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  5. AEW Rampage 09 13 2024 & AEW Collision 09 14 2024

AEW Rampage 09 13 2024 & AEW Collision 09 14 2024

  • Six Man Tag Team Match: The Conglomeration (Kyle O’Reilly, Mark Briscoe & Orange Cassidy) defeat The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno & John Silver) (9:26).
  • Singles Match: Kamille defeats Robyn Renegade (3:16).
  • Singles Match: Roderick Strong (w/Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) defeats BEEF (w/Anthony Henry) (7:53).
  • Tag Team Match: Harley Cameron & Saraya defeat Allysin Kay & Marti Belle (3:44).
  • Singles Match:
    Konosuke Takeshita (w/Don Callis) defeats Action Andretti (w/Leila Grey & Lio Rush) (11:53).

AEW Collision Results
September 14, 2024 (Taped 9/12/24)
Nutter Center in Fairborn (Dayton), Ohio
Results by: Alex Kahrs of Wrestleview.com

Saturday night’s alright for Collidin’!

We kick off the show with the arrival of the Scapemobile, before TNT Champion Jack Perry makes his way through the backstage area and out to the ring for our opening contest. Out next is Christopher Daniels, in his first AEW match since May looking to stop the reign of the Scapeboat as this match gets underway!

AEW TNT Championship Match: Jack Perry defends against Christopher Daniels

The two lock up, with Perry sending Daniels to the corner before being forced to break. This gives Christopher a chance to fight back with some chops, but the champ lays in some of his own to get back into it. Daniels sent to the ropes, but he catches the champ by surprise…until Perry fights him down to the mat with a suplex. He sends the Fallen Angel to the corner, following up with a clothesline for a nearfall.

He drives his boot into the neck of Daniels against the ropes, only backing off to continue the attack before sending him to the corner once more. The ref calls for a break, which allows Christopher another head of steam until the champ cuts him off with a boot in the corner, followed by a dropkick and another nearfall. Perry catches him with another kick, but Daniels fights back from the ropes into a Flatliner to build momentum. T-Bone suplex to the champ, and Daniels hits a DDT that gives the challenger a nearfall in the process.

Daniels goes for the Angel’s Wings but Perry counters into a nearfall, only for the Fallen Angel to catch him with a nearfall of his own. Both men up as they hit the ropes, and Daniels gets sent down hard to the mat before the champ nails him with a running knee for the win!

Winner via pinfall and still TNT Champion: Jack Perry

Perry makes a beeline up the ramp and to the back as the ref checks on Daniels. We then go to Perry saying those who hate him are those who cannot handle the truth before getting back into his Scapemobile and driving off.

We get a look back at what happened at All Out leading to the attack on Bryan Danielson (notably omitting the actual attack, as promised by AEW social media). Backstage, we hear from Wheeler Yuta who is still reeling from what happened, causing him to struggle to speak on Danielson’s status and his match against Anthony Henry later tonight.

Back at ringside, Kyle O’Reilly and Mark Briscoe step out onto the stage for our next match. They are followed by Hologram before they head down to the ring. Out next is the Beast Mortos, followed by the Premier Athletes who say they’re joining up with Mortos to take on a couple thorns in their side before trying (and failing) to get the crowd to chant for them. With that, they enter the ring and this match gets underway!

ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe, Hologram and Kyle O’Reilly vs. The Premier Athletes (Ari Daivari, Tony Nese, and Josh Woods)

We start off with Kyle and Woods who lock up, exchanging holds before a tag is made to Briscoe…followed quickly by a tag to Daivari. After a bit of action in the corner, Briscoe manages to get the upper hand on Daivari before being sent to the ropes, where Kyle gets a tag. O’Reilly goes to work on Daivari’s arm before Mortos is tagged in, allowing the Beast to run wild on O’Reilly even as Hologram gets the tag in! Hologram goes up top but is dropped down hard by the Beast. Hologram back up as he climbs the turnbuckle, getting caught in mid-air by the Beast…but Hologram uses the ropes to hit an impressive arm drag!

Nese with a tag as he goes after Hologram before the luchador tags in O’Reilly, who gets brought to the outside as the Athletes take advantage of a distracted ref to lay in some strikes as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: The action comes back into the ring as the Premier Athletes maintain control, tagging in and out to keep Kyle isolated until O’Reilly catches Nese with a guillotine until Tony catches him for a nearfall to break the hold. Tag to Daivari who cinches in a chinlock, but Kyle fights to his feet as we come back from break!

Kyle makes the tag to Briscoe who unleashes a flurry of offense, sending Mortos off the apron before taking Daivari out and following with a fisherman bomb on Tony Nese. Briscoe looks for a Jay Driller but Nese fights out…just as Mortos comes rushing in with a headbutt, sending Mark out of the ring as Hologram gets a tag. Back in the ring we have Nese and Hologram going at it, the luchador landing a Code Red that gets him a nearfall.

Chaos ensues until Nese is sent to the outside, where Hologram catches him with a dive…only to be caught with a dive by Mortos! Briscoe sets up a chair for a dive of his own, but Sterling comes into the ring to stop him by taking the chair away. This leads to a bit of “redneck kung fu” by Briscoe, who uses a doubled-over Sterling as a base for a dive to the outside! Back in the ring, Hologram gets spun around by Nese but manages to catch the Athlete with a backslide of sorts to get the pin!

Winners via pinfall: Mark Briscoe, Hologram and Kyle O’Reilly

The celebration is cut off as Mortos rushes in for an attack on Hologram, but is soon fended off by the Conglomeration as the Beast leaves the ring.

We get a look at the recent CMLL 91st Anniversary show before going backstage, where Renee tries to get a word with Orange Cassidy…until he gets blindsided with a boot by Big Bill! This leads to an attack from the Learning Tree as they put Cassidy’s backpack over his head before Jericho nails him in the head with the framed picture of the Best Friends, saying “here’s to friendship” before saying he’ll see Cassidy on Wednesday.

-Commercial Break-

We get a look at Stokely somewhere else, watching the AEW Revolution match that saw Sting team with Darby Allin to take on the Young Bucks. Backstage, Mariah May talks about not doing her championship celebration, saying she wants Mina…but is interrupted by Yuka Sakazaki who makes it clear she wants the AEW Women’s World Championship. She doesn’t budge despite Mariah running her down, before making her leave from the scene.

Back at ringside, Wheeler Yuta is looking despondent as he heads to the ring for our next match. Anthony Henry is accompanied by Beef as he heads to the ring next, and this match is underway!

Wheeler Yuta vs. Anthony Henry

Yuta seems to be struggling to get into this match as the two lock up, allowing Henry to take control early on. Yuta does fight back with a few strikes and holds, but the action spills outside where Henry slams Yuta against the barricade with such force that Yuta seems to be out of sorts as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: It takes a little while but Yuta makes his way back into the ring, only for Anthony to keep control with some impressive holds. Wheeler fights his way back to his feet, as the feed inexplicably goes to full commercial break. Thanks, TNT!

-Commercial Break-

Anthony has Yuta in the corner, setting him up for an air raid crash that garners a nearfall. We finally see Wheeler fighting back with some punches, hitting the ropes for momentum as the takes Henry down…but Anthony sweeps Yuta’s feet out from under him for a nearfall. Yuta rolls to the outside, the ref checking on him as he scrambles to a chair by the barricade…only for Henry to catch him with a flying kick! He brings Yuta back into the ring, but only picks up a nearfall as Wheeler manages to kick out.

Henry starts mocking Yuta now, bringing up Danielson as he slaps Wheeler in the face…and a combination of the two seems to fire up Yuta, who starts walloping Henry before sending him to the corner. The ref intervenes before Yuta shoves him away, going back on the attack until Henry manages to fight him off once more.

The action spills to the outside where Yuta lays him out before attacking Beef, bringing Henry back to the ring to continue the attack with some hammering elbows before locking in Cattle Mutilation! Henry is out cold and the ref calls for the bell!

Winner via pinfall: Wheeler Yuta

The ref calls for the hold to be broken after the match, leading to Yuta nearly attacking him in the corner before holding himself back.

Backstage, we hear from Serena Deeb as she tells Queen Aminata she is not ready to truly take on the champion, saying to let the Professor show her how it’s done before running down Yuka Sakazaki ahead of their match tonight.

-Commercial Break-

Video Package: Anna Jay’s trip to Japan has left wanting more, as she issues a warning to the rest of the women’s division!

Back at ringside, Private Pary and Komander step out onto the stage hopefully getting to actually wrestle as we look back at the trio being attacked by BCC and Marina Shafir on Dynamite. We then here from Private Party as they offer a fight to the Trios Champions before this match gets underway!

Private Party and Komander vs. Jon Cruz, Lord Crewe, and Ren Jones

This is a very quick, very chaotic match that sees Private Party and Komander quickly keep all three of their opponents off their game before Quen ultimately gets the pin for the win!

Winners via pinfall: Private Party and Komander

With the match over we hear from Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness at commentary, where Nigel explains that Tony Khan agreed to the potential Grand Slam match with the hope that Bryan Danielson will be able to compete. Nigel then narrates a video package showing his history with Bryan back in ROH before looking at Nigel’s return to the ring at All In, and ends things by telling Bryan once again that the ball is in his court.

Back at ringside, Serena Deeb makes her way to the ring for our next match. Out next is Yuka Sakazaki, before Mariah May takes a seat at commentary to keep an eye on potential competition as this match gets underway!

Yuka Sakazaki vs. Serena Deeb

Serena quickly goes to work on wearing Yuka down as Mariah watches on, the Professor bending Yuka around until Sakazaki catches her with a bodyscissors that twists Serena around for a nearfall. Deeb is quick to take back control as she brings Yuka to the ropes, hitting her with a neckbreaker to the apron as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Deeb continues to wear Sakazaki down after a nearfall, focusing on her leg after a previous injury. Another cover by Serena only gets a nearfall oncea gain as Yuka tries to fight back against a single leg crab. Yuka back to her feet, hitting an enziguri on Deeb to get a breather in the corner. Deeb charges at Yuka in the corner as we come back from break…

…only for Sakazaki to catch Deeb in the ropes to stop the momentum! Yuka drops Serena to the mat, but only gets a nearfall as Serena fights back with a German suplex and a lariat for the cover. Yuka manages to get the shoulder up, frustrating Serena until Sakazaki fights back into a sliding lariat on the Professor. She makes the cover, but Deeb kicks out!

Serena fights back with a powerbomb on Yuka before setting up for a stretch muffler, bending Sakazaki’s leg to cause her great pain…but Yuka manages to get to the ropes to force a break! Both women back to their feet now, trading strikes in the middle of the ring until Deeb hits a release German suplex. Yuka’s back up with a forearm but is laid out with a clothesline by Deeb, who sets up for a powerbomb…but Yuka fights back with a body slam!

She pulls Deeb to the middle of the ring, setting up for the Magical Girl Splash off the top rope for a pinfall victory tonight!

Winner via pinfall: Yuka Sakazaki

Yuka heads up the ramp to celebrate until Mariah attempts to blindside her…only for Sakazaki to catch her with a crescent kick taking the Glamour down to the stage!

Video Package: We get a good, long look at The Outrunners, the “youngest men alive,” training at a local gym to get in fighting shape. If you haven’t seen The Outrunners, you haven’t seen nothing yet!

-Commercial Break-

We cut to the parking lot where Top Flight chat about food until Action Andretti vents his frustrations about the recent losses. There is a ton of friction between the group as Andretti storms off, with the rest of Top Flight following close behind to calm him down.

Back at ringside, the Bang Bang Gang make their way to the ring for our next match. Out next are Cage of Agony, looking for revenge from earlier this year as they head down to the ring before this match gets underway!

Bang Bang Gang’s Juice Robinson and The Gunns vs. Cage of Agony (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona)

We start off with Liona and Juice, who gets sent to the corner by Toa only to escape. Juice looks to get the upper hand but is dropped to the mat by Liona, before he makes the tag to Colten Gunn. Tag to Kaun who goes after Colten, but he gets a tag to Austin to keep on top of things. Austin trips up Bishop, fending off Liona only to be laid out with a lariat from Kaun who sends him to the outside.

Bishop continues to wear Austin down before bringing him back into the ring for a tag to Brian Cage, who drops Austin hard to the mat before we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Cage continues the attack before tagging in Liona, who lays into Austin even further to keep him isolated from the rest of his team. The action spills briefly to the outside before Liona brings Austin back into the ring, bringing in Bishop as the feed goes to full commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

Austin finally manages to fight back enough to make the tag to Colten, who unleashes a flurry of offense on all three oppoents before dropping Bishop to the mat. He clubs Liona on the head before making the cover, only getting a two count as he goes up the turnbuckle…but Kaun catches him by surprise! Cage comes in but is caught with a vertical suplex by Colten, who cannot do the same to Liona as Cage and Kaun distract the ref to keep Colten from getting a pin off an inside cradle.

They triple-team Colten as Austin is fended off to allow them to continue wearing Colten down, but Gunn fights back enough to get the tag to Robinson! Except that Cage tags in now, taking out Juice with a discus lariat. He lays out Austin as well as they try to triple-team him, but Colten helps make the save before they hit Cage with a 3:10 to Yuma! Juice follows up with a Front Chancery before driving Cage into the mat for the cover and the win!

Winners via pinfall: Bang Bang Gang

We cut backstage where Aminata mocks Deeb for her loss earlier, before cutting to ringside as the Queen heads to the ring for our next match. Robyn Renegade is already in the ring as this match gets underway!

Robyn Renegade vs. Queen Aminata

Aminata gets the early advantage leading to a couple nearfalls, but Robyn fights back to her feet…until Aminata takes her down by the hair for a cover, before Robyn kicks out. Renegade catches the Queen on the ropes to create an opening, sending Aminata to the corner for some hard strikes before following up with a dropkick.

Robyn brings Aminata back to her feet for a hard DDT, causing the Queen to move a bit slower as Robyn continues to mount something of a comeback…only for a Brain Drain headbutt to drop Renegade to the mat, allowing Aminata to pick up the win!

Winner via pinfall: Queen Aminata

The celebration is cut short as Serena Deeb rushes into the ring, blindsiding the Queen before locking her up to attack the leg! Officials come rushing down, eventually breaking things up as Deeb leaves up the ramp with a smile as she stares down Aminata.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back at ringside for our main event, as FTR make their way to the ring to a big pop from the crowd. Out next are Grizzled Young Veterans, and this match gets underway!

FTR vs. The Grizzled Young Veterans

We start off with Dax and Gibson, the pair locking up until Harwood sends Gibson to the corner where Drake makes the tag. This leads to a near scuffle between all four men before Drake gets into it, laying in some strikes on Dax who sends him to the ropes as Cash tags in for a flying shoulder tackle. He takes Drake down with an arm drag, but Drake is able to get back at him before sending him to the outside…but not before Dax gets the tag to get back into the match! He fights off Gibson before hitting a sunset flip on Drake for a nearfall.

Dax brings Drake to the corner now, setting him up for a big back superplex that sends both men crashing to the mat as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Drake finally manages to make a tag to Gibson, who goes to work on Harwood as he keeps him isolated. Gibson then locks in a chinlock, but Harwood fights to his feet as we come back from break!

Dax hits a back body drop on Gibson, but is cut off as Drake tags in leading to a double team to keep Harwood away. Drake lays in some hard strikes before Dax fights off GYV, sending Gibson back to the outside before taking Drake to the canvas…and makes the tag to Wheeler! Except that Gibson distracted the ref, who doesn’t see the tag made!

GYV pull Harwood away, but not for long as Dax finally gets the tag proper to Cash, who sends Gibson to the corner before hitting a dropkick on Drake. Gibson’s back up but gets dropped with a power slam before Wheeler takes Drake down. This leads to a series of nearfalls, before Drake gets a tag to Gibson to stop Cash’s momentum. They look for the Grit Your Teeth but Dax pulls Drake away, allowing Cash to get a backslide for a nearfall.

He follows up with a rollup but it’s only good for a two as he tags in Dax…but Drake stops a spike piledriver. Key lock driver by Gibson sends Harwood down hard, before Dax is sent to the corner…where he fights off Gibson, with Cash keeping him away as Dax locks in a Sharpshooter on Drake who has no choice but to tap out!

Winners via submission: FTR

The win is nearly overshadowed by Gibson getting back into the ring, as GYV go back on the attack post-match…until The Outrunners come out for the save, to a big pop from the crowd! They clear GYV from the ring, the Vets making their way up the ramp as the Outrunners offer a handshake to FTR…who eventually accept! The crowd is electric for this as the two teams have a bit of fun posing for the fans to bring Collision to a close.