TNA IMPACT 08 06 2009


Location: Orlando, Florida (Universal Studios)
Date: August 6, 2009 (Taped: July 20-21-22)

PARKING LOT (EARLIER TODAY): Kurt Angle (leader of the Main Event Mafia) and Eric Young (leader of World Elite) arrived together in a Black Stretch Hummer Limosine. They put their arms around each other’s shoulders and entered the building all smiles..

The Main Event Mafia (Kurt Angle & Scott Steiner -w/Jenna Morasca- & Booker T -w/Sharmell- & Kevin Nash -w/Traci Brooks- & Samoa Joe -w/Taz-) + WORLD ELITE (Eric Young & Brutus Magnus & Doug Williams & Rob Terry & Sheik Abdul Bashir & Kiyoshi): Kurt Angle said Mick Foley ‘allegedly’ won the TNA Legend’s title from Kevin Nash last week. Angle blamed Sting & Bobby Lashley for causing all of the damage. Angle said Lashley interfered in the match, and therefor the match was null & void. Angle said he talked to TNA Management and they agreed with him, but they all agreed to let the decision stand as long as Nash got a rematch at Hard Justice. Angle said he would protect his family, the Main Event Mafia, and that forced him to strike a deal. the World Elite group came out and formed an alliance with the Main Event Mafia. Everybody shook hands to seal the deal. Angle said it was an honor to do business with Eric Young. Young said with their groups united they will become the greatest group ever assembled. Young called Kurt Angle the greatest professional wrestler ever. Young said his men are 100% dedicated to the cause, and would do whatever it takes. Young cut a promo on this “nation” not treating them like stars. Young said this nation should feel deep guilt for what they’re about to do to their heros. Young proclaimed “let the clensing begin!” The Mafia and Elite guys started shaking hands and celebrating…

Jeremy Borash & Mick Foley + Sting & Bobby Lashley): Mick Foley said it was the wrestling business an anything and everything can happen. Foley said everybody’s ego eventually gets out of control but nobody is bigger than the business. Foley said tonight would be a night that nobody would ever forget. Sting & Bobby Lashley showed up and said “let’s go, Mick!”

Lauren Brooke & Christopher Daniels + The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin): Christopher Daniels cut a promo on Eric Young for screwing his American fans. Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley showed up and pretended to not know what a camera was because they hadn’t been on TV for a month. Daniels got pissed and told them to stop goofing off, and suggested they go out there and fight this fight! Sabin & Shelley were still sarcastic as they followed Daniels to the ring..

Eric Young (w/World Elite members Sheik Abdul Bashir & Kiyoshi) defeated Christopher Daniels w/Motor City Machine Guns: While the World Elite guys were interfering in the match, the Motor City Machine Guns ignored the action and read video game magazines. After the match, the Sheik & Kiyoshi baseball slid under the bottom ropes and kicked Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin. That certainly got their attention..

Lauren Brooke & Team 3-D (Brothers Ray & Devon) & Beer Money Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm): Team 3-D & Beer Money Inc. have put their differences aside to go to war with World Elite. Robert Roode talked about him and Eric Young begging Jeff Jarrett for an opportunity years ago. Roode said Jarrett gave them the opportunity and he wasn’t going to stand there and let Young dictate his future. Brother Ray said nobody has the right to be pissed at the World Elite like he and Devon do. Ray talked about the British Invasion stealing the IWGP Tag Team titles from them last week.

Scott Steiner & Booker T & The British Invasion (Doug Williams & Rob Terry w/Brutus Magnus) defeated Team 3-D (Brothers Ray & Devon) & Beer Money Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm): Late in the match, Team 3-D were setting up for the table spot when Brutus Magnus called for re-enforcements from the back. Eric Young, Sheik Abdul Bashir, and Kiyoshi came out but Christopher Daniels and the Motor City Machine Guns ran down to intercept them before they could get involved. Kevin Nash walked very slowly to the ring and punched Chris Sabin! Mick Foley showed up and attacked Nash and they brawled. Kurt Angle showed up and went after Team 3-D. Sting walked to the ring, and went right after Kurt Angle. Samoa Joe came out next, followed by Bobby Lashley and they started an intense brawl! Angle brawled with Sting. Meanwhile, Traci Brooks pushed Robert Roode off the top rope allowing Rob Terry to hit a Choke-slam and pin him to win the match!

POST MATCH INSANITY: The post match insanity continued after the match, with everybody brawling all over the iMPACT Zone. A lot of random pairings. Mike Tenay proclaimed “this is a riot, this is out of control, there is a riot in the iMPACT Zone!” as they threw to commercial. The volume was turned up even more when they came back from commercial, with the fight spreading backstage to the parking lot as well. Daniels and the Guns battled Young, the Sheik, and Kiyoshi in the ring. Sting & Mick Foley fought Kurt Angle & Kevin Nash somewhere outside the arena. Team 3-D fought Scott Steiner & Booker T. Beer Money fought the British Invasion. In the ring, the Guns got rid of the Sheik & Young as Daniels took out Kiyoshi and then hit him with a Best Moonsault Ever. They cut to backstage in the office and found Samoa Joe intensely brawling with Bobby Lashley. Kip James was there trying to help break it up. Brother Ray covered Booker T with a table and bashed it with a chair! Nash got hardcore with Mick Foley. Sting bashed Nash on the head with a trash can. Kiyoshi recovered and battled Sabin in the ring. Ray pressed a table against Steiner’s neck. The X-Division guys continued to entertain the live audience in the ring with some high-speed chaos. Beer Money bashed the British Invasion with trash cans. Suddenly the police showed up and everybody threw their arms in the air to signify their surrender. Pretty intense segment, trying to copy some old nWo stuff but also made it their own.

Taylor Wilde & Sarita defeated Traci Brooks & Alissa Flash: They showed clips of the Sarita vs. Alissa match a few weeks ago, as well as the post-match beating from Alissa. So after this tag team match, Alissa & Traci were sore losers and attacked Sarita & Taylor..

Lauren Brooke & The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne): Angelina claimed that ODB only pinned her last week because Cody Deaner molested her. Velvet said it was time for the Beautiful People to do something about it. Angelina challenged ODB & the Deaner to a tag team match at Hard Justice.

PARKING LOT: Hernandez arrived at the building and asked Kip James what was going on around there. James said “where have you been, there was a big brawl around here, and now I have to clean all of this [bleep] up!”

Lauren Brooke & A.J. Styles: A.J. Styles said it was like they were in a crazy house right now. Styles said he was there for seven years and he’s never seen anything like this. Styles said nothing can take his focus off of Matt Morgan right now…

Mike Tenay & Hernandez: Hernandez talked about getting assaulted by the British Invasion and returning from neck surgery in three months. Hernandez talked about his humble background. Mike Tenay asked Hernandez about a storyline during the early days of LAX where they tried to burn an American Flag. Hernandez said his father wouldn’t talk to him for a while and they still aren’t on the best terms right now. Hernandez talked about splitting from Homicide and wished him the best in the X-Division. Hernandez said no matter what Homicide thinks, he will always be his brother. Hernandez gave a message to his Spanish speaking fans to end the interview.

Lauren Brooke & TNA X-Division champion Homicide: Homicide didn’t want to talk about Hernandez but he did want to talk about Samoa Joe. Homicide and that the Latino Nation is much stronger than the Nation of Violence. Is he a heel now?

Matt Morgan defeated A.J. Styles: Matt Morgan won the match and tied the score in this best of three series to earn a spot in the triple threat match at Hard Justice for the TNA World Heavyweight title..

Jeremy Borash & Kurt Angle: Kurt Angle left the building, saying things were out of control and the Main Event Mafia was heading out of town.

Jeremy Borash & Abyss: Jeremy Borash found Abyss hiding behind a pillar and asked him what was going on? Abyss talked about Dr. Stevie’s $50,000 bounty, and doesn’t know who would take advantage of the opportunity. Consequences Creed confronted Abyss about attacking him last week. Jay Lethal attacked Abyss from behind and refered to him as “Andre.” Creed & Lethal tried to collect the bounty, but Abyss fought back and eliminated them..

Sting defeated Brutus Magnus (w/Doug Williams & Rob Terry) by Submission: Sting made Brutus Magnus tap out to the Scorpion Deathlock. After the match, Magnus tried a sneak attack, but Sting caught him! World Elite members Eric Young, Sheik Abdul Bashir, Kiyoshi, Rob Terry, and Doug Williams hit the ring and ganged up on Sting. Bobby Lashley & Mick Foley ran out (well, it took Foley a little longer) went down and beat up World Elite. The Main Event Mafia hit the ring to help their stable-mates. Angle made everyone think that the Mafia had left the building, so that was a rouse. Sting, Foley, and Lashley were at the mercy of World Elite and the Main Event Mafia until Hernandez came down swinging a steel chain!