TNA IMPACT 06 03 2010


Location: Orlando, Florida (Universal Studios)
Date: June 3, 2010 (Taped: May 4th-6th)
Commentators: Mike Tenay & Taz

Sting + Eric Bischoff w/Ms Tessmacher + Samoa Joe: Sting came out and said there was a lot of smoke and mirrors around TNA. Sting said anyone who has followed his career knows that he is known as an antagonist. Sting said he’s been in the place where his name, his word, and his reputation was on the line and it didn’t do him any good to explain himself. Sting said he didn’t owe anybody an explanation but assured the fans there was a meaning behind his actions. Sting then talked about his match with Rob Van Dam at Slammiversary. Sting said when he takes the title from RVD the veil will be pulled back and everyone’s true colors will be revealed. Eric Bischoff came out with Ms. Tessmacher using a crutch to keep his balance. Bischoff ordered a spotlight to be put on Sting. Bischoff said they saw Sting’s true colors when he attacked Jeff Jarrett, himself (Bischoff), and Rob Van Dam. Bischoff said he’s known Sting for 20 years and it hurts him to say Sting was not the man he thought he knew. Bischoff said Sting is trying to convince people that he is some kind of superhero, and that he has started to believe it himself. Bischoff called Sting a fraud and accused him of hiding in the rafters trying to avoid the truth. Bischoff said superheros don’t use baseball bats and don’t put their hands on a woman like he did to Dixie Carter. Bischoff said whatever problems Sting has have nothing to do with TNA, and he doesn’t know what problem he has with him or Hulk Hogan. Bischoff said they put the company and the fans first and the fans want to see Sting compete tonight. Samoa Joe hit the ring and the fans chanted “Joe is gonna kill you!”

“The ICON” Sting vs. Samoa Joe ended in a No Contest: They briefly fought until Matt Morgan hit the ring and attacked Joe. Sting & Morgan double-teamed Joe until TNA champion Rob Van Dam made the save! Bischoff came back out and said it wasn’t over, and that Samoa Joe & Rob Van Dam will take on Sting & Matt Morgan in a tag team match later tonight. RVD cut in and suggested they make it a fourway. Bischoff said he would check with Hogan, but Hogan came out and said it was a good idea so he booked it!

Christy Hemme & A.J. Styles + Ric Flair + Frankie Kazarian: A.J. Styles complained to Ric Flair about not telling him he had a triple threat match tonight with Lethal & Kazarian. Flair said he wasn’t AJ’s secretary. Kazarian walks in and thanks Flair for his recent help and promises to make him proud tonight. Flair said both of his protege’s will make him proud tonight because it will be the end of Lethal. Kazarian held out his new Rolex and thanked Flair for his new watch as Styles looked completely jealous in the background.

Roxxi defeated Rosie Lotta Love: Rosie is the big girl (formerly Betsy Ruth) who injured Daffney a few weeks ago in a dark match. They showed the footage from the match with Daffney to put her over as a big deal. She is as big as Kong but has about 1% of the wrestling ability. Roxxi had a rough time, but thankfully managed to not get injured by the rookie. TNA Knockout champion Madison Rayne appeared out of thin air and whacked Roxxi with her belt to put her down. Rosie yelled at Madison, allowing Roxxi to recover and roll up Rosie with a small package for the win! After the match, Madison slipped into the ring and screamed at Rosie for screwing up. Rosie put her down with a Tree-slam!

Jeremy Borash & Rosie Lotta Love: Rosie said she was big, bad, and certainly beautiful – and she was going to take out every single one of the Beautiful People out at the same time. Rosie then planted JB with a sloppy kiss on the lips!

“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal defeated “The Phenomenal” A.J. Styles and Frankie Kazarian: Ric Flair was at ringside cheering his two pretege’s as they attempted to do his dirty work and destroy Jay Lethal. Styles and Kazarian bickered like two brothers trying to get the attention of their father (Flair). Lethal ended up pinning Styles to win the match. After the match, Flair yelled at Styles and told him to go home and regroup because he is not in his good graces right now. Flair told Styles to go home and make a life decision. Styles left and but said Flair shouldn’t be with Kazarian. As Styles got to the top of the ramp, Kurt Angle’s music played and he was raised up from his trap door in the stage. Angle stood there as Styles took a fit and stormed off, before heading to the ring himself…

Kurt Angle + Ric Flair & Frankie Kazarian: Kurt Angle said he came out to show Kazarian the proper respect before he makes him his first victim. Angle said he likes his opponent to know what he’s going to do to them before they step into the ring together. Angle said he is going to wrestle everyone in the top 10 and unfortunately for Kazarian he is number 10. Angle said at Slammiversary, Kazarian’s ass is his. Ric Flair stepped up and said Angle just walked right past him without saying hi. Flair said he always wanted his youngest son (Reid Flair) to be just like Kurt Angle. Flair said he’s made it clear how he feels about Angle, but tonight is a new day, and now we’re talking about MY world. Flair said whatever Angle was as an amature, he is 10 times as a pro. Flair said he was a God, and called his HOF ring & Rolex watch his gold medals. Flair said he needs Shawn Michaels-respect, Hulk Hogan-respect, and Sting-respect from Angle. Flair said until he feels that respect from Angle then he can hit the road just like A.J.. Flair told Angle to bow down to the wrestling God. Flair told Angle to “hit it” and not to make him take off his sport coat. Angle turned and stepped out of the ring, but Flair said he had a better idea. Flair said he wanted the fans to know where Angle stood in his world. Flair suggested he leave first and have Angle hold the ropes. Flair told Angle to show the fans how much respect he has for him. Angle held the ropes open for Flair, and Flair stepped through and strutted down the ramp like the Nature Boy. Angle then grabbed Flair and shoved him off the elevated ramp to the floor! Kazarian attacked Angle from behind and they briefly grappled until Kazarian retreated by the side of Flair!

Matt Morgan & Sting: Matt Morgan conferred with Sting and told him he would do anything to get a World title. Morgan was doing his “WE” gimmick and Sting just listened and walked away in disbelief.

BACKSTAGE SEGMENT: A.J. Styles was not taking his rejection well, and came to the conclusion that he had to kill Jay Lethal.

Christy Hemme & Mr. Anderson + Jeff Hardy: Mr. Anderson said he was looking forward to Christy Hemme’s hard hitting questions but he seems to be distracted (looking at Hemme’s boobs). She was wearing a really ugly dress. Anderson asked if that made him an asshole? Hemme said it sure does. The fans cheered and Anderson said it was the pot calling the kettle black because the fans were just praying for a wardrobe malfunction. Anderson said that makes them assholes too, and suddenly a “we are assholes!” chant broke out. Anderson announced that he was going to step up to the plate against Beer Money at Slammiversary and it wasn’t a party without Jeffrey Nero Hardy! Jeff came out and joined Mr. Anderson in the ring and explained that Anderson was the funniest asshole he’s ever met. Hardy said Anderson was the craziest S.O.B. other than him. Hardy said there would be a party at Slammiversary and all the creatures of the night are invited. Anderson said he was a cheap asshole so it was going to be BOYB (Bring your own booze). Beer Money came out to the ring and called Hardy & Anderson TNA’s newest BFF’s. Roode asked Hardy & Anderson what either of them knew about tag team wrestling. Roode claimed Jeff was carried by his brother, and they sucked anyway so it doesn’t count. Roode said it wasn’t about being cool, or being friends, it was about being like brothers the way James and him are. Roode said it was about putting their egos aside and putting the team first. Roode said Hardy was a moron and Anderson was an asshole – like oil and water. Roode wondered why they thought they could even step in the ring with Beer Money at Slammiversary. Anderson went off subject asking Roode why his hair is always wet and why Storm was wearing sunglasses indoors. “I’m just sayin'” Storm laughed sarcastically and called him “Mr. Funnyman.” Storm said he does a little stand up comedy too and suddenly clocked Anderson and a big brawl broke out in the ring! TNA security broke it up !

Jeff Hardy defeated “Cowboy” James Storm:

Robert Roode defeated Mr. Anderson: Robert Roode got the pin on Mr. Anderson while using the ropes for leverage. Anderson called for the microphone to be lowered and said any man can be beaten on any day, but it seems like the only way people can beat him is by using under handed tactics. Anderson said they have to do that is because he is no mere mortal – he is MISTER…. ANDERSON!!!

BACKSTAGE SEGMENT: Douglas Williams said the X-division right now does the wrestling business a disservice. Williams said the acrobats of the X-Division are going to have to learn how to wrestle and he was going to bring it down to the ground.

Big Rob Terry & Abyss w/Chelsea defeated Desmond Wolfe & Orlando Jordan: Chelsea came down with Abyss but there has been no indication of what they’ve been doing for two weeks. Orlando Jordan noticed Chelsea at ringside and started making moves on her. Desmond Wolfe got mad and started yelling at Chelsea. None of this makes sense. Big Rob took advantage and hit Jordan with the Freak-buster for the win!

BACKSTAGE SEGMENT: Jesse Neal was found laid out on a travel box…

TNA champion Rob Van Dam defeated Sting and Samoa Joe and Matt Morgan: Midway through the match, Matt Morgan was distracted when he saw Hernandez in the crown. Samoa Joe grabbed him and planted him with the Muscle-buster! RVD threw Joe out and hit Morgan with a Five-Star Frog splash for the win! Sting hardly did anything in the match..