Smokey Mountain Wrestling


  • February 21, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling – TV Taping in [INSERT]: Bob Holly b Pat Rose, Rip Rogers b Joey Maggs, Robert Gibson b Mighty Yankee, Scott Armstrong b Dutch Mantel by DQ, Dutch Mantel b Brian Lee by DQ.
  • February 28, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling – TV Taping in [INSERT]: Hector Guerrero b Tommy Angel, Killer Kyle b Rikki Nelson, Brian Lee b Brad Anderson, The Fantastics b Ivan Koloff and Jimmy Golden.
  • March 27, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Knoxville, Tennessee: Robert Gibson b Joe Cazana, Hector Guerrero b Keith Hart, Bob Holly b Paul Miller, Jack Victory and Rip Morgan b Johnny and Davey Rich.
  • April 4, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Knoxville, Tennessee: Dirty White Boy b Joey Maggs, Jimmy Golden b Tommy Angel, Brian Lee b Joe Cazana, Fantastics b Wild Bunch (Joel Deaton and Billy Black).
  • April 9, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Sneedville: Hector Guerrero b Paul Orndorff by DQ.
  • April 11, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling – TV Taping in [INSERT]: Dixie Dynomite b Barry Horowitz, Tim Horner b TJ Travis, Killer Kyle b Keith Hart, Dirty White Boy b Paul Miller, Brian Lee b Dutch Mantel.
  • April 23, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Harrogate, Tennessee at Lincoln Memorial University: Heavenly Bodies b Fantastics (Jackie and Bobby Fulton) to become the first SMW Tag Team Champions, Joey Maggs b Ben Jordan, Robert Gibson b Barry Horowitz, Doug Furnas b Joe Cazana, Dirty White Boy b Ben Jordan, Buddy Landel b Danny Davis, Buddy Landel won battle royal, Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy; Tim Horner b Buddy Landel to win $5,000.
  • April 25, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling – TV Taping in [INSERT]: Robert Gibson b Rip Rogers, Paul Orndorff b Davey Rich, Buddy Landel b Reno Riggins, Dixie Dynomite b Carl Styles.
  • May 2, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling – TV Taping in [INSERT]: Bob Holly b Bart Batten, Jimmy Golden b Davey Rich, Brian Lee b Joe Cazana, Killer Kyle b Reno Riggins, Heavenly Bodies b Danny Davis and Joey Maggs.
  • May 9, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling – TV Taping in [INSERT]: The Fantastics b Jack Victory and Rip Morgan, Jack Victory and Rip Morgan b Davey and Johnny Rich, Fantastics b Wild Bunch, Danny Davis and Joey Maggs b The Koloffs, Heavenly Bodies b Battens, Fantastics b Jack Victory and Rip Morgan, Heavenly Bodies b Danny Davis and Joey Maggs.
  • May 16, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Hazard, Kentucky: Killer Kyle b Rex Hargrove, Dixie Dynomite b Dutch Mantel, Robert Gibson b Jimmy Golden, Tim Horner b Buddy Landel, Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy, Johnny and Davey Rich b Stan Lane and Jim Cornette.
  • May 17, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Beckley, West Virginia: Thunder Tiger b Master of Disaster, Dixie Dynomite b Dutch Mantel, Tim Horner b Buddy Landel, Robert Gibson b Jimmy Golden, Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy, Batten Twins b The Heavenly Bodies by DQ.
  • May 22, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling – Volunteer Slam I in Knoxville, Tennessee at the City Coliseum: Joey Maggs and Hector Guerrero b Rip Morgan and Barry Horowitz, Dirty White Boy b Dixie Dynomite, Brian Lee b Buddy Landel, Paul Orndorff b Tim Horner, Robert Gibson b Jimmy Golden, Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy, Paul Orndorff b Robert Gibson, The Heavenly Bodies (Stan Lane and Tom Pritchard) b Johnny and Davey Rich to retain the SMW Tag Team titles, Brian Lee b Paul Orndorff by DQ in tournament final to win the SMW Heavyweight title.
  • May 25, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling – TV Taping in Spartanburg, South Carolina: Rip Rogers b Johnny Del Rio, Brian Lee b Barry Horowitz, Dirty White Boy b Tommy Angel, Batten Twins b Joe Cazana and Scott Sandlin, Jimmy Golden b Ben Jordan, Paul Orndorff b Dixie Dynomite, Robert Gibson b Paul Lee, Killer Kyle b Tommy Angel, Johnny and Davey Rich b Joe Cazana and Scott Sandlin, Heavenly Bodies b Joey Maggs and Ben Jordan, Dirty White Boy b Brian Lee by DQ, Danny Davis b Rip Rogers, Buddy Landel b Joey Maggs, Dixie Dynomite b Paul Lee, Heavenly Bodies b Tim Horner and Robert Gibson.
  • June 4, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Tazwell, Virginia: Robert Gibson won a 14-man “Mountain Mayhem” battle royal, Robert Gibson and Tim Horner b Heavenly Bodies, Batten Twins b Jimmy Golden and Dutch Mantel, Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy, Hector Guerrero b Buddy Landel by DQ, Dixie Dynamite b Killer Kyle.
  • June 5, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Knoxville, Tennessee: Dixie Dynomite b Dutch Mantel, Dirty White Boy b Joey Maggs, Robert Gibson b Killer Kyle, Buddy Landel b Tim Horner in a $5,000 challenge match, The Heavenly Bodies b Johnny and Davey Rich, Brian Lee b Paul Orndorff by DQ.
  • June 6, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Harlan, Kentucky: Hector Guerrero b Joe Cazana. Dixie Dynomite b Dutch Mantel. Tim Horner and Robert Gibson b Jimmy Golden and Buddy Landel, Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy, Heavenly Bodies b Johnny and Davey Rich.
  • June 7, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Beckley, West Virginia: Hector Guerrero b Killer Kyle, Danny Davis b Dutch Mantel, Robert Gibson b Joe Cazana, Buddy Landel b Tim Horner in a $5,000 challenge match, Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy by DQ, Heavenly Bodies b Batten Twins in a No DQ match.
  • June 8, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Bloutville: Jimmy Golden drew Danny Davis, Hector Guerrero b Dutch Mantel, Tim Horner b Buddy Landel, Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy, Bobby and Jackie Fulton b Stan Lane and Tom Prichard by DQ.
  • June 13, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Morristown, Tennessee: Hector Guerrero b Joe Cazana, Dixie Dynomite b Killer Kyle, Robert Gibson b Jimmy Golden, Tim Horner b Buddy Landel, Fantastics b Tom Prichard and Jim Cornette, Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy by DQ.
  • June 15, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Cumberland, Kentucky TV: Bart Batten b Gary Scott. Dixie Dynomite b Joe Cazana. Danny Davis b Paul Lee. Brian Lee b Buddy Landel. Paul Orndorff b Gary Scott. Tim Horner b Joe Cazana. Robert Gibson b Rick Cannon. Brian Lee b Paul Lee. Bart and Brad Batten No Contest Dixie Dynomite and Danny Davis. Killer Kyle b Danny Davis. Dirty White Boy and Paul Orndorff b Bart and Brad Batten. The Heavenly Bodies b Gary Scott and Rick Cannon. The Heavenly Bodies b The Fantastics by DQ.
  • June 19, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Knoxville, Tennessee: Dixie Dynomite b Joe Cazana. Jimmy Golden b Robert Gibson. Tim Horner b Buddy Landel COR. The Heavenly Bodies b Danny Davis and Dixie Dynomite. Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy by DQ.
  • June 20, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Bluefield, West Virginia: Robert Gibson b Joe Cazana, Dirty White Boy b Dixie Dynomite, Tim Horner b Buddy Landel, Heavenly Bodies b Batten Twins, Brian Lee b Paul Orndorff by DQ.
  • June 21, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Beckley, West Virginia: Batten Twins b Joe Cazana and Killer Kyle, Jimmy Golden b Robert Gibson, Dirty White Boy b Dixie Dynomite, Tim Horner b Buddy Landel COR, Heavenly Bodies b Fantastics, Brian Lee b Paul Orndorff by DQ.
  • July 2, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Paintsville, Kentucky: Dixie Dynomite b Joe Cazana, Robert Gibson b Jimmy Golden, Tim Horner b Buddy Landel, Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy, Fantastics b Heavenly Bodies by DQ, Jackie Fulton won a 12-man “Mountain Mayhem” battle royal.
  • July 4, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Williamson, West Virginia: Dixie Dynomite b Joe Cazana, Dirty White Boy b Tim Horner, Fantastics b Heavenly Bodies by DQ, Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy, Tim Horner won a 10-man “Mountain Mayhem” battle royal.
  • July 6, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Benton: Joe Cazana b Ben Jordan, Robert Gibson b Jimmy Golden, Tim Horner b Gary Scott, Dixie Dynomite b Killer Kyle, Fantastics b Joe Cazana and Gary Scott, Brian Lee b The Stormtrooper, Tim Horner b Paul Lee, Heavenly Bodies b Hector Guerrero and Ben Jordan, Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden b Richie Dye and Ben Jordan, Dixie Dynomite b The Stormtrooper, Brian Lee b Gary Scott, Hector Guerrero b Paul Lee, Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden won 4-team elimination.
  • July 10, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Whitesville, Virginia: Hector Guerrero b Jimmy Golden by DQ; Robert Gibson b Joe Cazana, Tim Horner b Buddy Landel; Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy; Heavenly Bodies b Fantastics by DQ.
  • July 11, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Morristown, Tennessee: Hector Guerrero b Jimmy Golden by DQ. Robert Gibson b Joe Cazana. Tim Horner b Dirty White Boy; Brian Lee b Buddy Landel. Heavenly Bodies b Fantastics.
  • July 12, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Knoxville, Tennessee: Fantastics b Killer Kyle and Joe Cazana, Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy, Robert Gibson and Tim Horner b Heavenly Bodies.
  • July 17, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Knoxville, Tennessee: Killer Kyle drew Danny Davis; Dutch Mantel b Dixie Dynomite. Jimmy Golden b Robert Gibson by DQ; Buddy Landel b Tim Horner in a Strap match; Heavenly Bodies b The Fantastics in a Street Fight. Ron Garvin and Brian Lee b Paul Orndorff and Dirty White Boy.
  • July 18, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Whitesville, Virginia: Dixie Dynomite b The Galaxian. Area Disc Jockey Brian Matthews b The Mad Dog. Robert Gibson b Jimmy Golden, Tim Horner b Buddy Landel strap match, Heavenly Bodies b Fantastics Street Fight, Ron Garvin and Brian Lee b Paul Orndorff and Dirty White Boy.
  • July 19, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Beckley, West Virginia: Dixie Dynomite b The Galaxian. Jimmy Golden b Robert Gibson by DQ, Tim Horner b Buddy Landel strap match; Heavenly Bodies No Contest Fantastics Street Fight match; Ron Garvin and Brian Lee b Paul Orndorff and Dirty White Boy.
  • August 5, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Richwood, West Virginia: Bart Batten b Joe Cazana; Brad Batten drew Hector Guerrero, Tim Horner b Buddy Landel. Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy. Killer Kyle b Dixie Dynomite in a Taped Fist match. Hector Guerrero won a 9-man battle royal.
  • August 5, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Kingsport, Tennessee: Dirty White Boy b Brian Lee, Dixie Dynomite b Killer Kyle by DQ, Boxing Match; Heavenly Bodies b Danny Davis and Tim Horner, Ron Garvin b Paul Orndorff by DQ, Rock and Roll Express b Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden.
  • August 6, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Beckley: Danny Davis drew Brad Batten, Dirty White Boy b Bart Batten, Stan Lane and Tom Prichard and Killer Kyle b Brian Lee and Tim Horner and Dixie Dynomite, Ron Garvin drew Paul Orndorff, Rock and Roll Express b Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden.
  • August 6, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Jefferson City, Tennessee: Tim Horner b Buddy Landel. Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy. Bobby and Jackie Fulton b Heavenly Bodies. Bobby Fulton won an 8-man Blindfold Battle Royal.
  • August 7, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Castlewood, Virginia: Mike Sampson b The Demon. Dixie Dynomite b Killer Kyle. Tim Horner b Buddy Landel. Robert Gibson b Jimmy Golden. Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy. Bobby and Jackie Fulton b Heavenly Bodies by DQ.
  • August 7, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Clarksburg: Cowabunga the Wrestler Turtle (Brian Hildebrand) b The Galaxian (Danny Davis), Dixie Dynomite b Killer Kyle, Tim Horner b Danny Davis, Ron Garvin b Paul Orndorff by DQ, Dirty White Boy b Brian Lee, Rock and Roll Express b Heavenly Bodies.
  • August 8, 1992 – Fire on the Mountain in Johnson City, Tennessee at the Freedom Hall: Danny Davis b Joe Cazana, Dutch Mantell b Hector Guerrero, Killer Kyle defeated Dixie Dynamite, Tim Horner b Buddy Landell in an “I Quit” match, Ron Garvin b Paul Orndorff in a “Piledriver” match, The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) b Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden, Dirty White Boy b Brian Lee to win the Smokey Mountain title, The Fantastics (Jackie Fulton and Bobby Fulton) b The Heavenly Bodies (Stan Lane and Tom Pritchard) in a “Barbed Wire Cage” match to win the SMW Tag Team titles.
  • August 8, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Johnson City, Tennessee: Danny Davis b Joe Cazana. Dutch Mantel b Hector Guerrero. Killer Kyle b Dixie Dynomite. Tim Horner b Buddy Landel I Quit match. Ron Garvin b Paul Orndorff. Dirty White Boy b Brian Lee to win the SMW Heavyweight Title. Rock and Roll Express b Jimmy Golden and Robert Fuller, The Fantastics b The Heavenly Bodies in a Barbed Wire Cage match to win the SMW Tag Team Title.
  • August 9, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Beckley, West Virginia: Danny Davis drew Dutch Mantel; Killer Kyle pinned Dixie Dynomite in a Taped Fist match. Dirty White Boy beat Brian Lee, Tim Horner beat Buddy Landel in an I Quit match. Paul Orndorff beat Ron Garvin in a Piledriver match. Bobby and Jackie Fulton beat Heavenly Bodies Coal Miners Glove Match; Rock and Roll Express beat Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden DQ.
  • August 10, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Benton: The Heavenly Bodies b Fantastics to win the SMW Tag Team Title.
  • August 12, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Cumberland, Kentucky: Killer Kyle b Mike Sampson. Dirty White Boy b Danny Davis. Tim Horner and Brian Lee b Stan Lane and Tom Prichard by DQ, Rock and Roll Express b Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden, Danny Davis won a $5,000 battle royal.
  • August 19, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Johnson City, Tennessee: Mike Sampson b Pat Rose, Tim Horner b Joe Cazana, Dirty White Boy b Dixie Dynomite (Scott Armstrong), Brian Lee b Killer Kyle by DQ, Stan Lane and Tom Prichard b Fantastics, Rock and Roll Express b Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden Stretcher match.
  • August 21, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Harlan: Dixie Dynomite b Killer Kyle by DQ; Tim Horner b Joe Cazana, Dirty White Boy b Brian Lee; Fantastics b Heavenly Bodies Street Fight; Rock and Roll Express b Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden.
  • August 22, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Beckley, West Virginia: Tom Prichard b Danny Davis, Dixie Dynomite b Killer Kyle by DQ in the third round of a scheduled 10-round boxing match. Paul Orndorff b Ron Garvin by DQ, Dirty White Boy b Brian Lee Texas Death Match, Rock and Roll Express b Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden.
  • August 27, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Morristown, Tennessee: Rock and Roll Express b Mike Sampson and Robbie Eagle, Killer Kyle b Newton Stephie, Brian Lee b Paul Orndorff by DQ.
  • September 4, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Knoxville, Tennessee: Dirty White Boy b Danny Davis. Dixie Dynomite b Killer Kyle when Kyle could not pin Dynomite twice within 15 minutes, as was agreed upon in a prematch stipulation. Tim Horner and Brian Lee b Heavenly Bodies in a $10,000 bounty match. Ron Garvin b Paul Orndorff by DQ. Rock and Roll Express b Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden.
  • October 2, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Knoxville, Tennessee: Danny Davis drew Dutch Mantel, Brian Lee DCOR Night Stalker, Paul Orndorff b Ron Garvin. Dirty White Boy b Tim Horner by DQ, Heavenly Bodies b Fantastics, Rock and Roll Express b Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden in a Stretcher match.
  • October 8, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Bristol, Virginia: Dixie Dynomite b Killer Kyle, Bobby and Jackie Fulton b Dutch Mantel and Jimmy Golden, Brian Lee b The Night Stalker. Tim Horner b Dirty White Boy by DQ, Rock and Roll Express b Stan Lane and Tom Prichard.
  • October 9, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Everts, Kentucky: Dixie Dynomite b Killer Kyle, Bobby and Jackie Fulton b Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden, Brian Lee b The Night Stalker. Tim Horner b Dirty White Boy by DQ, Rock and Roll Express b Stan Lane and Tom Prichard by DQ.
  • October 17, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Morristown, Tennessee: Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden b Tommy Angel and Joey Maggs, Brian Lee b The Night Stalker. Dirty White Boy DCOR Tim Horner. Heavenly Bodies b Rock and Roll Express, Robert Gibson won a 13-man battle royal.
  • October 24, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Johnson City, Tennessee: Jimmy Golden b Robbie Eagle, Tracy Smothers b Killer Kyle, Night Stalker b Joey Maggs, Ron Garvin b Paul Orndorff, Dirty White Boy DCOR Tim Horner, Rock and Roll Express b Heavenly Bodies.
  • November 6, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Feds Creek, Kentucky: Tracy Smothers b Jimmy Golden. The Nightstalker b Dixie Dynomite. Ron Garvin b Paul Orndorff. Tim Horner b Dirty White Boy by DQ, Rock and Roll Express b Heavenly Bodies by DQ.
  • November 7, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Paintsville, Kentucky: Dixie Dynomite b Jimmy Golden. The Night Stalker b Rick Newsome, Tracy Smothers b Killer Kyle, Ron Garvin b Paul Orndorff, Tim Horner b Dirty White Boy by DQ, Heavenly Bodies b Rock and Roll Express.
  • November 8, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Knoxville, Tennessee: Dirty White Boy DDQ Tim Horner. Dutch Mantel b Robbie Eagle, Night Stalker b Dixie Dynomite. Tracy Smothers b Killer Kyle, Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden b Bobby and Jackie Fulton by DQ, Ron Garvin beat Paul Orndorff by DQ, Heavenly Bodies b Rock and Roll Express.
  • November 13, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Harlan: Night Stalker b Robbie Eagle. Tracy Smothers b Killer Kyle, Tim Horner beat Dirty White Boy by DQ, Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden b Tracy Smothers and Dixie Dynomite, Rock and Roll Express b Heavenly Bodies in a Hospital Elimination match to win the SMW Tag Team Title.
  • November 14, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Morristown, Tennessee: Night Stalker b Robbie Eagle. Robert Fuller b Dixie Dynomite, Tracy Smothers b Jimmy Golden in a Tennessee Street Fight, Tim Horner b Dirty White Boy, Rock and Roll Express b Heavenly Bodies Hospital Elimination match.
  • November 20, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Hurley: Night Stalker b Dixie Dynomite, Tracy Smothers b Dark Secret (Brian Armstrong), Tim Horner b Dirty White Boy by DQ, Rock and Roll Express b Heavenly Bodies, Bob Armstrong b Jim Cornette.
  • November 21, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Chilhowie: Robbie Eagle b Dark Secret, Night Stalker b Dixie Dynomite, Tracy Smothers b Jimmy Golden, Tim Horner b Dirty White Boy by DQ, Rock and Roll Express b Heavenly Bodies.
  • November 23, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Clairfield: Kevin Sullivan b Jeff Daniels, Ron Garvin b Dirty White Boy by DQ, Tracy Smothers b Paul Lee, Dixie Dynomite b Dark Stranger, Heavenly Bodies b Reno Riggins and Chief Daniel Little Bear, Dirty White Boy b Tim Horner, Paul Orndorff b Reno Riggins, Night Stalker b Daniel Little Bear, Rock and Roll Express b Paul Lee and Dark Secret, Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden b Reno Riggins and Daniel Little Bear, Dirty White Boy b Paul Lee, Dixie Dynomite b Kevin Sullivan by DQ.
  • November 26, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Hazard, Kentucky: The Heavenly Bodies b Rock and Roll Express in a Falls Count Anywhere match to win the SMW Tag Team Title, Tracy Smothers b Paul Lee, Dutch Mantel b Colin West. Night Stalker b Bart Batten, Paul Orndorff b Dixie Dynomite, Dirty White Boy b Tim Horner Lumberjack Match, The Mongolian Stomper b Kevin Sullivan by DQ. Tim Horner won a battle royal.
  • November 27, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Welch, West Virginia: Rock and Roll Express b Heavenly Bodies in a Texas Death match to win the SMW Tag Team Title, Tracy Smothers b Night Stalker, Ron Garvin b Paul Orndorff, Dirty White Boy b Tim Horner in a Lumberjack match. Dixie Dynomite b Kevin Sullivan by DQ, Dixie Dynomite won battle royal.
  • November 28, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Johnson City, Tennessee: Tracy Smothers b Robbie Eagle. Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden b Bobby Fulton and Dixie Dynomite. Danny Davis and Ron Garvin b Paul Orndorff in a Handicap match. The Dirty White Boy b Tim Horner lumberjack match, Mongolian Stomper b Kevin Sullivan by DQ, Heavenly Bodies b Rock and Roll Express in a Street Fight match to win the SMW Tag Team Title.
  • November 29, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling – Thanksgiving Thunder in Knoxville, Tennessee at the City Coliseum: The Night Stalker b Robbie Eagle. Tracy Smothers b Dutch Mantell, Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden b Dixie Dynomite and Bobby Fulton, Ronnie Garvin and Danny Davis b Paul Orndorff by DQ in a Handicap match, Dirty White Boy b Tim Horner in a Lumberjack match to retain the Smokey Mountain title, The Mongolian Stomper b Kevin Sullivan by DQ, Ronnie Garvin won a “14-man Battle Royal”, The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) b The Heavenly Bodies (Stan Lane and Tom Pritchard) in a Barbed Wire Cage match to win the SMW Tag Team title.
  • December 4, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Barbourville: Chris Comet b Paul Lee, Dirty White Boy drew Tracy Smothers, Kevin Sullivan DDQ Mongolian Stomper, Heavenly Bodies and Jim Cornette b Rock and Roll Express and Tim Horner.
  • December 5, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Marion: Rock and Roll Express and Brian Matthews b Heavenly Bodies and Jim Cornette.
  • December 12, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Morristown, Tennessee: Chris Comet b Jeff Daniels, Dirty White Boy and Paul Orndorff b Tim Horner and Ron Garvin, Tracy Smothers won tournament to become the first SMW TV Champion, Mongolian Stomper b Kevin Sullivan by DQ; Dixie Dynomite b Paul Lee, Tracy Smothers b Reno Riggins; Heavenly Bodies b Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden by DQ.
  • December 25, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Knoxville, Tennessee Rock and Roll Express b Heavenly Bodies and Jim Cornette in a Handicap match. Tim Horner and Ron Garvin b Dirty White Boy and Paul Orndorff; Jimmy Golden b Dixie Dynomite, Tracy Smothers b Robert Fuller, Brian Lee and Mongolian Stomper b Kevin Sullivan and Night Stalker by DQ.
  • December 26, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Johnson City, Tennessee: Rock and Roll Express b Heavenly Bodies and Jim Cornette in a Handicap match. Tim Horner and Ron Garvin b Dirty White Boy and Paul Orndorff, Jimmy Golden b Dixie Dynomite, Tracy Smothers b Robert Fuller, Brian Lee and Mongolian Stomper b Kevin Sullivan and Night Stalker.
  • December 27, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling – TV Taping in [INSERT]: Rock and Roll Express b Heavenly Bodies, Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden b Daniel Little Bear and Reno Riggins, Tracy Smothers b Dark Secret, Dirty White Boy b Paul Lee, Dixie Dynomite b Kevin Sullivan by DQ.
  • December 27, 1992 – Smokey Mountain Wrestling in Beckley, West Virginia: Jimmy Golden b Dixie Dynomite in 10:11. Tracy Smothers b Robert Fuller in 14:10. Brian Lee b Kevin Sullivan in an Anything Goes match. Tim Horner and Ron Garvin b Paul Orndorff and Dirty White Boy in 30:45. Rock and Roll Express b Heavenly Bodies and Jim Cornette in 17:54.
  • April 2, 1993 – Bluegrass Brawl I in Pikeville, Kentucky at The College Gym: Robbie Eagle b Rip Rogers, The Mongolian Stomper b Rob Morgan, Tim Horner b The Nightstalker by DQ, Brian Lee b Kevin Sullivan in a “Singapore Spike” match, Tracy Smothers b Dirty White Boy in a “Chain” match to win the Smokey Mountain title, The Heavenly Bodies (Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane and Tom Pritchard) b The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson and Arn Anderson) and Team Mantell (Dutch Mantell and Jimmy Golden and Robert Fuller) in a “Triangular Street Fight” match, (Tom Pritchard pinned Robert Fuller, and Tom Pritchard pinned Robert Gibson).
  • May 9, 1993 – Volunteer Slam II “Rage in a Cage” in Knoxville, Tennessee at the City Coliseum: Robert Gibson b The Tazmaniac, Killer Kyle b Robert Fuller by DQ, Brian Lee b Stan Lane, Kevin Sullivan b Jimmy Golden, Tom Pritchard b Ricky Morton, Tracy Smothers b Dirty White Boy in a “Coward Waves the Flag” match to retain the Smokey Mountain title, The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) and Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden and Brian Lee b The Heavenly Bodies (Tom Pritchard and Stan Lane) and Killer Kyle and Kevin Sullivan and Tazmaniac in a “Rage in a Cage” match (Ricky Morton forced Stan Lane to submit).
  • May 15, 1993 – The Last Tango in Tennessee in Johnson City, Tennessee at the Freedom Hall: Killer Kyle b Bobby Blaze, Tim Horner and Brian Lee b Dutch Mantell and Jimmy Golden, Brian Lee b Kevin Sullivan in a “Singapore Spike” match, Dirty White Boy (w/Don Wright) b Tracy Smothers (w/Tim Horner) in a “Coward Waves the Flag” match (The belt was held-up after a very controversial finish), The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) b The Heavenly Bodies (Tom Pritchard and Stan Lane) in a “Loser Leaves SMW” match to win the SMW Tag Team titles.
  • August 14, 1993 – Fire on the Mountain in Johnson City, Tennessee at the Freedom Hall: Jimmy Del Rey b Steve Armstrong, Dirty White Boy vs The Mongolian Stomper ended in a DOUBLE DQ, The Big Bossman b Kevin Sullivan, Chris Candido b Tim Horner by DQ in a “Loser Sucks a Baby Bottle” match, Brian Lee b Tracy Smothers in a “Coal Miner’s Glove” match to retain the Smokey Mountain title, Bob and Steve and Scott Armstrong and Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson b The Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy Del Ray and Tom Pritchard) and The Bruise Brothers (Ron and Don Harris) and Jim Cornette in a “Rage in a Cage” match (Bob Armstrong forced Jim Cornette to submit).
  • August [INSERT], 1993 – K-Town Showdown in Knoxville, Tennessee at the Civic Coliseum: Bobby Blaze b Dirty White Boy in a 10:00 challenge when Anthony failed to pin Blaze within the time limit, Tim Horner b Chris Candido by DQ in a “Loser Must Wear a Diaper” match, Brian Lee b The Mongolian Stomper to retain the Smokey Mountain title, The Big Boss Man b Kevin Sullivan in a “Singapore Spike” match, The Bruise Brothers (Ron and Don Harris) b The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) and The Armstrong Brothers (Scott and Steve) and The Heavenly Bodies (Tom Pritchard and Jimmy Del Rey) in a “Four Corners” match.Bob Armstrong b Jim Cornette in a “Lumberjack” match.
  • November 26, 1993 – Thanksgiving Thunder in Knoxville, Tennessee at the City Coliseum: Bobby Blaze b Chris Candido in a “Loser gets Tarred and Feathered” match, Prince Kharis b Tim Horner with a sleeperhold, The Bullet b Kevin Sullivan in a “First Blood” match, The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) vs The Moondogs ended in a NO CONTEST, Brian Lee b Dirty White Boy by DQ, The Bruise Brothers (Ron and Don Harris) b The Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy Del Rey and Tom Pritchard) in a “Street Fight” match.
  • February 13, 1994 – Sunday Bloody Sunday in Knoxville, Tennessee at the Civic Coliseum: Anthony Michaels b Hornet, Chris Candido b Tracy Smothers, Doug and Mike Furnas b The Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy Del Rey and Pritchard) in a “Football Helmet on a Pole” match, The Bullet (Bob Armstrong under mask) b Terry Funk in a “Texas Death” match, The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) b The Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy Del Rey and Tom Pritchard) by DQ (Bodies retain Tag Team titles), Dirty White Boy b Brian Lee in a “Chain” match to win the Smokey Mountain title, The Bruise Brothers (Ron and Don Harris) b The Moondogs (Spot and Rex) in a “Steel Cage” match.
  • March 10, 1994 – Marietta Debut in Marietta, Georgia at the Cobb Civic Center: 1-2-3 Kid vs Bobby Blaze ended in a DRAW, Hillbilly Festus b New Jack to win the NGWA Heavyweight title, Tracy Smothers b Chris Candido, Ronnie Garvin b Kevin Sullivan by DQ, Lex Luger b Irwin R Schyster, Dirty White Boy and Dirty White Girl b Brian Lee and Tammy Fytch, Brian and Scott and Steve Armstrong b Well Dunn (Timothy Well and Steven Dunn) and Owen Hart, The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) b The Heavenly Bodies (Tom Pritchard and Jimmy Del Rey) by DQ (Bodies retain), Bob Armstrong b Jim Cornette in a “Steel Cage” match.
  • April 1, 1994 – Blue Grass Brawl II in Pikeville, Kentucky at the College Gym: Killer Kyle b Anthony Michaels, Lance Storm b Steve Dunn, Lance Storm b Timothy Well, Tracy Smothers b Chris Candido in a “Ladder” match, Jim Cornette and Bruiser Bedlam b Bob Armstrong in a “Handicap” match, Disty White Boy and Dirty White Girl b Brian Lee and Tammy Fytch in a “Street Fight” match, The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) b The Heavenly Bodies (Tom Pritchard and Jimmy Del Ray) in a “Loser Leaves Town Steel Cage” match to win the Tag Team titles.
  • May 20, 1994 – Volunteer Slam III in Knoxville, Tennessee at the City Coliseum: Tracy Smothers b Kendo the Samurai (Tim Horner), The Thrill Seekers (Chris Jericho and Lance Storm) b Well Dunn (Timothy Well and Steven Dunn), Brian Lee and Chris Candido b The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) to retain the SMW Tag Team titles, Bruiser Bedlam b Randy Savage, Jake Roberts vs Dirty White Boy ended in a DOUBLE COUNT OUT thus Jake Roberts retains the Smokey Mountain title.
  • August 5, 1994 – Night of Legends in Knoxville, Tennessee at the Civic Coliseum: Chris Walker b Richard Slinger, Doug Furnas b Killer Kyle, Bob Orton Jr. and Dick Slater vs The Mongolian Stomper and Ronnie Garvin ended in a DOUBLE DQ, The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) b Chris Candido and Brian Lee to win the Smokey Mountain Tag Team titles, Legends Introduction and Awards: Bob Armstrong, Sam Bass (posthumous), Whitey Caldwell (posthumous), John Cazana (posthumous), Corsica Joe, Jack Donovan, Doug Furnas, Ronnie Garvin, Rick Gibson, Al Greene, Don Greene, Jim Hess, Phil Hickerson, Sara Lee, Boris Malenko (not in attendance), Mac McMurray, The Mongolian Stomper, Frank Morell, Bob Orton Jr, Bob Polk, Phil Raney, Nelson Royal, Dick Slater, Les Thatcher, Tommy Weathers, Ron West, Jim White, Billy Wicks, Don Wright, and Ron Wright, The Thrillseekers (Chris Jericho and Lance Storm) b The Heavenly Bodies (Tom Pritchard and Jimmy Del Rey) in a “Street Fight” match, Dirty White Boy b Terry Gordy by DQ to retain the Smokey Mountain title, Bob Armstrong and Tracy Smothers and Road Warrior Hawk b Terry and Dory Funk Jr and Bruiser Bedlam in a “Coward Waves the Flag” match when Cornette waved his team’s flag.
  • August 14, 1994 – Fire on the Mountain in Johnson City, Tennessee at Freedom Hall: The Gangstas (New Jack and Mustpha) b Anthony Michaels and Skyfire, Doug Furnas b Bob Orton Jr., Dirty White Boy b Dick Slater to retain the Smokey Mountain title, Lance Storm and Tracy Smothers b The Heavenly Bodies (Tom Pritchard and Jimmy Del Rey), Brian Lee and Chris Candido b The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) in a “Morton’s Hair vs Tammy Fytch’s Hair” match to win the SMW Tag Team titles, Bob Armstrong and Tracy Smothers and Road Warrior Hawk b Terry and Dory Funk Jr. and Bruiser Bedlam in a “Texas Death” match.
  • November 24, 1994 – Thanksgiving Thunder in Knoxville, Tennessee at the City Coliseum: Lance Storm b D-Lo Brown, Bryant Anderson b Tracy Smothers, Dirty White Boy and Ron Wright b Bruiser Bedlam and Jim Cornette, Cactus Jack and Brian Lee vs Chris Candido and Boo Bradley ended in a DOUBLE COUNT OUT, Bob Armstrong b Bob Orton Jr., The Gangstas (New Jack and Mustpaha) b The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) in a “Street Fight” match.
  • February 26, 1995 – Sunday Bloody Sunday II in Knoxville, Tennessee at the Civic Coliseum: Bobby Blaze b Brian Logan, The Gangstas (New Jack and Mustapha) b Scott Armstrong and Tracy Smothers, The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) b Al Snow and Unibomb by DQ to retain the SMW Tag Team titles, Boo Bradley b Chris Candido in a “Loser Leaves Town Dog Collar Chain” match, Bobby Blaze b Jerry Lawler to win the SMW Heavyweight title, Bobby Blaze b Buddy Landell to retain the SMW Heavyweight title, The Heavenly Bodies (Tom Pritchard and Jimmy Del Rey and Jim Cornette) b The Gangstas (New Jack and Mustapha and DLo Brown) with Bob Armstrong as the special referee.
  • April 7, 1995 – Bluegrass Brawl III in Pikeville, Kentucky at the College Gym: Boo Bradley b Killer Kyle, Bobby Blaze vs Buddy Landell ended in a DRAW thus Blazer retains the SMW title, Al Snow and Unibomb b The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) in a “Coal Miner’s Glove on a Pole” match to win the SMW Tag Team titles, Dirty White Boy b Buddy Landell in a “Chain” match, Tracy Smothers and The Undertaker b The Gangstas (New Jack and Mustapha and DLo Brown) in a “Handicap Loser Salutes the Flag” match.
  • May 19, 1995 – Volunteer Slam IV in Knoxville, Tennessee at the City Coliseum: Bobby Blaze b D-Lo Brown, Robert Gibson b Unibomb in a “Falls Count Anywhere” match, Steve Armstrong b Buddy Landell by DQ thus Buddy Landell retains the Smokey Mountain title, Boo Bradley b Killer Kyle in a “Dog Collar” match, PG-13 (JC Ice and Wolfie D) b Tracy Smothers and Dirty White Boy by DQ to retain the USWA Tag Team titles, Bob Armstrong and Terry Funk b The Gangstas (New Jack and Mustapha) in a “Texas Death” match when New Jack couldn’t answer the bell, Ricky Morton b Al Snow in a “Scaffold” match.
  • August 4, 1995 – SuperBowl of Wrestling in Knoxville, Tennessee at the Civic Coliseum: Brian Armstrong b D-Lo Brown, The Headbangers (Mosh and Thrasher) b Flash Flannagan and Chris Michaels, PG-13 (JC Ice and Wolfie D) b Jackie Fulton and Curtis Thompson to retain the USWA Tag Team titles, The Punisher b Bob Armstrong, Al Snow b Marty Jannetty to win the MTW Heavyweight title, Dan Severn v Bobby Blaze by Submission to retain the NWA World Heavyweight title, Terry Gordy and Tommy Rich b The Mongolian Stomper and Boo Bradley, Brad Armstrong b Billy Jack Haynes to win the USWA Heavyweight title, The Undertaker b Unibomb, The Heavenly Bodies (Tom Pritchard and Jimmy Del Rey) b Tracy Smothers and Dirty White Boy to win the SMW Tag Team titles, Shawn Michaels b Buddy Landell to retain the WWF Intercontinental title.
  • August 12, 1995 – Fire on the Mountain 1995 “Night of the Dream Matches” in Johnson City, Tennesse at Freedom Hall: Boo Bradley (blindfolded) b Tommy Rich -Rich’s dream match-, Robert Gibson b The Headbangers (Mosh and Thrasher) in a “Handicap” match (Gibson would have had to wear a dress if he lost) -Thrasher’s dream match-, A strange “battle royal” was declared a NO CONTEST after Brad Armstrong eliminated himself leaving The Punisher and Tommy Rich and Al Snow and Unibomb who then left the ring -Punisher’s dream match-, Tommy Rich and The Punisher b Boo Bradley and Brian Armstrong in a “Falls Count anywhere” match -Boo Bradley’s dream match-, Tracy Smothers and The Dirty White Boy b Al Snow and Unibomb in a “Loser Leaves Town” match -Al Snow’s dream match-, Brad Armstrong b Brian Lee -Buddy Landell’s dream match-, Ron Wright b Dirty White Boy -Dirty White Boy’s dream match-, Jim Cornette b Bob Armstrong in a “First Blood” match -Wolfman’s dream match-, Brad Armstrong b Buddy Landell in a “Lumberjacks with Tennis Rackets” match to win the Smokey Mountain title -Brad Armstrong’s dream match-, Tracy Smothers and Dirty White Boy b The Heavenly Bodies (Tom Pritchard and Jimmy Del Rey) by DQ (Bodies retain Tag Teamn titles).
  • November 23, 1995 – Thanksgiving Thunder in Knoxville, Tennessee at the City Coliseum: Flash Flannagan b Headbanger Thrasher, Sgt Rock b The Wolfman, Butch Cassidy b Jim Cornette by DQ, Brad Armstrong b Terry Gordy in a “Country Whippin'” match to win the Smokey Mountain title, Buddy Landell and The Bullet b Tommy Rich and The Punisher, Robert Gibson and The Heavenly Bodies (Tom Pritchard and Jimmy Del Rey) b Ricky Morton and Tracy Smothers and Dirty White Boy by DQ.

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