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- January 25, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Biggie Biggs b Mike Fashion, Erik Andretti b Felix Leon, Shane O’Brien and Ed Moore b Shawn Donavan and Pierce St. John, Rob Eckos b Damian Adams and Mike Winner, Jason Havok b Hadrian, John Royal b Dylan Black, Roman b Kevin Knight.
- January 27, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Frankie Finesse b Colin Cash, Shawn Donavan b Eloy Fiesta, Kevin Knight b Erik Andretti and Ed Moore, Roman b Rapid Fire Maldonado, Alicia b BPA Barry-DQ, Jason Havok b Chris Klein, Damian Adams and Hadrian b Biggie Biggs and Rob Eckos.
- February 23, 2002 – IWF at their gym in West Paterson, NJ. Eloy Fiesta b Shawn Donovan, Shane O’Brien b Dylan Black, Felix and Travis Blake b Frankie Finesse and Chris Klein, Roman b Jason Havok, Erik Andretti b Kevin Knight, Hadrian won four-way over Rob Eckos, Biggie Biggs and Damian Adams.
- February 24, 2002 – IWF at their gym in West Paterson, New Jersey: Biggs b Andretti-DQ, Hadrian b Eckos, Roman b Felix, Dylan Black and Alicia b Shane O’Brien and BPA Barry, Shawn Donovan and Pierce St. John and Tommy Trouble b Frankie Finesse and Chris Klein and Dante, Kevin Knight b Dante and Adams in handicap match.
- March 15, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Pierce St. John b Travis Blake, Felix b Shane O’Brien, Dylan Black b BPA Barry, Hadrian b Kevin Knight, Biggie Biggs and Rob Eckos b Erik Andretti and Eloy Fiesta, Roman NC Damian Adams, Knight and Biggs and Eckos b Roman and Hadrian and Adams.
- April 3, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey before a sellout 200 fans: Hadrian b Rob Eckos, Felix won three-way over Travis Blake and Dante, Erik Andretti DCOR Prince of Pancrase, Biggie Biggs b Damian Adams, Shawn Donovan b Pierce St. John, Roman b Kevin Knight in submission match with Ken Shamrock a referee.
- April 13, 2002 – IWF in Bangor, MI: Michael Stryker and Garret Marx b Jimmy Shalwin and Frankie the Face-DQ, Chris Sabin b Alcatraz, Breyer Wellington and Brimstone b Foreign Exchange to keep tag titles, Colt Cabana won three-way over Ace Steel and C.M. Punk, Brad Bradley b Jack Thriller, Blitzkrieg Kid b Jimmy Jacobs, Yukon Braxton b Alpha Male, Norm won Battle Royal.
- April 21, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Felix b Erik Andretti, C.J. Summers b Travis Blake, Shawn Donovan b Pierce St. John, Hadrian b Rob Eckos, Kevin Knight and Biggie Biggs b Roman and Debonair Adams.
- May 17, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Pierce St. John and BPA Barry b Biggie Biggs and Rob Eckos, Shawn Donovan b Shane O’Brien, Hadrian b Damian Adams, Kevin Knight b Erik Andretti, Felix b Rob Eckos, patriot DDQ Ramon.
- May 19, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Rob Eckos b Kevin Knight-DQ, Erik Andretti b Tommy Trouble, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Dante and Axis, Damian Adams b Salvatore Sincere-DQ, Hadrian b Felix, Roman b Biggie Biggs.
- June 8, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Allison Danger DCOR Alicia, Phoenix b Ariel, Little Jeannie b Tiffany Monroe, Lady Vendetta b Sonya Blackhawk, Valentina b Luxurious Lynne, Phoenix won three-way over Vendetta and Ariel, Damian Adams and Alicia b Roman and Danger.
- June 15, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Erik Andretti b Alicia, Damian Adams b Hadrian, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Pierce St. John and BPA Barry, Roman b Josh Daniels, Adam b Johnny Toxic, Biggie Biggs b Rob Eckos.
- July 10, 2002 – IWF in Edison, New Jersey before a near capacity crowd of 200: Damian Adams b Erik Andretti, Dante and Axis b Dylan Black and Tommy Trouble, Roman b Josh Daniels, Biggie Biggs b Kevin Knight, Shane Donovan and Travis Blake b Pierce St. John and Shane O’Brien, Patriot b Hadrian.
- August 3, 2002 – IWF in Woodbridge, New Jersey: Travis Blake b Erik Andretti, Tony Flo and Shawn Donavan b Hadrian and Pierce St. John, Hasheem b TNT, Kevin Knight b Roman.
- August 18, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Travis Blake b Dante, Shane O’Brien and Eloy Fiesta b Dylan Black and Tommy Trouble and Johnny Toxic and Shawn Moore, Damian Adams b Josh Daniels, Pierce St. John b Brandon Young, Biggie Biggs and Kevin Knight and Adams b Hadrian and Roman and Josh Daniels.
- September 15, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Brandon Young b Roman-COR, Erik Andretti b Tommy Trouble, Damian Adams won three-way over Hadrian and Josh Daniels, Biggie Biggs b Pierce St. John, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Shane O’Brien and Eloy Fiesta.
- September 29, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Shawn Moore b Frankie Finesse, Eloy Fiesta b Dylan Black, Dante and Axis b Nick Rage and Jay Blaze, Travis Blake b Roman-DQ, BPA Barry and Jamie Idol b Johnny Toxic and Dan McGuire, Hadrian b Damian Adams-DQ.
- October 5, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Brandon Young b Shane O’Brien, Eloy Fiesta b Tommy Trouble, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Dante and Axis to keep tag titles, Biggie Biggs b Pierce St. John to keep IWF title, Damian Adams b Erik Andretti, Honky Tonk Man and Kevin Knight b Hadrian and Roman.
- October 26, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Brandon Young b Roman, Axis b Travis Blake, C.J. Summers b Shawn Donovan, Kevin Knight won handicap match over Pierce St. John and Erik Andretti, Johnny Toxic and Dan McGuire b BPA Barry and Nik Rage, Hadrian b Damian Adams.
- October 27, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Dylan Black b Jamie Idol, Pierce St. John DCOR Brandon Young, Shane O’Brien b Tommy Trouble, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Dante and Axis, A.J. Sparxx b Mike Winner in arm-wrestling, Frankie Finesse b Shawn Moore, Hadrian and Roman b Kevin Knight and Damian Adams.
- November 23, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey before a sellout 125 fans: Brandon Young b Tommy Trouble, Eric Andretti b Shane O’Brien, Axis and Dante b Travis Blake and Shawn Donovan to win tag titles, Hadrian b Damian Adams, Biggie Biggs b Pierce St. John, Kevin Knight b Roman in iron man match.
- December 27, 2002 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Travis Blake b Pierce St. John, Hadrian and BPA Barry b Erik Andretti and Shawn Moore, Shawn Donovan b Nik Rage, Kevin Knight b Tommy Trouble-DQ, Axis and Jamie Idol b Dan McGuire and Greg Goodman, Roman b Fred Calloway.
- December 29, 2002 – IWF Tournament of Champions in West Paterson, New Jersey: Kevin Knight b Pierce St. John, Hadrian b Shawn Donovan, Roman b Brandon Young, Biggie Biggs b Shane O’Brien, Fred Calloway b Marc Verow in tug-of-war, Dante and Axis won gauntlet match over Erik Andretti and Travis Blake, Eloy Fiesta and Tommy Trouble and Dylan Black and Shawn Moore, Roman won four-way elimination over Knight, Biggs and Hadrian to win the tournament.
- January 26, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Fred Calloway and Dan McGuire b Eloy Fiesta and Nik Rage, Erik Andretti b Shawn Donovan, Dante and Axis b Brandon Young and Travis Blake, Biggie Biggs b Shane O’Brien, Tommy Trouble b Dylan black, Hadrian b Roman.
- February 21, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Shawn Donovan b Jamie Idol, Pierce St. John b Tony Torres, Dylan Black and Shawn Moore b Tommy Trouble and Dan McGurie, Travis Black b Shane O’Brien, Nik Rage and BPA Barry b Johnny Toxic and Jay Blaze, Biggie Biggs won three-way over Roman and Erik Andretti.
- February 22, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Biggie Biggs and Kevin Knight NC Roman and Mikhail Verow, Fred Calloway b Eloy Fiesta, Tommy Trouble b Brandon Young, Erik Andretti won three-way over Pierce St. John and Shawn Donovan, Nik Rage and Dan McGuire b Johnny Toxic and Greg Goodman, Patriot b Kevin Knight-DQ.
- February 23, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Fred Calloway b Pierce St. John, Tommy Trouble b Dylan Black, Shane O’Brien b Shawn Donovan, Brandon Young and Travis Blake won three-way over Dante and Axis and Erik Andretti and Kevin Knight, Eloy Fiesta and Jamie Idol b Shawn Moore and Greg Goodman, Biggie Biggs b Roman-DQ.
- March 21, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Travis Blake b Jamie Idol, Erik Andretti b Nik Rage, Axis b Tony Torres, Tommy Trouble and Dan McGuire b Dylan Black and Alicia, Pierce St. John and BPA Barry and Shane Perry b Shawn Moore and Jay Blaze and Angel, Fred Sampson b Roman-DQ.
- March 22, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson., New Jersey: Mikhali Verow b Fred Sampson-DQ, Shawn Donovan b Eloy Fiesta, Brandon Young and Travis Blake b Axis and Dante, Patriot b Roman, Erik Andretti b Pierce St. John, Dylan Black and Greg Goodman b Tommy Trouble and Dan McGuire, Kevin Knight b Biggie Biggs.
- March 23, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Brandon Young and Travis Blake and Shawn Donovan b Pierce St. John and Shane O’Brien and Eloy Fiesta, Fred Sampson b Mikhail Verow, Biggie Biggs NC Roman, Kevin Knight b Erik Andretti, Sampson won Royal Rumble.
- April 13, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Dylan Black b Dan McGuire, Shawn Donovan b Greg Goodman, C.J. Summers b Travis Blake, Kevin Knight b Brandon Young, Tommy Trouble b Shawn Moore, Pierce St. John and Shane O’Brien won three-way over Biggie Biggs and Erik Andretti and Axis and Dante, Fred Sampson b Roman.
- May 10, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Dylan Black b Dante, Pierce St. John b Tony Torres, Nik Rage and Dan McGuire b Johnny Toxic and Jay Blaze, Eloy Fiesta b Shawn Donovan-DQ, Shane OBrien b Travis Blake, BPA Barry b Tommy Trouble, Kevin Knight and Roman b Fred Sampson and Brandon Young.
- May 17, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Axis b Dante, Shane O’Brien and Pierce St. John b Brandon Young and Travis Blake to win tag titles, Dylan Black b Tommy Trouble in ladder match, Shawn Donovan b Eloy Fiesta, Nik Rage and Dan McGuire b Shawn Moore and Greg Goodman, Roman b Biggie Biggs, Fred Sampson b Kevin Knight.
- May 18, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Jamie Idol b Greg Goodman, Pierce St. John b Brandon Young, Dan McGuire b Dylan Black, Travis Blake b Shane O’Brien, Nik Rage and McGuire b Shawn Moore and Johnny Toxic and Jay Blaze, Shawn Donovan b Axis, Fred Sampson and Biggie Biggs b Kevin Knight and Roman.
- June 27, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Dan McGuire b Alicia, Justin Casey b Pierce St. John, Nik Rage and BPA Barry b Chris Maddux and Joey Sheer, Biggie Biggs b Shawn Donovan-DQ, Tony Torres and Shane Perry b Jay Blaze and Chris Steeler, Fred Sampson b Roman-DQ.
- June 28, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey for the first night of a tag team tournament: Shane O’Brien and Pierce St. John b Eloy Fiesta and Axis, Shawn Donovan and Tommy Trouble b Dylan Black and Greg Goodman, Biggie Biggs and Brandon Young b Dan McGuire and Nik Rage, Fred Sampson and Hadrian b Kevin Night and Roman.
- June 29, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Fred Sampson and Hadrian b Shawn Donovan and Tommy Trouble, Shane O’Brien and Pierce St. John b Biggie Biggs and Brandon Young, Axis b Tony Torres, Dan McGuire won four-way over Dylan Black, Travis Blake and Jay Blaze, Roman b Kevin Knight, Sampson and Hadrian b O’Brien and St. John to win two-day tag tourney.
- July 19, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Axis b Pierce St. John, Shawn Donovan b Tyler Mann, Travis Blake b Roman, Fred Sampson b Shane O’Brien, Dylan Black and Greg Goodman b Dan McGuire and Nik Rage, Chris Steeler b Aaron Stride, Tommy Trouble won three-way over Kevin Knight and Brandon Young.
- July 20, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Dylan Black b Dan McGuire, Roman b C.J. Summers, Shawn Donovan b Travis Blake, Shane O’Brien and Pierce St. John b Axis and Eloy Fiesta, Tony Torres b Jay Blaze, Fred Sampson won four-way over Kevin Knight, Brandon Young and Tommy Trouble.
- August 23, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Dan McGuire b Jay Blaze, Travis Blake b Shawn Donovan-COR, Roman b Greg Goodman, Shane O’Brien and Pierce St. John b Biggie Biggs and Dylan Black, Fred Sampson b Tommy Trouble-DQ, Tyler Man and Aaron Stride b Nik Rage and Chris Steeler, Kevin Knight b Brandon Young.
- August 24, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Shawn Donovan b Dylan Black, Biggie Biggs b TNT, Greg Goodman b Dan McGuire, Kevin Knight and Roman b Brandon Young and Travis Blake, Shane O’Brien and Pierce St. John b Tony Torres and Aldo, Fred Sampson b Tommy Trouble.
- August 30, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Greg Goodman b Tommy Trouble, Shawn Donovan b Travis Blake, Dan McGuire and Nik Rage b Dylan Black and Jay Blaze, Roman b Brandon Young, Biggie Biggs b Pierce St. John, Fred Sampson b Kevin Knight.
- September 27, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Dan McGuire won four-way over Alicia, Jay Blaze and Dylan Black, Kevin Knight b Brandon Young, Tyler Mann b Tony Torres, Shawn Donovan b Travis Blake, Aaron Stride b Vik Voorhees, Shane O’Brien and Pierce St. John b Fred Sampson and Biggie Biggs.
- September 28, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Brandon Young b Roman-DQ, Shawn Donovan b Greg Goodman, Biggie Biggs b Shane O’Brien, Dan McGuire b Alicia, Fred Sampson b Pierce St. John, Vik Voorhees and Chris Steeler b Aldo and Joey Sheer, Kevin Knight NC Travis Blake, Knight and Roman and Shawn Donovan b Sampson and Young and Blake.
- October 25, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Travis Blake b Erik Andretti, Jay Blaze b Vik Voorhees, Tony Torres b Aaron Stride, Biggie Biggs b Shane O’Brien-DQ, Dan McGuire b Eddie Andrews, Fred Sampson won three-way over Brandon Young and Shawn Donovan.
- October 26, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: C.J. Summers b Travis Blake, Shawn Donovan b Brandon Young, Aldo and Joey Sheer b Vik Voorhees and Chris Steeler-DQ, Fred Sampson b Kevin Knight-DQ, Dan McGuire b Sean Royal, Biggie Biggs and Eloy Fiesta b Shane O’Brien and Erik Andretti.
- November 22, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Biggie Biggs and Eloy Fiesta b Shane O’Brien and Erik Andretti, Roman b Travis Blake, Dan McGuire b Jay Blaze, Brandon Young b Shawn Donovan, Vik Voorhees and Tony Torres and Chris Steeler b Aaron Stride and David Delgado and Sean Royal, Fred Sampson b Kevin Knight with Tom Prichard as referee.
- November 23, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Biggie Biggs and Eloy Fiesta and Jay Blaze b Shane O’Brien and Erik Andretti and Dan McGuire, Vik Voorhees b Eddie Andrews, Aaron Stride b Tony Torres, Roman and Kevin Knight and Shawn Donovan b Fred Sampson and Brandon Young and Travis Blake.
- December 7, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Shane O’Brien b Travis Blake, Brandon Young b Shawn Donovan, Fred Sampson b Roman-DQ.
- December 27, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey in a first round of a tournament of champions: Travis Blake b Tony Torres, Shawn Donavan b Jay Blaze, Brandon Young b Vik Voorhees, Shane O’Brien b Aaron Stride, Fred Sampson b C.J. Summers, Kevin Knight b Sean Royal, Dan McGuire b Tommy Trouble, Roman b Eloy Fiesta.
- December 28, 2003 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey in the finals of their Tournament of champions: Fred Sampson b Shane O’Brien, Kevin Knight b Travis Blake, Roman b Dan McGuire, Brandon Young b Shawn Donovan, Aaron Stride b Vik Voorhees, Jay Blaze and Sean Royal b Tony Torres and Chris Steeler, Roman won four-way over Sampson, Kevin Knight and Brandon Young.
- January 17, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Eloy Fiesta b Dan McGuire, Vik Voorhees b Aaron Stride, Travis Blake b Shawn Donovan, Kevin Knight b Biggie Biggs, Shane O’Brien b Brandon Young-COR, Tony Torres and Chris Steeler and Vik Voorhees b Billy Kryptonite and Sean Royal and Chris Sandel, Roman b Fred Sampson to win IWF title.
- January 18, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Shawn Donovan b Fred Sampson, Dan McGuire won three-way over Travis Blake and Chris Steeler, Sean Royal b Tony Torres, Brandon Young b Shane O’Brien, Aaron Stride and Jay Blaze b Vik Voorhees and Zack Zane, Biggie Biggs and Eloy Fiesta b Roman and Kevin Knight.
- February 21, 2004 – IWF from West Paterson, New Jersey: Brandon Young won three-way over Shawn Donavan and Vik Voorhees, Fred Sampson b Arch Kincaid, Kevin Knight b Sean Royal, Roman b Travis Blake, Shane O’Brien b Aaron Stride, Dan McGuire b Chris Sandel, Biggie Biggs and Eloy Fiesta b Tony Torres and Chris Steeler.
- February 22, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Sean Royal b Dan McGuire, Aaron Stride b Vik Voorhees, Shawn Donavan and Travis Blake b Biggie Biggs and Eloy Fiesta, Chris Steeler and Zack Zane b Jay Blaze and Bill Miller, Roman vs. Fred Sampson vs. Brandon Young vs. Shane O’Brien was a four-way DQ.
- March 13, 2004 – IWF in Middletown, New Jersey before 500-600 fans: Sean Royal b Dan McGuire, Aaron Stride and TNT and Jay Blaze b Vik Voorhees and Tony Torresand Chris Steeler, Brandon Young b Shane O’Brien, Roman b Fred Sampson, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Biggie Biggs and Eloy Fiesta, Honky tonk Man b Kevin Knight.
- March 20, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Sean Royal b Dan McGuire, Brian Buffet b Vince Vicallo, Fred Sampson b Shane O’Brien, Brandon Young b Vik Voorhees, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake won three-way over Aaron Stride and Jay Blaze and Chris Steeler and Tony Torres, Biggie Biggs b Roman-DQ.
- March 21, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Brandon Young b Shane O’Brien-DQ, Fred Sampson b Vik Voorhees, Tony Torres b Aaron Stride, Sean Royal b Chris Steeler, Biggie Biggs and Damian Adams b Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake-COR, Sampson and Knight co-won Battle Royal.
- April 17, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Adam Booker and Prince Malik and Dr. Feelgood b Vik Voorhees and Chris Steeler and Tony Torres, Sean Royal b Dan McGuire, Shane O’Brien b Brian Black, Biggie Biggs DDQ Kevin Knight, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Aaron Stride and Jay Blaze, Roman b Fred Sampson with Tom Prichard as ref.
- April 18, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Aaron Stride b Travis Blake, Jay Blaze b Shawn Donovan, Dan McGuire b Ricky Lopez, Shane O’Brien b Damian Adams, Sean Royal and Chris Steeler b Vik Voorhees and Tony Torres-DQ, Biggie Biggs NC Kevin Knight.
- April 28, 2004 – IWF in West Long Branch, New Jersey: Sean Royal b Dan McGuire, Damian Adams b Shane O’Brien, Roman b Fred Sampson, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake won four-way over Aaron Stride and Jay Blaze, Vik Voorhees and Tony Torres and Chris Steeler and TNT, Biggie Biggs b Kevin Knight with Steven Richards as referee.
- May 15, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Dan McGuire NC Brian Buffet, Arch Kincaid won three-way over Shane O’Brien and C.J. Summers, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Aaron Stride and Chris Steeler, Fred Sampson b Biggie Biggs-COR, Vik Voorhees and Tony Torres b Ricky Lopez and Tenyo, Roman b Kevin Knight-DQ.
- May 16, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Shawn Donovan b Aaron Stride, C.J. Summers b Shane O’Brien, Vik Voorhees and Tony Torres b Chris Steeler, Biggie Biggs b Travis Blake, Dan McGuire b Zak Cane, Kevin Knight and Fred Sampson b Roman and Damian Adams.
- June 26, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Vik Voorhees and Tony Torres b Shayla and Pete Hanover, Sean Royal and Chris Steeler b Zak Zane and Antonio Rivera, Shane O’Brien and Dan McGuire b Aaron Stride and Jay Blaze, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Vik Voorhees and Tony Torres, Kevin Knight and Fred Sampson (frequent WWE TV extra) b Royal and Steeler, Roman and Biggie Biggs b O’Brien and McGuire.
- June 27, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Dan McGuire b Jay Blaze, Sean Royal b Andre Lyons, Arch Kincaid b Aaron Stride, Vik Voorhees and Tony Torres b Jana and Robby Morrison and Seth Stevens, Shane O’Brien b Chris Steeler, Fred Sampson and Kevin Knight won three-way over Roman and Biggie Biggs and Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake to win Commissioner’s Cup.
- July 17, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Travis Blake b Aaron Stride, Jason Static b Jay Blaze, Vik Voorhees and Tony Torres b Robby Morrison and Eddie Johnson, Biggie Biggs b Fred Sampson-DQ, Shawn Donovan b Antonio Rivera, Sean Royal and Chris Steeler b Shane O’Brien and Dan McGuire, Roman b Kevin Knight.
- July 18, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Biggie Biggs DCOR Shane O’Brien, Dan McGuire won an elimination match over Sean Royal, Aaron Stride and Chris Steeler, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Kevin Knight and Fred Sampson-DQ, Tony Torres b Chase Del Monte, Jay Blaze and Pete Hanover b Zak Cane and Bryan Harley, Roman b Arch Kincaid.
- August 10, 2004 – IWF in Aberdeen, New Jersey before 200 fans: Aaron Stride b Dan McGuire, Damian Adams b Kevin Knight-DQ, Travis Blake and Shawn Donovan b Sean Royal and Chris Steeler, Roman b Chris Candido, Biggie Biggs b Shane O’Brien, Vik Vorhees and Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera b Jay Blaze and TNT and Jana, Honky Tonk Man b Fred Sampson.
- August 22, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Aaron Stride b Andre Lyonz, Sean Royal b Antonio Rivera, Brian Black b Dan McGuire, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Vik Voorhees and Tony Torres, Shayla won Battle Royal, Fred Sampson and Shane O’Brien b Roman and Biggie Biggs.
- September 25, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Aaron Stride b Antonio Rivera, Tony Torres and Shayla b Chris Steeler and Jana, Dan McGuire won three-way over Kevin Knight and Sean Royal, Biggie Biggs b Fred Sampson-DQ, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Pete Hanover and Robby Morrison, Roman b Shane O’Brien-DQ with Bob Orton as ref.
- September 26, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Aaron Stride b Sean Royal, Chris Steeler and Psycho, Fred Sampson b Handsome Johnny, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Kevin Knight and Dan McGuire, Biggie Biggs b Tony Torres, Vik Voorhees and Antonio Rivera b Bryan Harley and Eddie, Roman (managed by Orton) b Shane O’Brien in a bullrope match.
- October 22, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Vik Voorhees b Chris Steeler, Kevin Knight and Dan McGuire b Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake 2/3 falls, Tony Torres b Handsome Johnny, Biggie Biggs b Fred Sampson, Sean royal won jr. heavyweight Battle Royal, Aaron Stride b Royal, Roman b Shane O’Brien in an I quit match.
- October 23, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Aaron Stride won three-way over Sean Royal and Antonio Rivera, Handsome Johnny b Psycho, Tony Torres and Shayla b Chris Steeler and Jana, Roman b Shane O’Brien, Fred Sampson b Biggie Biggs-COR, Vik Voorhees won handicap match over Bryan Harley and Robby Morrison, Kevin Knight and Dan McGuire b Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake to win titles with Tom Prichard as ref.
- December 4, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Aaron Stride and Jana b Sean Royal and Antonio Rivera, Roman and Dan Mcguire b Fred Sampsonand Vik Voorhees.
- December 5, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Aaron Stride and Chris Steeler and Jana b Sean Royal and Antonio Rivera and Tony Torres, Roman and Dan McGuire b Fred Sampson and Travis Blake.
- December 18, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Dan McGuire b Antonio Rivera, Travis Blake b Craig Stratton, Biggie Biggs b Tony Torres, Fred Sampson b Aaron Stride, Kevin Knight b Sean Royal, Vik Voorhees b Pete Hanover, Shane O’Brien b Chris Steeler, Roman b Arch Kincaid.
- December 19, 2004 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Roman b Vik Voorhees, Shane O’Brien b Dan McGuire, Biggie Biggs b Travis Blake, Fred Sampson b Kevin Knight, Aaron Stride and Chris Steeler b Sean Royal and Tony Torres, Antonio Rivera and Bryan Harley and Ricky Lopez b Robbie Morrison and Eddie Krayz and Nick Nicoletti, Sampson won four-way over Biggs, Roman and O’Brien to win the 2004 Tournament of Champions.
- January 20, 2005 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Tony Torres b Chris Steeler, Aaron Stride b Antonio Rivera, Jana b Shayla, Kevin Knight and Dan McGuire b Travis Blake and Sean Royal, Vik Voorheees b Eddie Johnson, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera b Pete Hanover and Mike Capozzi, Fred Sampson won four-way over Roman and Biggie Biggs and Shane O’Brien.
- January 26, 2005 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Travis Blake b Dan McGuire, Antonio Rivera and Shayla b Robby Morrison and Eddie Krayz, Fred Sampson b Aaron Stride, Roman b Shane O’Brien-DQ, Biggie Biggs and Damian Adams b Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera.
- February 19, 2005 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Dan McGuire b Vik Voorhees, Tommy Penmanship b Pete Hanover, Kevin Knight b Travis Blake, Arch Kincaid b Biggie Biggs-COR, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera b Aaron Stride and Chris Steeler, Sean Royal b Eddie Krayz, Roman b Fred Sampson by DQ.
- February 20, 2005 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Vik Voorhees b Chris Steeler, Biggie Biggs b Travis Blake, Kevin Knight and Dan McGuire b Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera, Fred Sampson b Damian Adams, Aaron Stride b Sean Royal, Travis Blake and Vik Voorhees and Mike Capozzi b Robby Morrison and Chad Andrews and Nick Sabre, Roman b Shane O’Brien by DQ
- March 25, 2005 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Sean Royal b Jana, Damian Adams b Travis Blake, Aaron Stride vs Chris Steeler ended in a NO CONTEST, Shane O’Brien b Biggie Biggs, Dan McGuire b Vik Voorhees, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera b Pete Hanover and Chad Andrews, Fred Sampson b Kevin Knight.
- March 26, 2005 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Antonio Rivera b Nick Sabre, Vik Voorhees b Chris Steeler, Biggie Biggs b Bryan Harley, Tony Torres b Kevin Knight, Sean Royal b Aaron Stride by DQ, Fred Sampson won three-way over Robby Morrison and Anthony Cheek, Roman and Damian Adams b Shane O’Brien and Travis Blake.
- April 16, 2005 – IWF in West Paterson, New Jersey: Kevin Knight and Dan McGuire b Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera, Travis Blake b Jana, Shane O’Brien b Biggie Biggs in a first blood match, Sean Royal b Aaron Stride in a ladder match, Chris Steeler and Anthony Cheek b Pete Hanover and Nick Sabre, Roman b Fred Sampson in a chain match.. Sunday results from the same location: Aaron Stride b Antonio Rivera, Fred Sampson and Shane O’Brien and Travis Blake b Robby Morrison and Tommy Penmanship and Anthony Castaldo, Shayla b Jana, Sean Royal won three-way over Dan McGuire and Psycho, Biggie Biggs b Tony Torres, Fred Sampson and Shane O’Brien and Travis Blake b Roman and Kevin Knight and Hadrian.
- May 21, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Mayhem Weekend Day 1 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Kevin Knight vs “Dangerous” Dan McGuire ended in a Double Count-out, Tony Torres and Shayla b Chris Steeler and Jana, “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien and Travis Blake b Biggie Biggs in a Handicap match, Aaron Stride b Antonio Rivera and Nick Sabre in a 3-WAY to become #1 Contender to Junior title, Sean Royal b Aaron Stride to retain the Junior Heavyweight title, Roman b “BoneCrusher” Fred Sampson in a Street Fight to retain the Heavyweight title.
- May 22, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Mayhem Weekend Day 2 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Kevin Knight and “Dangerous” Dan McGuire vs “BoneCrusher” Fred Sampson and “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien ended in a Double Count-out, Sean Royal b Tommy Penmanship to retain the Junior Heavyweight title, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera w/Shayla b Biggie Biggs and Aaron Stride w/Jana, Damian Adams b Travis Blake, Damian Adams won a 16-man Royal Rumble to become the new #1 Contender for the IWF Heavyweight Title. (Order of elimination was Sean Royal, Chris Steeler, Antonio Rivera, Tony Torres, Aaron Stride, Eddie Johnson, Anthony Castaldo, Tommy Penmanship, Robby Morrison, Dan McGuire, Biggie Biggs, Travis Blake, Kevin Knight, Shane O’Brien, Fred Sampson).
- June 24, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey: Travis Blake b Damian Adams, Sean Royal won three-way over Aaron Stride and Dan McGuire, Shane O’Brien b Biggie Biggs, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera b Chris Steeler and Nick Sabre, Roman b Fred Sampson, Chris Steeler b Sean Royal, Shawn Donovan b Dan McGuire, Biggie Biggs and Aaron Stride b Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera-DQ, Fred Sampson won four-way over Nick Sabre, Robby Morrison and Anthony Castaldo, Roman and Damian Adams b Shane O’Brien and Travis Blake.
- June 25, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey: Damian Adams d Sean Royal, Biggie Biggs b Shawn Donovan, Shayla b Jana, Shane O’Brien b Aaron Stride, Travis Blake won three-way over Nick Sabre and Chris Steeler, Roman b Fred Sampson in a bodybuilding posedown, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera b Kevin Knight and Dan McGuire.
- July 30, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Commissioner’s Cup Tag Team Tournament Day 1 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera w/Shayla b Jana and Nick Sabre to advance, Biggie Biggs and Aaron Stride b Roman and Damian Adams to advance, Kevin Knight and “Dangerous” Dan McGuire b Travis Blake and Sean Royal to advance, “BoneCrusher” Fred Sampson and “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien b Justin Corino and Francis Flores to advance, Roman and Kevin Knight and Damian Adams b Fred Sampson and Shane O’Brien and Travis Blake.
- July 31, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Commissioner’s Cup Tag Team Tournament Day 2 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Kevin Knight and Dangerous Dan McGuire vs Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera w/Shayla ended in a Double DQ (Both teams eliminated), Roman b Damian Adams by Count-out to retain the Heavyweight title, Rob Morrison and Nick Sabre b Anthony Castaldo and Max Powers, Sean Royal b Travis Blake and Tommy Penmanship in a 3-WAY to retain the Junior Heavyweight title, Biggie Biggs and Aaron Stride b BoneCrusher Fred Sampson and Outlaw Shane O’Brien to win the 2005 Comissioners Cup Tag Team Tournament.
- August 17, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation in Aberdeen, New Jersey: Dan McGuire b Shawn Donovan, Damian Adams b Travis Blake, Aaron Stride b Tony Torres, Shane O’Brien b Kevin Knight, Chase del Monte won four-way over Tommy Penmanship, Rob Morrison and Nick Sabre, Sean Royal b Chase del Monte, Roman b Fred Sampson 2/3 falls with Nunzio as referee.
- August 27, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Desperate Measures Weekend Day 1 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Sean Royal b Nick Sabre to retain the Junior Heavyweight title, Dangerous Dan McGuire b Robby Morrison, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera w/Shayla b Justin Corino and Francis Flores to retain the Tag Team titles, Biggie Biggs vs Aaron Stride ended in a No Contest in a Tournament match, Travis Blake b Kevin Knight in a Tournament match, Damian Adams b Shawn Donavan in a Tournament match.
- August 28, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Desperate Measures Weekend Day 2 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Shawn Donavan b Jana, “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien b Kevin Knight and Dangerous Dan McGuire and Sean Royal in a 4-WAY Elimination match to retain the American title, Biggie Biggs and Aaron Stride w/Jana b Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera w/Shayla to win the Tag Team titles, Robby Morrison and Jasin Karloff b Nick Sabre and Michael Durnin, Damian Adams b Travis Blake in a Tournament Final to win the IWF Heavyweight title.
- September 24, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey: Dan McGuire b Sean Royal, Biggie Biggs and Aaron Stride b Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera, Shawn Donovan b Nick Sabre, Shane O’Brien NC Kevin Knight, Justin Corrino and Francis Flores b Bryan Harley and Jasin Karloff, Damian Adams b Travis Blake.
- September 25, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey: Dan McGuire and Nick Sabre b Sean Royal and Robby Morrison, Tony Torres b Roman-DQ, Biggie Biggs b Fred Sampson, Damian Adams b Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake-DQ, Aaron Stride b Antonio Rivera, Kevin Knight b Justin Corrino.
- October 22, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Evil Intentions Day 1 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Nick Sabre b Robby Morrison and Jasin Karloff in a Triple Threat Elimination Match, Outlaw Shane O’Brien b Sean Royal to retain the American title, Shawn Donavan and Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Biggie Biggs and Aaron Stride w/Jana to win the Tag Team titles, Justin Corino and Francis Flores b Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera (for the 3rd time), Kevin Knight b Damian Adams to win the Heavyweight title (for the 4th time).
- October 23, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Evil Intentions Day 2 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Francis Flores b Antonio Rivera, Nick Sabre and Michael Durnin b Robby Morrison and Bryan Harley, Tony Torres b Justin Corino, Outlaw Shane O’Brien b Fred Sampson and Sean Royal in a Triple Threat Elimination Match to retain the American title, Damian Adams (going to OVW) and Biggie Biggs and Aaron Stride b Kevin Knight and Shawn Donavan and Travis Blake in a Six-Man Tag Team Match when Adams made Knight submit.
- November 19, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey: Vik Voorhees b Tony Torres, Biggie Biggs and Aaron Stride b Robby Morrison and Bryan Harley, Chris Steeler won three-way over Antonio Rivera and Nick Sabre, Kevin Knight b Dan McGuire, Fred Sampson b Shane O’Brien-COR, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Justin Corino and Francis.
- November 20, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey: Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Biggie Biggs and Aaron Stride, Fred Sampson b Shane O’Brien-DQ, Francis b Justin Corino, Vik Voorhees and Chris Steeler b Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera, Robby Morrison and Bryan Harley and Rick Cataldo b Mike Durnin and Ed Johnson and Drew Chiminec, Kevin Knight b Dan McGuire.
- December 17, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Tournament of Champions (First Round Matches) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Shawn Donovan w/Rich Ross b Chris Steeler, “Dangerous” Dan McGuire b Nick Sabre, Aaron Stride b Tony Torres, Biggie Biggs b “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien w/Rich Ross by DQ, “Bone Crusher” Fred Sampson b Franciz, Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Jasin Karloff, “Playboy” Vik Voorhees b Antonio Rivera, Kevin Knight b Justin Corino.
- December 18, 2005 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Tournament of Champions in West Paterson, New Jersey: Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b “Dangerous” Dan McGuire to advance, Kevin Knight b “Playboy” Vik Voorhees to advance, Shawn Donovan w/Rich Hoss b Aaron Stride to advance, “Bone Crusher” Fred Sampson b Biggie Biggs to advance, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera b Chris Steeler and Steve Off (Non Tournament), Justin Corino and Nick Sabre and Mike Durnin b Franciz and Robby Morrison and Bryan Harley (Non Tournament), Shawn Donovan b Fred Sampson and Kevin Knight and Travis Blake in a 4-WAY to win The Tournament of Champions!
- January 21, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Winter Warfare Weekend Day 1 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Chris Steeler b Antonio Rivera, Dangerous Dan McGuire b Franciz to retain the Junior title, Nick Sabre b Robby Morrison w/Rick Cataldo, Kevin Knight w/Rich Ross b BoneCrusher Fred Sampson to retain the IWF title, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Aaron Stride and Biggie Biggs to retain the Tag Team titles, Tony Torres b Burnin’ Mike Durnin, Justin Corino b Outlaw Shane O’Brien to win the American title.
- January 22, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Winter Warfare Weekend Day 2 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Aaron Stride b Outlaw Shane O’Brien w/Rich Ross, Biggie Biggs b Jasin Karloff, Chris Steeler b Rick Cataldo, Justin Corino b Franciz by Count Out to retain the American title, Kevin Knight b Nick Sabre to retain the IWF title, BoneCrusher Fred Sampson and Dan McGuire b Radical Robby Morrison and Bryan Harley, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Steve Camacho and Steve Off to retain the Tag Team titles.
- February 25, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – February Fury Night 1 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Aaron Stride b Tony Torres in a #1 Contenders match (IWF title), Nick Sabre b Jasin Karloff and Robby Morrison in a 3-WAY #1 Contenders match (Junior title), Biggie Biggs b Antonio Rivera by DQ, Franciz b Chris Steeler, Justin Corino b “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien to retain the IWF title, Tito Santana and Fred Sampson and Dan McGuire b Kevin Knight and Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake w/Rich Ross.
- February 26, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – February Fury Night 2 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Tony Torres b Biggie Biggs, Chris Steeler b Franciz by DQ, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho to retain the Tag Team titles, Aaron Stride b “Radical” Robby Morrison, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera b Steve Off and Frank Scoleri, Nick Sabre b Dan McGuire to win the Junior title, Kevin Knight and Shane O’Brien w/Rich Ross b Fred Sampson and Justin Corino.
- March 25, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – March Madness Night 1 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Nick Sabre b Tommy Trouble and Robby Morrison and Jasin Karloff in a 4-WAY Elimination match to retain the Junior title, Aaron Stride and Biggie Biggs b Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera, Franciz b Chris Steeler by DQ, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Fred Sampson and Dan McGuire in a Best 2/3 Falls match to retain the Tag Team titles, Justin Corino b “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien in an Amateur Wrestling Challenge to retain the American title, Kevin Knight vs Damian Adams ended in a time limit draw.
- March 26, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – March Madness Night 2 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Chris Steeler vs Franciz ended in a No Contest, “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien b Frank Scoleri, Fred Sampson and Justin Corino b Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera by DQ, “Dangerous” Dan McGuire b Tommy Trouble, Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake b Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho to retain the Tag Team titles, Kevin Knight b Aaron Stride to retain the IWF title, Dan McGuire won 19-Man Rumble to become # 1 Contender (Participants included: Fred Sampson, Shawn Donavan, Travis Blake, Shawn O’Brien, Aaron Stride, Biggie Biggs, Justin Corino, Tony Torres, Antonio Rivera, Nick Sabre, Chris Steeler, Franciz, Jana, Tommy Trouble, Mike Durnin, Steve Camacho, Steve Off, Frank Scoleri).
- April 22, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Reckless Abandon Night 1 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Latin Revolution (Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera) b Hott n’ Heavy (Aaron Stride and Biggie Biggs) in a Tag Team Flag Match, Nick Sabre b Tommy Trouble to retain the Junior Heavyweight title, Franciz b Chris Steeler, Latin Revolution (Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera) b Simply Stellar (Shawn Donovan and Travis Blake w/Rich Ross) to win the Tag Team titles, Justin Corino b “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien w/Rick Ross in a Lumberjack match to retain the American title, Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho b Robby Morrison and Jason Karloff, “Dangerous” Dan McGuire b Kevin Knight w/Rich Ross in a Ladder match to win the IWF title.
- April 23, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Reckless Abandon Night 2 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Biggie Biggs b Jason Karloff, Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho b Latin Revolution (Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera) in a Non-title match, Kevin Knight and Rich Ross b Super Ninja in a Handicap match, Shawn Donovan b Radical Robby Morrison, Aaron Stride b Steve Off, Dan McGuire b Travis Blake w/Rich Ross by DQ, Shane O’Brien and Franciz and Tommy Trouble b Justin Corino and Nick Sabre and Chris Steeler, Dan McGuire and BoneCrusher Fred Sampson and Justin Corino and Nick Sabre b Kevin Knight and Shawn Donavan and Travis Blake and Shane O’Brien
- May 20, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Mayhem Weekend Night 1 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Tommy Trouble b Nick Sabre by DQ (Sabre retains his Junior title), Aaron Stride b Biggie Biggs, “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien b Chris Steeler, Shawn Donavan b Travis Blake, Justin Corino b Franciz to retain the American title, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera b Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho to retain the Tag Team titles, Kevin Knight w/Rich Ross b Dangerous Dan McGuire to win the IWF title.
- May 21, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Mayhem Weekend Night 2 in West Paterson, New Jersey: “BoneCrusher” Fred Sampson b Bryan Harley and Steve Off in a Handicap Match, Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Steve Camacho, Chris Steeler and Nick Sabre b Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera (Tag Champions) in a non-title match, Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride w/Rich Ross b Justin Corino and Biggie Biggs by DQ, Franciz and Tommy Trouble b Frank Scoleri and Eddie Latham, Shawn Donavan b Jasin Karloff (Kevin Knight attacked Donavan after the match), Jana b Rick Cataldo, “BoneCrusher” Fred Sampson b Travis Blake w/Rich Ross.
- June 23, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Commissioners Cup Tag Team Tournament in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Center: Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera b Eddie Latham and Steve Phillips, Chris Steeler and Nick Sabre vs Jana and Rick Cataldo ended in a draw (both teams advanced), Shawn Donovan and Dan McGuire b Jasin Karloff and Steve Off, Justin Corino and Tommy Trouble b Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho, Fred Sampson and Franciz b Bryan Harley and Frank Scoleri, Kevin Knight and Travis Blake received First-Round bye, Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride received First-Round bye.
- June 23, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Commissioners Cup Tag Team Tournament in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Center: Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride w/Rich Ross b Jana and Rick Cataldo w/Eloy Fiesta to advance, Burnin’ Mike Durnin b Steve Camacho in a Non-Tournament match, Chris Steeler and Nick Sabre b Justin Corino and Tommy Trouble to advance, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera b Shawn Donavan and Dan McGuire to advance, Fred Sampson and Franciz b Kevin Knight and Travis Blake w/Rich Ross to advance.
- June 24, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Commissioners Cup Tag Team Tournament in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Center: Fred Sampson and Franciz b Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera to advance, Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride w/Rich Ross b Chris Steeler and Nick Sabre to advance, Kevin Knight w/Rich Ross b Shawn Moore to retain the IWF title, Tommy Trouble b Steve Camacho in a Non-tournament match, Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Frank Scoleri, Justin Corino b Steve Off to retain the American title, “Dangerous” Dan McGuire b Bryan Harley, Fred Sampson and Franciz b Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride to win the Commissioner’s Cup Tournament. Afterwards, Franciz attacked Sampson and claimed the trophy for himself. As a result of the victory, Fred Sampson and Franciz are IWF Co-Commissioner’s for the month of July!
- July 21, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Summer Sizzler Weekend Day 1 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Tommy Trouble b Nick Sabre to win the Junior Heavyweight title, Aaron Stride (of The Ross Family) b Jana, Frank Scoleri b Steve Off, Justin Corino b Franciz by DQ to retain the American title, Kevin Knight b Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho w/Eloy Fiesta in a 3-WAY to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Latin Revolution (Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera) b Steve Phillips and Tom Rinehart to retain the Tag Team titles, Shawn Donavan b Travis Blake by Submission in the first of a Ross Family Weekend Gauntlet Challenge.
- July 22, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Summer Sizzler Weekend Day 2 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Shawn Donovan b Aaron Stride w/Shane O’Brien, Jana b Nick Sabre in a #1 Contenders match for the Junior title, Frank Scoleri b Eddie Latham, Travis Blake w/Shane O’Brien b Justin Corino by Countout, Kevin Knight b Tommy Trouble to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Latin Revolution (Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera) vs Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho ended in a No Contest, BoneCrusher Fred Sampson vs Franciz ended in a Double DQ.
- July 23, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Summer Sizzler Weekend Day 3 in West Paterson, New Jersey: BoneCrusher Fred Sampson b Super Ninja, Shawn Donovan and Dan McGuire b Frank Scoleri and Tom Rinehart, Aaron Stride b Nick Sabre, Franciz and Tommy Trouble b Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho, Travis Blake b Justin Corino by Countout, Kevin Knight b Dan McGuire to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Shawn Donovan b “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien by Submission the third Ross Family Weekend Gauntlet Challenge.
- August 18, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Desperate Measures Day 1 in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Steve Camacho b Antonio Rivera w/Eloy Fiesta, Tommy Trouble b Jana to retain the Junior Heavyweight title, Frank Scoleri b Tom Rinehart, Franciz b Nick Sabre, Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Justin Corino in a “No Count-outs Allowed” to win the American title, Burnin’ Mike Burnin b Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta, Kevin Knight and Aaron Stride and Shane O’Brien w/Rich Ross b Shawn Donavan and Dan McGuire in a Best 2/3 Falls Handicap match.
- August 19, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Desperate Measures Day 2 in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: “Dangerous” Dan McGuire vs Aaron Stride w/Rich Ross ended in a 15-minute time limit draw, “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien b Steve Phillips, Nick Sabre and Jana b Franciz and Tommy Trouble, Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Chris Steeler to retain the American title, Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho b Latin Revolution (Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera w/Eloy Fiesta) by DQ, Eddie Latham b Frank Scoleri, Shawn Donavan Kevin Knight w/Rich Ross by Submission to win the IWF Heavyweight title.
- August 20, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Desperate Measures Day 3 in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: BoneCrusher Fred Sampson b Antonio Rivera w/Eloy Fiesta by DQ after interference by Franciz, Aaron Stride w/Shane O’Brien b Jana, Justin Corino b Tommy Trouble (Junior Champion) in a Non-title match, Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho b Frank Scoleri and Steve Off, Travis Blake w/Shane O’Brien b Nick Sabre to retain the American title, Shawn Donavan b Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Shawn Donavan and Justin Corino vs Kevin Knight and Travis Blake w/Rich Ross ended in a Double Countout, Franciz b Fred Sampson in a No-DQ match.
- September 9, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 24-Hour Marathon (Part 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Franciz b Nick Sabre, Justin Corino w/AJ Sparxx b Kevin Knight w/Rich Ross, Jana b Frank Scoleri, Franciz b Chris Steeler, Kevin Knight b Nick Sabre, Steve Camacho b Frank Scoleri by DQ, Chris Steeler b Jana, Burnin’ Mike Durnin b Justin Corino, Nick Sabre b Frank Scoleri, Chris Steeler b Franciz, Justin Corino b Steve Camacho, Jana b Mike Durnin, Eddie Latham b Eloy Fiesta, Frank Scoleri b Mike Durnin, Chris Steeler b Nick Sabre, Franciz b Steve Camacho, Kev Kage b Eloy Fiesta, Jana b Eddie Latham, Nick Sabre b Eloy Fiesta, Tony Torres b Justin Corino, Franciz b Antonio Rivera.
- September 10, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 24-Hour Marathon (Part 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Shawn Donavan b Tony Torres, Alicia and Dylan Black b Marc Verow and Kev Kage, Antonio Rivera b Nick Sabre, Justin Corino b Eloy Fiesta, Travis Blake b Frank Scoleri, Shawn Donavan b Franciz, BoneCrusher Fred Sampson b Tony Torres, Dangerous Dan McGuire b Dan Marques, Shawn Donavan b Travis Blake, Frank Scoleri b Dan Marques, Travis Blake b Tommy Trouble, Kev Kage b Kevin Knight by Count-out, Steve Camacho b Frank Scoleri, Dan McGuire and Nick Sabre b Kevin Knight and Tony Torres, Justin Corino and Steve Camacho b Franciz and Frank Scoleri, Steve Camacho b Steve Off, Mike Durnin b Tommy Trouble, Justin Corino and Franciz b Tony Torres and Steve Off, Dan McGuire w/AJ Sparxx b Kevin Knight w/Rich Ross @ exactly 2:02 pm to complete the 24-Hour 2-Minute Wrestlethon! Four refs alternated with 40 wrestles and they raised $1,108 for the Twin Towers Orphan fund, collected five bins of clothes for Red Cross of Metro, NJ and seven boxes of food for the Untied Way of Passaic County.
- September 22, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Fall Brawl Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Chris Steeler b Franciz by DQ, Tommy Trouble b Nick Sabre to retain the IWF Junior title, Kevin Knight and Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Shawn Donavan and Justin Corino, Frank Scoleri b Dan Marques, Steve Off b Stephen Phillips, Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho w/Jana b Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera w/Eloy Fiesta to win the Tag Team titles.
- September 23, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Fall Brawl Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Nick Sabre b Antonio Rivera, Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Justin Corino to retain the IWF American title, Tony Torres b Chris Steeler, Jana b Eloy Fiesta by Submission (As a result of the pre-match stipulation, Fiesta wears a dress for 30 days!), Aaron Stride b Daniel Schwartz, Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho b Franciz and Tommy Trouble by DQ to retain the Tag Team titles, Shawn Donavan b Kevin Knight and Shane O’Brien w/Rich Ross in a Handicap Match to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- September 24, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Fall Brawl Weekend (Day #3) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Franciz b Nick Sabre, Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta b Burnin’ Mike Durnin w/Jana, Dangerous Dan McGuire and Chris Steeler b Travis Blake and Aaron Stride w/Rich Ross, Justin Corino b Frank Scoleri, Tommy Trouble b Steve Off to retain the IWF Junior title, Antonio Rivera w/Tony Torres b Steve Camacho w/Jana, Shawn Donavan b Super Ninja by DQ to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Travis Blake and Aaron Stride and Shane O’Brien b Shawn Donavan and Dan McGuire and Chris Steeler, Franciz b BoneCrusher Fred Sampson in a Loser Leaves IWF for 60 days Chain Match.
- October 20, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Evil Intentions (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Nick Sabre b Steve Off to become the #1 Contender for an IWF Junior Title Match on Saturday 10/21, In a Debate for the IWF Commissioner’s Office November Election, Commissioner Rich Ross (Incumbent) discussed the issues with Kevin Knight (Candidate), Aaron Stride of The Ross Family b Justin Corino, Chris Steeler b Travis Blake w/Rich Ross by DQ (Blake retains the IWF American title), Franciz b Stephen Phillips w/Daniel Schwartz, Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho and Jana b Latin Revolution (Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera and Eloy Fiesta), Shawn Donavan b Outlaw Shane O’Brien w/Rich Ross in a Texas Death match to retain the IWF Heavyweight titles (Kevin Knight served as referee).
- October 21, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Evil Intentions (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: A Fashion Show was held with Eloy Fiesta, Nick Sabre b Tommy Trouble to win the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Chris Steeler b Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri in a 3-WAY, Franciz b Kevin Knight by DQ in a Battle for Ross Family Membership, Latin Revolution (Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera w/Eloy Fiesta) b Dan Marques and Rey Calitri, Shawn Donavan b Travis Blake to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho w/Jana b The Ross Family (Aaron Stride and Outlaw Shane O’Brien) to retain the IWF Tag Team titles.
- October 22, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Evil Intentions (Day #3) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Tony Torres of Latin Revolution b Stephen Phillips, Chris Steeler b Steve Off, Antonio Rivera of Latin Revolution w/Eloy Fiesta b Jana, Outlaw Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride b Dan Marques and Rey Calitri, Tony Torres won a Battle Royal (Included: Travis Blake, Franciz, Mike Durnin, Steve Camacho, Nick Sabre, Justin Corino, Tommy Trouble), Shawn Donavan b Tommy Trouble to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Travis Blake and Outlaw Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride b Kevin Knight and Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho after interference from Franciz.
- November 17, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Thanksgiving Thunder (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Nick Sabre b Antonio Rivera of Latin Revolution to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, 2. Chris Steeler b Travis Blake of The Ross Family to win the IWF American title, Tommy Trouble b BoneCrusher Fred Sampson by DQ by reverse decision after Sampson hit a second BoneCrusher Powerslam on Trouble after the bout, Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta b hawn Donavan to win the IWF Heavyweight title, Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride w/Rich Ross b Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho w/Jana by DQ, Dangerous Dan McGuire b Justin Corino, Frank Scoleri b Rey Calitri, Franciz w/Commissioner Rich Ross b Kevin Knight after interference by Ross (As a result, Ross remains Commissioner, as this match was to break the tie from the fan vote in the Commissioner’s Election. Further, Ross banned Fred Sampson from the IWF for life).
- November 18, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Thanksgiving Thunder (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Franciz w/Commissioner Rich Ross b Chris Steeler (IWF American Champion) by Count-out (Chris Steeler retains the title; However, Ross stole the belt!), Justin Corino and Dan Marques b Tommy Trouble and Frank Scoleri, Aaron Stride of The Ross Family b Burnin’ Mike Durnin with his feet on the ropes for extra leverage, Kevin Knight w/The Masked BoneCrusher b Travis Blake w/Commissioner Rich Ross, Nick Sabre b Dangerous Dan McGuire and Antonio Rivera of Latin Revolution in a 3-WAY Elimination Match to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Outlaw Shane O’Brien w/Commissioner Rich Ross b Steve Camacho with a roll-up and a handful of trunks, Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta b Shawn Donavan to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- November 19, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Thanksgiving Thunder (Day #3) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Shawn Donavan b Antonio Rivera w/Eloy Fiesta by Submission with the sharpshooter, Aaron Stride w/Commissioner Rich Ross b Steve Camacho, Dangerous Dan McGuire and Justin Corino b Tommy Trouble and Frank Scoleri, Nick Sabre b Steve Off to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Outlaw Shane O’Brien w/Commissioner Rich Ross b Burnin’ Mike Durnin, Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta b Rey Calitri to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Franciz and Travis Blake w/Commissioner Rich Ross b The Masked BoneCrusher and Chris Steeler, Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta b Dangerous Dan McGuire to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, The Masked BoneCrusher and Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho b Outlaw Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride and Franciz.
- December 15, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 7th Annual Tournament of Champions Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Jana in a 1st Round match, Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta b Burnin’ Mike Durnin in a 1st Round match, Justin Corino b Frank Scoleri in a 1st Round match, Franciz w/Rich Ross b Shawn Donavan in a 1st Round match, Aaron Stride w/Shane O’Brien b “Dangerous” Dan McGuire in a 1st Round match, Steve Camacho b Tommy Trouble in a 1st Round match, Antonio Rivera b Nick Sabre to win the IWF Junior title in a 1st Round match, Kevin Knight b Outlaw Shane O’Brien w/Rich Ross in a 1st Round match.
- December 16, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 7th Annual Tournament of Champions Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Shawn Donavan b Frank Scoleri in a Non-Tournament match, Justin Corino b Franciz by DQ in a 2nd Round match, Travis Blake b Steve Camacho in a 2nd Round match, Kevin Knight b Aaron Stride in a 2nd Round match, Mike Durnin and Jana b Rey Calitri and Dan Marques in a Non-Tournament match, Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta b Antonio Rivera in a 2nd Round match, The Masked BoneCrusher w/Dan McGuire b “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien w/Rich Ross in a Non-Tournament match.
- December 17, 2006 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 7th Annual Tournament of Champions Weekend (Day #3) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta vs Justin Corino ended in a Double Countout (eliminating both men from the Tournament), Franciz w/Travis Blake b Shawn Donavan, Jana w/Mike Durnin b Aaron Stride w/Rich Ross, Antonio Rivera w/Eloy Fiesta b Rey Calitri to retain the IWF Junior title, “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien w/Rich Ross b Steve Camacho w/Mike Durnin, The Masked BoneCrusher and Dan McGuire b Frank Scoleri and Steve Off and Dan Marques, Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride b The Masked BoneCrusher and Dan McGuire. Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Kevin Knight by Submission to win the 7th Annual Tournament of Champions!
- January 20, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Winter Warfare Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Kevin Knight vs Travis Blake ended in a time-limit draw, Antonio Rivera w/Eloy Fiesta b Dangerous Dan McGuire to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Tommy Trouble and Frank Scoleri b Daniel Schwartz and Rey Calitri, Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta b Justin Corino to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Outlaw Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride w/Rich Ross b Steve Camacho and Jana to win the IWF Tag Team itles (As a result, Jana must serve as valet to The Ross Family for 60 days), Chris Steeler b Franciz by Count-out to retain the IWF American title, The Masked BoneCrusher won a $5,000 Battle Royal (As a result, Fred Sampson can return to the IWF, but only as a member of The Ross Family as stipulated by Rich Ross).
- January 21, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Winter Warfare Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Dangerous Dan McGuire b Eloy Fiesta w/Antonio Rivera, Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho b Tommy Trouble and Frank Scoleri, Justin Corino b Tony Torres (IWF Heavyweight Champion) in a Non-title Amateur Wrestling Challenge, Franciz b Nick Gregory and Jason Roberts in a Handicap Match, Outlaw Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride b Rey Calitri and Dan Marques to retain the IWF Tag Team titles, Travis Blake w/Commissioner Rich Ross b Chris Steeler to win the IWF American title, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera vs Justin Corino and Dan McGuire ended in a No Contest, Travis Blake and Franciz b Kevin Knight and BoneCrusher Fred Sampson by DQ.
- February 24, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – February Fury Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Tommy Trouble b Shawn Moore, Frank Scoleri b Dan Marques, Antonio Rivera w/Eloy Fiesta b Dangerous Dan McGuire to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Travis Blake w/Commissioner Rich Ross b Kevin Knight in a Ladder Match to retain the IWF American title, BoneCrusher Fred Sampson b Franciz of The Ross Family, Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho b Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride (w/Rich Ross and Jana) by DQ in a Best 2/3 Falls match (O’Brien/Stride retain IWF Tag Team title), Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta b Justin Corino in a Bronx Street Fight to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- February 25, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – February Fury Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Eloy Fiesta (representing Latin Revolution) b Rich Ross (representing The Ross Family) in a Public Debate as voted by the fans, Steve Camacho b Aaron Stride, Dangerous Dan McGuire vs Tommy Trouble was declared a draw after a double-pin, Burnin’ Mike Durnin b Justin Corino, Tony Torres (IWF Heavyweight Champion) vs Franciz ended in a Double Count-out in a Non-title match, BoneCrusher Fred Sampson b Travis Blake by DQ (Black retains IWF American title), Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri b Nick Gregory and Jason Roberts, Kevin Knight vs Outlaw Shane O’Brien ended in a No Contest in a Lumberjack match.
- March 24, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 10th Annual Reckless Abandon Anniversary (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Justin Corino b Burnin’ Mike Durnin, Antonio Rivera b Dangerous Dan McGuire and Tommy Trouble in a 3-WAY Tables-Ladders-Chairs Match to retain the IWF Junior title, Frank Scoleri b Shawn Moore, Franciz b Steve Camacho, Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta b Damian Adams by DQ after interference by Franciz to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Kevin Knight and BoneCrusher Fred Sampson b Travis Blake and Outlaw Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride in a 3-on-2 Handicap Tag Team Match with WWE/ECW Superstar Stevie Richards as the guest referee.
- March 25, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 10th Annual Reckless Abandon Anniversary (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Tommy Trouble b Jana, Frank Scoleri b Dan Marques, BoneCrusher Fred Sampson b Damian Adams, Outlaw Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride b Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho in a Double Bullrope-Strap Match to retain the IWF Tag Team titles, Kevin Knight b Dangerous Dan McGuire, Tito Santana and Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera w/Eloy Fiesta b Travis Blake and Franciz and Justin Corino in a Six-Man Tag Team Match.
- May 5, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Steve ‘Axis’ Ranton Memorial (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Commissioner Rich Ross hosted a ceremony where IWF Heavyweight Champion Tony Torres and IWF Junior Champion Antonio Rivera were to surrender their titles to The Ross Family but they refused, Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho w/Jana b Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri, Antonio Rivera b Franciz by DQ to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Outlaw Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride w/Rich Ross b Kevin Knight in a Handicap Match, Tony Torres won a Rumble to retain the IWF Heavyweight title last eliminating Franciz. (Other participants included: Shane O’Brien, Aaron Stride, Antonio Rivera, Justin Corino, Mike Durnin, Steve Camacho, Jana, Chris Steeler, Frank Scoleri, Nick Gregory, Jason Roberts).
- May 6, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Steve ‘Axis’ Ranton Memorial (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Tony Torres b Outlaw Shane O’Brien to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Antonio Rivera and Jana b Eloy Fiesta and Alicia, Kevin Knight w/AJ Sparxx b IWF American Champion Travis Blake w/Mr. Mike Winner in a Non-title match.
- May 18, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Mayhem Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Chris Steeler b Dan Marques, Antonio Rivera (IWF Junior Champion) b Travis Blake (IWF American Champion) by Count-out, Steve Camacho b Justin Corino, Kevin Knight and Nick Sabre b Outlaw Shane O’Brien and Aaron Stride w/Rich Ross to win the IWF Tag Team titles, “Big” Nick Gregory b Frank Scoleri, Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta b Franciz w/Rich Ross by DQ after interference by Shane O’Brien.
- May 20, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Mayhem Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Justin Corino b Jana, Chris Steeler b Burnin’ Mike Durnin, Kevin Knight and Nick Sabre b Aaron Stride and Franciz to retain the IWF Tag Team titles, Travis Blake b Antonio Rivera to retain the IWF American title, Frank Scoleri b Jason Roberts, Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta b “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien w/Rich Ross to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- June 23, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 5th Annual Commissioner’s Cup Tag Team Tournament Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri b Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho in a 1st Round Match, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera w/Eloy Fiesta b Chris Steeler and Jana in a 1st Round Match, The Ross Family (Travis Blake and Outlaw Shane O’Brien) b Rey Calitri and Dan Schwartz in a 1st Round Match, Kevin Knight and Nick Sabre b Damian Adams and Franciz and Rich Ross in a 1st Round Match.
- June 24, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 5th Annual Commissioner’s Cup Tag Team Tournament Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Steve Camacho w/Jana b Chris Steeler by DQ, Franciz b Dan Marques and Jason Roberts in a Handicap Match, Burnin’ Mike Durnin vs. Big Nick Gregory was ruled a no-contest after interference by Franciz, Travis Blake and Outlaw Shane O’Brien b Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera w/Eloy Fiesta in a Semi-Final match, Kevin Knight and Nick Sabre b Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri in a Semi-Final match, Travis Blake and Shane O’Brien b Kevin Knight and Nick Sabre in the Finals to win the 5th Annual Commissioner’s Cup Tag Team Tournament!
- July 21, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – IWF Summer Sizzler Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Dan Schwartz b Justin Corino, Steve Camacho b Burnin’ Mike Durnin, Frank Scoleri b Big Nick Gregory, IWF Tag Team Champions Kevin Knight and Nick Sabre b Travis Blake and Shane O’Brien, Antonio Rivera b Chris Steeler and Jana in a 3-WAY Elimination Match to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Franciz b Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta to win the IWF Heavyweight title.
- July 22, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – IWF Summer Sizzler Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Steve Camacho and Burnin’ Mike Durnin b Big Nick Gregory and Dan Marques, Chris Steeler b Jason Roberts, IWF American Champion Travis Blake w/Commissioner Rich Ross vs. Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta ended in a No Contest, Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri b Kevin Knight and Nick Sabre to win the IWF Tag Team titles, Travis Blake b Steve Camacho w/Jana to retain the IWF American title, Franciz w/Commissioner Rich Ross b Antonio Rivera w/ Eloy Fiesta to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- August 18, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – IWF Desperate Measures Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Jana b Nick Sabre in a contender’s bout for a future IWF Junior Title Match, Mister Nick Gregory b Dan Schwartz, Antonio Rivera b Chris Steeler to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Kevin Knight b Travis Blake w/Commissioner Rich Ross to win the IWF American title, Biggie Biggs b Bryan Harley, Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri b Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho to retain the IWF Tag Team titles, Franciz w/Rich Ross b Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta by DQ with Dr. Tom Prichard as guest referee to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- August 19, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – IWF Desperate Measures Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Chris Steeler and Mister Nick Gregory b Dan Marques and Jason Roberts, IWF Junior Champion Antonio Rivera b Travis Blake in a Non-title match, Burnin’ Mike Durnin w/Steve Camacho b Frank Scoleri w/Justin Corino, Nick Sabre b IWF American Champion Kevin Knight by DQ, Biggie Biggs b Jason Jones, Bryan Harley b Mike Jenkins, Franciz and Travis Blake w/Rich Ross vs. Kevin Knight and Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta to a Double DQ with Dr. Tom Prichard as guest referee.
- September 1, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Tony Torres and Frank Scoleri were co-winners of an IWF Heavyweight Title Contenders Battle Royal (Other participants included Justin Corino, Antonio Rivera, Nick Sabre, Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho), Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta b Frank Scoleri w/Justin Corino to win the IWF Heavyweight title for a second time, Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho b Justin Corino and Nick Sabre, Kevin Knight b Nick Sabre to retain the IWF American title, Frank Scoleri and Justin Corino b Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho to retain the IWF Tag Team titles, Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta (IWF Heavyweight Champion) b Antonio Rivera (IWF Junior Heavyweight Champion), Mike Durnin vs. Steve Camacho ended in a No Contest, Tony Torres and Kevin Knight and Antonio Rivera w/Eloy Fiesta b Frank Scoleri and Justin Corino and Nick Sabre.
- September 2, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera w/Eloy Fiesta b Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Bryan Harley, Frank Scoleri and Justin Corino b Biggie Biggs and Kevin Knight to retain the IWF Tag Team titles, Antonio Rivera b Mike Durnin and Jana in a 3-WAY to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Kevin Knight b Justin Corino to retain the IWF American title, Bryan Harley b Biggie Biggs, Tony Torres w/ Eloy Fiesta b Frank Scoleri to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Biggie Biggs and Kevin Knight and Antonio Rivera w/Jana b Frank Scoleri and Mike Durnin and Bryan Harley, Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta b Justin Corino to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- September 3, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – (Day #3) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Steve Camacho and Jana b Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri to win the IWF Tag Team titles, Travis Blake and Bryan Harley b Biggie Biggs and Kevin Knight, Biggie Biggs vs. Bryan Harley ended in a Double DQ, Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri b Steve Camacho and Jana to win the IWF Tag Team titles, Kevin Knight b Travis Blake to retain the IWF American title, Biggie Biggs and Steve Camacho and Jana b Travis Blake and Frank Scoleri and Bryan Harley, Kevin Knight b Justin Corino in a No DQ Match to retain the IWF American title.
- September 22, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Fall Brawl (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Travis Blake won a 15-Man Contenders Rumble to become #1 Contender for an IWF Title Match (Participants included: Franciz, Biggie Biggs, Antonio Rivera, Justin Corino, Frank Scoleri, Nick Sabre, Mike Durnin, Steve Camacho, Bryan Harley, Chris Steeler, Dan Schwartz, Dan Marques, Mister Nick Gregory, Barry Delaney), Nick Sabre b IWF American Champion Kevin Knight by Count-out, Burnin’ Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho b Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri to win the IWF Tag Team titles, Tony Torres w/Eloy Fiesta b Travis Blake w/Commissioner Rich Ross to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- September 23, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Fall Brawl (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Jason Roberts b Frank Scoleri, IWF Champion Tony Torres b Nick Sabre by DQ after interference by Franciz, Mister Nick Gregory w/Chris Steeler b IWF Junior Champion Antonio Rivera in a Non-title match, Biggie Biggs b Bryan Harley by DQ after interference by Frank Scoleri and Justin Corino, Franciz and Travis Blake b Mike Jenkins and Kareem West, Jana b Chris Steeler in a Lumberjack Match (Lumberjacks included: Mike Durnin, Steve Camacho, Antonio Rivera, Frank Scoleri, Justin Corino and Nick Gregory), Tony Torres and Kevin Knight vs. Franciz and Travis Blake ended in a No Contest in a Street Fight.
- October 27, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Evil Intentions Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Antonio Rivera b Chris Steeler to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Frank Scoleri b Jana and Dan Marques and Kareem West in a Fatal-Four-Way Gauntlet Elimination Match, Biggie Biggs b Bryan Harley in a Strap Match, Justin Corino b Steve Camacho in an Amateur Wrestling Challenge, Tito Santana and Tony Torres and Kevin Knight b Franciz and Travis Blake and Aaron Stride w/Rich Ross in a Six-Man-Tag.
- October 28, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Evil Intentions Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri b Mike Durnin and Steve Camacho to win the IWF Tag Team Titles, Chris Steeler b Kareem West, Dan Schwartz b Jason Roberts, Kevin Knight b Travis Blake in a Submission Match to retain the IWF American title, Tito Santana and Biggie Biggs and Antonio Rivera b Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri and Bryan Harley in a Six-Man-Tag, Tony Torres b Franciz to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- November 17, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Thanksgiving Thunder Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Jana b Evan Schwartz, IWF Tag Team Champion Frank Scoleri b Mike Jenkins, Bryan Harley b Jason Roberts, Chris Steeler b Antonio Rivera to win the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Kareem West b IWF Tag Team Champion Justin Corino, Travis Blake and Franciz w/Commissioner Rich Ross b IWF Champion Tony Torres and American Champion Kevin Knight in a Texas Death Tag Team Match.
- November 18, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Thanksgiving Thunder Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Jana b Travis Blake by DQ, BoneCrusher Fred Sampson b Bryan Harley, Dangerous Dan McGuire b IWF Junior Heavyweight Champion Chris Steeler by Countout, Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri b Kareem West and Mike Jenkins to retain the IWF Tag Team titles, Franciz w/Commissioner Rich Ross b Antonio Rivera, Biggie Biggs b Evan Schwartz and Dan Marques in a Triple Threat Match, IWF Heavyweight Champion Tony Torres vs. American Champion Kevin Knight ended in a No Contest when guest referee Fred Sampson attacked both men and joined The Ross Family.
- December 15, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 8th Annual Tournament of Champions Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Dangerous Dan McGuire b Evan Schwartz (1st Round), Frank Scoleri b Jana (1st Round), Travis Blake b Mike Jenkins (1st Round), IWF American Champion Kevin Knight b Justin Corino (1st Round), BoneCrusher Fred Sampson w/Rich Ross b Antonio Rivera (1st Round), IWF Junior Champion Chris Steeler b Kareem West (1st Round), Biggie Biggs b Franciz w/Rich Ross by DQ (1st Round), IWF Champion Tony Torres b Bryan Harley (1st Round).
- December 16, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 8th Annual Tournament of Champions Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: IWF Champion Tony Torres b IWF Junior Champion Chris Steeler (2nd Round), BoneCrusher Fred Sampson vs. Biggie Biggs ended in a Double DQ (2nd Round), Travis Blake b Frank Scoleri (2nd Round), IWF American Champion Kevin Knight vs. Dangerous Dan McGuire ended in a Double Countout (2nd Round), Justin Corino b Antonio Rivera (Non-Tournament), Franciz and Bryan Harley b Kareem West and Mike Jenkins and Dan Marques and Jason Roberts w/Kristina in a 3-WAY Tag match, Tony Torres b Travis Blake in the Finals to win the 8th Annual Tournament of Champions.
- December 28, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Holiday Havoc Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Mike Jenkins b Travis Blake, Bryan Harley b Biggie Biggs, Chris Steeler b Jana to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri b Kevin Knight and Dangerous Dan McGuire to retain the IWF Tag Team titles, Franciz b Kareem West, Evan Schwartz b Jason Roberts w/Kristina, Tony Torres b BoneCrusher Fred Sampson by DQ to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- December 29, 2007 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Holiday Havoc Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Frank Scoleri b Dan Marques, Chris Steeler b Mike Jenkins to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Biggie Biggs and Jason Roberts w/Kristina b Bryan Harley and Evan Schwartz, IWF American Champion Kevin Knight vs. BoneCrusher Fred Sampson ended in a Double DQ, Justin Corino b Dangerous Dan McGuire, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera b Franciz and Travis Blake.
- January 19, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Winter Warfare Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Travis Blake b Antonio Rivera, Chris Steeler b Jana by DQ to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, IWF Tag Team Champions Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri vs. Biggie Biggs and Mike Jenkins ended in a time-limit draw, Bryan Harley and Evan Schwartz b Jason Roberts and Nes Lopez w/Kristina, Kevin Knight b Cameron Matthews to retain the IWF American titleTony Torres b Franciz in a Body Bag Match to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- January 20, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Winter Warfare Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Justin Corino b Mike Jenkins, IWF Junior Champion Chris Steeler b Antonio Rivera and Jana in a 3-WAY, Biggie Biggs b Frank Scoleri, Franciz w/Travis Blake b Dangerous Dan w/Kevin Knight, Bryan Harley and Evan Schwartz b Dan Marques and BPA Barry w/Kristina, BoneCrusher Sampson b IWF Heavyweight Champion Tony Torres by DQ.
- February 10, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – To Benefit Belleville HS Wrestling Program in West Paterson, New Jersey: Antonio Rivera w/Jana b IWF Junior Heavyweight Champion Chris Steeler in a Non-title match, Travis Blake b Mike Jenkins, Biggie Biggs b BoneCrusher Sampson w/Bryan Harley, Tony Torres b Franciz to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Kevin Knight and Marc Corino b IWF Tag Team Champions Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri by DQ.
- February 16, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – February Fury Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Frank Scoleri b Jana, Franciz b Dan Marques, Antonio Rivera b Chris Steeler to win the IWF Junior title, IWF American Champion Kevin Knight b Justin Corino by DQ, Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Kareem West, Biggie Biggs and Mike Jenkins b Bryan Harley and Evan Schwartz, Travis Blake and Franciz w/Rich Ross b IWF Champion Tony Torres by DQ in a Handicap Match.
- February 17, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – February Fury Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Jana b Evan Schwartz, Bryan Harley b IWF Junior Champion Antonio Rivera in a Non-title match, Franciz b Biggie Biggs, Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri b Dan Marques and Kareem West and Jason Roberts and Nes Lopez w/Miss Kristina in a 3-WAY to retain the IWF Tag Team titles, Chris Steeler b Mike Jenkins in an American Title contender’s bout, Travis Blake b Tony Torres in a Submission Match to win the IWF Heavyweight title.
- March 29, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – March Madness Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Franciz b Playboy Vik Voorhees by DQ, Biggie Biggs b Justin Corino, Evan Schwartz b IWF Junior Heavyweight Champion Antonio Rivera by Count-out, Chris Steeler and Cameron Matthews b Kevin Knight and Jana, Mike Jenkins b Frank Scoleri, Bryan Harley and Dan Marques b Nes Lopez and Matt Saxon, Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Tony Torres to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- March 30, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – March Madness Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: IWF American Champion Kevin Knight vs. Chris Steeler to a time-limit draw, Tony Torres b Bryan Harley, Biggie Biggs and Mike Jenkins b Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri to win the IWF Tag Team titles, Franciz b Jana and Miss Kristina and Jennifer in a 3-on-1 Handicap Match, Evan Schwartz b Jason Roberts, IWF Junior Champion Antonio Rivera b IWF Heavyweight Champion Travis Blake by DQ, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera and Kevin Knight vs. Travis Blake and Franciz and Chris Steeler ended in a No Contest.
- April 11, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey: Playboy Vik Voorhees b Franciz, Travis Blake b Antonio Rivera to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Kevin Knight b Justin Corino to retain the American title.
- April 12, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey: Playboy Vik Voorhees b Franciz, Justin Corino b Mike Jenkins, American Champion Kevin Knight b IWF Heavyweight Champion Travis Blake in a Non-title match.
- April 18, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 11th Annual Anniversary Reckless Abandon Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Antonio Rivera b Evan Schwartz to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Tony Torres b Dan Marques (Afterwards, Torres was attacked by IWF Champion Travis Blake), Jana b Jennifer in a Women’s Match, Biggie Biggs b Scoleri in a No-DQ Match, Kareem West b Matt Saxon, Mike Jenkins b Bryan Harley, Honky Tonk Man and Kevin Knight b Travis Blake and Franciz and Chris Steeler w/Rich Ross.
- April 20, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 11th Annual Anniversary Reckless Abandon Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Franciz b Playboy Vik Voorhees, Justin Corino b IWF Junior Heavyweight Champion Antonio Rivera in a Non-title match, Jana b Joanna in a Women’s Match, Kevin Knight b Chris Steeler to retain the IWF American title, Dan Marques b Jason Roberts, IWF Heavyweight Champion Travis Blake b Tony Torres in a Best 2/3 Falls Match, Honky Tonk Man and Biggie Biggs and Mike Jenkins b Frank Scoleri and Bryan Harley and Evan Schwartz in a Six-Man Tag Team Match.
- April 25, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Antonio Rivera b Chris Steeler to retain the IWF Junior title, Biggie Biggs b Tony Torres, IWF American Champion Kevin Knight b IWF Heavyweight Champion Travis Blake in a Non-title match.
- April 26, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Biggie Biggs b Chris Steeler, Mike Jenkins b IWF American Champion Kevin Knight by DQ, Biggie Biggs and Mike Jenkins b Kevin Knight and Chris Steeler to retain the IWF Tag Team titles.
- May 3, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – (Day) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Antonio Rivera b Chris Steeler to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Tony Torres b Frank Scoleri, Kevin Knight b Justin Corino to retain the IWF American title.
- May 3, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – (Evening) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Antonio Rivera b Chris Steeler to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Biggie Biggs and Playboy Vik Voorhees b Tony Torres and Frank Scoleri, IWF American Champion Kevin Knight b IWF Heavyweight Champion Travis Blake in a Non-title match.
- May 10, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – (Day) in West Paterson, New Jersey:. Antonio Rivera b Chris Steeler to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Biggie Biggs b Tony Torres, Kevin Knight b Justin Corino to retain the IWF American title.
- May 10, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – (Evening) in West Paterson, New Jersey: “Portuguese Powerhouse” Dan Marques b Kareem West, Playboy Vik Voorhees b Bryan Harley, Chris Steeler and Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri b Kevin Knight and Biggie Biggs and Mike Jenkins, IWF Junior Heavyweight Champion Antonio Rivera b Evan Schwartz and Barry Delaney in a 3-WAY, Tony Torres b Franciz w/Jana.
- May 17, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Mayhem Weekend (Day #1) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Mike Jenkins b Frank Scoleri, Playboy Vik Voorhees b “Portuguese Powerhouse” Dan Marques, Antonio Rivera b Kareem West to retain the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Chris Steeler b Kevin Knight in a Lumberjack Match to win the IWF American title, Franciz and Jana w/Rich Ross b Jennifer and Miss Kristina, Biggie Biggs b Evan Schwartz, Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Tony Torres in a Bronx Street Fight to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- May 18, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Mayhem Weekend (Day #2) in West Paterson, New Jersey: Jana won a Gauntlet Elimination Match to win the IWF Junior Heavyweight Title (Participants included: Antonio Rivera, Evan Schwartz, BPA Barry, and Jennifer), Chris Steeler won a Gauntlet Elimination Match to retain the IWF American title (Participants included Playboy Vik Voorhees, Frank Scoleri, Kareem West, and Evan Schwartz), Biggie Biggs and Mike Jenkins won a Gauntlet Elimination Match to retain the IWF Tag Team titles (Participants included Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri, Bryan Harley and Dan Marques, Jason Roberts and Matt Saxon, and Evan Schwartz), Kevin Knight won a Gauntlet Elimination Match to win the IWF Heavyweight Title (Participants included Travis Blake, Franciz, Chris Steeler, Justin Corino, and Evan Schwartz).
- June 20, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Biggie Biggs b Justin Corino, Franciz b Kareem West, IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight b Travis Blake.
- June 21, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Tony Torres b Justin Corino, Playboy Vik Voorhees b Antonio Rivera, IWF Tag Team Champion Biggie Biggs defeated Travis Blake.
- June 22, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Tony Torres b Frank Scoleri, Antonio Rivera b Kareem West, IWF Tag Team Champion Biggie Biggs b Justin Corino.
- June 28, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 6th Annual Commissioner’s Cup Tag Team Tournament Weekend (Day 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera (Latin Revolution) b Chris Steeler and Jana to advance (1st Round), Biggie Biggs and Mike Jenkins (Bigg Nutz) b Bryan Harley and Dan Marques to advance (1st Round), Kevin Knight b Evan Schwartz to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri (Pretty Smart) b Jason Roberts and Mike DeCasperis to advance (1st Round), Franciz and Travis Blake (The Ross Family) b Playboy Vik Voorhees and Kareem West to advance (1st Round).
- June 29, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 6th Annual Commissioner’s Cup Tag Team Tournament Weekend (Day 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Franciz and Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Biggie Biggs and Mike Jenkins to advance (Semi-Finals), Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera b Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri to advance (Semi-Finals), Jennifer w/Miss Kristina b IWF Junior Heavyweight Champion Jana by Count-out, Kevin Knight b Evan Schwartz to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Chris Steeler b Playboy Vik Voorhees and Kareem West in 3-WAY to retain the IWF American title, Franciz and Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Tony Torres and Antonio Riverain the Finals to win the Commissioner’s Cup Tournament.
- July 27, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Summer Sizzler Weekend (Day 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Kareem West b Mad Dog Mike Jenkins and Evan Schwartz in a 3-WAY, Jason Roberts w/Miss Kristina b “Portuguese Powerhouse” Dan Marques, Damian Adams w/Rich Ross b Biggie Biggs, Playboy Vik Voorhees b IWF American Champion Chris Steeler by DQ, Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri b Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera, IWF Junior Heavyweight Champion Jana b Jennifer, Franciz w/Rich Ross b IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight by DQ.
- July 28, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Summer Sizzler Weekend (Day 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Frank Scoleri b Tony Torres, Damian Adams b Playboy Vik Voorhees, Antonio Rivera w/Jennifer b IWF Junior Heavyweight Champion Jana by Count-out, Kevin Knight b Justin Corino to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, IWF American Champion Chris Steeler b Aaron Wilde w/Miss Kristina in a non-title match.
- August 23, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Desperate Measures Weekend (Day 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Jana b Jennifer to retain the Junior Heavyweight title, Kareem West b Dan Marques, WWE Legend Dr. Tom Prichard (Challenger) discussed the issues with Commissioner Rich Ross (Incumbent) in a Commissioner’s Office Election Debate moderated by Evan Schwartz, Franciz and Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Biggie Biggs and Mike Jenkins to retain the Tag Team titles, Playboy Vik Voorhees b Chris Steeler to win the IWF American title, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera b Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri, IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight b Damian Adams w/ Rich Ross by DQ.
- August 24, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Desperate Measures Weekend (Day 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Justin Corino b Antonio Rivera, Kareem West b Jason Roberts, Dan Marques b Tony Torres by Submission, Playboy Vik Voorhees and Jennifer b Chris Steeler and Junior Champion Jana, Frank Scoleri b Aaron Wylde, Damian Adams and Franciz and Travis Blake w/Rich Ross b Kevin Knight and Biggie Biggs and Mike Jenkins w/Dr. Tom Prichard in a bout to decide the Commissioner’s Office Election.
- August 30, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Great Falls Labor Day Festival Weekend (Day 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Afternoon Event. Latin Revolution (Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera) b Pretty Smart (Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri), Franciz w/Damian Adams b Dangerous Dan McGuire w/Kevin Knight. Vik Voorhees and Dan Marques b Chris Steeler and Evan Schwartz. – Evening Event. Biggie Biggs b Justin Corino, IWF Tag Team Champions Ross Family (Damian Adams and Franciz) b Kevin Knight and Dangerous Dan McGuire, IWF American Champion Playboy Vik Voorhees b “Portuguese Powerhouse” Dan Marques, Latin Revolution (Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera) b Chris Steeler and Evan Schwartz. – Night Event. Dangerous Dan McGuire b Damian Adams, Justin Corino and Evan Schwartz and Dan Marques b Biggie Biggs and Playboy Vik Voorhees and Tony Torres w/Antonio Rivera, IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight b Franciz.
- August 31, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Great Falls Labor Day Festival Weekend (Day 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Afternoon Event. Pretty Smart (Justin Corino and Frank Scoleri) b Playboy Vik Voorhees and Kareem West, Antonio Rivera b “Portuguese Powerhouse” Dan Marques, Franciz w/Damian Adams b Tony Torres. – Evening Event. Franciz b Biggie Biggs, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera and Playboy Vik Voorhees b Justin Corino and Dan Marques and Evan Schwartz, Damian Adams b Kareem West, IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight b Travis Blake by DQ. – Night Event. Antonio Rivera b Evan Schwartz, Justin Corino b Playboy Vik Voorhees to win the IWF American title, Tony Torres b “Portuguese Powerhouse” Dan Marques, Kevin Knight and Biggie Biggs and Kareem West b The Ross Family (Damian Adams and Franciz and Travis Blake).
- September 1, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Great Falls Festival Labor Day Weekend (Day 3) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Afternoon Event. IWF American Champion Justin Corino w/Frank Scoleri b Kareem West, Damian Adams w/Franciz b Playboy Vik Voorhees w/Jennifer. – Evening Event. Biggie Biggs b Frank Scoleri, Damian Adams and Franciz and Travis Blake b Playboy Vik Voorhees and Kareem West and Scott McGregor, Jennifer b Evan Schwartz, IWF American Champion Justin Corino b IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight by Count-out, – Night Event. Kareem West b Evan Schwartz, Frank Scoleri b Scott McGregor, IWF American Champion Justin Corino b Playboy Vik Voorhees by DQ, Kevin Knight and Biggie Biggs b IWF Tag Team Champions Franciz and Travis Blake in a Non-title match.
- September 20, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Fall Brawl Weekend (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Damian Adams b Kareem West in an American Title Contender’s Bout, Frank Scoleri b Antonio Rivera, Tony Torres b “Portuguese Powerhouse” Dan Marques, IWF American Champion Justin Corino b Playboy Vik Voorhees w/Jennifer by DQ, IWF Tag Team Champions Franciz and Travis Blake b Phil Stagg and Fady Madani, Biggie Biggs w/ Mike Jenkins b Evan Schwartz, IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight b Chris Steeler w/Jana.
- September 21, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Fall Brawl Weekend (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Jennifer b Evan Schwartz Damian Adams b Justin Corino to win the IWF American title, Jason Roberts b Aaron Wylde, IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight w/Mike Jenkins b Chris Steeler w/Jana, Biggie Biggs b Antonio Rivera, “Portuguese Powerhouse” Dan Marques b Tony Torres in a Submission Match, Playboy Vik Voorhees and Kareem West b Franciz and Travis Blake to win the IWF Tag Team titles.
- October 18, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Biggie Biggs b IWF American Champion Damian Adams in a Non-title match, Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera of Latin Revolution b Bryan Harley and Evan Schwartz, Kevin Knight b Travis Blake to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- October 25, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Evil Intentions Weekend (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Antonio Rivera b Tony Torres, Bryan Harley and Dan Marques b Fady Madani and Kraig Stagg, Justin Corino b Frank Scoleri, Biggie Biggs and Evan Schwartz b Mad Dawg Jenkins and Chris Steeler w/Jana, Kareem West vs. Playboy Vik Voorhees was declared a no contest, Kevin Knight and Kareem West w/Jennifer b Damian Adams and Franciz w/Rich Ross by DQ.
- October 26, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Evil Intentions Weekend (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Fady Madani b Dan Marques, Biggie Biggs and Mad Dawg Jenkins b Bryan Harley and Evan Schwartz, Travis Blake b American Champion Damian Adams in a Non-title match, IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight b Justin Corino w/Frank Scoleri, Tony Torres b Aaron Wylde, Franciz and Chris Steeler w/Jana b Kareem West and Jennifer to win the IWF Tag Team titles.
- November 8, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Mad Dawg Jenkins b Kareem West and Chris Steeler in a Triple Threat Match, Damian Adams b Biggie Biggs to retain the IWF American title, Kevin Knight b Travis Blake to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- November 9, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Kareem West b Evan Schwartz, Biggie Biggs b Tony Torres with Antonio Rivera serving as Guest Referee, Kevin Knight b Justin Corino to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- November 22, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Thanksgiving Thunder Weekend (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Travis Blake b Evan Schwartz by Submission, Jennifer b Jana to win the IWF Junior Heavyweight title, Foreign Affairs (Dan Marques and Kraig Stagg) b Latin Revolution (Tony Torres and Antonio Rivera), IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight vs. Justin Corino ended in a Double DQ in a Best 2/3 Falls Match, Sigmon n Shane Williams, Damian Adams b Kareem West to retain the IWF American title, Chris Steeler and Franciz b Biggie Biggs and Mad Dawg Jenkins to retain the IWF Tag Team titles.
- November 23, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Thanksgiving Thunder Weekend (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Justin Corino and Fady Madani w/ Jennifer b Frank Scoleri and Bryan Harley w/Jana, Tony Torres vs. Antonio Rivera ended in a Double Countout, Biggie Biggs b Kraig Stagg, Dan Marques b Mad Dawg Jenkins, Jason Zuck b Evan Schwartz, Kevin Knight and Kareem West and Travis Blake b Damian Adams and Chris Steeler and Franciz w/Rich Ross.
- November 30, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Mad Dawg Jenkins w/Biggie Biggs b Antonio Rivera, Kareem West b Tony Torres, IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight b American Champion Damian Adams in Non-title match.
- December 20, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 9th Annual Tournament of Champions Weekend (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Juicy Justin Corino b Evan Schwartz w/ Kraig Stagg in a 1st Round Match, Stellar Travis Blake b Hellraiser Bryan Harley in a 1st Round Match, Tony Torres b Frank Scoleri in a 1st Round Match, Franciz w/ Rich Ross b Mad Dawg Jenkins in a 1st Round Match, “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler w/Jana b Antonio Rivera w/Jennifer in a 1st Round Match, Kareem West b “Portuguese Powerhouse” Dan Marques in a 1st Round Match, Kevin Knight b Jason Somers in a 1st Round Match, Damian Adams w/ Rich Ross b Biggie Biggs in a 1st Round Match.
- December 21, 2008 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 9th Annual Tournament of Champions Weekend (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b Kareem West in a Quarter Final match, Damian Adams b Juicy Justin Corino in a Quarter Final match, “Stellar” Travis Blake b Tony Torres in a Quarter Final match, Kevin Knight b Franciz by DQ in a Quarter Final match, Biggie Biggs and Mad Dawg Jenkins and Jason Somers b Frank Scoleri and Bryan Harley and Dan Marques w/Evan Schwartz, Jennifer b Jana with guest referee Antonio Rivera to retain the IWF Junior title, Damian Adams b Kevin Knight and Chris Steeler and Travis Blake in a 4-WAY Final to win the Tournament of Champions.
- January 16, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Mad Dawg Jenkins b Kareem West, Franciz w/ Commissioner Rich Ross b Juicy Justin Corino, IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight b Stellar Travis Blake.
- January 17, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Stellar Travis Blake b Jason Somers, IWF American Champion Damian Adams b Mad Dawg Jenkins, IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight b Hi-Definition Chris Steeler.
- January 18, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Mad Dawg Jenkins b Kareem West, IWF American Champion Damian Adams b Jason Somers, IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight b Stellar Travis Blake.
- January 24, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Winter Warfare Weekend (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Kareem West b Franciz, Fady “Arabian Bull” Madani b Evan Schwartz, Bigg Nutz (Biggie Biggs and Mad Dawg Jenkins) b Frank Scoleri and Lord Karloff, Juicy Justin Corino b IWF American Champion Damian Adams by DQ, IWF Junior Heavyweight Champion Jennifer b Jana, Foreign Affairs (Dan Marques and Kraig Stagg) b Fady Madani and Chachi Perez, IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight b “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler.
- January 25, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Winter Warfare Weekend (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Dangerous Dan McGuire b Frank Scoleri, Stellar Travis Blake b German Menace Kraig Stagg w/ Dan Marques, Tony Torres and Jana b Antonio Rivera and Jennifer, IWF Champion Kevin Knight b American Champion Damian Adams w/Rich Ross by DQ, Biggie Biggs b Lord Karloff, Mad Dawg Jenkins b Evan Schwartz, IWF Tag Team Champions Chris Steeler and Franciz w/Rich Ross b Justin Corino and Kareem West.
- February 6, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Kareem West b Mad Dawg Jenkins, Biggie Biggs b Stellar Travis Blake, IWF Heavyweight Champion Kevin Knight b “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler.
- February 7, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Kareem West b Mad Dawg Jenkins, Biggie Biggs b “German Menace” Kraig Stagg, IWF Heavyweight champion Kevin Knight b Stellar Travis Blake.
- February 8, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Kareem West b Tony Torres, IWF American Champion Damian Adams b Mad Dawg Jenkins, IWF Heavyweight champion Kevin Knight b Stellar Travis Blake.
- February 21, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – February Fury Weekend (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Dangerous Dan McGuire b Stellar Travis Blake, Fady “Arabian Bull” Madani and Chachi b Tony Torres and Frank Scoleri, Jennifer defeated Jana to retain the IWF Junior title, Dan Marques and Kraig Stagg w/Evan Schwartz b Biggie Biggs and Mad Dawg Jenkins, Juicy Justin Corino b Franciz in a Street Fight, Damian Adams b Kareem West in Best 2/3 Falls to retain the IWF American title, “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b Kevin Knight to win the IWF Heavyweight title.
- February 22, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – February Fury Weekend (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Kareem West b “Portuguese Powerhouse” Dan Marques w/Evan Schwartz, Tony Torres w/Jana b Chachi w/Jennifer, Stellar Travis Blake b Frank Scoleri, Mad Dawg Jenkins b IWF American Champion Damian Adams w/ Commissioner Rich Ross via DQ, Juicy Justin Corino b Jasin Karloff, Biggie Biggs b German Menace Kraig Stagg w/Evan Schwartz, Chris Steeler and Franciz and Dan McGuire w/Rich Ross b Kevin Knight and Jarrett Gaeta and Frank Amantea.
- February 27, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Kareem West b Mad Dawg Jenkins. Juicy Justin Corino b Franciz. Kevin Knight defeated Stellar Travis Blake.
- February 28, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Stellar Travis Blake b Kareem West. Juicy Justin Corino b Franciz. Kevin Knight b IWF Heavyweight Champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler in a Non-title match.
- March 14, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Mad Dawg Jenkins b Chachi, Damian Adams b Biggie Biggs to retain the IWF American title, Kevin Knight b IWF Heavyweight Champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler in a non-title match.
- March 15, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Mad Dawg Jenkins b Kareem West, Damian Adams b Biggie Biggs to retain the IWF American title, Kevin Knight b IWF Heavyweight Champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler in a non-title match.
- March 20, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Kareem West b Mad Dawg Jenkins, Franciz of The Ross Family b Biggie Biggs, Kevin Knight b Stellar Travis Blake.
- March 21, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Biggie Biggs b Stellar Travis Blake, Kareem West b Mad Dawg Jenkins, Kevin Knight b IWF Heavyweight Champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler in non-title match.
- March 28, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – March Madness Weekend (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: IWF American Champion Damian Adams vs. Mad Dawg Jenkins ended in a time-limit draw, IWF Tag Team Champions Franciz and Dangerous Dan McGuire b Kevin Knight and Kareem West, IWF Heavyweight Champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b Juicy Justin Corino, Kareem West won a 16-Man “Rumble” to become #1 Contender for the American Title at April’s Reckless Abandon. Other partcipants included Chris Steeler, Damian Adams, Franciz, Dan McGuire, Justin Corino, Travis Blake, Mad Dawg Jenkins, Biggie Biggs, Tony Torres, Evan Schwartz, Kraig Stagg, Jana, Jennifer, Jarrett Gaeta, Chachi.
- March 29, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – March Madness Weekend (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: IWF Tag Team Champions Franciz and Dangerous Dan McGuire b Juicy Justin Corino and Stellar Travis Blake, IWF American Champion Damian Adams b Jarrett Gaeta, IWF Heavyweight Champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b Mad Dawg Jenkins, Kevin Knight won a 16-Man “Rumble” to become #1 Contender for the Heavyweight Title at April’s Reckless Abandon. Other partcipants included Damian Adams, Franciz, Dan McGuire, Kareem West, Justin Corino, Travis Blake, Mad Dawg Jenkins, Biggie Biggs, Tony Torres, Evan Schwartz, Kraig Stagg, Nick Sabre, Jarrett Gaeta, Frankie Amantea, Chachi.
- April 4, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Mad Dawg Jenkins b Kareem West. Juicy Justin Corino b Biggie Biggs. Kevin Knight b Franciz of The Ross Family.
- April 5, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Biggie Biggs and Mad Dawg Jenkins b Tony Torres and International Nick Sabre. IWF American Champion Damian Adams defeated Kareem West. Kevin Knight defeated IWF Heavyweight Champion Hi-Definition Chris Steeler in a non-title match.
- April 17, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Dark Dragon Kareem West defeated Mad Dawg Jenkins. Juicy Justin Corino w/ Jennifer defeated Franciz of The Ross Family. Kevin Knight defeated Stellar Travis Blake.
- April 18, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – (afternoon show) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Mad Dawg Jenkins defeated Evan Schwartz. IWF American Champion Damian Adams of The Ross Family defeated Juicy Justin Corino. Kevin Knight defeated IWF Heavyweight Champion Hi-Definition Chris Steeler in a non-title match.
- April 18, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – (night show) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Mad Dawg Jenkins defeated Dark Dragon Kareem West and Evan Schwartz in Triple Threat Match. IWF American Champion Damian Adams of The Ross Family defeated Juicy Justin Corino w/ Jennifer. Kevin Knight defeated IWF Heavyweight Champion Hi-Definition Chris Steeler in a non-title match.
- April 25, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 12th Annual Anniversary Reckless Abandon Weekend (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Dangerous Dan McGuire of The Ross Family b Mad Dawg Jenkins, Chachi and Jennifer b “Street King” Tony Torres and Jana, Biggie Biggs b “German Menace” Kraig Stagg, “Dark Dragon” Kareem West b Damian Adams w/ Rich Ross in Ladder Match to win the IWF American title, Stellar Travis Blake b Franciz w/ Rich Ross, “Bright Lights” Jarrett Foster b “Entrepreneur” Evan Schwartz, IWF Heavyweight Champion Hi-Definition Chris Steeler w/Rich Ross b Kevin Knight.
- April 26, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 12th Annual Anniversary Reckless Abandon Weekend (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: International Nick Sabre b Jennifer (c) and “Bright Lights” Jarrett Foster in 3-WAY to win the IWF Junior title, “Mr. Casino” Frankie Amantea b “Bruising Bookworm” Frank Scoleri, Biggie Biggs and “Mad Dawg” Jenkins b “German Menace” Kraig Stagg and “Entrepreneur” Evan Schwartz, Kevin Knight b Damian Adams of The Ross Family, IWF Heavyweight Champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b “Dark Dragon” Kareem West, “Juicy” Justin Corino and “Stellar” Travis Blake b Franciz and Dangerous Dan McGuire to win the IWF Tag Team titles.
- May 1, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the Layfield Energy Zone: American Champion Dark Dragon Kareem West defeated Mad Dawg Jenkins. Tag Team Champion Juicy Justin Corino defeated Evan Schwartz. Kevin Knight defeated Tag Team Champion Stellar Travis Blake.
- May 2, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party (Afternoon) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the Layfield Energy Zone: Tag Team Champion Stellar Travis Blake defeated Mad Dawg Jenkins. Tag Team Champion Juicy Justin Corino defeated Junior Champion International Nick Sabre. Kevin Knight defeated IWF Heavyweight Champion Hi-Definition Chris Steeler in non-title match.
- May 2, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the Layfield Energy Zone: Tag Team Champion Stellar Travis Blake defeated Junior Champion International Nick Sabre. American Champion Dark Dragon Kareem West defeated Mad Dawg Jenkins. Tag Team Champion Juicy Justin Corino defeated IWF Champion Hi-Definition Chris Steeler in non-title match.
- May 15, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party Event (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: American Champion Kareem West defeated Mad Dawg Jenkins. Tag Team Champion Juicy Justin Corino defeated Junior Champion International Nick Sabre. Kevin Knight defeated Dangerous Dan McGuire and Franciz w/ Commissioner Rich Ross.
- May 16, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party Event (Afternoon) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: American Champion Kareem West defeated Mad Dawg Jenkins. Tag Team Champion Juicy Justin Corino defeated Junior Champion International Nick Sabre. Kevin Knight defeated IWF Champion Hi-Definition Chris Steeler in a non-title match.
- May 16, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party Event (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: American Champion Kareem West defeated Mad Dawg Jenkins. Junior Champion International Nick Sabre defeated Mr. Casino Frankie Amantea. Kevin Knight defeated IWF Champion Hi-Definition Chris Steeler in a non-title match.
- May 17, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party Event (Night 3) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: American Champion Kareem West defeated Mad Dawg Jenkins. Damian Adams defeated Tag Team Champion Stellar Travis Blake. Kevin Knight defeated Dangerous Dan McGuire w/ Franciz.
- May 30, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Mayhem Weekend (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the Layfield Energy Zone: Dangerous Dan McGuire of The Ross Family defeated IWF Tag Team Champion Juicy Justin Corino. IWF Junior Heavyweight Champion International Nick Sabre defeated Jennifer. Franciz of The Ross Family defeated IWF Tag Team Champion Stellar Travis Blake. IWF American Champion Kareem West defeated Damian Adams of The Ross Family in an Anything Goes Match. Biggie Biggs and Jarrett Foster and Chachi defeated Frank Scoleri and Evan Schwartz and Kraig Stagg w/ Jana. IWF Heavyweight Champion Hi-Definition Chris Steeler defeated Mad Dawg Jenkins w/ guest referee Kevin Knight.
- May 31, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Mayhem Weekend (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the Layfield Energy Zone: IWF Tag Team Champions Stellar Travis Blake and Juicy Justin Corino defeated Franciz and Dan McGuire w/ Rich Ross via DQ. Mad Dawg Jenkins defeated Street King Tony Torres. IWF American Champion Kareem West defeated Damian Adams w/ Rich Ross in a Loser Leaves Town Match. IWF Heavyweight Champion Hi-Definition Chris Steeler w/ Rich Ross defeated Biggie Biggs. Bright Lights Jarrett Foster w/ Jennifer defeated Junior Champion International Nick Sabre via count-out. Kevin Knight and Frankie Amantea and Mikey Zampino w/ Desirre defeated Frank Scoleri and Evan Schwartz and Kraig Stagg w/ Jana.
- June 24, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Shake-Rattle-n-Rumble in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: “Juicy” Justin Corino b “Bruising Bookworm” Frank Scoleri, “German Menace” Kraig Stagg b Biggie Biggs, Chachi and Evan Schwartz w/ Jana n Mr. Casino Frankie Amantea and Mikey Zampino w/ Desirre, IWF American Champion Kareem West n Mad Dawg Jenkins and Stellar Travis Blake in Triple Threat Match, “Bright Lights” Jarrett Foster w/ Jennifer b “International” Nick Sabre to win the IWF Junior title, Honky Tonk Man and Kevin Knight b Chris Steeler and Franciz w/ Rich Ross.
- June 27, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 7th Annual Commissioner’s Cup Tag Team Tournament Weekend in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Nick Sabre and Frank Scoleri b Biggie Biggs and Mad Dawg Jenkins in a 1st Round match, Kareem West and Jarrett Foster w/Jennifer b Evan Schwartz and Chachi in a 1st Round match, Travis Blake and Justin Corino b Tony Torres and Kraig Stagg in a 1st Round match, Franciz b “Mr. Casino” Frankie Amantea and Mikey Zampino w/Desirre in a 1st Round match, “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler w/Rich Ross b Kevin Knight w/Dr. Tom Prichard to retain the IWF Championship.
- June 28, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 7th Annual Commissioner’s Cup Tag Team Tournament Weekend in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Travis Blake and Justin Corino b Nick Sabre and Frank Scoleri in a Semi-Final match, Chris Steeler and Franciz w/Rich Ross b Kareem West and Jarrett Foster w/Jennifer in a Semi-Final match, Mad Dawg Jenkins b “Entrepreneur” Evan Schwartz w/ Jana, Biggie Biggs won a Battle Royal (Participants: Biggie Biggs, Tony Torres, Kraig Stagg, Mad Dawg Jenkins, Evan Schwartz, Chachi, Frankie Amantea, Mikey Zampino) – Travis Blake and Justin Corino w/Kevin Knight b Chris Steeler and Franciz w/Rich Ross in the Finals to win 2009 Commissioner’s Cup with Dr. Tom Prichard as special guest referee.
- July 3, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: “Mr. Casino” Frankie Amantea defeated “International” Nick Sabre. American Champion Kareem West defeated Franciz. Kevin Knight defeated “Stellar” Travis Blake.
- July 4, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Franciz defeated Mr. Casino Frankie Amantea w/ Desirre. IWF Champion Hi-Definition Chris Steeler defeated Jennifer. Kevin Knight defeated “Stellar” Travis Blake.
- July 10, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party Live Event in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: “Mad Dawg” Jenkins defeated “International” Nick Sabre and “Mr. Casin”o Frankie Amantea in Triple Threat. Tag Team Champion Juicy Justin Corino b Franciz of The Ross Family. Kevin Knight b Stellar Travis Blake.
- July 11, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party Live Event in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: IWF American Champion Kareem West b Mad Dawg Jenkins and Biggie Biggs in Triple Threat. IWF Tag Team champions Stellar Travis Blake and Juicy Justin Corino b Franciz and Nick Sabre. Kevin Knight b IWF champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler in Non-title match.
- July 17, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party Live Event in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: IWF American Champion Kareem West b Mad Dawg Jenkins.”Juicy” Justin Corino b Franciz of The Ross Family. Kevin Knight b Stellar Travis Blake.
- July 18, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party Live Event in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: IWF American champion Kareem West b Mad Dawg Jenkins. Juicy Justin Corino b “International” Nick Sabre. Kevin Knight b IWF Champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler in Non-title match.
- July 25, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Fady “Arabian Bull” Madani b “Bruising Bookworm” Frank Scoleri, IWF American champion Kareem West b Stellar Travis Blake, “German Menace” Kraig Stagg b Chachi, Kevin Knight b Nick Daniels, Franciz w/Rich Ross b Mad Dawg Jenkins, IWF Junior champion “Bright Lights” Jarrett Foster b Mr. Casino and Nick Sabre in Triple Threat, IWF Heavyweight champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler w/Rich Ross b Jennifer.
- July 26, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: “International” Nick Sabre b Mad Dawg Jenkins, Fady “Arabian Bull” Madani b “Street King” Tony Torres, Franciz of The Ross Family b Kareem West to win the IWF American title, Kevin Knight b Stellar Travis Blake, Jennifer b Desirre, Frank Scoleri and Kraig Stagg b “Bright Lights” Jarrett Foster and Jamel Holiday, IWF Heavyweight champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b “Mr. Casino” Frankie Amantea.
- August 22, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Desperate Measures Weekend Live Event Day 1 in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: IWF Junior Champion Bright Lights Jarrett Foster vs. Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri ended in a double count-out, Mad Dawg Jenkins and Fady the Arabian Bull b German Menace Kraig Stagg and Entrepreneur Evan Schwartz, IWF American Champion Franciz of The Ross Family b Stellar Travis Blake, Mr. Casino Frankie Amantea b Chachi, Jennifer b Jana and Desirre in a Ladies Triple Threat Match, IWF Heavyweight Champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler and Kevin Knight’s participation in a Public Workout ended when Steeler attacked Knight.
- August 23, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Desperate Measures Weekend Live Event Day 2 in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Mad Dawg Jenkins and Jamel “Hush” Holiday b Chachi and Entrepreneur Evan Schwartz, Fady the Arabian Bull b IWF American Champion Franciz of The Ross Family via count-out, IWF Tag Team Champions Stellar Travis Blake and Juicy Justin Corino b Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg, Jana b Desirre, IWF Heavyweight champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b “Bright Lights” Jarrett Foster and Mr. Casino Frankie Amantea and Jennifer in a Fatal-Four-Way Match.
- August 29, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Tag Team Champion Stellar Travis Blake defeated Junior Champion Bright Lights Jarrett Foster in non-title match. Jennifer defeated Jana. Tag Team Champion Juicy Justin Corino defeated IWF American Champion Franciz in non-title match.
- August 29, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Tag Team Champion Juicy Justin Corino defeated IWF American Champion Franciz in non-title match. Mr. Casino Frankie Amantea and Jennifer defeated Junior Champion Bright Lights Jarrett Foster and Jana. Tag Team Champion Stellar Travis Blake defeated IWF Champion Hi-Definition Chris Steeler in non-title match.
- September 11, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party Live Event in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Tag Team Champion Stellar Travis Blake defeated IWF American Champion Franciz in non-title match. Mad Dawg Jenkins and Jennifer defeated Mr. Casino Frankie Amantea and Jana. Tag Team Champion Juicy Justin Corino defeated IWF Champion Hi-Definition Chris Steeler in non-title match.
- September 12, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party Live Event in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Mr. Casino Frankie Amantea defeated Junior Champion Bright Lights Jarrett Foster in non-title match. Jana defeated Jennifer. Mad Dawg Jenkins defeated IWF American Champion Franciz of The Ross Family in non-title match.
- September 26, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Fall Brawl Weekend (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Fady the Arabian Bull b “Bruising Bookworm” Frank Scoleri, IWF Junior champion “Bright Lights” Jarrett Foster b “Mr. Casino” Frankie Amantea and “Entrepreneur” Evan Schwartz and Hush Holiday in a 4-WAY, “Stellar” Travis Blake b “German Menace” Kraig Stagg, Franciz w/Damian Adams b Kevin Knight by DQ to retain the IWF American title, Jana b Desirre, Mad Dawg Jenkins b Chachi, IWF Heavyweight Champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b Jennifer to win her services for 30 days.
- September 27, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Fall Brawl Weekend (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Franciz w/Rich Ross b Fady the Arabian Bull to retain the IWF American title, Frankie Amantea and Hush Holiday b Chachi and Jana, Kevin Knight vs. Dangerous Dan McGuire w/Rich Ross ended in a time-limit draw, Frank Scoleri and Kraig Stagg b IWF Tag Team Champions Stellar Travis Blake and Juicy Justin Corino by Count-out, Mad Dawg Jenkins b “Entrepreneur” Evan Schwartz, “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler w/Jennifer b “Bright Lights” Jarrett Foster to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- October 24, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Evil Intentions Weekend (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Damian Adams w/ Commissioner Ross defeated Chachi. Mr. Casino Frankie Amantea defeated Jana. IWF American Champion Franciz defeated Mad Dawg Jenkins and Hush Holiday in Triple Threat Match. Frank Scoleri and Kraig Stagg defeated Stellar Travis Blake and Juicy Justin Corino to win the IWF Tag Team titles. Fady The Arabian Bull defeated Entrepreneur Evan Schwartz. IWF Champion Chris Steeler w/Commissioner Ross vs. Kevin Knight w/Jennifer ended in a draw in 30-Minute Marathon Match.
- October 26, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Evil Intentions Weekend (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Franciz of The Ross Family defeated Jennifer to retain the IWF American title. Stellar Travis Blake defeated Entrepreneur Evan Schwartz w/Jana via submission. IWF Champion Chris Steeler and Damian Adams defeated Mad Dawg Jenkins and Chachi. IWF Tag Team champions Frank Scoleri and Kraig Stagg defeated Fady The Arabian Bull and Mr. Casino. Kevin Knight defeated Dangerous Dan McGuire of The Ross Family by DQ.
- November 21, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Thanksgiving Thunder Weekend (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Chachi b Entrepreneur Evan Schwartz, Mad Dawg Jenkins b Franciz to win the IWF American title, Jennifer w/ Hush Holiday b Jana w/ Evan Schwartz, Damian Adams b Kevin Knight via count-out, IWF Tag Team champions Frank Scoleri and Kraig Stagg b Fady The Bull and Frankie Amantea, IWF Heavyweight Champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b “Stellar” Travis Blake.
- November 22, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Thanksgiving Thunder Weekend (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Stellar Travis Blake b Franciz w/ Rich Ross via DQ, Entrepreneur Evan Schwartz b Fady the Arabian Bull after guest referee Jennifer’s assistance, IWF American Champion Mad Dawg Jenkins b Damian Adams, IWF Heavyweight Champion Hi-Definition Chris Steeler w/ Rich Ross b Juicy Justin Corino, IWF Tag Team champions Frank Scoleri and Kraig Stagg b Marc Corino and Gianni Calvo, Chachi and Jarrett Foster b IWF Tag Team champions Frank Scoleri and Kraig Stagg via count-out, Kevin Knight b Dangerous Dan McGuire w/ Rich Ross – As a result, Ross is out as Commissioner.
- December 20, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 10th Annual Tournament of Champions (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Mr. Casino b Franciz to advance. “Bruising Bookworm” Frank Scoleri b Hush Holiday to advance. Chachi w/Jana b “All Things” Evan Schwartz w/ Jennifer to advance. Damian Adams b “Bright Lights” Jarrett Foster to advance. “Juicy” Justin Corino b Travis Blake to advance. Kevin Knight b German Menace Kraig Stagg to advance. “Dangerous” Dan McGuire b “Varsity” Marc Corino w/Alissa to advance. Chris Steeler b Fady the Arabian Bull to advance.
- December 23, 2009 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 10th Annual Tournament of Champions (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Juicy Justin Corino b “Bruising Bookworm” Frank Scoleri to advance to the finals, Chachi w/ Jana b Dangerous Dan McGuire to advance to the finals, Damian Adams b Mr. Casino to advance to the finals, “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b Kevin Knight to advance to the finals, Fady the Arabian Bull and Travis Blake and Jarrett Foster w/Alissa b Kraig Stagg and Franciz and Evan Schwartz w/Jennifer, Chachi b Chris Steeler and Damian Adams and Justin Corino in a Fatal-Four-Way Tournament Final to win the vacant IWF American Title.
- January 16, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party Event “Countdown to Winter Warfare” (Afternoon) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri defeated All Things Evan Schwartz. IWF American Champion Chachi defeated Franciz to retain the title. Kevin Knight defeated God’s Gift Aaron Stride.
- January 16, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party Event “Countdown to Winter Warfare” (Night) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Travis Blake defeated Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and God’s Gift Aaron Stride. IWF American Champion Chachi defeated Franciz to retain the title. Kevin Knight defeated IWF Champion Hi-Definition Chris Steeler in non-title match.
- January 22, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Winter Warfare Weekend (Night 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Mr. Casino b God’s Gift Aaron Stride, Fady the Arabian Bull b Franciz in a Bodyslam Challenge, Travis Blake and Alissa b “All Things” Evan Schwartz and Jennifer, IWF American champion Chachi vs. Damian Adams ended in a draw, Dangerous Dan b Jarrett Foster (c) and Gianni Calvo in Triple Threat to win the IWF Junior title, IWF Heavyweight champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b Juicy Justin Corino, “The Young Stallion” Jim Powers and Kevin Knight b IWF Tag Team champions “Bruising Bookworm” Frank Scoleri and “German Menace” Kraig Stagg by DQ.
- January 23, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Winter Warfare Weekend (Night 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Travis Blake b All Things Evan Schwartz, “God’s Gift” Aaron Stride and Franciz b Fady the Arabian Bull and Mr. Casino, Jennifer b Alissa, Kevin Knight b “Bruising Bookworm” Frank Scoleri, Juicy Justin Corino b “German Menace” Kraig Stagg in Posedown Challenge, “God’s Gift” Aaron Stride b Hush Holiday, “The Young Stallion” Jim Powers and Chachi b “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler and Damian Adams.
- February 19, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – February Fury Weekend Day 1 in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Center: Fady the Arabian Bull b Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri, The Mastodon Franciz b Hush Holiday, Evan Schwartz and Jennifer b Travis Blake and Alissa, IWF American champion Chachi w/Jana b Mr. Casino and God’s Gift Aaron Stride in a Triple Threat Match, German Menace Kraig Stagg b uicy Justin Corino, Tito Santana and Kevin Knight b Chris Steeler and Damian Adams.
- February 20, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – February Fury Weekend Day 2 in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Center: Juicy Justin Corino b “All Things” Evan Schwartz, Travis Blake b The Mastodon Franciz, Jana b Jennifer and Alissa in a Ladies Triple Threat Match, Chachi b Damian Adams to retain the IWF American title, Tito Santana and Fady The Arabian Bull and Mr. Casino b Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg and God’s Gift Aaron Stride, Kevin Knight b “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler in a No-DQ Match to win the IWF Heavyweight title – ending Steeler’s one-year reign.
- April 23, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 13th Annual Anniversary Event (Reckless Abandon Weekend Day 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Center: Mr. Casino b Travis Blake and All Things Evan Schwartz and Hush Holiday in Fatal-Four-Way Match, Fady the Arabian Bull b Damian Adams, Jana and Alissa b Evan Schwartz, Chachi b Franciz to retain the IWF American title, “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b “Juicy” Justin Corino, Bushwhacker Luke and Kevin Knight and Mad Dawg Jenkins b Aaron Stride and Frank Scoleri and Kraig Stagg with special guest referee Dr. Tom Prichard.
- April 24, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 13th Annual Anniversary Event (Reckless Abandon Weekend Day 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Center: Fady the Arabian Bull b “Bruising Bookworm” Frank Scoleri, “German Menace” Kraig Stagg defeated “Varsity” Marc Corino, Kevin Knight b “God’s Gift” Aaron Stride to retain the IWF Heavyweight title with special guest referee Dr. Tom Prichard, Chachi b Damian Adams and Mad Dawg Jenkins and Mr. Casino in Fatal-Four-Way Match to retain the IWF American title, Bushwhacker Luke and Travis Blake and Juicy Justin Corino b Chris Steeler and Franciz and Evan Schwartz.
- May 1, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Center: Chachi b German Menace Kraig Stagg to retain the IWF American title, Fady the Arabian Bull b All Things Evan Schwartz, Kevin Knight b Travis Blake to retain the IWF Heavyweight title with guest referee Mr. Casino.
- May 8, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Private Party in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Center: Mr. Casino b All Things Evan Schwartz, Chachi b German Menace Kraig Stagg to retain the IWF American title, Kevin Knight b Damian Adams to retain the IWF Heavyweight title with guest referee Mad Dawg Jenkins.
- May 21, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Mayhem Weekend (Day 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Center: “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b Travis Blake, IWF Tag Team champions Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg b Mr. Casino and Varsity Marc Corino, Alissa b Jana in a Ladies Match, “God’s Gift” Aaron Stride b Chachi to win the IWF American title, Damian Adams b Austin Williams, “All Things” Evan Schwartz b Hush Holiday, Fady The Arabian Bull b Kevin Knight to win the IWF Heavyweight title.
- May 22, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Mayhem Weekend (Day 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Center: “All Things” Evan Schwartz b Uncle Pat, “Varsity” Marc Corino b All Things Evan Schwartz, “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b Damian Adams in a #1 Contender’s Match, Mr. Casino b Chachi, IWF American champion “God’s Gift” Aaron Stride w/Richard Ross b Kevin Knight, IWF Tag Team champions Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg b Travis Blake and Juicy Justin Corino w/ Alissa, IWF Heavyweight champion Fady The Arabian Bull b The Mastodon Franciz.
- June 25, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Commissioner’s Cup Tag Team Tournament Weekend (Day 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Center: Imperial Dictatorship (Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg) b Happy Trails (Hush Holiday and Uncle Pat) to advance, Lethal Injection (The Mastodon Franciz and Doctor Hurtz) b Fame and Fortune (Chachi and Eddy Latham) to advance, Illusion and Allure (Damian Adams and God’s Gift Aaron Stride) b Demon and Diamond (Kevin Knight and Dangerous Danny E.) to advance, The First-Team (Varsity Marc Corino and Austin Williams w/ Commissioner Casino) b CenterStage (Juicy Justin Corino and Stellar Star Travis Blake w/ Alissa) to advance, Fady The Arabian Bull b “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- June 26, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Commissioner’s Cup Tag Team Tournament Weekend (Day 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Center: Illusion and Allure (Damian Adams and God’s Gift Aaron Stride w/Richard Ross) b Lethal Injection: The Mastodon Franciz and Doctor Hurtz to advance to the Finals, The First-Team (Varsity Marc Corino and Austin Williams w/ Commissioner Casino) b Imperial Dictatorship (Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg) to advance to the Finals, “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b Fady The Arabian Bull (c) and Kevin Knight in a Triple Threat Elimination Match to win the IWF Heavyweight Title in Fady’s final IWF match before leaving for WWE, Chachi b “Stellar Star” Travis Blake w/ Alissa (Non-Tournament Match), Juicy Justin Corino w/ Alissa b Hush Holiday w/ Uncle Pat (Non-Tournament Match), Illusion and Allure (Damian Adams and God’s Gift Aaron Stride w/Richard Ross) b The First-Team (Varsity Marc Corino and Austin Williams w/Commissioner Casino) in the Finals to win the 2010 Commissioner’s Cup Tag Team Tournament.
- July 23, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Summer Sizzler Weekend Live Event (Day 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Center: The Mastodon Franciz b Hush Holiday and Uncle Pat in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match, Damian Adams b Dangerous Danny E., Stellar Travis Blake vs. Juicy Justin Corino ended in a no-contest with guest referee Alissa after interference by Franciz, Kevin Knight b IWF American champion “God’s Gift” Aaron Stride by DQ, Imperial Dictatorship (Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg) b The First-Team (Varsity Marc Corino and All-Star Austin Williams w/Commissioner Casino) to retain the IWF Tag Team titles with guest referee Jana, “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b “Latin Lover” Chachi to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- July 24, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Summer Sizzler Weekend Live Event (Day 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Center: “Casa da Gioco” interview segment saw host Commissioner Casino interview his deputy, Mad Dawg Jenkins, who suspended Doctor Hurtz for 30 days due to his plot to attack Alissa. “All-Star” Austin Williams b “German Menace” Kraig Stagg, Latin Lover Chachi b IWF American champion “God’s Gift” Aaron Stride via count-out, “CenterStage / Stellar” Travis Blake and “Juicy” Justin Corino w/Alissa b “The Mastodon” Franciz and “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler. “Bruising Bookworm” Frank Scoleri conducted a Literary Reading for Hush Holiday and Uncle Pat. “Bruising Bookworm” Frank Scoleri w/Kraig Stagg b “Varsity” Marc Corino w/ Commissioner Casino, Kevin Knight b Damian Adams with guest referee Jana.
- August 27, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Desperate Measures Weekend (Day 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: German Menace Kraig Stagg won the Lucky 13 “Casino Royale” Over-the-top-Rope Rumble (Participants included Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri, Stellar Travis Blake, Juicy Justin Corino, The Mastodon Franciz, Varsity Marc Corino, All-Star Austin Williams, Hush Holiday, Uncle Pat, Jana, Alissa, Jennifer and Joey Tyler), IWF American champion God’s Gift Aaron Stride participated in a special “Year of Allure” Fashion Show, Kevin Knight b Cameron Matthews w/God’s Gift Aaron Stride by DQ, Dangerous Danny E. b Illusionist Damian Adams in a Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match, “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b Latin Lover Chachi to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- August 28, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Desperate Measures Weekend (Day 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: The First-Team (Varsity Marc Corino and All-Star Austin Williams w/ Commissioner Casino) b Imperial Dictatorship (Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg) to win the IWF Tag Team titles, Illusionist Damian Adams participated in a special “Illusions of Grandeur” Magic Show, IWF American champion God’s Gift Aaron Stride vs. Kevin Knight ended in a 20-minute time-limit-draw, Juicy Justin Corino won the Lucky 13 “Casino Royale” Over-the-top-Rope Rumble. (Participants included Hi-Definition Chris Steeler, Illusionist Damian Adams, Latin Lover Chachi, Stellar Travis Blake w/ Alissa, The Mastodon Franciz w/ Jennifer, Doctor Hurtz, Hush Holiday, Uncle Pat, Frank Scoleri, Marc Corino, Donte Arcade and Johnny Rodriguez).
- September 24, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Fall Brawl Weekend (Day 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Latin Lover Chachi b German Menace Kraig Stagg, Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri b Hush Holiday w/Uncle Pat, Alissa b Jennifer with special guest referee Jana, IWF Heavyweight champion “Hi-Definition” Chris Steeler b Donte Arcade in a non-title match, IWF Tag Team champions The First-Team (Varsity Marc Corino and All-Star Austin Williams w/Commissioner Casino) b CenterStage (Juicy Justin Corino and Stellar Travis Blake) by DQ after interference by The Mastodon Franciz, “God’s Gift” Aaron Stride b Kevin Knight in a No Disqualification Match after interference by Travis Blake to retain the IWF American title.
- September 25, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Fall Brawl Weekend (Day 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: IWF American champion God’s Gift Aaron Stride b Donte Arcade in a non-title match, Latin Lover Chachi b Uncle Pat, Jana b Jennifer with special guest referee Alissa, Kevin Knight b Stellar Travis Blake w/Aaron Stride, Imperial Dictatorship (Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg) b The First-Team (Varsity Marc Corino and All-Star Austin Williams w/Commissioner Casino) to win the IWF Tag Team titles, Juicy Justin Corino b Doctor Hurtz by DQ after interference by The Mastodon Franciz, Hi-Definition Chris Steeler b Dangerous Danny E. to retain the IWF Heavyweight title.
- October 22, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Evil Intentions Weekend (Day 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Juicy Justin Corino w/ Alissa b IWF American champion God’s Gift Aaron Stride by DQ after interference by Travis Blake, Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg b Donte Arcade and Hush Holiday w/Jana to retain the IWF Tag Team titles, Illusionist Damian Adams b All-Star Austin Williams, Kevin Knight vs. The Mastodon Franciz w/Jennifer ended in a Double Countout, Varsity Marc Corino w/Commissioner Casino b Stellar Travis Blake w/Aaron Stride, Latin Lover Chachi b Hi-Definition Chris Steeler in a “Last Man Standing” Match to win the IWF Heavyweight title.
- October 23, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Evil Intentions Weekend (Day 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: The First-Team (Varsity Marc Corino and All-Star Austin Williams w/ Commissioner Casino) b Lethal Injection (The Mastodon Franciz and Doctor Hurtz w/ Jennifer), German Menace Kraig Stagg b Donte Arcade, Juicy Justin Corino w/ Alissa b Stellar Travis Blake, Latin Lover Chachi b Illusionist Damian Adams to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, Hush Holiday w/Jana b Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri, Kevin Knight and Flex Freeman b Hi-Definition Chris Steeler and God’s Gift Aaron Stride.
- November 19, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Thanksgiving Thunder Weekend (Day 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: God’s Gift Aaron Stride b Juicy Justin Corino w/Alissa to retain the IWF American Title, Flex Freeman b Stellar Travis Blake w/ Jennifer, Illusionist Damian Adams b Donte Arcade and Hush Holiday and Joey Taylor in a Gauntlet Elimination Match (Arcade def Taylor; Adams def Arcade; then Adams def Holiday), The Mastodon Franciz b Kevin Knight, The First-Team (Varsity Marc Corino and All-Star Austin Williams w/ Commissioner Casino) b Imperial Dictatorship (Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg w/Larry Lawson) in a Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match to win the IWF Tag Team Titles, Latin Lover Chachi b Hi-Definition Chris Steeler in a Paterson Street Fight to retain the IWF Heavyweight Title.
- November 20, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Thanksgiving Thunder Weekend (Day 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Illusionist Damian Adams b Varsity Marc Corino w/ Commissioner Casino, Jana b Alissa and Jennifer in a Ladies Triple Threat Elimination Match. (Alissa def Jennifer; then Jana def Alissa), All-Star Austin Williams w/Commissioner Casino b Stellar Travis Blake, Kevin Knight b Doctor Hurtz, Flex Freeman b God’s Gift Aaron Stride to win the IWF American Title, German Menace Kraig Stagg w/Larry Lawson b Joey Golden and Tommy Nero in a handicap match, The Mastodon Franciz b Latin Lover Chachi to win the IWF Heavyweight Title.
- December 17, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – December to Remember (Day 1) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Playboy Vik Voorhees defeated Alex Rush, Latin Lover Chachi defeated God’s Gift Aaron Stride, The Imperial Dictatorship (Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg w/Larry Lawson) defeated Joey Golden and Tommy Nero, Juicy Justin Corino w/ Alissa defeated Stellar Travis Blake w/ Jennifer in a Submission Match with Special Guest Referee Jana, IWF Heavyweight champion The Mastodon Franciz w/Richard Ross defeated All-Star Austin Williams w/ Commissioner Casino, The Shore’s Robbie E and Illusionist Damian Adams and Hi-Definition Chris Steeler defeated Kevin Knight and Flex Freeman in a 3-on-2 Handicap Match.
- December 18, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – December to Remember [Tournament of Champions] (Day 2) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Kevin Knight b TNA Superstar The Shore Robbie E by DQ, Illusionist Damian Adams defeated Juicy Justin Corino w/ Alissa to advance to the finals, IWF champion The Mastodon Franciz defeated Latin Lover Chachi to advance to the finals, IWF American champion Flex Freeman b Hi-Definition Chris Steeler to advance to the finals. All-Star Austin Williams and Playboy Vik Voorhees w/Mr. Casino defeated God’s Gift Aaron Stride and Stellar Travis Blake w/ Jennifer and Bruising Bookworm and German Menace w/ Larry Lawson and Donte Arcade and Hush Holiday w/ Jana in a 4-WAY to retain the IWF Tag Team titles, Flex Freeman defeated The Mastodon Franciz and Illusionist Damian Adams in a Triple-Threat Final to win the 11th Annual Tournament.
- December 28, 2010 – Independent Wrestling Federation – December to Remember (Day 3) in West Paterson, New Jersey at the IWF Centre: Dangerous Danny E wrestled Hi-Definition Chris Steeler to a 15-minute time-limit draw, The Imperial Dictatorship (Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg w/ Larry Lawson) b IWF Tag Team champions All-Star Austin Williams and Playboy Vik Voorhees w/ Mr. Casino to win the IWF Tag Team titles (As a result of the loss, Mr. Casino is barred from ringside for 60 days), Kevin Knight vs. “Lethal Injection” Doctor Hurtz ended in a Double Count-out, “Real Deal” Flex Freeman b “Illusionist” Damian Adams by DQ to retain the IWF American title, Tito Santana and “Latin Lover” Chachi and “Juicy” Justin Corino beat IWF Heavyweight champion The Mastodon Franciz and “God’s Gift” Aaron Stride and “Stellar” Travis Blake. (The loser of the fall, Travis Blake, must leave town for 60 days).
- January 28, 2011 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Winter Warfare Live Event in West Paterson, New Jersey: IWF Tag Team champions The Imperial Dictatorship w/ Yours Truly Larry Lawson b Live Wire Donte Arcade and Silent Storm Hush Holiday, God’s Gift Aaron Stride b Karson Slade, IWF Heavyweight Champion The Mastodon Franciz b Joey Golden, IWF American Champion Real Deal Flex Freeman b Tommy Nero, Latin Lover Chachi and Juicy Justin Corino b Live Wire Donte Arcade and Silent Storm Hush Holiday, Illusionist Damian Adams b Joey Golden, Hi-Definition Chris Steeler b Karson Slade, All-Star Austin Williams w/ Showtime Joshua Maddox b Tommy Nero, Kevin Knight b Illusionist Damian Adams by DQ in a Lumberjack Match.
- February 12, 2011 – Independent Wrestling Federation – February Fury Live Event Day 1 in West Paterson, New Jersey: God’s Gift Aaron Stride b Live Wire Donte Arcade and Silent Storm Hush Holiday to win Triple Threat Elimination, World-Class Karson Slade (w/Showtime Joshua Maddox) b Hi-Definition Chris Steeler, Kevin Knight b Scrap Iron Joey Golden, Illusionist Damian Adams b IWF American Champion Real Deal Flex Freeman by Count-out, The Mastodon Franciz b All-Star Austin Williams w/Showtime Joshua Maddox to retain the IWF Heavyweight title, The Imperial Dictatorship (Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg w/Yours Truly Larry Lawson) b Sugar and Spice (Juicy Justin Corino and Latin Lover Chachi w/Jana) to retain the IWF Tag Team titles.
- February 26, 2011 – Independent Wrestling Federation – February Fury Live Event Day 2 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Live Wire Donte Arcade defeated Bright Lights Jarrett Foster. Real Deal Flex Freeman (IWF American Champion) defeated Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri of The Imperial Dictatorship (w/ Yours Truly Larry Lawson) and Illusionist Damian Adams in a Triple Threat Match. Kevin Knight defeated God’s Gift Aaron Stride by DQ. Latin Lover Chachi w/ Jana defeated German Menace Kraig Stagg of The Imperial Dictatorship w/ Yours Truly Larry Lawson.. All-Star Austin Williams and World-Class Karson Slade w/ Showtime Joshua Maddox defeated The Mastodon Franciz (IWF Heavyweight Champion) and Hi-Definition Chris Steeler.
- March 26, 2011 – Independent Wrestling Federation – March Madness Live Event Day 2 in West Paterson, New Jersey: Damian Adams b Latin Lover Chachi, Flex Freeman b Aaron Stride, Chris Steeler b Kevin Knight, Marc Corino won a Battle Royal, Mastodon Franciz b Danny E.
- April 9, 2011 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 14th Annual Reckless Abandon Anniversary Live Event Day 1 in Woodland Park, New Jersey: Latin Lover Chachi defeated Scrap Iron Joey Golden.Jana defeated Yours Truly Larry Lawson in an Arm-Wrestling Challenge.Live Wire Donte Arcade defeated Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri of The Imperial Dictatorship.Glitz and Glamour (God’s Gift Aaron Stride and Bright Lights Jarrett Foster) defeated The First Team (All-Star Austin Williams and Varsity Marc Corino).German Menace Kraig Stagg of The Imperial Dictatorship defeated World Class Karson Slade.Kevin Knight and IWF American Champion Real Deal Flex Freeman and Dangerous Danny E defeated IWF Heavyweight Champion The Mastodon Franciz and Hi-Definition Chris Steeler and Illusionist Damian Adams.
- April 23, 2011 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 14th Annual Reckless Abandon Anniversary Live Event Day 2 in Woodland Park, New Jersey: All-Star Austin Williams defeated God’s Gift Aaron Stride. Live Wire Donte Arcade and World Class Karson Slade w/ Scrap Iron Joey Golden upset The Imperial Dictatorship (Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg w/ Yours Truly Larry Lawson) to win the IWF Tag Team Titles. Bright Lights Jarrett Foster defeated Varsity Marc Corino. Dangerous Danny E defeated Kevin Knight (Travis Blake served as special guest referee). IWF American Champion Real Deal Flex Freeman defeated Illusionist Damian Adams to retain the title. Latin Lover Chachi w/ Jana defeated Lethal Injection Doctor Hurtz. IWF Heavyweight champion The Mastodon Franciz defeated Hi-Definition Chris Steeler to retain the title.
- May 21, 2011 – Independent Wrestling Federation – IWF Mayhem Live Event Day 2 in Woodland Park, New Jersey: Varsity Marc Corino defeated Bright Lights Jarrett Foster. Scrap Iron Joey Golden defeated Absolutely Edwin w/ Yours Truly Larry Lawson. God’s Gift Aaron Stride defeated All-Star Austin Williams. Hi-Definition Chris Steeler defeated Kevin Knight in a Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match. IWF Tag Team champions Live Wire Donte Arcade and World-Class Karson Slade defeated The Imperial Dictatorship (Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri and German Menace Kraig Stagg w/ Yours Truly Larry Lawson). IWF American champion Real Deal Flex Freeman defeated IWF Heavyweight champion The Mastodon Franciz w/ Richard Ross by DQ (Dr. Tom Prichard was the special guest referee).
- June 11, 2011 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 9th Annual Commissioner’s Cup Tag Team Tournament Day 1 in Woodland Park, New Jersey: IWF Tag Team Champions Live Wire Donte Arcade and World-Class Karson Slade vs. Absolutely Menacing (German Menace Kraig Stagg and Absolutely Edwin w/Larry Lawson) ended in a double count-out (Both teams were eliminated). Self-Made Travis Blake defeated Jana in an Open Challenge Match. The Mastodon Franciz and Hi-Definition Chris Steeler defeated All-Star Austin Williams and Scrap Iron Joey Golden to advance to the finals 6/25. Real Deal Flex Freeman and Kevin Knight defeated Glitz and Glamour (God’s Gift Aaron Stride and Bright Lights Jarrett Foster) to advance to the finals 6/25.
- June 25, 2011 – Independent Wrestling Federation – 9th Annual Commissioner’s Cup Tag Team Tournament Day 2 in Woodland Park, New Jersey: Live Wire Donte Arcade defeated Absolutely Edwin w/Larry Lawson. Self-Made Travis Blake defeated Scrap Iron Joey Golden. German Menace Kraig Stagg w/ Larry Lawson defeated World-Class Karson Slade. All-Star Austin Williams defeated Bright Lights Jarrett Foster. God’s Gift Aaron Stride defeated IWF Wrestling School Rookie Steven Sterling. IWF American Champion Real Deal Flex Freeman and Kevin Knight defeated IWF Heavyweight Champion The Mastodon Franciz and Hi-Definition Chris Steeler to win the 9th Annual Commissioner’s Cup Tag Team Tournament.
- July 16, 2011 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Summer Sizzler Live Event Day 1 in Woodland Park, New Jersey: God’s Gift Aaron Stride and Bright Lights Jarrett Foster defeated World-Class Karson Slade and Live Wire Donte Arcade to win the IWF Tag Team titles. Kasey Coresh defeated Scrap Iron Joey Golden. German Menace Kraig Stagg w/Larry Lawson defeated Steven Sterling. Kevin Knight and Hi-Definition Chris Steeler defeated Self-Made Travis Blake and The Model Athlete Matt Walsh. Absolutely Edwin w/ Larry Lawson defeated All-Star Austin Williams. IWF American Champion Real Deal Flex Freeman won a 16-Man Over-the-Top-Rope Battle Royal in a record 1-minute and 45-seconds to win the vacant IWF Heavyweight Title by eliminating all 15 other participants himself (The 6’5″, 310-lb, undefeated rookie is the only man to hold the IWF Heavyweight Title and IWF American Title simultaneously!
- July 30, 2011 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Summer Sizzler Live Event Day 2 in Woodland Park, New Jersey: The Master Frank Scoleri defeated Jersey Jewel Steven Sterling. Scrap Iron Joey Golden defeated Kasey Coresh. God’s Gift Aaron Stride and Bright Lights Jarrett Foster defeated World-Class Karson Slade and Live Wire Donte Arcade to retain the IWF Tag Team titles. All-Star Austin Williams defeated Absolutely Edwin w/Larry Lawson with special guest referee was Jana. Self-Made Travis Blake defeated Hi-Definition Chris Steeler. German Menace Kraig Stagg w/Larry Lawson defeated Real Deal Flex Freeman w/ Kevin Knight to win the IWF American title.
- August 13, 2011 – Independent Wrestling Federation – Desperate Measures in Woodland Park, New Jersey: Jersey Jewel Steven Sterling defeated The Master Frank Scoleri. Live Wire Donte Arcade defeated IWF Tag Team Champion Bright Lights Jarrett Foster by count-out. Scrap Iron Joey Golden defeated Kasey Coresh by DQ in a Taped-Fist Match (Jana served as Special Guest Referee), All-Star Austin Williams w/Mr. Casino defeated IWF Tag Team Champion God’s Gift Aaron Stride. IWF Heavyweight Champion Real Deal Flex Freeman and Hi-Definition Chris Steeler w/ Kevin Knight defeated IWF American Champion German Menace Kraig Stagg and Self-Made Travis Blake and Absolutely Edwin w/ Larry Lawson in a 3-on-2 Tag Team Match.

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