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- January 30, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – High Stakes in South Philly, Pennsylvania at The Arena: Drew Gulak b Ryan Slater and Little Mondo and Jon Dahmer in a 4-WAY, Joe Chainsaw Gacy b D.J. Hyde, Tyler Veritas vs. Adam Cole ended in a No Contest (Drew Gulak & Ryan Slater attacked both men), Devon Moore b Lucky, Ryan McBride & Rich Swann b The Spanish Armada, Nick Gage b Eddie Kingston after interference from Devon Moore, J.C. Bailey b xOMGx with help from Billy Gram, B-Boy b Drake Younger to win the CZW World Heavyweight title, Greg Excellent b Drew Blood to retain the CZW Jr. Heavyweight title, Ego Fantastico b Scotty Vortekz, Necro Butcher & Danny Havoc b Sami Callihan & Jon Moxley, The Best Around b Blkout (Ruckus & Sabian) in a Sky’s The Limit Ladder match retain the CZW Tag Team titles and to earn the rights to the Blkout name.

- February 13, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – Fan Appreciation Free Show in South Philly, Pennsylvania at The Arena: Sami Callihan b Necro Butcher, Devon Moore b Eddie Kingston, D.J. Hyde b Joe Gacy, Zero Gravity b Spanish Armada, Drew Gulak & Ryan Slater b Tyler Veritas & Adam Cole, Drake Younger b Drew Blood. [reported by Bob Magee].

- February 13, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – 11th Anniversary Show in South Philly, Pennsylvania at The Arena: Ryan McBride & Rich Swann b Sami Callihan & Joe Gacy, The Best Around b Team Macktion (T.J. & Kirby Mack) to retain the CZW Tag Team titles, J.C. Bailey b Drake Younger, Sabian b Greg Excellent (c) and Drew Blood and Adam Cole and Devon Moore and Egotistico Fantastico in a 6-WAY to win the CZW Junior title, Brain Damage & Thurteen b Danny Havoc & Scotty Vortekz, Nick Gage won a Battle Royal to earn a title shot, Jon Moxley b B-Boy to win the CZW Heavyweight title (Nick Gage challenged Moxley for the title after). [reported by Bob Magee].

- March 13, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – Walking on Pins & Needles in South Philly, Pennsylvania at The Arena: “Unbreakable” Andy Harner b Aaron Arbo (taped for Wired), Drew Gulak b Ruckus after interference from Sabian (taped for Wired), The Spanish Armada (Alex Colon & L.J. Cruz) b D.J. Hyde & Greg Excellent (taped for Wired), Tyler Veritas b Ryan Slater to retain the WIRED Championship (taped for Wired), Ego Fantastico b Azrieal, Tommy End & Zack Sabre Jr. b Karsten Beck & Big Van Walter in a WXW Showcase, Bandido Jr. b Scotty Vortekz, Brain Damage & tHURTeen b Necro Butcher & Danny Havoc, The Best Around (TJ Cannon & Bruce Maxwell) b The Irish Driveby (Rich Swann & Ryan McBride) to retain the CZW Tag Team titles, Sabian vs. Adam Cole ended in a 15:00 draw, Eddie Kingston & Drake Younger b Notorious Inc. (Devon Moore & Drew Blood), Jon Moxley b Nick F’n Gage to retain the CZW Heavyweight title, J.C. Bailey b Thumbtack Jack in a Barefoot Thumbtacks Death match. [reported by].

- March 27, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – Welcome to Naptown in Indianapolis, IN.

- April 10, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – Swinging for the Fences in Philadelphia Pennsylvania: Joe “Chainsaw” Gacy b Ryan Slater and Little Mondo in a 3-WAY (Wired), Greg Excellent b Alex Colon (Wired), Drew Gulak b Tyler Veritas to become the new CZW WIRED Champion (Wired)… A.R. Fox b Aaron Arbo and Unbreakable Andy in a 3-WAY, Irish Driveby (Ryan McBride & Rich Swann) b Notorious Inc (Devon Moore & Drew Blood), Scotty Vortekz b tHURTeen, Ego Fantastico b Nick Gage, Zero Gravity b Team Macktion (T.J. & Kirby Mack), CZW Jr. Heavyweight champion Sabian vs. Adam Cole ended in a 20-Minute Time Limit Draw, Drake Younger & Eddie Kingston b The Best Around to win the CZW Tag Team titles, Jon Moxley b Sami Callihan to retain the CZW World Heavyweight title, Cult Fiction (Brain Damage & JC Bailey & MASADA) b Scotty Vortekz & Drake Younger & Eddie Kingston in a “Swinging for the Fences” Deathmatch. [reported by].

- May 8, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – FIST FIGHT in South Philly, Pennsylvania at The CZW Arena: Irish Driveby (Ryan McBride & Rich Swann) b The Garden State Gods (Corvis Fear & Myke Quest), Ryan Slater b Mark Angel, The Switchblade Conspiracy (Sami Callihan & Joe Gacy) b D.J. Hyde & Greg Excellent, Drew Gulak b Andy Sumner to retain teh CZW Wired title, Drew Blood b Devon Moore, Adam Cole b Sabian and Ruckus in a 3-WAY to win the CZW Junior Heavyweight title, Masada b Scotty Vortekz, A.R. Fox b Jonathan Gresham, Aaron Arbo & Unbreakable Andy b The Best Around (T.J. Cannon & Bruce Maxwell), Ego Fantastico b Nick Berk, Drake Younger & Eddie Kingston b J.C. Bailey & tHURTeen to retain the CZW World Tag Team titles, John Zandig b Brain Damage to gain entry into the Tournament of Death 9. [reported by].

- June 12, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – Lines in the Sand in South Philly, Pennsylvania at The CZW Arena: Alex Colon b Mark Angel, Team Macktion b Irish Driveby following interference from Rush Wrestling Enterprises, Sabian b Ruckus, Adam Cole b Ryan Slater to retain the CZW Junior Heavyweight title, Jon Moxley b Greg Excellent, Jon Moxley b DJ Hyde, Nick Gage b Jon Moxley in a non-title match, The Best Around b AR Fox & Jon Gresham and The A Team (Aaron Arbo & Unbreakable Andy) in a 3-WAY Tag Team match, Ego Fantastico b Chris Hero, Drake Younger & Eddie Kingston b Masada & Brain Damage to retain the CZW World Tag Team titles. [reported by].

- June 26, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – Tournament of Death 9 in Townsend, Delaware at the Ultraviolent Underground: Devon Moore & DJ Hyde led a 10-bell salute to Trent Acid.. JC Bailey b Danny Havoc with a Brainbuster onto light tubes wrapped in barbed wire (1st Round Match), Abdullah Kobayashi b Hardcore Nick Gage in a “Weapons of Mass Destruction” match (1st Round Match), Scotty Vortekz b Dysfunction with the Dragon Fly through a pane of glass (1st Round Match), Masada b Devon Moore (sub for Zandig, injured in a car accident) (1st Round Match), Switchblade Conspiracy (Sami Callihan & Joe Gacy) b Greg Excellent & DJ Hyde in a Fans Bring The Weapons match (Excellence was powerbombed through a pane of glass), JC Bailey b Abdullah Kobayashi in a “3 out of 5 Light Tube Log Cabin Death Match” (Semi-Final match), Scotty Vortekz b Masada by pinfall (Semi-Final match), Brain Damage b Drake Younger with a Package Piledriver, Scotty Vortekz b JC Bailey in a “Tables, Ladders, Light Tubes, and all other weapons legal Death Match” to win the Tournament of Death 9!. [reported by Bob Magee & ] – NOTES FROM BOB MAGEE: In a truly eerie moment for those of us sitting on one side of the area set up for the show (the one side where there were large trees providing some shade).. as the ten bell sounded, the one cool breeze of the entire day came through our side of the seating (near a grove of trees) and stopped as the ten-bell ended. When I looked at the others I was sitting with (a family associated with CZW), they looked at me and said “Did you feel that too?”. There wasn’t a one of us who had a thought that it was anything but Trent Acid sending us a shout-out.

- July 10, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling (afternoon) – AcidFest [The Trent Acid Memorial Show] in South Philly, Pennsylvania at the CZW Arena before 750 fans: Trent Acid was inducted into the ECW Arena Hardcore Hall of Fame during the opening ceremonies by D.J. Hyde.. Helter Skelter w/Missy Hyatt won the Trent Acid Memorial Rumble (Included: Balls Mahoney, The Messiah, Matt Walsh, Kwame, Ron Starr, Earl Cooter, Nate Stein, Eddie Valentine, John Dahmer, Lil’ Greatness, Slayer, Deranged, Billy Angus, Danny Angus, The Rockin’ Rebel, Greg Matthews, Kid America, Flash Wheeler, Aramis, Cory Kastle, “Dirty Deeds” Darren Wyse, and more), Nick Berk & Z-Barr b Don Montoya & Robbie Mireno w/Reckless Youth, Acid’s Angels (Missy Sampson & Annie Social & Amy Lee Murray) b Alere Little Feather & Roxie Cotton & Detox, The SAT b The Carnage Crew (Loc & DeVito) and The H8 Club (Nick Gage & Nate Hatred w/Justice Pain) and Da Hit Squad in a 4-WAY Tag Scramble, Homicide & B-Boy b Sonjay Dutt & Ruckus, Johnny Kashmere b Devon Moore. After the main event, all the afternoon’s participants assembled back in the ring, with gave Acid’s mother a check of $7500 they raised at the show. This included the proceeds from the auction of a “spinner” watch personally donated by WWE´s John Cena.. [reported by].

- July 10, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling (night) – Home Sweet Home in South Philly, Pennsylvania at the CZW Arena: Tyler Veritas b Alex Colon and Ryan Slater and DJ Hyde in a 4-WAY (Money in the Bank style) Ladder match, Drew Gulak b Jonathan Gresham, Irish Driveby b Team Macktion (TJ & Kirby Mack), Adam Cole b Sonjay Dutt, Sabian b A.R. Fox and Sami Callihan and Greg Excellent in a 4-WAY (Money in the Bank style) Ladder match, The Best Around b Drake Younger & B-Boy to qualify for the upcoming CZW Tag Team Title Tournament, Danny Havoc & Scotty Vortekz b Masada & tHURTeen in an Ultraviolent Grudge Match , Tyler Veritas b Sabian in the Money in the Bank finals, Jon Moxley b Nick Gage and Egotistico Fantastico in a 3-WAY to retain the CZW Heavyweight title, Devon Moore b Drew Blood in a Loser Must Retire match.. [reported by].

- August 7, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – Southern Violence in Lumberton, North Carolina at the Robeson County Fairgrounds: Drew Gulak b Rich Swann, A.R. Fox b Facade, Team Macktion (TJ & Kirby Mack) b D.J. Hyde & Greg Excellent, Tyler Veritas b Sabian by DQ, Sami Callihan & Joe Gacy b Danny Havoc & Scotty Vortekz, Adam Cole b Ryan Slater, Nick Gage b Jon Moxley and Drake Younger in a triple threat match to win the CZW Heavyweight title. [reported by].

- August 14, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – Tangled Web 3 in South Philly, Pennsylvania at the CZW Arena: Joe Ettell vs. Eric Enders ended in a No Contest when they were both destroyed by Nick Gage, Jon Moxley b Nick Gage and Egotistico Fantastico in a 3-WAY to win the CZW Heavyweight title, Drew Gulak b Ryan McBride to retain the CZW Wired title, Danny Havoc b tHURTeen, The Osirian Portal b The Best Around to advance in the CZW World Tag Team Title Tournament, Ruckus b A.R. Fox, Philly’s Most Wanted (Sabian & Joker) b Tyler Veritas & Adam Cole to advance in the CZW World Tag Team Title Tournament, Devon Moore b Drake Younger, Scotty Vortekz b Brain Damage in a Thumbtack Kick-pads vs. Taipei Death Fists match, D.J. Hyde & Greg Excellent b Sami Callihan & Joe Gacy in a Tangled Web Deathmatch (all kinds of weapons like glass and barbed wire – Gacy turned on Callihan after the match!). [reported by].

- September 10, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – Down With the Sickness in South Philly, Pennsylvania: JT Roberts & Core b Greg Excellent & Johnny Calzone, Sami Callihan b Johnny Gargano and Joker and Chuck Taylor in a 4-Way Showcase Match, The Irish Driveby (??? & ???) b Team MACKtion (T.J. & Kirby Mack) to advance in the CZW Tag Team Title Tournament, The Runaways (??? & ???) b Up In Smoke (Cheech & Cloudy) to advance in the CZW Tag Team Title Tournament, Ar Fox b Ruckus and Alex Colon and Ricochet and tHURTeen and Facade to win the Chris Ca$h Aerial Assault Ladder Match, Adam Cole b “The BLK Jeez” Sabian to retain the CZW Junior Heavyweight title, Drew Gulak b Nick Gage by DQ to retain the CZW Wired title, Drake Younger b MASADA, Jon Moxley b Scotty Vortekz to retain the CZW World Heavyweight title.. Notes: Homicide was brought back and he declared that he would return to CZW on 10/9th. [reported by].

- September 18, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – B@M!! – A Tribute to JC Bailey in Indianapolis, Indiana at the Fountan Square Salvation Army Gym: Tarek the Legend b Bobby Black and Jake Crist and Dave Crist and American Kickboxer 2 and Hyzaya in a 6-WAY Scramble, Simon Sezz b Max Mizery, Vito Thomaselli b Joseph Swartz, Mickie Knuckles & Brandon Prophet b Jason Pennington & Diablo (Prophet refused to tag Mickie so Brain Damage came out for an a imprompto match), Brain Damage b Prophet leaving him a bloody mess, Sami Callihan b Toby Klein, American Kickboxer b Appollo Star, Simon Sezz b Ian Rotten with special referee Devon Moore, Bull Pain b Dave Davidson & Joey Kidd Owens, Spyder Nate Webb b Clifton Crunk, Jon Moxley b Danny Havoc, Scotty Vortex b Drake Younger in a TLC match – Notes: $2400 was raised for the Bailey family !! The DVD will be avaiable only at Smart Mark Video. [reported by].

- October 9, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – It’s Always Bloody.. in South Philly, Pennsylvania: Tarek the Legend b American Kickboxer in a pre-show match, Egotistico Fantastico (heel) unmasked and changed his name to Robert Anthony.. Alex Colon b Jonathan Gresham, Ruckus b Tyler Veritas after Adam Cole turned heel and hit Veritas with the TV belt, Nick Gage b Greg Excellent, Rich Swannn b Amasis and “Blk Jeez” Sabian and Ryan “EMO” Slater in a 4-WAY, Devon Moore vs. Danny Havoc ended in a No Contest after tHURTeen & Billy Gram interrupted the match, Adam Cole b AR Fox to retain the CZW Jr. Heavyweight title, Jon Moxley b Robert Anthony (Egotistico Fantasico) to retain the CZW World Heavyweight title, Homicide b Sami Callihan. [reported by].

- October 16, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – DEJA VU 2010 in Tyngsboro, Massachusetts at the Tyngsboro Sports Center: Alex Colon b Scott Reed and Ryan Slater in a 3-WAY, Drew Gulak b Johnny Calzone to retain the CZW Wired Television title, BLK-JEEZ Sabian b Tomasso Ciampa with the Jesus Walks double stomp, Devon Moore b Niles Young w/Chrissy Rivera, “New Horror” Sami Callihan b “Chainsaw” Joe Gacy via referee stoppage, Irish Driveby (Ryan McBride & Rich Swann) vs. The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) ended in a 15 minute time limit draw, Cult Fiction’s tHURTeen w/”Halfbreed” Billy Gram b Danny Havoc in a brutal light tube bundles death match following an Air Raid Crash into the bed of a pickup truck containing several dozen light tubes!, Jon Moxley b Nick Gage in a No Ropes Barbed Wire match with the Hook’N Ladder onto a prone barbed wire wrapped baseball bat to retain the CZW World Heavyweight title. [reported by].

- November 6, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – Enter the Combat Zone in Oberhausen, Germany at the Turbinelle Oberhausen before 502 fans: Drew Gulak b Rich Swann with a Dragon Sleeper to retain the CZW Wired! Title, Jonathan Gresham b Greg Excellent with a 450 Splash, “The BLK JEEZ” Sabian vs. Devon Moore ended in a 15 Minute Time-Limit Draw, Adam Cole b Zack Sabre Jr. to retain the CZW World Junior Heavyweight Title, DJ Hyde b Bad Bones with a Lariat, Sami Callihan b Masada with a Stretch Muffler, “The Golden Boy” Drake Younger b Nick Gage with the Drake’s Landing on a chair, Jon Moxley defeated Danny Havoc with a Hook & Ladder to retain the CZW World Heavyweight Title (After the match, Drake Younger attacked Danny Havoc and cut a promo on the German fans).. [reported by].

- November 7, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – WXW 18+ Gorefest vs CZW Tournament of Death in Oberhausen, Germany at the Ultraviolent Underground Germany before 356 fans: Jon Ryan b Danny Havoc in a Thumbtack Deathmatch (1st Round Match), Drake Younger b DJ Hyde in a Cinderblocks & Barbed Wire Boards Deathmatch via Death Valley Driver onto the hood of a vintage Chevy Camaro (1st Round Match), Masada b Jimmy Havoc in an ULTRAVIOLENT Tables Deathmatch (1st Round Match), Nick Gage b Adam Polak in a Polish Punishment Deathmatch to win the CZW Ultraviolent Underground Title (1st Round Match), Jon Moxley b Devon MOore to retain the CZW World Heavyweight title, Masada b Drake Younger in a Lighttube Log Cabins Deathmatch (Semifinal Match #2), Nick Gage b Jon Ryan in an Unlucky 13 Staple Gun Deathmatch (Semifinal Match #2), Big Van Walter b 2-FACE by referee stoppage after repetitive blows to the head to retain the wXw World Heavyweight title, Adam Cole & Drew Gulak & Karsten Beck & Sabian b Zack Sabre Jr. & Bernd Fuhr & Greg Excellent & Rich Swann to win an International 8-Man Tag Match, The New Horror” Sami Callihan b Carnage with a Stretch Muffler to win a special CZW vs. WXW Challenge Match, Nick Gage b Masada in a No-Rope Barbed Wire Deathmatch to become the first-ever TOD vs. GOREFEST Champion! [reported by].

- November 13, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – Night of Infamy in South Philly, Pennsylvania: Tommaso Ciampa b Scott Reed, Drew Gulak b Alexander James to retain the CZW Wired TV Title, AKUMA b Kit Osborne, Jonathan Gresham b Tyler Veritas, AR Fox b Alex Colon with an Air Raid Crash, Philly’s Most Wanted (Blk Jeez Sabian & Joker) b The Irish DriveBy (Ryan McBride & Rich Swann) in a Semi-Final of the Tag Team Tournament, The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) b The Runaways (??? & ???) in a Semi-Final of the Tag Team Tournament , Jon Moxley b “The Golden Boy” Drake Younger to retain the CZW World Heavyweight title, Cult Fiction (tHURTeen & ????) b The Suicide Kings (Devon Moore & Scotty Vortekz) in a Fans Bring the Weapons Match. [reported by].

- December 11, 2010 – Combat Zone Wrestling – Cage of Death XII in South Philly, Pennsylvania: Akuma b Ruckus and Ryan McBride and Rich Swann and Alex Colon and Jonathan Gresham in a 6-WAY to qualify for the Best of the Best 2011, Greg Excellent took out his own mother with a butterfly piledriver, Adam Cole (with Mia Yim) b A.R. Fox to retain the CZW Junior Heavyweight title, Adam Cole b Tyler Veritas by submission with help from Mia Yim to retain the CZW Junior Heavyweight title, Robert Anthony b Sami Callihan in a #1 Contenders match, Philly’s Most Wanted (Joker & Sabian) b The Osirian Portal in the Tournament Final to win the vacant CZW Tag Team titles, Jon Moxley b Homicide to retain the CZW Heavyweight title, Yuko Miyamoto b Hardcore Nick Gage (with Dewey Donovan) to win the CZW Ultraviolent Underground title, The Suicide Kings (Scotty Vortekz & Danny Havoc & Devon Moore & Dysfunction) defeated Cult Fiction (Masada & Brain Damage & THURTeen) & Drake Younger (with Billy Gram) in a Cage of Death match ending with Devon Moore as winner and sole survivor. [CLICK HERE FOR DETAILED RESULTS].. [reported by].

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