Full Impact Pro

  • September 24, 2004 – Full Impact Pro Wrestling – Emergence (Night #1) in St. Petersburg, Florida at the University of South Florida: Kahagas b Scott Andrews (Round #1), Joshua Masters b Lex Lovett after a low-blow and a rollup (Round #1), Jerrelle Clark b Slim J (Round #1), C.M. Punk b Vordell Walker with help from Joshua Masters (Round #1), Rainman b Jason Cross (1st Round), Austin Aries b Roderick Strong in the match of the night (1st Round), Justin Credible b Ralph Mosca (1st Round), Homicide b AJ Styles by DQ (1st Round) (CM Punk attacked both men with a chair, but Styles grabbed the chair and the referee saw him with it and DQ’d Styles! Homicide andamp; AJ Styles destroyed CM Punk’s lackey Joshua Masters to get revenge) [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • September 25, 2004 – Full Impact Pro Wrestling – Emergence (Night #2) in St. Petersburg, Florida at the University of South Florida: Homicide b Joshua Masters w/C.M. Punk (Round #2), Rainman b Kahagas (Round #2), Austin Aries b Jerrelle Clark (Round #2), C.M. Punk b Justin Credible using the ropes for leverage (Round #2), Sedrick Strong andamp; Lex Lovett b The Heartbreak Express by DQ (not on DVD), Ryze b Aaron Epic (not on DVD), Homicide b Austin Aries (Semi Final), C.M. Punk b Rainman using the ropes for leverage (Semi Final), Notes: C.M. Punk wanted to start the Finals immediately but when Homicide ran out he was attacked by Joshua Masters until Rainman made the save, Roderick Strong b Jason Cross and Vordell Walker and Slim J in a 4-WAY Fray (4-WAY Fray = All 4 Men in the ring at the same time with pinfall or submission eliminations – Cross b Slim J – Cross b Walker – Strong b Cross), Homicide b CM Punk w/Joshua Masters in the Finals to win FIP title (The match started with a brawl that ended up out on the front lawn of the building right in the middle of a hurricane! They brawled some more in the lobby and the men’s room before finally making their way to the ring where the bell rang and the match “began”. ) [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • November 12, 2004 – Full Impact Pro Wrestling – Fallout Night 1 in Tampa, Florida at The Party Zone: Vordell Walker b Sal Rinauro, Roderick Strong b Mikey Batts, B.J. Whitmer did a demonstration to his Wrist Clutch Exploder over as a devastating finisher, B.J. Whitmer b Antonio Banks, Azrael b Rainman with help from CM Punk, Jimmy Rave vs Fast Eddie Vegas ended in a No Contest (After the match, Rave andamp; Vegas accepted contracts to join Dave Prazak’s DP Associates), Jerrelle Clark b Insane Dragon (Clark andamp; Dragon declined offers from Dave Prasak to join DP Associates – Jimmy Rave andamp; Fast Eddie attacked Clark andamp; Dragon;), Don Juan w/Angel Williams b Jared Steele, C.M. Punk b Dan Maff in a No-DQ match, Homicide b BJ Whitmer by Submission to retain FIP title. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • November 13, 2004 – Full Impact Pro Wrestling – Fallout Night 2 in Tampa, Florida: Mikey Batts b Don Juan (Don Juan was upset because his valet Angel Williams got spanked by Jared Steel last night and was too embarassed to come to the show tonight), Kahagas b Erick Stevens, Antonio Banks b Jared Steele, Double Deuce (Marcus Dillon andamp; Frankie Capone) b 911 Incorporated (Mike Shane andamp; Rod Steel w/Ron Neimi), Roderick Strong b B.J. Whitmer in a Strong Style Challenge, Rainman b Dan Maff and Azriael and Sal Rinauro in a 4-WAY Fray (Maff b Rinauro – Maff b Azriael – Rainman b Maff), DP Associates (Jimmy Rave andamp; Fast Eddie w/Dave Prazak) b Jerrelle Clark andamp; Insane Dragon, Homicide b C.M. Punk in a “Falls Count Anywhere in Tampa” match. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • December 17, 2004 – Full Impact Pro Wrestling – Florida Rumble in Lakeland, Florida: Spanky won a 19-Man #1 Contenders Florida Rumble, Antonio Banks b Erick Stevens, Mike Shane b Kahagus, Vordell Walker b Azriael, Fast Eddie b Salvatore Rinauro, Scoot Andrews andamp; LaDuke James b The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis), Jimmy Rave b Steve Madison with the Rave Clash, Roderick Strong b Jerrelle Clark with Back-breaker, James Gibson b C.M. Punk, Homicide b Spanky by Submission to retain FIP title. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • January 7, 2005 – Full Impact Pro Wrestling – New Year’s Classic in Lakeland, Florida: Mike Shane w/Ron Niemi b Brian Gamble, Scoot Andrews andamp; Ryze (Mystery Partner) b The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis), Vordell Walker b Seth Delay, Puma b Azriael w/CM Punk, C.M. Punk w/Azriael b Antonio Banks with help from Mike Shane, Samoa Joe b Roderick Strong (Standing Ovation – Strong begged for a rematch tomorrow! Joe accepted!), DP Associates (Jimmy Rave andamp; Fast Eddie Vegas w/Dave Prazak) b Jerrelle Clark andamp; Salvatore Rinauro, Homicide b James Gibson to retain the FIP title (C.M. Punk andamp; Azriael attacked Homicide after the match, James Gibson made the save. Homicide forced Punk to ride the mechanical bull).[This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • January 8, 2005 – Full Impact Pro Wrestling – Unfinished Business in Tampa, Florida: Scoot Andrews andamp; Kahagus b The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis), Steve Madison b Sal Rinauro, LaDuke Jakes w/Dave Prazak b Aaron Epic andamp; Jaison Moore in a Handicap match (Jakes did a sick blade job and the blood poured out), Azrieal w/C.M. Punk vs James Gibson ended in a NO CONTEST, Antonio Banks b Mike Shane w/Ron Niemi, Erick Stevens b Seth Delay, Jerrelle Clark b Fast Eddie Vegas w/Dave Prazak, Roderick Strong b Samoa Joe, Homicide andamp; James Gibson b The New Dawn (CM Punk andamp; Azrieal) in an ANYTHING GOES match [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • February 11, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – New Dawn Rising in Lakeland, Florida before 151 fans: LaDuke Jakes w/Dave Prazak b Evan Starsmore, Double Duece (Frankie Capone andamp; Marcus Dillon) b The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis), Antonio Banks b Scoot Andrews by Submission to retain his FIP title shot at the 2/19 ROH show (The stipulation was that Scoot Andrews had to shake hands with Antonio Banks, but he spit at him and walked out instead!), Vordell Walker won a Gauntlet Match to earn an ROH title shot tomorrow (Steve Madison b Sal Rinauro; Roderick Strong b Steve Madison; Roderick Strong b Rainman; Azriael b Roderick Strong; Vordell Walker b Azriael;), Jerrelle Clark b Fast Eddie Vegas to win 5-minutes Dave Prazak (Prazak claimed he was injured and substitudes LaDuke James, who beat up Jerrelle Clark, C.M. Punk (w/Azriael andamp; Naphtali [In a Wheel Chair]) b Puma with a choke Sleeper, American Dragon andamp; Rocky Romero b Homicide andamp; Austin Aries when Dradon made Aries tap to Cattle Mutilation. Homicide claimed that since Aries lost the fall, that his FIP title meant more than the ROH title [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • February 12, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – Dangerous Intentions in Sebring, Florida: Antonio Banks challenged Scoot Andrews to a rematch so Andrews slapped Banks, Aaron Epic andamp; Kahagus b The Heartbreak Express by forfit, Rainman b Evan Starsmore, Salvatore Rinauro (issued an open challenge) b Erick Stevens, C.M. Punk b American Dragon by Submission (The referee was knocked out when Dragon had Punk in the airplane spin | Azriael brought a 2X4 to the ring and Punk whacked Dragon’s knee with it! Punk then applied the Figure-4 to gain victory!), Antonio Banks b Scoot Andrews (After the match, Scoot Andrews said he is now “retired” and shook Antonio Banks’ hand!), Austin Aries b Vordell Walker to retain the Ring of Honor title, Puma b Fast Eddie Vegas and Jerrelle Clark and Azrieal in a 4-WAY Fray (Vegas b Clark; Azriael b Vegas; Puma b Azriael), Homicide b Rocky Romero to retain the FIP title [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • March 25, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – With Malice in Lakeland, Florida at the Latino’s Nightclub: Clips were shown of C.M. Punk stealing the FIP belt from Homicide at a recent ROH show, C.M. Punk came out with the FIP title and claimed possession is 9/10ths of the law, Erick Stevens andamp; Evan Starsmore b The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis), “Tornado” Tony Kozina b “The Texas Treat” Don Juan w/So Cal Val, Double Deuce (Frankie Capone andamp; Marcus Dillon) b 911 Inc (Rod andamp; Bruce Steele) [Not shown on DVD], Austin Aries b Insane Dragon w/Dave Prazak to retain the ROH World title, American Dragon b Roderick Strong (Dragon did a 37-revolution airplane spin. After the match, C.M. Punk attacked American Dragon until James Gibson made the save), Jared Steel b Vordell Walker and Masada in a 3-WAY, DP Associates (Jimmy Rave andamp; Fast Eddie w/Dave Prazak) b Steve Madison andamp; Sal Rinauro, C.M. Punk (w/Naphtali in a wheelchair) b James Gibson – Notes: Naphtali (known as Mr. Milo Beasley) got out of his wheel-chair to interfere while the referees back was turned [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • March 26, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – Bring the Pain in Sebring, Florida: Ryze (newest member of DP Associates) b Masked Fipper #1, Roderick Strong b Insane Dragon w/Dave Prazak to earn an ROH title match later, Erick Stevens b Don Juan (After the match, Don Juan pulled a very cute planted female fan named “Amanda” out of the crowd and convinced her to leave with him), Aaron Epic andamp; Kahagas b The Heartbreak Express, Steve Madison b Tony Kozina, Jared Steele b Evan Starsmore, Vordell Walker b Masada, Austin Aries b Roderick Strong by Submission to retain the ROH title, American Dragon b C.M. Punk w/Mr. Milo Beasley in a 2/3 fall match that lasted 41:00 [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • April 22, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – The Usual Suspects in Brandon, Florida: The Carnage Crew (Loc andamp; DeVito) b The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis), Ring Crew Express (Dunn andamp; Marcos) b The Carnage Crew (Loc andamp; DeVito), Roderick Strong andamp; Jerrelle Clark b Homicide andamp; Vordell Walker, Spanky andamp; Sal Rinauro b James Gibson andamp; Steve Madison (Madison turned on Gibson after the match), Lenny Leonard interviewed C.M. Punk (Punk still has the stolen FIP belt; Homicide showed up and chase Punk away!), DP Associates (Jimmy Rave andamp; Fast Eddie Vegas w/Dave Prazak) b Evan Starsmore andamp; Aaron Epic, DP Associates (Jimmy Rave andamp; Fast Eddie Vegas w/Dave Prazak) b The Ring Crew Express (Dunn andamp; Marcos), The New Dawn (C.M. Punk andamp; Don Juan w/Mr. Milo Beasley) b Spanky andamp; Sal Rinauro, Antonio Banks b Rainman and Jared Steel in a 3-WAY Elimination match, DP Associates (Jimmy Rave andamp; Fast Eddie Vegas w/Dave Prazak) b Roderick Strong andamp; Jerrelle Clark and The New Dawn (CM Punk andamp; Don Juan w/Mr. Milo Beasley) in a 3-WAY Elimination Tag match to become the first FIP World Tag Team champions!! [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • April 23, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – Violence is the Answer in Arcadia, Florida before 220 fans: Spanky b Roderick Strong, Antonio Banks b Ryze w/Dave Prazak, Interview with C.M. Punk (Punk claimed he is the FIP Champion; Lenny Leonard said he STOLE the belt; Punk harassed Leonard until Homicide made the save but Punk escaped with the belt!), Salvatore Rinauro w/Spanky b Jared Steel and Rainman and Kahagas in a 4-WAY Fray (Steel b Kahagas, Rinauro b Steel, Rinauro b Rainman), Fast Eddie Vegas w/Dave Prazak b Dunn when Jimmy Rave interfered (Marcos ran out and got beat up too; Jerrelle Clark made the save!), Jerrelle Clark b Jimmy Rave w/Dave Prazak, The Carnage Crew andamp; Marcos b The Heartbreak Xpress andamp; Don Juan, Steve Madison b James Gibson by using a closed fist wrapped with a chain, Homicide b C.M. Punk w/Mr. Milo Beasley in an Anything Goes match to retain the FIP title and take back the belt Punk had stolen [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • May 27, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – In Full Force in Arcadia, Florida: Steve Madison b Jay Fury, Antonio Banks b Phil Davis w/Sean Davis by DQ, Interview with The New Dawn (C.M. Punk introduced the newest members, Samoa Joe andamp; Colt Cabana), Samoa Joe b Evan Starsmore by Submission, Samoa Joe b Rainman, Vordell Walker b Jared Steel, Tony Mamaluke b “The Texas Treat” Don Juan, The New Dawn (C.M. Punk andamp; Azrieal) vs Spanky andamp; Sal Rinauro did not happen because Samoa Joe attacked Spanky before the match, The New Dawn (C.M. Punk andamp; Azriael) b Roderick Strong andamp; Jerrelle Clark in a #1 Contenders match with help from Mr. Milo Beasley, Sal Rinauro b Fast Eddie Vegas w/Dave Prazak, Homicide b Colt Cabana w/C.M. Punk to retain the FIP title. The New Dawn (C.M. Punk, Colt Cabana, Samoa Joe, Azrieal andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) attacked Homicide after the match! Roderick Strong, Jerrelle Clark, Sal Rinauro andamp; Spanky made the save! C.M. Punk said those “five jerks” ruined it because he was never coming back to Arcadia! [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • May 28, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – Unstoppable in Brooksville, Florida: Jerrelle Clark b Jared Steel (After the match, The New Dawn [Punk, Cabana, Joe, Azriael] attacked Jerrelle Clark), The New Dawn segment (C.M. Punk said Cabana couldn’t get the job done the night before. Cabana quit the New Dawn and Samoa Joe andamp; Azriael attacked him!), Don Juan andamp; Chris Marvel b The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis), Steve Madison b Aaron Epic, Vordell Walker b Rainman and Evan Starsmore and The Masked Fipper #2 in a 4-WAY Fray (Rainman b Starsmore, Rainman b Fipper #2, Walker b Rainman), C.M. Punk w/Samoa Joe b Sal Rinauro w/Spanky after throwing powder in Rinauro’s eyes!, Fast Eddie Vegas w/Dave Prazak b Jay Fury, Tony Mamaluke b Roderick Strong by Submission with the Fujiwara Armbar, Homicide b Azrieal to retain the FIP Heavyweight title (After the match, CM Punk andamp; Samoa Joe attacked Homicide until Colt Cabana, Sal Rinauro and Spanky made the save), Colt Cabana andamp; Sal Rinauro w/Spanky b The New Dawn (C.M. Punk andamp; Samoa Joe) (C.M. Punk tried to use the powder again but Spanky blew it back into Punk’s eyes) [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • June 24, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – Sold Out in St. Petersburg, Florida at the St Petersburg National Guard Amory: Steve Madison b Rainman with the help of a foreign object (Madison continues to called out James Gibson), Marcos b Jared Steel in an upset, Interview with The New Dawn (C.M. Punk sold the contracts of Samoa Joe andamp; Azriael to Dave Prazak. Azriael QUIT and the New Dawn andamp; DP Associates beat him up! Colt Cabana, Spanky andamp; Sal Rinauro made the save!), Dunn b Tony Kozina, The Heartbreak Express (Phil andamp; Sean Davis) vs Antonio Banks andamp; Don Juan ended in a No Contest when Juan turned on Banks, Tony Mamaluke b Roderick Strong in a Strong Style challenge, Aaron Epic b Evan Starsmore (not included on DVD), Jerrelle Clark b Jay Fury in a High Flyers challenger, C.M. Punk w/Mr. Milo Beasley vs Azrieal ended in a No Contest, Colt Cabana andamp; Spanky andamp; Sal Rinauro andamp; Azrieal b CM Punk andamp; Fast Eddie Vegas andamp; Samoa Joe andamp; Jimmy Rave [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • June 25, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – Payback in Crystal River, Florida: Rainman b Jared Steel by Submission, Steve Madison b Kahagus by use of a foreign object, Spanky b Tony Kozina and shook hands afterwards, The Ring Crew Express andamp; Antonio Banks b The Heartbreak Express andamp; Don Juan, Tony Mamaluke b Sal Rinauro and Jay Fury in a 3-WAY Elimination match, Samoa Joe w/Dave Prazak b Azrieal, Masked FIPper #3 b Evan Starsmore (not included on DVD), Jimmy Rave andamp; Fast Eddie Vegas w/Dave Prazak b Roderick Strong andamp; Jerrelle Clark to retain the FIP Tag Team titles, Colt Cabana b C.M. Punk in a 50:00 match which included outside interference of Spanky, Sal Rinauro, Azrieal, Samoa Joe and Jimmy Rave [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • August 5, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – Heatstroke ’05 (Night 1) in Crystal River, Florida before 485 fans: The Ring Crew Express (Dunn andamp; Marcos) b Jimmy Rave andamp; Fast Eddie Vegas (The top rope cable snapped during the match), Jerrelle Clark b Azrael and Roderick Strong and Jay Fury in a 4-WAY Fray (??? b Azriael, Fury b Strong, Clark b Fury), Tony Mamaluke b James Gibson by Submission, Sal Rinauro b Adam Pearce (debut) w/Dave Prazak with a surprise inside cradle, Samoa Joe w/Dave Prazak b Spanky by Choke-out Submission, Antonio Banks andamp; Rainman b The Heartbreak Express (After the match: Rainman turned on Antonio Banks!), C.M. Punk b “Crazy” Ace Steel to retain the ROH title, Homicide b “Modern Miracle” Steve Madison w/Erick Stevens to retain the FIP Heavyweight title (After the match, James Gibson attacked Steve Madison to get some revenge) [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • August 6, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – Heatstroke ’05 (Night 2) in Bushnell, Florida before a full house of 300: Steve Madison andamp; Erick Stevens b The Masked FIPers IV andamp; V, Samoa Joe w/Dave Prazak b “Crazy” Ace Steel, Jerrelle Clark andamp; Jay Fury b The Heartbreak Express and The Ring Crew Express in a 3-WAY, Adam Pearce w/Dave Prazak b Azrieal, Antonio Banks vs Rainman ended in a No Contest, Spanky andamp; Sal Rinauro b Jimmy Rave andamp; Fast Eddie Vegas (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) to win the Tag Team titles (After the match, it looked like Dave Prazak dumped Fast Eddie), Homicide b Tony Mamaluke to retain the FIP Heavyweight title, Roderick Strong b ROH Champion C.M. Punk w/Dave Prazak in a Non-title match [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • September 2, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – Big Year One Bash (Night 1) in Arcadia, Florida before 150 fans: Erick Stevens w/Steve Madison b Eric Starsmore, Erick Stevens w/Steve Madison b Chasyn Rance, Tony Mamaluke b Steve Madison by Submission, Antonio Banks b LaDuke Jakes, Rainman b Bruce Steele, Spanky andamp; Sal Rinauro b Jimmy Rave andamp; Jay Lethal w/Dave Prazak to retain the Tag Team titles, The Heartbreak Express came out and hit on Spanky’s girlfriend Taylor Matheny, The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis) b Spanky andamp; Rinauro to win the Tag Team titles (Spanky later gave his farewell speech preparing to return to WWE), Jerrelle Clark andamp; Jay Fury b Seth Delay andamp; Azriael, James Gibson b Roderick Strong in almost 30:00 to retain the ROH World title, Homicide b Nigel McGuiness (ROH Pure Champion) to retain the FIP Heavyweight title [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • September 3, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – Big Year One Bash (Night 2) in Bushnell, Florida before 300 fans: Jay Lethal w/Dave Prazak b Chasyn Rance, Sal Rinauro andamp; Seth Delay b Bruce Steel andamp; LaDuke Jakes (Gauntlet), Jerrelle Clark andamp; Jay Fury b Sal Rinauro andamp; Seth Delay (Gauntlet), Jerrelle Clark andamp; Jay Fury b Steve Madison andamp; Erick Stevens (Gauntlet), Evan Starsmore andamp; Jaison Moore b Jerrelle Clark andamp; Jay Fury to win the Gauntlet match and earn a tag title shot later on, Azrieal b Nigel McGuiness (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley), Rainman b Antonio Banks in a No-DQ Anything Goes match, Kahagas b Benny Blanco, The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis) b Evan Starsmore andamp; Jaison Moore to retain the Tag Team titles, Roderick Strong b Tony Mamaluke in a 2/3 Falls match that lasted over 30:00, Homicide b Jimmy Rave (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) to retain the FIP Heavyweight title (After the match, Jay Lethal attacked Homicide. Mr. Milo Beasley jumped out of his wheel chair and got a Cop-killa from Homicide. Then Rainman attacked Homicide and demanded a title shot!) [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • October 7, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – X Factor in Crystal River, Florida before 425 fans: Sean Waltman showed up and said he was just going to sit back and watch the show, Dave Prazak interview (Prazak insulted Waltman. Prazak announced that he signed American Dragon to DP Associates. Waltman returned and accepted Prazak’s challenge for later), Altar Boy Luke b Suicide, Rainman b Jason Moore and Benny Blanco and Evan Starsmore in a 4-WAY Fray (Rainman b Starsmore. Rainman b Moore. Rainman b Blanco), Tony Mamaluke b Azrieal (Jimmy Rave attacked Azriael afterwards until Sean Waltman made the save!), The Ring Crew Express (Dunn andamp; Marcos) b Erick Stevens andamp; Steve Madison and Fast andamp; Furious (Jay Fury andamp; Jerrelle Clark) in a 3-WAY #1 Contenders match, The Heartbreak Express w/So-Cal Val b The Ring Crew Express (Dunn andamp; Marcos) to retain the Tag Team titles, Colt Cabana andamp; Sal Rinauro b Milano Collection A.T. andamp; Roderick Strong in a #1 Contenders match, Dave Prazak invited Austin Aries to join DP Associates and Aries accepted, Homicide b Austin Aries w/Dave Prazak to retain the FIP title, Sean Waltman b Jimmy Rave w/Dave Prazak in an unadvertised main event [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • October 8, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – Fallout ’05 in Bushnell, Florida: Benny Blanco vs Evan Starsmore ended in a No Contest (Rainman showed up and whacked both men with chairshots! Rainman called out Homicide for a brief brawl to set up the main event), Altar Boy Luke b Marcos, Tony Mamaluke b Dunn, Steve Madison andamp; Erick Stevens b Fast andamp; Furious (Jerrelle Clark andamp; Jay Fury), Milano Collection A.T. b Roderick Strong, Jimmy Rave w/Dave Prazak vs Azrieal ended in a No Contest (Austin Aries attacked Azriael before the match, Sean Waltman made the save!), Colt Cabana andamp; Sal Rinauro b The Heartbreak Express w/So-Cal Val by DQ (The HBE retain the Tag Team titles), Jimmy Rave andamp; Austin Aries w/Dave Prazak b Sean Waltman andamp; Azrieal, Homicide b Rainman to retain the FIP title (After the match, Dave Prazak, Austin Aries and Jimmy Rave came out and destroyed Homicide’s shoulder with a chair. The locker room emptied and turned into a huge brawl with the babyfaces standing tall at the end. They were calling for an ambulance for Homicide) [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • November 11, 2005 – Full Impact Pro – Strength in Numbers in Inverness, Florida before more than 300 fans: Black Market (Joey Machete andamp; Shawn Murphy) b Evan Starsmore andamp; Rainman, American Dragon b Jaison Moore by Submission in 10 seconds in an open challenge to anyone in the audience, American Dragon (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Jimmy Rave) b Pelle Primeau by Submission, American Dragon vs Tony Mamaluke ended in a No Contest when Jimmy Rave interfered, Steve Madison b Derrick Dempsey, The Heartbreak Express w/So-Cal Val b Sal Rinauro andamp; Davey Andrews to retain the Tag Team titles, Jerrelle Clark b Erick Stevens, DP Associates (Jimmy Rave andamp; American Dragon w/Mr. Milo Beasley) b Tony Mamaluke andamp; Roderick Strong, DP Associates (Austin Aries andamp; Adam Pearce andamp; Shane Hagadorn w/Dave Prazak) b Chasyn Rance andamp; Seth Delay andamp; Altar Boy Luke, Sean “Syxx-Pac” Waltman b Austin Aries w/Dave Prazak [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • November 12, 2005 – Full Impact Pro in Brooksville, Florida: Erick Stevens b Pelle Primeau, Seth Delay b Derek Dempsey, Kory Chavis (formerly known as Rainman – w/The Heartbreak Express andamp; So Cal Val) b Davey Andrews, Sal Rinauro b Phil Davis (w/Sean Davis andamp; So Cal Val), Sean Waltman b Shane Hagadorn w/Dave Prazak, Jerrelle Clark b Steve Madison, LaDuke Jakes b Jaison Moore andamp; Evan Starsmore in a Handicap match, The Black Market (Joey Machete andamp; Shawn Murphy) b Alter Boy Luke andamp; Masked Fipper #6, Roderick Strong andamp; Sean Waltman andamp; Tony Mamaluke andamp; Sal Rinauro andamp; Jerrelle Clark b DP Associates (American Dragon andamp; Samoa Joe andamp; Austin Aries andamp; Adam Pearce andamp; Jimmy Rave w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) – Order of elimination: 1 – Aries pinned Clark, 2 – Joe submit Mamaluke, 3 – Waltman pinned Aries, 4 – Joe DQ’d for using a chair on Waltman, 5 – Dragon submit Waltman, 6 – Rinauro pinned Pearce, 7 – Rave pinned Rinauro, 8 – Strong pinned Rave, 9 – Strong pinned Dragon!
  • December 9, 2005 – Full Impact Pro in Inverness, Florida: The Market Crashers b Benny Blanco andamp; Evan Starsmore, Jimmy Rave won the Florida Rumble, Chasyn Rance b Seth Delay, Colt Cabana b Steve Madison, Roderick Strong b Jay Fury, The Heartbreak Express b Azrieal andamp; Adam Pearce to retain the Tag Team titles, Milano Collection AT b Sal Rinauro, American Dragon b Jerrelle Clark, Homicide b Jimmy Rave to retain the FIP title, Sean Waltman b Adam Pearce.
  • December 10, 2005 – Full Impact Pro in Brooksville, Florida: American Dragon b Roderick Strong, Seth Delay b Chasyn Rance and Kahagas and Benny Blanco and Jason Moore in a 5-WAY Fray, Colt Cabana b Milano Collection AT, Kory Chavis w/So Cal Val b Sal Rinauro, Jay Fury andamp; Jerrelle Clark b Erick Stevens andamp; Steve Madison, Sean Waltman andamp; Azrieal b Jimmy Rave andamp; Adam Pearce, The Masked Fippers b The Heartbreak Express in a non-title match (Flippers revealed later as Colt Cabana andamp; Sal Rinauro).
  • January 6, 2006 – Full Impact Pro in Bushnell, Florida: The Black Market b Benny Blanco andamp; Masked Fipper #9, Erick Stevens b Jay Fury, Jimmy Rave b Kahagus, Heartbreak Express b Colt Cabana andamp; Salvatore Rinauro, Seth Delay andamp; Chasyn Rance b Angel Armoni andamp; Jaison Moore, Tony Mamaluke b Jerrelle Clark, Steve Madison b Salvatore Rinauro, Roderick Strong andamp; Jack Evans b American Dragon andamp; Austin Aries .
  • January 7, 2006 – Full Impact Pro – Strong vs Evans in Crystal River, Florida: Jack Evans b Angel Armoni, Seth Delay andamp; Chasyn Rance andamp; Benny Blanco b The Heartbreak Express andamp; Kory Chavis w/So-Cal Val, Austin Aries (w/Mr. Milo Beasley andamp; American Dragon) b Jerrelle Clark, American Dragon (Mr. Milo Beasley andamp; Austin Aries) b Jay Fury, The Black Market (Shawn Murphy andamp; Joey Machete) b The Masked Fippers #9 andamp; #10, Tony Mamaluke b Jimmy Rave (Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley), Erick Stevens andamp; Steve Madison b Colt Cabana andamp; Sal Rinauro, Roderick Strong b Jack Evans in a great main event [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • January 20, 2006 – Full Impact Pro in Orlando, Florida: Jerrelle Clark andamp; Jay fury b Erick Stevens andamp; Steve Madison, Roderick Strong b Jay Lethal, Chasyn Rance andamp; Seth Delay b The Heartbreak Express by DQ, Sean Waltman b Tony Mamaluke, Donovan Morgan b Sal Rinauro, Lexie Fyfe b Lorelei Lee, Kahagas b Jaison Moore, Benny Blanco b Kenny King.
  • February 17, 2006 – Full Impact Pro in Clearwater, Florida: Salvatore Rinauro b Steve Madison, The Heartbreak Express b Jaison Moore andamp; Pretty Fly to retain the Tag Team titles, Canadian Cougar b Korey Chavis, Jerrelle Clark andamp; Jay Fury b Tony Mamaluke andamp; Chad Parham, Seth Delay andamp; Chasyn Rance b Black Market by DQ, Colt Cabana b Erick Stevens, American Dragon b Matt Sydal in 21:00 to retain the FIP title.
  • February 18, 2006 – Full Impact Pro in Crystal River, Florida before 300 fans: Black Market b Tony Mamaluke andamp; Chad Parham, Korey Chavis b Canadian Cougar, LaDuke Jakes b Masked Fipper #11, Erick Stevens b Sal Rinauro, The Heartbreak Express b Chasyn Rance andamp; Seth Delay to retain the Tag Team titles, Roderick Strong b Matt Sydal, Jay Fury andamp; Jerrelle Clark b American Dragon andamp; B.J. Whitmer when Fury pinned Danielson clean in the middle.
  • March 11, 2006 – Full Impact Pro in Bushnell, Florida: Steve Madison b Jerrelle Clark, Michael Patrick b JT Taylor in a Showcase match, Jaison Moore b Dagon Briggs, Scott Commodity andamp; Preston James b The Heartbreak Express w/So Cal Val by DQ, Krazy K b Dexter Poindexter, Chasyn Rance b Kory Chavis, Jerrelle Clark b Erick Stevens.
  • April 7, 2006 – Full Impact Pro in a Central Florida city: Jerrelle Clark won three-way over Dexter Poindexter and Krazy K, Black Market won three-way over Heartbreak Express and Seth Delay andamp; Chasyn Rance, Roderick Strong b Korey Chavis, Jay Fury b Tony Mamaluke, American Dragon b Alex Porteau, Colt Cabana andamp; Sal Rinauro b Steve Madison andamp; Erick Stevens in a Street Fight.
  • April 8, 2006 – Full Impact Pro in Crystal River, Florida: Alex Porteau b Dexter Poindexter, Korey Chavis b Chasyn Rance, Jerrelle Clark b Erick Stevens, Roderick Strong b Jerrelle Clark, Roderick Strong b Krazy K, Tony Mamaluke b Roderick Strong, Black Market b The Heartbreak Express in a non-title match, American Dragon b Jay Fury in 27:00 to retain the FIP title, Colt Cabana andamp; Sal Rinauro b Steve Madison andamp; Erick Stevens in a Street Fight.
  • May 26, 2006 – Full Impact Pro in Inverness, Florida: Steve Madison b Ace Rockwell, Jay Fury b Chasyn Rance and Canadian Cougar in a 3-WAY, Sal Rinauro b Prince Nana, Erick Stevens b Jay Briscoe, Black Market andamp; Sean Waltman b The Heartbreak Express andamp; Korey Chavis andamp; Alex Porteau in a Handicap match, Mark Briscoe b Jerrelle Clark after Jay Briscoe interfered, Jay Lethal andamp; Davey Richards b American Dragon andamp; Jimmy Rave.
  • May 27, 2006 – Full Impact Pro – Bloodbath in Crystal River, Florida in front of 350 fans: Davey Richards b Canadian Cougar, Erick Stevens b Kory Chavis, Ace Rockwell b Prince Nana by DQ, Salvatore Rinauro b Jimmy Rave in a Loser Leaves Town for 90 days match, Jerrelle Clark andamp; Jay Fury b The Briscoe Brothers, American Dragon b Jay Lethal in 25:00 to retain the FIP title, Black Market (Joey Machete andamp; Shawn Murphy) b The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis) in a bloodbath to win the FIP Tag Team titles – Notes: Sean Davis bled an incredible amount, calling it “a pile, not a puddle,” saying it was shocking.
  • June 9, 2006 – Full Impact Pro – Chasing The Dragon in Inverness, Florida before 200 people: Alex Porteau b Kenny King by Submission, Korey Chavis w/So-Cal Val b Ryan Drago, Shingo Takagi (Steve Madison’s hired assassin) b Erick Stevens, Black Market (Shawn Murphy andamp; Joey Machete) b The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis w/So-Cal Val) by DQ when Kory Chavis interfered to retain the FIP Tag Team titles, Fast andamp; Furious (Jerrelle Clark andamp; Jay Fury) b Seth Delay andamp; Chasyn Rance, American Dragon (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) b Sal Rinauro to retain the FIP title, Colt Cabana b Austin Aries and Steve Madison and Davey Richards and Roderick Strong and Canadian Cougar in a 6-WAY Elimination #1 Contenders match [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • June 10, 2006 – Full Impact Pro – Impact of Honor in Orlando, Florida before 200 fans: Sal Rinauro b Canadian Cougar, Alex Porteau b Seth Delay, Chasyn Rance b Korey Chavis (w/So Cal Val) and Kenny King and Ryan Drago in a 4-WAY Fray (Chavis b Drago, Chavis b King, Rance b Chavis – So-Cal Val walked out on Korey Chavis afterwards!), Shingo Takagi b Davey Richards, Steve Madison b Erick Stevens in a Grudge match with help from Chasyn Rance, The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis) b Masked Fipper #13 andamp; Super FIP Machine, American Dragon b Colt Cabana to retain the ROH title in 22:00, Austin Aries andamp; Roderick Strong b Jay Fury andamp; Jerrelle Clark to retain the ROH Tag Team titles [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • July 7, 2006 – Full Impact Pro – Heatstroke ’06 (Night 1) in Inverness, Florida: Kenny King b Canadian Cougar after a low-blow and a Burning Hammer, Alex Porteau b Salvatore Rinauro and Korey Chavis w/So-Cal Val in a 3-WAY, Shingo Takagi (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) b Homicide, Davey Richards b B.J. Whitmer (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley), The YRR (Steve Madison andamp; Chasyn Rance) b Seth Delay andamp; Erick Stevens with help from Kenny King, American Dragon w/Dave Prazak b Colt Cabana to retain the FIP title (BJ Whitmer interefered. Davey Richards andamp; Homicide made the save!), Black Market (Joey Machete andamp; Shawn Murphy) b The Heartbreak Express w/So-Cal Val in an Anything Goes match to retain the FIP Tag Team titles [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • July 8, 2006 – Full Impact Pro – Heatstroke ’06 (Night 2) in Bushnell, Florida: The Heartbreak Express attacked Black Market with steel chains, Alex Porteau b Canadian Cougar, Colt Cabana b Korey Chavis w/So-Cal Val, Kenny King (of YRR) b Salvatore Rinauro with help from YRR, Steve Madison (of YRR) b Erick Stevens with help from YRR, Seth Delay b Chasyn Rance (of YRR), Homicide andamp; Davey Richards b American Dragon andamp; B.J. Whitmer (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley), Black Market (Joey Machete andamp; Shawn Murphy) b The Heartbreak Express w/So-Cal Val in a Double Chain match to retain the Tag Team titles [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • September 8, 2006 – Full Impact Pro – Second Year Spectacular (Night 1) in Inverness, Florida: Dave Prazak introduced the newest members of DP Associates: Cyber Kong andamp; Delirious, Black Market w/Allison Danger b Team Protein andamp; Applesauce (Colt Cabana andamp; Sal Rinauro) to retain the FIP Tag Team titles, Allison Danger w/Black Market b Lacey (w/So-Cal Val andamp; The Heartbreak Express), Mark Briscoe w/Jay Briscoe b Canadian Cougar (Tony Kozina), YRR (Steve Madison andamp; Chasyn Rance andamp; Kenny King) b Roderick Strong andamp; Erick Stevens andamp; Seth Delay, Roderick Strong b Cyber Kong w/Dave Prazak by DQ when Delirious interfered, Jerrelle Clark b Jay Briscoe w/Mark Briscoe, Davey Richards b Delirious w/Dave Prazak [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • September 9, 2006 – Full Impact Pro – Second Year Spectacular (Night 2) in Crystal River, Florida: Cyber Kong w/Dave Prazak b Canadian Cougar (Tony Kozina), The YRR (Chasyn Rance andamp; Kenny King w/Steve Madison) b Salvatore Rinauro andamp; Seth Delay, Erick Stevens b Steve Madison in a Grudge match, The Heartbreak Express andamp; Lacey w/So-Cal Val b Black Market andamp; Alison Danger in a No-DQ match to win the FIP Tag Team titles (Allison Danger was pinned by Sean Davis), Jerrelle Clark b Jaison Moore, The Briscoe Brothers b Colt Cabana andamp; Davey Richards in a #1 Contenders match, Roderick Strong b Delirious w/Dave Prazak [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • October 13, 2006 – Full Impact Pro – Fallout 2006 in Brooksville, Florida at the Hernando County Fairgrounds: The Heartbreak Express w/So-Cal Val b Jaison Moore andamp; Bobby Hopkins in a Non-title match, Black Market (Joey Machete andamp; Shawn Murphy) b Jerrelle Clark andamp; Jonathan Davis, Chasyn Rance b Canadian Cougar with help from Steve Madison, Steve Madison b Seth Delay with help from Chasyn Rance, The Briscoe Brothers (Mark andamp; Jay) b Erick Stevens andamp; Sal Rinauro, Matt Sydal b Shingo Takagi (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Cyber Kong andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley), Davey Richards b Roderick Strong in a #1 Contenders match, Roderick Strong andamp; Davey Richards b Cyber Kong andamp; American Dragon (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Shingo Takagi andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • October 14, 2006 – Full Impact Pro – Southern Justice in Bushnell, Florida at the Sumter County Fairgrounds: Canadian Cougar b Jaison Moore, The YRR (Steve Madison andamp; Chasyn Rance) b Erick Stevens andamp; Sal Rinauro when Rinauro turned on Stevens and joined the YRR, Seth Delay b Cyber Kong (w/Mr. Milo Beasley andamp; Shingo Takagi) by DQ after Kong smashed a pineapple over Delay’s head, Shingo Takagi (w/Mr. Milo Beasley andamp; Cyber Kong) b “Mr. 360” Jerrelle Clark, The Briscoe Brothers b Black Market (Joey Machete andamp; Shawn Murphy) in a #1 Contenders, The Briscoe Brothers b The Heartbreak Express to win the FIP Tag Team titles, Erick Stevens called out Salvatore Rinauro and they brawled for several minutes (The YRR came out to help Rinauro until Seth Delay andamp; Roderick Strong made the save), Roderick Strong b Matt Sydal in a #1 Contenders match, American Dragon (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) b Davey Richards after using a set of brass knux to retain the FIP Heavyweight title. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • November 10, 2006 – Full Impact Pro – All or Nothing in Inverness, Florida at the Citrus County Auditorium: Jerrelle Clark b Bino Gambino, Jack Manley b Jake Manning and Pelle Primeau in a 3-WAY Elimination match, Canadian Cougar b Shane Hagadorn, Davey Richards b Shingo Takagi w/Mr. Milo Beasley, Roderick Strong b American Dragon by DQ when DP Associates interfered after 90-seconds, The YRR (Steve Madison andamp; Chasyn Rance) b Rhett Titus andamp; Alex “Sugarfoot” Payne, The YRR (Sal Rinauro andamp; Kenny King) b Erick Stevens andamp; Seth Delay when Daffney interfered and joined the YRR, The Briscoe Brothers b The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis) and Black Market (Shawn Murphy andamp; Joey Machete) in a 3-WAY Elimination match to retain the Tag Team titles, Roderick Strong b American Dragon (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) to win the FIP Heavyweight title!!! (Strong said he would leave the promotion if he lost) – Notes: After the match, Strong had a confrontation with Davey Richards after Richards demanded to know when he was going to get his title shot. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed]
  • November 11, 2006 – Full Impact Pro – Evening The Odds in Bushnell, Florida at the Sumter County Fairgrounds: Rhett Titus andamp; Alex Payne b The Heartbreak Express by DQ, Canadian Cougar b “Mr. Elite” Jake Manning, Black Market (Shawn Murphy andamp; Joey Machete w/Allison Danger) b Bino Gambino andamp; Jake Manley, YRR member Salvatore Rinauro w/Daffney b Erick Stevens with help from Steve Madison, YRR member Kenny King (w/Daffney andamp; Steve Madison andamp; Chasyn Rance) b Jerrelle Clark with help from Steve Madison, YRR member Chasyn Rance w/Daffney b Seth Delay, Roderick Strong andamp; Mark Briscoe andamp; Jay Briscoe andamp; Erick Stevens andamp; Pelle Primeau b American Dragon andamp; Shingo Takagi andamp; Shane Hagadorn andamp; Davey Richards andamp; Steve Madison (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley andamp; Daffney) in an Elimination match (FIP Champion Roderick Strong andamp; FIP Tag Team Champion The Briscoes were left standing at the end). [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • December 15, 2006 – Full Impact Pro – Cage of Pain in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory before 500 fans (an FIP record): “Sweet andamp; Sour” Larry Sweeney (sub for Eddie Kingston) w/Lacey b Jerrelle Clark, Lacey w/Larry Sweeney b Allison Danger with help from Sean Davis, Hallowicked andamp; Gran Akuma b DP Associates (Delirious andamp; Shingo w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) – (Austin Aries tried to toss a chain in but it backfired and cost DP Associates the match), Davey Richards b American Dragon (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley), Austin Aries w/Mr. Milo Beasley b Erick Stevens after interference from Steve Madison (Madison knocked Stevens out with a set of brass knux!), The YRR (Salvatore Rinauro andamp; Chasyn Rance andamp; Kenny King w/Daffney) b Colt Cabana andamp; Seth Delay andamp; Jerrelle Clark, Roderick Strong b Steve Madison to retain the FIP Heavyweight title, Black Market (Murphy andamp; Machete) b The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis w/Lacey) in a bloody “Cage of Pain” match (The match included light tubes, thumb tacks, barbed wire, garbage cans and more. Sean Davis was power bombed off the middle rope through a table with 5,000 thumb tacks on it!). [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • December 16, 2006 – Full Impact Pro – Florida Rumble in Inverness, Florida at the Citrus County Auditorium: Hallowicked won the Florida Rumble (Order of Entry: Davey Richards, Delirious, Austin Aries, Seth Delay, Akuma, Hallowicked, Larry Sweeney, Bryan Danielson, Jerrelle Clark, Colt Cabana, Erick Stevens), Seth Delay vs Jerrelle Clark ended in a No Contest after the YRR interfered, Daffney w/The YRR b Allison Danger in a short match (The YRR attacked Allison Danger until Black Market made the save), Shingo Takagi andamp; Osamu Nishimura (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) b Black Market (Shawn Murphy andamp; Joey Machete w/Allison Danger) after YRR distracted Black Market, “Sweet andamp; Sour” Larry Sweeney (w/The Heartbreak Express andamp; Lacey) b “Classic” Colt Cabana, Delirious (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) b Austin Aries (Aries quit DPA earlier that night) after Prazak interfered, Davey Richards b Gran Akuma by Submission, Erick Stevens b American Dragon (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley), Roderick Strong b Hallowicked to retain the FIP Heavyweight title, YRR (Steve Madison andamp; Salvatore Rinauro andamp; Chasyn Rance andamp; Kenny King w/Daffney) b Seth Delay andamp; Jerrelle Clark andamp; Black Market (Shawn Murphy andamp; Joey Machete w/Allison Danger) in an 8-Man Tag Match. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • January 12, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – New Year’s Classic 2007 in Inverness, Florida: Seth Delay b Kenny King, Claudio Castagnoli b Shane Hagadorn w/Mr. Milo Beasley, The Heartbreak Express b Shiima Xion andamp; Pelle Primeau, Salvatore Rinauro (w/Daffney andamp; The YRR) b Gran Akuma, The YRR (Steve Madison andamp; Chasyn Rance w/Daffney) b Black Market (Shawn Murphy andamp; Joey Machete w/Allison Danger), “Sweet andamp; Sour” Larry Sweeney b Jimmy Jacobs, “The Gun for Hire” Brent Albright (hired by the YRR) b Erick Stevens (The YRR attacked and Steve Madison punched Erick Stevens in the head with his fist wrapped with chain until Black Market made the save), Roderick Strong andamp; Jack Evans b DP Associates (Jimmy Rave andamp; Shingo Takagi w/Dave Prazak andamp; Shane Hagadorn andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley). [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • January 13, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – Unfinished Business in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: “Sweet andamp; Sour” Larry Sweeney vs. Claudio Castagnoli ended in a Double Countout, Dangerous Angels (Allison Danger andamp; Sara Del Rey) b Talia Madison andamp; Daffney, The Heartbreak Express andamp; Pelle Primeau b Shiima Xion andamp; The Heartbreakers (Romeo Roselli andamp; Antonio Thomas), Gran Akuma b Jack Evans, Jimmy Rave (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley andamp; Shane Hagadorn) b Jimmy Jacobs by Submission, Roderick Strong b Brent Albright to retain the FIP Heavyweight title, Jake “The Snake” Roberts signed autographs during Intermission (Larry Sweeney showed up and threw insults at Jake The Snake and attacked him! Jake got up and confronted Larry Sweeney, who wisely ran away. Jake The Snake then challenged Sweeney to a match on 2/3), Black Market (Shawn Murphy andamp; Joey Machete) b YRR (Kenny King andamp; Chasyn Rance) and DP Associates (Shingo Takagi andamp; Shane Hagadorn) in a 3-WAY Tag match, Salvatore Rinauro b Seth Delay in a TLC match (Claudio Castagnoli interfered in the match and joined the YRR faction), Erick Stevens b Steve Madison in a bloody Dog Collar match. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • February 2, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – Dangerous Inentions ’07 in Melbourne, Florida at the Grant Street Community Center before 250 fans: Shingo Takagi (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) b Hallowicked, Allison Danger b Lexie Fyfe (hired by the YRR), Black Market (Joey Machete andamp; Shawn Murphy w/Allison Danger) b The YYR (Chasyn Rance andamp; Sal Rinauro) by DQ when Claudio Castagnoli interfered, Ricky Vega b Jaison Moore, Necro Butcher b Mark Briscoe, Mad Man Pondo vs Jay Briscoe ended in a No Contest, Erick Stevens b Seth Delay and Gran Akuma and Jigsaw in a 4-Corner Survival, Roderick Strong b Davey Richards in an “I Quit” match, Colt Cabana andamp; Erick Stevens b Larry Sweeney andamp; Claudio Castagnoli – – Notes: Jake “The Snake” Roberts was there but did not appear as advertised due to a dispute over money with the promoter. The promoter reacted by announcing that Roberts had be escorted out of the building by police due to being under the influence. What’s the truth? Who do you believe? [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • February 3, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – In Full Force ’07 in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Seth Delay b Hallowicked, Shingo Takagi (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) b Jigsaw in a Florida Heritage Title Tournament Qualifier, YRR (Claudio Castagnoli andamp; Sal Rinauro) b Black Market (Shawn Murphy andamp; Joey Machete) in a “Loser Leaves Town for 90s Days” match, Sean Waltman b YRR’s Chasyn Rance, The Briscoe Brothers vs. The Deathmatch Kings (Necro Butcher andamp; Mad Man Pondo) ended in a No Contest in an Anything Goes match, Erick Stevens b Gran Akuma in a Florida Heritage Title Tournament Qualifier, Larry Sweeney b Colt Cabana in a Florida Heritage Title Tournament Qualifier, Roderick Strong b Davey Richards in a 2/3 Falls match to retain the FIP Heavyweight title. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • March 10, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – Eddie Graham Memorial Battle of the Belts in Crystal River, Florida: Mike Graham segment, Roderick Strong b Jimmy Rave (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley andamp; Delirious andamp; Shingo) in the 1st Round of the Tournament, Jay Briscoe b “Sweeney” Larry Sweeney in the 1st Round of the Tournament, Erick Stevens b Shingo Takagi w/Dave Prazak in the 1st Round of the Tournament, Delirious w/Dave Prazak b Mark Briscoe by Submission in the 1st Round of the Tournament, Roderick Strong b Jay Briscoe in a Semi-Final match, Erick Stevens b Delirious (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) in a Semi-Final match, The YRR (Chasyn Rance andamp; Kenny King andamp; Salvatore Rinauro) b Kory Chavis andamp; Jerrelle Clark andamp; Seth Delay, Erick Stevens b Roderick Strong to win the Tournament and capture the brand new FIP Florida Heritage title – Mike Graham presented the Florida Heritage title to Erick Stevens in a ceremony after the match (DP Associates spoiled the ceremony by attacking Stevens andamp; Strong but they fought back with the help of Mike Graham, who knocked Dave Prazak out of the ring). [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • April 20, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – International Impact: Phase 1 in Inverness, Florida at the Citrus County Auditorium: The YRR (Salvatore Rinauro andamp; Kenny King) b Seth Delay andamp; Jerrelle Clark, Delirious (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) b Jigsaw, The YRR (Salvatore Rinauro andamp; Chasyn Rance) b The Heartbreak Express (So Cal Val turned on the HBX and sprayed Superstar Sean in the eyes with mace and helped the YRR win!), Nigel McGuiness b Shingo Takagi (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley), “Syxx Pac” Sean Waltman b “Sweet andamp; Sour” Larry Sweeney, Erick Stevens b Claudio Castagnoli w/So Cal Val to retain the FIP Florida Heritage title, Roderick Strong b Yamato to retain the FIP World Heavyweight title, Mark Briscoe vs. Mad Man Pondo in a Falls Count Anywhere match ended in a No Contest, Necro Butcher b Jay Briscoe in a No-DQ match. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • April 21, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – International Impact: Phase 2 in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Seth Delay challenged anybody from the YRR but got Larry Sweeney instead – “Sweet andamp; Sour” Larry Sweeney b Seth Delay, YRR member Claudio Castagnoli w/So Cal Val b Jerelle Clark, The YRR (Kenny King andamp; Chasyn Rance w/So Cal Val) b The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis), Delirious (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) b Jigsaw, Erick Stevens b Nigel McGuinness (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) to retain the FIP Florida Heritage title, Shingo Takagi b Yamato in a Dragon Gate Challenge, Roderick Strong b Salvatore Rinauro to retain the FIP World Heavyweight title, The Briscoe Brothers b Necro Butcher andamp; Mad Man Pondo in a “Bar Room Brawl” to retain the FIP Tag Team titles (Mark Briscoe dove off of a moving truck onto Mad Man Pondo who was on a stack of two tables). [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • April 29, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – The Southern Stampede in Brooksville, Florida at the Hernando County Fair: Jerrelle Clark b Steve Madison, Jaison Moore b Jonathan Davis and Amein Rios in a 3-WAY, Damballah b “Roughhouse” Ralph Mosca, Scott Davis b Austin Creed, The Heartbreak Express b Austin Amadeus andamp; Shan Hill, Salvatore Rinauro b Seth Delay, Erick Stevens b Chasyn Rance to retain the FIP Florida Heritage title, Roderick Strong b Kenny King to retain the FIP World Heavyweight title. [reported by FullImpactPro.com]
  • May 25, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – Stronger Than Ever in Inverness, Florida at the Citrus County Auditorium: Steve Madison b Jerrelle Clark (After the match, Steve Madison quit The YRR and was beat up by YRR members Chasyn Rance, Kenny King andamp; Sal Rinauro with Becky Bayless), Jimmy Rave (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) b Trik Davis, Danny Daniels b Rex Sterling and Damien Wayne in a 3-WAY, Tyler Black b Jay Briscoe, The YRR (Chasyn Rance andamp; Kenny King andamp; Salvatore Rinauro w/Becky Bayless) b The Heartbreak Express (w/Lacey) andamp; Sean Waltman in a Bunkhouse Brawl (Lacey turned on the HBE and joined The YRR – Sean Waltman didn’t join the match until near the end), Mark Briscoe b Marek Brave, Erick Stevens b Delirious w/Dave Prazak to retain the FIP Florida Heritage title, Roderick Strong b Necro Butcher in a No-DQ/No Countout match to retain the FIP World Heavyweight title. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • May 26, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – Melbourne Meltdown in Melbourne, Florida at the Grant Street Community Center: Rex Sterling b Mike Booth in a dark match, Damien Wayne b Jerrelle Clark, Erick Stevens b Danny Daniels to retain the FIP Florida Heritage title, “Syxx-Pac” Sean Waltman b Kenny King of the YRR, The Heartbreak Express andamp; Steve Madison b The YRR (Chasyn Rance andamp; Kenny King andamp; Salvatore Rinauro w/Becky Bayless andamp; Lacey) by DQ, Ricky Vega b The Masked FIPper #15, Roderick Strong b Jimmy Rave (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) to retain the FIP World Heavyweight title, Necro Butcher vs. Delirious ended in a No Contest, The Briscoe Brothers b Tyler Black andamp; Marek Brave to retain the FIP Tag Team titles. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • June 29, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – Hot Summer Nights (Night 1) in Melbourne, Florida at the Eau Gallie High School: “Sweet andamp; Sour” Larry Sweeney b Rex Sterling, Eddie Kingston b Gran Akuma, Lacey w/Rain b Sara Del Rey and Daizee Haze and Allison Danger in a SHIMMER 4-Corner Survival, Jigsaw b Hallowicked, Irish Airborne (Jake andamp; Dave Crist) b The YRR (Sal Rinauro andamp; Jason Blade w/So Cal Val), Erick Stevens b Damien Wayne to retain the FIP Florida Heritage title, Roderick Strong b Jimmy Rave (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) in an Anything Goes Match to retain the FIP Heavyweight title, The Heartbreak Express andamp; Seth Delay andamp; Steve Madison b The YRR (Chasyn Rance andamp; Kenny King and their hired assassins Mad Man Pondo andamp; Ricky Vega w/So Cal Val) in a Melbourne Street Fight – – Notes: Black Market returned from their 90-day absense looking for revenge on the YRR. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • June 30, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – Hot Summer Nights (Night 2) in Crystal River, Florida: Cheerleader Mellisa b Amber O’Neal in a SHIMMER Showcase dark match, “Sweet andamp; Sour” Larry Sweeney b Gran Akuma with a top rope elbow drop, DP Associate Jimmy Rave (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) b Hallowicked, Irish Airborne (Jake andamp; David Crist) b Rex Sterling andamp; Damien Wayne, Seth Delay b Jason Blade of The YRR, The YRR (Chasyn Rance andamp; Sal Rinauro w/So Cal Val andamp; Becky Bayless) b The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis), Amazing Kong andamp; Lacey andamp; Rain b Sara Del Rey andamp; Allison Danger andamp; Daizee Haze in a SHIMMER 6-Woman Tag Team match, Erick Stevens b Jigsaw with a Sarasota-Screw-driver to retain the FIP Florida Heritage title, Roderick Strong b Eddie Kingston to retain the FIP World Heavyweight title, Black Market (Shawn Murphy andamp; Joey Machete) b The YRR’s Assassins (Mad Man Pondo andamp; Ares) in a Crystal River Street Fight. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • August 18, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – Heatstroke (Night 1) in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: “The Modern Miracle” Steve Madison b Danny Daniels, Seth Delay b Austin Amadeus, Trik Davis b Scott Commodity, Erick Stevens b Davey Richards to retain the FIP Florida Heritage title, Delirious b Necro Butcher w/Dave Prazak, The Briscoe Brothers b Irish Airborne (Jake andamp; Dave Crist) to retain the FIP Tag Team titles, Roderick Strong b Tyler Black in 21:00 to retain the FIP Heavyweight title, The YRR (Chasyn Rance andamp; Salvatore Rinauro andamp; Kenny King andamp; Jason Blade w/So Cal Val andamp; Rain andamp; Becky Bayless) b Black Market andamp; The Heartbreak Express in a brutal Bunkhouse Match.
  • August 19, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – Heatstroke (Night 2) in Arcadia, Florida at the Turner Agri-Civic Center: Jason Blade w/The YRR b Seth Delay, Rain of the YRR w/Becky Bayless b Lorelei Lee and Lexie Fyfe in a 3-WAY, Irish Airborne (Jake andamp; David Crist) b The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis), Erick Stevens b Sal Rinauro of the YRR (w/Rain andamp; Becky Bayless) to retain the FIP Florida Heritage title, Danny Daniels b Austin Amadeus, Necro Butcher w/Dave Prazak b Davey Richards, The Briscoe Brothers b Tyler Black andamp; Trik Davis to retain the FIP Tag Team titles, Roderick Strong b Delirious to retain the FIP World Heavyweight Title, Black Market andamp; Steve Madison b The YRR (Kenny King andamp; Chasyn Rance andamp; Jason Blade w/Rain andamp; Becky Bayless) in an Anything Goes Street Fight.
  • September 28, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – in Brooksville, Florida: Kenny King b Seth Delay, Jason Blade b Jigsaw, Lacey b Daizee Haze and Sara Del Rey in a 3-WAY after interference by Rain, Irish Airborne (Jake andamp; David Crist) b Hallowicked andamp; Scott Commodity, Necro Butcher b Gran Akuma, “Sweet andamp; Sour” Larry Sweeney b Delirious (Sweeney joined Dave Prazak’s DP Associates), Erick Stevens b Jack Evans to retain the FIP Florida Heritage title, BxB Hulk andamp; Yamato b Roderick Strong andamp; Jay Briscoe in one of the fastest-paced bouts in FIP history, The YRR (Salvatore Rinauro andamp; Chasyn Rance andamp; Kenny King andamp; Jason Blade) b Black Market (Joey Machete andamp; Shawn Murphy) andamp; The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis) in an Anything Goes match.
  • September 29, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – Cage of Pain II in Crystal River, Florida: Seth Delay b Jake Crist and Scott Commodity in a 3-WAY, Daizee Haze andamp; Sara Del Rey b The Minnesota Home-wrecking Crew (Lacey andamp; Rain), Jay Briscoe b Gran Akuma, Erick Stevens b Necro Butcher in an Anything Goes match to retain the FIP Florida Heritage title, Jack Evans andamp; BxB Hulk andamp; Yamato b Delirious andamp; Hallowicked andamp; Jigsaw in a Dragon Gate Rules match, Roderick Strong b “Sweet andamp; Sour” Larry Sweeney to retain the FIP Heavyweight title, Black Market (Joey Machete andamp; Shawn Murphy) andamp; The Heartbreak Express (Sean andamp; Phil Davis) b The YRR (Chasyn Rance andamp; Jason Blade andamp; Kenny King andamp; Salvatore Rinauro) in a Cage of Pain match (Said to be the bloodiest match in FIP history).
  • November 9, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – in Crystal River, Florida: Seth Delay b Jon Davis, The YRR’s Chasyn Rance (w/So-Cal Val andamp; Rain) b Jerrelle Clark, Davey Richards (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) b Jack Evans, ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness had a confrontation with FIP World Champion Roderick Strong, The Heartbreak Express vs. Black Market was a brawl ending with The HBE running out the front door and jumping into their car to speed off, The YRR’s Rain b Trenesha, The YRR’s Sal Rinauro (w/So-Cal Val andamp; Rain) b Erick Stevens to win the FIP Florida Heritage title, The YRR (Kenny King andamp; Jason Blade w/So-Cal Val andamp; Rain) b The Briscoe Brothers to win the FIP Tag Team titles, Roderick Strong b Claudio Castagnoli in a 2/3 Falls match to retain the FIP World Heavyweight title.
  • December 14, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – in Brooksville, Florida at the National Guard Armory: [Cancelled]
  • December 15, 2007 – Full Impact Pro – in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: [Cancelled]
  • January 18, 2008 – Full Impact Pro – in Crystal River, Florida: [Cancelled]
  • January 19, 2008 – Full Impact Pro – in Arcadia, Florida: [Cancelled]
  • February 16, 2008 – Full Impact Pro – Redefined in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Austin Aries b Davey Richards (w/Dave Prazak andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley) in a Career vs. Managerial License Match (As a result, Dave Prazak loses his managing liscense in FIP), Chasyn Rance (w/Rain andamp; Lacey) b Seth Delay, The YRR (Lacey andamp; Rain) b Allison Danger andamp; Trenesha, The YRR (Kenny King andamp; Jason Blade w/Lacey andamp; Rain) b Robert Anthony andamp; Shawn Osborne to retain FIP Tag Team titles (After the match; Tyler Black lured Lacey andamp; Rain away from the YRR back into The Age of the Fall), Nigel McGuinness b Necro Butcher in an Anything Goes Match, Sal Rinauro b Tyler Black (w/Lacey andamp; Rain) to retain the FIP Florida Heritage title, Shawn Murphy of the Black Market b The Heartbreak Express in a Handicap match where the Losing Team Can Never Wrestle In FIP Again (Murphy was then attacked by two masked men that are suspected to be the same men who attacked Joey Machete at his home earlier in the day), Roderick Strong b Erick Stevens by Countout to win the FIP World Heavyweight title. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed]
  • March 22, 2008 – Full Impact Pro – Unfinished Business 2008 in Crystal River, Florida: Erick Stevens b Shane Hagadorn (After the match; Roderick Strong knocked Erick Stevens out with the FIP title), The Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis andamp; Jon Davis) b Shane Swift andamp; Miles Long in a squash matc (The Dark City Fight Club were revealed as the masked men who took out Black Market), Chris Jones b Ernie Osiris (DCFC attacked both men after the match), FIP Host Jonathan Gold told DCFC that Black Market was coming back next month so DCFC beat up Gold too, Tyler Black (w/Lacey andamp; Rain) b Jason Blade (w/The YRR), Delirious andamp; The Briscoe Brothers b The YRR (Sal Rinauro andamp; Kenny King andamp; Chasyn Rance), Heartbreak Enterprises (Damien Wayne andamp; Rex Sterling w/Sean andamp; Phil Davis) b Jigsaw andamp; Seth Delay (Sean andamp; Phil Davis obtained a managerial license and started a new group in FIP “Heartbreak Enterprises”), Nigel McGuinness b Larry Sweeney to retain the ROH World title, Roderick Strong b Austin Aries by Countout to retain the FIP World title after Nigel McGuinness attacked Aires outside the ring. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed]
  • April 26, 2008 – Full Impact Pro – Dangerous Intentions 2008 in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Jigsaw b Chasyn Rance, Rex Sterling w/Heartbreak Enterprises andamp; Babydoll b Chris Jones (After the match Seth Delay came out and challenged Heartbreak Enterprises which led to.), Damien Wayne w/Heartbreak Enterprises andamp; Babydoll b Seth Delay, Sal Rinauro b Delirious after interference from The YRR to retain the FIP Florida Heritage Title, Black Market (Joey Machete andamp; Shawn Murphy) vs. The Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis andamp; Jon Davis) ended in a No Contest (The DCFC poured gasoline onto Joey Machete and threatened to light him on fire until the locker room cleared out), Tyler Black b Davey Richards, The YRR (Kenny King andamp; Jason Blade) b Jay Briscoe andamp; Austin Aries to retain the FIP Tag Team titles, Roderick Strong b Erick Stevens in a Last Man Standing match to retain the FIP World Heavyweight title. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed]
  • May 30, 2008 – Full Impact Pro – in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory before 400 fans: Chris Jones b Dingo, Heartbreak Enterprises member Damien Wayne (w/Sean andamp; Phil Davis andamp; Baby Doll) b Kyle O’Reilly after outside interference, Daizee Haze b Rain, Erick Stevens b Davey Richards, The Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis andamp; Jon Davis) b Black Market (Joey Machete andamp; Shawn Murphy), The YRR (Jason King andamp; Kenny King) The Age of the Fall (Jimmy Jacobs andamp; Tyler Black w/Rain) to retain the FIP Tag Team titles thanks to outside interference from Sal Rinauro, Roderick Strong b Austin Aries and Jerry Lynn in a 3-WAY Elimination match to retain the FIP Heavyweight Title (Jerry Lynn eliminated Austin Aries and Roderick Strong pinned Jerry Lynn), Scotty Too Hotty andamp; Delirious b The YRR (Sal Rinauro andamp; Chasyn Rance). [This DVD Has Been Reviewed]
  • May 31, 2008 – Full Impact Pro – Southern Justice in Arcadia, Florida at the Turner Agri-Civic Center: Erick Stevens b Damien Wayne and Dingo and Jon David in a 4-Corner Survival, Chasyn Rance (w/Portia Perez andamp; Mimi andamp; Cat) b Chris Jones, The Age of the Fall (Rain andamp; Leva) b The YRR (Portia Perez andamp; Mimi), Kyle O’Reilly vs. Johnny DeBall ended in a No Contest when Davey Richards came out and attacked both men, Tyler Black b Kenny King, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine (joined the Heartbreak Enterprises w/Babydoll) b Norman Smiley, Jimmy Jacobs vs. Jason Blade ended in a No Contest after both Sal Rinauro and Delirious got involved, Jimmy Jacobs andamp; Delirious b The YRR (Sal Rinauro andamp; Jason Blade), Austin Aries b Jerry Lynn, Scotty Too Hotty b Davey Richards with a W.O.R.M. after Erick Stevens ran out and attacked Richards [This DVD Has Been Reviewed].
  • July 19, 2008 – Full Impact Pro – Hot Summer Nights 2008 in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Chasyn Rance w/The YRR b Chris Jones and Shawn Osbourne in a 3-WAY when Rance pinned Osbourne, Mercedes Martinez b Rain (w/Leva andamp; Mr. Milo Beasley), Shawn Murphy (Black Market) b Jon Davis (Dark City Fight Club) by DQ, Joey Machete (Black Market) b Kory Chavis (Dark City Fight Club) in a No-DQ match, The YRR (Kenny King andamp; Jason Blade) b The Age of the Fall (Jimmy Jacobs andamp; Tyler Black) in a 2/3 Falls match to retain the FIP Tag Team titles, Sal Rinauro w/The YRR b Joey Ryan to retain the Florida Heritage title, Go Shiozaki b ROH World champion Nigel McGuinness in a Non-title match, Erick Stevens b Roderick Strong in a Dog Collar match to win the FIP World title!!! – Notes: After the match Go Shiozaki and Heartbreak Enterprises attacked Stevens and announced that Heartbreak Enterprises have aquired the services of Go Shiozaki and that because he defeated Nigel McGuinness earlier in the evening he has earned a World Title Match. He has chosen to challenge Stevens next month for the FIP World Heavyweight Title. [This DVD Has Been Reviewed]
  • August 23, 2008 – Full Impact Pro – Heatstroke 2008 in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Rex Sterling andamp; Damien Wayne (w/The Heartbreak Express) b The British Lions (Chris Gray andamp; Tommy Taylor), “Latina Sensation” Mercedes Martinez b “Country Girl” Lorelei Lee, FIP Florida Heritage champion Salvatore Rinauro w/The YRR b Chris Jones, Chasyn “Not Cocky” Rance w/The YRR b Shawn Osborne, Austin Aries b Jason Blade by Submission, The Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis andamp; Jon Davis) b Black Market (Joey Machete andamp; Shawn Murphy) in a “Weapons” match (Mercedes Martinez appeared late in the match to help Black Market, but eventually turned on them and joined the Dark City Fight Club), Roderick Strong b Kenny King, Tyler Black w/Mr. Milo Beasley b Necro Butcher, Go Shiozaki (w/The Heartbreak Express) b Erick Stevens to win the FIP World Heavyweight title.
  • October 11, 2008 – Full Impact Pro – Impact of Honor 2 in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Shawn Osbourne w/Ron Niemi b C.J. O’Doyle, The Dark City Fight Club (Jon Davis andamp; Kory Chavis) b The Lifeguards (Daron andamp; Wade), Chasyn Rance b Nooie Lee, The British Lions (Chris Gray andamp; Tommy Taylor) b The Heartbreak Assassins (Rex Sterling andamp; Damien Wayne), Tyler Black b Erick Stevens, MsChif b Rain to retain the SHIMMER title, Go Shiozaki b Roderick Strong to retain the FIP World Heavyweight title, The YRR (Kenny King andamp; Jason Blade) b The Briscoe Brothers to retain the FIP Tag Team title, Chris Jones b Sal Rinauro to win the FIP Florida Heritage title.
  • December 19, 2008 – Full Impact Pro – in Melbourne, Florida at the Grant Street Community Center: Rhett Titus b Grizzly Redwood (Mitch Franklin), The Heartbreak Assassins b The British Lions (Chris Gray andamp; Tommy Taylor), Brad Attitude b Chasyn Rance, Erick Stevens andamp; Roderick Strong b The YRR (Sal Rinauro andamp; Jason Blade), Gran Akuma b Sean Osborne and Jigsaw in a 3-WAY, The Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis andamp; Jon Davis) b The Lifeguards (Daron andamp; Wade), Chris Jones b Kenny King to retain the FIP Florida Heritage Title, Go Shiozaki lost by DQ against Erick Stevens and Roderick Strong in a 3-WAY to retain the FIP World Heavyweight title – – Notes: Tyler Black missed the show due to transportation problems.
  • December 20, 2008 – Full Impact Pro – in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Gran Akuma b Brett Thunder, Brad Attitude b Sal Rinauro, Jigsaw b Sean Osborne, Roderick Strong andamp; Erick Stevens b The YRR (Kenny King andamp; Jason Blade) to win the FIP Tag Team titles, Grizzly Redwood andamp; The Loggers b Rhett Titus andamp; The Heartbreak Assassins, The Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis andamp; Jon Davis) b The British Lions (Chris Gray andamp; Tommy Taylor) [After the match, Leva turned on Rain andamp; Milo Beasley and joined the Dark City Fight Club], Chris Jones b Chasyn Rance to retain the FIP Florida Heritage Title, Tyler Black b Go Shiozaki to win the FIP World Heavyweight title.
  • February 8, 2009 – Full Impact Pro – 2nd Annual Eddie Graham Memorial Battle of the Belts Tournament in Brooksville, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Roderick Strong b Necro Butcher in a 1st Round match, Chris Jones b Austin Aries in a 1st Round match, El Generico b Nigel McGuinness in a 1st Round match, Davey Richards b Erick Stevens in a 1st Round match, Roderick Strong b Chris Jones in a 2nd Round match, Davey Richards b El Generico in a 2nd Round match, MsChif b Mercedes Martinez to retain the SHIMMER championship, Tyler Black b Delirious (w/Heartbreak Enterprises’) to retain the FIP World Heavyweight title (After the match, Davey Richards attacked Tyler Black and collected the Heartbreak Enterprises’ $25,000 Bounty – and then stole his FIP World Heavyweight title belt!), Davey Richards b Roderick Strong in the Finals to win the Eddie Graham Memorial Battle of the Belts Tournament.
  • March 28, 2009 – Full Impact Pro in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Christopher Gray b “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne and Shawn Spears and Francisco Ciatso in a 4-WAY Fray, Brad Attitude b Damien Wayne (w/Heartbreak Enterprises), 2 Fast 2 Furious (Nooie Lee andamp; Jerrelle Clark) vs. The Set (J-Sin andamp; Lance Lude) ended in a No Contest, The Dark City Fight Club (Jon Davis andamp; Kory Chavis w/Leva) b Bumz R’ Us (Ray Beez andamp; Milo Beasley) in an Anything Goes Street Fight, “Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus (w/Heartbreak Enterprises) b Chris Jones to win the FIP Florida Heritage title, Chris Hero b “Wildcat” Chris Harris, ROH World champion Nigel McGuiness b Tommy Taylor in a Non-title match, Davey Richards (w/Heartbreak Enterprises) b T.J. Perkins, Erick Stevens andamp; Roderick Strong b The YRR (Sal Rinauro andamp; Chasyn Rance w/Mr. Saint Laurent) to retain the FIP Tag Team titles. for detailed results click here.
  • May 2, 2009 – Full Impact Pro – Unfinished Business 2009 in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Grizzly Redwood b Shawn Osborne, Francisco Ciatso vs. Caleb Konley ended in a No Contest due to Kory Chavis interference, Bruce Santee b Damien Wayne, The YRR (Chasyn Rance andamp; Sal Rinauro) b 2 Fast/2 Furious (Nooie Lee andamp; Jerrelle Clark), Kenny King b The YRR (Chasyn Rance andamp; Sal Rinauro) in a handicap match, Rhett Titus b Chris Jones to retain the Florida Heritage Title, Brad Attitude b Joey Ryan, Erick Stevens andamp; Roderick Strong b The British Lions (Chris Gray andamp; Tommy Taylor) to retain the FIP Tag Team titles, Davey Richards b Kenny King to retain the FIP World Heavyweight title.
  • June 6, 2009 – Full Impact Pro – in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Bruce Santee b Caleb Konley and Shawn Osborne in a 3-WAY to retain the Pro Wrestling RIOT title, Grizzly Redwood b Francisco Ciatso, Sinn Bodhee b Brett Thunder, Kenny King andamp; Kory Chavis b the YRR (Chasyn Rance andamp; Sal Rinaruo w/MSL), T.J. Perkins b Jay Bradley, The Osirian Portal (Ophidian andamp; Amasis) b 2 Fast 2 Furious (Nooie Lee andamp; Jerrelle Clark), Davey Richards b Brad Attitude to retain the FIP World Title, The British Lions (Christopher Gray andamp; Tommy Taylor) andamp; Rhett Titus w/Heartbreak Enterprises b Roderick Strong andamp; Erick Stevens andamp; Chris Jones.
  • August 1, 2009 – Full Impact Pro – Heatstroke 2009 in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Bobby Dempsey b Tim Donst, 2 Fast 2 Furious b Caleb Konley andamp; Brett Thunder, Bruce Santee b Grizzly Redwood, T.J. Perkins b Nigel McGuinness, Roderick Strong andamp; Erick Stevens b The British Lions (Chris Gray andamp; Tommy Taylor) in a Texas Tornado Rules match to retain the FIP Tag Team titles, Chris Jones b Mike Sydal, Rhett Titus w/Heartbreak Enterprises b Brad Attitude to retain the FIP Florida Heritage title, The YRR (Chasyn Rance andamp; Sal Rinauro w/Mr. Saint Laurent) b The Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis andamp; Jon Davis) in a No-DQ Street Fight, Davey Richards w/Heartbreak Enterprises b Kenny King to retain the FIP World Heavyweight title.
  • October 3, 2009 – Full Impact Pro – Fallout 2009 in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Caleb Konley b QT Marshall, Bruce Santee b Slick Sleazy, The Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis andamp; Jon Davis w/Leva) vs. the Shane Twins w/Ron Niemi ended in a No Contest, T.J. Perkins b Sal Rinauro w/MSL in a 2009 JPC Qualifying Match, Chris Jones b Chasyn Rance w/MSL in a 2009 JPC Qualifying Match, Brad Attitude w/Cowboy Ron Bass b Rhett Titus w/Heartbreak Enterprises to win the FIP Florida Heritage title, The British Lions (Chris Gray andamp; Tommy Taylor w/Heartbreak Enterprises) b Erick Stevens andamp; Roderick Strong in a Steel Cage to win the FIP Tag Team titles, Davey Richards w/Heartbreak Enterprises b Kenny King to retain the FIP World Heavyweight title.
  • November 20, 2009 – Full Impact Pro – Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup 2009 (Night One) in Brooksville, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Tony Kozina b QT Marshall in a PWR pre-show match, “Tokyo Monster” Kahagas b Leon Scott in a PWR pre-show match, Craig Classic b Jaison Moore in a PWR pre-show match, Erick Stevens b Kyle O’Reilly in a PWR pre-show match, PWR Heavyweight champion “the Marquee” Bruce Santee b Francisco Ciatso w/Ron Niemi in a PWR pre-show match, Louis Lyndon (Hybrid) b Marion Fontaine (Hybrid) in a 1st Round match (BLOCK D), Johnny Gargano (AAW) b Chris Jones (FIP) in a 1st Round match (BLOCK D), Silas Young (AAW) b Dave Cole (Hybrid) in a 1st Round match (BLOCK C), Jon Moxley (CZW) b Brad Attitude (FIP) in a 1st Round match (BLOCK C), Bumz R’ Us (Milo Beasley andamp; Ray Beez andamp; Milo Bearsley) won the Pro Wrestling Riot Tag Team Championship Rumble (Participants: The British Lions. Dark City Fight Club w/Leva. The Heartbreak Express w/Amy Vitale. The Loggers. The Shane Twins. 2 Fast 2 Furious [Nooie Lee andamp; Jerrelle Clark]. The James Boys. Kahagas andamp; Blackheart. Tony Kozina andamp; Kyle O’Reilly). Shane Hollister (AAW) b Flip Kendrick (Hybrid) in a 1st Round match (BLOCK B), T.J. Perkins (FIP) b Arik Cannon (AAW) in a 1st Round match (BLOCK B), Egotistico Fantastico (CZW) b Scotty Vortekz (CZW) in a 1st Round match (BLOCK A), Davey Richards (FIP) b Drake Younger (CZW) in a 1st Round match (BLOCK A).
  • November 21, 2009 – Full Impact Pro – Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup 2009 (Night Two) in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Kyle O’Reilly b Craig Classic in a PWR pre-show match, Raymond “Killing Machine” Snow (w/Amy Vitale andamp; Phil Davis) b Lou Gotham in a PWR pre-show match, Tony Kozina b Jaison Moore in a PWR pre-show match, Christopher Gray w/Phil Davis b Jerrelle Clark and Mr. Milo Beasley w/Milo Bearsley in a 3-WAY PWR pre-show match, PWR Heavyweight champion “the Marquee” Bruce Santee b Erick Stevens by DQ in a PWR pre-show match. Davey Richards b Egotistico Fantastico in a 2nd Round match (BLOCK A), T.J. Perkins b Shane Hollister in a 2nd Round match (BLOCK B), Johnny Gargano b Louis Lyndon in a 2nd Round match (BLOCK D), Silas Young b Jon Moxley in a 2nd Round match (BLOCK C), Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis andamp; Jon Davis) b The James Gang, Davey Richards b T.J. Perkins in a Semi-Final match, Silas Young b Johnny Gargano in a Semi-Final match, Drake Younger b Chris Jones and Brad Attitude and Flip Kendrick and Arik Cannon and Dave Cole and Scotty Vortekz and Marion Fontaine in a DGUSA Fray!, “Outlaw” Ron Bass b “Superstar” Sean Davis (w/Phil Davis andamp; Amy Vitale) in a Texas Bullrope match, Davey Richards b Silas Young in the Finals to win the Jeff Peterson Cup tournament.
  • April 17, 2010 – Full Impact Pro – Southern Stampede 2010 in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Caleb Konley b Sugar Dunkerton and Johnny Vandal and Ronnie the Red and STIGMA and Craig Classic to earn a shot in the Southern Stampede. Jon Moxley and Roderick Strong were the final two of a SOUTHERN STAMPEDE Battle Royal (Order of elimination to determine matches for the evening and last 2 men remaining face off in main event for FIP World title: Chasyn Rance, TJP, John Davis, Kory Chavis, Jigsaw, Brad Allen, Rhett Titus, Bruce Santee, Caleb Konley, Erick Stevens). TJP (T.J. Perkins) b Chasyn Rance, Dark City Fight Club refused to wrestle each other and called out any tag team in the building, The Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis andamp; Jon Davis) b Osirian Portal, Brad Allen b Jigsaw to retain the FIP Florida Heritage title, “Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus b “The Marquee” Bruce Santee, Erick Stevens b Caleb Konley, The British Lions (Tommy Taylor andamp; Christopher Gray) b 2 Fast 2 Furious (Jerrelle Clark andamp; Nooie Lee) to retain the FIP Tag Team titles, Jon Moxley b Roderick Strong to win the FIP World Heavyweight title.
  • June 26, 2010 – Full Impact Pro – in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Frankie Ciatso b Cedrick Alexander, Jesse Emerson b Ronnie the Red, Caleb Konley b Johnny Vandal, Irish Airbourne (Jake andamp; Dave Crist) b Bumz R Us (Ray Beez andamp; Milo Beasley), Sinn Bodee w/Stacy “The Cat” Carter b “The Man Scout” Jake Manning, Chasyn Rance b Sugar Dunkerton, Bruce Santee b Craig Classic, The British Lions (Chris Gray andamp; Tommy Taylor) b The Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis andamp; Jon Davis) and Irish Airbourne (Jake andamp; Dave Crist) in a 3-WAY to retain the FIP Tag Team titles, Roderick Strong andamp; Egotistico Fantastico b FIP World champion Jon Moxley andamp; Erick Stevens.
  • July 31, 2010 – Full Impact Pro – Cage of Pain III in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Cedrick Alexander vs. Ronnie the Red ended in a No Contest after The Sheik came in and destroyed both wrestlers, Irish Airborne (Jake andamp; Dave Crist) b 2 Fast 2 Furious (Jerrelle Clark andamp; Nooie Lee), Bumz R Us (Milo Beasley andamp; Ray Beez) b Johnny Vandal andamp; Blain Rage, “The Man Scout” Jake Manning w/Ron Niemi b Brad Allen to win the FIP Florida Heritage title, Caleb Konley b Craig Classic, Jon Moxley b Bruce Santee to retain the FIP World Heavyweight title, Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis andamp; Jon Davis) b The British Lions (Chris Gray andamp; Tommy Taylor w/Ron Niemi_ to win the FIP Tag Team titles, Roderick Strong vs. Eric Stevens in the Cage of Pain was declared a double countdown after neither man could get up by the count of ten.
  • December 3, 2010 – Full Impact Pro – Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup Tournament (Night 1) in Brooksville, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Sami Callihan b Chris Dickinson in a 1st Round match, Suger Dunkerton b Scott Reed w/Larry Dallas in a 1st Round match, Craig Classic b Lince Dorado in a 1st Round match, Arik Cannon b Brad Allen in a 1st Round match, Bruce Santee b Milo Beasley to retain the Pro Wrestling RIOT title, Frightmare b Jake Manning (w/Ron Niemi andamp; Christopher Gray) in a 1st Round match, Jigsaw b Christopher Gray in a 1st Round match, Rich Swann b Grizzly Redwood in a 1st Round match, Jon Moxley b A.R. Fox to retain the Full Impact Pro title in a 1st Round match, The Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis andamp; Jon Davis) b Roderick Strong andamp; Sedrick Strong to retain the FIP Tag Team titles.
  • December 4, 2010 – Full Impact Pro – Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup Tournament (Night 2) in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory: Jon Moxley b Suger Dunkerton in a Quarter-final match, Sami Callihan b Frightmare in a Quarter-final match, Arik Cannon b Craig Classic in a Quarter-final match, Rich Swann b Jigsaw in a Quarter-final match, Jon Moxley b Arik Cannon in a Semi-final match, Sami Callihan b Rich Swann in a Semi-final match, Jake Manning andamp; Christopher Gray (w/Ron Niemi) andamp; Chris Dickinson andamp; Scott Reed (w/Larry Dallas andamp; Christina) b Brad Allen andamp; A.R. Fox andamp; Grizzly Redwood andamp; Lince Dorado, Sami Callihan b Jon Moxley in the Finals to win the 2010 Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup. Should set up Moxley, the FIP champion, defending against Callihan.
  • March 19, 2011 – Full Impact Pro at the National Guard Armory in Crystal River, FL.  Johnny Vandal defeats Hornet… Lince Dorado defeats Mike Cruz… Caleb Konley defeats Chris Jones… Blain Rage defeats Maxwell Chicago… Chris Gray (w/Ron Niemi) defeats Sugar Dunkerton… NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title: Craig Classic (c) defeats AR Fox… FIP Tag Team Title: The Dark City Fight Club (Jon Davis & Kory Chavis) (c) defeat The Flatliners (Asylum & Matt Burns).
  • May 21, 2011 – Full Impact Pro In Full Force 2011 at the Ice Time Sports Arena in Newburgh, NY.  Cheech Hernandez defeats Rich Swann… Blain Rage vs. Joe Ettell – No Contest… Austin Aries defeats AR Fox… FIP Tag Team Title: The Dark City Fight Club (Jon Davis & Kory Chavis) (c) defeat The SAT (Joel Maximo & Wil Maximo)… Scott Reed (w/Larry Dallas) defeats Johnny Vandal… Manu (w/Larry Dallas) defeats Sami Callihan… Low Ki defeats Bobby Fish… Demolition (Ax & Smash) vs. Ralph Mosca & Tony DeVito – No Contest.
  • October 28, 2011 – Full Impact Pro Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup 2011 – Tag 1 at the Brooksville National Guard Armory in Brooksville, FL.  FIP Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Eleven Team Battle Royal: The Scene (Caleb Konley & Scott Reed) defeat Brooklyn Shore and Bryan Maddox & CJ O’Doyle (Francisco Ciatso & Mickael Zaki) and Bumz R’ Us (Milo Beasley & Ray Beez) and Josh Rayne & Matt Ripley and Los Ben Dejos (Ben Dejo & Marty Con Dejo) and Moco Loco & South Bronx Sadist and Ninja With Attitudes (Eddie Taurus & Kaotic Romeo) and The Highwaymen (Butch Long & Marc Mandrake) and The Misled Youth (Joshua Masters & Jude McKenzie) and The Worlds Largest All Knighters (Joey Knight & Shooter Storm)… Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup 2011 First Round: Lince Dorado defeats Louis Lyndon… Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup 2011 First Round: Jerrelle Clark defeats Aaron Epic… Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup 2011 First Round: Mike Cruz defeats Pinkie Sanchez… Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup 2011 First Round: Bobby Fish defeats Jonathan Gresham… Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup 2011 First Round: Flip Kendrick defeats Johnny Vandal… Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup 2011 First Round: Papadon defeats Chris Jones… Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup 2011 First Round: AR Fox defeats Jake Manning… FIP Tag Team Title: The Scene (Caleb Konley & Scott Reed) defeat The Dark City Fight Club (Jon Davis & Kory Chavis) (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup 2011 First Round: Johnny Gargano defeats John Silver.
  • March 15, 2013 – Full Impact Pro Establish Dominance at the Orpheum in Ybor City, FL.  Four Way Freestyle: Shane Strickland defeats Dirty White Boy and Lince Dorado and Mike Cruz (8:54)… KOA (Aaron Epic & Sugar Dunkerton) defeat Angel Santos & Biff Busick (11:30)… Kenneth Cameron defeats Johnny Vandal (9:25)… Tommy Taylor defeats Jonathan Gresham (20:12)… Maxwell Chicago defeats Derek Ryze (6:36)… Chasyn Rance (w/Mister Saint Laurent) defeats Corey Hollis (7:54)… FIP Tag Team Title: Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz) (c) defeat The Scene (Caleb Konley & Scott Reed) (w/Buggy Nova, Johnny Vandal, Larry Dallas & Trina Michaels) (15:08)… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Jon Davis (w/Mister Saint Laurent) (c) defeats Samuray del Sol (25:01).
  • April 26, 2013 – Full Impact Pro Ascension at the Orpheum in Ybor City, FL.  Jonny Vandal (w/Buggy Nova, Larry Dallas & Trina Michaels) defeats Derek Ryze (7:20)… The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) (w/Larry Dallas) defeat Kenneth Cameron & Tommy Taylor (8:25)… Maxwell Chicago defeats Mikey Webb (10:11)… Chasyn Rance (w/Mister Saint Laurent) defeats Lince Dorado (12:56)… FIP Tag Team Title: Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz) (c) defeat The KOA (Aaron Epic & Sugar Dunkerton) (17:54)… Trent defeats AR Fox (17:05)… Mia Yim (w/Leva Bates) defeats Larry Dallas (w/Buggy Nova & Trina Michaels) (7:25)… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Jon Davis (w/Mister Saint Laurent) (c) defeats Homicide (13:40).
  • July 5, 2013 – Full Impact Pro Declaration Of Independence at the Orpheum in Ybor City, FL.  David Starr defeats Derek Ryze… Earl Cooter defeats Mr. Milo Beasley… Four Way Freestyle: Maxwell Chicago defeats Amasis and Jessicka Havok and Latin Dragon… Kenneth Cameron defeats Chasyn Rance (w/Mister Saint Laurent)… Caleb Konley defeats Shane Strickland… FIP Tag Team Title Three Way: The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lance Bravado) (w/Trina Michaels) defeat Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz) (c) and KOA (Aaron Epic & Sugar Dunkerton) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… ZERO1 International Junior Heavyweight Title: Jonathan Gresham (c) defeats Lince Dorado… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Trent Barreta defeats Jon Davis (w/Mister Saint Laurent) (c) by DQ.
  • August 9, 2013 – Full Impact Pro Heatstroke at the Orpheum in Ybor City, FL.  Jesus De Leon (w/Sosa Rivera) defeats Kenneth Cameron… The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma… Lince Dorado defeats Chasyn Rance (w/Mister Saint Laurent)… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Gran Akuma defeats Uhaa Nation (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Leva Bates vs. Solo Darling (w/Daphne) – No Contest… Tables, Ladders & Chairs Six Man Tag Team: Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Cruz & Jay Rios) & Mia Yim (w/Leva Bates) defeat Larry Dallas & The NOW (Hale Collins & Vik Dalishus) (w/Trina Michaels)… Maxwell Chicago defeats Jessicka Havok… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Trent Barreta defeats Jon Davis (w/Mister Saint Laurent) (c) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • October 11, 2013 – Full Impact Pro Dangerous Intentions at the Orpheum in Ybor City, FL.  Dark: Jason Cade defeats Chico Adams… Chasyn Rance (w/Mister Saint Laurent) defeats Josh Hess… Saso Rivera defeats Rhett Giddins… Johnny Vandal (w/Larry Dallas & Trina Michaels) defeats QT Marshall… Lince Dorado vs. Teddy Stigma (w/Eddie Graves) – No Contest… Lince Dorado & Pinkie Sanchez defeat Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Gran Akuma (c) defeats Slyck Wagner Brown… FIP Tag Team Title: The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) (w/Larry Dallas & Trina Michaels) (c) defeat Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz) (w/Leva Bates & Mia Yim)… Evening Gown: Jessicka Havok defeats Maxwell Chicago… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Trent Barreta (c) defeats Rich Swann.
  • October 12, 2013 – Full Impact Pro With Malice at the Orlando Downtown Recreation Complex in Orlando, FL.  Dark: Aaron Epic & Jason Cade defeat Chico Adams & Willie Brown… Pinkie Sanchez & Slyck Wagner Brown defeat Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma… Johnny Vandal (w/Trina Michaels) defeats Josh Hess… Maxwell Chicago defeats Saso Rivera… FIP Tag Team Title: Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz) (w/Leva Bates & Mia Yim) defeat The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) (w/Larry Dallas & Trina Michaels) (c) by DQ… Fatal Four Way: Solo Darling defeats Leva Bates and Mia Yim and Su Yung… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Gran Akuma (c) vs. Rich Swann – Time Limit Draw… Mask vs. Hair: Lince Dorado defeats Chasyn Rance.
  • December 6, 2013 – Full Impact Pro In Full Force at the Orlando Downtown Recreation Complex in Orlando, FL.  David Starr defeats Latin Dragon… Johnny Vandal defeats Maxwell Chicago… Andrew Everett & Caleb Konley defeat The Washington Bullets (Jon Williams & Trey Williams)… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Trent Barreta (c) defeats Lince Dorado… Earl Cooter defeats Josh Hess… Mia Yim defeats Jessicka Havok… Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz) & Pinkie Sanchez (w/Leva Bates & Mia Yim) defeat Eddie Graves, Jesus De Leon & Teddy Stigma (w/Saso Rivera)… Rich Swann vs. Roderick Strong – No Contest… FIP Tag Team Title: Rich Swann & Roderick Strong defeat The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) (c) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • December 7, 2013 – Full Impact Pro Violence Is The Answer at the Orpheum in Ybor City, FL.  David Starr defeats Josh Hess… The Washington Bullets (Jon Williams & Trey Williams) defeat Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma… Earl Cooter defeats Maxwell Chicago by DQ… Jesus De Leon vs. Lince Dorado – No Contest… Lince Dorado & Pinkie Sanchez defeat Jesus De Leon & Saso Rivera… Johnny Vandal (w/Trina Michaels) defeats Latin Dragon… FIP Tag Team Title: Rich Swann & Roderick Strong (c) defeat Andrew Everett & Caleb Konley… Leva Bates defeats Su Yung… Street Fight: Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz) (w/Leva Bates) defeat The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) (w/Larry Dallas & Trina Michaels).
  • March 14, 2014 – Full Impact Pro Everything Burns 2014 at the Orpheum in Ybor City, FL.  Dark Tag Team: Gabriel Black & Sweet Thang Willie defeat Jack Jameson & Wayne Van Dyke… Jack Gallow defeats Josh Hess… Larry Dallas defeats Josh Hess… Blake Edward Belakus defeats Aaron Epic… The Juicy Product (David Starr & JT Dunn) defeat Aaron Solo & Jason Cade… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Lince Dorado defeats Gran Akuma (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… SHINE Title: Ivelisse (c) defeats Leva… Johnny Vandal & The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) defeat The Submission Squad (Evan Gelistico, Gary Jay & Pierre Abernathy)… Roderick Strong defeats Biff Busick… CZW World Heavyweight Title: Drew Gulak (c) defeats Timothy Thatcher.
  • March 15, 2014 – Full Impact Pro Ascension 2014 at the Orlando Downtown Recreation Complex in Orlando, FL.  Dark Battle Royal: Winner: Rhett Giddins… Gary Jay defeats Aaron Epic… Kennedy Kendrick defeats Josh Hess… Jack Gallow defeats Earl Cooter… The Juicy Product (David Starr & JT Dunn) defeat The Submission Squad (Evan Gelistico & Pierre Abernathy)… Blake Edward Belakus defeats Chasyn Rance (w/Mister Saint Laurent)… Saso Rivera (w/Larry Dallas & Nikki Kneeds) defeats Maxwell Chicago… Aaron Solo & Jason Cade defeat The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) (w/Trina Michaels) by Count Out… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Lince Dorado (c) defeats Biff Busick and Gran Akuma and Timothy Thatcher… CZW World Heavyweight Title: Drew Gulak (c) defeats Roderick Strong.
  • May 2, 2014 – Full Impact Pro Establish Dominance 2014 at the Orpheum in Ybor City, FL.  Dark Tag Team: Gabriel Black & Tim Zbyszko defeat Charles Albasani & Micha Pope… Dark SCW Florida Heavyweight Title: Quinn Ojinnaka defeats Hercules Gomez (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… FIP World Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership Six Way Freestyle: Trevor Lee defeats Aaron Solo and Blake Edward Belakus and Jason Cade and John Skyler and Tim Donst… Gran Akuma defeats Aaron Epic… Earl Cooter & Zane Riley defeat Chasyn Rance & Josh Hess… Caleb Konley defeats Jesus De Leon… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Lince Dorado (c) defeats Harlem Bravado… The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) (w/Trina Michaels) defeat Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz) (w/Leva Bates) by DQ… Maxwell Chicago & Moose defeat Jack Gallow & Saso Rivera… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Trent Barreta (c) defeats Trevor Lee… FIP Tag Team Title: The Juicy Product (David Starr & JT Dunn) defeat Rich Swann & Roderick Strong (c) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • May 3, 2014 – Full Impact Pro Accelerate 2014 at the Orlando Downtown Recreation Complex in Orlando, FL.  Dark Eight Man Tag Team: Chico Adams, Jack Jameson, Rhett Giddins & Tim Zbyszko defeat Gabriel Black, Joey Mayberry, Micha Pope & Wayne Van Dyke… Josh Hess defeats Chasyn Rance… Jack Gallow defeats Aaron Epic… Caleb Konley defeats Blake Edward Belakus… SHINE Title: Ivelisse (c) vs. Mia Yim – No Contest… Maxwell Chicago & Moose defeat Earl Cooter & Zane Riley… Harlem Bravado defeats Jesus De Leon… Johnny Vandal & The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) defeat Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz) & Leva… FIP Tag Team Title Four Way Elimination: The Juicy Product (David Starr & JT Dunn) (c) defeat Gran Akuma & Tim Donst and Aaron Solo & Jason Cade and John Skyler & Trevor Lee… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Trent Barreta (c) defeats Roderick Strong by DQ.
  • June 22, 2014 – Full Impact Pro Florida Rumble 2014 at the Roth Jewish Community Center Of Greater Orlando in Maitland, FL.  Open The United Gate Title #1 Contendership Florida Rumble: Caleb Konley and Rich Swann defeat Aaron Solo and Earl Cooter and Eddie Graves and Eddie Rios and Harlem Bravado and Jason Cade and Jay Cruz and Jesus De Leon and Joey Ryan and Johnny Vandal and John Skyler and Josh Hess and Lance Bravado and Lince Dorado and Maxwell Chicago and Rhett Giddins and Teddy Stigma and Zane Riley… Rhett Giddins defeats Josh Hess… Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz) vs. Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma – No Contest… Jason Cade defeats Aaron Solo… Jesus De Leon defeats Zane Riley (w/Earl Cooter)… Earl Cooter (w/Zane Riley) defeats Johnny Vandal… SHINE Tag Team Title: The Lucha Sisters (Leva Bates & Mia Yim) (c) defeat Candice LeRae & Ivelisse… Lince Dorado defeats John Skyler… Joey Ryan defeats Maxwell Chicago… Open The United Gate Title: The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) (c) defeat Caleb Konley & Rich Swann (w/Su Yung).
  • July 11, 2014 – Full Impact Pro Declaration Of Independence 2014 at the Orpheum in Ybor City, FL. Dark Six Man Tag Team: Chico Adams, Gabriel Black & Tim Zbyszko defeat Jack Jameson, Joey Mayberry & Leo Brian… Bolt Brady vs. Jesus De Leon – Time Limit Draw… Rhett Giddins defeats Earl Cooter… Maxwell Chicago defeats JoJo Bravo (w/Josh Hess & Mister Saint Laurent)… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Chasyn Rance (c) (w/Josh Hess & Mister Saint Laurent) defeats Lince Dorado… James Raideen defeats Jack Gallow… The Submission Squad (Evan Gelistico, Gary Jay & Pierre Abernathy) defeat Aaron Epic, Davey Vega & Jason Cade… Johnny Vandal (w/Trina Michaels) defeats Blake Edward Belakus… SHINE Title: Ivelisse (c) defeats Shanna… FIP World Heavyweight Title Three Way: Trent Barreta (c) defeats Rich Swann and Roderick Strong… Tag Team Street Fight: The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) defeat Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz).
  • August 9, 2014 – Full Impact Pro Heatstroke @ Norhtwest Community Center in Orlando, Florida, USA: Jesus De Leon defeats Lince Dorado… Jody Kristofferson defeats Zane Riley… Los Ben Dejos (Ben Dejo & Marty Con Dejo) defeat Aaron Solo & Jason Cade… Aaron Epic defeats Trevor Lee… Three Way: Johnny Vandal defeats Josh Hess and Rhett Giddins… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Chasyn Rance (c) defeats Maxwell Chicago… SHINE Title: Ivelisse (c) defeats La Rosa Negra… FIP Tag Team Title: The Juicy Product (David Starr & JT Dunn) (c) defeat The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) (w/Trina Michaels)…
  • September 5, 2014 – Full Impact Pro Fallout @ The Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida, USA: Six Man Tag Team Tournament First Round: Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz) & Lince Dorado defeat Something To Prove (Aaron Epic, Aaron Solo & Jason Cade)… Six Man Tag Team Tournament First Round: Mason Ryan, Michael Tarver & Shaun Ricker defeat All Business (Blake Edward Belakus, Jesus De Leon & The American Viking)… Six Man Tag Team Tournament First Round: Big Classy Country (Jody Kristofferson, Maxwell Chicago & Rhett Giddins) defeat MSL Universe (Chasyn Rance, Deimos & Josh Hess)… Six Man Tag Team Tournament First Round: The Submission Squad (Evan Gelistico, Gary Jay & Pierre Abernathy) defeat The Savages (Eddie Graves, Johnny Vandal & Teddy Stigma)… Six Man Tag Team Tournament Semi Final: Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz) & Lince Dorado defeat Mason Ryan, Michael Tarver & Shaun Ricker… Six Man Tag Team Tournament Semi Final: The Submission Squad (Evan Gelistico, Gary Jay & Pierre Abernathy) defeat Big Classy Country (Jody Kristofferson, Maxwell Chicago & Rhett Giddins)… Blake Edward Belakus defeats Johnny Vandal by DQ… Six Man Tag Team Tournament Final: The Submission Squad (Evan Gelistico, Gary Jay & Pierre Abernathy) defeat Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz) & Lince Dorado…
  • January 9, 2015 – Full Impact Pro Kickoff @ The Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida, USA: FIP Florida Heritage Title: Chasyn Rance (w/Deimos & Josh Hess) (c) defeats Bolt Brady … MSL Universe (Martin Stone & Michael Tarver) (w/Josh Hess & Mister Saint Laurent) defeat Generation Genesis (Jeff Boom & Mitch Mitchell)… Jody Kristofferson defeats Jonny Vandal (w/Trina Michaels) by DQ… The Submission Squad (Evan Gelistico, Gary Jay & Pierre Abernathy) defeat Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz) & Lince Dorado… FIP Tag Team Title: The Juicy Product (David Starr & JT Dunn) (c) defeat The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) (w/Trina Michaels)…
  • January 10, 2015 – Full Impact Pro Everything Burns @ Dickinson Activity Center in Winter Park, Florida, USA
    FIP World Heavyweight Title: Rich Swann (c) defeats Roderick Strong by DQ… Lince Dorado defeats Gary Jay… Flash Fray: Martin Stone and Michael Tarver defeat Aaron Epic and Aaron Solo and Earl Cooter and Jack Jameson and Jason Cade and Jody Kristofferson and Jonny Vandal and Mega Mo and Rhett Giddins… Three Way: Teddy Hart defeats Bolt Brady and Jesus De Leon… Santana defeats Mia Yim… Three On One Handicap Gauntlet: MSL Universe (Chasyn Rance, Deimos & Josh Hess) defeat Maxwell Chicago… FIP Tag Team Title Four Corners: The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) (w/Trina Michaels) defeat Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz) and The Juicy Product (David Starr & JT Dunn) (c) and The Submission Squad (Evan Gelistico & Pierre Abernathy) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • February 20, 2015 – Full Impact Pro Ascension @ The Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida, USA: Dark Tag Team: Mike Reed & Russell Payne defeat John Enriquez & Wayne Van Dyke… MSL Universe (Josh Hess, Martin Stone & Michael Tarver) defeat Aaron Epic, Bolt Brady & Rhett Giddins… Gary Jay defeats Lince Dorado… Earl Cooter vs. Jody Kristofferson – Double Count Out… Aaron Solo & Jason Cade defeat Los Ben Dejos (Ben Dejo & Marty Con Dejo)… No Disqualfication: Jonny Vandal (w/Trina Michaels) defeats Blake Edward Belakus… FIP Tag Team Title: The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) (c) defeat The Submission Squad (Evan Gelistico & Pierre Abernathy)… FIP Florida Heritage Title Tuxedo: Maxwell Chicago defeats Chasyn Rance (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… FIP World Heavyweight Title Match (vakant): Roderick Strong defeats Trent Barreta – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • April 18, 2015 – Full Impact Pro Established Dominance @ Barnett Park & Gym in Orlando, Florida, USA: Five Way: Deimos (w/Mister Saint Laurent) defeats Arik Royal and Curt Stallion and Mike Outlaw and Nick Richards… Bolt Brady, Jeff Boom & Rhett Giddins defeat The MSL Universe (Chasyn Rance, Martin Stone & Monster Tarver) (w/Deimos, Josh Hess & Mister Saint Laurent)… Jody Kristofferson defeats Jack Gallow (w/Tommy Thomas)… The Celtic Sinners (CJ O’Doyle & Sideshow) defeat The Trailer Park Nation (Earl Cooter & Zane Riley)… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Rich Swann defeats Roderick Strong (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… FIP Tag Team Title: The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) (w/Trina Michaels) (c) defeat Jason Cade & Lince Dorado… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Maxwell Chicago (c) defeats Aaron Epic by DQ… Dog Collar: Blake Edward Belakus defeats Jonny Vandal (w/Trina Michaels)…
  • May 6, 2015 – Full Impact Pro Accelerate @ The Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida, USA: Proving Ground Challenge Six Man Tag Team: The Viking War Party (Alexander Rudolph, Frank Wyatt & Jake Parnell) defeat The MSL Universe (Chasyn Rance, Deimos & Josh Hess)… Jody Kristofferson defeats Jonny Vandal (w/Trina Michaels)… Martin Stone defeats Bolt Brady… Blake Edward Belakus vs. Rhett Giddins – Double Count Out… FIP Tag Team Title #1 Contendership: Aaron Solo & Jason Cade defeat Gary Jay & Jayson Falcone… Santana Garrett defeats Josh Hess… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Aaron Epic defeats Maxwell Chicago (c) by DQ… Tag Team: The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) (w/Trina Michaels) defeat The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter)… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Rich Swann (c) defeats Mason Ryan…
  • July 3, 2015 – Full Impact Pro Declaration Of Independence @ The Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida, USA: Kahagas (w/Dontay Brown) defeats Blake Edward Belakus… Johnny Vandal (w/Trina Michaels) defeats Bolt Brady… The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) defeat The MSL Universe (Deimos & Josh Hess) (w/Mister Saint Laurent)… Mason Ryan (w/Mister Saint Laurent) defeats Moose… Monster Tarver (w/Mister Saint Laurent) defeats Rhett Giddins… Three Way: Chris Hero defeats Martin Stone (w/Mister Saint Laurent) and Gary Jay… FIP Florida Heritage Title Ladder: Maxwell Chicago (c) defeats Aaron Epic… FIP Tag Team Title: The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) (w/Trina Michaels) (c) defeat Aaron Solo & Jason Cade… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Caleb Konley (w/SoCal Val) defeats Rich Swann (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • July 11, 2015 – Full Impact Pro Kickoff @ Barnett Park Gymnasium in Orlando, Florida, USA: The Viking War Party (Alexander Rudolph, Frank Wyatt & Jake Parnell) defeat The Submission Squad (Evan Gelistico, Gary Jay & Pierre Abernathy)… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Maxwell Chicago (c) defeats Josh Hess… FIP Tag Team Title Three Way: Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) (c) defeat Aaron Solo & Jason Cade and The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter)… Martin Stone defeats Adam Raw… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Caleb Konley (c) defeats Andrew Everett…
  • August 7, 2015 – Full Impact Pro Heatstroke @ The Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida, USA: Dark Six Man Tag Team: Chico Adams, Tyranus & Wayne Van Dyke defeat Dirk Dark, Josh Parker & Russell Payne… Dark: Mark Silva defeats Arik Royal… Nuclear Kaasarole (Chase Brown & Peter Kaasa) defeat Flying Solow (Aaron Solo & Jason Cade)… Trailer Park Nation Challenge: Gary Jay defeats Zane Riley (w/Earl Cooter)… Trailer Park Nation Challenge: Bolt Brady defeats Earl Cooter (w/Zane Riley)… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Maxwell Chicago (c) defeats Jonny Vandal (w/Trina Michaels)… Martin Stone (w/Mister Saint Laurent) defeats Blake Edward Belakus… Deimos defeats Josh Hess (w/Mister Saint Laurent)… Monster Tarver (w/Mister Saint Laurent) defeats Rhett Giddins… FIP Tag Team Title No Disqualification: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) defeat The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) (w/Trina Michaels) (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Caleb Konley (w/Andrea & SoCal Val) (c) defeats Trevor Lee…
  • October 23, 2015 – Full Impact Pro Fallout @ The Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida, USA: Six Man Tag Team Tournament First Round: Team Tier 1 Wrestling (Alex Mason, Rude Boy Riley & Sonny Kiss) defeat Team PWX (Corey Hollis, Ethan Case & John Skyler)… Six Man Tag Team Tournament First Round: The Viking War Party (Frank Wyatt, The American Viking & The Little Viking) defeat Team RONIN (Edward Malken, Mike Monroe & TC Read)… Six Man Tag Team Tournament First Round: The Submission Squad (Austin Blackburn, Evan Gelistico & Gary Jay) defeat Team AWE (Chip Day, Jimmy Rave & Murder-1)… Six Man Tag Team Tournament First Round: Team Trans-South Wrestling (Chase Brown, Kameron Kade & Peter Kaasa) defeat Team BELIEVE (Aaron Epic, Josh Hess & Rhett Giddins)… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Caleb Konley (c) defeats Jody Kristofferson… Six Man Tag Team Tournament First Round: Team MCW (Joe Keys, Ken Dixon & Lio Rush) defeat Team WWA4 (Odinson, Stitch Osiris & The Black Baron)… Six Man Tag Team Tournament First Round: Team PGP (Jake Dirden, Kerry Awful & Nick Iggy) defeat Team ACW (Jason Cade, Jayson Falcone & Sideshow)… The Slambinos (AJ Jannazzo & Francisco Ciatso) (w/Pete Cannon & Tommy Penirelli) defeat Canadian And Colossal (Bucky Wells & Kennedy Kendrick)… Six Man Tag Team Tournament First Round: Team FW (Chris Castro, Isaias Velazquez & Matt Knicks) defeat Team Inspire Pro (Davey Vega, Jojo Bravo & Steve O Reno)… Six Man Tag Team Tournament First Round: Team IWA Mid-South (John Wayne Murdoch, Reed Bentley & Trik Davis) defeat Team Outlaw Wrestling (Bull Bronson, Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter)…
  • October 24, 2015 – Full Impact Pro Fallout @ @ in Oviedo, Florida, USA: Six Man Tag Team Tournament Second Round: Team Tier 1 Wrestling (Alex Mason, Rude Boy Riley & Sonny Kiss) defeat The Submission Squad (Austin Blackburn, Evan Gelistico & Gary Jay)… Six Man Tag Team Tournament Second Round: Team PGP (Jake Dirden, Kerry Awful & Nick Iggy) defeat Team MCW (Joe Keys, Ken Dixon & Lio Rush)… Six Man Tag Team Tournament Second Round: Team FW (Chris Castro, Isaias Velazquez & Matt Knicks) defeat Team Trans-South Wrestling (Chase Brown, Kameron Kade & Peter Kaasa)… Six Man Tag Team Tournament Second Round: The Viking War Party (Frank Wyatt, The American Viking & The Little Viking) defeat Team IWA Mid-South (John Wayne Murdoch, Reed Bentley & Trik Davis)… 21 Man Fray: Stitch Osiris defeats Ace Andrews and Bull Bronson and Danny Vega and Devin Cutter and Edward Malken and Ethan Case and Francisco Ciatso and Jason Cade and Jaxson James and Jody Kristofferson and Mason Cutter and Mike Monroe and Nick Doepp and Odinson and Rex Bacchus and Richard Delicious and Steve O Reno and The Black Baron and Trevor Read and Tyranus… Six Man Tag Team Tournament Semi Final: Team PGP (Jake Dirden, Kerry Awful & Nick Iggy) defeat Team FW (Chris Castro, Isaias Velazquez & Matt Knicks)… Six Man Tag Team Tournament Semi Final: Team Tier 1 Wrestling (Alex Mason, Rude Boy Riley & Sonny Kiss) defeat The Viking War Party (Frank Wyatt, The American Viking & The Little Viking)… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Maxwell Chicago (c) defeats Stitch Osiris… Six Man Tag Team Tournament Final: Team PGP (Jake Dirden, Kerry Awful & Nick Iggy) defeat Team Tier 1 Wrestling (Alex Mason, Rude Boy Riley & Sonny Kiss)…
  • November 7, 2015 – Full Impact Pro Kickoff @ Barnett Park Gymnasium in Orlando, Florida, USA: The Black Baron defeats Stitch Osiris… Jaxson James defeats Josh Hess… Johnny Vandal & Kameron Kade defeat Deimos & Jody Kristofferson… Martin Stone defeats Jason Cade… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Maxwell Chicago (c) defeats Chase Brown…
  • February 12, 2016 – Full Impact Pro Everything Burns @ The Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida, USA: Dark Three Way: Blanco Loco defeats Dezmond Xavier and Donovan Danhausen… Earl Cooter (w/Veronica Vox) defeats Ozzie Gallagher by Count Out… Jaxson James defeats Brady Pierce… Fred Yehi & Gary Jay defeat Flying Solow (Aaron Solo & Jason Cade)… Kameron Kade (w/Trina Michaels) defeats Chase Brown… The MSL Universe (Josh Hess, Martin Stone & Monster Tarver) (w/Mister Saint Laurent) defeat Odinson, Stitch Osiris & The Black Baron… Teddy Stigma defeats Jody Kristofferson… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Maxwell Chicago (c) defeats Jonny Vandal (w/Trina Michaels)… FIP Tag Team Title Death: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (w/Uncle Leo) (c) defeat Nick Maniwa Approved (Kerry Awful & Reed Bentley)…
  • April 8, 2016 – Full Impact Pro Florida Rumble @ Gods & Monsters in Orlando, Florida, USA: Three Way: Unicorn Party defeats Paco Plantain and Tucor… Rhett Giddins defeats Monster Tarver… ACW Heavyweight Title: Mark Silva (c) defeats CJ O’Doyle… Three Way: Jonny Vandal (w/Trina Michaels) defeats Jody Kristofferson and Teddy Stigma… Balam defeats Stitch Osiris… Jon Davis defeats Odinson… Four Way: Aaron Solow defeats Donovan Danhausen and Jason Cade and The Black Baron… Leva Bates defeats Andrea (w/SoCal Val)… FIP World Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership 16 Man Florida Rumble: Fred Yehi defeats Aaron Solow and Balam and Deimos and Donovan Danhausen and Earl Cooter and Jason Cade and Jody Kristofferson and Jonny Vandal and Martin Stone and Monster Tarver and Odinson and Rhett Giddins and Stitch Osiris and Teddy Stigma and The Black Baron…
  • May 27, 2016 – Full Impact Pro Accelerate @ Gods & Monsters in Orlando, Florida, USA: Dark Six Way Fray: Main Man Malken defeats Bucky Wells and Gabriel Black and Josh Hess and Kennedy Kendrick and Slade Porter… Dark: Aria Blake defeats Dominique Fabiano… Dark Eight Man Tag Team: Leo Brien, Michael Patrick, Rex Bacchus & Richard Delicious defeat TECH (Mike Monroe & Trevor Read), Braydon Knight & Matt Palmer… Dark: Troy Hollywood defeats Nick Nero… Jon Davis defeats Rhett Giddins… Adam Brooks defeats Jason Cade… No Disqualification: Deimos defeats Earl Cooter (w/Veronica Vox)… Monster Tarver (w/Mister Saint Laurent) defeats Odinson… Sammy Guevara defeats Jody Kristofferson… Teddy Stigma defeats Jonny Vandal (w/Trina Michaels) by DQ… FIP Florida Heritage Title Four Way Match (vakant): Donovan Danhausen defeats Aaron Solow and Lince Dorado and Martin Stone – TITLE CHANGE !!!… FIP Tag Team Title: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (w/Uncle Leo) (c) vs. The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) (w/Eric Essex) – No Contest… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Fred Yehi defeats Caleb Konley (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • July 8, 2016 – Full Impact Pro Declaration Of Independence 2016 @ Suite E8 in Orlando, Florida, USA: Kyle King defeats Matt Palmer… FIP World Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership: Aaron Solow defeats Gary Jay… Chip Day defeats Jason Cade… Odinson defeats Jake Dirden… Greg Glover & Nick Cutler defeat Ace Andrews & Rex Bacchus… Jon Davis defeats Rhett Giddins… No Disqualification: Jonny Vandal (w/Trina Michaels) defeats Teddy Stigma… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Martin Stone (w/Mister Saint Laurent) (c) defeats Donovan Danhausen… FIP Tag Team Title: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (w/Uncle Leo) (c) defeat Team IOU (Kerry Awful & Nick Iggy)… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Fred Yehi (c) defeats Aaron Solow…
  • August 12, 2016 – Full Impact Pro Heatstroke 2016 @ Eastmonte Civic Center in Altamonte Springs, Florida, USA: AC Mack & Austin Theory defeat Roscoe Eat Lisa (Mikey McFinnegan & Zakk Sawyers)… Odinson vs. Rhett Giddins – No Contest… Jason Cade defeats The Black Baron… Earl Cooter (w/Veronica Vox) defeats Chase Brown… Jody Kristofferson defeats Jon Davis… FIP Tag Team Title: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (w/Uncle Leo) (c) defeat The Dirty Blondes (Leo Brien & Mike Patrick) (w/Erik Essex)… Drennan (w/Parrow) defeats Kameron Kade (w/Trina Michaels)… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Martin Stone (w/Mister Saint Laurent) (c) defeats Peter Kaasa… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Fred Yehi (c) defeats AR Fox…
  • September 30, 2016 – Full Impact Pro All Or Nothing 2016 @ Gods & Monsters in Orlando, Florida, USA: Dark: Justin D’Air defeats AJ Gary… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Martin Stone (w/Mister Saint Laurent) (c) defeats Nathan Cruz… Danny Ramons & Ricky Starks defeat Josh Woods & Kavron Kanyon… Seven Way Elimination: Jon Davis defeats Deimos and Jojo Bravo and Monster Tarver and Odinson and Rhett Giddins (w/Mister Saint Laurent) and Jody Kristofferson… Greg Glover (w/Nick Cutler) defeats Donovan Danhausen… Earl Cooter (w/Veronica Vox) defeats Nick Cutler (w/Greg Glover)… Last Man Standing: Teddy Stigma defeats Drennan (w/Parrow)… FIP Tag Team Title: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (w/Uncle Leo) (c) defeat Flying Solow (Aaron Solo & Jason Cade)… AR Fox defeats Sammy Guevara… FIP World Heavyweight Title / FIP Florida Heritage Title Three Way: Fred Yehi (c) [Heavyweight] defeats Martin Stone (c) [Heritage] and Caleb Konley…
  • January 8, 2017 – Full Impact Pro Everything Burns 2017 @ Ivy Astoria Event Center in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA: Winner Gets The Contract Fight For All: Teddy Stigma defeats Alexander Rudolph and Anthony Henry and AR Fox and Austin Theory and Billy Barboza and Darby Allin and Dave Crist and Dezmond Xavier and Jason Cade and Jason Kincaid and Sami Callihan and Sammy Guevara… Alexander Rudolph defeats Billy Barboza… Aria Blake defeats Priscilla Kelly… Austin Theory defeats Anthony Henry (w/Amber Young)… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Martin Stone (c) defeats Jon Davis… FIP Tag Team Title: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (c) defeat Drennan & Parrow… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Fred Yehi (c) defeats Teddy Stigma… Uncle John’s Friends (AR Fox, Darby Allin, Dave Crist & Sami Callihan) (w/Priscilla Kelly) defeat Dezmond Xavier, Jason Cade, Jason Kincaid & Sammy Guevara (w/Aria Blake)…
  • February 11, 2017 – Full Impact Pro Ascension 2017 @ The Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida, USA: Drennan & Parrow defeat ??? & ???… Five Way: Connor Braxton defeats Alex Taylor and Eddie Machete and Jackson Kelly and Xander Killen… Dan Barry defeats Billy Barboza… Caleb Konley defeats Jason Cade… Aria Blake defeats Dynamite DiDi… Anthony Henry (w/Amber Young) defeats Dan Barry… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Martin Stone (c) defeats Jon Davis… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Fred Yehi (c) defeats Brian Cage… Uncle John’s Friends (AR Fox, Darby Allin & Sami Callihan) defeat Austin Theory, Sammy Guevara & Tracer X…
  • April 2, 2017 – Full Impact Pro Broken Tailgate Party @ Saddle Up All American Bar in Orlando, Florida, USA: AR Fox, Dave Crist, Jake Crist & Sami Callihan (w/Darby Allin & Priscilla Kelly) defeat ACH, Keith Lee, Michael Elgin & Sammy Guevara… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Fred Yehi (c) defeats Dezmond Xavier… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Jon Davis defeats Martin Stone (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Caleb Konley defeats Austin Theory… Priscilla Kelly defeats Aria Blake… Anthony Henry (w/Amber Young) defeats Jason Cade…
  • May 26, 2017 – Full Impact Pro Accelerate 2017 @ The Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida, USA: Anthony Henry defeats Teddy Stigma… J. Spade defeats Matt Lancie… Drennan, Odinson & Parrow defeat Bu Ku Dao, Danny Flamingo & Socorro… Aria Blake & Dynamite DiDi defeat Lindsay Snow & Priscilla Kelly… AR Fox defeats Jason Kincaid… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Jon Davis (c) defeats Caleb Konley… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Fred Yehi (c) defeats Ethan Case… Four Way: Jason Cade defeats Austin Theory and James Drake and Jon Cruz…
  • June 17, 2017 – Full Impact Pro In Full Force 2017 @ The Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida, USA: Martin Stone defeats AR Fox… Parrow (w/Drennan) defeats Jimmy Lloyd… Five Way: Drennan defeats Irish Jack and Mason Tyler and Mitch Mitchell and Vertigo… Priscilla Kelly defeats Aria Blake… Anthony Henry (w/Amber Young) defeats Maxwell Jacob Friedman… Matt Tremont vs. Teddy Stigma – No Contest… FIP Tag Team Title: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (c) defeat Matt Tremont & Teddy Stigma… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Fred Yehi (c) defeats Joey Janela… WWN Title: Matt Riddle (c) defeats Jon Davis…
  • August 5, 2017 – Full Impact Pro Heatstroke 2017 @ The Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida, USA: Three Way: Liam Gray vs. Mason Taylor vs. Talon – No Contest… Drennan, Odinson & Parrow defeat Liam Gray, Mason Taylor & Talon… Leon Ruff defeats Chip Day… Jarek 1-20 defeats Barrett Brown… Aria Blake defeats MJ Jenkins… Thomas Sharp defeats Teddy Stigma… Caleb Konley defeats Ethan Case… SHINE Nova Title: Priscilla Kelly (c) defeats Stormie Lee… FIP Florida Heritage Title: Jon Davis (c) defeats John Skyler… FIP World Heavyweight Title: Fred Yehi (c) defeats Tracer X… FIP Tag Team Title: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (c) vs. The Ugly Ducklings (Lance Lude & Rob Killjoy) – No Contest…

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