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- October 17, 2003 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Winchester, Indiana: Stryc-9 b Apollo Star, Liberty Kid and Hypnosis b Hank Calhoun, Jamie Morrison b Donny Idol, Tsunami b Osyris-DQ, Ryan Paradise b Jack Hammer, Bear b German Quinn, Phoenix b Anarchy, Chad Collyer b Johnny Mac, Void Effect b The Dons to win tag titles, Dean Jablonski b Brandon Bishop.
- November 8, 2003 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: J-Real and Dinn T. More b Liberty Kid and Hypnosis, Elvis Elliot and Mr. Main Event and Black Velvet b R.T. Bishop and Kris Konflict and Gary Dawson, Menace b Shawn Shultz, Jack Hammer b Dusty, Apollo Starr b Jeff King, The Dons won three-way over Renegades and Steven Summers and Whip Dog, Tsunami b Hank Calhoun, Osyris b Vato.
- November 22, 2003 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Liberty Kid b Donny Idol, James Vulgar b J.D. Elite, Ryan Paradise b White Boy, Dusty Dillinger b Big Momo J, NC-17 b The Dons, Hypnosis b Osyris, Apollo Starr b Chad Collyer, Tsunami b Hank Calhoun.
- November 29, 2003 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Hypnosis b Liberty Kid, Hank Calhoun b Tommy Drastic, Jack Hammer b Big Mofo J, Ryan Paradise and James Vulgar b Brother Clay and Brian Carlucci, Phoenix b J.D. Elite, Dean Jablonski b Osyris.
- December 6, 2003 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Hank Calhoun b Snake, James Vulgar b Hypnosis, Big Cheez b White Boy, Big Mofo J b Don Bobby, Calhoun b J, Cheez b Vulgar, Cheez b Calhoun, Tsunami b Cheez.
- December 20, 2003 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: J.T. Freeze b Alex Draven, Liberty Kid b J.D. Elite, James Vulgar b Tommy Drastic, Anarchy b Hank Calhoun, Osyris b Hypnosis, Jack Hammer b Ryan Paradise, Tsunami b Rory Fox.
- December 27, 2003 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Liberty Kid b Hypnosis, Johnny Mac b Joe Marquette, Stryc-9 b Jason Automatic-DQ, James Vulgar b Hank Calhoun in fans bring the weapons, Anarchy b Tsunami.
- January 3, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Hypnosis b Liberty Kid, Dons b New Jack Hustlers-COR, Osyris b Homeless Hank, Phoenix b Johnny Mac, Hurricane b James Vulgar, Anarchy b Tsunami in a dog collar match.
- January 10, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Micky Dahmer b Wildman Rogers, New Jack Hustlas b Liberty Kid and Hypnosis, Hillbilly Jed b Hank Calhoun, Don Bobby b Tsunami, Osyris b Jason Automatik, Anarchy b Apollo Star.
- January 24, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Hypnosis b E.Z. Money, Hank Calhoun b Wildman Rogers, Randy Nova b Mickey Dahmer, Mr. Main Event b R.T. Bishop, Big Cheez b Kris Konflict, Jack Hammer and Anarchy b New Jack Hustlas-DQ.
- January 31, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Easy Money NC Special K, Don Bobby won Battle Royal, Randy Nova b Micky Dahmer, Hypnosis b Damon Starr, Jack Hammer b Apollo Star, Stryc-9 and Johnny Mac b New Jack Hustlas, Hank Calhoun b Osyris, Tsunami b Big Cheez-DQ, Anarchy b Don Bobby.
- February 7, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Robb Kincaid b Skip Raddison, Renegades b Whip Dog and Steven Sommers, Liberty Kid b Wildman Rogers, Hank Calhoun b Micky Dahmer, Big Cheez b Hypnosis, Osyris b Jason Automatic, Anarchy b Real Deal.
- February 14, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Hank Calhoun b Grand Shinwa, Renegades b Liberty Kid and Hypnosis, James Vulgar b Wildman Rogers, Osyris b Snake, Mr. Main Event b Jack Hammer, Bob b Anarchy-DQ.
- February 21, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Jeff King b Josh Ambercrombie, Big Cheez b Chad Collyer, Mickey Dahmer b Wildman Rogers, New Jack Hustlas b Liberty Kid and Hypnosis, Bob b Osyris-DQ, Koko Ware b Anarchy-DQ.
- February 28, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Snake b Mickey Dahmer, Hypnosis b Wildman Rogers, Randy Nova and Josh Kincaid b New Jack Hustlas, Menace b Chad Collyer, Osyris NC Big Cheez, Anarchy b Jack Hammer-DQ.
- March 13, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Liberty Kid and Hypnosis won Battle Royal, Rocco Romano b Mr. Bice, Jeff King b Henry Fuji, Dean Jablonski b Josh Abercrombie, Bob b Hank Calhoun, Big Cheez b Osyris, Shark Boy b Chad Collyer-DQ, Anarchy b Hammer.
- March 20, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Liberty Kid and Hypnosis b New Jack Hustlas, Bob b Tsunami, Anarchy b Wildman Rogers, Jack Hammer b Apollo Star, Big Cheez b Hank Calhoun.
- March 27, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Drew Johnson b Hank Calhoun, Osyris b Wildman Rogers, New Jack Hustlas b Kid Liberty and Hypnosis, Apollo Star and Tsunami b Osyris and Johnson, Big Cheez b Jack Hammer, Anarchy b Bob.
- April 1, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Satisfaction is Guaranteed b Gameboys, Liberty Kid b Robb Kincaid, Osyris b Skip Raddison, Bob b Hank Calhoun, Big Cheez NC Jack Hammer, Hypnosis b Anarchy.
- April 3, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Monahan Outlaws b Adam Reynolds and C.J. Esson, Hellraiser b Melliki Torrence, Bull Anderson b Black Panther, Osyris b Brian Carlucci, Hypnosis b Henry Fugi, Jack Hammer b Wyldechylde.
- April 10, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Jeff King b Jimmy Shalwin, Hellraiser b Wildman Rogers, Hank Calhoun b Maliki, Apollo Starr and Drew Johnson won three-way over Liberty Kid and Hypnosis and Tommy Drastic and J.D. Elite, Tsunami b American Kickboxer, Brian Carlucci b Brother Clay, Osyris b Adam Reynolds, New Jack Hustlas b Gameboys, Bob b Big Cheez, Anarchy d Jack Hammer.
- April 17, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Hank Calhoun b Snake, Tsunami b Hellraiser, SIG b Liberty Kid and Hypnosis, Bob b Big Cheez-COR, Osyris b Drew Johnson-DQ, Jack Hammer b Anarchy.
- April 24, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Josh Kincaid d Krucifur, Wildman Rogers d The Mechanic by DQ, Meliki d Twitch with interference by Snake, Hellraiser d Tsunami, New Jack Hustlas d Skip Radison and Rob Kincaid, Apollo Star d American Kickboxer, Osyris d Drew Johnson, Anarchy d Bob, Jack Hammer d Cheez by countout.
- May 1, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Jack Hammer b Chad Collyer, Apollo Star b Hellraiser, Melliki b Wildman Rogers, The Game Boys b Liberty Kid and Hypnosis, Big Cheez b Big Hoss, Bob b Adam Renolds.
- May 8, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: New Jack Hustlas b Krucifer and Josh Kincaid, Liberty Kid b Anarchy, Machine b Meliki, Drew Johnson b Brandon Thomaselli, Big Tony and Little Joey b Hank Calhoun and Wildman Rogers, Drew Johnson won three-way over Machine and Liberty Kid, Jack Hammer b Fuji Brown.
- May 29, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Dark Dragon b Snake, Hellraiser b Melliki, Osyris b Fuji Brown, Wildman Rogers and Hank Calhoun b New Jack Hustlas, Hypnosis b Anarchy, Soul Shooters b Bob and Jack Hammer.
- June 19, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indian: Mickey Dahmer b Melliki, Fuji Brown b J-Real, Osyris b Dinn T. More, Apollo Star b Joni Chingas, Bob b Big Cheez, Liberty Kid and Hypnosis NC Southern Boys, Jack Hammer b Drew Johnson.
- June 26, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Xtreme 8 Tournament in Marion, Indiana: Apollo Starr b Menace, Big Cheez b Dean Jablonski, Colt Cabana b Shawn Daivari, Matt Stryker b Anarchy, Starr b Stryker, Cabana b Cheez, Drew Johnson won four-way over Dusty, Wildman Rogers and Fuji Brown to become Xtreme champion, Starr b Cabana to win Extreme 8 tournament.
- July 3, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Gameboys b Jeff King and Adam Reynolds, Liberty Kid b Sickness, Melliki b Hypnosis, Red Lightning b Josh Kincaid, Bob and Fuji Brown b Big Cheez and Anarchy, Johnny Mac b Josh Abercrombie, Osyris and Hurricane (not that one) b Wildman Rogers and Hank Calhoun.
- July 4, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Gameboys b Red Lightning and C.P., Osyris b Sickness, Hypnosis b Melliki, Josh Abercrombie won three-way over Jeff King and Adam Reynolds, American Eagle and Liberty Kid b Southern Boys (not original)-DQ, Jack hammer b Anarchy, Bob b Big Cheez, Liberty Kid won Battle Royal.
- July 10, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Melliki b Mercenary, Fallen Dragon b Jimmy Shalwin, Big Cheez b Osyris, Apollo Star b Josh Abercrombie, Drew Johnson NC Dusty, Liberty Kid and Hypnosis b Southern Boys, Dusty and Bob and Jack Hammer b Drew Johnson and Apollo Star and Anarchy and Big Cheez.
- July 17, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Melliki b American Eagle, Big Cheez b Bob, Ryan Paradise b Anarchy-DQ, Apollo Star and Drew Johnson b Liberty Kid and Hypnosis, Jack Hammer b Hank Calhoun.
- July 24, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Hurricane b Hank Calhoun, Sickness b Jimmy Turner, Hypnosis b Wildman Rogers, Anarchy b American Eagle, jack Hammer b Melliki, Big Cheez b Liberty Kid, Drew Johnson and Apollo Starr b Bob and Ryan Paradise.
- August 7, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Hypnosis b Sickness, Melliki b Rob Kincaid, Osyris b Ric Savage, Drew Johnson and Apollo Starr b Jeff King and Adam Renolds, Ryan Paradise b Josh Abercrombie in the first show. Second saw Renolds b Jeff King, Osyris b James Vulgar in a dog collar match, Wildman Rogers NC Hank Calhoun in a drinking match, Abercrombie b Paradise, Bob NC Big Cheez, Johnson and Starr b Liberty Kid and Hypnosis in a tables match, Melliki b Brandon Prophet in a fans bring the weapons match.
- August 14, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Fallen Dragon b Liberty Kid, Sikness b Hypnosis, Melliki b Dusk, Osyris b Jeff King, Anarchy b Josh Abercrombie, Ryan Paradise b Adam Renolds, Bob b Big Cheez.
- August 21, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Fallen Dragon b Hypnosis, Melliki b James Vulgar, Osyris b Hank Calhoun, Bob b Ryan Paradise, Drew Johnson and Apollo Starr b Anarchy and Hypnosis, Big Cheez b Jack Hammer.
- August 28, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Hillbilly Jed b Simply Spectacular, Dustin Rayz b Dusk, Lotus and Crazy J b Anarchy and Hypnosis, Kid Kory b Caution, Adam Renolds b Sikness, Bob b Dustin Lee, Ryan Paradise b Vortekz, Soul Shooters b Soopa Villains, Big Cheez b Melliki.
- September 4, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Hank Calhoun b Captain Psychedelic, Crazy J and Lotus b Aloha Kid and Panther, Johnny Mac b James Vulgar, Hypnosis b Phoenix, Osyris b Melliki, Jeff King b Frankie the Face, Josh Abercrombie b Donnie Million, Bob b Ryan Paradise, Dean Jablonski b Jack Hammer, Soul Shooters d Void Effect 20:00 draw.
- September 11, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Jordan Blake b Big John, Hypnosis b J.D. Elite, New Jack Hustlas b Blake Stevens and Seth Clash, Osyris b Hank Calhoun, Hypnosis b Jack Hammer-DQ, Bob b Ryan Paradise-DQ, Big Cheez b Anarchy.
- September 18, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Captain Psychedelic b Hank Calhoun-DQ, Melliki NC Snake, Anarchy b Sikness, Ryan Paradise b Hypnosis, Big Cheez and Apollo Starr and Drew Johnson b Osyris and New Jack Hustlas.
- September 25, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Great Makau b Johnny Lawless, Fuji Brown b Blake Stevens, Josh Abercrombie won three-way over Jimmy Shalwin and Seth Clash, Melliki b CP, Anarchy and Hypnosis b Phoenix and Ryan Paradise, Hurricane won Rebel Rumble going the full hour after starting first.
- October 2, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: 7 p.m. show was Sikness b J.D. Elite, Jimmy Shalwin and Great Maukua b Blake Stevens and Seth Clash, Snake b Mac Daddy, Fallen Dragon b Big John, Gameboys b Jeff King and Adam Renolds, Ryan Paradise b Hypnosis.. 10 p.m. show saw Jeff King b Adam Renolds, Justin Fury b James Vulgar in a loser eats dog food match, Anarchy b Phoenix, Bob b Hank Calhoun, New Jack Hustlers b Soul Shooters, Osyris b Big Cheez-DQ, Captain Psychededlic b Melliki and Brandon Prophet in three-way to win Xtreme title.
- October 9, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Melliki b Sikness, Blake Stevens and J.D. Elite b Josh Kincaid and Krucfier, Ryan Paradise b James Vulgar, Drew Johnson b Fallen Dragon, Phoenix b Anarchy, Hypnosis and Bob and Fuji Brown b Big Cheez and Hank Calhoun and Jack Hammer.
- October 16, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Mislead Youth b Mr. Main Event (working the opener [INSERT]) and Black Velvet, Melliki b Damon Starr, Sikness b Hank Calhoun, Osyris b Denzel Titan, Soul Shooters b Black Stevens and Seth Clash and Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis, Phoenix b J.D. Elite, Jack Hammer b Brother Clay, Dean Jablonski b Big Cheez.
- October 23, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: J.D. Elite b Hollywood Nightmare, Ryan Paradise won elimination match, Jeff King b Fallen Dragon-DQ, New Jack Hustlas b Soul Shooters, Bob b Ryan Paradise, Big Cheez b Osyris.
- November 6, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Sikness b Indy Kid, P-Roc b Fallen Dragon, Osyris b Melliki, Jack Hammer NC K-Dub, Bob b Hank Calhoun-DQ, Big Cheez b Hypnosis.
- November 13, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Charles Anthony b Elvis Elliot, Mr. Main Event b Opie Clampett, Black Velvet b Denzel Titan, Indy Kid b Seth Clash, Duff Morgan b Kris Konflict, Osyris b Kid Kross, Sikness b Hank Calhoun-DQ, Hypnosis b Falen Dragon.
- November 20, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Capt. Psychedelic b Kris Konflict, Opie Clampet b Homeless Avenger, Gary Dawson b Elvis Elliot, Hypnosis b Kid Cross, Indy Kid b Fallen Dragon, Sikness b Lotus, BaDunkaDunk b Mr. Main Event, Ryan Paradise won three-way over Krucifer and Josh Kincaid, Indy Kid b Sikness, Hypnosis b Gary Dawson.
- November 27, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: David Payne b Matt Schlock, Duff Morgan b Rod Stedem, Sikness b Seth Clash, Hank Calhoun b Zodiac, Fallen Dragon b Aloha Kid, Capt. Psychedelic b J.D. Elite, Ryan Paradise b Lotus, Indy Kid b Hypnosis.
- December 4, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Osyris b Rage and Aloha Kid in handicap match, J.D. Elite and Seth Clash tied for win in three-way over Superman Rob, Phoenix b Big Cheez-DQ, Melliki b CP, Duff Morgan b Liberty Kid, Fallen Dragon b Jersey, Badunkadunk and Sandi Beach b Miss Diamond and Shauna Doyle, P-Roc b Snake, Matt Shock b 70s Guy, Hank Calhoun and Bob b Zodiac and Wildman Rogers, Sikness b Hypnosis in ladder match, Indy Kid won three-way over Ryan Paradise and Lotus, Seth Clash won Battle Royal.
- December 11, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Matt Shock b Jamie Thunder, Fallen Dragon b Aloha Kid, Rage b Melliki-DQ, J.D. Elite and Duff Morgan b Hank Calhoun and Wildman Rogers and Liberty Kid and Hypnosis, Osyris b Capt. Psychedelic, Big Cheez b Superman Rob, LMatch b Ryan Paradise, Seth Clash b Sikness, Indy Kid b Jeff King, Anarchy and Phoenix NC Soul Shooters, Bob and Anarchy and Phoenix b Big Cheez and Apollo Starr and Drew Johnson-DQ.]
- December 18, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: X won three-way over Lost Boy and Criminal, Phoenix and Anarchy b David Payne and Aloha Kid, J.D. Elite and Duff Morgan b CP and 70s Guy, Sikness and Indy Kid b Hypnosis and Liberty Kid, Jeff King and Ryan Paradise b Osyris and Matt Shock-DQ, Superman Rob b Melliki-DQ, Anarchy and Phoenix b Paradise and King, Morgan and Elite b Sikness and Indy Kid, X wno six-way.
- December 23, 2004 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Unrated b Frank Stein, Hypnosis b Wildman Rogers, Osyris b Snake, Rage b Sikness, Matt Shock b Melliki-DQ, Hank Calhoun b That 70s Guy (no, not Mike Awesome), Osyris b Aloha Kid, Josh Abercrombie b Capt. Psychedelic, Anarchy b Fallen Dragon.
- January 1, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Kid Kross b Hypnosis, Liberty Kid b Fallen Dragon, Hank Calhoun and Wildman Rogers b Game Boys and Prime Time and Rage, Matt Shock b Melliki in a hair vs. slave match, Bob b Superman Rob, Osyris b Mr. Main Event, X b Jeff King, Seth Clash b Josh Abercrombie-DQ, Sikness b C.P., Duff Morgan and J.D. Elite b Phoenix and Anarchy, Indy Kid b Jimmy Jacobs.
- January 15, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: New Jack Hustlas b Xavier and Dominique Justice, Fallen Dragon b Chuck Weeden, Superman Rob b Perry Lynn, Matt Shock b Kevin Baker, 70s Guy and C.P. b Liberty Kid and Hypnosis, Phoenix and Anarchy b Southern Boys, Sikness b Elvis Elliott-DQ, Osyris b Melliki and Bob and Ryan Paradise in a 4-WAU.
- January 29, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Denzel Titan b Black Velvet, Superman Rob b Big John, Who Am I b Mr. Main Event, Matt Shock b Wildman Rogers, Indy Kid b Sikness-DQ, NC-17 b Liberty Kid and Hypnosis and CP and That 70s Guy, Bob won three-way over Hank Calhoun and Fallen Dragon, Osyris b Melliki-DQ.
- February 5, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Frank Stein b Unrated, Chance Laved b Chip Daily, Superman Rob b Rage, Fallen Dragon b Ernie Balls, Anarchy b Adam Renolds, Southern Boys won three-way over Dyson Pryce and Maynard Ruffneck and Vato and Din T. Moore, Matt Shock b P Roc, Bob b Captain Psychedelic, Osyris and Indy Kid b Melliki and Sikness.
- February 12, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Fallen Dragon won Battle Royal, Adam Renolds b Dez, Frank Stein b Johnny Dollar, Chip Dailey b Chance Laredo, Bob b Seth Clash, Melliki and Sikness won over Duff Morgan and J.D. Elite, New Jack Hustlas and Tsunami Brothers, Billy Roc wno three-way over Shawn Cook and Ryan Thunder, Hypnosis b Unrated, Ryan Paradise b CP by DQ, Osyris b Red Lightning, Bob and Phoenix and Anarchy b Tracy Smothers and Wildman Rogers and Hank Calhoun by DQ.
- February 19, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Capt. Psychedelic b Hypnosis, New Jack Hustlas b Frank Stein and Will Reign, Matt Shock b David Payne, Sikness b Liberty Kid, Southern Boys b NC-17 by DQ, Jack Hammer b Ryan Paradise, Indy Kid b Fallen Dragon, Osyris b Melliki in a tables match.
- February 26, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: New Jack Hustlas b Frank Stein and Johnny Dollar, Capt. Psychedelic b Jack Thriller, Alcatraz b Matt Shock by DQ, Ryan Paradise NC Superman Rob, Phoenix b Unrated, Billy Roc b Fallen Dragon, Southern Boys b Melliki and Sikness by DQ, Bob b Hypnosis.
- March 5, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Chance Laredo b Chip Daley, CP and 70s Guy b Frank Stein and Johnny Dollar, Alcatraz b Liberty Kid, Phoenix won three-way over Hypnosis and Fallen Dragon, Duff Morgan and Seth Clash b Johnny and Donnie Tsunami, Ryan Paradise won three-way over Jack Thriller and Unrated, Bob b Billy Roc, Osyris b C.W. Anderson.
- March 11, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: New Jack Hustlas b Liberty Kid and Hypnosis, Jack Thriller won three-way over C.J. Otis and Ernie Balls, Superman Rob b Fallen Dragon, Ryan Paradise vs Matt Shock ended in a NO CONTEST, Indy Kid b Dark Omen, El Moro b Bob-DQ, Osyris b Phoenix, Sikness and Melliki b Southern Boys.
- March 19, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Johnny and Donnie Tsunami b Whip Dog and Steve Sommers, Hypnosis b Liberty Kid in a mask vs. mask, Fallen Dragon b Snake, 70s Guy b Ref Big John (Are you ready [INSERT]), Jack Thriller b Hades, Indy Kid b Daon Starr, Southern Boys b Melliki and Sikness, Osyris b Capt. Psychedelic.
- March 26, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Southern Boys b Will Reign and Noah Lott, Hypnosis b Reign, Superman Rob b Smooth Criminal, Matt Shock b David Payne and Melliki in a 3-WAY, Ryan Paradise b Tiny Tim, Indy Kid b Capt. Psychedelic, Osyris b Fallen Dragon by DQ.
- April 2, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Noah Lott b Chip Daley, Ryan Paradise b CP, Southern Boys b New Jack Hustlas, Bob b David Payne, Indy Kid won four-way over Hypnosis, Sikness and Fallen Dragon, Phoenix b Osyris.
- April 9, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Johnny Dynamo b Brian Bender, Anarchy won Battle Royal, C.J. Otis b Bam, Noah Lott b Chance Laredo, David Payne won three-way over Matt Dreez and Cannibus, Jack Thriller b Chip Daley, Unrated b Ernie Balls, Mellik b CP, Southern Boys beat Tsunamis and Johnny Dollar and Frank Stein in three-way, Indy Kid beat Hypnosis and Sikness and Fallen Dragon in a four-way.
- April 16, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Capt. Psychedelic b David Payne, Melliki b Matt Dreez, Southern Boys b Kalvin Cline and MIA, Matt Shock b Melliki, Sikness b Hypnosis, Phoenix d Indy Kid.
- April 23, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Xtreme 8 Tournament in Marion, Indiana: Nigel McGuiness b Jack Thriller, Indy Kid b Chad Collyer, Colt Cabana b Ryan Paradise, Phoenix b Sikness, Colt Cabana b Nigel McGuiness, Indy Kid b Phoenix, Frank Stein and Johnny Dollar b Southern Boys, Colt Cabana b Indy Kid.
- April 30, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Chance Laredo won three-way over Chip Daley and James Vulgar, Noah Lott b Dez, Melliki b Reign, Matt Shock b Wildman Rogers, Fallen Dragon b Hypnosis, Sikness b CP, Ryan Paradise b Hank Calhoun, Anarchy b Bob-DQ, Indy Kid b Colt Cabana.
- May 7, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Chance Laredo b David Payne, Jack Thriller b Johnny Mac, Noah Lott b Stryc-9, Anarchy b Matt Shock-DQ, Fallen Dragon b Melliki, Ryan Paradise b Sikness | Second show saw Jeff King b Adam Renolds, Noah Lott b Osyris in a dog collar match, Chance Laredo b Melliki, Sikness b Unr8ated, Anarchy b Ryan Paradise and Fallen Dragon in three-way, Southern Boys b Frank Stein and Johnny Dollar.
- May 14, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Southern Boys b Tom Cotton and SPT Reign, C.P. b Fallen Dragon, Matt Shock b MIA, Matt Shock DCOR Osyris, Sikness b Hypnosis, Indy Kid b Jack Thriller, Phoenix b Anarchy.
- May 21, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Osyris b Kal Vin Cline and MIA, CP b Sikness, Osyris b Melliki, Indy Kid b Noah Lott, Anarchy b CP.
- May 28, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Billy Roc b Lawrence Poffo, Fabuzio b Johnny Dollar, Tony Scarpone b Egotistico Fantastico, Jack Thriller b Ernie Ballz, Osyris b Machine, Jimmy Jacobs b Josh Abercrombie, Matt Shock b Wildman Rogers, Noah Lott b Sikness, Anarchy won four-way over Melliki, Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis, Indy Kid b CP, CP won Battle Royal.
- June 4, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Kal Vin Cline and MIA b Opie Clampett and Kris Konflict, Fallen Dragon won three-way over Sikness and Chance Laredo, Mr. Main Event b Ernie Ballz, Noah Lott b Johnny Dollar, Southern Boys b Frank Stein and Chip Daley, Anarchy b Melliki, Jay West b Hypnosis, Osyris b Matt Shock.
- June 18, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Mike Kross b Twitch, Billy Roc b Kenny Courageous, Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis b Drunk and Disorderly, Jay West b P.T. Hussla, CP b Sikness, Southern Boys b New Jack Hustlas by DQ, Melliki vs Matt Shock ended in a NO CONTEST.
- July 2, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – EWF Title Tournament in Marion, Indiana: Noah Lott b Sikness, Anarchy b CP, Chance Laredo b Johnny Dollar, Matt Shock d Osyris, Chip Daley b Jack Thriller and Brad Lamen and Fabuzio and Steve Armani and Frank Stein in a 6-WAY, Anarchy b Noah Lott, Jay West b Chip Daley, Anarchy b Chance Laredo to win vacant title
- July 9, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Fabuzio b Steve Amani by DQ, Matt Shock b Hypnosis, Osyris b David Payne, Chip Daley and Frank Stein b Drunk and Disorderly, Fallen Dragon b Wildman Rogers, New Jack Hustlas b Evan Alexander and Bam Morgan, Jack Thriller won three-way over Unrated and Sikness, C.P. b Hank Calhoun, Jay West and Anarchy b Noah Lott and Chance Laredo.
- July 16, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis b Drunk and Disorderly, Brad Lamen b Chris Morrus, Ernie Ballz b Sikness, Osyris b Evan Alexander, Rastakhan b Josh Abercrombie, Jack Thriller won three-way over C.J. Otis and Johnny Dynamo, Hank Calhoun b Wildman Rogers, Jay West b Unrated, Anarchy b Frank Stein.
- July 23, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Rastakahn b Wildman Rogers, Orlando Colon (Carlito’s real cousin from Puerto Rico) b Johnny Dollar, Matt Shock NC Fabuzio, Chip Daley and Steve Amani b Sikness and Unrated, CP b Hank Calhoun, Noah Lott b Jay West, Anarchy b Frank Stein.
- July 30, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Rasakahn b Hypnosis, Hank Calhoun b Fallen Dragon, Matt Shock and Rastakahn co-won Battle Royal, C.P. won three-way over Sikness and Matt Shock, C.P. B Sikness, Anarchy b Steve Amani.
- August 6, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Sybil b Wildman Rogers, Hypnosis NC Sikness, Fallen Dragon b Johnny Dollar, Osyris b Steve Amani-DQ, New Jack Hustlas b Rastakhan and Matt Sock, Hank Calhoun b C.P., Anarchy b Noah Lott-DQ.
- August 20, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Rastakhan b Matt Shock, Wildman Rogers b Lori Davis, Sikness b Hypnosis, Hank Calhoun b Steve Amani, Anarchy b Jake Schreiner.
- August 27, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Karen McBride b Wildman Rogers, Fabuzio and Steve Amani b New Jack Hustlas, Matt Shock b Rastakhan, Wildman Rogers b Sybil Star, Fallen Dragon b Hypnosis, Jay West b Noah Lott, Hank Calhoun b Fallen Dragon, Sikness b Jake Schreiner, J.T. Zorin b Anarchy-DQ.
- September 3, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: MIA NC J.D. Blaze, Karen McBride b Wildman Rogers, Rastakhan b Liberty Kid, Matt Shock b 70s Guy, Chance Laredo and Frank Stein b Unrated and Comacide, Fallen Dragon b Hypnosis, Hank Calhoun b Chip Daley, Sikness b Steve Amani, Melliki and Noah Lott b Anarchy and Jay West.
- September 10, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Angie b Wildman Rogers by Count Out, Fabuzio b Fallen Dragon, Matt Shock NC Noah Lott and Steve Amani and Frank Stein, Melliki b Hypnosis Sikness and Jay West b Chance Laredo and Chip Daley, Rastakhan b Hank Calhoun, Anarchy b Tracy Smothers by DQ.
- September 17, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Rastakhan b A.C. Jones, Eve b Wildman Rogers-DQ, J.T. Zorin and Frank Stein b New Jack Hustlas, Bob b Ox Harley, Chance Laredo b Hypnosis-DQ, Noah Lott b Hank Calhoun, Anarchy b Chip Daley.
- September 24, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Rastakhan b Chance Laredo, Steve Amani b Hypnosis, Nadia b Wildman Rogers-DQ, Nadia b Rogers, Johnny and Donnie Tsunami b Jay West and Sikness, Noah Lott won Rumble.
- October 7, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Gameboy b Jeff King, Fallen Dragon b Dexter Alliaceous Jones, Sybil Star b Mike Martin, Osyris b Tonto, Hank Calhoun b Evan Alexander, Wildman Rogers b Hypnosis, Anarchy and Rastakhan and Bob b J.T. Zorin and Chip Daley and Steve Amani.
- October 15, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Fallen Dragon b Hank Calhoun, Gameboy b Wildman Rogers, Frank Stein b Rastakhan, Evan Alexander b Snake, Hypnosis b Jay West, Sikness, Johnny and Donnie Tsunami, Hypnosis b Sikness, Osyris b J.T. Zorin, Bob b Steve Amani, Anarchy b Chip Daley.
- November 5, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Wildman Rogers b Candyman, Xavier Justice b Zack McGuire, Tsunamis b Hades and Percy Lynn, Sybil Starr b Chip Daley, Hypnosis won four-way over Fallen Dragon, Jay West and Sikness, Chance Laredo b Rastakhan, Steve Amani and Fabuzio b Bob and Noah Lott, Anarchy b Phoenix.
- November 12, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Tommy Gage b Jeff King, Fallen Dragon b Game Boy, Chance Laredo b Jimmy Shalwin, Tsunamis b Marc and Wyatt Houston, Rastakhan b MIA and Snake, Bob b Chip Daley, Jimmy Jacobs b Hypnosis, Frank Stein and Steve Amani b Anarchy and Phoenix-DQ.
- November 24, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Tommy Gage b Brian Klass, Hypnosis b Chip Daley-DQ, Frank Stein and Steve Amani b Johnny and Donnie Tsunami, Cameron Star b Sybil Starr, J.T. Zorin and Chance Laredo and Osyris and Noah Lott and Johnny Dollar b Bob and Phoenix and Hypnosis and Fallen Dragon in a Survivor Series style match.
- December 3, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Osyris b Tommy Tsunami, Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis b Houston Brothers, Chip Daley b Phoenix, Bob b Noah Lott, J.T. Zorin b Rastakhan, Anarchy b Charles Jackson, Johnny and Donnie Tsunami b Frank Stein and Steve Amani.
- December 10, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: El Vato and Dinn T. Moore b Mickey McKay and Scotty Pride, Tommy Gage b Steve Amami, Rastakhan b Charles Jackson, Hypnosis b Chip Daley, Chance Laredo b Anarchy-DQ, J.T. Zorin b Bob.
- December 23, 2005 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Ruin b MIA, Hypnosis b Silence, The Houston Brothers b Tsunamis, Tommy Gage b Fallen Dragon, Steve Amani b Homeless Hank-DQ, Evan Alexander b Rastakhan, Bob and Anarchy and Phoenix and Big Cheez b Noah Lott and Frank Stein and Chance Laredo and Charles Robinson, J.T. Zorin d Todd Ordway.
- January 7, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Xavier Justice and Percy Lynn b Criminal Rejects, Chuck Weiden b Hades, Osyris b MIA, Jay West b Candyman, Sybil Starr b Lexi, Anarchy b Tommy Gage, Jack Thriller won six-way over Hypnosis, Chance Laredo, Silence, Phoenix and Noah Lott, Fallen Dragon b Homeless Hank-DQ, Johnny and Donnie and Tommy Tsunami b Houston Brothers and Brandon Iron, Steve Amani b Frank Stein, Rastakhan b Evan Alexander, Jack Thriller b Matt Hyson.
- January 14, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Billy Roc b Shawn Cook, Marc Houston b Tommy Gage, Osyris b Zach McGuire, Fallen Dragon b Johnny Dynamo, Phoenix b Chance Laredo, Bob b Frank the Face, Tsunamis b Jeff King and Gameboy, Jack Thriller b Hypnosis, Steve Amani won three-way over Frank Stein and Noah Lott, J.T Zorin won three-way over Anarchy and Todd Ordway.
- January 21, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Frankie the Face b Gary the Freak, Johnny Dynamo b Zack McGuire, Hypnosis b MIA, Adam Bueller b Drago, Fallen Dragon b Shane Matthews, Rastakhan and Steve Amani b Jeff King and Gameboy, J.T. Zorin b Noah Lott, Tracy Smothers b Bob by DQ.
- January 28, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Johnny Sparks and Skip Radisson b T.J. Kemp and Gary Cherry, Gunner Stahl b Willie Loseagain, Cameron Star b BaDunka Dunk, Chance Laredo b Fallen Dragon, Gameboy b Bam Morgan, Johnny Dynamo b Evan Alexander, Jeff King b Hypnosis.
- February 4, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Maynard Ruffneck b Gary Cherry, Johnny Dynamo b T.J. Kemp, Hypnosis and Fallen Dragon b Rob Kincaid and Skip Raddison, P-Roc b MIA and Snake, Jeff King b Gunner Stahl, Steve Amani b Anarchy, Tommy Gage b Chance Laredo, Frankie the Face b Rastakhan, Jack Thriller won three-way over Jay West and Gameboy, Osyris b J.T Zorin-DQ.
- February 11, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Zack McGuire b T.J. Kemp, Mickey McCoy b Frank Stein, Dinn T. Moore b Gunner Stalh-DQ, T.J. Kemp and Gary Cherry b Wildman Rogers and John Hurt, Joni Chingas b Anarchy, J.T. Zorin and Johnny Spark b Rastakhan.
- February 18, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Johnny Dynamo b Maynard Ruffneck, Hank Calhoun b Josh Movado, BaDunkaDunk b Cameron Star, Steve Amani b Johnny Spark, Locked N Loaded won over Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis, Jeff King and Gameboy and Wildman Rogers and Big John Hurtz.
- February 25, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, IN: Mr. Main Event b Brian Bender, Gary Dawson b Ernie Ballz, Kid Italy b Kris Konflict, Tsunamis b Wildman Rogers and John Hurtz, Sybil Starr b Anarchy, Brandon Prophet b Osyris by DQ.
- March 4, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Tommy Gage b Hades, Jerry Draven b Hypnosis, Xavier and Percy Lynn b Big John Hurtz and Wildman Rogers, Fallen Dragon b Hank Calhoun, Gunner Hansen b Phoenix, Locked N Loaded b Tsunamis, Bob and Osyris b Hurtz and Rogers.
- March 11, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Donnie and Bobby Tsunami b Wildman Rogers and Big John Hurtz, Johnny Dollar b Drake Younger, Gunner Hansen b Fallen Dragon, Brandon Prophet b Diehard, Evan Alexander and Seth Clash b Colt Justice and William Studd, Phoenix NC Anarchy, Hank Calhoun b Hypnosis, Johnny Dynamo b Frankie the Face, Jack Thrller b Gameboy, J.T. Zorin and Noah Lott b Osyris by DQ.
- March 18, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Xavier Cross b Marc Houston, Mike Curiell b Mike Anthony, MIA and Snake b Frank Stein and Polisher, Drake Younger b Stryc-9, Lucky O’Reilly NC Little Vinnie in a midgets match, Locked N Loaded b T.J. Kemp and Gary Cherry, Ninja Joe b Dollars-DQ, Tommy Gage b Brandon Prophet, Zack McGuire b Steve Amani, Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis b Gunner Hansen and Hank Calhoun, Ladder matches: Osyris b Wildman Rogers and Big John Hurtz, Osyris b Dollars, Osyris b Frank Stein, Osyris NC J.T. Zorin.
- March 25, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Dollars b MIA, Gunner Hansen b DOA, Brandon McGuire b Mike Curelli, Johnny Mac b Phoenix, Stryc-9 b Anarchy by DQ, Hank Calhoun b Hypnosis, Zack McGuire b Fallen Dragon, Drake Younger b Frank Stein, Bob b Noah Lott by Count Out.
- April 1, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Gunner Hansen b Donnie Tsunami, Ryan Paradise b Dollars, Bob b Klunk the Klown, Tommy Gage b Frank Stein, Rastakhan b Hank Calhoun, Osyris and Steve Amani b John Hurtz and Wildman Rogers, Phoenix vs Anarchy ended in a No Contest.
- April 8, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – X8 Tournament in Marion, Indiana: Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis b Phoenix and Anarchy by DQ, Samoa Joe b Gunner Hansen, Jimmy Jacobs b Johnny Dynamo, Delirious b Joni Chingas, Rastakhan b Josh Abercrombie, Jimmy Jacobs b Delirious, Samoa Joe b Rastakhan, Noah Lott b Jack Thriller and Bob and Gameboy in a 4-WAY, Samoa Joe b Jimmy Jacobs to win the Tournament.
- April 15, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Brandon Prophet b Wildman Rogers, Drake Younger b Damien, Hank Calhoun b Insane Luchador, Phoenix b Fallen Dragon, Hypnosis b Zack McGuire, Anarchy b Hypnosis, Bob b Gunner Hansen.
- April 22, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Stryc-9 b Adam Renolds, Drake Younger b Johnny Mac, Tsunamis b Sikness and Damien, Gameboy b Kory James, Wildman Rogers b Bob, Osyris b Hank Calhoun, Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis b Phoenix, POD b Toad in a midget ladder match
- April 29, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Damien b Jake Omen, Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis won three-way over Locked and Loaded and Phoenix and Anarchy-DQ, Gunner Hansen b Wildman Rogers, Todd Ordway b Hank Calhoun, Osyris and Bob b J.T. Zorin and Noah Lott.
- May 6, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Frank Stein b Joe Williamson, James Vulgar b Hank Calhoun, Deca b Wildman Rogers, Damien b Todd Ordway, Bob b Noah Lott, Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis won over Locked N Loaded , Unholy Alliance and Johnny and Tommy Tsunami, Osyris b J.T. Zorin.
- May 19, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Skip Raddison b Wildman Rogers, Brandon Prophet b Dayton Suave, Hank Calhoun b Snake, Fallen Dragon b Drake Younger, Damien b Brandon Prophet, Zack McGurie b Hypnosis, Osyris and Bob b Unholy Alliance.
- May 27, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Nic AV b Ninja Joe, P-Roc b Hypnosis, Damien b Fallen Dragon, Bob b Dollars, Phoenix and Anarchy b Hank Calhoun and Wildman Rogers, Osyris b Gunner Hansen.
- June 17, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Converse, Indiana: Hypnosis won Battle Royal, Tommy Gage won three-way over Shawn Cook and Devon Fury, Phoenix and Anarchy b Brian Bender and Gary Dawson, Tsunamis b Southern Boys, Fallen Dragon b Opie Clampett, Kamala and Damien b Koko Ware and Bob in a tables match. Nikita Koloff, Ware and Kamala all talked about Jesus Christ after the show.
- July 1, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Brutus Dylan b Mazz, Gunner Hansen b Liberty Kid, Locked’n’Loaded b El Flamo and Insane Luchadore, Fuji Brown b Wildman Rogers, The Houston Brothers b Big John and Masked Eagle, Tsunamis b Apollo Starr and Drew Johnson, Osyris b Damian.
- July 8, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Krazy 8 Tournament in Marion, Indiana: The Southern Boys b Locked’N’Loaded, Irish Airborne (David Crist and Jake Crist) b The Unholy Alliance (Hypnosis and Dragon), Shawn Cook and Billy Roc b Marc and Wyatt Houston, Phoenix and Just Justin b Hillbilly Jed and Indiana Kidd Jr., The Unholy Alliance (Hypnosis and Dragon) b The Southern Boys, Irish Airborne (David Crist and Jake Crist) b Shawn Cook and Billy Roc, Tiny Tim b Bob, Gunner Hansen and Fuji Brown, Osyris b Damian, The Unholy Alliance (Hypnosis and Dragon) b Irish Airborne (David Crist and Jake Crist) to win the Tournament and the Tag Team titles.
- July 22, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Cousin Cletus b Kevin Frost, Damian b Tommy Gage, Superman Rob b Senior Flamer, Bob b Richard Cannon, Just Justin and Phoenix b Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis and The Southern Boys in a 3-WAY, Osyris vs P-Roc nended in a No Contest.
- July 29, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Billy Roc b Jamie Crisis, Bouncer b Super Pain, Fallen Dragon b Bi-Polar, Damian won three-way over Fuji Brown and Senior Flamer, Soul Shooters b Southern Boys, Osyris b Richard Cannon.
- August 5, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Louis RoHass and Dark Lion b Mark and Wyatt Houston, Richard Cannon b Wildman Rogers, Insane Luchadore and Senior Flamer b Dragon and Hypnosis, Tiny Tim b Gunner Hansen, Osyris and Damian and Wildman Rogers b Richard Cannon and Houston Boys.
- August 12, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Bipolar b Scotty Young, Mr. Main Event b Adam Renolds, The Southern Boys b The Houston Brothers, Fuji Brown b Jake Omen, Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis b Zane Richards and Sean Belushi, Wyatt Houston won a Battle Royal, Osyris b Gunner Hansen, Nate Phoenix and Just Justin b Soul Shooter and Brian Bender and Ernie Blazz, Richard Cannon b Hurricane.
- August 19, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Jimmy Shalwin b Keith Kreme, Indiana Kidd Jr. b Hillbilly Jed b Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis, Fuji Brown b Dark Loin, The Southern Boys b Richard Cannon, The Soul Shooters b Indiana Kidd Jr. and Hillbilly Jed, Osyris b Jimmy Jacobs.
- August 26, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Brutus Dylan b Liberty Kid, Jake Omen b Scott Young, Dark Lion b Alex Raze, The Southern Boys b Livery Kid and Hypnosis and Damian and Senor Flamer in a 3-WAY, Destiny Blade b “Big” Richard Cannon, Jack Thriller vs Brandon Day ended in a time limit draw, Osyris b Bobby Dylan to retain the EWF Heavyweight title.
- September 2, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Hypnosis b Insane Luchadore, Fallen Dragon b Willie Loseagain, Fuji Brown b Senor Flamer, The Southern Boys b Caden Ames and Cristen Able, Sean Belushi b Damian Michaels, Cameron Star b Destinee Blade, Osyris and Wyatt Houston b Fuji Brown and Richard Cannon.
- September 9, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Frankie the Face b Damian Michaels, The Southern Boys b Senor Flamer and Mini Max, Caden Ames and Cristen Able b Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis, Richard Cannon b Jimmy Shalwin, Fuji Brown b Destinee Blade, Ames and Able b Soul Shooters and Dragon and Hypnosis.
- September 16, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Josh Calisto b Jimmy Jones, Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis b Southern Boys, Damian Michaels b Senor Flamer, Caden Ames and Cristan Able b Shawn Cook and 2-Low, Dark Lion b Jay Bliss, Destinne Blade b Cameron Star, Richard Cannon b Wyatt Houston, Tank Toland b Richard Cannon, Osyris b Marc Houston.
- September 23, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Osyris b Gunner Hansen, J.T. Zorin and Frank Stein b Indiana Kidd Jr. and Hillbilly Jed and Spyral and Kaos, Jack Thriller won three-way over Jay West and Donnie Tsunami, Southern Boys and Cameron Star b Ames and Able and Destinee Blade, Shark Boy b Richard Cannon-DQ, Zorin on Rumble.
- September 30, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Dark Lion b Wildman Rogers, Mr. Main Event b Kris Konflict, Richard Cannon b Senor Flamer and Insane Luchadore, Soul Shooters b Jimmy Whiplash and Chris Korvis, Damian Michaels b Hank Calhoun, Tsunamis b Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis, Osyris b Fuji Brown.
- October 14, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Ames and Able b Southern Boys, Fuji Brown b Senor Flamer, Dark Lion b Damian Michaels, Apollo Starr b Bob, Johnny Tsunami b Just Justin, Cameron Star b Destinee Blade, Pat Tanaka and Dylan Right b Hypnosis and Fallen Dragon, Richard Cannon b Tank Toland-DQ, Osyris b Jimmy Jacobs.
- October 21, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Cameron Star b Destinee Blade, Marc Houston b Jeremy Hadley, Tsunamis b Fallen Dragon and Hypnosis and Justin Dean and Seth Clash, Just Justin b Senor Flamer, Bob b Damian Michaels, Dark Lion b Fuji Brown, Jimmy Snuka and Caden Ames and Cristen Able b Richard Cannon and Hank Calhoun and Wildman Rogers.
- November 4, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Hypnosis b Great Sinwa and Mr. Happy in a 3-WAY, T.J. Kemp b Gary Cherry, Seth Clash and Justin Dean b Envy and Kris Konflict, Senor Flamer b Mr. Main Event, Pat Tanaka and Dylan Night b Just Justin and Nate Phoenix and The Southern Boys in a 3-WAY, Osyris b Dark Lion.
- November 11, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Damien Adams b Mason Raige, Senor Flamer b El Bano, Sabbath b Frank Stein, Fallen Dragon b Butchie Davis, Bob b Ace Spade, Dark Lion b Nate Phoenix and Damian Michaels in a 3-WAY, Big Richard Cannon b Just Justin to retain the EWF Midwestern Title, Ro-Z and Osyris b Southern Boys (Wildman Rogers and Hank Calhoun).
- November 18, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Jake Omen b Hypnosis, Nate Phoenix b Senor Flamer, The Southern Boys b Ames and Able, Osyris b Fallen Dragon, Dark Lion b Richard Cannon by DQ.
- November 23, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Justin Dean b Fallen Dragon by DQ, Jake Omen b Senor Flamer, Just Justin b Seth Clash, Jimmy Jacobs b Nate Phoenix, Dark Lion b Cooter Jones, Ames and Able b The Southern Boys, Bob and Destinee Blade b Cameron Star and Damian Michaels, Just Justin b Jimmy Jacobs and Jake Omen and Justin Dean to win the Era title.
- December 2, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: T.J. Kemp and Gary Cherry b The Southern Boys by DQ, Damian Michaels b Lawrence Poffo, Senor Flamer b Noah Lott, Hypnosis b Fallen Dragon by DQ, J.T. Zorin b Nate Phoenix, Bob b Chip Daley, Just Justin vs Richard Cannon ended in a No Contest.
- December 9, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Frank Stein b Hypnosis, Jake Omen b Sami Callihan, Dark Lion b Fallen Dragon, Senor Flamer b Chance Laredo, Nate Phoenix b Nick Braxton, Ames and Able b Aaron Williams and Alan Wasylynchyn, Klunk the Klown b Matt Lowry, Bob b Johnny Tsunami, Sabbath b Wildman Rogers by DQ, Buff Bagwell b Richard Cannon.
- December 16, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation from Marion, Indiana at the EWF arena: Osyris b Chip Daley to retain the EWF title, Senor Flamer b Noah Lott, Frank Stein b “The Insane Luchadore” Snake, Dark Lion b Seth Clash w/Justin Tyme, Andy “Hypnosis” Santos b Fallen Dragon and Johnny Tsunami in a 3-WAY, Caden Ames and Christin Able and Just Justin and Bob and Nate Pheonix b. JT Zorin and Big Richard Cannon and Damian Michaels and The Southern Boys in a 10 Man Survivor Match. Order of elimination: Hank Calhoun by Pheonix; Nate Pheonix by Zorin; Caden Ames by Zorin; Damian by Able; Able after Zorin’s drones fought Ames and Able to the back causing a count out; Wildman Rogers by Bob; Bob by Cannon; Zorin by Justin after Ames and Able interfered dressed as the drones; Cannon by Justin.
- December 22, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Mr. Main Event b Senor Flamer, Indiana Kid Jr. b Jake Omen, Damian Michaels b Mr. Happy, Richard Cannon b Hillbilly Jed, Louis Linaris b Andy Santos, Dark Lion b Ernie Ballz, Apollo Starr and Fuji Brown b Konflict and Envy, Nate Phoenix b Fallen Dragon, Justin Dean b Just Justin, Osyris b Hank Calhoun.
- December 30, 2006 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Hillbilly Jed won a Battle Royal, “Hype” Jimmy Shalwin b Bobby Bambino, Indiana Kidd Jr. b Frank Stein, Ames and Able b The Southern Boys, Seth Clash b Dark Lion, Destinee Blade b Cameron Star, Senor Flamer b Noah Lott, Andy Santos and Andy Hales b Fallen Dragon and Johnny Tsunami, Jimmy Jacobs b Justin Dean and Just Justin in a 3-WAY, Osyris b Hillbilly Jed in a Last Man Standing match.
- January 6, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Hank Calhoun b Cooter Jones, Jake Omen b Josh Calisto, Sean Brody and Zane Richards b El Bano and Ryan Sax, Johnny Tsunami b Dark Lion, Bob and Andy Santos b Fallen Dragon and Damian by DQ, Richard Cannon b Nate Phoenix, Just Justin b Pat Tanaka.
- January 12, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Louis Linaris b Matt Lowry, Sami Callihan b Jeremy Hadley, Wildman Rogers b Hank Calhoun by DQ, Just Justin b Andy Santo and Jake Omen in a 3-WAY, Nate Phoenix and Destinee Blade b Fallen Dragon and Camron Star, Ames and Able b Zane Richards and Sean Brodie, Osyris b Marc Houston, D-Lo Brown and Dark Lion b Seth Clash and Justin Dean and Justin Tyme.
- January 27, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Sami Callihan b Senor Flamer and Andy Santos in a 3-WAY, Jeremy Hadley b Kenneth James, Fallen Dragon b Matt Lowry, Louis Linaris b Nate Phoenix, Just Justin b Seth Clash, Justin Tyme b Hurricane, Drew Johnson and Apollo Starr b Ames and Able, Richard Cannon b Bob, Marc Houston and Hank Calhoun and Damian Michaels b Osyris and Dark Lion and Wildman Rogers.
- February 3, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Louis Linaris b Destinee Blade, Dark Lion b Wildman Rogers, Richard Cannon b Zach Gowen, Sami Callihan b Matt Lowry, POD b Mini Max, Jay West b Jimmy Jacobs to win title, Osyris b Justin Dean.
- February 10, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Nate Phoenix b Tony X, Wildman Rogers b Louis Linaris by DQ, Bob b Fallen Dragon, Jay West b Jake Omen, Richard Cannon b Andy Santos, Dark Lion vs Just Justin ended in a No Contest, Hank Calhoun b Osyris by Countout.
- February 17, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Legend’s Night in Marion, Indiana: Hank Calhoun b Sabbath, Justin Dean b Andy Santos in an X8 Qualifying Match, Fallen Dragon b Unr8ted and Chance Laredo in a 3-WAY, Just Justin and Nate Phoenix b Ames and Able (Tag Team Champions) in a Non-title match, Bob b Frank Stein, Ricky Morton and Wildman Rogers b Big Richard Cannon and Louis Linaris, “Indy Kid” Jay West b Marty Jannetty to retain the EWF New Era title, Osyris b Greg “The Hammer” Valentine to retain the EWF Heavyweight title.
- February 24, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana at the EWF Arena: Wildman Rogers b Matt Lowry, Destinee Blade (Ladies Champion) vs Miss Jeanie ended in a No Contest, Big Richard Cannon b Andy Santos to retain the Midwestern title, Jay West b Fallen Dragon and Jake Omen in a 3-WAY to retain the New Era title, Sami Callihan b Nate Pheonix in an X8 Qualifying match, Osyris and Just Justin b Hank Calhoun and Dark Lion.
- March 3, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Destinee Blade (EWF Ladies Champion) vs Miss Jeanie ended in a No Contest, Wildman Rogers b Lawrence Bon Poffo, Sami Callihan b Jamie Crisis and Jason Young in a Handicap match, Bob b Fallen Dragon, Nate Phoenix b Matt Lowry, Ames and Able b Locked’N’Loaded (Skipp Raddison and Rob Kincaid) to retain the EWF Tag Team titles, Dark Lion b Andy Santos, Just Justin b Hank Calhoun.
- March 10, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Andy Santos b Fallen Dragon and Lamar Titan and Ali Bumaya and Thomas Sinclair in a 5-WAY, Christian Able b Mr. Main Event, Bob b Fuji Brown, Louis Linaris b Isais Valezquez, Damian Michaels b Chance Laredo, Nate Phoenix b Richard Cannon, Wildman Rogers b Jordan Pryde, Ernie Ballz and Brian Bender b Skip Raddison and Rob Kincaid, Just Justin b Frank Stein, Osyris b Menace.
- March 17, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Louis Linaris b Ryan Rich, Fuji Brown b Damian Michaels, Camron Star vs Miss Jeanie ended in a No Contes when Sami Callihan interfered, Sami Callihan b Ali Bumaya, Jake Omen b Chance Laredo in an X8 qualifying match, Hillbilly Jed b Fallen Dragon in an X8 qualifying match, Hurricane b Hank Calhoun in a green beer chugging contest, Bob and Wildman Rogers b Locked-N-Loaded, Frank Stein b Just Justin w/Destinee Blade, Nate Phoenix b Richard Cannon to win the EWF Midwestern title, Osyris b Dark Lion in a No-DQ No-Countout match to retain the EWF Heavyweight title.
- March 24, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: “Sister” Main Event b Destinee Blade (c) and Miss Jeanie in a 3-WAY to win the EWF Ladies title, “Indy Kid” Jay West b Big Richard Cannon to retain the EWF New Era title, Nate Phoenix b Fuji Brown to retain the EWF Midwestern title, Locked-N-Loaded b Just Justin and Bob, Osyris b Fallen Dragon to retain the EWF Heavyweight title, Hurricane and Andy Santo b Hank Calhoun and Damian Michaels in a TLC match.
- March 31, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Sister Main Event vs. Destinee Blade ended in a Double Countout, Xavier Xross b Jason Young, Lawrence Bon Poffo b Jamie Crisis, Tommy Gage b Brandon Kruger, “Indy Kid” Jay West b Louis Lineras to retain the EWF New Era title, Jake Omen b Andy Santos, Nate Pheonix b Mr. Main Event to retain the EWF Midwestern title, Locked and Loaded b Ames and Able to win the EWF Tag Team titles, Just Justin won a 10 Man Battle Royal to get a shot at the EWF Heavyweight title, Osyris b Mark Houston to retain the EWF Title.
- April 14, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana at the EWF Arena: Hank Calhoun b Nightmare, Big Richard Cannon b Wildman Rogers, New Era Champion “Indy Kid” Jay West b Fallen Dragon, Jake Omen b Mike Lawson by DQ, Sami Callihan b Cupid Valentino, Nate Pheonix and Just Justin b EWF Tag Team Champions Locked N’ Loaded by DQ, Louis Linaris b Damian Michaels and Hank Calhoun and Wildman Rogers in a 4-WAY Fans Bring Weapons match.
- April 20, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – X8 Tournament in Marion, Indiana: Ames and Able b Marek Brave and Shane Hollister, Hillbilly Jed b Sami Callihan, Tyler Black b Jake Omen, Tank Toland b Justin Dean, Brent Albright b Billy Roc, Tank Toland b Tyler Black, Brent Albright b Hillbilly Jed, Osyris b Just Justin and Louis Linaris and Richard Cannon in a 4-WAY, John Toland b Brent Albright to win the X8 Tournament.
- April 28, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Todd Mullins b Donnie Benjamin, Mike Lawson b Mr. Main Event, Ric Cannon b Cupid Valentino, Bob b Hank Calhoun by DQ, Destinee Blade b Sister Main Event and Bobcat and Roni Jonah and Miss Jeanie in a 5-WAY, Jay West b Just Justin and Adam Bueller and Chip Daley and Fallen Dragon in a 5-WAY, Osyris b Jake Omen.
- May 5, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Gary Jay b Pierre Abernathy, Musi Kamau b Matt Lowry, Jake Omen b J-3, Cupid Valentino b Mike Lawson, Ames and Able b Locked and Loaded, Nate Phoenix and Bob and Andy Santos and Wildman Rogers b Hank Calhoun and Daman Michaels and Fallen Dragon and Snake, Jay West b Mr. Main Event, Zach Gowen b Sami Callihan.
- May 9, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Just Justin b Jake Omen and Mike Lawson in a 3-WAY, Frank Stein b Jordan Ice, Mosi Kamau b J-3 and Damian Michaels, Sami Callihan and Ric Cannon b Andy Santo and Cupid Valentino, Christian Able and Bob b Locked N Loaded, Nate Phoenix b Fallen Dragon, Osyris b Louis Linaris by DQ.
- May 19, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Head Gamez Marion, Indiana: Big Ric Cannon and Sami Callihan and Louis Linaris b Buckshot and Vinnie DaVinc and Brad Hexum (Sami Cannon dubbed his team as the “Elite Gentleman Of Wrestling” after the match), Dark Lion b Wildman Rogers, Mr. Main Event beat Bob, and Lawrence Bon Poffo (Destinee Blade came out and distracted Bob, causing him to chase her backstage), Just Justin b Cupid Valentino, Mr. Happy b Brian Bender, Osyris b Carlton Kaz to retain the EWF Heavyweight title, Al Snow b Nate Pheonix.
- May 26, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Cupid Valentino and Wildman Rogers and Andy Santos b Dark Lion and Fallen Dragon and Adam Bueller, Mosi Kamau b Jordan Ice, Jay West b Sami Callihan by DQ when Ric Cannon interfered to retain the New Era title (Osyris came down to make the save), a masked guy named “General Lee” debuted with his manager uncle Wildman Rogers, Locked N’ Loaded b Bob and Just Justin by DQ to retain the Tag Team titles, Hank Calhoun b Thomas Sinclair (Commissioner Angelo suspended Hank Calhoun for 30 days for a post-match beat-down), Nate Pheonix b Frank Stein to retain the Midwestern Title, Osyris (EWF Champion) vs. “Big” Ric Cannon ended in a No Contest, Extraordinary Gentlemen of Wrestling (Big Ric Cannon and Sami Callihan) b Osyris and Jay West (The WGOW celebrated and left with Jay West’s New Era belt).
- June 2, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: The suspended Hank Calhoun was sitting in the front row, Wildman Rogers w/General Lee b Fallen Dragon, Cupid Valentino b Dark Lion by DQ after Hank Calhoun attacked Valentino (Hank Calhoun then walked out of the building and QUIT), Andy Santos b Mr. Fitness and T.C. Dozier in a 3-WAY, Sami Callihan b Seth Skyfire, Locked N’ Loaded b Pat Tanaka and Peter Aiden and Bob and Just Justin in a 3-WAY Tag match, “Big” Ric Cannon b Tank Toland.
- June 9, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Gregory Iron b Matt Justice, Dark Lion b Buddy Stevens, Metal Master b Sami Callihan, Hurricane announced that the commissioner had suspended Bob and Just Justin tonight due to their actions last week against Hank Calhoun (However, Hank Calhoun and Fallen Dragon have both been let go from the EWF), Big Ric Cannon b Jordan Ice, Wildman Rogers w/General Lee b Frank Stein, Cupid Valentino and Andy Santos b Locked N’ Loaded to win the EWF Tag Team titles after interference from Bob and Just Justin, Osyris b Brandon Day to retain the EWF Heavyweight title.
- June 15, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Damian Michaels b Syphen Torez, Wildman Rogers w/General Lee b Andy Santos, Sami Callihan b Christian Able, Just Justin b Louis Linaris (After the match, Linaris demanded a rematch on June 21st), Bob b Big Ric Cannon by DQ.
- June 16, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Frank Stein b Syphen Torez, Two newcomers wearing Lucha masks came out and rambled something in Spanish, Jordan Ice b Mr. Fitness, Peter Aiden b Pat Tanaka by DQ, Cupid Valentino and Andy Santos b Locked N’ Loaded to retain the EWF Tag Team titles (The masked Luchadores came out to hit Cupid and Andy with chairs but it backfired and they hit Locked N’ Loaded), Wildman Rogers w/General Lee be Damian Michaels (General Lee hit Damian with his High Risk sign to help Wildman get the win. Wildman was unaware of what happened), Nate Pheonix b Dark Lion to retain the Midwestern Title, EGOW (Ric Cannon and Sami Callihan) vs. Bob and Just Justin ended in a No Contest when both teams were knocked out for the 10 count (After the match: Locked N’ Loaded came down to attack Bob and Justin. Nate Pheonix, Cupid, and Santos came out to make the save).
- June 21, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Special Thursday Night Event in Marion, Indiana: Frank Stein b Snake, Andy Santos and Wildman Rogers w/General Lee b Locked N’Loaded, Sami Callihan w/Ric Cannon b Buddy Stevens, Nate Pheonix b Chance Laredo to retain the Midwestern title, Louis Linaris b Just Justin.
- June 30, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Every match will be determined by drawing out of a hat – – Superman Rob b Mike Beach, Skip Raddison vs. Rob Kincaid ended in a Double Countout, Wildman Rogers w/General Lee b Willie Loseagain, Osyris b Bob to retain the EWF Heavyweight title, Shark Boy b Louis Linaris.
- July 7, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Dark Lion b Snake, Camron Star b Destinee Blade to win the EWF Ladie’s title, Wildman Rogers b Cupid Valentino, Bob w/Camron Star b Andrew Troyae (After the match; Troyae professed his love for Camron Star), Just Justin b Jake Omen, Nate Pheonix b Justin Dean w/Justin Tyme to retain the Midwestern Title.
- July 14, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Wildman Rogers w/General Lee b Willie Loseagain, Andrew Troyae b Camron Star to win the Ladies title, Bob b Dark Lion, Nate Pheonix b Cupid Valentino to retain the Midwestern Title, Jay West was stripped of the New Era Title due to lack of defenses, Just Justin b Big Ric Cannon to win the New Era title.
- July 21, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Andy Santos b Dark Lion, Frankie The Face b The Hebrew Hammer, Nate Phoenix b Johnny Lawless to retain the Midwestern title, Big Ric Cannon b Matt Stryker, Bob and Ryan Paradise b Wildman Rogers and General Lee, Just Justin b Jon Moxley to retain the New Era Title – Notes: This match had an evangelistic theme. “The Darkness” character represented the sin in life and was dominating The Crusader throughout the match. Through the power of God, The Crusader was able to overcome the Darkness and body slam the big man. The Darkness left the ring, then Crusader told him not to end it like this and told him about Christ. He was able convinced him to give up “the Darkness” and accept Jesus Christ.
- July 27, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – SLAMTACULAR: A Christian Outreach Event in Marion, Indiana: Andy Santos b Ryan Rich (After the match, Locked N’ Loaded jumped Andy Santos and took his Tag Team Title. They say they will regain the titles against Andy and Cupid on Saturday night), Bob b Louis Linaris, Nate Phoenix b Johnny Lawless and Adam Renolds in a 3-WAY to retain the Midwestern Title, Just Justin b Hillbilly Jed to retain the New Era Title, After intermission there was a Christian outreach service hosted by Rev. Ben Watkins – First Assembly of God, The Crusader vs. The Darkness ended in a No Contest.
- July 28, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Matt Gavins b Willie Loseagain, Dark Lion b Damian Michaels, Frankie The Face b Hebrew Hammer (After the match, Frankie beat on Hammer causing Just Justin to make the save), Cupid Valentino and Wildman Rogers (sub for Andy Santos) b Locked N’ Loaded w/Destinee Blade, Just Justin b Frankie The Face to retain the New Era Title, Nate Pheonix b Louis Linaris to retain the Midwestern Title, Osyris b Bob to retain the EWF Heavyweight title (After the match, Osyris says that Bob has been his toughest challenger for the title and would love to give him one more shot at the EWF Heavyweight Title).
- August 4, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Dark Lion b Mr. Fitness, Matt Cavins b The Insane Luchadore Snake, Gary the Freak b Johnny Lawless, The Hebrew Hammer b Frankie the Face “Just” Justin b Pat Tanaka to retain the New Era Title, Nate Pheonix b Adam “Sikness” Bueller, Wildman Rogers b Ric Cannon after outside interferance from General Lee.
- August 11, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Matt Cavins and Tony Tyson b Ernie Ballz and Brian Bender, Destinee Blade b BaDunkaDunk in a ladies match, Wildman Rogers b Nate Phoenix to win the Midwestern title (General Lee jabbed Phoenix in the throat to cost him the title. General Lee’s mission in leading Wildman Roger’s to championship gold by the end of the summer has been achieved), Big Ric Cannon and Louis Linaris b Bob and Dark Lion (After the match, Cannon challenged Osyris to an EWF Championship match at next week’s show), B.J. Whitmer b Sami Callihan, Just Justin b Mustafa Saied (Matt Stryker under a mask) to retain the New Era Title.
- August 18, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Sweet Lou b Carlton Kaz, “Diceman” Ronnie Vegas and Joey Owens b Lawrence Bon Poffo and Jamie Crisis, Destinee Blade b Camron Star to retain the Ladies Title, Sami Callihan b Hillbilly Jed, Nate Phoenix b Wildman Rogers to win the Midwestern title, Just Justin b Louis Linaris to retain the New Era title, Big Ric Cannon b Osyris to win the EWF Heavyweight title (Ric Cannon has ended Osyris’ nearly 16 month title reign), Rikishi and Bob b Mr. Main Event and Andrew Troyea.
- August 25, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Dark Lion b Russ Jones, Damian Michaels b Matt Cavins, Nate Phoenix b Adam Bueller to retain the Midwestern Title, Craig Poling b Wildman Rogers after interference by General Lee, Big Ric Cannon b “Spider Man” by submission to retain the EWF Heavyweight title, Just Justin b Mr. Main Event to retain the New Era Title.
- September 1, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Dusty Dillenger b Orlando Savage, Matt Cavins and Dark Lion b Craig Poling and Damian Michaels, General Lee b Bob, Nate Pheonix b Mr Fitness w/Tiny to retain the Midwestern Title, Big Ric Cannon b Pat Tanaka with an outside distraction from Damian Michaels to retain the EWF Heavyweight title, Mr. Main Event w/General Lee b Wildman Rogers.
- September 8, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Locked and Loaded fired Destinee Blade and introduced Whipme Spearz as their new valet (she came out and awarded her boys the EWF Tag Team titles), Snake b Damian Michaels to win the High Risk title, Hebrew Hammer b Frankie the Face, Locked and Loaded b Matt Cavins and Dark Lion due to outside interferance by Whipme Spearz (Spearz challenged Destinee Blade for next Saturday), Bob b Craig Poling and Fuji Brown (by Pinning Craig Poling) in a 3-WAY, General Lee b Wildman Rogers.
- September 15, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Brutus Dylan b Chad Krosse, Adam Buller b Russ Jones, Andy Santos won a 20 man “Lucky Number” Battle Royal to earn the #30 spot for the 2007 Rebel Rumble on 9/29, The Nomads (Dark Lion and Matt Cavins) b EWF Tag Team Champions Locked N’ Loaded by DQ, Nate Phoenix b Sami Callihan to retain the Midwestern title, Just Justin and Wildman Rogers b Mr. Main Event and General Lee, Bob b EWF Champion Big Ric Cannon by DQ after General Lee and Mr. Main Event interfered (Just Justin, Nate Pheonix, and Wildman Rogers made the save).
- September 22, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Jake Omen b Ryan Rage, Osyris b Russ Jones, Andy Santos b Adam Bueller and Scotty Young in a 3-WAY, Destinee Blade b Whipme Spears to retain the Ladies Title, Dark Lion b Craig Poling, Brutus Dylan b Wildman Rogers after interference by General Lee, Big Ric Cannon and General Lee b Just Justin and Nate Phoenix (By winning the match, Cannon and Lee won their team entry advantage at the War Games Cage Match next Saturday).
- September 29, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Rebel Rumble in Marion, Indiana: General Lee won the 2007 Rebel Rumble, Locked N’ Loaded (c) b Hillbilly Jed and Joey Owens and The Nomads (Dark Lion and Matt Cavins) in a 3-WAY to retain the EWF Tag Team titles, Just Justin and Bob and Nate Phoenix and Wildman Rogers b Pat Tanaka and Ric Cannon and General Lee and Mr. Main Event in a Steel Cage match.
- October 5, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Locked N’ Loaded b Hillbilly Jed and Joey Owens and The Nomads (Dark Lion and Matt Cavins) in a 3-WAY to retain the EWF Tag Team titles, Damian Michaels b Snake to recapture the High Risk title, Nate Phoenix b Frank Stein to retain the Midwestern Title, General Lee b Andy Santos, Osyris b Charles Jackson, Bob b Unr8ted, Just Justin b Chip Daley and Craig Poling in a 3-WAY to retain the New Era Title, Wildman Rogers b Mr. Main Event.
- October 13, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Andy Santos b MIA, “Jigsaw” won a Halloween Battle Royal after Leatherface chased everyone else off with his chainsaw, Nate Phoenix and Wildman Rogers b Craig Poling and Hank Calhoun, Just Justin (c) b Chip Daley to retain the New Era Title, Ames and Able b Hillbilly Jed and Joey “Kidd” Owens, Big Ric Cannon (c) b General Lee and Osyris in a 3-WAY to retain the EWF Heavyweight title.
- November 9, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Wildman Rogers b Lawrence Poffo, Nate Phoenix b Hank Calhoun to retain the Midwestern Title, The Nomads (Dark Lion and Matt Cavins) b Main St. Youth (Jake Omen and Scotty Young), “Luscious” Louis Linaris b Joey “Kidd” Owens, Hillbilly Jed b Bob (After the match, Bob showed bad sportsmanship and refused to shake Jed’s hand), Just Justin b Andy Santos and Craig Poling in a 3-WAY to retain the New Era Title, U-Gene Dinsmore and Osyris b Ric Cannon and General Lee when Osyris pinned Cannon to win the match.
- November 17, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Joey “Kidd” Owens b Justin Dean, General Lee b Ryan Rich, Matt Cavins and Dark Lion b Locked N’ Loaded to win the EWF Tag Team titles, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper came out for a “Piper’s Pit” segment (Piper talked about how important the independents are and also brought out his son Colt. Then General Lee came out interrupting Piper. the two exchange words, then Lee punched Piper. Lee turned his attention to Colt which brought out Andy Santos to come down to make the save. This brought down Bob who sneak attacked Santos to start their match), Andy Santos b Bob by DQ (Bob was disqualified due to putting his hands on the referee numerous times. Also, he was ruthless in punishing Santos before and after the match), Nate Phoenix b Drew Johnson to retain the Midwestern Title, Just Justin b Apollo Star to retain the EWF New Era title, Big Ric Cannon b Wildman Rogers to retain the EWF Heavyweight title – Notes: Roddy Piper got his paycheck and left the building promising to return and do photos and autographs for the fans after the show but they never returned.
- November 24, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: 10 bell Salute for Independent wrestler “the Natural” Mike Lawson who passed away this week, The Southern Boys (Wildman Rogers and Hank Calhoun) b Damian Michaels and Destinee Payne (After the match; it was announced this was Hank Calhoun’s last match in the EWF as he is moving to Colorado. The fans sent him off with a “thank you Hank” chant), Matt Cavins b M.I.A., Bob b Snake (After the match; Bob continued to beat down Snake and brought a chair into the ring. Snake escaped before Bob could use the weapon), Nate Phoenix b Craig Poling to retain the Midwestern Title, Hillbilly Jedd and Joey Owens b “The Soul Shooters” Apollo Star and Drew Johnson, Diva Michelle introduced a special guest (Bagpipe music played and a guy came out wearing a kilt and leather jacket, but it turned out to be General Lee), Andy Santos b General Lee after Diva Michelle tried to interfere and cost Lee the match, Osyris b EWF Champion Big Ric Cannon by Countout.
- December 1, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Bob b Craig Poling (Bob left out the front door of the arena), Wildman Rogers and Andy Santos and Camron Star b General Lee and Damian Michaels and Destinee Payne w/Diva Michelle, Just Justin vs. Nate Pheonix ended in a No Contest in a New Era/Midwestern Title Unification Match, The Soul Shooters (Drew Johnson and Apollo Star) b EWF Tag Team Champions Matt Cavins and Dark Lion in a Non-title match, EWF Champion Big Ric Cannon b Charles Jackson.
- December 8, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Jason Quick b Terry Stevens, Hillbilly Jed b Dick Rick, Jake Omen b Andre Heart, Joey Owens b Bobby Black, Dark Lion (1/2 of the Tag Champions) b Charles Jackson, Locked N’ Loaded b Tom and Troy Van Zant, Midwestern Champion Nate Phoenix vs. New Era Champion Just Justin in a Title Unification Match ended in a No Contest (First they went to a 15 minute time limit draw. The match was retarted and it ended in a double submission. The match was restarted again, but it ended in a double pin – Senior Official John McClafferty declares the match a no contest and both men would keep their titles), EWF Champion Big Ric Cannon and General Lee b Wildman Rogers and Andy Santos.
- December 15, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Bry “2 Fly” Whitmore b Louis Lyndon, Charles Jackson b Damian Michaels w/Destinee Payne, Matt Cavins b Dylan Bostic and Andy Santos and Craig Poling in a 4-Corners match, General Lee b Wildman Rogers by DQ.
- December 29, 2007 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Seasons Beatings in Marion, Indiana: “The New Horror” Sami Callihan won a battle royal for a chance at the Midwestern Title later in the night, Charles Jackson b Cupid Valentino by DQ, The Soul Shooters (Appollo Star and Drew Johnson) b Andy Santos and Craig Poling, Bob b Brutus Dylan, Nate Phoenix b Sami Callihan to retain the Midwestern title, Just Justin b “Sweet” Lou Roberts to retain the New Era Title, General Lee b Wildman Rogers (General Lee will now face the Sandman on 1/5), Hillbilly Jed and Joey Owens b Dark Lion and Matt Cavins and Locked N’ Loaded in a 3-WAY Tag Team Steel Cage Match to win the EWF Tag Team titles, Osyris b Big Ric Cannon in a Steel Cage match to recapture the EWF Title.
- January 5, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – New Year’s Bash 2008 in Marion, Indiana: Dylan Bostic b Mike King w/Party Boy, Charles Jackson b Snake, Bob b Craig Poling to earn a shot at the EWF Midwestern Champion on 1/12, Locked and Loaded b Matt Cavins and Dark Lion, Andy Santos b Bry “2 Fly” and Louis Lyndon and Jake Omen in a 4-Corners match, The Sandman and Wildman Rogers beat General Lee and Big Ric Cannon – Notes: After the match, Sandman and Wildman toasted in 2008 with a beer bash party. this brought out “Party Boy” who started dancing in front of The Sandman. The fans cheered for Sandman to cane him, so he did.
- January 12, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Camron Star b Destiny Payne in a Ladies match, Rob Kincaid b Matt Cavins after interference by Skip Raddison, Dylan Bostic b Craig Poling, Charles Jackson b Mike King w/Party Boy, Dark Lion b Skip Raddison by DQ after Rob Kincaid interfered (Matt Cavins made the save), Just Justin b Andy Santos to retain the New Era Title, Nate Phoenix b Bob in a brother vs. brother match to retain the Midwestern Title, Wildman Rogers b Big Ric Cannon and General Lee in a Handicap match (Cannon walked out of the ring causing Wildman to get the pin on General Lee. After the match, General Lee went berserk and nailed Wildman Rogers’ with a chair several times and busted him open. Hank Calhoun made the save, Wildman acted as if he didn’t know who he was. Commissioner Tony Angelo then came out and suspended General Lee for his actions for 3 weeks).
- January 19, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: The “Real Deal Bob” was named as special guest referee tonight by order of Commisioner Angelo – Dark Lion b Craig Poling and Snake and Ryan Rich and Andy Santos in a 5-WAY Scramble, Charles Jackson b Hank Calhoun, Hillbilly Jed and Joey Owens b The Van Zants and Apollo Star and Drew Johnson in a 3-WAY to retain the EWF Tag team titles, Midwestern Champion Nate Phoenix b Bobby Black ( Bob seemed to be in Black’s favor throughout the match ), EWF Champion Ric Cannon b Matt Cavins ( Referee Bob was definatly biased again in this match for Ric Cannon).
- January 26, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Charles Jackson b Hank Calhoun and Snake in a 3-WAY, Craig Poling b Andy Santos, Just Justin b Bob to retain the New Era Title, Dark Lion b Nate Phoenix to win the Midwestern title, EWF Champion Big Ric Cannon b Billy Roc.
- Feburary 2, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: A Rumble came down to Ric Cannon and Nate Phoenix but then General Lee ran out and eliminated them both to win the title shot (Order of Entry: 1. Nate Pheonix – 2. Hank Calhoun – 3. Snake – 4. Damian Michaels – 5. Dark Lion – 6. Andy Santos – 7. Bob – 8. Ric Cannon – 9. Just Justin – 10. Charles Jackson – 11. Mike King – 12. Wildman Rogers – 13. Matt Cavins – 14. Party Boy), Hank Calhoun b Mike King w/Party Boy, Bob b Wildman to earn a shot at the Midwestern title (After the match, Bob continued to punish Wildman causing the referee called for the bell numerous times to get Bob to stop. Midwestern Champion Dark Lion came out to break it up), Big Ric Cannon b General Lee by Submission to retain the EWF Heavyweight title – Notes: Commissioner Tony Angelo made an announcement after the show that since General Lee was actually suspended until next week that his win should not have counted, therefore, Nate Phoenix was the last man in the rumble besides Cannon, so he is now the #1 contender. The date for the Title Match will be announced online in the next few days. Furthermore, since General Lee disobeyed his suspension, he is now suspended again indefinitely.
- Feburary 9, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Justin Andrews b Niko Killawaya, Charles Jackson b Senior Flamer, Mike King w/Party Boy b Damian Michaels w/Destiny Payne by DQ, Bob b Matt Cavins by Submission (Dark Lion comes out after the match to make the save, he and Bob have a stare down), Andy Santos b Dylan Bostic, Dark Lion (c) b Hank Calhoun to retain the Midwestern Title, Just Justin and Nate Phoenix b The Soul Shooters (Appollo Starr and Drew Johnson).
- Feburary 16, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Jake Omen b Scotty Young and Keith Creme in a 3-WAY, Charles Jackson and Matt Cavins and Hank Calhoun b Damian Michaels and Snake and Senior Flamer w/Destiny Payne, Midwestern Champion Dark Lion b Mike King w/Party Boy, Locked N’ Loaded b Tag Team Champions Hillbilly Jed and Joey Owens by DQ, Nate Phoenix b Andy Santos and Dylan Bostic in a 3-WAY, Zach Gowen b Bob after distraction from Dark Lion, Party Boy challenged Hurricane to a dance off next week, Just Justin b Jimmy Jacobs to retain the New Era Title.
- Feburary 23, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Osyris b Mike King w/Party Boy, Ryan Rich b Virus, Whipme Spearz b D.K.J., Niko Kilauea b Justin Andrews, Southern Rock (Hillbilly Jed and Joey Owens) b Soul Shooters by DQ after Wildman Rogers wjacled Jed with a chair, Charles Jackson b Wildman Rogers by DQ (Wildman hits Jackson with a chair to get DQ’ed, then Jed and Owens make the save), New Era Champion Just Justin b Drake Younger by Countout, Bob b Dark Lion to win the Midwestern Title (Bob threw a fireball at Lion’s eyes then rolled him up the win).
- March 1, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: The new Midwestern Champion Bob comes out yelling how he hunted the “Lion” and killed him. Security takes Bob out the back arena door and is told by the Commish that he is suspended until further notice for the actions he took last week (Throwing a fire ball in the eyes of Dark Lion). Bob promises he will be back on Friday, March 7th and says the hunt will continue. Matt Cavins w/Destinee Blade b Mike King w/Party Boy, Rob Kincaid b Johnny Suede, Drago b Jessie Sinclair, Wildman Rogers comes out to reveal his new tag team partner. his nephew General Lee! – Charles Jackson and Andy Santos b General Lee and Wildman Rogers by DQ, Just Justin b Dylan Bostic to retain the New Era Title, Nate Phoenix b EWF Champion Ric Cannon by Countout (Ric Cannon walked out of the match causing himself to be counted out. However, he remains the EWF Champion).
- March 7, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Marc Houston b Brett Havoc, Jake Omen b Justin Andrews, Charles Jackson b Kenneth James, Andy Santos and Virus b Rob Kincaid and Mike King, Osyris b Bob by DQ, Just Justin b Dylan Bostic, Hillbilly Jed and Jake Owens b General Lee and Wildman Rogers, Marty Jannetty d Nate Phoenix.
- March 15, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Charles Jackson b Willie Loseagain, Hillbilly Jed b Virus, Andy Santos b Hank Calhoun, General Lee and Wildman Rogers b The Soul Shooters by DQ, Just Justin b Mike King and Party Boy in a 3-WAY to retain the New Era Title, Osyris b Dylan Bostic, Big Ric Cannon b Nate Phoenix to retain the EWF title, Tracy Brooks and Destinee Blade and Nyah and Kaliki b Hellena Heavenly and Camron Star and Koa Marie and Whipme Spears.
- March 22, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Jason and Brandon Collins b Savin and Draco to advance to a Tag Team Title match later in the evening, Andy Santos b Jason Fear (After the match, Hank Calhoun came out and jumped Santos), Dylan Bostic b Chris Morgan, Nate Phoenix b Dave Davidson, Next came intermission with a Peeps eating contest hosted by the Easter Bunny (Mike King and Party Boy came out and attacked the Easter Bunny. this brought out Charles “Pacman” Jackson), Charles Jackson b Mike King w/The Party Boy, Hillbilly Jed and Joey Owens b Jason and Brandon Collins to retain the Tag Team titles, Destinee Blade b Camron Star by DQ (Bob interfered in the match and attacked Destinee Blade saying she should have never came back to the EWF. Ryan Rich made the save), Midwestern Champion Bob b Ryan Rich (After the match; the lights went out and Dark Lion’s theme music played. Then when the lights turned back on, Bob was laying in the middle of the ring).
- March 29, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Hank Calhoun b Andy Santos, Lawrence Poffo b Jason Young, Party Boy b Snake, Nate Phoenix b Mike King, Midwestern Champion Bob b Hillbilly Jed, Osyris b Louis Linaris by DQ after Bob interfered, Osyris and Hillbilly Jed b Bob and Louis Linaris, Big Ric Cannon b Charles Jackson to retain the EWF Title.
- April 5, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Charles Jackson b Hank Calhoun by DQ (Hank hit Jackson in the face with a pair of brass knuckles), Southern Express (Wildman Rogers and General Lee) b EWF Security (Scott and Kyle and A.J.), Nate Phoenix b Louis Linaris, EWF Champion Big Ric Cannon b Mike King, Midwestern Champion Bob b Andy Santos (After the match, the lights went out and Dark Lion’s music played. When the lights came up Bob’s Midwestern title was gone. Bob told Hurricane to stop playing games and said he heard the Dark Lion had to retire. The announcment was made that The Dark Lion will return next week to challenge Bob for the Midwestern Title!)
- April 12, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Hank Calhoun b Ace Mob, The Southern Express (Wildman and General Lee) b Mike King and Party Boy in a Lumberjack match (The EWF Security were assigned to be the lumberjacks in the match), Nate Phoenix b Charles Jackson, Just Justin b Andy Santos and Dylan Bostic in a 3-WAY to retain the New Era Title, EWF Champion Big Ric Cannon b Matt Cavins, Bob b Dark Lion by DQ to retain the Midwestern Title.
- April 19, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Southern Express (Wildman and General Lee) b Tank Bruiser and Ben Brody, Mike King w/Party Boy b Syndrome, Andy Santos b Ace Mob, Matt Cavins b Hank Calhoun, Osyris b Virus, Nate Phoenix b “Pitbull” Rodney Fultz, Just Justin b Dylan Bostic to retain the New Era Title, Bob b Dark Lion in a No DQ match to retain the Midwestern Title after interference by General Lee, Big Ric Cannon b Dusty Dillinger to retain the EWF Title.
- April 26, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Andy Santos b Hank Calhoun by DQ, Wildman and General Lee b Charles Jackson and Matt Cavins and The Soul Shooters in a 3-WAY, Nate Phoenix b Lou Crank, “The Ebony Heartthrob” Ricky Fontaine b Andy Santos, Jimmy Jacobs b Dylan Bostic.
- May 3, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: Jake Omen b Charles Jackson, Dark Lion b Hank Calhoun, Wildman Rogers b Party Boy, General Lee cut a promo on Jerry “The King” Lawler (who is coming to EWF on 5/31), General Lee b Andy Santos with a Pile-driver (Lawler’s trademark move), Hurricane announced that that General Lee would be suspended next week for his actions, Just Justin b Bob, EWF Champion Big Ric Cannon b Mike King.
- May 10, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana: The Soul Shooters b Idol Heinz and Vyrus, Louis Linaris b Lou Crank to qualify for the 2008 X8 Tournament, Nate Phoenix and Dark Lion b Midwestern Champion Bob and Hank Calhoun, Osyris b Charles Jackson by Submission in a few seconds to qualify for the 2008 X8 Tournament, D-Ray 3000 b Andy Santos to qualify for the 2008 X8 Tournament, Just Justin b Ricky Fontaine to retain the New Era Title.
- May 17, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Louis Linaris b Justin Andrews, Matt Cavins won a battle royal to earn a shot at the Midwestern Title next week (participants: Charles Jackson, Syndrome, Andy Santos, Mike King, Vyrus, and the returning Ruin), The Soul Shooters b Ben Brody and Fifty Animal, Nate Phoenix b Mr. Main Event, General Lee cut a promo on Jerry “The King” Lawler, Midwestern champion Bob b Dusty Dillinger, Osyris b Wildman Rogers, New Era champion Just Justin b General Lee by DQ (General Lee lost the match by DQ by using the banned piledriver on Justin leaving him laying in the ring to end the show).
- May 24, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Andy Santos and Fallen Dragon b Hank Calhoun and Big Carl, Scott Johnson (EWF Security) w/Kyle b Wildman Rogers by DQ, Matt Cavins vs. Dark Lion ended in a No Contest, General Lee and Wildman Rogers come out to provide live color commentary and Lee said he can do color commentary better then Jerry Lawler), Dusty Dillinger beat Party Boy (After the match, Tank Bruiser came out and jumped Dusty), Just Justin b Mr. Main Event to retain the New Era Title, General Lee b Dylan Bostic (After the match; General Lee hit Dylan with the banned piledriver to send a message to Jerry “The King” Lawler).
- May 31, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – 10th Anniversary Show in Marion, Indiana: New Era Champion Just Justin won a Battle Royal to advance to the EWF Title match (Participants: Wildman Rogers, Dylan Bostic, Nate Phoenix, Mr. Main Event, Andy Santos, Party Boy, Hank Calhoun, Pacman Jackson, Filthy Animal, Big Carl, and Fallen Dragon – The battle royal came down to Justin and Nate Phoenix. Nate eliminated himself from the match), Dusty Dillinger b Tank Bruiser, Osyris b Kage w/Mike Trash, Matt Cavins b Bob (c) and Dark Lion in a 3-WAY to win the Midwestern title, EWF Champion Big Ric Cannon vs. Just Justin ended in a No Contest after Nate Phoenix rushed the ring and attacked both men, General Lee b Jerry “The King” Lawler by DQ after Lawler used the banned Pile-driver (This was after he was able to kick out of a pin after Lee gave him a piledriver when the ref was knocked out. A frustrated Lawler then piledrived Referee Ben Kauffman to the pleasure of the fans).
- June 14, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – X8 Tournament in Marion, Indiana: Danny Daniels b Trik Davis (1st Round), Osyris b Jordan McEntyre (1st Round), Louis Linaris b Just Justin after interference from Nate Phoenix (1st Round), Davey Richards b Andy Santos (1st Round), Matt Cavins b Hank Calhoun to retain the Midwestern title, Davey Richards b Danny Daniels (2nd Round), Osyris b Louis Linaris (2nd Round), General Lee b Jake Omen (After the match, General Lee says that is time for him to go after championship gold. And the championship he wants is Ric Cannon’s EWF Heavyweight Title! Wildman Rogers comes out and complains, saying what about their tag team. Lee says that this is not a matter of Wildman’s concern), Osyris b Davey Richards in the Finals of the X8 Tournament to become the 2008 X8 Champion!
- June 21, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Charles “Pacman” Jackson b Hank Calhoun , Andy Santos b Tank Bruiser, Midwestern champion Matt Cavins vs. Osyris ended in a No Contest after Hank Calhoun interfered attacking both men, Dusty Dillinger b Wildman Rogers, General Lee b Vyrus (After the match, General Lee said it was time for him to go after Ric Cannon’s championship. Wildman Rogers confronted Lee and asked him why he would go after a great friend’s title and what about their tag team. Lee tells Wildman that this isn’t a matter of his concern), Midwestern champion Matt Cavins b Nate Phoenix by DQ after Hank Calhoun interfered, Osyris and Matt Cavins b Nate Phoenix and Hank Calhoun.
- June 28, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Party Boy b Matt Lowry, Wildman Rogers b Charles “Pacman” Jackson, Dylan Bostic b Sami Callihan, Matt Cavins b Hank Calhoun and Dark Lion in a 3-WAY to retain the Midwestern Title, Nate Phoenix b Andy Santos by Submission, Just Justin b Scotty 2 Hotty by DQ due to Nate Pheonix attacking Scotty to retain the New Era Title (Just Justin grabbed Nate Pheonix and gave him a Bulldog and then Scotty 2 Hotty gave Nate Phoenix the worm! Scotty then picked up Nate Phoenix and gave him a bulldog and with the fans cheering it on Scotty told Just Justin to give Nate Phoenix the worm. Scotty celebrated with Just Justin in the ring to close the show.
- July 5, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana at the EWF Arena: Camron Star b Destinee Blade by Submission, Wildman Rogers attacked former partner General Lee, Pac Man Jackson and Brandon Day b Wildman Rogers and Hank Calhoun, Nate Pheonix b Andy Santos, Matt Cavins b Jake Omen, Just Justin b Angelous.
- July 12, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Camron Star b Destinee Blade, Matt Cavins and Kyle Cassidy b The Ramirez Brothers, Mike King b Fallen Dragon, Dylan Bostic b Bobby Black w/Kurt Awesome, Southern Mayhem (Wildman Rogers and Hank Calhoun) b Charles “Pacman” Jackson and Scott Johnson (security), General Lee b Nate Phoenix.
- July 19, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Kyle Cassidy b Fallen Dragon, Hank Calhoun and Wildman Rogers b Adny Santos and Pac Man Jackson and The Ramirez Brothers in a 3-WAY #1 Contenders match for the Tag Team titles, General Lee b Tank Bruiser, “Just” Justin and Pac Man Jackson and Andy Santos and Kyle Cassidy and General Lee and Mitchell Taylor b Fallen Dragon and Tank Bruiser and Jank Calhoun and Wildman Rogers and the Ramirez Brothers in a six man tag.
- July 26, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Mike King won a battle royal to determine the challenger for the Midwestern Title later in the evening (participants: Ramirez Brothers, Hank Calhoun, Wildman Rogers, Dylan Bostic, Andy Santos, Kyle Cassidy, Adam Bueller, and Charles “Pacman” Jackson), Dylan Bostic b Adam Bueller and Andy Santos in a 3-WAY, Midwestern champion Matt Cavins vs. Mike King ended in a No Contest after Dark Lion attacked both men before the match, Matt Cavins b Dark Lion to retain the Midwestern Title, Osyris b The Ramirez Brothers in a handicap match (After the match, Osyris laid out an open challenge to any one past or present to face him on the final weekly show at the EWF Arena on August 30th), General Lee b Tank Bruiser, Nate Phoenix b Just Justin to win the New Era title and end Justin’s year long reign as champion (Referee Ben Kauffman was knocked out, and Southern Mayhem (Hank and Wildman) came out and interfered. Pacman Jackson, Kyle Cassidy, and General Lee all made the save).
- August 2, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Jake Omen b Scotty Young and Ryan Rage in a 3-WAY, Andy Santos b Tyson Judge, Matt Cavins b Tank Bruiser, Hank Calhoun and Wildman Rogers and Tyson Judge and Dragon came out to the ring with Nate Pheonix the group gave congtats to Nate Pheonix for winning the New-Era title last week and showered the new Champ with Confetti and streamers.Nate Pheonix claimed he will now become the longest New-Era Champion in the history of EWF and Nate Pheonix said he swears he will win his match tonight and said he guarentees Calhoun and Wildman will win their match tonight as well – Kyle Cassidy b Dragon, General Lee and Just Justin b Hank Calhoun and Wildman Rogers ( Nate Pheonix tried to interfere on behalf of Calhoun and Wildman.but it backfired.Nate Pheonix started screaming and called Just Justin a loser), Charles Jackson b Nate Pheonix by DQ ( Just Justin came out to the ring – told Nate Pheonix he was wrong, told Charles Jackson he was sorry and then clotheslined Jackson causing a D.Q. for Nate Pheonix).
- August 9, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Hurricane announces that the EWF Heavyweight Title is now vacant due to Big Ric Cannon’s absence and inability to defend the title (Rumor has it that he is afraid to face General Lee), Pacman Jackson b Tyson Judge, Camron Star b Destinee Blade, Dylan Bostic b Bobby Black (w/Kurt Awesome) and Kyle Cassidy and Fallen Dragon and Andy Santos in a 4-WAY Elimination match, New Era Champion Nate Phoenix tells Hank and Wildman that he has a present for him that he went down south to get (He pulls out the EWF Tag Team Championship belts and presents them to them. Southern Mayhem is now the “self proclaimed” Tag Team Champions), Midwestern champion Matt Cavins b Party Boy (Party Boy was trying to convince Cavins that he was his #1 fan throughout the match), Just Justin b Hank Calhoun and Wildman Rogers in a No DQ handicap match with the help of Kyle Cassidy (Hank and Wildman double teamed Justin until Cassidy came out to make it 2-on-2. Then Nate Phoenix came out, followed by General Lee. Pacman Jackson comes out and hits Wildman with his finisher and pulls Justin on top for the pin), General Lee b New Era champion Nate Phoenix by DQ (Just Justin comes out and tells General he is sorry but “he has to do this”. Phoenix immediately decks Lee with the title belt. Phoenix thought he beat Justin to it but in fact Justin outsmarted him causing Nate to get DQ’ed).
- August 16, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation in Marion, Indiana: Colt Justice b Vyrus, Matt Cavins and Dylan Bostic and Pacman Jackson b Wildman Rogers and Hank Calhoun and Gunner Hansen, Osyris and Andy Santos b Mike King and Party Boy, Just Justin b Tyson Judge, General Lee b Skip Raddison, Kyle Cassidy b New Era champion Nate Phoenix by DQ.
- August 23, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana at the EWF Arena: Fallen Dragon b Ruin by DQ, Dark Lion b Tyson Judge, Hank Calhoun and Wildman Rogers b Andy Santos and Kyle Cassidy, Appollo Starr b Matt Cavins (c) to win the Midwestern title, “Just” Justin b Nate Phoenix by Count out in an EWF Lumberjack match.
- August 30, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Extreme Reunion Rumble (Final weekly EWF Arena Event) in Marion, Indiana at the EWF Arena: Dakota “Little Kid” Watson b Frank Stein, Bobby Black b Dylan Bostic, Matt Cavins and Kyle Cassidy and Dark Lion and Johnny Law b Hank Calhoun and Wildman Rogers and Gunner Hansen and Fallen Dragon, Osyris b Kharn Alexander, General Lee b Justin Dean, Dusty Bottoms “The Rodeo Clown” b Mr. Main Event, Andy Santos b “Indy Kid” Jay West and Chip Daley and Troy Miller and Yellow Jacket in a Scramble match, Just Justin b Nate Phoenix in an “Anarchy Rulz” match to win the New Era title, General Lee won the Reunion Rumble to win the vacant EWF Title (Over the top rope elimination with the final two in a regular match – participants included all wrestlers who completed earlier in the card plus Bob, Hurricane, and a few others – The match came down to Hurricane and General Lee eliminating Dusty, then Lee hits Hurricane with the title belt and pins him).
- October 4, 2008 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – A New Beginning in Marion, Indiana at the Grant County Family YMCA: Dakota “Little Kid” Watson b Frank Stein with help from Hurricane, Charles “Pacman” Jackson b Tyson Judge by DQ, Southern Mayhem (Wildman Rogers and Hank Calhoun) attacked Charles Jackson (Ro-Z made the save! – Ro-z told the fans that he has found his new “Superhero In Training” in “Super Pacman” Jackson), Kyle Cassidy and Matt Cavins b The Pacific Coast Players and Mac Daddy and Donnie Dude in a 3-WAY Tag match, Jake Omen b Adam Bueller and Chip Daley and Fallen Dragon and Scotty Young in a 5-WAY Scramble match, Hurricane unmasked General Lee and revealed it to be the “Real Deal” Bob!, Just Justin b Nate Phoenix to retain the New Era Title, Nick “U-Gene” Dinsmore b Justin Dean, Ro-z and “Super Pacman” Jackson b Wildman Rogers and Hank Calhoun to win the EWF Tag Team titles, Bob b “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka by DQ to retain the EWF Heavyweight title (Snuka hit Bob with the EWF title belt after an unsuccessful attempt by Bob. After the match, Snuka did his famous splash of the ropes to the pleasure of the fans).
- January 4, 2009 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – TV Tapings (Airdate 1/21) in Ft. Wayne, Indiana at Links Wonderland: Dusty Dillenger b The Filthy Animal, Camron Star b Destinee Blade, Brother Fusion b Hank Calhoun and Wildman Rogers by DQ, Pac Man Jackson b Mike King w/Party Boy, Andy Santo b Dragon and Dylan Bostic and A.J. Sommers and Kris Konflict and Mike Force in a 6-man Scramble to win the EWF Television title, Justin Dean b Big Ric Cannon, Last Kings of Scotland b Loco Habeneros w/Joe Ochoa, Nate Pheonix b Tiger Jackson, General Lee b “Crazy” Monkey Mask, Real Deal Bob b “Just” Justin after interference from Nate Pheonix to retain the EWF Heavyweight title (After the match Bob and Pheonix attacked Justin further until Tiger Jackson came out to even the odds – setting up a tag match on Feb 8th).
- February 7, 2009 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – TV Tapings (Airdate 1/21) in Ft. Wayne, Indiana at Links Wonderland: Justin Dean b Seth Clash, Shark Boy b AJ Sommers by DQ after Frank Stein ran out and helped Sommers (After the match, Shark Boy hit the Stunner on Stein and Sommers left to the locker room), Charles “Pacman” Jackson b Joe Holiday, EWF Champion Bob and Nate Phoenix b Just Justin and Filthy Animal, Dusty Dillinger w/Ripper Blackheart b Mr. Main Event, Dylan Bostic b Loco Habenero #1 (w/Joe Ochoa) and Chip Daley in a 3-WAY, Brother Fusion b The Mexican Mafia (After the match, “The Last Kings Of Scotland” ran out and attacked Brother Fusion and accused them of stealing their limelight), Andy Santos b Dragon to retain the EWF Television title, General Lee b “El-Vato” Jose Guerrero.
- March 8, 2009 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Television Taping in Fort Wayne, Indiana at Links Wonderland: Shomari b Vyrus and Idol Heinz in a handicap match, Marty Jannetty b Nate Phoenix, Brother Fusion b Last Kings Of Scotland and Dragon and Nigel Slacker and Wildman Rogers and Hank Calhoun and Pacman Jackson and Robert Grandberry in an Elimination match to win the EWF Tag Team Titles, Just Justin b Bob by DQ in a match for the EWF title, Justin Dean and David Crew b Chip Daley and Seth Clash, El Vato b General Lee, Dusty Dillinger w/Ripper Blackheart b Andy Santos (c) to win the EWF Television title.
- April 18, 2009 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Television Taping in Fort Wayne, Indiana at Links Wonderland: Josh Starks b Donnie Dude, Gunner Hansen b Fallen Dragon, Nate Phoenix b Andy Santos, Jason Collins and Pacman Jackson (substituting for Brandon Collins) b Southern Mayhem (Hank Calhoun and Wildman Rogers), General Lee b Dylan Bostic, Just Justin b Seth Clash to retain the New Era Title, Bob b Justin Dean to retain the EWF Title, Dusty Dilliinger w/Ripper Blackheart b Zach Gowen to retain the EWF TV title.
- May 17, 2009 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Television Taping in Fort Wayne, Indiana at Hooters: Jason Collins b. Filthy Animal by DQ, Last Kings of Scotland b. Party Boy and Mike King to earn a shot at the EWF Tag team Titles, Gunner Hanson b. Dragon and Matt Cage, EWF T.V. Champion Dusty Dillenger b Matt Mason in a Non-title match, Eric Smallz b. Mr. Main Event, General Lee b. Dylan Bostic.
- June 21, 2009 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Slamtacular in Converse, Indiana at The Borderman Gym: General Lee won a battle royal to earn a spot in the TV Title 3 Way later in the evening, Mr. Main Event w/Sister Main Event b Gunner Hansen w/Destinee Blade, Wildman Rogers b Mike King w/ Party Boy, Dark Lion b AJ Sommers, Nate Phoenix b Just Justin to win the New Era Title, The Last Kings of Scotland b Jason Collins and Pacman Jackson to win the TCW Tag Team title, General Lee b Dusty Bottoms (c) and Dylan Bostic to win the EWF TV title.
- August 15, 2009 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Converse, Indiana at The Borderman Gym: Scott Storm b Damian Minister and Parker James in a 3 way dance, Andy Santos b Kid Dyn-o-mite, Charles “Pacman” Jackson b Hank Calhoun, Nate Phoenix b Just Justin in a 2/3 Falls match to retain the New Era title, Ro-Z b TV Champion General Lee in a non-title match, Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake and Kid Fabulous b Last Kings Of Scotland by DQ, Osyris b “The Real Deal” Bob w/Vinnie “From Jersey” to win the EWF Heavyweight title.
- September 19, 2009 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Amboy, Indiana at The Amboy Community Center: Brian Bender b Mr. Main Event, Matt Cavins b Mike King w/ Party Boy, Just Justin b Hank Calhoun, Kid Dynamite b Andy Santos, Nate Phoenix b Fallen Dragon, Dusty Dillinger b Kris Konflict.

- September 26, 2009 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Ballpark Brawl in Muncie, Indiana at The Ross Center / Baseball Diamond: Kevin Thorn b Matt Cavins, The Last Kings of Scotland w/Matthew Collins b Pacman Jackson and Parker James, Kid Dynamite b Kid Fabulous and Bobby Black and Andy Santos in a 4 way to determine the #1 contender, EWF champion Osyris b Mike King and Party Boy in a 3-WAY, Ro’Z b Hank Calhoun, New Era champion Nate Phoenix b Just Justin, Zach Gowen b Dylan Bostic, Scotty 2 Hotty b Jimmy Jacobs.
- November 7, 2009 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Muncie, Indiana at The Ross Center: Bob won a 20 Man Over the top battle royal, “The Filthy Animal” Mike Dodge b Johnny Angel, Pac Man Jackson b “The Thug” Ace Mob, Matt Cavins b “Supermodel” Mike King, Kid Dynamite w/Vinnie From Jersey b Nate Phoenix (c) and Just Justin in a 3-way dance to win the New Era title, Andy Santos b Kriss Ross, Dusty Dillinger b Hank Calhoun w/Ripper Blackheart, “Road Dogg” BG James and “Mini” Gunn b The Last Kings of Scotland (Kyle Cassidy and Josh Starks) – Notes: Road Dogg and Mini Gunn won after after a set of shuffle punches from Dogg and a Mini Bronco Buster and Mini Fam”ass”er from “Mini” Gunn.
- January 9, 2010 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Muncie, Indiana at The Ross Center: Donnie Swenson opened the show talking about Jake Roberts being in the building tonight. Camron Star b Destinee Blade, Charles “Pacman” Jackson and Black Dragon b Idol Heinz and Parker James (After the match, Heinz turned on James and attacked him), Chris Ross b Hank Calhoun, Just Justin b Mike King, Hillbilly Jed b Nate Phoenix, Osyris b Bob w/Vinnie from NJ to retain the EWF heavyweight title, General Lee b Dusty Dillinger and Matt Manson by DQ in a 3 way to retain the Midwestern Title, Juston Hardt (Kid Dynamite) w/ Vinnie From NJ b Andy Santos to retain the New Era Title, The Young Guns (Brian Nelson and Greg Glover) b EWF Tag Team champions The Last Kings of Scotland (Kyle Cassidy and Josh Stark w/Matthew Collins) by DQ, Jake “The Snake” Roberts b Mr. Main Event.
- March 13, 2010 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Muncie, Indiana at The Ross Center: Donnie Swenson opened the show and was attacked by Bob and his manager Vinnie from Jersey (Colt Cabana made the save!), American Kickboxer II b Tarek The Great, Idol Heinz b Parker James, Jayson “Hurricane” Maples b Mike King by DQ when Tommy Gage interfered, Eric Smallz b a Midget Match, Jake Omen b Scotty Young, General Lee b Jeremy Hadley to retain the Midwestern Title, Nate Phoenix b Just Justin and Chris Ross and Pacman Jackson and Andy Santos and Hank Calhoun in a scramble match to qualify for the X8 Tournament on May 8th, The Last Kings of Scotland (Kyle Cassidy and Josh Stark) b The Young Guns (Brian Nelson and Greg Glover) to retain the EWF Tag Team titles, Colt Cabana b Bob w/Vinnie from Jersey by DQ (Nate Phoenix interfered in the match, but Donnie Swenson came out to make the save! Cabana and Swenson then cleared the ring and even got their hands on Vinnie from Jersey for revenge).
- April 10, 2010 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Muncie, Indiana at The Ross Center: Eric Smallz b Mini S.L.A.M. to retain the EWF Midget Title, Idol Heinz b Matt Cavins, Donnie Swenson b Parker James, Real Deal Bob and Nate Phoenix attacked Pacman Jackson (Just Justin came out appearing to help Pacman but instead joined up with Bob and Nate. The Young Guns finally made the save!), The Young Guns b The Last Kings Of Scotland (c) and The Old School Empire and Nate Phoenix and Just Justin in a gauntlet match to win the Tag Team titles, Bob b Andy Santos, EWF Champion Osyris b Jeremy Hadley, Jayson “Hurricane” Maples and Ro-Z’ b Mike King and Tommy Gage, Jimmy Jacobs b Doink the Clown.
- May 8, 2010 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – X8 Tournament in Muncie, Indiana at The Ross Center: Scotty Young won a battle royal last eliminating Just Justin by submission to earn the final spot in the X8 (Participants: Scotty Young, Juston Hardt, Just Justin, Donnie Swenson, Ace Mob, Hank Calhoun, Bob, Ric Cannon, Mike King, Party Boy. Jeremy Hadley b American Kickboxer II in a 1st round match, Jake Omen b Andy Santos in a 1st round match, Scotty Young b Nate Phoenix w/Vinnie from Jersey in a 1st round match, Tarek The Great b Shark Boy by DQ in a 1st round match, Jayson “Hurricane” Maples b Tommy Gage w/Mike King (After the match, Vinnie from Jersey, Bob, and Mike King attacked Maples. Then in a surprising turn of events Gage attacked King and then shook hands with Maples!), Jake Omen b Jeremy Hadley in a Semi-final match, Tarek The Great b Scotty Young in a Semi-final match, The Last Kings of Scotland b The Tsunami’s, Jake Omen b Tarek The Great in the Finals to become the 2010 X8 Champion.
- June 12, 2010 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Muncie, Indiana at The Ross Center: Big Ric Cannon and Mike King b Jayson Maples and Tommy Gage (Devils Cru of Bob and Nate Phoenix and Just Justin w/Vinnie from Jersey came down to the ring and attacked Maples during the match), Pacman Jackson b Kyle Cassidy when Bob attacked Pac Man (Bob also attacked Cassidy), Nate Phoenix b American Kickboxer II, Just Justin b Donnie Swenson, Scotty Young b Dylan Bostic, Jake Omen b Jimmy Jacobs w/Jeff Landis, Tarek The Great b Zach Gowen (After the match, Zach hit a 1-Legged moonsault on Tarek).
- July 2, 2010 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Red, White, and Bruised (FREE show) in Marion, Indiana on the Square First Friday Celebration: Parker James b DSI, Troy Miller b Big Daddy Dean, Matt Cavins b Hank Calhoun, Jake Omen b Big Ric Cannon, Donnie Swenson b Mangler w/ Jeff Landis, “Devils Cru” Bob and Nate Phoenix and Just Justin w/Vinnie from Jersey b Pacman Jackson and Last Kings of Scotland (Josh Stark and Kyle Cassidy), Scotty Young b Andy Santos by submission, Jake Omen b Dylan Bostic, Tarek The Legend b Osyris to win the EWF Heavyweight title.
- August 13, 2010 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Converse, Indiana at The Borderman Gym: Matt Cavins b Andy Santos, Hank Calhoun b The Mangler w/Vinnie From Jersey, The Last Kings of Scotland b Joe Rodriguez and Mr. Nasty, Jayson “Hurricane” Maples and Pacman Jackson and Donnie Swenson b The Devil’s Cru (Bob and Nate Phoenix and Just Justin w/Vinnie From Jersey) by DQ, Osyris be Dylan Bostic, Doink b Mr. Main Event w/Ripper Blackhart.
- September 10, 2010 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – in Marion, Indiana at the Garage Billiards and Sports Bar and Grill: Andy Santos b Matt Cavins, The Mangler w/Vinnie From Jersey b Hank Calhoun, Pacman Jackson and Donnie Swenson b The Last Kings of Scotland to win the vacant EWF Tag Team Titles, Ric Cannon w/Ripper Blackhart b Tyson Judge, Referee Jay Cortez won a rookie battle royal to earn an EWF contract, Dusty Dillinger b Ron Mathias, Destinee Blade b Cameron Starr in a ladies match, Jayson “Hurricane” Maples b Bobby Steele (formerly Bob) w/Vinnie from Jersey by DQ (Bobby Steele broke a pool cue stick over Maple’s shoulder to get DQ’ed), Tarek The Legend b Osyris to retain the EWF Title (Dusty Dillinger came out and low blowed Osyris causing Tarek to get the pinfall. Tarek thanked Dusty for helping him. Dusty said he didn’t do it for Tarek. He says he wants a shot at the title and knows he can beat Tarek!).
- October 30, 2010 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Extreme Halloween in Converse, Indiana at the Borderman Gym: Jay Cortez b. The Mangler, Bobby Steele w/ Vinnie From Jersey b. Andy Santos, L.K.O.S. b. Pacman Jackson in a 2 on 1 Handicap match, Matt Cavins b. Just Justin w/ Vinnie From Jersey by D.Q, Dusty Dillinger b. Damian Michaels and Tyson Judge in a 3-way Dance.
- March 12, 2011 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – X8 Tournament in Converse, Indiana at The Borderman Gym: The winner of the 2011 X8 will be crowned the new EWF Champion!. * Hillbilly Jedd beat Ox Sawyer in a 1st Round match, * Flash Flanagan beat Osyris in a 1st Round match, * Jake Omen beat Just Justin w/ Vinnie From Jersey in a 1st Round match, * Jimmy Yang beat Dylan Bostic in a 1st Round match,. Cameron Starr beat Haley Rose and Grace Monroe in a 3 way women’s match. Hillbilly Jedd beat Flash Flanagan in a 2nd Round match, * Jake Omen beat Jimmy Yang in a 2nd Round match. Andy Santos beat Matt Cavins in a non-tournament match (The Black Hearts, formerly New Jack Hustlas, came out and jumped both men. They challenged Cavins and Santos to a tag match on April 16th). Jake Omen beat Hillbilly Jedd to win the tournament and become to new EWF Champion (Omen is the first man to ever win back to back X8 tournaments).
- April 16, 2011 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Resurrection in Converse, Indiana at The Borderman Gym: Dylan Bostic beat Scotty Young, Osyris beat Tyson Judge, The Blackharts beat Parker James and The S.I. and The Last Kings Of Scotland in a Tag Team 3 Way Dance, Hailey Rose beat Destinee Blade and Trash Cassidy w/ Rob Kincaid in a 3-WAY (to become #1 Contender to Ladies title), Marc Houston beat Edwin Torres, Nate Phoenix beat Pacman Jackson, Hillbilly Jedd w/Darlin’ Nikki beat Bobby Steele, Just Justin beat Dusty Dillinger by DQ (Justin’s former Devil’s Cru members Bobby Steele and Nate Phoenix came out and attacked Justin causing the DQ), Jake Omen defeated Billy Gunn to retain the EWF Title (After the match, Jake Omen started bragging how he is the champ and X8 Champ and beat Billy Gunn tonight and Jimmy Yang, Hillbilly Jedd, and Just Justin last month. Hillbilly Jedd came out behind Jake and threw him back in the ring allowing Billy Gunn to hit the “FameAsser”).
- August 13, 2011 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – Caged Heat in Converse, Indiana at The Borderman Gym: Tripp Cassidy beat Scotty Young, The Blackhearts beat Hank Calhoun and Mike King, Edwin Torres w/ Trash Cassidy beat Joey “Kidd” Owens and Kyle Cassidy, Jack Verville beat Jake Omen.. Gauntlet Cage Match for EWF Championship: Andy Santos beat Troy Miller – Marc Houston beat Andy Santos – Marc Houston beat Jack Verville – Hillbilly Jedd beat Marc Houston – Hillbilly Jedd beat Bobby Steele Winner and still EWF Champion: Hillbilly Jedd Bobby Steele came out early and accidentally slammed the cage door on Houston rather than Jedd causing him to eliminated. Houston attacks Jedd and then tells Steele to pin Jedd and he gets the the first shot at him next month. Then Houston double crossed Steele and jumped him and meanwhile Jedd escapes the cage. After the match, Steele and Houston argued about them costing each other the title. Jedd said that how about next month they have a 3 way with the fans picking the stipulation. There will be a drawing and the fan that wins will pick the stipulation.
- March 17, 2012 – Extreme Wrestling Federation – X8 Tournament in Converse, Indiana at The Borderman Gym: Roderick Street won Rumble to get into X-8 tournament, Tournament first round: Sugar Dunkerton b Troy Miller, Gregory Iron b Kyle Matthews, Drake Younger b Flying Wondercat, Roderick Street b Bobby Steele, Roderick Street b Gregory Iron, Drake Younger b Sugar Dunkerton, Tournament finals: Roderick Street b Drake Younger, EWF title: Matt Hardy beat champion Marc Houston by DQ.

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