- August 28, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Louisville, Kentucky: Blaze b Cash Flo, Tracy Smothers b Rollin Hard, Shawn Casey and Chris Michaels b American Kickboxer and Shark Boy, Bull Pain b Tom Burton to retain the IWA-MS World title, Sherri Martel b Debbie Combs in a Falls Count Anywhere Match to retain the NWA Women’s title, Ian Rotten and Pitbull #2 b Mad Man Pondo and Ox Harley.
- September 4, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Louisville, Kentucky: Reckless Youth b American Kickboxer to win the IWA-MS Light-Heavyweight title, Mad Man Pondo b Ox Harley in a Make a Wish Match, Blaze b Salvatore Sincere, The Misfits b The War Machines to win the IWA-MS Tag Team titles, Pitbull #2 b J.R. Ryder, Tower of Doom b Twiggy Ramirez, Sherri Martel b Debbie Combs in a Dog Collar Match to retain the NWA Women’s title, Vampire Warrior (Gangrel) b Ian Rotten, Bull Pain b Tracy Smothers to retain the IWA-MS World title.
- September 11, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Louisville, Kentucky: Tyrin b American Kickboxer, Ian Rotten b Bobby Martin, Tower of Doom and Shark Boy b The Batten Twins, Blaze b Shawn Casey, The War Machines b Rollin Hard and Cash Flo, Ox Harley b Mad Man Pondo, Tracy Smothers b Bull Pain to win the IWA-MS World title.
- September 18, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Louisville, Kentucky: Blaze b Vladimir Koloff, The Batten Twins b Tower of Doom and Shark Boy and Tarek the Great and American Kickboxer in a 3-WAY, Buddy Landell b Bull Pain, Debbie Combs b Sherri Martel to win the NWA Women’s title, Ox Harley b Mad Man Pondo in a Loser Leaves IWA For 30 Days Match, The War Machines b Ian Rotten and Bunkhouse Buck, Salvatore Sincere b Tracy Smothers to win the IWA-MS World title.
- September 20, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Bardstown, Kentucky: Tarek the Great b Twiggy Ramirez, Rollin Hard b Cash Flo to retain the Food Stamp title, Buddy Landell b The Wild Child, Debbie Combs b Sherri Martel and Angel in a 3-WAY to retain the NWA Women’s title, Salvatore Sincere b Bull Pain to retain the IWA-MS World title, The War Machines b Ox Harley and Cash Flo, Ian Rotten and Blaze b The Misfits to win the NWA U.S. Tag Team titles.
- September 25, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Louisville, Kentucky: American Kickboxer b Don Montoya, Twiggy Ramirez b Tarek the Great, Cash Flo b Rollin Hard, Blaze b Tyrin, Debbie Combs and Rosie Palmer (Mad Man Pondo) wrestled to a no contest, Ox Harley b Tower of Doom, Doug Gilbert b Buddy Landell.
- September 30, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Louisville, Kentucky: J.C. Ice b Shawn Casey, Ox Harley b Bobby Martin, Bull Pain b Tracy Smothers, Doug Gilbert b Shark Boy, Rollin Hard won a Battle Royal to win the IWA-MS Television title, Rollin Hard b Tower of Doom to retain the IWA-MS Television title, Tom Burton b Tarek the Great, J.C. Ice and Tracy Smothers wrestled to a time limit draw, American Kickboxer b Brett Keen, Shark Boy and Bobby Martin wrestled to a no contest, Billy Joe Travis and Blaze wrestled to a no contest (Note: This was a double TV taping for the never aired IWA television show).
- October 7, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Louisville, Kentucky: Shark Boy b Ox Harley, Rollin Hard b Cash Flo to retain the IWA-MS Television title, Tracy Smothers b Flash Flanagan, Billy Joe Travis b J.C. Ice, Axl Rotten b Bull Pain, Doug Gilbert b Ian Rotten, Bad Breed (Ian and Axl Rotten) and J.C. Ice b Bull Pain and Billy Joe Travis and Doug Gilbert.
- October 14, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Louisville, Kentucky: Tarek the Great b Cash Flo, Shark Boy b Brett Keen, Flash Flanagan b Tracy Smothers in a Lumberjack Match, Bull Pain b Mad Man Pondo, Doug Gilbert and Flash Flanagan b Ian Rotten and Tracy Smothers.
- October 21, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – 1997 King of the Death Matches in New Albany, Indiana: Rollin Hard b Bull Pain in a Thumbtack Bat/Barbed Wire Boards Match (quarters), Ian Rotten b Cash Flo in a Thumbtack Bat/Barbed Wire Boards Match (quarters), Balls Mahoney b War Machine #1 in a Barbed Wire Board and Bat Match (quarters), Doug Gilbert b Ox Harley in a Barbed Wire Bat Match (quarters), Axl Rotten b War Machine #2 in a Four Corners of Pain Match (quarters), Mad Man Pondo b Tower of Doom in a Four Corners of Pain Match (quarters), Ian Rotten b Rollin Hard in a Spider Net Death Match (semis), Axl Rotten b Balls Mahoney, Doug Gilbert b Mad Man Pondo in a Spider Net Death Match (semis); Gilbert refused to wrestle in the finals; Ian Rotten b Axl Rotten in an Electrified Light Bulb Death Match to win the 1997 King of the Death Match Tournament.
- October 28, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Louisville, Kentucky: Shark Boy b American Kickboxer, Brett King b Danny Dee, Debbie Combs b Mad Man Pondo, Rollin Hard b Cash Flo in a Falls Count Anywhere to retain the IWA-MS Television title, Ox Harley b Ian Rotten, Tracy Smothers b Flash Flanagan in a 2 Out of 3 Falls Match.
- November 4, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – 1st Anniversary Show in Louisville, Kentucky: American Kickboxer b Danny Dee, Rollin Hard b Cash Flo in a Title vs. Hair Match to retain the IWA-MS Television title, Mad Man Pondo b Debbie Combs, Bull Pain b Tracy Smothers and Salvatore Sincere in a 3-WAY to win the IWA-MS World title, Paul Diamond b Flash Flanagan, Ox Harley and Steven Dunn b Bad Breed (Ian and Axl Rotten) in a Texas Tornado Match.
- November 7, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Lexington, Kentucky: American Kickboxer b Tyrin and Shark Boy in a 3-WAY to win the vacant IWA-MS Light-Heavyweight title, Cash Flo b Rollin Hard in a non-title match, Brett King b Bobby Martin, Steven Dunn b Billy Joe Travis, Mad Man Pondo b Ox Harley, Buddy Landell b Bull Pain to win the IWA-MS World title, Ian Rotten b Doug Gilbert in a “Throw in the Towel” Match.
- November 8, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in [INSERT]: Buddy Landell b Bull PainBuddy Landell to win the IWA-MS World title.
- November 11, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Louisville, Kentucky: Rollin Hard b Shark Boy to retain the IWA-MS Television title, Cash Flo b Mad Man Pondo, Doug Gilbert b Billy Joe Travis, Flash Flanagan b Tracy Smothers in a Texas Death Match, Bull Pain and Paul Diamond wrestled to a double pin for the IWA-MS World title, Ian Rotten and Mad Man Pondo b Ox Harley and Steven Dunn.
- November 18, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Louisville, Kentucky: American Kickboxer b Psycho Kid to retain the IWA-MS Light-Heavyweight title, Cash Flo b Shark Boy, Bull Pain and Paul Diamond wrestled to a no contest in a Ladder Match for the vacant IWA-MS World title, Billy Joe Travis b Doug Gilbert in a First Blood Match, Tracy Smothers b Flash Flanagan in a Falls Count Anywhere Match, Wolfie D b J.T. Atlas, Ox Harley b Mad Man Pondo, Ian Rotten b Steven Dunn in a Lumberjack Strap Match.
- November 27, 1997 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – Gorefeast 1997 in Louisville, Kentucky: Twiggy Ramirez b American Kickboxer and Psycho Kid in a 3-WAY to win the IWA-MS Light-Heavyweight title, Chip Fairway b Shark Boy, Cash Flo b Ian Rotten, Rollin Hard b Hack Myers to retain the IWA-MS Television title, Mad Man Pondo b Ox Harley in a Loser Leaves Town Match.

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