Location: Orlando, Florida (Universal Studios)
Date: November 20, 2008 (Taped: November 11)
The Main Event Mafia (Kurt Angle & Sting & Kevin Nash & Scott Steiner & Booker T & Sharmell) + Rhino: Kurt Angle said they were there to give Christian Cage’s career a final burial. They wheeled a casket down to the ring, which is one prop that should never be used in a wrestling angle. Angle said that Christian failed to make a commitment to the Main Event Mafia OR TNA as a company last week. Angle asked if anybody wanted to say something about the departing Christian Cage. Rhino came out to the stage and said if any of the Mafia guys had a problem with Christian’s decision to leave TNA they should have taken it up with him backstage. Rhino said he has a problem with the Mafia jumping his friend and leaving him for dead. Kevin Nash stood up to Rhino, and Rhino called the Mafia guys a bunch of egomaniacs. Rhino said they were all afraid to lose their job to the new generation who are a whole lot better then they are. Rhino called the Mafia guys a bunch of bitches and said that Booker T was the biggest bitch of them all! Booker T challenged Rhino to come to the ring and say that, and he foolishly did run to the ring to get a beatdown from the Main Event Mafia. Booker knocked Rhino out with a shot with the Legend’s title belt.
Jeremy Borash & Jeff Jarrett & Mick Foley: Mick Foley said the Main Event Mafia is bigger than DX and the NWO. Jeff Jarrett was clearly annoyed by the Mafia’s comments, and proclaimed that they were taking back their house back tonight.
Lauren Brooke & A.J. Styles & Samoa Joe & The TNA Originals + The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) + Mick Foley: A.J. Styles wished Consequences Creed & Jay Lethal luck in their match tonight. The Motor City Machine Guns walked in late with a bunch of bad excuses. Samoa Joe confronted Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley, and Styles suggested they resolve their issues in the ring. Mick Foley came in and booked Styles/Joe vs. Sabin/Shelley tonight.
Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi & Sonjay Dutt w/So-Cal Val: They talked about it on commentary but nothing happened between bitter enemies Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt..
Lauren Brooke & The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky) & Kip James: The Beautiful People were sitting on thrones, with Kip James laying out in front of them with his legs spread, and a feather boa covering his bulge. During the interview, Cute Kip did a “masturbation” gesture and SpikeTV had to blur the screen. Angelina & Velvet cut promos on their opponents tonight.
PREVIEW: They are bringing back the “Feast or Fired” match at the next PPV. They detailed the previous Feast or Fired match and the series of catastrophic events which followed. The James Gang broke up, Scott Steiner got a title shot, and Christopher Daniels was FIRED!
Jeremy Borash & Jim Cornette & Eric Young & referee Shane Sewell & Sheik Abdul Bashir: Jim Cornette screamed at referee Shane Sewell for his unprofessional conduct last week, saying that he had a great run in Puerto Rico & Canada but his wrestling career is over! Cornette ordered referee Sewell to take the belt away from Eric Young and return it to the Sheik. Cornette said if Sewell lays a hand on anybody else in TNA then he will be fired! Cornette told Eric Young that he was a victim of circumstance, and granted him a shot at Booker T’s Legend’s title. If the title is unsanctioned then why is Jim Cornette booking title matches?
The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky) vs. Christy Hemme & Sojourner Bolt: Sojourner Bolt is known as Josie on the independents and is a former OVW Women’s champion. Hemme was beating up both of the Beautiful People until Cute Kip got up on the ring apron. Hemme went over and slapped Kip and he bumped like he was hit by a truck. Hemme turned around and was hit with Angelina’s finisher and pinned, giving the Beautiful People a victory.
ROUGH CUTZ: LAX: Homicide talking about his early life, and starting to wrestle in 1993. They had comments from friend Steve “Monsta” Mack. Homicide spoke about his life changing when he had his son, because he wanted to give him a better life.
ODB & Sharmell: ODB debuted her new talk show segment, entitled “ODB’s Angle” which is a play off the old Karen’s Angle segment. ODB asked who would name their daughter after toilet paper. ODB was generally vulgar with each and every question, and Sharmell was increasingly disturbed by ODB’s line of questioning. Sharmell said that the young boys of TNA need to start respecting the Main Event Mafia, and ODB needs to start respecting her. Both girls stood up and bitched at each other until ODB challenged Sharmell to a match at Final Resolution. Surprisingly, Sharmell accepted.
Jeremy Borash & The Main Event Mafia (Kurt Angle & Sting & Kevin Nash & Scott Steiner & Booker T): Kurt Angle said the family is dominating tonight. Angle suggested himself vs. Jeff Jarrett at Final Resolution and the winner of Joe/Styles vs. Sabin/Shelley tonight finding two partners to face the other four members of the Main Event Mafia.
A.J. Styles & Samoa Joe defeated The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley): It was a very competitive match. After the match, Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, and Booker T attacked A.J. Styles & Samoa Joe. Sting & Scott Steiner also came down to join in on the action. Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed ran down to help but they got their asses kicked too. Sting just watched from ringside as the other four guys did all the work in the six sided ring.
Lauren Brooke & Tracy Brooks & Raisha Saeed & Awesome Kong & Rhaka Khan: Raisha Saeed asked Tracy Brooks if she found a new victim for Awesome Kong. Brooks said that nobody wants to get in the ring with Kong because she is unprofessional. Saeed promised to make good on her threat that Kong would start feeding on innocent victims.
Lauren Brooke & A.J. Styles & Samoa Joe & Lethal/Creed + Sabin/Shelly + Rhino: Joe & Styles were licking their wounds when Sabin & Shelley came flying into the room and landed on the floor. A bloodied Rhino came in right behind and cut a motivational speech for the TNA Originals. Rhino said he worked with soldiers to build a company called ECW – adding he doesn’t care if it is shit today! Rhino said that he would fight to the end with the TNA Originals and until he bleeds his last drop of blood he will not let them down! Greatest promo of Rhino’s career..
Booker T w/Sharmell defeated Eric Young to retain the TNA Legend’s title: Ring announcer David Penzer called it the “TNA” Legend’s title so I guess it is sanctioned now. Tomorrow it might be unsanctioned again. After the match, ODB came out to check on Eric Young – keeping an eye on Sharmell.
Jeremy Borash & Team 3-D (Brothers Ray & Devon): Brother Devon said that Beer Money doesn’t know who they are messing with. Are these guys babyface again?? Brother Ray bragged about their 20 world tag team championships. Ray said Beer Money has been sticking their noses in their business for two months. Ray talked about their experience advantage and told Beer Money to learn some frickin’ respect!
BACKSTAGE: While Lauren Brooke was interviewing Hermie Sadler, Awesome Kong went up to him and kicked his ass. I guess good old Hermie was the first innocent victim on Kong’s path of destruction..
The Main Event Mafia (Kevin Nash & Kurt Angle) defeated Matt Morgan & Abyss: Late in the match, Beer Money Inc. (Robert Roode, James Storm, and Jackie Moore) made their way to ringside and were confronted by Abyss. James Storm smashed a bottle of beer over Abyss’ head and Kevin Nash pinned him to win the match!
“Executive Shareholder” Mick Foley + Kurt Angle: Mick Foley said that all of the members of the Main Event Mafia are a big piece of wrestling’s past. Foley said he has accepted that they are the biggest stars in TNA, and proclaimed that the Main Event Mafia could be the greatest assemblage of wrestling stars and champions ever to step foot inside the ring. Foley talked about making an investment in the new generation here at TNA. Mick Foley booked Kevin Nash & Scott Steiner & Booker T & Sting vs. Samoa Joe & A.J. Styles and two partners of their choosing. Foley said that Sting’s World Heavyweight title will be on the line, if the TNA Originals win then A.J. Styles will be World champion! Foley then booked Kurt Angle vs. Rhino at Final Resolution! Kurt Angle came to the ring to protest and asked “why won’t Jeff Jarrett face me?” Angle said everything he wanted in his life he’s gotten! Angle said the only thing he hasn’t done is beat Jeff Jarrett, and that is Mick Foley’s fault! Angle demanded Jeff Jarrett, and if he can’t have him then he wants the next best thing – I want you Mick Foley! Angle slapped Foley and that brought Jeff Jarrett out to the ring. Jarrett said they were going to play by the rules, and said he would not watch Angle tear down what he built from the group up. Jarrett said he can’t fire Angle because of a clause in his contract. Jarrett said if Angle beats Rhino at Final Resolution then he’ll get a match with the “King of the Mountain” but if Rhino wins then Angle’s contract is null and void. Angle slapped Jarrett! Rhino snuck up from behind and GORed Kurt Angle!!