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  5. AEW Rampage 08 02 2024 & AEW Collision 08 03 2024

AEW Rampage 08 02 2024 & AEW Collision 08 03 2024

AEW Rampage quick results:

  • Wheeler Yuta defeated The Butcher.
  • Brian Cage defeated Manny Lo.
  • Nyla Rose defeated Harley Cameron.
  • “Bad Apple” Bryan Keith (w/ Chris Jericho & Big Bill) defeated Jackson Drake.
  • MxM Collection (Mason Madden & Mansoor) defeated Private Party (Zay & Quen).

AEW Collision Results
August 3, 2024 (Taped 8/1)
Esports Stadium in Arlington, Texas
Results by: Alex Kahrs of Wrestleview.com

It’s time for a special matinee edition of AEW Collision!

We kick off the show with the arrival of The Patriarchy, with Christian Cage holding all three of the AEW World Trios Championship belts as the group enters the ring.

Cage tells the crowd to shut up while he conducts his business, saying he wants to make this quick as he has a flight to get out of here. A couple weeks ago the Patriarchy did what they set out to do, and won the AEW World Trios Championship. Cage has had people comment on the nice belt he has, to which he says a belt is something to keep your pants up–or in his case, to discipline a child–and that this is a championship.

With that, he presents the championships the group won a couple weeks ago. First he hypes up Nick Wayne, saying he’s proven himself to be a Prodigy. He also notes that Wayne is now the youngest champion in AEW history, and it gives Cage great pleasure to present Wayne with his AEW World Trios Championship title.

He hands the title to Wayne, embracing him before turning his attention to Killswitch. He talks about Killswitch being exactly what Cage said he is, his finisher. Killswitch does all the dirty work. He wants Killswitch to know how much he means to Cage, giving him a hug…before saying he did NOT give birth to a Prodigy, handing the title to Mother Wayne instead. Cage starts to speak again as Killswitch puts a hand on his shoulder…but before anything comes of it, the House of Black’s music hits!

Malakai Black and Brody King make their way down the ramp, with Buddy Matthews still missing after the beatdown a few weeks ago. Cage addresses the former trios champions, making fun of King before pointing out the House is not a trio anymore. As far as Christian is concerned, any notion of them being a contender is null and void.

They didn’t come out here for that, though…they came out here because they realized that everything Cage touches turns into gold. Perhaps, Malakai is out here for advice…fatherly advice. He then points out that the Patriarchy walked through the Bang Bang Gang a couple weeks ago, asking the House what they were thinking coming out here. Malakai replies by saying he was thinking…this.

The lights go out, and when they’re back on we see Buddy Matthews alongside his Housemates. Cage pulls his fellow champions out of the ring before making their escape up the ramp…but the Bang Bang Gang come out, cutting Wayne off at the pass. Kip Sabian jumps him in the crowd before sending him back into the ring, where the Prodigy gets walloped by the House of Black.

They stand tall in the ring for just a moment before the Gang enters the ring to stare them down, with Cage promising none of them are getting a shot as he and Mother Wayne escape through the crowd.

We get a recap of Battle of the Belts which saw Dustin Rhodes and the Von Erichs win the ROH World Six-Man titles, before going backstage to hear from the new champs. Rhodes talks about the excitement of being champion again, and the importance of a Rhodes and the Von Erichs coming together.

The Von Erichs express their gratitude and look forward to being fighting champions, before Sammy Guevara interrupts wanting to earn the trust and respect of the trio. He talks about the four of them being Texas legends, and Rhodes nods at the gumption of Guevara before shaking hands.

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, CMLL’s Mistico makes his way to the ring for our opening contest! The crowd is thrilled to see the lucha legend, and just as excited for the arrival of Hologram. The crowd is much less enthused for the arrival of the Premier Athletes, as Mark Sterling introduces Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari on their way to the ring before the bell sounds off to get this match underway!

Mistico and Hologram vs. The Premier Athletes (Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari)

We start off with Hologram and Daivari, the crowd chanting for Hologram as he takes Daivari down before hitting the ropes for a headscissors and a dropkick. Daivair gets the upper hand as he pulls at the luchador’s mask to take him to the corner. Nese tags in as they double team Hologram, who manages to escape for a tag to Mistico!

Mistico hits the ropes for speed, and an assist from Hologram helps Mistico take Nese down. Daivari tries to intervene but the Athletes get sent out of the ring, barely managing to avoid a double dive from the luchadors. Sterling shouts at the masked men, helping his boys get back into things as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: The Premier Athletes take control during the break, focusing on wearing Mistico down as we come back to the full action.

Daivari comes in for a double team, but both men get taken down with a shoulder tackle of sorts by Mistico who takes Nese down before flipping from the ropes for an arm drag on Daivari. Hologram is looking for a tag and gets it, catching Ariya with a roundhouse kick before leaping off Nese’s shoulders to take Daivari back down. Faceplant by the luchador gets Hologram a nearfall, before he goes for some hard kicks.

Nese tags himself in, catching the luchador with a driver for a nearfall before Mistico breaks it up. Daivari gets back in now, but is sent out of the ring by Hologram…who gets the drop on Sterling as well on the outside! He sets up for another dive but is caught with a thrust kick by Nese, who gets taken to the outside with a missile dropkick from Mistico for his troubles.

Torneo by Mistico takes the Athletes down on the outside, and Hologram follows up with a dive of his own before bringing Ariya back into the ring for a 450 splash to pick up the win!

Winners via pinfall: Mistico and Hologram

We cut to a video package looking back at Bryan Danielson’s promo on Dynamite. He puts his AEW career fully on the line at All In before challenging Jeff Jarrett to a match next week on Dynamite, to prove he’s all in.

Back at ringside, Mariah May heads over to commentary where she runs down Tony Schiavone as Toni Storm makes her way to the stage…only to make a beeline for Mariah May! Christopher Daniels tries to intervene but to no avail, as the two women brawl to ringside before security rushes in to break it up. Storm gets blindsided by her opponent, Raché Chanel, who sends the champion to the ring to get this match underway!

“Timeless” Toni Storm vs. Raché Chanel

You know that old saying, “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”? Well, that ends up being the case here as an early advantage does precisely squat for Chanel, with Storm taking her out with a Storm Zero to pick up the win.

Winner via pinfall: Toni Storm

Storm stares Mariah down, eager to get her revenge as soon as possible with the Women’s World Championship bout at All In on the horizon.

Video Package: We hear from Kyle Fletcher, who talks about his friend Will Ospreay and how he wants to shut MJF up next week on Dynamite!

-Commercial Break-

Video Package: MJF arrives in Mexico, ahead of his AEW International (American) Championship against Templario!

Back at ringside, Kyle Fletcher makes his way to the ring for our next match, followed by Brian Cage before we get things underway!

Kyle Fletcher vs. Brian Cage

The two go at it immediately, with Fletcher hitting the ropes for the upper hand…but Cage takes him down just as quickly. He gets to the apron but is sent to the floor by Fletcher, who keeps on top of things until Cage sends him to the steel steps. He brings Kyle to his feet, heading up the ramp where he looks for a suplex…but Fletcher counters out, hitting a thrust kick and then building speed down the ramp to lay him out as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: It doesn’t take long for Cage to use his power to get back into the match, wearing Kyle down as the TNT feed cuts to a full commercial break. Thanks, TNT!

-Commercial Break-

We’re back in the ring as Cage has Kyle caught on the top turnbuckle, hitting a rolling powerslam that drives Fletcher to the canvas…but Brian isn’t done as he goes for a Drill Claw. It’s a no-go from Kyle though, who counters out before catching the Machine with a tombstone piledriver for the win!

Winner via pinfall: Kyle Fletcher

Kyle gets a microphone to run down MJF, talking about how if he does to the champ what he did to Cage, Max might not even make it to Wembley. If Max wants to prove how much of an American hero he is, he’ll put the title on the line at Dynamite…and when he beats MJF he’ll defend the International Championship at All In against his best friend, Will Ospreay!

MJF appears on the screen, running down Kyle’s accent and talking about how plenty of men want a shot at the most prestigious title in pro wrestling. He offers Kyle something of a compromise for Wednesday, giving him an eliminator match. If Kyle can pin or submit the champ he can earn his title shot, but Max assures him that won’t happen come Wednesday.

-Commercial Break-

Video Package: Bryan Danielson promises to give 100 percent at All In, if only because 101 precent is not physically possible. It’s all or nothing for the American Dragon, so of course he’s going all in at Wembley!

We cut backstage, where Renee talks to Jeff Jarrett and his amazing friends. Jarrett cuts off his bickering crew, saying he’s making the best of his situation before telling Danielson he needs to be ready for All In. He talks about wanting to take things back to his old stomping grounds by establishing there are no rules this Wednesday, anything goes. Jarrett says he will introduce Bryan Danielson to the Last Outlaw.

Back at ringside, Claudio Castignoli makes his way to the ring for our next match, which we find out will determine a new contender for the Continental Championship. Out next is ROH Pure Champion Lee Moriarty, followed by Tomohiro Ishii before this match gets underway!

Three-Way Match: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Lee Moriarty vs. Tomohiro Ishii

The three square off before Moriarty gets a kick on his two opponents, who respond with some hard forearms on Taigastyle. Claudio and Ishii go after each other now, but Lee sneak attacks them…only to be taken down by a double shoulder tackle. This sends him out of the ring before they turn back to each other…which costs them as Lee sends Claudio out of the ring, now going after Tomohiro.

This doesn’t last long as Castagnoli slides back in the ring, sending Ishii out before laying into Moriarty…who responds by sending Claudio out of the ring before diving onto both men on the outside as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: The action stays on the outside throughout the break, with Moriarty taking the brunt of the damage as Claudio and Ishii get back into the match before they bring him back in the ring. The three men trade chops with each other, wearing each other down with Moriarty proving he can hang by not falling to the mat as he starts fighting back. This leads to the three trading chops once more as we come back from break!

Lee hits a backdrop driver on Tomohiro to get control, but things end up at a stalemate as Claudio lays Ishii and Moriarty out with a lariat. Lee heads out of the ring as Claudio and Ishii go at it once again, before Moriarty sends Tomohiro out to steal a pin…but only gets a two count. He keeps Ishii out of the ring but Claudio drops him, sending Lee on a giant swing!

Claudio goes to the ropes but is sent out by Ishii, who goes after Taigastyle…but the Stone Cold Pitbull gets caught with a rollup that gets Moriarty a nearfall. Claudio’s back in the ring now, hitting Ishii with some uppercuts after Lee leaves the ring…catching Castagnoli with a rollup for a nearfall. He goes after Ishii with the same result, but changes it up for a LeBell Lock until Tomohiro rolls through for a nearfall to break the hold!

Lee gets sent out again as Claudio looks for a suplex on Ishii…which turns into a sunset flip that sends both men flying over! Claudio gets the upper hand here as he gets a nearfall, and follows up by taking Ishii out of the ring before laying out Moriarty for the win!

Winner via pinfall: Claudio Castagnoli

-Commercial Break-

We cut backstage where Top Flight addresses their new Flight Attendant, Leila Grey…but the pair are interrupted by MxM Collection, who run down Top Flight’s sense of style before insisting this interview is over despite it being Top Flight’s.

Back at ringside, Thunder Rosa makes her way to the ring for our next match, followed by Taya Valkyrie before things get underway!

Thunder Rosa vs. Taya Valkyrie

Rosa gets the upper hand sending Taya to the ropes, but a distraction from Johnny TV allows Taya to take control. She drives Thunder into the ropes, continuing to wear the former Women’s World Champion down before sending her into the corner…but Rosa fights back, sending Taya to the canvas before hitting a sliding lariat! Taya escapes the ring to avoid being pinned as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Taya finds a way to get back in control now, taking Rosa down with kicks in the corner before getting a nearfall that takes us to a full commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

Back in the ring, the two women trade strikes until Rosa unloads a flurry of them on Valkyrie, followed by a dropkick that sends her to the ropes…and allows Rosa to hit a basement dropkick for a nearfall! Taya fights back, looking to take Rosa out but is sent down hard for a nearfall by the former champ. She looks for a Cobra Clutch on Taya, who gets pulled out of the ring by Johnny! Rosa confronts him on the outside…and he steps out of the way, allowing Valkyrie to hit a spear to the floor. Taya brings Thunder back into the ring but only gets a nearfall, as Rosa hits the ropes and takes Johnny out at ringside.

This angers Taya, but this anger is overpowered as Rosa catches her with the Cobra Clutch…and Valkyrie taps out!

Winner via submission: Thunder Rosa

After the match, Rosa grabs a mic to call out Deonna Purrazzo. Deonna talks about already beating Thunder Rosa three times, but Rosa insists they settle things next week in Arlington with a Texas Bull Rope Match!

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, Darby Allin makes his way out to a big reaction for our main event. The pop gets even louder for Mark Briscoe as he comes out next, followed by FTR. The participants are rounded out with the arrival of the Undisputed Kingdom and The Beast Mortos, before this eight-man tag match gets underway!

Eight-Man Tag Match: Darby Allin, Mark Briscoe and FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) vs. The Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett, Matt Taven, Roderick Strong) and The Beast Mortos

We start off with Dax and Roderick squaring off, a lock-up sending Harwood to the ropes before the two circle the mat. Takedown by Dax, but Strong is back on his already as he sends Harwood to the corner for a chop. Dax fights back again, this time taking Strong down with a shoulder tackle followed by an arm drag.

Tag made to Cash, who gets the drop on Roderick before wrenching his arm. This gets followed with a tag to Darby, who wears Strong down before tagging Dax back in…but Roddy fights out, taking Dax down before tagging in Bennett! Mike gets caught by Harwood for a nearfall before the former tag champ tags in Briscoe.

Briscoe unloads on Bennett, sending him to the corner…but Mike fights back, getting a tag to Taven in the process. Taven wears the ROH World Champion down, but is met with resistance from Briscoe who gets the tag to Darby. Allin takes Taven down for a nearfall not once but twice, and a springboard makes it three and four.

This onslaught changes pace when Wheeler makes the tag…but Taven heads to the corner, where Roddy insists the Beast tag in! Mortos lays out Wheeler with a lariat before leveling Harwood and dropping Allin headfirst onto the mat. Briscoe tries to get involved but the referee intervenes. Wheeler makes it back to his feet as Strong tags in, taking advantage of the situation to get one over on Cash before sending him to the outside.

Undisputed Kingdom and Mortos lay boots into Wheeler, leading to a standoff between both teams on the outside with the ref trying to restore order as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Mortos gets tagged in, wearing down Wheeler before the Kingdom look to keep him isolated with tags in and out while continuing the attack. Bennett gets a nearfall on Cash as a result of this, before Taven tags back in to keep on top of things…but Cash fights back to his feet and to the corner, where Taven catches him for a chop as we come back to the action in full!

Wheeler is back with a leg lariat that sends Taven to the mat, but the Kingdom manage to keep their opponents away from making a tag to Wheeler. Strong sends Wheeler down hard before tagging in Taven, but Wheeler gets the tag to Briscoe who unleashes a flurry of offense on the Kingdom! He then catches Mortos with a senton off the apron before heading back into the ring, but Bennett and Taven intercept. Double-team gets cut off by Wheeler as Briscoe trades holds with Taven before hitting a Death Valley Driver.

Tag made to Wheeler who sets up Taven with a Gory Special into a drop from Harwood…and after a tag, Briscoe gets the Froggy Bow hit for a nearfall of his own! Mortos is tagged in however, and goes off with a Torneo to the outside as Dax comes back into the match. Mortos lays him out before tagging in Strong, who mocks Dax before sending him into the corner…but Harwood fights back with a lariat sending Roddy to the canvas!

Chaos ensues as the action spills to the apron with everyone being cleared out as Strong brings Harwood back in the ring…setting him up for a big splash for Mortos off a tag, but the Beast only gets a nearfall for his efforts. Dax back on his feet as he and the Beast trade strikes, but Mortos sends him down hard to the mat. Dax is struggling, but manages to get a tag to Darby as Strong and Taven try to intervene…only for Allin to send them both to the corner. Code Red on Strong, who was legal after an earlier tag as Darby goes for a pin…but that gets broken up as the Kingdom lay into Darby!

Cover by Roderick but the former TNT Champion manages to kick out. Taven tags in as he and Bennett look for a piledriver on Darby…but things quickly break down as all eight men get involved once more. This leaves us with the Kingdom and Darby once again, but Darby continues to show a lot of heart as he takes a dive to the outside after Cash tags in.

We get a set of high impact moves from FTR followed by the Froggy Bow from Briscoe and a Coffin Drop from Darby, with Wheeler getting the pin for the win!

Winners via pinfall: Darby Allin, Mark Briscoe and FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler)

Dax gets a microphone, talking about being the lifeblood and the heart and soul of AEW…but these remarks draw out The Acclaimed, who run down FTR for not being around as much as they claim. Bowens in particular talks about FTR not showing them respect, pointing out everything The Acclaimed have done for AEW the past few weeks, before telling Dax and Cash they don’t get to skip the line to face the Young Bucks.

Bowens points out that The Acclaimed have a win over FTR, and if they want to face off again, they need to nut up or shut up. This leads to a brawl nearly breaking out between them, before Briscoe intervenes to tell them that this is what The Elite wants. He tries to get them to calm down as Harwood eventually offers a handshake to Bowens…but Gunn brings his fellas out of the ring instead, refusing to show that level of respect as Collision closes.