Location: Orlando, Florida (Universal Studios)
Date: December 11, 2008 (Taped: December 8)
The Main Event Mafia (Kurt Angle & Sting & Scott Steiner & Kevin Nash & Booker T & Sharmell) + A.J. Styles + The TNA Frontline: Kurt Angle talked about his victory over Rhino at Final Resolution and looked towards his battle with Jeff Jarrett at Genesis. Angle said he came to TNA a few years ago and his boss (Jarrett) became jealous and didn’t even realize he was making money for him. Angle said he hates Jarrett more than any other boss he has worked for. Angle said he feels nothing for Jarrett or his three little angels in Hendersonville. Angle told Jarrett to buy his daughters some wonderful Christmas gifts to remember him by. A.J. Styles interrupted and said he wanted to talk to Sting about honor and respect. Styles said he can go home and look his family in the eyes and tell them he did things the right way. Angle yelled “shut your mouth A.J.!” and stuck up for Sting. Angle challenged Styles to come to the ring and confront Sting man to man. Styles said he would if the rest of the Mafia got out of the ring. The Mafia stepped out, but stayed close, as Styles jumped into the ring and yelled in Sting’s face! Sting took the first shot, and they started to fight, but Styles was quickly overtaken by an assault from the entire Mafia. The TNA Frontline hit the ring led by Samoa Joe and the Mafia retreated to the back. Kurt Angle said that somebody from the Frontline would be eliminated tonight!
Jeremy Borash & Jeff Jarrett & Mick Foley: Jeff Jarrett said Kurt got one over on them and is now preparing for his match at Genesis on January 11th. Jarrett said he cannot afford to lose to Kurt, because he’ll be fighting for his company, his career, and for his family. Jarrett told Foley that he has to step it up from this point forward. Foley said he would start tonight by paying the Main Event Mafia a visit.
Lauren Brooke & The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin): Brooke said that the Motor City Machine Guns have become a target in TNA. Alex Shelley said she was stating the obvious and complained about being attacked by video game characters. Shelley said they got screwed at Final Resolution, but said it’s okay because they will make the best of the X-Division tournament.
Eric Young defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir: Mike Tenay announced that Shane Sewell was suspended for two weeks with pay and the Sheik was fined for what happened at Final Resolution. The Sheik tried to intimidate referee Earl Hebner, but Hebner just stood up to him! Eric Young won the match, and the Sheik chased Hebner out of the ring!
Lauren Brooke & Team 3-D (Brothers Ray & Devon) + Samoa Joe & A.J. Styles & TNA Frontline: Brother Ray praised Joe & A.J. for their efforts at Final Resolution and said they weren’t going to sit around and wait – they will take the fight to the Mafia! Ray took a drink from ODB’s flask and it was a bit strong for him.
Jeremy Borash & Mick Foley: Mick Foley came out of the Main Event Mafia locker-room laughing and having a good time. Foley said he forgot how down to earth they were, and said he was just in their reliving some old memories. Okay, what was that all about?
Lauren Brooke & The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky & Gov. Sarah Palin) & Cute Kip James: Lauren tried to tell the Beautiful People that their Sarah Palin was a fake but they wouldn’t listen. Velvet & Angelina said that Sarah Palin was going to name them to her cabinit. The fake Palin said they couldn’t go to the white house dressed like that so she was going to give them each a make-over.
VIGNETTE: A modern day GLADIATOR, he is Brutus Magnus!
Alex Shelley w/Chris Sabin defeated “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal: Jay Lethal came down with the briefcase which he earned during the “Feast of Fired” match at Final Resolution. The briefcase, which was opened on PPV, guarantees Lethal and a partner of his choosing a shot at the TNA World Tag Team titles. After the match, Chris Sabin said that Mick Foley screwed the Motor City Machine Guns at Final Resolution. Sabin said they gave Foley a chance to fix it by giving them the briefcase with the TNA Tag Team title shot in it. Sabin said they were gentle men from Detroit, so they would give Foley one more chance to fix it. Suicide hit the ring and took out both of the Motor City Machine Guns while his energetic music played over the sound system.
Lauren Brooke & Matt Morgan & Abyss: Matt Morgan asked Abyss how many times he would fall into Beer Money’s traps. Abyss said he made a mistake and it won’t happen again. Morgan was especially harsh with Abyss, and told him he had to stop being so gullable! Morgan said he wanted to see the monter Abyss tonight! Morgan told Abyss to “take him out!”
ROUGH CUTZ: “Cowboy” James Storm..
“Cowboy” James Storm w/Jackie Moore defeated “The Monster” Abyss: Whoever grabs the beer bottle gets to use it legally. James Storm was able to get the beer bottle and took a drink out of it – only to get Black Hole Slammed by Abyss! Abyss picked up the beer bottle and pointed at Storm, but Jackie snuck in and grabbed the bottle. Jackie tried to run away but she bumped into Matt Morgan. Jackie tried to crawl under the ring but Morgan dragged her out. Morgan picked up Jackie, but Robert Roode ran down and gave him a low-blow! Roode then smashed Abyss with a chair and Storm scored the 1-2-3 to win the match! After the match, Beer Money stomped Abyss until Matt Morgan came to his rescue. Storm smashed the beer bottle over Morgan’s head and began assaulting him until Abyss came in with a chair to chase the heels away!
Jeremy Borash & Main Event Mafia (Kurt Angle & Sting & Scott Steiner & Kevin Nash & Booker T & Sharmell): Jeremy Borash asked about the accusations towards Sting from A.J. Styles. Kevin Nash interrupted and defended Sting and the rest of the Mafia for their actions at Final Resolution. Once again Sting did not get to speak for himself.
Brother Ray + Kurt Angle: Brother Ray came out and called out Kurt Angle for a one-on-one confrontation. Kurt Angle came out to the ring alone. Ray said there was a potential for a lot of blood shed, broken bones, or one or two careers coming to an end. Ray said that the Frontline will never sleep until they rid TNA of the Main Event Mafia. Ray said he likes hearing the fans chant “TNA!” because it reminds him of being back home in Philadelphia. Ray said what do they do if there was no TNA? Do they go back and sell their souls to the devil? Ray challenged Angle to a match tonight after telling their factions to leave the building. Ray extended his hand and Angle accepted the challenge!
Jeremy Borash & The TNA Frontline (Brother Ray & Samoa Joe & A.J. Styles and the rest of the Frontline): Brother Ray asked the rest of the Frontline to leave the building and Shelley & Sabin jumped up and bolted out the door. It took some convincing, but the rest of the Frontline eventually walked out the door too. Devon didn’t want to leave, but Ray “asked nicely” and Devon wished him luck and respected his wishes.
Jeremy Borash & Main Event Mafia (Kurt Angle & Sting & Scott Steiner & Kevin Nash & Booker T & Sharmell): Kurt Angle said he made a promise and he will stick to that promise. Angle sent the Mafia Event Mafia out the door and told Booker T to trust him. Angle said it won’t take him long to beat Brother Ray anyway.
Lauren Brooke & The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky & Gov. Sarah Palin) & Cute Kip James: Velvet Sky & Angelina Love were “made over” by the fake Gov. Sarah Palin but they looked terrible. Cute Kip tried to tell his girls that their Sarah Palin was an imposter but once again they refused to listen.
Jeremy Borash & Curry Man & Homicide & Hernandez: Jeremy Borash did his best Ryan Seacrest annoying suspense building schtick. The first briefcase they opened belonged to Hernandez, and he was the recipient of a World title shot! Borash built up the suspense and then threw to commercial. They opened up Curry Man’s briefcase next, and he was FIRED FROM TNA! Homicide opened his briefcase and he won a shot at the TNA X-Division championship! This is noteworthy because Curry Man is actually Christopher Daniels under a mask, and Daniels was the wrestler who was fired during last year’s Feast or Fired match. Curry Man was confused and thought that he could simply sign a new contract and get his job back. It would have been great if he ripped his mask off and revealed that he was Christopher Daniels.
Christy Hemme defeated Sojourner Bolt: After the match, Christy Hemme helped Sonjourner Bolt up and they hugged and shook hands. Bolt then slapped Hemme and shoved her, but Hemme snapped and they had a fiesty catfight!
Lauren Brooke & Curry Man: Curry Man was still confused about what FIRED means. Curry Man had to be carried out the door by TNA security and he still didn’t understand what was going on. Then they played a special tribute video in honor of Curry Man’s one year career in Total Nonstop Action!
Kurt Angle vs. Brother Ray: Kurt Angle attacked Brother Ray from behind before the bell to gain an advantage. The fight spilled out of the ring, and Angle pushed Brother Ray through a wall! Brother Ray came up a bloody mess. The bell rang and the match was ruled a no contest because the referee lost control. The brawl continued backstage as cameras followed the two brawlers into the parking area. Eventually Ray had Kurt cornered and threatened to finish him once and for all. Angle begged Ray to stop, and then started grinning – because the Main Event Mafia had snuck up from behind and attacked Brother Ray! The Mafia ganged up on Brother Ray while Sting walked away. The Mafia just back-dropped Brother Ray into a dumpster and left him there! Kurt Angle, who was covered in Ray’s blood, looked into the camera and shouted “nobody messes with the Main Event Mafia…. YEAAH!!!”