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  5. AEW Rampage 10 04 2024 & AEW Collision 10 05 2024

AEW Rampage 10 04 2024 & AEW Collision 10 05 2024

  • AEW Rampage Results:
  • Six Man Tag Team Match: Katsuyori Shibata & Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) defeat The Elite (Jack Perry, Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson) (15:06).
  • Singles Match: Kamille (w/Mercedes Mone) defeats Zoey Lynn (0:19).
  • Singles Match: Queen Aminata defeats Harley Cameron (8:00).
  • Tag Team Match: The Conglomeration (Kyle O’Reilly & Orange Cassidy) defeat The Learning Tree (Big Bill & Bryan Keith) (12:31).

AEW Collision Results
October 5, 2024 (Taped 10/3)
Huntington Center in Toledo, Ohio
Results by: Jerome Wilen of Wrestleview.com

We go right to the venue with Darby Allin’s music kicking things off, as he makes his way out through the smoke in the entrance area. The fans in Toledo give him a nice welcome.

Up next is the music of Johnny TV as he is out by himself, no Taya with him tonight.

Darby Allin vs. Johnny TV

The bell rings as we are underway. Both men lock up, but break the hold. Johnny poses to the fans as they boo. We get a test of strength as Johnny takes down Darby. Darby takes down Johnny and covers him for only a one count. Darby takes down Johnny again and puts him in a headlock, but he gets out of the hold quickly. Darby works on Johnny and puts him in a side headlock, as Johnny roles out of it. Johnny has Darby in the corner and pokes his eyes…Johnny kicks Darby in the head as he hits the mat. Johnny covers Darby for only a one count, as the fans chant Darby…Johnny continues to work on Darby and then pokes him in the eyes…Johnny goes to the top rope, but Darby is up and slaps Johnny. Darby leaps on the ropes and takes down Johnny with a big superplex! Both men are down as the ref begins the ten count. Johnny is on the floor and then makes it up on the apron. Johnny takes down Darby off the apron with a Russian leg sweep, as both men are down…Darby is up and sitting on the steel steps. Johnny kicks him off the steps…Johnny tries a twisting splash on Darby, but he roles out of the way…Darby climbs to the top and comes off with a coffin drop on Johnny…Darby is back up on the top, but Johnny recovers and hits him with with a spinning heel kick…Darby uses the middle rope for a spring board, but Johnny catches him and has him up and spins him around, dropping him on his back. Johnny covers Darby, but he kicks out at two. Johnny is up on the top rope and comes down with a starship pain, but Darby rolls out of the way…Darby goes to the top and lands on Johnny with a coffin drop and covers him to get the win.

Winner by pinfall: Darby Allin

After the match, Darby has a mic and says on Dynamite he issues an open challenge for WrestleDream…he calls out anyone in the back to step up…he calls anyone to come out. Darby looks on as no one is coming out…he calls the locker room complacent and says that they can build their name of Darby at WrestleDream and no one will step up. His music hits as he makes his way to the back…out of nowhere comes Brody King and takes out Darby, shoving him down to the bottom of the ramp way. Brody picks up Darby and drops him on the ring apron. Brody then picks up Darby and says he accepts, as he tosses down Darby and says WrestleDream…just violence.

We go to an 80’s like vignette with The Outrunners and FTR working out.


The music of The Outrunner is next as they make their way to the ring. The music of GYV is next as they make their way down to the ring.

Grizzled Young Veterans (Zach Gibson and James Drake) vs. The Outrunners (Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd)

The bell rings as we are underway! Magnum takes down Drake. Turbo is tagged in as is Gibson. Gibson holds on to Turbo, but Floyd powers out of the hold…Turbo is all fired up…both men lock up as Gibson gets Turbo in the corner, but Turbo hits Gibson with a chop. GYC then double team The Outrunners…Drake is tagged in as Turbo picks him up with a big body drop. Truth is tagged in as we get a double drop kick on Drake…The Outrunners send Gibson to the floor and double team Drake as we go to picture in picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Turbo runs the ropes as is kicked in the back by Drake…Gibson is tagged in. He works on Turbo near the ropes and takes out his leg with a big elbow drop. Gibson jaws at Turbo and picks him up, as Turbo tries to fight back, but Gibson nails him and scoops him up, slamming him to the mat. Drake is tagged in. He works on the ankle of Turbo, bending it backwards as the ref checks on him. Turbo tries to fight out of it as Drake holds on…

Back from picture-in-picture, Drake still has the hold on Turbo. Drake tries to turn it into a figure four hold, but Turbo blocks it. Turbo fights his way out as Drake is able to make the tag. Gibson cuts of Turbo from making a tag and works on the leg of Turbo. Gibson has Turbo up as Drake keeps Turbo from making the tag, dropping him down on the mat. Turbo finally makes the tag, as Truth is in, taking out both members of GYV! Both Outrunners double team Drake…we then get a double elbow drop on Drake!…Turbo rolls up Drake to get the pin!

Winner by pinfall: The Outrunners

We go to a vignette with Britt Baker.


Back from the break, Lexy Nair is with the Conglomeration…Willow Nightingale says she is coming after Mariah May…Mark Briscoe then says he feels sorry for Trish Adora. He then talks about addressing Chris Jericho real soon…he says the Conglomeration is the most diverse group in wrestling today…

The music of Willow Nightingale hits, as she makes her way to the ring…Mariah May is shown at sitting at ringside. The music of Trish Adora is up next, as she her way down to the ring…

Willow Nightingale vs. Trish Adora

The bell sounds as we start things off. Both women lock up as Willow sends Trish to the ropes. Willow locks up Trish with a headlock…Trish reverses it and drops Willow, who is up and shoulder tackles her. Willow covers Trish for only a two count. Willow suplexes Trish, but Trish then suplexes Willow…Trish drop kicks Willow and then arm whips her down. Trish grabs the arms of Willow and drives down Willow and then picks her up…I have some temporary technical issues with Sling at the moment…I do apologize…my issues are resolved as we are in a full commercial break. Gotta love technology…


Back from the full break, Trish Adora attempts a neckbreaker on Willow and drops her neck first…Willow recovers and hits Trish and has her in the corner. Willow connects on Trish with a shotgun drop kick from the second rope…Willow picks up Trish, but she sends Willow to the ropes. Willow tries a pump kick, but is socked by Trish. Trish hits Willow with a big chop in the corner. Trish then suplexes Willow and covers her for only a two count. Trish picks up Willow for a German Suplex and attempts to make a pin, but Willow kicks out. Willow recovers and comes back with a powerbomb on Trish and covers her to get the win.

Winner by pinfall: Willow Nightingale

After the match, Mariah May mocks Willow at ringside and puts the title in her face. Willow slaps May and pulls her over the barricade and punches her. Willow attempts to slam May on the steel steps, but he gets out of it, however Willow slaps May as she retreats to the back.

We go to a taking backstage interview with Wheeler Yuta…but before he can talk, PAC and Claudio come in…Marina Shafir clears everyone out…its now just Wheeler and Claudio. Wheeler says that he trusted Claudio and gave up years of his career…he betrayed Bryan Danielson…Claudio says to Yuta that he always has his back and what did Bryan ever do for him…handing him his Trios title belt…


Back from the break, Lexy Nair is with Mariah May, who is talks down Britt Baker…Christopher Daniels comes in and tells May he is done with her antics. Daniels says at Title Tuesday it will be Willow vs. Britt and the winner will face May for the women’s world title at WrestleDream…May tells Daniels to blow it out his a–.

The music of Wheeler Yuta is up next as he makes his makes his way down to the ring. Beef’s music up next as he makes his way out and own to the ring.

Wheeler Yuta vs. Beef

The bell rings a we are underway. Yuta is taken down by Beef. He punches Yuta and then blocks the other attempts. Yuta picks up Beef and drops him on his back hard. Yuta kicks Beef in the chest as he is down in the corner. Yuta continues the assault on Beef as the ref counts…Yuta works on Beef with big hammer blows on Beef…PAC, Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir look on…Yuta puts the cattle mutilation on Beef as he taps out.

Winner by submission: Wheeler Yuta

We go backstage to Lexy Nair, talking with Hook about what happened with Taz. Hook says he is keeping it simple. He calls out who ever took out his dad and wants the person to come to Title Tuesday and face him.

We go to a video package highlighting the AEW International Title Match from this past Wednesday’s Dynamite.

The music of Orange Cassidy hits next as he and Kyle O’Reilly make their way down to the ring to a nice ovation. Mark Sterling immediately says the people of Toledo have just a high enough IQ to follow along…when he says Athletes you say rule.

Premier Athletes’ Tony Nese and Ari Daivari vs. The Conglomeration’s Orange Cassidy and Kyle O’Reilly

Cassidy and Nese are going to start things off…Daivari from behind hits Cassidy taking him down as he and Nese double team Cassidy. The ref makes the count, as they break the hold. Cassidy then takes out Diavari. O’Reilly is in as he and Cassidy double team Diavari. O’Reilly takes out Diavari and then goes on the floor as Cassidy leaps over the rope, taking out Nese on the floor…Nese drop kicks Cassidy as he has his back turned…Cassidy hits the floor as we go to picture in picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Nese is in the ring. Cassidy roles back in the ring. Diavari is tagged in. He grabs the leg of Cassidy and puts a big knee to his back. He covers Cassidy, but he kicks out at two. Diavari uses the second rope to choke out Cassidy. The ref is distracted as Mark Sterling chokes out Cassidy…Nese is tagged in. He picks up Cassidy and hangs him upside and then gives him small kicks to the face. Cassidy is up as Diavari is tagged in. He chops Cassidy who is up on the top rope…

Winners by pinfall: Orange Cassidy and Kyle O’Reilly

We go to the backstage area with Lance Archer taking out what looks to be AEW staff…he lawn darts one of them against the production truck…Don Callis comes in and asks Archer if he still represented by Jake Roberts…Archer tosses another crew member and then tells Callis yes, as Callis says – good to know.


Back from the break, Lexy Nair is with Mercedes Mone’ and Kamille. Mone’s does her usual intro. Mone’ says ever since she joined AEW, money has gone up and that now with Kamille at her side she is unstoppable…Kris Statlander enters the pictures and calls them both b—-es.

The music of Hologram hits as the 12-0 AEW star makes his way down to the ring. The music of Nick Wayne hits next as he makes his way to the ring. Next up is Action Andretti…Komander is finally out last.

4-Way Match: Nick Wayne vs. Komander vs. Hologram vs. Action Andretti

The bell rings as we start the match with Komander taking out Hologram…Wayne and Action jaw at each other…Action then drop kicks Wayne and then uses the bottom rope for a twisting spring board and covers Wayne for only a two count. Komander is up on the apron as he comes in…Komander drops Hologram, but he recovers and spins all the way around and sends Komander to the floor. Wayne grabs Hologram from behind and then pulls him out of the ring, sending him to the barricade…Action is on the floor, but Wayne comes running full speed around the corner taking out Action…he recovers as we go to picture in picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Action and Komander are in the ring. Action leaps up and lands on Komander…Komander fights back and sends Komander to the ropes and then scoops him up, slamming him on the mat…Wayne is in. He nails Komander sending him to the floor and then sends Wayne to the floor. Hologram is in, but Wayne drops him and kicks him in the back. Wayne grabs Hologram, trying to pull off his mask…


Back from break, Wayne sends Hologram to the ropes, but he hit from behind by Action…Hologram runs the ropes and leaps through the second rope, taking out Komander on the floor…Hologram comes off the top rope, landing on Wayne with a big 450. Hologram covers Wayne, but he kicks out. Komander is in as he leaps off the top rope, taking out Hologram. Action is in as nails Komander with big forearm blows. We get this is awesome chants…Action covers Komander, but Wayne breaks the three count. Action is up on the ropes, but pushes off by Komander…Komander then drops Hologram as all four men are down! The ref checks on all four men…Komander is up first. Hologram is then up. Action and Wayne roll to the floor. Komander is up on the top rope and comes down hard as Hologram moves out of the way. Action is in and picks up Wayne and drops him…Hologram kicks Action and then goes to the top rope and comes down as Action moves…Hologram then kicks Action and picks him up for huge airplane spin and drops him with a huge back drop to get the win.

Winner by pinfall: Hologram

It was a bit challenging at times to keep up with all the action of the 4-Way Match.

We go backstage with Lexy Nair talking to The Beast Mortos…The Undisputed Kingdom comes in asking Mortos why he is hanging with LFI…they tell him not to make the wrong decision…

The music of Kris Statlander is next, as she makes her way to the ring.

Kris Statlander vs. Zoey Lynn (already in the ring)

Lynn charges at Statlander, but she stops her and picks up Lynn and tosses her down with ease. Kris picks up Lynn and drops her on her head for the quick squash.

Winner by pinfall: Kris Statlander

After the match, Mercedes Mone’ and Kamille come out. Mone’ tells the fans to shut up. Mone’s tells Kris she is the face of the women’s division and the CEO of AEW. Mone’s says no one is going to disrespect her. She sends Kamille after Kris. Kris hits Kamille, but she takes her down with a pump kick…Kris recovers and then jaws at Mone’ but Kamille then drops Mone’s with a Road to Damascus.

We go to a vignette with Darby Allin, talking towards Brody King. Darby says he wants Brody face to face in the ring at Title Tuesday. Darby says that he is one who told Tony Khan to hire King.


Back from the break, the music of House of Black is up first, as Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews are out first. Top Flight is out next. Finally Private Party is out last.

3-Way Tag Team Match: Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen) vs. The House of Black (Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black) vs. Top Flight (Dante and Darrius Martin)

Dante and Kassidy start things off. Kassidy takes down Dante, but he fight out of it. Dante then takes down Kassidy, but Kassidy fights back and takes down Dante. Darrius is tagged in…Private Party double team Top Flight and takes them out…House of Black is in as the run the ropes and then slide through the bottom rope and take down Private Party. House of Black catch Kassidy as he runs the ropes and leaps over the top, dropping him, as we go to picture in picture.

Picture-In-Picture: Matthews grabs Dante and holds him up and Matthews kicks him in the face. Quen is in the ring and his met with a big boot from Black. Malakai picks up Quen and tags in Matthews, who hits him with a big uppercut. Black is tagged in. He hits Quen with a big uppercut, dropping him to the mat. Black tags in Matthews as he kicks Quen in the back.

Back from picture-in-picture: Quen rolls up Matthews for a two count, but Matthews up and he drops Quen. Dante is and he sends Matthews to the floor and then drops Black who rolls to the floor. Dante comes off the top with a big splash on Quen, but Kassidy prevents the three count. Darrius and Kassidy are in…Kassidy picks up Darrius but he gets out of it…Kassidy connects on Darrius with a cutter. Darrius is then dropped as Black tags himself in then Matthews tags himself in. House of Black takes out Dante and then Darrius…House of Black double team Dante, but he drops Black…Black is up and is hit with a spin kick by Quen. Matthews is up on the top rope…Matthews comes down on Quen and picks up Kassidy and drops him with a jackhammer…Matthews double stomps Quen and Black covers him, but he kicks out at two! Action Andretti comes down and tosses a bottle of water at Matthews. He leaves the ring to jaw at Action…Malakai follows as he and and Matthews are taken out by Top Flight. Private Party takes out Dante with a gin and juice to get the win. They will now face the Young Bucks for the tag titles at WrestleDream.