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  5. AEW Rampage 08 16 2024 & AEW Collision 08 17 2024

AEW Rampage 08 16 2024 & AEW Collision 08 17 2024

  • AEW Rampage Results:
  • Six Man Tag Team Match: The Conglomeration (Kyle O’Reilly, Mark Briscoe & Tomohiro Ishii) defeat Brian Cage, Johnny TV & The Beast Mortos (w/Taya Valkyrie).
  • Singles Match: Roderick Strong (w/Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) defeats Fuego Del Sol.
  • Singles Match: Mina Shirakawa defeats Robyn Renegade.
  • Tag Team Match: Gates Of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) defeat Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson) (w/Jacked Jameson).
  • Tag Team Match: The Von Erichs (Marshall von Erich & Ross von Erich) (w/Dustin Rhodes) defeat The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) (w/Erica Leigh).

AEW Collision Results
August 17, 2024
Esports Stadium in Arlington, Texas
Results by: Jerome Wilen of Wrestleview.com

Tonight’s AEW Collision is the final show held at Esports Stadium in Arlington, Texas after a month-long residency in the city.

We go live right to the venue as Britt Baker’s music hits first! Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness welcome us to the show…

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. vs. Harley Cameron

Britt makes her way out to a big ovation from the wild Texas crowd in a sold-out Esports Stadium.

The music of Harley Cameron hits next, as she makes her way down to the ring, skipping…

The bell rings as we are underway. Both women lock up. Cameron gets Baker in an armbar. Baker takes down Cameron and covers her for just a two count. Cameron grabs Baker and takes her down to the mat. Baker breaks the hold and rolls up Cameron for a two count. Baker suplexes Cameron and covers her for just a two count. Cameron charges at Baker, but she moves out of the way. Cameron takes down Baker with a lariat and covers her for just a two count. Cameron works on Baker, hitting her. Cameron has Baker in the corner and hits her with shoulder blocks in the mid-section. Cameron suplexes Baker and covers her, but Baker kicks out a two.

Baker is up as both women exchange blows. Cameron takes down Baker. Baker then nails Cameron with big forearm shots and then takes down Cameron with a big pump kick…Baker covers Cameron for only a two count…Baker puts the glove on, but Cameron fires back and drops Baker. Cameron then connects on Baker with a flying knee and covers Baker, but she kicks out at two. Cameron attempts a Russian Leg Sweep, but Baker blocks it. Baker grabs Cameron, but she counters with a kick on Baker. Both women run the ropes…Baker takes down Cameron with a sling blade and covers Cameron to get the three count.

Winner by pinfall: Britt Baker

After the match Mercedes Mone’ music hits, as she and Kamille come out and make their way down to the ring. Baker grabs a kendo stick, but Kamille blocks it and grabs it from Baker. Kamille breaks the Kendo stick in half. Baker charges Kamille, but takes her out with a huge pump kick and the drops Baker with a big right hand to the face. Kamille picks up Baker over her shoulders and makes her way into the ring with Baker, as Mone’ looks on. Kamille then drops Baker with a huge face plant. Mone’ gets into the ring, as Kamille and Baker stand tall in the ring.

We go to footage of the All In: Texas 2025 press conference.

The Mayor of Arlington (Jim Ross), is shown in the crowd.

Footage is shown from last Thursday’s episode of ROH, with Sammy Guavara making the save as Dustin Rhodes was being taken out by Matt Taven and Mike Bennett.

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match: Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett and Matt Taven) defend against ROH World SIx-Man Tag Team Champion Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara

The challengers in Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara make their way to the ring…The ROH World Tag Team Champions are out next and make their way to the ring. It was noted on commentary that Matt Taven and Mike Bennett are at 234 days at ROH World Tag Team Champions.

The bell rings and we are underway! Dustin and Bennett start off with locking up. Dustin nails Bennett with a big elbow…Dustin then chops Bennett. Dustin goes for a punch on Bennett, but he kicks him. Bennett tags in Taven. Dustin fights off both tag team champs. Dustin tags in Sammy, as he comes down with a big cross body on Bennett and drop kicks Taven. The tag champs are on the outside…Sammy goes over the top and takes out both Taven and Bennett on the outside. We get a big Sammy chant. As Bennett tries to come back in the ring, Dustin sends him back to the floor. Taven comes in and Dustin picks him up and drops him. Dustin covers Taven for just a two count. On the floor, Sammy kicks Bennett in the face. Bennett recovers and takes down Sammy on the floor and sends him into the steel steps as we go to picture in picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Sammy is back in the ring as Taven takes him out and sends him back to the outside. Taven goes to the floor and rolls Sammy back in the ring. Taven tags in Bennett, who puts Sammy in a headlock. Sammy tries to fight back..he breaks the hold and runs the ropes, only to be met with a big drop kicks by Bennett. Taven is tagged in and stops on Sammy. Taven suplexes Sammy and covers him, but Sammy kicks out at one. Bennett runs in a nails Dustin to prevent the tag. Taven and Bennett double team Sammy…

Back from picture-in-picture: Taven makes two pin attempts on Sammy, but he kicks out at two…Bennett is tagged in. He chops Sammy and then drop kicks him in the side of the head. Bennett tags in Taven. Taven goes to top rope, but Sammy leaps up and takes down Taven with a huge Spanish Fly! Both men are down as we a big Sammy chant from the fans. Bennett cuts of Sammy from making a tag, but Sammy fights out and tags in Dustin! Dustin drops Bennett and then kicks him with a big flying boot. Dustin then hits a destroyer on Taven! Dustin has Taven set up on the ropes…Bennett charges at Dustin, but he moves as Bennett nails Taven…Dustin hits Taven with a crossroads and cover him, but Taven kicks out at two! Dustin sends Bennett to the floor after a crossroads. Roderick Strong comes in as the ref is distracted…Strong takes out Dustin with a big kick. Taven covers Dustin, but he kicks out at two! Beast Mortos is out…the Von Erichs come out and put the claw on the Beast and Strong. Brian Cage comes down, Gates of Agony come down, Kyle O’Reilly comes down and we have a big brawl! Order is restored…Dustin drops Bennett and drops him with a spinning suplex…Sammy Guevara comes down with a big splash on Bennett…Dustin covers Bennett and we have new ROH World Tag Team Champions! Dustin is a double ROH Tag Team Champion.

Winners by pinfall and new ROH World Tag Tag Team Champions: Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara

We go to a video package with AEW talent giving their prediction for Swerve Strickland vs. Bryan Danielson at All In: London.


Back from the break, Renee Paquette is backstage talking to Chris Jericho about his match on Dynamite against Tommy Billington and then Hook at All In. Chris tells Hook he is stupid to challenge the learning tree. Jericho says this is Hook’s last chance to get the FTW from him…Jericho then says that Tommy Billington is entitled…Jericho says that Billington is a warm up for All In…Jericho says he new the original Dynamite Kid…Jericho talks about being trained in the dungeon and that he is a modern day Stu Hart and will teach Billington about violence and will tear Billington about branch by branch and will be Dynamite done on Wednesday…

Hologram vs. Angelico

The music of Hologram hits, as the high flyer makes his way to the ring. He is 4-0 going into this match. The music of Angelico is up next as he comes out with Serpentico…

The bell rings as we are underway. Both men lock up. Angelico locks up Hologram, but he breaks the hold. Angelio grabs the arms of Hologram…Hologram breaks the hold taking down Angelico. Hologram is up as Angelico dances a bit. Hologram drop kicks Angelico and takes him down with a leg whip…Angelico goes to the floor…Hologram goes flying over the ropes and takes down Angelico, as we get Hologram chants…we go to picture in picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Both men are back in the ring. Hologram tries to pin Angelico, but he counters and then stomps on the chest of Hologram. Angelico sends Hologram into the turnbuckle headfirst. Angelico then covers Hologram, but he kicks out at two. Angelico gras the left arm of Hologram…


Back from the full break, Hologram goes through the ropes and then connects with a big knee to head of Angelico…Hologram is on the apron…he goes to the top rope and comes down, but is caught by Angelico and counters with a DDT. Hologram covers Angelico, but he kicks out at two. Hologram picks up Angelico and drops him. Hologram goes to the rope and comes down, but Angelico moves…Angelico covers Hologram, but he kicks out at two. Hologram kicks Angelico in the gut and then rolls up Angelico for a two count…both men roll each other up for pin attempts…both men rolls each other up again for pin attempts…Hologram then rolls up Angelico and holds him down for the three count…

Winner by pinfall: Hologram

We go to a video package focusing on the Tiger Driver 91.

TNT Champion Jack Perry in action

The music of Jack Perry hits, as the TNT Champion makes his way to the ring to a string of boos. Danny Orion is already in the ring.

The bell rings as Perry is in the corner, slowing taking off his jacket. Danny is fired up. Perry kicks Danny and then chops him. Perry works on Danny with blows…Perry takes down Danny with a huge lariat to a mixed reaction of some cheers and some boos. Perry then drops Danny with a big running knee and covers him to get the win.

Winner by pinfall: Jack Perry

After the match, Perry goes under the ring and grabs what looks like a body bag. Perry spraypaints the face of Danny Orion. Perry rolls Orion on the body bag and puts him in the bag and then puts the TNT Title in the bag and zips it up. Darby Allin’s name is written on the body bag. Perry then has a black bag and pulls out a new TNT Title than is all black with red across it and silver lettering on it.


Back from the break, we go through the history of the House of Black, The Bang Bang Gang and The Patriarchy with the World Trios Championships.

We go to a vignette with the House of Black, The Bang Bang Gang talking about Christian Cage and The Patriarchy winning the World Trios Titles…

Christopher Daniels is backstage, saying that Christian Cage will not have an easy road as a trios champion. There will be four teams wrestling for titles in a London Ladders Match for the titles…

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Lio Rush

The music of Claudio Castagnoli hits, as he makes his way out to the ring to a big ovation. Lio Rush’s music hits next, as he makes his way down to the ring. Top Flight and Action Andretti come out to cheer on Rush, but they don’t go down to the ring with him.

The bell rings as we are underway. Both men try to lock up…Lio runs the ropes and then leaps, but is caught by Claudio. Claudio picks up Lio with ease, but Lio counters and rolls up Claudio for a one count only. Lio kicks Claudio, but he recovers quickly and slams Lio to the mat. Claudio picks up Lio and has him in a submission like hold. The ref checks on Lio…he fights out of the hold, but Claudio counters and has Lio in a headlock….we go to picture in picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Lio rolls up Claudio, but he kicks out at two. Claudio sends Lio to the floor as the ref begins the ten count. Lio is up and back in the ring. Claudio hits Lio with a big right hand. Lio goes down…Claudio stomps on Lio’s chest…Claudio picks up Lio for the big swing and swings him around…Lio is down, as the ref checks on him. Claudio picks up Lio again for the big swing and swings him around again…Lio is down and tries to get back up, but Claudio grabs his leg and picks him up for another big swing and swings him around again!

Back from the picture-in-picture break, Claudio has Lio up on his shoulders, but Lio counters with heel kicks on the head of Claudio…Lio then kicks Claudio and sends him to the floor. Lio leaps over the ropes, but Claudio catches him…Lio counters and takes down Claudio…Lio leaps up and Claudio catches him and sends him over the guardrail into the fans in the first few rows. The ref counts as Lio make it back in the ring at nine…Claudio nails Lio with a big uppercut. Claudio covers Lio for only a two count…we get a big AEW chant from the Arlington fans! Claudio picks up Lio, but he counters with slaps and covers Claudio for only a two count…Lio leaps up and is caught by a huge elevated uppercut but Claudio, who covers Lio for the win.

Winner by pinfall: Claudio Castagnoli

We go backstage with Stokley Hathaway and Kris Statlander talking about their match up at All In against Willow Nightingale and Tomohiro Ishii…if Hathaway and Statlander win, they get to pick the stipulation for a second match up at All Out on September 7.


Eddie Kingston to address All In: London

Eddie Kingston appears from his home talking about Bryan Danielson. He says that this is not the same Bryan that he is seeing and is going to get beat…he asks why Bryan is doing this and this is not who he is…Eddie asks Bryan if he is going to All In to lose…


Mariah May vs. London Dior 

The bell rings and May takes out Dior with a hip attack and then a storm zero for the quick win.

We to the film by Toni Storm…after the film, May is mad as we get Toni chants. May then picks up a high heel shoe and nails Dior in the head with it.

A film by AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm


Back from the break, The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are backstage…Max Caster does a rap bad mouthing FTR…

FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) vs. The Acclaimed (Max Caster and Anthony Bowens). The winning team will challenge the Young Bucks At All InLondon for the AEW World Tag Team Championships

The music of FTR hits next, as the former AEW Tag Team Champs make their way to the ring. The Acclaimed’s music hits, as they make their way to the ring with Billy Gunn.

We get a big FTR chant…

The bell rings as Dax Harwood and Anthony Bowens start by locking up. Both men go to the corner and we get a clean break. Both men lock up again and break the hold. Dax locks up Bowens from behind. Dax then grabs Bowens and takes him down, but he gets back up. Dax takes down Bowens with a big shoulder block and rolls him up for only a two count. Caster is tagged in, as is Cash Wheeler. Cash takes down Caster with a side headlock. Caster then rolls up Cash and has him in a headlock…Cash drops Caster with a big shoulder block. Both men lock up hands for a test of strength. Cash has Caster in a headlock and sends hims to the mat, holding on with the headlock. Caster is up and gets to the corner to tag in Bowens. Bowens grabs the arm of Cash, but he is able to tag in Dax.

Bowens takes down Dax and rolls him up for only a one count. Dax sends Bowens to the corner and chops Bowens, who then comes back and chops Dax, followed by big chops. Caster comes in as The Acclaimed double team FTR, sending them to the floor. FTR make their way back up to the apron. Dax is back in the ring, as he and Caster lock up. Dax tags in Cash…Caster chases Dax on the floor, but Cash meets him with a big lariat…we go to picture in picture.

Picture-In-Picture: Cash chops Caster as he is against the ring apron…Caster is back in the ring, as Cash stomps on him. Cash has Caster in a headlock. The ref checks on Caster who won’t submit. Caster tries to break the hold, but Cash keeps the headlock on…Caster is up and breaks the hold. Cash tags in Dax, who sends Caster against the ropes…Dax trips Caster as Cash nails him with a big elbow…


Back from the full break, Caster drops Cash on his back…Dax is tagged in…Caster tags in Bowens…down goes Cash, down goes Dax…Bowens then nails Dax with a running knee and covers him for only a two count…Dax is up as Bowen kicks Dax…Dax then picks up Bowens with a series of German Suplexes on Bowens…Dax tags in Cash…Bowens then rolls up Cash, but he kicks out…Cash then rolls up Bowens, but he kicks out at two…Cash nails Bowens with a big elbow. Caster is tagged in…FTR double teams Caster. Caster superplexes Cash and covers him for only a two count. Bowens is tagged in…Caster is then tagged back in…The Acclaimed double team FTR…Cash rolls up Caster, but he kicks out at two. Both men drop each other…the ref checks on both men. Cash powerslams Bowens. Caster is up on the shoulders on Cash and Dax comes off the top with a huge bulldog on Caster…Dax covers Caster, but he kicks out at two, as we go to picture in picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Dax stomps on the hand of Caster. As Caster fights back, Dax chops him, sending him to the mat…Caster takes down Dax and is able to make the tag to Bowens. Bowens stomps on the back on Dax. Bowens is tagged in and takes down Dax…Bowens applies a headlock on Dax, as the ref checks on him.

Back from the picture-in-picture break, Dax is up and gets Bowens in a headlock, but he counters with a side suplex on Dax. Both men are down…both men exchange elbow shots. Bowens then ducks an elbow from Dax and DDT’s him as both men are down. Bowens tags in Caster…Cash is tagged in and takes down both Caster and Bowens with big lariats…Caster is back up as Cash nails him with a big uppercut. Cash tries a backslide on Caster, but drops him face first…Cash then covers Caster for only a two count. We get a fight forever chant…Cash picks up Caster and nails him with a big elbow…Caster fires back with and picks up Cash and drops him with a big powerbomb. Cash makes the tag to Dax…Dax sends Caster to the floor…Bowens is in…Caster comes off with a crossbody on Cash. Dax picks up Caster and rolls him up for only a two count! We get a huge AEW chant as both Caster and Dax are down. Bowens is tagged in..Dax tries for a figure four or sharpshooter, but Bowens counters it…Dax takes down Bowens and put him in a sharpshooter. Caster tries to get in…Caster in as Dax attempts a sharpshooter…from behind, Bowens nails Dax and covers him for a near fall! Both men are down, as the ref begins the ten count…

Both men are up at seven. Bowens tries to pick up Dax, but he blocks it. Bowens goes to the corner as Dax chops Bowens…we have five minutes remaining in the 30 minute time-limit…Cash and Caster fight on the apron…Dax superplexes Bowens from the top…Dax covers Bowens, but he kicks out at two! Dax and Bowens on their knees exchange blows…FTR sets up for the shatter machine, but its broken up by Caster…Caster and Bowens then hit Dax with the shatter machine…Bowens covers Dax, but he kicks out at two…Caster comes down with a mic drop on Dax, but Cash pushes Caster over to break the pin…All four men are in the ring exchanging blows. We now have an overrun…FTR drops Bowens with a shatter machine…Dax covers Bowens, but Caster breaks the pin…one minute to go!

Caster rolls up Dax for only a two count! Dax and Caster are up and nails each other, as both men hit the mat…Dax nails Caster…the bell sounds as fans boo. We are at the 30 minute mark…Billy Gunn is in the ring. It is announced the match ends in a time-limit draw. Billy Gunn tries to play piece maker, but we end up getting a brawl…Tony Schiavone is informed that the Young Bucks with defend the tag titles at All In…all four men continue to brawl on the floor, as security comes down to break up the brawl…Collision goes off the air.

Match ends in a time-limit draw