has to say about Sting. Disco said Sting demanded respect, everyone was a fan of him and there is a reason why he is called the icon. Mr. Anderson got pissed and said the segment was designed to bury Sting ,he asked Disco if he had anything else to say. Disco said Mr. Anderson is not a asshole he is a dick, Anderson got pissed and hit Disco with the microphone and continue to beat him, when Sting came out and Anderson bailed.
Velvet Sky was on her way to the ring
Eric Young + Gunner: Eric Young came into the men’s toilet, Gunner demanded his belt back. Eric Young said he has a idea in which Gunner can become second in command within Immortal, he said to redo the Finger Poke of Doom. With EY being poked down and Gunner can get his title back.
Velvet Sky + ODB + TNA Security: Velvet Sky demanded for ODB to come out and she did. ODB said she was fired by management of TNA because of girls like Velvet Sky. Velvet defended herself and said everything is blamed for her and everything she has accomplished she done it because she has worked her ass off. ODB said she slept her way to the top because she is a fake then attacked Velvet until security split them up.
VIDEO PACKAGE: Wrestling matters: Rob Van Dam versus Kurt Angle tonight.
VIDEO PACKAGE: Last week’s beat down of Bobby Roode by Immortal.
Eric Bischoff & Beer Money ( Bobby Roode & James Storm): Eric Bischoff told Beer Money they have to defend the titles at Slammiversary or they will be stripped. Roode is injured, Bischoff tried to play a lame ass joke and told Beer Money sorry about their damn luck, then Storm ruined Bischoff’s desk and said sorry about his damn papers.
On Xplosion, The Pope tried to flirt with Devon’s wife, Pope said he is respected by everyone and told Devon to chill
Kurt Angle & Matt Morgan: Kurt Angle gave Matt Morgan some advice for when he faces Jeff Jarrett next.
Jeff Jarrett (w/Karen Angle) defeated Matt Morgan: Morgan hit the carbon footprint, but Karen smashed Earl Hebner with the crutch, Steiner came in from behind and hit the recliner on Morgan. Jarrett pinned Morgan.
Hulk Hogan on his way out to the ring.
VIDEO PACKAGE: The destruction of the X-Division?
Eric Bischoff + Hulk Hogan + Mick Foley + Brian Kendrick & Amazing Red & Max Buck & Jeremy Buck: Eric Bischoff said he loves the fans and is very happy. Hogan won the battle with the network executives last week and welcomed Hulk Hogan who came out. Hogan said he won the battle last week and they had no chance. Hogan said Bischoff last week his destruction of the X-Division was brilliant. Mick Foley came out: Hogan said no one invited him but Foley said he doesn’t need one he is a network executive. After Hogan left Foley told the executives a story about the X-Division and how they put TNA on the map. Foley said the next PPV Destination X will be dedicated to X-Division and stars from the past and present will be there, headlined by a Ultimate X match. Bischoff said he has nothing to do with PPV’s only television, Foley said the network promotes PPV’s and he will see them both at Destination X. Hulk Hogan said let’s start this thing early and asked Foley to challenge the X-Division champion Abyss to a match tonight. Brian Kendrick and the X-Division guys came out, Kendrick said god has spoken and he is here to destroy the reptilians who have acquired power. Hogan told them to go back or he will crucify them, Kendrick said he wants Abyss for the title tonight and Hogan booked it.
Winter & Angelina Love: Winter was massaging Angelina Love and talking about god knows what.
Mickie James defeated Winter (w/ Angelina Love): A rematch from WWE Night of Champions 2008, with Mickie again winning. After the match Angelina love attacked Mickie James and tended to Winter who was bleeding.
Abyss + Kazarian: Abyss said Eric Bischoff gave him permission to destroy Brian Kendrick and the X-Division. Abyss left but was attacked by Kazarian who took Janice.
VIDEO PACKAGE: Deluxe Impact Series 4 action figures: Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, The Pope, Desmond Wolfe, Abyss and Hulk Hogan
Abyss defeated Brien Kendrick to retain the title: Kendrick wanted to hit a drop kick from the top rope, Jackson James got in the way Abyss ran into the ropes then hit the black hole slam for the pin fall.
VIDEO PACKAGE: Wrestling matters: Rob Van Dam versus Kurt Angle tonight.
VIDEO PACKAGE: Slammiversary IV June 12th, live on PPV.
Kurt Angle: Angle said RVD is one of the best and is has to be prepared for both RVD and Jarrett.
Eric Young defeated Gunner to win the title: Instead of the Finger poke of Doom, EY rolled him up to win the title, Gunner was pissed and ran after EY.
Kurt Angle on his way to the ring
Kurt Angle defeated Rob Van Dam: Jeff and Karen Jarrett were on commentary. Angle got the win after RVD missed a 5 star frog splash. Jarrett and Angle started each other down.