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  5. AEW Rampage 07 19 2024 & AEW Collision 07 20 2024

AEW Rampage 07 19 2024 & AEW Collision 07 20 2024

  • AEW Rampage Results:
  • Six Man Tag Team Match: The Conglomeration (Kyle O’Reilly, Orange Cassidy & Tomohiro Ishii) defeat The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven, Mike Bennett & Roderick Strong) (17:20).
  • Tag Team Match: The Learning Tree (Big Bill & Chris Jericho) (w/Bryan Keith) defeat The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) (3:32).
  • Singles Match: Minoru Suzuki defeats The Butcher (3:04).
  • Singles Match: Kris Statlander (w/Stokely Hathaway) defeats Sydni Winnell (1:27).
  • Tag Team Match: The Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix) (w/Alex Abrahantes) defeat Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) (10:18).

AEW Collision Results
July 20, 2024
Arlington, Texas (Esports Stadium)
Results by: Alex Kahrs of Wrestleview.com

The Path to All In begins with Collision’s first night at Esports Stadium Arlington!

We kick things off with Darby Allin’s music signaling his arrival, as he makes his way to the ring for our opening contest. We get a recap of what went down on Wednesday to close out Dynamite as Darby enters the ring, before The Beast Mortos makes his way out next. He enters the ring, and this match gets underway!

Darby Allin vs. The Beast Mortos

Darby goes to match up with the Beast, who sends him to the corner in response. Darby tries to get the upper hand on him but is quickly dropped to the mat, as Mortos celebrates before catching Allin with a headlock…swinging the former TNT Champion around before dropping him to the canvas once more!

Darby hits the ropes, but is taken down hard with a shoulder tackle from Mortos before the big man goes to the ropes himself. Darby manages to send him scrambling to the outside before hitting a big dive on the Beast. Darby brings Mortos to his feet, slamming him against the apron before going for another dive…only for the Beast to catch him in mid-air before dropping him down hard.

He brings Darby back into the ring, inflicting more pain as he sets up a surfboard stretch. Letting go of the hold, Mortos is back on his feet as he wrenches at the face of Darby…who fights back to his feet before hitting the ropes–only to be dropped to the mat by the Beast, who gets a nearfall for his efforts!

Darby escapes a press slam by Mortos, rolling him up twice for a nearfall each before the Beast gets back to a standing position. Mortos sends Darby to the ropes, catching him to stop a cross body…but Darby turns it around for a nearfall. Darby looks for a sleeper hold on the big man, but Mortos makes him pay for that by dropping him into the turnbuckle.

Mortos lowers the kneepad as he looks for a running knee strike on Darby in the corner…but Allin evades danger, forcing the Beast to crash to the outside. This gives Darby the opening to catch Mortos with a Coffin Drop to the floor, but the Beast retaliates with a dive of his own after getting back in the ring!

Darby eventually gets brought back into the ring, taking a spear from the Beast who gets a cover for a nearfall. Darby fights back to his feet with a chop, only for Mortos to drop him to the mat with a right hand. Standing over Darby, Mortos takes a chop to the chest before responding with a palm strike that rattles Darby.

The Beast starts taunting Darby to try again, and Allin obliges…leading to a Code Red that gets him a close nearfall! Darby goes up top, but is intercepted by Mortos before the two go at it on the turnbuckle…only for the Beast to send him down with a press slam from the top rope! Cover by Mortos, but Darby manages to kick out.

Mortos hoists the former TNT Champion onto the top turnbuckle, but Darby blocks him to send the Beast to the mat…and follows up with a Coffin Drop for the pin and the win!

Winner via pinfall: Darby Allin

Darby gets a microphone to cut a promo on the Elite after the match, calling them out ahead of Blood & Guts on Dynamite. He addresses them not showing up to Collision before turning his attention to Jack Perry, to a good reaction from the Arlington crowd.

Backstage, The Acclaimed start to cut a promo poking fun at The Elite before Billy Gunn interjects, trying his best to put over how important Blood & Guts is.

Back at ringside, Hikaru Shida makes her way to the ring for our next match. Out next is Skye Blue, and this bout is underway!

Skye Blue vs. Hikaru Shida

Blue goes on the offense right away, sending Shida to the corner for some stomps before the former Women’s World Champion fights back with some forearms to get to the middle of the ring. The two trade strikes until Skye hits a back elbow, only to be intercepted at the ropes by Shida. The back and forth continues until Skye gets sent out of the ring by Shida. Blue walks around the ring for a breather but is dropped to the floor by a Shida cross body!

The impact seems to have done a number on her as officials rush down to check on her, with Shida playing to the crowd as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Whatever the issue is, it appears to be serious enough for Shida to be forced to fill for time until, uh…a ref appears to be calling the match off? Shida takes her jacket and heads up the ramp as we’re left with a wide shot of the ring before heading back from break.

Shida celebrates what we find out is a win via ref stoppage, as the crowd can’t help but boo that the match had to be cut so short.

Winner via ref stoppage: Hikaru Shida

We cut backstage, where Lance Archer is on a rampage (except that this is Saturday, so I guess a Collision). We then go to a recap of what happened at Dynamite 250 involving The Learning Tree, before Chris Jericho appears to talk about the FTW Championship bout against Minoru Suzuki this coming Wednesday on Dynamite. Jericho promises to teach Suzuki some lessons…thanks, guys!

We cut back to ringside as commentary hypes up the trios title match up next!

-Commercial Break-

We come back to ringside as Tony Nese and the Premier Athletes head to the ring, with Nese running down the Arlington crowd. Nese says they haven’t had real athletes to look up to, so Tony’s lawyer drew up a contract to give a lucky individual an opportunity…and this crowd an opportunity to look at a real athlete.

We get an answer to this challenge as Rey Fenix makes his way out to a big pop from the crowd. Fenix heads to the ring as Tony leaves the ring, upset that someone like Fenix would have the audacity to actually take him up on his offer. Nese paces around before entering the ring, and this match gets underway!

Tony Nese vs. Rey Fenix

Nese gets Rey in a wristlock, but the luchador flips to escape it before locking one of his own on the Premier Athlete. Fenix keeps on top of it until Nese manages to escape, kicking him away as the crowd boos. Nese takes Rey down hard for a cover, but Fenix is able to kick out as the crowd lets Tony know what they think of him.

Fenix goes for a cover of his own, but Nese quickly fights back to keep the luchador at bay. This leads to an exchange of strikes between both men, with a Fenix chop sending Nese to the ropes. He gets brought to his feet by Fenix, who sends him back into the ropes for a dropkick forcing the Premier Athlete out of the ring!

Rey goes for a dive but is cut off by Tony’s pals, who the luchador fights off until Tony intercedes to lay him out on the floor as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Nese stays on the attack, bringing Fenix back into the ring to wear him down some more before sending the luchador back to the outside. His pals once again go after Fenix, keeping him on his toes as we cut to a commercial break. Thanks, TNT!

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, Nese continues to lay into Fenix before bringing him back to his feet…but Rey starts fighting back with some chops, eventually forcing Nese to the outside…but the Premier Athlete is right back in it, taking Fenix down for a nearfall. Tony drops a kneepad for the Running Knese…but Fenix rolls at him for a hurricanrana and a nearfall of his own!

Tony’s pals try to intervene once more, until Nese gets sent to the outside by Fenix…who gets the drop on all of them with a big dive! Fenix brings Tony back into the ring, walking the ropes as he drops Mark Sterling off the apron with a penalty kick…but this gives Nese the opening, dropping Fenix hard with a big kick before going up top for a 450 splash! Cover by Nese, but Fenix kicks out.

Nese brings the luchador back to his feet, but Fenix catches him off guard before hitting a rope walk penalty kick followed by the frog splash off the top for the pin and the win!

Winner via pinfall: Rey Fenix

Fenix celebrates the win as we get a reminder that Hologram is still set to debut tonight, before we go to commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, Tony Schiavone welcomes FTR to the ring as the former AEW World Tag Team Champions make their way out. We get a recap of last week when Don Callis attacked Tommy Billington, only for FTR to come out for the save. FTR enter the ring as Cash hypes up the Dynamite Kid, saying he’s got a bright future ahead of him.

He turns the focus to FTR, talking about the run they’ve had to a good reaction from the crowd. Cash then addresses some of the issues he’s dealt with over the past year, talking about the escape he found in getting into the ring night after night. The only thing that mattered to Cash was coming into the ring and wrestling every match like it might be their last. Wheeler says he may be a bit of a hot head, but he’s not going to be that aggressive outside of this ring, so for now he only has his sights set on The Young Bucks.

Dax speaks now, addressing the match FTR had against the Young Bucks at All In and at Double Or Nothing before calling them out for not being fighting champions the past few weeks. Harwood says FTR’s path back to the tag titles starts now, and will come to a head at Wembly Stadium for All IN. Dax then promises the crowd that FTR will become 3-time AEW World Tag Team Champions, before calling the Bucks out once more. Top guys…out.

Backstage, Hikaru Shida says she came to Collision for a fight, and still wants a fight…so she calls out Dr. Britt Baker for this Wednesday at Dynamite!

Back at ringside, Roderick Strong makes his way to the ring for our next match. This is followed by the arrival of Tomohiro Ishii, before this match gets underway!

Tomohiro Ishii vs. Roderick Strong

The pair lock up with Strong being taken to the ropes before a break is forced…leading to a trade of chops between the two men. This goes on and on, increasing in intensity until Strong cuts the Stone Cold Pitbull with a knee strike. Roddy hits the ropes, but is sent down hard with a shoulder tackle from Ishii. Strong escapes to the corner, trying his best to fight off Tomohiro…but to no avail as he gets dropped with a forearm shiver by Ishii, who takes him down to the mat for a nearfall.

Roddy hits the ropes to build up momentum, but the Pitbull is practically a brick wall as he keeps Strong at bay. He takes Roderick down with a shoulder tackle, before Strong rolls out of the ring for a breather. Ishii gives chase, but is cut off by the former International Champion who drops him on the apron with a uranage as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Roddy brings Ishii back into the ring, looking to continue wearing him down as he sends him to the corner for a stomp. Bringing the Pitbull back on his feet, Strong sends Ishii back to the mat with a vertical suplex before locking in a chinlock of sorts…but Ishii builds back to a vertical base as Strong goes for a sleeper hold, bringing him back down as we return from break!

Ishii manages to fight back to his feet once more, dropping Roddy with a powerslam to break the hold. Both men back to their feet now, Ishii absorbing the strikes from Strong as he backs him into the corner before laying in some hard strikes of his own. Roddy fights back from this, only to be sent flying with a release German suplex by the Pitbull!

Ishii continues the attack, hitting a massive suplex for a nearfall on the former International Champion before bringing Strong back up…but Roddy fights off a piledriver to send Ishii down with a back body drop. Roddy brings Ishii onto his shoulders, but the Pitbull blocks a backbreaker attempt to get back into it. Roderick catches the Pitbull with a reverse fireman carry followed by a backbreaker for the cover, but Ishii kicks out!

Ishii blocks End of Heartache but Roderick evades the lariat to lay in some strikes, only for Ishii to fight back for a lariat twice over. Tomohiro gets the cover, but this time it’s Strong who manages to kick out.

Ishii goes back after Strong as Taven and Bennett hop on the apron, giving Roddy an opening to deliver a low blow on the Pitbull before getting the pin and the win!

Winner via pinfall: Roderick Strong

Undisputed Kingdom try to continue a beatdown on Ishii, but Mark Briscoe and Kyle O’Reilly run down to make the save!

Video Package: Looking back at the nearly hour-long bout between MJF and Will Ospreay from Dynamite 250, with MJF winning the AEW International Championship with two seconds to spare!

Back at ringside, Hologram makes his debut in AEW as he heads to the ring for our next match. Already in the ring is his opponent, Gringo Loco, as this match gets underway!

Hologram vs. Gringo Loco

Loco charges at Hologram who dives to evade, catching him off his game before heading to the ropes for a very spectacular headscissors sending Loco to the outside. Hologram with a baseball kick through the ropes followed by a big dive over the top rope, taking Loco to the floor. Loco gets brought back into the ring as Hologram continues the attack…only to be dropped into the turnbuckle by Loco!

Loco gets a nearfall on Hologram before heading up top for a corkscrew senton…but Hologram rolls out of the way to escape. Hologram once again catches Loco off guard, sending him to the outside before climbing up top for a hurricanrana that sends Loco to the floor! Loco brought back to the ring once more, and Hologram connects with a heel kick followed by an inverted airplane spin into a powerbomb (already being dubbed the Portal Bomb) for the pin and the win!

Winner via pinfall: Hologram

Hologram celebrates the impressive debut before we cut backstage, where Kevin Von Erich is with his sons and Dustin Rhodes to talk about the great history of wrestling in the state. Kevin talks about the differences in the modern era, thanking Dustin for taking the boys under his wing. Dustin talks about the Von Erichs and the Rhodes families working together for the first time in decades, eager to make a statement as we go to commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

Backstage, Mark Briscoe hypes up the ROH World Championship match at Death Before Dishonor, talking about the history he and Roderick Strong have before warning him of the fight that’s ahead. Briscoe turns his attention to Blood & Guts on Wednesday, addressing The Elite for the problem they represent. Team AEW represents those in “the grind,” telling The Elite to bring the fight on Wednesday!

Back at ringside, Thunder Rosa makes her way to the ring for our next match. We notice the ladies surrounding the ring as lumberjacks as Deonna Purrazzo heads to the ring next, before this match gets underway!

Lumberjack Match: Deonna Purrazzo vs. Thunder Rosa

The action doesn’t take long to spill to the outside, with the lumberjacks quickly making sure both women get back in the ring. Deonna manages to get the upper hand here, setting Rosa on the second rope for a DDT and a nearfall. She sends Rosa out of the ring, but Thunder slides back in as Deonna leaves…and takes a hit from one of the lumberjacks!

The ladies start arguing with each other as the action makes its way to the turnbuckle as Purazzo fights back…eventually sending Rosa onto the group of lumberjacks with a superplex as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Deonna stays on the attack as she brings Rosa back into the ring, continuing to wear her down as the lumberjacks show their enthusiasm around the ring. Rosa fights back, bringing Purrazzo to her feet before hitting the ropes…only for Deonna to catch her with a big boot as we go to commercial break!

-Commercial Break-

Back in the ring, Deonna continues to stay in control as she gets a nearfall on Thunder Rosa. She sends the former Women’s World Champion to the outside, forcing her to fight off the lumberjacks before getting back into the ring…where she wallops Deonna with a set of right hands sending her to the ropes, and follows with a dropkick. Airplane spin into a piledriver lets Rosa make the cover, but Purrazzo kicks out!

Deonna escapes a tombstone attempt, getting a nearfall before transitioning to a cross arm breaker. Rosa pins her down to force a break, but Deonna drops her right back down to the canvas for a nearfall. The two fight back to their feet as Deonna goes for an armbar on Rosa…but she gets to the ropes to break the hold!

The action takes to the apron as both ladies go at it, until Deonna drops Rosa on the top rope. She high-fives Taya on the outside, but the celebration is cut short when Thunder hits a spear through the ropes sending Purrazzo into the lumberjacks and onto the floor.

Deonna gets into the ring as Rosa fights off Diamante, leading to another brawl between the lumberjacks. The ref is so distracted by breaking this up that a turnbuckle handed by Taya to Deonna goes unnoticed…and Deonna rattles Rosa with it, throwing it back to the outside before getting the pin and the win!

Winner via pinfall: Deonna Purrazzo

We get a shot of the Patriarchy walking backstage ahead of our main event, before going to a commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, The Patriarchy make their way to the ring for our main event. They take a moment to look at the AEW World Trios Championship before getting to the ring, as the (apparently former, this is a slightly confusing story) champions come out next, the crowd showing some love for the Bang Bang Gang as the trio head to the ring before this match gets underway!

AEW World Trios Championship Match: Bang Bang Gang (Juice Robinson and The Gunns) vs. The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Nick Wayne and Killswitch)

We start off with Nick Wayne and Austin Gunn, who lock up with neither man having the advantage at first. They exchange holds before Austin takes Nick down with an arm drag. Nick heads to the corner where Cage tags himself, and Austin tags in Juice.

We get a tease of a lock-up, but Cage quickly tags in Killswitch. Juice lays in some chops but to no avail, as the former Luchasaurus lays him out with a chop of his own. Robinson starts to fight back, building up a head of steam until Cage hangs his arm up on the top rope, allowing Killswitch to take back control as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Cage tags in to continue the damage on Robinson, and the Patriarchy rotates in and out to keep Juice isolated from the rest of the Gang, continuing to wear Robinson down as we come back from break!

Juice gets the tag to Colten, who hits a flurry of offense on the Patriarchy before tagging in Austin…but Nick evades a charge to get back into things! He brings Austin to the Patriarchy corner before Cage tags in, raking Austin’s back and then driving his boot into the neck. Takedown by Cage, who pulls at Austin’s face before tagging in Killswitch…who drops Austin hard for a nearfall!

Austin makes the tag to Juice as Nick tags in, and Robinson wallops Wayne with a big right hand…but only gets a nearfall for his efforts. The action spills to the outside where Killswitch tries to intervene, only to be sent over the barricade by the Gunns. Back in the ring, Nick Wayne is down as Juice hits a cannonball in the corner. Juice with a delayed suplex for the cover, but Cage breaks it up!

The Gunns slide into the ring, confronting Cage before taking him down and to the outside. Nick Wayne looks for a low blow but it gets caught by Robinson, who hits a falling powerbomb for the cover…but Wayne manages to kick out!

Juice goes up top, but is blocked by Wayne before Killswitch drops him with a chokeslam form the top rope! Cage gets a tag as Wayne dives onto the Gunns outside, with Christian hitting a frog splash…but it only gets a nearfall!

Killswitch tries to intervene but hits Cage instead, before Robinson gets the cover for a nearfall. Chaos ensues as The Gunns go at it with Wayne and Killswitch. Robinson tries to fight out of the grip of Cage, who pulls the ref in to distract him while Mother Wayne sprays…something, into the face of Robinson. This allows Cage to connect with a Killswitch on Robinson for the pin and the win!

Winners via pinfall and new AEW World Trios Champions: The Patriarchy

The new champions celebrate amidst a brief flicker of the lights, either a mere technical issue or a warning to the Patriarchy as Collision comes to a close.