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  5. AEW Rampage 09 20 2024 & AEW Dynamite 09 21 2024

AEW Rampage 09 20 2024 & AEW Dynamite 09 21 2024

  • Here are the AEW Rampage quick results:
  • Tag Team Match: House Of Black (Buddy Matthews & Malakai Black) defeat Action Andretti & Lio Rush.
  • Singles Match: Anna Jay defeats Robyn Renegade.
  • Singles Match: Konosuke Takeshita defeats Angelico.
  • Tag Team Match: The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) defeat Ryan Clancy & TJ Crawford.
  • Singles Match: Willow Nightingale defeats Taya Valkyrie.

AEW Collision Results
September 21, 2024
MassMutual Center in Springfield, MA
Results by: Jerome Wilen of Wrestleview.com

We open up with trash cans, kendo sticks, etc, as Bobby Cruise announces the Bunkhouse Brawl ROH World Tag Team Title Match to open up tonight’s show!

Sammy Guevara and Dustin Rhodes are introduced first.

Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness are on commentary…

Next up are the challengers…

Bunkhouse Brawl ROH World Tag Team Championship Match: Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara defend against Undisputed Kingdom’s Mike Bennett and Matt Taven

Things start off hot as the tag champs go right after the challengers. Dustin takes out Mike Bennett and Mat Taven…in the ring, Dustin puts a belt buckle to the head of Mike Bennett as the fans chant you still got it. Sammy comes off the barricade with a big moonsault on Taven on the floor. Bennett, who is busted open, sends Dustin into the turnbuckle. Taven picks up Sammy, but he counters and grabs a kendo stick, taking out Taven and Bennet, who go to the floor. Sammy leaps through the ropes, only to met by a chair to the head. Taven goes in the ring and takes flight over the ropes, taking out Guevara and Bennett by accident. Taven grabs a taser and uses it on Sammy. Dustin comes down and bulldogs Taven into a table of barbwire on the side of the entrance stage area.

Back in the ring, Sammy bulldogs Bennett into a table from the ring apron!

Picture-In-Picture: The ref checks on Guevara and Bennett, as Dustin is in the ring. Sammy pulls up the ring apron and pulls out a table and sets it up. Taven is crawling and tries to get up. Bennet is up and has a strap, using it on Dustin. Sammy chases Bennett around the ring with a chair and nails him from behind. Sammy sets up a ladder in the ring and then has Bennett’s head in a chair and drops with a cutter!

Back from picture-in-picture – Sammy is climbing the ladder as Taven pushes over the ladder, causing Sammy to crash into the table at ringside. The Kingdom taken out Dustin in the ring. They slap him with the belt, as all three men are covered in blood…Dustin fights back and takes out Taven and Bennett. Taven fires back, dropping Dustin with a big spine buster…Dustin recovers and grabs a bullrope from under the ring, nailing Bennett and Taven with the cowbell. Dustin sets up a chair and calls for a crossroads, but Taven stops it…Rhodes comes back and powerslams Taven on the chair. Dustin picks up Taven and suplexes him on the chair! Dustin covers Taven, but Bennett breaks it up with a running drop kick on Dustin. We get an this is awesome chant! Dustin runs at Bennett, but he catches him and drops with a death valley driver on the chair…Bennett covers Dustin, but Sammy is in the ring and breaks up the three count! Sammy gets Taven up and drops as he rolls out of the ring. Dustin wraps barbed wire around his right boot. Sammy is holding Bennett in the corner as he kicks Bennett between the legs! Dustin then drops Bennett with a kendo stick. Sammy sets up the ladder and is on the top, coming down with a huge moonsault. Sammy covers Bennett, as referee Paul Turner makes the three count!

Winners and still ROH World Tag Team Champions: Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara

We go backstage with Lexy Nair talking with Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly and Hologram. The Premiere Athletes come in and interrupt with Mark Sterling saying that the Mayor of Springfield was going to name it the Premiere Athletes Day, but he told them to make it AEW Day…you can watch the full interview segment below.



Back from the break, we have a vignette for Dynamite 5 in Pittsburg with a date for 10|2|24, changing to D|M|D.

We go backstage with Evil Uno and Alex Reynolds talking to Lexy Nair. Uno talks about his match with Darby Allin tonight. Allin to comes in and says we are having a war…Allin says that Jon Moxley thinks they are all jokes…Allin says to Uno to remind him what he is can do and is made of…

Mark Briscoe is out first with Rocky Romero. Hologram and Kyle O’Reilly come out next.

Mark Sterling says that the Mayor of Springfield gave him to the key to the city and it doesn’t work. Sterling said this town sucks and they can’t wait to get back to New York.

Not previously announced matchROH World Champion Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly and Hologram vs. The Premiere Athletes (Tony Nese, Josh Woods and Ariya Devari)

Kyle and Woods get into a shoving match. Kyle gets Woods in a heal lock. Woods then nails Kyle ad tags in Tony Nese. Nese drops Kyle, but he fires back and tags in Hologram. O’Reilly and Hologram double team Ariya Devari. Nese kicked in the head by Hologram who then walks the ropes and comes down with big shotgun drop kick on Nese. Hologram covers Nese, but he kicks out at two. Kyle O’Reilly is tagged in. The official gets distracted as the Premiere Athletes triple team O’Reilly on the floor…

Picture-In-Picture: O’Reilly is back in the ring. Devari is tagged in as he applies a headlock on O’Reilly. The ref checks on O’Reilly who won’t give up. Devari breaks the hold and then covers O’Reilly, but he kicks out at two. Devari works on O’Reilly, as Sling TV gives me a full commercial break.

Back from the full break, O’Reilly tries to make a tag, but Devari stops it…Hologram is now tagged in. He takes down Nese who comes in after a tag…Hologram covers Nese, but he kicks out at two. Hologram runs the ropes but is dropped by a knee to the back from Devari. Mark Briscoe is tagged in as he takes out Josh Woods, Devari and Nese. Briscoe runs into an elbow by Woods, but it has no effect on Briscoe. He climbs the ropes, but Mark Sterling distracts him. Mark Sterling pulls Briscoe off the ropes as Rocky Romero jaws at him. Hologram runs through the ropes, taking out Sterling. Back in the ring, Briscoe drops Devari with a big death valley driver to get the win.

Winners by pinfall: Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly and Hologram

We go backstage with MxM Collection saying they gave Max Casters jacket a makeover. MxM Collection pull the covered jacket and say they will unveil it at the Grand Slam episode of Collision for New York Fashion Week. (Can I vomit now).

The music of the Women’s World Champion Mariah May hits next as the champ as she makes her way out first. The music of Lady Frost hits next as she makes her way out to the ring.

AEW Women’s World Champion Mariah May vs. Lady Frost (Eliminator Match)

The bell rings as May turns her back and blows a kiss at Nigel at the announce table – Frost rolls up May, but she kicks out. May grabs Frost and spins her around, dropping her on the mat. May then blows Nigel kisses again and then slaps Frost who is on the second rope. May then drops Frost and charges at Frost, but is met with a big kick to the face. Frost then drop kicks May, sending her down. Frost then comes off the ropes with a twisting tornado drop on May. Frost hits May with elbows to the face, then kicks, followed by a big slap. May fires back and drops Frost on her head…May kicks Frost and then drops her with a storm zero to get the win.

Winner by pinfall: AEW Women’s World Champion Mariah May

We go to a video package hyping up Mariah’s title defense at Dynamite Grand Slam.

We then go backstage with Lexy Nair talking to Willow Nightingale….Willow says her back is okay and she doesn’t need deal with Stokley Hathaway…Willow says she will be watching Yuka Sakazaki challenge Mariah May….Deonna Purrazzo and Taya Valkyrie come in and offer protection to Yuka…the women exchange words as Taya challenges Willow to a match on Rampage and tells her she will kick her a–.


Back from the break, The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are backstage with Max Caster doing a rap trashing talking MxM Collection.

The commentary team run down the matches for Grand Slam Dynamite and Collision. We then go to a video package hyping Jon Moxley vs. Darby Allin for this Wednesday’s Dynamite, that includes the issues with Wheeler Yuta.

The music of Darby Allin hits as he comes out to the announce table, staring down Nigel McGuinness. Allin makes his way to the ring to a big ovation.

The music of Evil Uno is next, as he comes down to the ring with Alex Reynolds.

Darby Allin vs. Evil Uno

The bell rings as Uno slaps Allin who drops to the mat. Uno slaps Allin the back with a belt as the ref is distracted by Reynolds. Allin then sends Uno to the floor and takes out both Uno and Reynolds. Allin tries to take off the mask of Uno…Reynold then drops Allin as Uno goes back in the ring and distracts the ref. Uno then goes to the floor and sends Allin into the steel steps and then sends him into the barricade. Allin makes it back in the ring as Uno kicks Allin in the head. Uno covers Allin, but he kicks out at two. Allin then puts Uno in a headlock as Uno crawls to the ropes to break the hold. Allin then punches Uno and bites him, but Uno comes back with a big buckle bomb on Allin. Uno covers Allin, but he kicks out at two. Allin is up and rakes the eyes of Uno and then runs the ropes and takes out Reynolds on the floor. Allin grabs a belt, taking out Reynolds and Uno on the floor. Allin goes to the top rope and land a big coffin drop on Uno and Reynolds on the floor. Uno is back in the ring as Allin climbs to the top rope and lands on Uno with a big coffin drop to get the three count.

Winner by pinfall: Darby Allin

We get a recap of Hangman Adam Page from Wednesday’s Dynamite…after the video recap, is a backstage segment from after Dynamite with Renee Paquette talking to Jeff Jarrett and Karen Jarrett…Jeff challenges Hangman Page to a lethal match lumberjack strap match for Dynamite Grand Slam.

Not previously announced match: Queen Aminata vs. Serena Deeb

The music of Queen Aminata’s music hits as she makes her way to the ring. Up next is the music of Serena Deeb. She makes her way down to the ring.

Queen Aminata vs. Serena Deeb

The bell rings as we are underway. Both women lock up as Aminata takes down Deeb to the mat. The hold is broken as both women lock up again. Deeb takes down the Queen as we get some classic mat wrestling. We get a test of strength as the Queen takes down Deeb with a wrist lock. Both women run the ropes and attempt to take each other down. Deeb drops Queen and hooks the legs applying a surfboard. The hold is broken. The Queen sends Deeb to the mat and covers her for only a two count. Deeb is on the apron and drops Aminata on the second rope as we go to picture-in-picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Deeb hits Aminata with a big uppercut. Aminata tries to fight back, but Deeb kicks her. Deeb sends Aminata to the ropes and drops her to the mat with a big elbow. Deeb puts Aminata in a headlock as the ref checks on the Queen. Aminata fights out of the hold, but Deeb fires back with a big lariat, sending Aminate to the mat. Deeb grabs the legs of Aminata, applying a Boston crab like hold. Deeb breaks the hold and then hits Aminata with a running drop kick. Deeb then locks up Aminata as the ref checks on her to see if she wants to submit…Aminata tries to fight out of the hold…

Back from picture-in-picture, Aminata breaks out of the hold, sending Deeb head first to the mat. Deeb is holding the side of her neck trying to get up. Aminata is up and hits Deeb with a snap suplex…Aminata covers Deeb for only a two count. The Queen rolls up Deeb, but she kicks out at two…Aminata hits Deeb with a German suplex and then connects with a big running kick to the face of Deeb. Aminata covers Deeb, but she kicks out at two…from behind, Deeb wipes out Aminata and covers, but she kicks out at two. Deeb is bleeding a bit from her nose. Both women roll each other up for near falls…The Queen hits the ropes, as Deeb drops her with a leg drop. The Queen headbutts Deeb, sending her to the floor. Aminata goes to the floor and sends Deeb back in the ring as we get this is awesome chants…Deeb leg sweeps Aminata and then hits her with the detox for the win.

Winner by pinfall: Serena Deeb

We go to a recap from Rampage with Saraya challenging Jamie Hayter to Sarya Rules Match at Grand Slam…We then go backstage with Renee Paquette talking to Sarya and Harley Cameron. Sarya says this match is all over England and has been in her family for years. Cameron then pulls out a piece of paper going through all the rules of the match. Cameron then crumbles up the piece of paper, putting it in her mouth to end the segment.

The rules for the match is as follows:

There are no rules except for the following.

You cannot use weapons, unless you are Saraya

You must obey the 10 count unless you are Saraya

No biting, choking, closed fist, hair pulling or groin kicking, unless you are Saraya

No Hammerlocks (Saraya never liked those anyway)

No outside interference, unless you are a friend of Saraya’s

No rope breaks, unless you are Saraya

The match must only begin with offense from Saraya

Jamie Hayter is a slag

The winner receives an autographed copy of Saraya’s autobiography, available now for pre-order


Back from the break, Lexy Nair talks to Sammy Guevara and Dustin Rhodes. Dustin thanks Sammy, saying he is great partner. Sammy thanks Dustin and says that is an honor to team with Dustin and calls him Dustin two belts. Sammy then challenges Okada to an eliminator match on Grand Slam and then says when he wins, he will challenge Okada for the International Title at Dynamite 5. Dustin says he believes in Sammy…

Its time for the main event of the night. Hook is out first. The Outrunners are out second. FTR is out third. All five men now make their way down to the ring.

Up next is the music for Grizzled Young Veterans as they make their way out. Next up is Rush. The music of The Undisputed Kingdom is next as Roderick Strong and The Beast Mortos are out next. The five men make their way down to the ring.

All Star 10-Man Tag Team Match: FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler), FTW Champion Hook and The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum) vs. Roderick Strong, The Beast Mortos, Rush and the Grizzled Young Veterans (James Drake and Zack Gibson)

The bell rings as this will be wild and challenging to keep up with…James Drake and Cash Wheeler start things off…both men run the ropes as Cash rolls Drake for only a two count. Cash then takes down Drake with a hip toss. All ten men are in the ring as we have brawl. The heels retreat to the floor, as we go to picture in picture…

Picture-in-picture, the heels make their back up on the apron as Cash tags in Dax Harwood, who covers Zach Gibson for only a two count. He chops Gibson and then sends him high into the air as he lands on his back. Dax is sent to the corner as Rush is tagged in…Dax tags in Turbo Floyd, but he is taken out by Roderick Strong…he fights back as Sling TV gives me a full commercial break.

Back from the full break, The Beast Mortos is in chopping Dax Harwood, as both men slug it out in the center of the ring. Dax is sent to the corner as The Beast connects with a big cannonball. Rush is as he slaps and chops Dax, who drops to the mat. Rush then connects with a big boot to the face of Dax. Dax holds his face. He gets up and then drops Rush, but he fires back and nails Dax. Gibson is in, but Dax drops him with a big chop and then a leg drop. Dax covers Gibson for only a two count. Hook is tagged in. He kicks Gibson and locks up Gibson. Hook runs the ropes as GYV double team Hook and drop him with a dual clothesline…Strong is tagged in as he and Hook exchange chops. Hook picks up Strong and tosses him…Hook then takes on Gibson, Rush and then Beast Mortos and cleans out the ring! Hook then hits Strong with big body shots to the mid-section. Beast Mortos is now in and hits Hook. Strong picks up Hook...as we are supposed to go to picture in picture, but Sling TV gives me a full commercial break.

Back from the full break, Gibson has Hook in a headlock, but he fights out as Hook makes a tag to Turbo Floyd who comes in fired up, taking out both members of GYV! He scoops up Gibson and Drake, dropping each to the mat…He picks up Beast Mortos and Rush and drops them…he tags in Truth Magnum. Both going for a double elbow drop and connect on Gibson…we get a brawl with nine of the ten men in the ring…Gibson hits Floyd with a shot to the throat…GYV double team Floyd in the corner. Strong is tagged in and he covers Floyd for only a two count. Rush is tagged in as he sends Magnum to the corner and connects with a big clothesline…Rush tags in Strong as he picks up Magnum and drops him on his back and covers him for only a two count. Strong locks up Magnum using his arms as chokehold…Drake is tagged in…Magnum gets up, but is dropped by Drake as Beast Mortos is tagged in…we go to picture in picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Mortos has Magnum locked up…Rush is tagged in. He picks up Magnum and slams him to the mat and then leaps up and lands on him back-first. Magnum fights back, but it is not enough for Rush, as he tags in Strong. Strong grabs Magnum, putting him in a chin-lock as the ref checks on Magnum. Magnum is up, but Strong sends him to the mat, applying an armlock…

Back from picture-picture, Drake is tagged in…Magnum finally makes it to the corner to tag in Dax as he takes out Drake and Rush…Cash Wheeler comes in…action spills to the floor as Hook and Strong fight up on the entrance ramp. Rush and Dax are back in the ring as they exchange slaps. Dax grabs Rush and sends him down with a big lariat. Beast Mortos is in…Mortos is then dropped by Dax with a big drop…Mortos then takes out Dax as Rush hits Dax with the bull by the horns to get the win for his team.

The action in this match was challenging to keep up with at times…I tried my best to keep up with it all.

Winners by pinfall: Roderick Strong, The Beast Mortos, Rush and the Grizzled Young Veterans (James Drake and Zack Gibson)

We go backstage with Serena Deeb as she talks about how she beat the hell out of Queen Aminata…Deeb then challenges Brit Baker to a match at Dynamite 5…we then go to the commentary table with Tony Schiavone hyping up Dynamite 5 and Grand Slam Dynamite.

We go to Nigel McGuinness on the entrance ramp. He says that Bryan Danielson has refused to answer his challenge and is hiding behind a fake injury. Nigel shows his shirt that says Bryan fears Nigel. Nigel then says if he won’t wrestle Nigel for his family, he needs to do it for the fans…Tony Schiavone then interrupts Nigel and says he has to say something…Tony says he sees what Nigel is doing…He says that Nigel’s claims are ridiculous, and that Danielson is not afraid of Nigel. Tony reminds Nigel that he is not medically cleared. Tony tells Nigel that Bryan is the best wrestler he has called in his career. Nigel then says if anyone else would have said that to him, he would have taken them out. Nigel then tells Tony to go to the commentary table and shut his mouth. Nigel then goes to the ring and says he wants Bryan to meet him in the middle of the ring for their final rivalry…Nigel says when he retired, nobody listened or believed him when he shouted that he was as good as Bryan Danielson. Nigel says that only two people in the world today know what he says is true…this is why Bryan has refused to answer his challenge. Nigel says that this is why he needs to show up in Queens and he will beat Bryan and have vindication. Nigel says that even if Bryan doesn’t show up, he will still be vindicated…Nigel says that he hopes Bryan shows up…Nigel looks at the camera and then screams at the camera telling Bryan to show up…as the show goes off the air.