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  5. AEW Rampage 08 23 2024 & AEW Collision 08 24 2024

AEW Rampage 08 23 2024 & AEW Collision 08 24 2024

AEW Rampage:

  • Six Man Tag Team Match: The Conglomeration (Kyle O’Reilly, Mark Briscoe & Tomohiro Ishii) defeat Brian Cage, Johnny TV & The Beast Mortos (w/Taya Valkyrie) (12:19).
  • Singles Match: Roderick Strong (w/Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) defeats Fuego Del Sol (3:20).
  • Singles Match: Mina Shirakawa defeats Robyn Renegade (7:40).
  • Tag Team Match: Gates Of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) defeat Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson) (w/Jacked Jameson) (3:07).
  • Tag Team Match: The Von Erichs (Marshall von Erich & Ross von Erich) (w/Dustin Rhodes) defeat The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) (w/Erica Leigh) (9:50).

AEW Collision Results
August 24 2024 (Taped 8/21/24)
Utilita Arena in Cardiff, Wales
Results by: Jerome Wilen of Wrestleview.com

We go to the opening intro for tonights show…Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness welcome us to the show. The venue is sold out and the crowd is hot!

Orange Cassidy’s music hits first as the Conglomeration make their way out to a big ovation!

The music for the Undisputed Kingdom hits next, as they they make their way out to the ring to a string of boos.

The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe and Kyle O’Reilly) vs. Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett, Matt Taven and Roderick Strong)

The bell rings as we are underway! Mark Briscoe and Mike Bennett start out as Mark chops Bennett…both men exchange back and forth chops. Briscoe gets Bennett in a side headlock. Kyle O’Reilly tags in and drops Bennett. Kyle kicks Bennett. Roderick Strong is tagged in and slaps Kyle. both men exchange blows. Kyle flips Strong up in the air as Bennett and Taven are in. Kyle takes them both out with big kicks. Taven and Bennett almost collide…Kyle takes down both men and tags in Orange Cassidy. Orange kicks both Taven and Bennett and then sends them to the apron. Strong comes in, but Cassidy drops him. Cassidy then drops Strong with a DDT, sending him to the floor. Taven kicks Cassidy, but he comes back with a big slap to Taven. Bennett is tagged in…Taven and Bennett double team Cassidy and drop him on his head. Strong is tagged in and he chops Cassidy…Kyle O’Reilly is tagged in…he takes out Strong and then tags in Cassidy. Briscoe is tagged in. He and Bennett exchange chops. Briscoe sends Bennett to the floor. Strong kicks Kyle O’Reilly on the outside…Matt Taven takes flight, landing on Cassidy and O’Reilly on the floor. Briscoe grabs a chair and sets it up in the ring. Bennett grabs it as Strong picks up Briscoe and drops him on the chair…

Picture-In-Picture: Strong continues the offense on Briscoe. Taven is tagged in. He and Strong double team Briscoe. Taven drags Briscoe to the corner and tags in Bennett. He covers Briscoe for just a two count. Bennett drop kicks Briscoe and covers him, but he kicks out at two. Strong is tagged in and applies a chin lock on Briscoe. He fights out, but Taven is tagged in. As Taven distracts the ref, Strong and Bennett double team Briscoe in the corner. Bennett is tagged in.

Bennett sends Briscoe to the corner and tags in Strong. Strong and Taven double team Briscoe as the ref is distracted. Taven is tagged in. He suplexes Briscoe, who then drops Taven. Briscoe tags in O’Reilly. He takes out Bennett, sending him to the floor. O’Reilly slaps Taven and then sends him to the floor with a knee to the back. Briscoe then leaps through the ropes, taking out Taven as he tries to get up. O’Reilly is up on the top rope and he comes down on Bennett. Briscoe is tagged and drops on Taven. Cassidy is then tagged in and he comes off the top and lands on Taven with a big elbow…Bennett is tagged in and has Cassidy up on his shoulders…Cassidy makes the tag to O’Reilly. Bennett and Taven double team O’Reilly…Strong is tagged in. Strong has O’Reilly up and he drops him on his back and then covers him, but O’Reilly kicks out at two. Cassidy has Bennett in a sleeper. O’Reilly has Strong in an ankle lock, but its broken up by Taven and Bennett. Strong chops O’Reilly…Briscoe has a chair. He sets it up and uses it as a launching pad to take out Bennett and Strong on the floor….O’Reilly grabs Taven and locks him up in the guillotine hold…Taven taps out.

Winners by submission: The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe and Kyle O’Reilly)

We go to a video package hyping up the World Trios Championship Match that is set for All In.

The music of Willow Nightingale hits next, as the fans in Cardiff love the CMLL Women’s Champion. She makes her way down to the ring as the fans continue to cheer her on.

The music of Harley Cameron hits next, as she makes her way down to the ring.

CMLL Women’s Champion Willow Nightingale vs. Harley Cameron (non-title)

The bell rings and we are underway. Both women lock up. Cameron sends Willow to the corner and hits her with shoulder blocks and then kicks her in the mid-section…Willow recovers and sends Cameron against the ropes and drops her with a shoulder block…Willow drops Cameron and covers her for a one count. Willow sends Cameron to the corner and hits her with big forearms. Willow tries for a powerbomb, but Cameron avoids it. She takes down Willow and covers her, but Willow kicks out at one. Cameron sends Willow to the corner and kicks Willow. Cameron then drops Willow and covers her, but Willow kicks out at two. Willow picks up Cameron, but she fights out of it…Harley then drops Willow with a running knee and cover her, but she kicks out at two. Cameron then hits Willow with elbow shots to the head and then a forearm shot. Cameron then hits Willow again with a forearm shot, but it has not affect. Cameron then comes back and fires rights on Willow, but it has not affect on her. Willow hits Cameron and picks her up and drops her with a big sit down powerbomb and cover her to get the win.

Winner by pinfall: Willow Nightingale

We go backstage with Lexy Nair as she welcomes the official MC’s for All In – Private Party. They talk about how exciting the event will be…Lexy then welcomes the new ROH World Tag Team Champions – Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara…Sammy says they are doing an open challenge…Sammy says they are coming alone at All In…Dustin says that The Von Erichs and Katsuyori Shibata will be at All In. Shibata comes in and Dustin calls him an honorary Texan.


Back from the break, the music of Katsuyori Shibata hits, as he makes his way to the ring with the ROH World Tag Team Champions – Sammy Guevara and Dustin Rhodes.

The music of Jay Lethal hits, as he makes his way to the ring with Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh.

Jay Lethal vs. Katsuyori Shibata

The bell rings as we are underway. Both men shake hands. Lethal grabs the arm of Shibata…Shibata locks up Lethal, but Lethal gets his foot on the rope to break the hold. Both men lock up…Lethal puts Shibata in a headlock…the hold is broken as Shibata locks up Lethal, but he fights out and then takes down Shibata with a shotgun drop kick. Lethal works on the left leg and knee with Shibata…Shibata is back up and has a top wrist lock on Lethal and stomps on his hand. Shibata then kicks Lethal in the hand and sends him to the floor.

Picture-In-Picture: Shibata goes to the floor, but Lethal fights back and sends Shibata into the ring apron. Lethal rolls in the ring and then rolls out to break the ten count. Shibata goes back in the ring. Lethal follows. Shibata chops Lethal in the corner. Lethal then fires back with chops and big rights…


Back from the full break, Lethal sends Shibata into the ropes and then grabs Shibata and applies the figure four in the center of the ring. Shibata makes his way to the ropes to break the hold. Lethal takes off his elbow pads…he grabs Shibata and kicks the legs of Shibata. Lethal then drops Shibata with a Lethal combination. Lethal goes to the top and comes down with a big elbow, but Shibata catches him and applies and armbar, but Lethal makes it to the rope to break the hold. Shibata drops Lethal in the corner and then connects with a ig running drop kick…Shibata covers Lethal, but he kicks out at two. Lethal kicks Shibata in the leg. Shibata comes back and slaps Lethal and the applies the claw…Lethal gets out of the hold. Shibata then puts an armbar on Lethal, who quickly taps out.

Winner by submission: Katsuyori Shibata

After the match Shibata puts out his hand. Lethal then shakes the hand of Shibata.

We go to a video recap of MJF and Will Ospreay’s face-to-face this past Wednesday on Dynamite.


Back from the break, we go to a vignette with Kris Statlander training Stokley Hathaway.

Back to the arena, the music of Kris Statlander hits, as she and Stokley Hathaway make their way to the ring. Their opponents are already in the ring.

Mixed Tag Team Match: Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway vs. Lykos II and Nina Samuels

Hathaway shakes the hands of Lykos and Nina…Kris then double clotheslines Lykos and Nina…Hathaway drops Lykos with a spine buster…Kris picks up Lykos and drops him. Kris then picks up Hathaway and drops him on Lykos. Hathaway covers Lykos to get the win.

Winners by pinfall: Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway

After the match, Hathaway says what we just saw is a preview of what will happen at All In. He then says he and Kris Statlander are the best tag team…Hathway insults Wales. I had a slight issue and missed the full promo, but it is below…

Ben Mankiewicz narrates the story of Toni Storm vs. Mariah May

The music of Hook hits as he makes his way down to the ring. He has a patch over his left eye. The music of Chris Jericho hits, as Big Bill makes his way out to the ring with Jericho and Bryan Keith.

Hook vs. Big Bill

The bell rings as Hook goes after Big Bill. Bill nails Hook and picks him up and tosses him on his back. Big Bill nails Hook with a big right hand and then chokes out Hook. Bill then grabs Hook and goes after the bad eye of Hook. Bill then clobbers Hook as he drops to the mat. Hook fires back with big rights to the mid-section of Bill, but he comes back and drops Hook and then stands on him. Bill then picks up Hook and nails him with huge right hands. Bill then grabs Hook and sends him to the corner. Bill runs at Hook and connects…Hook drops t the mat, as Bill picks him up and clobbers him on the back with big right hands. Bill sends Hook to the floor, as we go to picture in picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Bill is up on the apron. He drops to the floor and the drives Hook into the ring apron. Hook gets back in the ring, as the ref starts the ten count. Bill distracts the ref, as Bryan Keith kicks Hook in the face. Hook is seen holding his bad eye. Bill goes back to the floor and sends Hook into the ring post back first. Bill is back in the ring. Hook is still on the floor. Bill jaws at the crowd. The ref now starts the ten count after he held off Bill from going back to the outside. Bill goes to the floor and rolls Hook back in the ring.

Back from the break, Bill jaws at the fans, but now they are giving him a standing ovation. Bill then picks up Hook and shakes him around before dropping him to the mat. Hook then hits Hook with big rights. The fans continue to go crazy for Bill! Bill picks up Hook and slams him down. Bill then drops big elbows on Hook…Bill covers Hook, but he kicks out at two. Hook sends Bill to the floor, but he is back up and in the ring. Hooks sends Bill’s head to the ring post. Hook then fires back with big rights on Bill’s head. Hook runs the ropes and suplexes him. The fans boo Hook…Bryan Keith is in, but Hook sends him to the floor. Big Bill picks up Hook, but he escapes. Bill then slaps Hook…as Bill goes to slap him again, Hook applies the redrum on Bill, as he taps.

Winner by submission: Hook

We go to a vignette with Jack Perry talking about how the new TNT Title he created in his own image is unworthy of Darby Allin.


The music of Ariya Davivari hits next…he comes out with a mic and says that Cardiff doesn’t have a premiere league team…he insults Wales and says that he is the man Wales can cheer for.

The music of Jeff Jarrett is up next. He and Karen come out to a sizable ovation, as they make their way to the ring.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Ariya Daivari

The bell rings and we are underway. Daivari is up on the second rope as the fans boo him. Jarrett then goes on the second rope as fans cheer him….Daivari goes ack up on the second rope and gets booed…Jarrett then goes to the second rope, but Daivari takes advantage of it and nails Jarrett from behind. Both men lock up as Jarrett sends Daivair to the ropes. Daivair mocks Jarrett. Both men lock up again. Daivari grabs the arm of Jarrett and sends him to the mat. Jarrett is back up and nails Daivari and then sends him head first to the turnbuckle. Daivari is up. Jarrett sends Daivari to the ropes, as he rolls to the floor.

Picture-In-Picture: The fans are going crazy for Jarrett. Daivari is up and walks over to the announce table area. Jarrett goes to the floor. Daivari grabs Karen. As Jarrett checks on Karen, Daivari hits him from behind. Daivari sends Jarrett back in the ring and puts a boot the face and then tosses him to the floor.


Back from the full break, Jarrett and Daivari are fighting on the floor. Jarrett sends Daivari to the steel steps. Diavari is back in the ring. Jarrett makes his way back in the ring. Daivari puts a sleeper on Jarrett. He is down as Daivari still has the hold on…Jarrett is up and fights his way out…he picks up Daivari and drops him with a big suplex…as Daivari is up, Jarrett nails him with four big right hands…Jarrett drops Daivari and covers him, but he kicks out at two. Jarrett picks up Daivari, but he pokes the eyes of Jarrett…Jarrett comes back and takes down Daivari and then struts as the fans goes crazy. Jarrett goes for a figure four, but Daivari blocks it…Jarrett grabs Daivari and drops him with the stroke for the win.

Winner by pinfall: Jeff Jarrett

We go to a video package featuring Hologram.


Back from the break, Tony Schiavone runs down the Zero Hour and the main card for All In.

As we go back into the arena, the music of Li Rush hits as he comes out first. Top Flight is out next with Action Andretti. They all make their way down to the ring.

The music of Claudio Castagnoli is up next, as he and Wheeler Yuta are out next. They make their way to the ring. PAC’s music is up next, as the fans go crazy. He makes his way out and heads down to the ring.

Wild Card in Cardiff Trios Match: Top Flight (Dante Martin and Darius Martin) and Lio Rush vs. Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta and PAC (This is for the final spot in the London Ladders Match At All In)

The bell rings as Yuta and Darrius start things off. Darrius has Yuta locked up. Yuta breaks the hold and has Darrius is a bow and arrow…Darrisu is up and Yuta takes him down again. Darrius is up on the ropes and sends Yuta on his back…Dante is tagged in…Yuta then tags in PAC…PAC grabs the head of Dante…PAC sends him to the ropes…Dante drop kicks PAC. Claudio is tagged in. Dante then tags in Lio Rush. Claudio picks up Lio and tosses him…Rush then comes back and rolls up Rush….Dante is tagged in…Darrius is in….Lio is in as they all triple team Claudio…

Picture-In-Picture: Claudio and PAC are sent to the floor. Yuta goes to the floor to check on Claudio. Claudio is back in the ring…Darrius chops him and sends him to the corner. Claudio then recovers and sends Darrius to the corner…Claudio tags in PAC. PAC has Darrius in the corner and chops him. PAC then applies a big boot to the back of the neck of Darrius…PAC kicks Darrius in the back of the head. PAC tags in Yuta, who chops Darrius.

Back from picture-in-picture: Yuta has Darrius in a headlock. Yuta then suplexes Darrius and runs over and drops Rush and Dante off the apron. Yuta tags in PAC. Darrius drops PAC. Claudio is in, but Darrius sends him to the floor. Dante is in and drop PAC and sends Yuta to the floor. Dante comes off the top with a big crossbody on PAC…Rush in and runs the ropes, diving through the ropes connecting on PAC. Rush sends PAC in the ring and covers him for a two count. PAC recovers and slaps Rush and then kicks him. Lio fires back and picks up PAC and drops him with a blue thunder bomb. Lio covers PAC, but Yuta breaks up the count…Claudio is in and sends Rush hard to the mat. Rush is back up and sends Claudio to the floor. Dante then flies through the ropes to make sure Claudio doesn’t get back in the ring. PAC is in…he suplexes Rush…PAC is up on the top rope…Dante comes in and then Darrius comes in and drops PAC off the top rope…Dante covers PAC, but Claudio and Yuta break the pin attempt. Claudio sends Darrius to the floor. He is then taken out by Yuta…Claudio is in and he picks up Rush for the giant swing and swings him around and drops him. PAC is up and connects from the top rope with a falcon arrow. PAC covers Rush to get the win.

Winners by pinfall: Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta and PAC

After the match, the music of Christian Cage hits. He comes out with Momma Wayne. Cage has a mic. He says he can’t understand the jibberish of Wales. He tells them to move to England to speak real English…Cage says he is the godfather of ladder matches…he tells the fans to sit down and shut their mouths…Cage says Yuta, PAC and Claudio need to have eyes in the back of their heads…from behind Nick Wayne and Killswitch take out Yuta, PAC and Claudio with a chair from behind. The music of the Bang Bang Gang hit as they come down to the ring. They set up tables…the lights go out and the music of House of Black hits, as they make their way down to the ring….HOB and the Bang Bang Gang enter the ring, as Cage, Killswitch and Wayne leave..HOB, Yuta, Claudio and PAC begin to brawl as the show goes off the air.